The Essential Preppers Survival Guide Survive A

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© Copyright 2023 Edwin Hose- All rights reserved.
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Please note that the information contained within this document is for educational and
entertainment purposes only. All effort has been executed to present accurate, up-to-date, reliable,
complete information. No warranties of any kind are declared or implied. Readers acknowledge
that the author is not rendering legal, financial, medical, or professional advice. The content
within this book has been derived from various sources. Please consult a licensed professional
before attempting any techniques outlined in this book.
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As a way of saying thanks for your purchase, I’m offering you The
Essential Preppers Survival Checklist and The Essential Preppers
Medical Handbook for FREE, to all of my readers.
To get instant access just to:
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Inside these resources, you will find:

Priorities of Essentials
Primitive medicines vital to your survival
The only health care you need for survival situations
How to navigate everyday survival health hazards
And so much more!

Make sure you grab these FREE resources!!!

I. Prepping Foundations
1. Getting Started
Understanding the Hype
The Prepper Mindset
Assessing Your Preparedness Level
Setting Realistic Goals
Creating a Budget-Friendly (and Family-Friendly) Preparedness Plan
Essential Prepper Gear for Beginners
Staying Informed and Aware
Psychological Preparedness and Stress Management
Workbook One
Takeaway One
2. Stockpiling Essentials
Food Storage Strategies
Water Storage and Purification
Medications and First Aid Supplies
Tools and Equipment for Self-Reliance
Fuel and Energy Sources
Clothing and Shelter
Bartering and Trade Items
Managing Your Stockpile Rotation
Workbook Two
Takeaway Two
II. Self-Reliant Living
3. Canning and Preservation
Introduction to Canning
Canning Equipment on a Budget
Step-by-Step Canning Techniques
Preserving Fruits and Vegetables
Canning Meats and Proteins
Pickling and Fermentation
Dehydrating Foods
Vacuum Sealing and Mylar Bags
Long-Term Food Preservation
Creative Canning Recipes
Safety and Hygiene Practices in Canning
Workbook Three
Takeaway Three
4. Off-Grid Living
Choosing the Right Off-Grid Location
Survival Skills
Solar Power and Alternative Energy
Water Sources and Collection Methods
Sustainable Food Production
Waste Management Off the Grid
Off-Grid Communication Solutions
Building Off-Grid Structures
Legal and Regulatory Considerations
Thriving Off the Grid on a Shoestring Budget
Workbook Four
Takeaway Four
5. Home Defense Strategies
Home Security Assessment
Affordable Home Security Upgrades
Defensive Weapons and Non-Lethal Options
Home Defense Planning and Drills
Community Security and Neighborhood Watch
Dealing with Threats and Intruders
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Home Defense
Workbook Five
Takeaway Five
6. Food Self-Sufficiency
Backyard Gardening and Container Gardening
Raising Small Livestock on a Budget
Hunting, Fishing, and Foraging for Food
Wild Edibles and Medicinal Plants
Home Food Production Techniques
Storing Homegrown Produce
Budget-Friendly DIY Food Projects
Meal Planning and Nutrition
Workbook Six
Takeaway Six
III. Practical Preparedness
7. Water Security and Purification
Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Affordable Water Filtration Methods
DIY Water Purification Techniques
Safe Water Storage Solutions
Finding and Treating Natural Water Sources
Hydration and Water Rationing
Water Conservation Strategies
Water-Related Health Considerations
Workbook Seven
Takeaway Seven
8. Navigating Financial Constraints
Prioritizing Essential Prepping Supplies
Budget-Friendly DIY Projects
Bartering and Trade Skills
Thrift Store and Secondhand Finds
Prepping on a Shoestring Budget
Networking with Prepper Communities
Government Assistance Programs
Financial Planning for Long-Term Preparedness
Workbook 8
Takeaway Eight
9. Continuous Learning
Mental Resilience and Adaptability
Training and Skill Development
Psychological Preparedness
Evacuation and Bug-Out Plans
Staying Informed and Updated
The Importance of Community
Staying Committed to Preparedness
Workbook Nine
Takeaway Nine
In the darkest hours of human history, it's often the simple act of
preparedness that sets apart those who survive from those who don't.
Many of us watched the conflict between Ukraine and Russia in 2022 in
disbelief. Thousands of people had to leave their homes and had no
access to necessities like food, water, and medical care, according to the
news. In addition, a sizable portion of residents were cut off in besieged
cities without access to basic supplies. I find it inconceivable that they
had to experience what they did and that so many others still do so. This
is similar to the UN World Food Programme's assessment that 8 million
Ukrainians today endure food insecurity. However, by using the supplies
they had saved, such as food, water, and a strong mindset (of course, you
need a lot of grit to survive during times like this), some people were
able to remain alive throughout this period.
If there's one thing I detest, it's being unprepared and taken by surprise,
especially by a negative surprise. Do you recall when the COVID-19
lockdown began? I remember that it began on a Thursday. Imagine being
one of those who had planned to go grocery shopping on the following
Friday or Saturday and were hit by the announcement of a lockdown.
And later on, when people were fighting in supermarkets over supplies,
preppers were home, enjoying theirs. Well, if you were one of those
people, I'm sure you'd never want to go through that again.
For those of you who want to be in charge of your own destiny, live
independently, and face an uncertain future with unwavering confidence,
this book beckons as a light of preparedness. You don't want to be a
victim of circumstances anymore? Me neither. You will set off on a path
to independence in the pages that follow, picking up priceless knowledge
that will equip you to weather any storm, even on a tight budget.
Let’s imagine together a pantry filled with nourishing food, a secure
water source, alternative energy sources, and your home—a fortress.
Now imagine achieving all these without breaking the bank; does that
seem far-fetched? But that’s what you will learn in this book: budget-
conscious storing, canning, embracing off-grid living, increasing home
defense, and much more.
Many preppers before us have made mistakes due to the abundance of
misleading information out there, eagerness, and fear. I would even
prefer to call some people panic buyers instead of preppers because, let’s
face it, there’s a system for stockpiling and it doesn't involve paranoia.
While you might be scared of the uncertain future or even be excited
about starting this new phase in your life, I’ll guide you through,
ensuring you don’t make the same mistakes. I understand entirely your
concern for the future, but I've found that the greatest way to calm my
anxiety is to be ready. After reading this book, you won't just be anxiety-
free; you'll also be knowledgeable and eager to begin developing your
survival strategies.
By reading these pages, you will learn how to overcome disaster
preparedness challenges. You'll discover how to get your family's food
supply ready in case of disaster. By developing your canning skills, you
can preserve food's nutritional value and guarantee that you always have
enough to eat. You'll find details on home defense as well as suggestions
and methods for an affordable off-the-grid lifestyle, including where to
find clean water to drink and how to use green energy.
Do I have what it takes to help you become a survival prepper? Yes, I
have expertise and knowledge. I'm a skilled survivalist in addition to
being a writer. I've been where you're going, and I've gained knowledge
from both my accomplishments and disappointments.
I don't simply preach readiness; I live it every day because I want you
and me to thrive, not just survive. So, let's all start down a path of
flexibility, resiliency, and independence. Let me assist you in taking
charge of your fate.


