Account Opening Form - Individual (v6. Dec-2024)
Account Opening Form - Individual (v6. Dec-2024)
Account Opening Form - Individual (v6. Dec-2024)
Reset Form
▪ To comply with our obligations under the Proceeds of Crime Act, Chap. 11.27 (as amended), the Financial Obligations
Regulations, 2010 (as amended) and the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), ANSA Bank Limited (ABL) is mandated
to request the information contained therein.
Purpose of account
Expected Monthly Deposit
Sources of Deposits
Number / Frequency of Expected Deposits
Please indicate how you would like to receive account statements:
Email Address
Email Address
Name of Business
Nature of Business
Business address
2. Are you an Attorney-at-law, Accountant or Independent Legal Professional involved in the following on behalf of clients?
a) Buying and selling of real estate; Yes No
b) Managing of client money, securities, and other assets; Yes No
c) Management of banking, savings, or securities accounts; Yes No
d) Organisation of contributions for the creation, operation or management of companies; Yes No
e) Creation, operation or management of legal persons or arrangements, and buying or selling of Yes No
business entities.
5. If the answer to any question from 2 – 4 above is yes, then the following is required: (please indicate which are provided)
Proof of Registration with Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad & Tobago.
Confirmation letter indicating that a Compliance Program exists and is in line with the Proceeds of Crime Act, Chap: 11.27
I shall represent the said minor in all future transactions of any description in the above account until the said minor attains the
age of eighteen. I will indemnify the Bank against the claim of the above minor of any withdrawal/ transactions made by me in
his/her account.
SECTION 1.5 Politically Exposed Person (PEP) Attestation (tick ‘Yes’ where applicable to you)
a) Have you ever been entrusted with a prominent public function, local or foreign (either currently or in the past) as stated
below? Yes No
Head of State Head of Government Senior Member of Legislature Military Official
Senior Politician Senior Government Official Judicial Official Political Party Official
Executive State-Owned Enterprise Prominent Position in an International Organisation
b) Are you an immediate family member (spouse, parent, sibling, child) or close personal or professional associate of anyone
in the categories in ‘a’ above? Yes No
If yes, please provide details
SECTION 1.6 Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Information (tick ‘Yes’ where applicable to you)
The Government of the United States of America passed a law in March 2010 under the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
(FATCA) requiring disclosure on the existence of all accounts held by United States nationals and of any persons or entities to
which the following indicia are applicable. Please tick where appropriate pertaining to your U.S. status.
a) Are you a permanent resident of the United Stated of America (USA) or a USA Citizen (i.e. Yes No
Holder of a US Green card or US Passport)
b) Do you possess a US mailing address? Yes No
c) Was your place of birth in the USA? Yes No
d) Do you have a US “in care of” or “hold mail” address or a P.O. address as your primary Yes No
e) Have you granted a power of attorney or signatory authority to a person with a USA address? Yes No
f) Have you provided standing order instructions to transfer funds to an account maintained in Yes No
the USA or directions received from a USA address?
………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………..
Signature/Signature of beneficial owner Date
(or individual authorized to sign for beneficial owner)
Are you a major shareholder, partner or director in a business entity that is an existing customer of Yes No
ANSA Bank Ltd?
If yes, please provide details
Are you a Director/ 1Officer of any company in the ANSA McAl Group? Yes No
If yes, please provide details
Are you a spouse (including common law), parent, sibling, child or spouse’s child of a Director/ Yes No
Officer of any company in the ANSA McAl Group?
If yes, please provide details
Section 4 of the Companies Act of Trinidad and Tobago, an “Officer”, in relation to a body corporate means—
i) the Chairman, Deputy Chairman, President or Vice-President of the Board of Directors; ii) the Managing Director , General Manager, Comptroller, Secretary or Treasurer; or iii) any
other person who performs for the body corporate functions similar to those normally performed by the holder of any office sp ecified in paragraph (a) or (b) and who is duly appointed
to perform such functions
ANSA Bank Limited FORM# GRC-101 (revised Oct-2024) Page 4 of 8
SECTION 1.9 Debit Card Undertaking
I confirm that I am the sole account holder or have the required mandate to operate the account linked to the Debit Card singly
and that I am older than 18 years of age. I acknowledge that the PIN must not be shared and indemnify ABL from any issues that
may occur if I divulged my PIN. I accept the responsibility for my Debit Card and agree not to make and claims against ANSA Bank
Limited in respect thereto.
Signature of Main Applicant Date signed Signature of Joint Applicant Date signed
SECTION 1.10 Terms & Conditions and Customer Declaration (Please tick boxes)
1. I/We wish to be informed about the various features/ products and promotional offers made by the Bank from time to time.
