2 American Economic Journal: MAcroeconomicsjanuary 2012
that the fundamentals are sound. Market confidence requires that the fundamental
soundness is commonly understood among market participants.
Our purpose in this paper is to develop a link between adverse selection in trading
environments with game theoretic insights about coordination and common knowl-
edge. Shortly, we will describe how our approach relates to the (large) literature on
trade under adverse selection. Our main contribution is to highlight the importance
of small departures from common knowledge, and what kinds of departures matter
for the breakdown of trade.
We consider the following classic trading problem. It is common knowledge
among two groups of traders—potential buyers and potential sellers—that an asset
is worth 2c more to potential buyers than to potential sellers at every state of the
world, where c > 0 is a known constant. Thus, it is common knowledge that the
ex post gains from trade are 2c. Ex ante welfare is thus equal to 2c times the prob-
ability of trade. From a welfare perspective, the traders should always trade with
each other.
However, suppose that a trader attaches a small probability δ to the possibility
that his partner knows something that creates a large benefit M to the partner at his
expense. The “loss ratio” is the ratio of the expected losses of an uninformed agent
and his known gains from a split the difference trade. In the benchmark case where
there is common knowledge about the expected loss ratio, trade takes place if the
loss ratio is less than one.
However, the more intriguing case is when there is incomplete information about
the loss ratio. In other words, each agent is unsure exactly what his partner’s per-
ception of expected losses are. In such circumstances, the adverse selection can be
shown to have a much more corrosive effect where the fear of asymmetric infor-
mation reverberates throughout the information structure and gets amplified in the
process. It is possible that even when the ex ante probability of adverse selection is
small, there can be a catastrophic breakdown in trade. Essentially, the incomplete
information leads to an unraveling result in a coordination game among differen-
tially informed traders. Each uninformed trader would like to trade if the trading
partner is also an uninformed trader. Otherwise, the trading partner is likely to be an
informed party who will take advantage of the uninformed trader.
Drawing on the insights from the earlier literature on common knowledge, we
can characterize the threshold condition for the sustainability of trade. At the core
of our construction is the self-referential nature of “market confidence.” Loosely,
market confidence rests on approximate common knowledge of mutually beneficial
trade. The exact threshold depends on the loss ratio faced by the traders. The higher
the loss ratio, the more rigorous the notion of common knowledge that will sustain
trade must be. Stated more precisely, a trader has market confidence if he expects the
proportion of regular traders who (themselves) have market confidence exceeds his
loss ratio. Notice how this definition is self-referential, and thus, implicitly, incor-
porates a notion of approximate common knowledge. We show that only traders
with market confidence participate in the market. To the extent that approximate
common knowledge can be sensitive to the interaction of the payoff fundamentals
with the information structure, it is possible that even small changes in the underly-
ing parameters of the problem can lead to abrupt breakdowns of market confidence,
Vol. 4 No. 1 morris and shin: Contagious Adverse Selection 3
and, hence, of trade. Exploring the subtleties of how market confidence depends
on the parameters gives us a great deal of insight into the underlying economics of
trade under adverse selection. In the penultimate section of our paper, we draw on
the insights from our framework to revisit the breakdown in the market for securities
based on subprime mortgages in the United States.
The outline of our paper is as follows. Before presenting our formal framework,
we begin with a brief review of the literature on trade with adverse selection, with
an emphasis on how our results can be related to the insights gained from the exist-
ing literature. The formal framework is then presented in several stages. We start by
stating the fundamentals of our trading environment and posit a trading institution
where trade takes place if and only if both traders say “yes” to a proposed trade at a
price that splits the difference. We then introduce adverse selection, and introduce
the idea that the severity of the adverse selection can be a subject of incomplete
information among the traders.
The core of our paper is the characterization of market confidence in terms of
approximate common belief and the demonstration that our notion of market con-
fidence is the right one when considering the occurrence of trade in equilibrium.