Prepping is not all that it seems. The news and social media have shared
an unreal image of what survival prepping is. But we're more than
crazies and we're not all doomsday preachers. We're strong, we're
resilient, we're prepared. That's just who we are.


W hen it comes to survival prepping, there's no such thing as being too

prepared. Even people who used to call preppers crazy have now
joined the movement, and the New York Times had to declare that "We
are all Preppers Now" during the COVID-19 pandemic. In a way, it was
the wake-up call many of us needed to know that the world could just go
wham! at any point in time, and only the prepared will thrive.
Before, when the term "survival preppers" was mentioned, what came to
mind were the American militias, philosophers, conspiracy theorists,
religious apocalypse preppers, and baby boomers. These days, you'll see
ecologists, your school teacher (or Ava Coleman in “Abbott's
Elementary”), or even a couple growing their organic food to be less
dependent on the corporate food supply chain. Billionaires are included
too, building apocalypse bunkers, turning holiday homes into safe
houses, using science to provide a constant supply of food, and the like.
Well, looking at things now, I can see why some called us crazy, but
when a scenario occurs, you'll be struggling not to tell these people that
"I told you so."
Want to know something cool? Being a prepper is like being in a secret
society, so let me be the first to welcome you on board.


So, “survival prepping” is a buzzword that seems to be thrown around a
lot recently, unlike when I started survival prepping in 2013. And as I
already mentioned, COVID-19, and the shortage of food in Ukraine due
to Russia’s invasion, has made the preppers movement go more
mainstream. That, and the fact that a lot of people have been playing a
popular video game, The Last of Us, which depicts a post-apocalyptic
world where resources are scarce and danger lurks in every corner. This
is causing a lot of people to ask the question, “What if?”
We are now in the world of preparedness, and the everyday American is
turning into a savvy survivor, ready to confidently face the unknown. To
be honest, this idea of prepping is not a newly found concept but one
deeply rooted in American history. Our ancestors were ready for any
form of disaster because to survive in the wilderness, they had to be
resourceful; being self-sufficient wasn’t an option but a way of life. And
no one was ready to bank on the government saving them when disaster
struck, unlike in our current times. So, what’s driving this current
resurgence in the art of prepping? There are now drills and stockpiles in
schools, homes, and even offices. And while our ancestors prepared for
harsh winters or unexpected setbacks, we are preparing for a wide range
of scenarios, natural disasters, economic downturns, and unforeseen
global events, not zombie attacks.
As I said, there’s a mental picture that comes to mind when people hear
about prepping, but now many people have come to understand that it
means preparing both for the known and unknown. It is a way of
anticipating and preparing for possible doom by preparing a place to
survive in. True, the stereotypes still exist, but everyone is now a prepper
(whether partially or fully). Even National Geographic highlighted this
change, noting that more and more Americans are realizing the
advantages of self-sufficiency and the peace it brings (Layne 2006).
Nobody wants a repeat of the epidemic's bullwhip impact, which led to
excessive demand throughout the whole supply chain, leading to
shortages and eventually waste. In addition, there is a shift in mindset
today as more people realize that being ready is not irrational but rather
practical, much like maintaining a spare tire in the car or a fire
extinguisher in the kitchen.
The culture of preparedness has swept through all walks of life; not only
the poor are worried that they won't be given priority when a disaster
strikes, but so are the wealthy, who worry that everyone will be too busy
saving their own asses to remember others. You are a part of a large and
growing community that shares your interest in preparing, so you are not
alone in doing so.
Survival prepping is not about fear but empowerment, and even the
industry has grown from a niche market to a thriving industry. The
wealth of resources and products you'll find at your disposal is a
testament that you’re part of a growing community. So, embrace the
hype as a driving force behind your journey toward preparedness instead
of as a source of fear.
If you live in Louisiana, why not be ready for the next Hurricane
Being a prepper, however, is not about excessive buying or building
bunkers and converting homes. Well, in my opinion, being a prepper is
as diverse as being an instrumentalist. Preppers vary from hoarders to
suburban preppers, the woman putting up jars of pureed tomatoes from
her garden to the doomsday prepper. With all these misconceptions and
the vast varieties of preppers we have, we need to understand something
very important: the prepper mindset.
Having this mindset guarantees your success as a survival prepper; it
clears the path for self-reliance and sets you apart from the unprepared.
We preppers are seen as crazies, people suffering from paranoia and
living in constant fear of doomsday. But this is a lie (though there are
people who take prepping to the extreme, and we’ve all been lumped
together). Instead of dwelling on these worst-case scenarios, we as
preppers prepare for them, so they don’t become our worst nightmares.
This mindset is about thinking clearly and recognizing that although the
world is pretty unpredictable and that disasters can and do happen, you
can prepare yourself for survival–by approaching life with a heightened
sense of awareness. Just as you wouldn’t dare drive blindfolded, a
prepper’s mindset is like driving with your eyes wide open,
acknowledging the risks around you and preparing against them in
advance. Rather than a pessimistic way of life, prepping is often viewed
as proactive and pragmatic. It involves adopting a “prevention is better
than cure” and a “better safe than sorry” mentality, a form of insurance