2. Please issue cheque book and recover charges from my/ our account.
3. I/We have read, understood and agree to abide by the Bank’s rules relating to the conduct of the above accounts /services
/ products which are displayed on the website and contained in the brochures of the Bank. Account will be operated and
balance along with interest payable as per operational instructions given above.
4. I/We understood that in the event of the death of the depositor(s), premature termination of term deposit would be allowed
without any penal charges to the claimant(s) after following the due procedure.
5. I/We also agree to maintain the minimum/ average quarterly balance which the Bank may prescribe as the minimum balance
to be maintained and any other charges stipulated by the Bank. I/We understand that any charges in this respect will be
noticed by the Bank on its website and also will be displayed on the notice board of the branches one month in advance.
6. I/We confirm I/ We will not commit one or any of commingling indicators, I/We understand that the practice of commingling
is prohibited under the Proceeds of Crime Act No. 55 of 2,000. I/We understand that ANSA Bank Limited, in its sole discretion,
is at liberty to terminate the said account should I/We be in breach of any commingling indicators.
7. I/We confirm that I/We was/were entirely free to have this document reviewed and be independently advised as to the
content and legal effect. I/We confirm same was not required.
8. I/ We also agree that ANSA Bank Limited can disclose the contents of this application and other related information and
transactions on accounts linked to me/us to ANSA Merchant Bank Ltd (AMBL) and any current or future financial services
companies which are subsidiaries of AMBL including ANSA Securities Limited, ANSA Merchant Bank (Barbados) Limited,
Trinidad and Tobago Insurance Limited, TATIL Life Assurance Limited and Colonial Fire & General Insurance Company Limited.
9. I/ We understand that approval of this application is contingent on verification of all information given and authorize ABL to
obtain and share further information with credit bureaus and other credit grantors as permitted by law.
10. I/ We understand that TTD deposits are insured with the Deposit Insurance Corporation, for each account up to
TT$200,000.00 and apportioned accordingly for joint accounts.
11. I/ We also agree that, if any such declarations made by me/us are found to be incorrect, intentionally misleading, or
fabricated, then ABL shall be entitled to terminate the account relationship with immediate effect.
12. Should my/our provision of any false/misleading information result in any suits, claims, demands and damages of
whatsoever kind or nature arising against ANSA Bank Limited, I/We FULLY AGREE to defend, indemnify, protect and hold
harmless ANSA Bank Limited.
13. I/We confirm that the company has not been or is not in the process of being dissolved, struck-off, wound-up, terminated
or placed under receivership or liquidation.
14. I/We understand that ABL reserves the right to review the operation of all accounts. If an account is found to be operated
in a manner that does not meet the Bank's standards or terms of use or relevant/applicable laws, rules and regulations, the
Bank may, at its discretion, close the account without prior notice.
15. Should any of my/our circumstances change during the course of the banking/business relationship which would result in a
change to the information herein provided, I/We will provide updated information and/or documentation to ANSA Bank
Limited within thirty (30) days of such change
The Borrower agrees that ANSA Bank Limited (the Bank) may at any time without notice apply any credit balance (whether or not
then due and in whatever currency) which is at any time held in any of your accounts towards the satisfaction of:
a) any fees, loss, damage or expense suffered by us, as a result of our provision and/or your use of our services, or
b) any sum you owe under a credit card, mortgage, overdraft or other agreement within ANSA Bank Limited.
If such balances are in different currencies, the Bank may convert either balance at the then prevailing market rate of exchange
for the purpose of the set-off.
Any exercise by the Bank of its rights of set-off shall not limit or affect any other rights or remedies available to it.
……………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………….
Signature of Main Applicant Signature of Main Co-applicant
2. Compliance Approval is required for any customer in the categories below. Indicate which applies
4. Has the customer’s identity been verified in line with the required standards and true copies of documents obtained?
Yes No
Statement of Affairs
Assets (Cash Investments & Amount Liabilities (Loans, Balance Instalment
Other e.g., Motor vehicles, Mortgages, Credit Cards all
Real Estate, etc.) other debts & to whom owing)
Loan Purpose
DSR Calculations
Source of Income Expenses
Salary (Aggregate) Mortgage
Bonuses/ Commissions Rent
Rental Property Income Personal Loan
Investment Income Credit Cards
Other Income ABL Loan
Total Income 0.00 Total Expenses 0.00
DSR (%) 0.00%
Total 0 Total 0
ANSA Bank Limited FORM# GRC-101 (revised Oct-2024) Page 6 of 8
Proposed Security
Description of Security Estimated Mkt Value/ FV Bank Charge Taken