Having introduced our key concepts in the initially stark setting, we follow up by
showing that the insights from the simplified setting can be embedded in more gen-
eral settings, and that the intuitions from the common knowledge literature can help
our understanding in these more general settings. As we have flagged already, we
conclude with a brief discussion of how our results can help to shed light on aspects
of the subprime crisis. Before we embark on the main body of our paper, we begin
with a brief survey of how our discussion links with the existing literature on trade
with adverse selection.
Related Literature.—In Akerlof (1970) and the classical adverse selection mod-
els that followed, there is market unraveling with equally informed traders on both
sides of the market. We are concerned with situations where, on both sides of the
market, some traders are informed and some are not informed. This then translates
into a coordination problem among uninformed traders. This coordination problem
among uninformed traders plays an explicit or implicit role in a wide variety of
finance models.
Bhattacharya and Spiegel (1991) consider a competitive model of a market for
a risky asset when there are gains from trade from risk sharing among a pool of
uninformed traders, but there is a single informed trader. The price does not fully
reveal the informed trader’s information because of idiosyncratic motives for trade.
Bhattacharya and Spiegel (1991) identify conditions under which there is a market
breakdown (i.e., no trade). While the analysis is competitive rather than explicitly
strategic, there are strategic complementarities in the sense that lower participa-
tion of uninformed traders in the market reduces the incentive of other uninformed
traders to participate. This framework has been used to address questions, such
as when new securities can shut down markets (Bhattacharya, Reny, and Spiegel
1995) and when public disclosure rules can mitigate the adverse selection prob-
lems (Spiegel and Subrahmanyam 2000). Pagano (1989) and Dow (2004) high-
light the coordination problem among uninformed traders and draw implications
4 American Economic Journal: MAcroeconomicsjanuary 2012
I. The Setting
There are N potential buyers and N potential sellers of an asset. Sellers each own
one unit of the asset with private value v − c, while buyers’ valuations are v + c. It
would be efficient for all sellers to transfer their object to the buyers, who each have
unit demand, say, at a price of v, which splits the gains from trade.
However, there is uncertainty about the common value component v. Its expected
, and it is equal to its expectation in what we’ll refer to as the normal state
value is v
with probability 1 − 2δ. However, with probability δ, the asset is a “peach” and
_ _
v = v + M, and, with probability δ, the asset is a “lemon” with v = v − M. Thus,
we have the distribution of the value of the asset to the agents as given by Table 1.
There is adverse selection, with proportion q of both buyers and sellers informed
of the true state, and proportion 1 − q uninformed. We will implicitly assume
throughout our analysis that qN, the number of informed agents, is an integer.
We have in mind the archetypal example where the asset in question is an asset-
backed security backed by subprime mortgages, but where the quality of the mort-
gage pool depends sensitively on the region and date of their origination. The two
groups of traders are equally well-informed most of the time, but we allow the pos-
sibility that one or other of the traders is better informed than his trading partner,
and that the information could be positive or negative. The highly skewed payoffs
6 American Economic Journal: MAcroeconomicsjanuary 2012
associated with subprime CDOs motivates payoffs in the trading game, where for
most of the time there are (small) gains from trade, but for a few states of the world,
there are large payoff consequences of trade. See Coval, Jurek, and Stafford (2009)
for an introduction to the economics of structured finance.
A. Loss Ratio
Throughout the paper we will fix the gains from trade c as a constant. A conve-
nient feature of our basic setup is that ex ante welfare (the sum of the agents’ ex ante
expected utility from trade) is simply 2c times the probability of trade:
Buyers and sellers are randomly matched with each other. Each buyer and each
seller are asked if they would like to trade at price v. If both say yes, they trade. If
either says no, they do not. Clearly, informed buyers will buy if and only if the asset is
normal or a peach, while informed sellers will sell if and only if the asset is normal or
a lemon. We first consider the case where there is common knowledge of the structure
of the model and ask if there is an equilibrium where uninformed agents participate in
the market and trade.
If faced with an uninformed agent on the other side of the market (a probability
1 − q event), an uninformed trader has an expected gain from the trade of c. Thus,
we have the expression (1 − q) c for an agent’s expected gains from trade with an
uninformed agent.
