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Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section

Academic Session 2024-2025

Middle School
Ref No: PISJES/MS/ST/ 24-05

Date: Wednesday, November 6th 2024

Mid-Year Exam -Topics of Y6

S. N Subject Topics
Paper 1

Section A: Comprehension of grammar concepts and content

Section B: Integrative writing Skills assessment

Genres could include a news article or a biography or a balanced report.

Paper 2

Section A: Comprehension of grammar concepts and content


1 Section B: Integrative writing Skills assessment

Genres could include a suspense story, a flash back, a realistic fiction or a science

Cambridge Primary English Learner’s book and Workbook Y6

• Learners and Workbook 1,2,4,5

• Cover all language focus boxes from the Learner’s book
• Review concepts from the Resource pack

Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website: www.pisjes.edu.sa| social media: /pisjesofficial1
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section
Academic Session 2024-2025
Middle School

Unit 1: The Number System

Exercises: 1.1, 1.2
Unit 2: Numbers and Sequences
Exercises: 2.2, 2.3
Unit 4: Addition and Subtraction (1)
Exercises: 4.1, 4.2
Unit 5: 2D Shapes
Exercises: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3
Unit 6: Fractions and Percentages
Exercises: 6.1, 6.2 + Mixed Number Percentages, 6.3
Unit 8: Addition and Subtraction (2)
Exercises: 8.1+ Negative Decimal Numbers, 8.2
Unit 9: Probability
Exercises: 9.1
Unit 10: Multiplication and Division (1)
Exercises: 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
Unit 11: 3D Shapes
Exercises: 11.1, 11.2
Unit 13: Angles

Exercises: 13.1, 13.2

Unit 14: Multiplication and Division (2)
Exercises: 14.1, 14.2, 14.3
Unit 15: Data
Exercises: 15.1, 15.2

Unit 16: The laws of arithmetic

Exercise: 16.1
Topics to be covered through worksheets:

• Angles around a point and Angles in a Quadrilateral

• Polygons + Quadrilaterals
• Surface Area of Cubes and Cuboids

Reference Book(s):
CAMBRIDGE Primary Mathematics Learner’s Book 6
CAMBRIDGE Primary Mathematics Workbook 6
Worksheet Booklet

Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website: www.pisjes.edu.sa| social media: /pisjesofficial1
‫‪Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section‬‬
‫‪Academic Session 2024-2025‬‬
‫‪Middle School‬‬

‫‪Paper 1‬‬
‫‪Reading and Writing‬‬
‫تفہیم‪ :‬مشق ‪( 1‬سواالت کےمختصر جوابات)‬
‫تفہیم ‪:‬مشق ‪( 2‬بے ترتیب جملوں‪/‬لفظوں کو درست عبارت سے مالنا)‬
‫تفہیم ‪:‬مشق ‪( 3‬نکات سازی)‬
‫تفہیم ‪ :‬مشق ‪( 4‬خالصہ)‬

‫ای میل‪ :‬مشق ‪5‬‬

‫مضمون‪ :‬مشق ‪6‬‬
‫‪Paper 2‬‬
‫‪Listening Exercises‬‬
‫مشق نمبر ‪:1‬سواالت کےمختصر جوابات‬
‫مشق نمبر ‪:2‬جملے مکمل کرنا ۔‬
‫مشق نمبر ‪:3‬جملوں کو درست عبارت سے مالنا‬
‫مشق نمبر ‪:4‬درست جواب کا انتخاب‬
‫• حروفِ تہجی اور اُن کی آدھی اشکال (جماعت میں کروایا گیا کام)‬
‫‪3‬‬ ‫• مصوتوں کی مدد سے الفاظ بنائیں (جماعت میں کروائے گئے کام سے ملتا جلتا کام)‬
‫• حروف جوڑیں‪ ،‬حروف توڑیں (جماعت میں کروائے گئے کام سے ملتا جلتا کام)‬
‫‪UFB 1‬‬