against life’s uncertainties.
I mentioned that our ancestors were not waiting for the government to
save them in times of disaster. Well, with the prepper's mindset, you're
both self-reliant and resilient. You recognize your ability to take care of
yourself and loved ones, without having to depend on a system that
might falter at any time. In a scenario where your usual source of food,
water, or energy becomes unavailable, a prepper doesn't panic but adapts.
In a constantly changing world, the prepper can adapt to new
circumstances and make the most out of available resources.
A prepper might end up foraging for wild edibles, harvesting rainwater,
or using renewable energy sources. It's a mindset that says "I'm not
helpless—I'm resourceful." This mindset is a wellspring of solutions, not
problems, and makes us both creative and innovative in the face of
challenges. It empowers you to learn practical survival skills and to take
charge of your destiny instead of being a victim of circumstance. This
fosters a liberating yet reassuring sense of self-sufficiency.
The prepper mindset is your most valuable tool in survival. It helps you
build a survival mindset, cultivating mental resilience, a skill that helps
you stay calm and composed under pressure (Ayres 2022).
By developing this survival mindset, you'll be able to handle situations
better and make wise decisions regardless of the circumstances. You will
provide the needed calm in the chaos for you and your loved ones. You
won't just get by in tough situations with this outlook; you'll thrive in
them. So, embrace and develop this mindset because, without it, you
won't be able to put into practice anything you learn in the remaining
pages of this book.
Okay folks, now you'll have to be a little bit more honest with
yourselves. Let’s check your GPS before taking this road trip and know
where you stand currently. Before you can become a self-reliant and
resilient individual, we need to check whether you’ve got what it takes.
Around the time I began survival prepping, I was one of the few to take
that bold step. I started this journey because of a phenomenon that could
have led to a civilizational collapse, and my wife and I started the
I’ll tell you one thing for sure: we were amateurs, we followed some
online instructions, read a few books, and turned our backyard into a
garden, with rows of herbs lining the walls as we started growing our
food. Boy oh boy, I don’t think we were ready for the things we faced in
the preceding years. Survival prepping is more than just the physical
preparations you’ll learn about in this book. You also need a prepared
mindset and mental fortitude that will help you weather the challenges
that might come your way.
Are you ready for the skeptics? When I started, I got the raised eyebrows
—the “old man Edwin has joined the doomsday preppers.” “Edwin, can I
bunk with you when the zombies come in?” Friends, family members,
colleagues, and naysayers will crack jokes about your newfound interest.
This will hurt, and sometimes the fact that you’ve evaluated your
essential supplies and filled in the gaps with non-perishable food and
clean water won’t even be comforting. Will you be able to stand your
ground and remain firm in your decision?
Well, there’s the physical preparedness, evaluating your essential
supplies to ensure you have enough non-perishable food and clean water
to sustain you and your family in an emergency. You also have to check
out your energy source and utilities. Will you still be able to cook, heat,
or cool the house in case of a power outage, or do you need to have your
backup options ready? Security is an important part of your preparedness
plan, so how are your home defense strategies? Do you have a plan in
place to protect yourself, your family, and your properties?
Preppers, like other people, need skills and knowledge as well. If you’re
going to thrive, you need skills in first aid, navigation, and self-defense.
You need to learn how to grow your food and purify water. Without these
skills, you can’t be self-sufficient. Becoming self-sufficient is a
continuous learning process. You’ll face certain challenges that will
require skills and knowledge. Will you be able to embrace this learning
curve with the same enthusiasm you started with and seek out
information, ask questions, and adapt to new situations?
Then, communication is key. Do you have a reliable means of
communication? Community is also important. You might not know it,
but a community of like-minded people is very important for success, not
only on your journey as a survival prepper but in every single area of
your life.
There will also be budgeting struggles, but that doesn’t mean you need to
break the bank. You have to be resourceful and efficient with your
budget, making calculated investments and financial decisions that will
prioritize your self-sufficiency goals at the expense of short-term
comforts. How ready are you for that?
You’ll have to make a lifestyle shift and let go of habits that do not align
with your preparedness goals. You’ll have to embrace a lifestyle that
prioritizes independent living and set benchmarks and goals for
Looking at all these areas I’ve mentioned. Which aspects of
preparedness do you think you need to prioritize? Create a timeline to
help you achieve your objectives. Then measure your progress. Even
businesses use key performance indicators (KPIs) to assess their success,
which goes to show the importance of doing this (Velimirović,
Velimirović, and Stanković 2011). You can measure the number of days’
worth of food and water you have in storage, how good your survival
skills are, or how efficient your alternative energy source options are.
However, assessing your preparedness levels is not only about
empowering yourself to handle the challenges that will come your way.
Are you also ready for the rewards? Are you ready to enjoy the
invaluable skills, self-confidence, and peace of mind that comes with
knowing you’re fully prepared to weather life’s storms? Are you ready to
savor the satisfaction that comes from being in charge of your life?
Being prepared for all of these things will be your greatest asset, and the
good news about that? It is something you can work on.