If faced with an informed agent on the other side of the market (a probability q
event), an uninformed agent still hopes to get a gain from the trade of c; but with prob-
ability δ, the informed agent will not participate in trade, and the agent will lose M + c.
Thus, expected losses from trade with an informed agent are q(δ(M + c) − c). An
important parameter for us will be the agents’ loss ratio defined as
ψ = __
expected losses
expected gains
q(δ(M + c) − c)
= __
(1 − q) c
≈ _
c ,
where the approximation is good when q is small (i.e., the incidence of informed
traders is low) and δM is much larger than c—that is, when the possible loss to hold-
ing a defective security is much larger than the possible underlying gains from trade.
Arguably, these are precisely the attributes that were involved in the most toxic of
the mortgage-backed securities, such as CDOs and CDO-squareds.
The loss ratio ψ plays a pivotal role in our paper. Consider the decision problems
of the informed and uninformed traders. Informed traders have a dominant strategy.
Informed buyers will offer to buy if and only if the asset is normal or a peach, while
informed sellers will offer to sell if and only if the asset is normal or a lemon.
Vol. 4 No. 1 morris and shin: Contagious Adverse Selection 7
+ δ(1 − q) p(M + c)
= (1 − q) cp − δq(M + c) + qc
( q(δ(M + c) − c)
= (1 − q) c p − __
(1 − q) c
(2) = (1 − q) c(p − ψ) .
From (2), we see the important role played by the loss ratio ψ. The expected gain
from trade is positive or negative depending on whether the loss ratio is smaller or
larger than the probability p that the uninformed traders participate in the market. If
the loss ratio ψ is less than or equal to one, and if other uninformed traders offer to
trade (so p equals 1), then (2) is positive. Hence, the best reply is to offer to trade,
meaning that everyone offering to trade is sustainable as an equilibrium. However, if
the loss ratio ψ is strictly greater than one, the payoff to trading is guaranteed to be
negative irrespective of the actions of others. Hence, the only equilibrium is the no
trade equilibrium where all uninformed traders refuse to trade. We summarize our
finding with the following preliminary result.
B. Incomplete Information
We turn to the case where ψ is not common knowledge. Suppose, instead, that
M is a random variable with possible support on (c, ∞), and each informed and
uninformed agent has different information about M, and hence ψ. We begin with
an example in the spirit of Rubinstein’s (1989) e-mail game. Suppose there is a set
of possible states
Ω = {1, 2, … , 2K + 1}.
There is a uniform prior over Ω. The loss ratio ψ now depends on the realized state
in Ω, and takes two values: high or low. The loss ratio at state k is denoted by ψk,
and is given by
In this way, all traders have very good information on the fundamental value of the
loss ratio ψ. Indeed, all types—except buyers with information set {1, 2}—know the
true value of ψ perfectly. Moreover, for all states other than state 1, and thus with
high ex ante probability, the loss ratio ψ is strictly below 1, which is the precondition
for mutually beneficial trade. However, the incomplete information drastically cur-
tails the possibility of trade so that the only equilibrium is the no trade equilibrium,
as we will now show.
Vol. 4 No. 1 morris and shin: Contagious Adverse Selection 9
For an uninformed seller with information {1}, the dominant action is to refuse
to trade, since the loss ratio is known to be greater than 1. For an uninformed buyer
with information {1, 2}, the loss ratio is uncertain, but the average loss ratio is
1 ψ + _
1 ψ > 1,
2 L 2 H
so that it is optimal not to participate (even if he expects uninformed sellers to
Now consider the seller with information {2, 3}. This trader knows that the loss
L < 1. From (2), the expected payoff to participating in trade is
ratio is ψ
(1 − q) c(p − ψL),
2) (1) is true, and his expectation of the proportion of agents on the other side
of the market for whom (1) is true is greater than his expectation of the loss
10 American Economic Journal: MAcroeconomicsjanuary 2012
3) (2) is true, and his expectation of the proportion of agents on the other side
of the market for whom (2) is true is greater than his expectation of the loss
4) And so on...