‫• مذکر‪/‬مؤنث (جماعت میں کروایا گیا کام)‬

‫• واحد ‪/‬جمع (جماعت میں کروایا گیا کام)‬
‫• گنتی (‪ )10-1‬ہندسوں اور الفاظ کی صورت میں (جماعت میں کروایا گیا کام)‬
‫• تصویر دیکھ کر جملے لکھیں (جماعت میں کروائے گئے کام سے ملتا جلتا کام)‬
‫• تفہیم (ان دیکھی) (سوال و جواب‪ ،‬خالی جگہ اور الفاظ‪/‬جملے)‬
‫مشق نمبر‪ (۱:‬مختصر سوال و جواب)‬ ‫•‬
‫مشق نمبر‪۵:‬۔ای میل‪۱:‬۔دوست کے نام چھوٹے بھائی کی سالگرہ کی دعوت دیں۔‬ ‫•‬
‫‪۲‬۔دوست کے نام ای میل لکھیں اور چھٹیوں کی سیر کے بارے میں بتائیں۔‬ ‫•‬
‫مشق نمبر‪ ۶:‬مضمون‪:‬وقت کی پابندی اور کھیل کی اہمیت‬ ‫•‬
‫‪UFB 2‬‬

‫الفاظ ‪/‬جملے( ان دیکھے)‬ ‫•‬

‫ہے‪،‬ہیں اور ہوں کا استعمال‬ ‫•‬
‫کہ اور کے کا استعمال‬ ‫•‬
‫گنتی(‪۱‬۔‪ )۲۵‬الفاظ اور ہندسوں میں‬ ‫•‬
‫الفاظ‪/‬متضاد‬ ‫•‬
‫‪Chapter 2 – Materials: properties and changes‬‬
‫‪Chapter 4 – Food chains and food webs‬‬
‫‪Chapter 5 – Forces and electricity‬‬

‫‪Chapter 6 – Light and the solar system‬‬

‫‪4‬‬ ‫)‪Scientific Enquiry (incorporated throughout all units‬‬
‫‪All the similar work done in class.‬‬
‫‪Resources: Learner’s Book, Workbook, Board Notes, Worksheets‬‬

‫‪Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website: www.pisjes.edu.sa| social media:‬‬ ‫‪/pisjesofficial1‬‬
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section
Academic Session 2024-2025
Middle School

Ch:2 Ghaznavid Rule
Ch:3 The Ghoris
Ch:4 The Delhi Sultanate

Ch 8: Ocean and Seas: Waves, Tides and Currents
Social Studies

Ch 9: Ocean and Sea Landforms

Ch 14: Some Major Cities in Asia
Ch 15: Patriotism
Ch 16: Looking after senior citizens

Reference Book and Preparation Material;

➢ Social Studies for Pakistan 7, Know your world by Khadija Chagla Baig
➢ All the work done related to the chapters in manuscript, and Workbook
including [maps, pictures and diagrams in book]
➢ Mid Term Review Pack

Chapter 1: Passages from Quran

Lesson 1: Surah Al-Zilzal

Chapter 2: Sayings of Prophet Muhammad SAW

Lesson 1: Significance of Brotherhood in Islam
Lesson 2: Purity of Intentions
Lesson 3: Importance of Mercy in Islam

Chapter 3: Islamic Belief

Lesson 1: Pillars of Faith

Lesson 2: Tawheed and Shirk

Chapter 4: Pillars of Islam
Lesson 1: Shahadah
Lesson 2: Salah
Lesson 3: Zakah
Lesson 4: Sawm
Lesson 5: Hajj

Chapter 7: Al-Khulafaa Ar-Rashidoon

Lesson 1: Abu Bakr As-Siddique (RA)

Resources: Textbook and Workbook.

Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website: www.pisjes.edu.sa| social media: /pisjesofficial1
Pakistan International School Jeddah – English Section
Academic Session 2024-2025
Middle School

1. Parts of Speech
2. Good morning
3. Ask by do you
4. The Present Verb
5. I’m French , I’m Lebanese

7 6. Ask by who
7. Do you have a pen
8. Ask by do you
9. The present verb
10. I’m French, I’m Lebanese.
Resources: booklet+ PPT on E- school uploaded.
Unit 1.1 :Planning Flowchart(Pages 10-15)
Unit 1.2 : Programming Constructs (Pages 23-25)
Unit 4.1: Selecting Hardware and Software (Pages 185-199)

Unit 4.2 : Programming Environment (Pages 202-208)
Unit 4.3: Storing Data (Pages 210-214)
Unit 4.4 : Inside a Computer (Pages 220-222)
Note: Quran tests will be conducted in the respective lessons in the following week
Arabic Tests will be conducted on will be conducted on following the zero-lesson schedule.

Tel: +966 1 26738670 |Fax: +966 1 26745654 | Website: www.pisjes.edu.sa| social media: /pisjesofficial1

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