Now that you’ve accessed your preparedness level and you know where
you need to up your game, how do you go about becoming better
prepared in those areas and guide your progress? Realistic goals will
keep you on course and help you navigate the complexities involved.
You’ve assessed your preparedness levels, but you need to identify your
individual needs and vulnerabilities as well. Do you live in an area that’s
prone to natural disasters, or does an economic downturn or food
shortage seem imminent? Do you or any of your family have specific
health considerations? All these must be reflected in the goals you set, as
your self-sufficiency should not only align with your life situation, but
must also address your most pressing issues.
After you’ve sorted out your needs, vulnerabilities, and preparedness
levels, it is time to set a range of goals tailored to different timeframes.
You’ll set short-term goals, medium-term goals, and long-term goals.
These goals should be based on what you can attain within a certain
period. Be realistic; there’s no need to place yourself on a high pedestal.
Short-term goals are usually quick wins, and could be something as
simple as building a 72-hour emergency kit or learning basic first aid
skills. Medium-term goals can progress from over a month to a year, and
can involve expanding your food storage, preserving food by employing
different preservation techniques, or even improving your home defense
strategies. And then there are long-term goals that can last years. You
can learn advanced survival skills or become energy-independent during
this period.
To remain motivated and be able to track your progress, your goals must
Specific: Do not settle for vague aspirations like “be more prepared” as
that’s a huge mistake you don’t want to make. Your goal should be as
specific as “acquire enough storage of non-perishable food.” Then
identify the steps you need to take to achieve this goal.
Measurable: You need to quantify your goals. You can turn the goal
statement into “acquire three months' worth of non-perishable food.”
This way, you’ll be able to track your goal and know when it is
Achievable: As I’ve said, there’s no need to place yourself on a high
pedestal. Can you achieve the goal, and how long will it take to achieve
it? For instance, “acquire two weeks' worth of non-perishable food per
month.” Getting two weeks' worth of food supply per month is more
realistic than getting three months' food supply in a month.
Relevant: This is the whole basis that forms your goals. They need to
align with your needs, vulnerabilities, and preparedness levels, as I
mentioned earlier.
Time-Based: To properly measure success, your goals must have a start
and end date so you can stay on track within this designated timeframe.
Since you’ll be getting three months' supply of food in six months, your
goal can be to “acquire three months' worth of non-perishable food in the
second half of the year.”
Now, one thing you should do when setting goals is allow flexibility.
Life throws curveballs, and you might initially focus on food storage
only to later realize that water purification is a more immediate concern.
When there’s a need to adjust, don’t hesitate, as flexibility is a trait all
successful preppers must have.
You must also stay committed and consistent in your goals. Commitment
and consistency are crucial skills in every area of one’s life. You can
break down large goals into more manageable smaller goals to regularly
assess your progress. Besides, achieving each small goal will bring a
feeling of fulfillment and help you stay motivated. Just remember to stay
committed to your vision of a more self-reliant future.


Unless you’re a panic buyer like some self-acclaimed preppers,
becoming self-sufficient shouldn’t be a financial burden. And with
careful planning and budgeting, you can achieve a high level of readiness
within your means.
To create a budget-friendly preparedness plan that’s both practical and
family-friendly, you need first and foremost to prioritize the essentials.
Instead of panic buying things you think might come in handy, identify
the essential items and skills that are vital for your survival. Food, water,
shelter, and security are the basics you should focus on. From there, you
can move to other important things like medical supplies. Creating a list
of the essentials you need will help you allocate your budget accordingly.
After you’re done writing the list of essentials, determine how much you
can afford to allocate per month or per pay period to your survival
prepping. Ensure that it is realistic and sustainable so that you can
consistently set aside this money toward your goals every month without
experiencing financial strain. To do this, you need to first calculate your
monthly inflow minus tax. Then calculate and list all bills and monthly
expenses (including emergencies and fun), subtract expenses from
income, and from the remaining money determine how much to allocate
to your survival preparedness plan and how much to save. After
determining this amount, spread it across your list, allocating money
toward each item that will help you meet your goals.
When it’s time to start shopping, shop smart. Coupons, sales, discounts,
and bulk-purchasing options should be your new friends. Consider in-
season produce and take advantage of clearance sales, or even visit dollar
stores—it's not compulsory to get brand items if you can’t afford them.
Trust me, folks, these little savings will add up over time. Also,
whenever you can, embrace the do-it-yourself mentality. Many of the
items you need for survival can be crafted yourself, and there are a lot of
videos on YouTube ready to take you through the process of crafting
your candles and soaps, making DIY garden beds, and even water
purification systems. Doing it yourself is not only cost-effective, but
when you engage the family in these projects, you can all bond and learn
essential skills together.
Instead of spending a huge bulk of your money on gear, focus on skills.
First aid, fire-making, gardening, and self-defense are some of the skills
that will come in handy and save costs when needed. You should also
adopt a frugal mindset, reduce unnecessary expenses, and cut down on
waste. That's more money saved that could go toward your preparedness
plan. You can also encourage other members of the family to participate
in frugal practices.
Then, if you don’t organize your supplies, you can make the mistake of
buying duplicates. To avoid that, I usually organize my supplies in
shelves, bins, and storage containers and place them in easily accessible
positions. I also arrange them based on how perishable they are and their
expiration dates so that I can rotate and use my supplies before they
expire. There’s also something I do that you can probably adopt. Some of
my friends who made fun of me when I started prepping are now
preppers themselves. So, we usually pool resources (and we especially
did during the pandemic). There are some bulk purchases we’ve made
together, and we know the survival skills that some are better at than
others. In case of emergencies, we know that we can support each other.
Making a budget-friendly preparedness plan is not only achievable as an
individual but also as a family.
As a beginner, you must start with the right gear and supplies to
confidently navigate various scenarios. I’ll discuss them briefly here and
then in depth in the remaining parts of the book.
Water Filtration and Storage
It’s hard to live without water. Trust me, you’ll miss it if an emergency
occurs and you don’t have enough, as water is going to keep you alive.
After all, you’ll drink, bathe, and wash from your water supply. So,
invest in portable water filters, purification tablets like chlorine or
iodine-style treatment, or a gravity-fed filtration system. And don’t
forget to stock up on durable water storage containers.
You can’t cook or stay warm without fire. Sometimes, in extreme
situations, you might need to boil your water to purify it, so there goes
fire again. Fire-making tools are another essential gear to have when
SHTF (Stuff Hits the Fan). So, load up on waterproof matches, lighters,
or even fire-starting equipment like ferrocerium rods in your gear. And
you’ll need a fuel source, something to get the fire going, like cotton
balls dipped in Vaseline.
One important thing to have in any survival kit is a high-quality fixed-
blade knife, so you might want to invest a little more to get a knife of
very good quality. A survival knife is useful for a lot of tasks like
building a shelter or preparing food, and it can even be your first go-to
for self-defense. Make sure you get one that has a nice grip and suits
your needs.
You have to have some comms of sorts that will help you stay in the loop
of things and receive crucial information before it gets too late. You can
get a battery-operated or hand-cranked emergency radio. My friends and
I also have two-way radios that we can use to update each other when
disaster strikes.
First Aid
Now, you shouldn’t skimp out on a first aid kit, because it might come in
handy, and you’re going to need it at the worst moment possible. When
you or a loved one is injured and nothing can be done about it, well, not
to be grim, but it affects survival. Ensure your first aid kit has bandages,
antiseptics, pain relievers, tweezers, a tourniquet, even bug spray, and
essential medications. Also, don’t forget to familiarize yourself with
basic first-aid procedures and techniques.
Food and Cooking
You need to build a well-rounded food stockpile of non-perishables with
a long shelf-life, like canned foods, ramen, some energy bars, freeze-
dried meals, grains, and dry staples. Rotate them to avoid waste and
expiration. You can also invest in a propane stove because it is super
easy to use both indoors and outdoors.
Shelter and Warmth
God forbid that you need to evacuate or shelter in a place, especially
during the cold weather. But if you have to, have essential items like a
durable tent, sleeping bags, blankets, and extra clothing to stay warm and
dry. You should also invest in quality cordage.
Hygiene and Sanitation
When SHTF, hygiene might be the last thing on your mind, but how long
can you go unclean? Have soap, hand sanitizer, toilet paper, travel
toothpaste and toothbrush, and sanitation supplies handy. Also, dental
floss is very important, and quite versatile if you ask me. While it is good
for oral hygiene, it can also be used to tie things together, and you can
even fish with it if need be.
Personal Protective Gears
You and your family are going to need gloves, goggles, and masks,
especially during pandemics or if you’re living in an area with the
possibility of an environmental disaster.
Self-Defense Tools
This is a personal choice. If you’re not a fan of lethal options, you can go
for pepper spray or personal alarms. And if you would rather include
firearms, make sure to be properly trained on usage and also follow legal
Navigation Tools
In a scenario where you’ll need to bug out, a compass or topographic
might come in handy if you need to navigate unfamiliar terrain.
Cash and Important Documents
Keep copies of essential documents such as identification, passports,
insurance policies, and medical records in a waterproof and fireproof
container. You should also have a stash of cash, which might come in
Backpack or Bug-Out Bag
Next, arrange all your gear in a sturdy yet comfortable bag for easy
mobility in case of evacuation.
You can start with these essentials and gradually expand your gear and
skills as you gain experience. The right prepper gear will better equip
you to handle unexpected challenges.