We will now formalize the self-referential idea of having “confidence in the mar-
ket”—namely, that an agent has confidence in the market if his expectation of the
proportion of traders with confidence in the market is greater than his expected loss
ratio. We do this in two steps. First, we introduce a formal language to talk about
an agent’s beliefs, an agent’s expectation of proportions of other agents holding
certain beliefs, and so on, reporting some important properties of such higher order
expectations of proportions. Second, we show how the properties of beliefs we have
introduced characterize equilibria in the trading game.
Vol. 4 No. 1 morris and shin: Contagious Adverse Selection 11
Suppose that we have a collection of N agents. Each agent has a set of possible
types T iis a measurable set. We write πi: Ti → Δ(T−i
i , where T ) for agent i’s beliefs
about other agents’ types, where Δ(T− i) is the notation for the set of all probabilities
distributions for types of all agents other than i.
We will be interested in rectangular events on the type space. A rectangular event
E is the n-tuple
where each Ei ⊆ Ti. Now let ψ = (ψ1, ψ2 ,⋯, ψN ), where ψi: Ti → ℝ is the
mapping that associates each type with a number for that type. The n-tuple ψ is
the profile of such functions—one for each agent. Later on we will associate these
functions with variable loss ratios, but for now they will simply be state dependent
threshold beliefs that we want to introduce a language to reason about.
For a given rectangular event E, say that agent i “ψi -believes E” if his expectation
of the proportion of agents, whose type tj belongs in E j, is at least as large as ψ i. We
use the notation B ψi i (E) to denote the set of i’s types that ψi -believe E. In other words,
B ψ(E) = (B ψ1 1 (E ), B ψ2 2 (E ),⋯, B ψNN (E )).
Thus, if the n-tuple of types t belong in B ψ(E), then every agent ψi-believes E. For
any rectangular event E, we see that B ψ(E ) is also a rectangular event, since B ψi i (E )
is a subset of agent i’s types. Also, note that the ψ -belief operator B ( ⋅ ) has the
In other words, if a profile of types believe E and E implies E′, then they believe E′.
The iterated event B ψ(B
ψ(E )) is defined as
ψ(E )) = (B ψ1 1 (B ψ(E )), B ψ2 2 (B ψ(E )), ⋯, B ψNN (B ψ(E ))).
B ψ(B
We use the notation (Bψ ) (E ) to denote the n-fold iteration of B ψ( ⋅ ) on the event E.
ψ(E ) as
Define C
(4) C ψ(E ) = B ψ(E ) ∩ B ψ(B ψ(E )) ∩ B ψ((Bψ ) 2(E )) ∩ ⋯
Say that there is common ψ-belief of rectangular event E among the profile of agent
types t if
For the “if ” direction, note that since E′ is ψ-evident, we have E′ ⊆ B ψ(E′ )
⊆ B ψ( B ψ(E′ )) ⊆ ⋯. From (3), we then have E′ ⊆ E ⊆ B ψ(E) ⊆ B ψ(B ψ(E ))
⊆ ⋯. Hence, E is common ψ -belief at t. For the “only if” direction, if E is com-
mon ψ-belief at t, then C ψ(E ) = B ψ( C ψ(E )), so that C ψ(E ) is ψ -evident.
The equivalence of the fixed-point definition and the iterative definition of com-
mon ψ-belief is in the spirit of the characterization of common knowledge by
Aumann (1976), of common p-belief by Monderer and Samet (1989), and of state
dependent p-belief in Morris and Shin (2007b). However, there is an added ingredi-
ent to our definition of common ψ-belief, which links with our earlier discussion of
the possibility of trade.