Communication is an essential that you dare not skimp on. You have to
always be kept in the loop of what is going on. In your survival prepping
journey, knowledge is the most powerful tool at your disposal. You can
make decisions regarding the safety and security of your loved ones by
staying informed and aware of potential threats.
The CDC and Red Cross are two organizations that you should consult
for information because they have the most recent data on disasters,
emergencies, and preparedness requirements (Bachmann et al., 2015).
Other credible sources to consult include respected news outlets,
government agencies, and reliable news sites. To keep aware and
prepared, you can visit their websites, where there is frequently updated
information. To be ready for weather-related events and hazards, stay
informed on the local weather conditions and environmental factors that
may affect your area. Keep in touch with your friends, family, and
neighbors to create a support system that will enable you to
communicate and help one another in an emergency. Sign up for local
emergency alerts and notifications.
Create and regularly update your family’s preparedness plan, ensuring
that each member of the family knows what to do in different situations.
You can even practice drills to help reinforce your plan and make
necessary adjustments. Also maintain well-stocked emergency kits for
different situations—be it evacuation, sheltering in place, or medical
emergencies. Regularly check and replenish supplies to prevent waste
and ensure they’re still effective.
Continue learning, and attend workshops, seminars, or meetings related
to preparedness and resilience. Also, invest in training and educational
materials related to survival prepping. These skills and knowledge will
make a significant difference in your ability to respond effectively.


Being physically prepared is not enough; you need to be psychologically
prepared and understand stress management as well. Based on
experience, every single time my family and I have had to go into
survival mode, it put us under a lot of duress.
The first thing you need to do is develop a more positive outlook on life.
Understand that challenges are a part of life; it’s your ability to overcome
them that matters. You have to view preparedness as an empowering
process and understand that being prepared to face any challenge is a
confidence booster and can help reduce anxiety.
Truthfully, my family and I are usually under a lot of stress when we
have to go into survival mode (for example, when the pandemic
happened). However, being in daily contact with each other usually turns
out to be a powerful stress reliever. I’m not saying there won’t be
conflict—we’re family, and there is bound to be, but we’re also there to
pull each other up. Also, get involved in community efforts.
Collaborating with neighbors and friends will help you feel more secure.
You also need to be able to recognize when you’re feeling stressed or
anxious. These are normal feelings in cases of emergencies, but
recognizing them early is the first step to addressing them. During these
kinds of scenarios, you can engage in self-care activities. Everybody
needs a little self-loving now and then. Exercise, meditate, and engage in
your hobbies to improve your emotional health.
While it is important to stay informed, overconsumption of distressing
news is not good at all. I used to do that a lot and then pour out my
emotions on the rest of the family. Phew! My family and I are sure glad
I’ve stopped doing that. Set designated times to check on updates, and
only from reliable sources. You’d be amazed at all the doomsday
information out there. You should also regularly conduct emergency
drills with your family, as familiarity with these drills will ease your
anxiety during actual emergencies.
You can choose to go for resilience training programs as they teach
strategies for coping with adversity. Be flexible in your approach; it’s
okay if you already made plans and need to adapt to changing
Proactively addressing stress and maintaining a positive mindset will
help you be more resilient in your approach to effectively navigating
emergencies. After all, your mental health plays an important role in
your overall preparedness.

1. Set realistic goals.

Scenario you’re prepping for:

Your needs based on this scenario:

1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
6. ______________________________
7. ______________________________
8. ______________________________
9. ______________________________
10. ______________________________


1. ______________________________
2. ______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. ______________________________
5. ______________________________
Preparedness level (on a scale of 1–10)
Resilience against challenges and skeptics:
Non-perishable food supply available (based on how long it can last):
Alternative energy source:
First-aid kit and skills:
Navigation tools and skills:
Self-defense tools and skills:
Water purification tools:
Shelter and clothing essentials:
Hygiene and sanitation:
Fire skills and tools:
Total preparedness level:
Short-term goals based on needs, vulnerabilities, and preparedness levels

Goal 1: ______________________
Smart: _______________________
Measurable: _____________________
Achievable: _____________________
Relevant: _______________________

Goal 2: ________________________
Smart: _________________________
Measurable: _____________________
Achievable: ______________________
Relevant: _______________________
Time-based: _____________________

Goal 3: ________________________
Smart: ________________________
Measurable: ____________________
Relevant: _______________________
Time-based: _____________________

Goal 4: _______________________
Smart: _______________________
Goal 5: _______________________
Smart: _______________________
Measurable: _____________________
Achievable: ______________________
Relevant: _______________________
Time-based: _____________________

Medium-term goals based on needs, vulnerabilities, and preparedness

Goal 1: _______________________

Goal 2: _______________________

Goal 3: _______________________
Goal 4: _______________________

Goal 5: _______________________

Long-term goals based on needs, vulnerabilities, and preparedness levels

Goal 1: _______________________

Little Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Big Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Goal 2: _______________________

Little Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Big Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Goal 3: _______________________

Little Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Big Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Goal 4: _______________________

Little Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Big Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Goal 5: _______________________

Little Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

Big Steps:

a. ______________________________
b. ______________________________
c. ______________________________
d. ______________________________
e. ______________________________

2. Let’s create your budget.

In the table above, you'll write out the amount you'll allocate to each of
those expenses. Calculate the total amount of expenses and subtract it
from your income. Then you'll divide the total amount into two: one part
for savings and the other part for your prepping goals.
Amount to Allocate to Prepping
In this table, you'll write out the prepping essentials you want to
stockpile. If there are 10 for now, divide the money allocated to your
prepping goals into 10—each of the 10 parts for each prepping essential.
For instance, if $750 is going to prepping essentials, $750 divided by 10
equals $75 each—which means you'll be allocating $75 to each prepping

H ave you got what it takes to be a prepper? Well, as you’ve learned,

being a prepper means having a more positive outlook on life, being
proactive instead of scared, and being resilient and self-reliant. You’ve
seen what it takes to be a prepper, and I believe you’re ready for the
challenges and rewards.


A lot of beginner preppers, myself included, make mistakes when it

comes to stockpiling. Sometimes, we buy too much of what we don't
need, don’t buy enough of what we need, or even forget to buy what we
need. A lot of mistakes have been made over the years, like buying
things I had no use for and forgetting others I needed. However, after
taking stock of things I and other preppers forgot, I learned how to build
a well-rounded stockpile, and you’re about to as well.
Say no to panic buying, and let’s learn how to manage and rotate our
stockpile effectively, shall we?


Food is life and is a very important stockpiling essential. You already
know that you should get non-perishable foods, canned foods, ramen,
energy bars, etc.
So, I am going to tell you what I do about food storage and how I do it,
so you can apply these strategies. Let’s get into grains first. The four
essential grains you should get are corn, rice, wheat, and beans. While all
four of them are approximately 1,600 calories per pound, they contain
different macronutrients. You’ll get your high protein content from beans
and wheat, your fats from corn, and your carbohydrates from rice. Now,
if you stockpile up to 750 pounds of each grain per year, that’s already
3,277 calories per day, which, to be honest, is too much for most people.
And don’t forget, you don’t have to get it all at once. You can go to
Sam’s Club and buy one or two 50-pound sacks of each of the grains
regularly until you hit your 750-pound target. A bit of advice here: it is
better to get your corn feed from the feed store, cheap and of great
quality. If you’re allergic to gluten or can’t get wheat where you are, you
can easily cut it out and add 250 pounds extra to the remaining three
grains. And if you like a variety of flavors, get different types of dried
beans. You can also buy different types of rice: basmati, brown, short
grain, long grain, and others.
Then let’s go into what a lot of preppers call the seven-meals plan.
Remember that the minimal stockpiling period I recommended is three
months' worth of food? This is because if there’s suddenly an ice storm,
a massive hurricane, an earthquake, or some other thing that will keep
you cooped up in your house and unable to go to the store, this three-
month shelf-stable food supply should last you for as long as you might
need to stay in. So, you’re going to identify seven easy-to-make meals,
something simple, because time and calories matter in survival. I’ll go
into meal planning in detail in chapter 6. The reason I’m mentioning it is
because your meal plan will help you know what other foodstuff to
stock. You might need canned foods and maybe spaghetti, vegetables, or
flour (don’t skimp on flour because you can make bread or other pastries
in different ways with this on hand). You can calculate the quantity
you’ll need to have saved at home based on your meal plan and how
much you eat as a family. Once you make your meal plan, you have a list
of foods to get, you know where to target your effort, and every time you
visit the supermarket, you can get a little at a time. You can also add
what you and the kids love to snack on in your inventory and get some of
that as well.
Having an adequate supply of food is not the only thing there is to
stockpiling. If you don’t know how to properly store your food, then you
might struggle to thrive during emergencies.
So, storage. The four grains you got and any other bulk items can be
stored in a cool, dark, and dry place. You can store dried goods like
pasta, flour, sugar, etc. in airtight containers to prevent moisture
absorption and so they can stay fresh. Temperature also matters. Your
food storage area should be cool, dry, and well-ventilated. Ideal storage
temperatures also vary depending on the different types of food; for
example, the grains I’ve mentioned should be stored at room
temperature, although slightly colder temperatures can preserve shelf
life. However, don’t keep them too cold. As well, grains kept at over
50°F will start growing mold. Except for bananas and avocados, which
should be kept at room temperature until ripe, fresh fruits and vegetables
should be stored at temperatures between 32°F and 39.2°F, and meats
should be frozen. Dairy goods should also be stored in the refrigerator at
temperatures below 39.2°F. Storage conditions for potatoes should be
between 44.6°F and 50°F in cool, dark, well-ventilated settings. Avoid
storing them in the refrigerator, as cold temperatures can convert starches
to sugars.
I usually use airtight containers and Ziploc bags to protect my food from
moisture, pests, and oxygen, which can cause spoilage. You can invest in
Mason jars, especially if you’re going to be canning, Mylar bags, food-
grade buckets, and hermetically sealed containers. Then clearly label all
the stored items, especially canned goods, with the purchase and
expiration dates. This way, you’ll be able to track how fresh your
supplies are and consume and replace them as needed.
You should also implement the “first in, first out” rotation system in your
pantry to ensure that you use up older food before the newer additions.
Use pest control measures like traps, repellents, or sealed containers to
prevent pests from accessing your food storage. And lastly, regularly
inspect your food storage for signs of spoilage, damage, or pests. Early
detection will help prevent further issues. These strategies will help you
stay well-prepared to maintain a reliable and diverse food supply.