There is tight connection between the notion of common ψ-belief and equilib-
rium in the trading game. To make the connection, suppose that there are N buyers
and N sellers in the trading game that we discussed earlier. Each buyer may have dif-
ferent beliefs. But make a simplifying symmetry assumption. For each buyer, there
is a seller who has identical beliefs about the loss ratio. Now note that rectangular
events can be interpreted as strategy profiles in a binary action game. For rectan-
gular event E = (E1, E2,⋯, EN ), we interpret type ti∈ Ei as a type of trader i who
participates in the market. Thus, we may interpret E as a full list of all types of all
traders who participate in the market. Now, consider the belief operator B ψ(⋅), where
ψ = (ψ1, ψ2 , ⋯ , ψN ) is the profile of the expected loss ratios of the traders. Then
the rectangular event B ψ(E ) has the following interpretation. When all types in E
participate in the market, then B ψ(E ) consists of all types tiof all traders i who put
probability at least ψi to meeting an uninformed trader who is participating in the
market. Hence, B ψ(E ) consists of all types ti of all traders i whose best reply is to
participate in the market when all types in E participate in the market. We thus have:
The proof follows straightforwardly from the fact that E being ψ-evident means E
= B ψ(E), so that strategy profile E is a fixed point of the best reply mapping B ψ( ⋅ ).
Vol. 4 No. 1 morris and shin: Contagious Adverse Selection 13
Propositions 2 and 3 show the usefulness of our definition of common belief. The
belief operator B ψ( ⋅ ) has two faces. On the one hand, it has the interpretation as a
belief operator. However, it also has the interpretation as the best reply mapping. It
is this dual face of the belief operator that allows us to define the notion of market
confidence that links beliefs directly with equilibrium of the trading game.
Say that trader i has confidence in the market if
ti ∈ B ψi i (T ) ∩ B ψi i (B ψ (T )) ∩ B ψi i ((B ψ )2 (T )) ∩ ⋯,
where T is the set of all types. Finally, say that there is market confidence if all trad-
ers have confidence in the market. In other words, there is market confidence if
When there is market confidence, the following list of statements are all true:
1) The loss ratios of all traders is less than 1 (since B ψ(T ) is nonempty).
2) For every agent i, his expectation of the proportion of other agents whose loss
ratios are less than 1 is at least ψi.
3) For every agent i, his expectation of the proportion of agents for whom (1)
and (2) are true is at least ψ
4) And so on...
Since T is the set of all types, it has the interpretation of the strategy profile where
every uninformed trader participates in the market. Hence, C ψ(T ) has the interpreta-
tion of the “largest” equilibrium in the trading game which maximizes market par-
ticipation of all traders. Therefore, we have the following succint characterization of
equilibrium with trade.
This proposition links the iterative definition of common belief (which is also
the iteration of the best reply mapping) with the self-referential, fixed point defi-
nition of market confidence. It enables us to diagnose the failure of the traders to
exploit opportunities for mutually beneficial trade in terms of a failure of market
confidence. The mere fact that mutually beneficial trade exists is not enough for
trade to take place. Nor is it enough for all traders to believe that mutually benefi-
cial trade is possible. Instead, we need a more stringent condition that ensures that
there is sufficient common understanding of the existence of mutually beneficial
trade. It is this common understanding that is captured by our definition of market
14 American Economic Journal: MAcroeconomicsjanuary 2012
ψi(ti) = Pr
(θ < 0 | ti) ψH +
Pr(θ > 0 | ti) ψL
= (1 − Φ(_σt )) ψ + Φ(_σt ) ψ
≥ ψ
This example now fits the framework introduced at the beginning of this section.
In particular, each trader i will have a multinomial normal distribution about the
signals of other N − 1 traders.
We will argue that no matter how accurate the traders’ signals are (i.e., no matter
how small σ is as long as it is strictly positive), and no matter how large the state
θ, and thus how confident traders are that the loss ratio is less than 1, there is never
nontrivial common ψ-belief, as defined above, for sufficiently large N, and thus
there is never market confidence, and thus (by Proposition 4) there is no trade. To
show that common ψ-belief does not arise, it is enough, by Proposition 2, to show
that no rectangular event is ψ-evident. To see why, consider the event that each
trader observes a signal above some high threshold t *, i.e.,
When is this event ψ-evident? A trader observing signal ti thinks that θ is
n ormally distributed with mean tiand standard deviation σ, and that any other trader
j’s signal—equal_to tj = θ + εj—is normally distributed with mean ti and stan-
dard deviation √2 σ. Thus, a trader observing signal ti ≥ t*will assign probability
1−Φ _
t* −
( 2 σ )ti
_ to any other trader observing a signal above t* . Thus, his expected
Vol. 4 No. 1 morris and shin: Contagious Adverse Selection 15
_ N −
1 + _
t* − ti
1 1 − Φ _ _
2 σ
√ ( ( )).
For this to exceed ψi(ti), it must exceed ψL > 1/2. Thus, we must have
t* − ti
1 − Φ _
2 σ
_ >
N ψL − 1
N − 1
and so
_ (1 − ψL) .
ti > t* − √2 σ Φ−1
N − 1 (( ) )
ψ({t ∈ ℝ N | ti ≥ t* for each i }) is a subset of the event:
Thus, the event B
(( )
_ (1 − ψL)
− √2 σ Φ−1
N − 1 ) > 0.
Thus, any rectangular event E of the form (9) is not ψ-evident for any t*, since there
is always some type ti > t*included in the event whose expected proportion of trad-
ers observing signals above t*is less than ψL. But this in turn implies that no event
that includes an event of the form (9) is ψ-evident, and thus no nontrivial event is
ψ-evident. There is never market confidence, and thus there is never trade.
The intuition for this result is as follows. The loss ratio never falls below one-
half. While this would be enough to sustain trade if the loss ratio were common
knowledge, with noisy signals, a marginal uninformed trader—who is just willing
to trade—will anticipate that about half the traders on the other side of the market
will have observed lower signals and will not be trading. With half the uninformed
traders not trading and a loss ratio more than one-half, trade is not optimal for that
marginal trader—a contradiction.
We now turn to how our result applies to more general contexts with general asset
payoff distributions and trading games.
16 American Economic Journal: MAcroeconomicsjanuary 2012
A. Asset Returns
Consider the model as before but assume that the common value component
of the asset v = v + η, where η is smoothly distributed according to symmet-
ric density fθ ( ⋅ ), so θ parameterizes asset returns. Informed sellers will trade
_ _
only if v − c = v + η − c < v, i.e., if η < c. Informed buyers will trade only if
_ _
v + c = v + η + c > v, i.e., if η > − c. Thus, a key parameter will be the prob-
ability under the distribution θ that returns in the tails will be more than c from
the mean
δ(θ) = Prθ(η ≥ c)
= θ(η) dη
= 1 − Fθ(c).
Another key parameter will be the expected deviation of the common value of the
asset from its mean if returns are in one of the tails:
M(θ) = Eθ (η | η ≥ c)
These will be the only parameters of returns that will matter in our trading game. In
particular, for each distribution θ, there is a corresponding loss ratio defined as above:
__ q (δ(θ) (M(θ) + c) − c)
= __
expected losses
ψ(θ) =
expected gains (1 − q) c
Maintaining symmetry between beliefs and higher order beliefs of sellers and buy-
ers, the analysis of Section I goes through exactly as before, where an agent’s beliefs
and higher order beliefs about θ determine his beliefs and higher order beliefs about
his and other agents’ loss ratios.
Our ability to derive an exact characterization of when trade occurs relies on a
couple of features of the model. We assume that traders are informed or uninformed
(there is nothing in between). This is crucial to the analysis, since it means that
adverse selection translates into a pure coordination problem, and agents’ assess-
ment of the loss ratio is not correlated with their assessment of the proportion of
agents on the other side of the market trading. A more realistic modeling would
allow for intermediate types. But as we explained in the introduction, we wanted to
focus on the coordination element of adverse selection.
Vol. 4 No. 1 morris and shin: Contagious Adverse Selection 17
How is market confidence lost? Suppose that initially there was common knowl-
edge or approximate common knowledge of a loss ratio greater than one-half but
less than one. There could be an equilibrium where everyone trades and all ex ante
gains from trade are realized. Now suppose that there is a shock. Perhaps the loss
ratio increases or perhaps it decreases, but crucially there is no longer approximate
common knowledge of the loss ratio. Then a crisis will hit. It is the loss of approxi-
mate common knowledge of the loss ratio (which we label “market confidence”)
and not changes in the loss ratio that generate the crisis.