Unless you have water in an emergency when you have to survive on
your stockpile for a while, your chances of survival are slim to none.
This is why when it comes to water storage, you need to consider both
long-term and short-term needs (Hunt et al. 2020). For short-term needs,
usually immediate emergencies, food-grade water containers and jugs
will suffice. For the longer term, you'll need water barrels or tanks, as
they can hold significant amounts of water, and some even come with
UV protection to prevent algae growth. Keep them in a cool, dark place
so they can stay fresh.
Water Purification
You need to understand water purification methods if you’re going to
ensure that the water you store will still be safe for consumption
regardless of how long it has been stored. Some of these methods

1. Boiling: One of the oldest, most effective methods known to

man. Create a rolling boil for at least one minute and you can bid
those pathogens goodbye.
2. Filtration: Being safe is more important than being frugal if
you’re going to invest in water filters. Ensure you buy a quality
water filter with a pore size of 0.2 microns or smaller that’s
capable of removing bacteria, protozoa, or even viruses.
3. Chemical Treatment: Chlorine tablets or iodine-style treatments
are affordable and can easily disinfect your water. Just follow the
instructions carefully for safe usage.
4. UV Purification: Some water tanks or barrels even come with
them. They’re compact, and the ultraviolet light is efficient in
treating water.
5. Gravity Filters: These filters work by letting water pass through a
filter media, removing contaminants, and are suitable for
purifying large quantities of water.

You can also get Pedialyte to add to your water. It gives your immune
system an extra boost of electrolytes, especially when you're stressed.
Regularly inspect and rotate water storage containers so you can always
have access to clean, fresh water. You should also find out about water
sources in your area as you might need to supplement your stored water
with readily available sources. Securing access to clean water is
fundamental to a prepared future, because water is life, after all.


Another important aspect of a self-sufficient lifestyle is your health and
well-being, which is why you need a first aid kit that's fully stocked with
the essentials. Your first aid kit should include:
Bandages: Leaving cuts open for a long time can lead to infection,
which you can prevent by using bandages, sterile gauze, or band-aids.
Buy different sizes to cover and protect your wounds.
Antiseptics: You can get antiseptic wipes or even solutions to clean your
wound and prevent infection.
Pain Relievers: You can easily get OTC pain relievers like
acetaminophen, aspirin, or ibuprofen.
Allergy Medication: Get antihistamines for allergic reactions. Benadryl
also helps in dealing with allergies.
Ointment: You can get antibiotic ointments for cuts and scratches or
even bug tablets for bug bites.
Tools: Scissors, tweezers, and thermometers are essential tools. With the
thermometer, you can measure someone's temperature to see how bad
their fever is, and scissors and tweezers come in handy when you need to
cut something.
Burn Cream: There's the possibility of burns, even from hot objects, so
get a specialized cream for treating burns. And if you live in a place like
Florida, then you shouldn't forget your sunscreen either.
A First Aid Manual: A reference guide that will help you administer
first-aid doesn't mean you should skip training though.
In the case of medical vulnerabilities in any member of the family,
consider stocking essential medications like:
Prescription Medications: If any member of your family has a chronic
condition that requires prescription medications, ensure to maintain an
ample supply.
Over-the-counter Medications: Your kit should contain common OTC
drugs for colds, fever, allergies, and even gastrointestinal issues. A lot of
people shy away from generic brands but they're just as effective as the
big brand names.
Pain Relievers: Anti-inflammatories (ibuprofen especially) are my go-to
pain relievers. You can buy aspirin or other suitable pain relievers for
your family.
Specialized Medications: If a member of your family needs specialized
medications like an insulin pump, an EpiPen, or an inhaler, then make
sure this is also in your kit.
After stocking up your first aid kit, don't just leave it, waiting for when
you'll use it. Regularly check and update your kit and medications to
ensure that they are still in good condition and not expired.
Having the right tools and equipment can make all the difference in a
self-sufficient lifestyle. Being handy with these tools is also, of course,
necessary. Here's a rundown of essential tools to consider.
Whether you need to do repairs in the house or manipulate and craft
from materials out in the wilderness (in case you need to evacuate),
you'll have to look through your toolbox for the saws, pliers, wrenches,
nails, reamers, awls, or hammers that you urgently need, therefore you
must get sturdy ones as soon as you can.
In case you'll be doing a little building and construction of your own,
you can buy chainsaws or cordless drills to help ease the work. You
should also have duct tape or Gorilla Tape. Having duct tape can help
you improvise in a lot of situations, even tape back the sole of that shoe
that seems to be falling off.
We'll be looking at ways to grow food as we move forward in this book,
and if you're interested in growing your own organic food as well, you'll
need gardening equipment like pruners, hoes, rakes, and shovels. When
searching for these tools, choose ergonomic designs; they are more
comfortable if you want to use them for an extended period. You may
decide to keep animals in addition to your agricultural production; in this
case, you will also need milking equipment, shears, fencing materials,
and grooming supplies.
Food is important, and apart from stocking up on foodstuff, you’ll also
need to have cooking and presentation tools at home. You can invest in a
propane stove, which is portable and easy to carry around, or you can
buy a solar oven or a wood-burning stove for cooking. You can also get
foil as you can wrap food in it and cook it over fire, and a little wire
mesh can work as a grill. Paper cups and plates are also needed,
especially when there is a limited water supply and you don't want to
waste water washing them. For food preservation, you can invest in a
pressure canner or atmospheric steam canner, Mason jars, a dehydrator, a
ladle, a jar lifter, and a root cellar for storing produce.
Raw meat and fish are some other foods you might not be able to store
up, so you might need to use your hunting and fishing skills for these. In
that case, you should be prepared with your fishing and hunting
equipment; you'll need fishing rods, hooks, guns, hunting knives, etc.
You'll also need battery-powered headlamps or flashlights to see and
perform tasks or navigate in the dark. Since they're battery-powered, you
need to have durable batteries too. Of course, I use Duracell.
If you live in a remote place, you may need to use two-way radios,
satellites, or even signal flares to communicate in an emergency.
In all honesty, the specific tools and equipment you'll need will depend
on your self-sufficiency goals and the lifestyle you want to lead. All you
have to do to ensure that your equipment remains in excellent condition
for many years is to store it well and maintain it frequently.