We already illustrated in Section IIA how the noisy private signals of global
games can formalize the idea that agents have very accurate information without
attaining common knowledge or approximate common knowledge. Here, we gen-
eralize this point—appealing to arguments used in the global games literature—to
show how the critical loss ratio sustaining trade is reduced to one-half from one if
there is noisy private information.
In Section IIA, we discussed the case where the common value component of
the asset’s payoffs was parameterized by θ and the loss ratio corresponding to θ
was written as ψ(θ). Let g (⋅) be a prior probability density on θ and suppose now
that ψ(θ) were decreasing in θ, so higher states θ correspond to a lower loss ratio.
Suppose each agent (buyers and sellers) observes a signal ti = θ + σ εi, where σ is
a parameter measuring the size of noise and ε iis a noise term distributed according
to density f (⋅) in the population. This information structure describes a type space
as in Section II, parameterized by σ, where each T i = ℝ:
tj − θ
π σ __ θ j=1 j ( )
∫ ∏ N f _ g(θ) dθ
i (t−i | ti) =
g(θ) dθ
f (_σ )
t − θ
θ j
∫θ ψ(θ) fj _
(t − θ )
σ g(θ) dθ
ψ σi (ti) =
( )
tj − θ
∫ _
θ fj σ g(θ) dθ
Now let θ *be the point where the loss ratio is reduced to half. Generalizing the argu-
ment in Section II and adapting arguments in the global games literature (see, e.g.,
Morris and Shin 2003, section 4.2), one can show that, as σ → 0, agent i has mar-
ket confidence (i.e., ψσ-belief) if and only if ti ≥ θ*. Thus, with small noisy signals,
there is market confidence only when the loss ratio is half as much as when there is
common knowledge of the loss ratio. Such a reduction in the threshold level of the
loss ratio could result in a drastic curtailment of trading, as we saw in the example
earlier in the spirit of Rubinstein’s (1989) e-mail game.
18 American Economic Journal: MAcroeconomicsjanuary 2012
We have assumed that agents made a yes or no decision whether to trade at some
suggested price. This seems like a realistic assumption in the setting of over-the-
counter (OTC) markets where mortgage-backed securities are traded. However,
there are arguments that suggest that our results will be robust to generalized trad-
ing mechanisms.
To see this, consider a double auction setting where each trader proposes a price
to trade and trade takes place at the average of the proposed prices only if the sell
price is less than the buy price. Consider the following strategy profile in the double
auction. All agents propose trade at price v if they have market confidence. If they
do not have market confidence, informed sellers propose trade at v + c, informed
buyers propose trade at v − c, uninformed buyers propose trade at v − M + c, and
uninformed sellers propose trade at v + M − c.
To verify that this is an equilibrium, observe that an uninformed agent will never
get any surplus if his trading partner does not have market confidence, and he will
maximize his surplus if his opponent has market confidence if he proposes trade
. Thus, under this strategy profile, he has essentially the same payoffs as
at price v
in the simple trading game. Now consider a seller with a lemon. His expected gain
from proposing price v is (c + M) times the probability he attaches to having an
uninformed partner who believes in market confidence. His expected gain from pro-
posing price v − M + c is 2c(1 − q). So his strategy is optimal if there is a lower
bound on the probability he attaches to his uninformed partner believing in market
confidence and M is sufficiently large relative to c.
Our model is stylized but informed by the recent financial crisis, and it addresses
some puzzling questions that are raised by the financial crisis of 2007–2009. The
problem of “toxic assets” first hit the headlines when the subprime crisis heralded
the beginning of the global financial crisis in August 2007. The market for certain
asset-backed securities, especially those backed by subprime residential mortgages,
was the first to suffer extreme illiquidity, as trading slowed to a trickle and market-
clearing prices became virtually impossible to establish.1 The opaqueness of the
asset-backed securities market and the attendant potential for adverse selection has
frequently been blamed for the sudden drying up of liquidity. Yet, there is a puzzle at
the heart of the crisis. Uncertainty about the true value of an asset should not invari-
ably lead to the breakdown of trade. The stock market is a good illustration of how
financial markets are normally well adapted to aggregating the diverse information
of traders and arriving at a market-clearing price.
Our framework gives a possible avenue to resolving this puzzle. The starting
point of our analysis was adverse selection resulting from information asymmetries
on the true value of the asset. For asset-backed securities, the heterogeneity of the
See Gorton (2010) for a detailed description of the subprime securitization process and the initial phase of the
crisis. See also Adrian and Shin (2010), Greenlaw et al. (2008), and Brunnermeier (2009).
Vol. 4 No. 1 morris and shin: Contagious Adverse Selection 19
underlying loan pools that back the securities gives ample scope for greater exper-
tise and information in ascertaining the fundamental value of the securities. When
overall economic fundamentals are strong, such asymmetric information need not
matter for the value of the particular asset-backed security, since such securities
are debt claims that are insensitive to the value of the underlying claims, as noted
by Gorton and Pennacchi (1990). However, when a shock impacts the economy
(such as reversal of the housing market that ultimately underpins the value of the
security), then the true value of the debt security becomes more sensitive to private
information and the asymmetric information begins to exert an influence in the trad-
ing decisions.
Moreover, the new breed of asset-backed securities, such as collateralized
debt obligations (CDOs) written on subprime mortgages, have skewed payoffs in
which they retain their value close to face value in most states of nature, but suf-
fer catastrophic loss in extremely bad states (see Coval, Jurek, and Stafford 2009).
Theoretically, the skewness of payoffs that combines small gains from trade in nor-
mal states with large losses in bad states is captured by the parameter M. Recall that
the loss ratio ψ can be approximated as
ψ ≈ _
(10) c ,
where the approximation holds good when q is small (i.e., the incidence of informed
traders is low) and δM is much larger than c—that is, when the possible loss to hold-
ing a defective security is much larger than the possible underlying gains from trade.
M being large is arguably a good description of the most toxic of the mortgage-
backed securities such as CDOs and CDO-squareds.
In addition, note that our results do not rely on ψ going up uniformly across all
types of traders in the market. The breakdown of market confidence can result from
the ψ loss ratios going up for a small number of traders, and it is these traders leav-
ing the market that sets off the vicious circle of greater illiquidity inducing more
traders to leave the market.
V. Concluding Remarks
information, the greater the chance that the information can be understood by all.
However, coarse information is also imprecise information. When communication
is based on the coarsest individual information, there will be many individuals who
are capable of handling more finely nuanced and complex usage. Hence there may
be welfare losses when the opportunity to utilize the greater sophistication is for-
gone in favor of simplicity.
When common understanding is important, it is possible that greater precision
of information can be detrimental to welfare if the greater precision comes at the
expense of greater fragmentation, or if the greater precision of information leads to
an exacerbation of externalities in the use of information that detracts from overall
welfare. Accountants make the distinction between disclosure of information (e.g.,
reporting of numbers in a footnote) and recognition (e.g., inclusion in profit and
loss statement) and observe that the latter has a larger empirical impact than the for-
mer (Barth, Clinch, and Shibano 2003; Espahbodi et al. 2002). The greater impact
of recognized numbers presumably reflects greater common understanding of that
In this paper, we have seen the interaction between asymmetric information and
the coordination motive generated by that asymmetric information. Our theme has
been the corrosive effect of even small amounts of adverse selection in an asset
market and how it can lead to the total breakdown of trade. In our model, there is
common knowledge that an asset is worth strictly more to the buyer than the seller
at every state of the world, and yet there can be a breakdown of trade. The problem
is the failure of common understanding, and in particular what we have termed
“market confidence,” defined as approximate common knowledge of an upper
bound on expected losses.
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