The most likely scenario among the numerous possibilities of “disaster”
that could happen in the United States is a power outage (Petermann et
al. 2014). If this happens, you'll need to depend on alternative fuel and
energy sources.
The first reliable source of energy that will come in handy is the sun,
ever reliant, ever shining. You can buy solar panels that come with
efficient battery storage, and these panels will convert electricity to a
clean and sustainable power supply for you and your family. Another
natural resource to take advantage of is the wind. If your location allows,
you can build a wind turbine, especially if you stay where there are
consistent wind patterns. It is an excellent complement to solar power. If
you'd rather not install solar panels or wind turbines, or in case you want
an additional backup, generators are a good choice. Backup generators
can meet your electricity needs in case of emergency. Just make sure you
have enough fuel (diesel, propane, or gasoline) and keep your backup
generator maintained because you don't want it to break down when you
need it the most. Due to how volatile gasoline is and the necessity to
avoid mishaps, proper gasoline storage necessitates storing it in
containers designed for long-term storage. You should also keep your
fuel supply in well-ventilated spaces and away from extreme
temperatures to prevent degradation. When I initially stored fuel, I filled
a 25-gallon keg with gasoline, only to discover when I went back months
later that the amount had decreased by about half; that's when I realized
the need for proper fuel storage.
Then you can use wood-burning stoves to create heat or fire; provided
you have properly seasoned wood, a fire will ignite in no time.
Automobiles, generators, and other devices can be run on ethanol
produced from your maize supply or biodiesel produced from discarded
vegetable oil in the absence of gasoline or wood. Cotton balls dipped in
Vaseline or baby oil also make good fire starters. A ferro rod will also
give you thousands of strikes.
Additionally, to save energy during power outages, utilize energy-
efficient lighting and appliances when using electrical equipment. Since
I've found that LED bulbs are fairly energy-efficient, I stick to them for
Combining these energy and fuel sources will help you create a reliable
energy infrastructure, and what's more? Most of these options help you
stay environmentally responsible.


Clothing and shelter are foundational aspects of preparedness, necessary
for your comfort and safety during challenging times, so you can't make
this choice based on your favorite color, favorite clothes, or what you
think you look cute in. The four crucial things to come to mind are
durability, season, repair, and safety. Then you can make your stockpile
choice based on these factors.
Be it clothes or shoes, you have to make sure they are sturdy and
comfortable. You don’t want clothes that will tear when they get caught
on tree branches or shrubs. Neither do you want broken heels or your
soles opening along the way, especially if it’s a situation that’s going to
warrant you leaving home. Besides, the clothing you purchase is not only
for survival, but you’ll probably wear it before the scenario arises, and
who knows, maybe long after that.
Also, thrift wear and hand-me-downs are the best for children. Buy
clothes that if they have tears, you’ll can easily stitch using a needle and
thread from your sewing kit. You want something that you can easily
rinse out in river water and set to dry in the sun and rest assured that it
will still be in great condition.
Seasonal Considerations
No matter how cute that off-shoulder floral gown is, you can’t wear it in
the winter. Yet, wearing gloves and layering up will do you more harm
than good underneath the scorching sun. So, when stockpiling, have both
warm-weather and cold-weather items. Include hats, gloves, sunglasses,
thermal underwear, a fleece jacket, and waterproof outerwear. Also
invest in clothes suitable for layering, so you can adapt to different
weather conditions by easily removing or adding layers as needed.
Consider camouflage clothing that can help you blend in with the natural
environment and evade threats. Clothes like this will also serve you
better when hunting and are great for both your survival and defense.
Now that we’ve covered those four crucial things, let’s look at the
essential clothes you need to stockpile. Don’t forget that they should
follow those four requirements.

Heavy socks
Extra shirts and pants
Well-fitted shoes
Rain gear
Washtub, soap, clothesline, clothespin
Scarves, etc.
For shelter, you can buy tents and tarps, and ensure that they are durable
and can weather any condition. They should also be easy to set up, and
don’t forget to take stakes and ropes with you. Sleeping bags are another
nice investment. You can lay them down anywhere, and voila, you’re
ready to sleep. Make sure that they can protect you against the lowest
temperatures. Emergency blankets are a must; they are lightweight and
won’t take up much space in your backpack or bug-out bag.
This survival-prepping journey involves being prepared for anything, so
you need to learn how to construct improvised shelters using natural
materials like sticks or fronds. You should also regularly check on your
shelter gear for damage and perform maintenance when needed to ensure
it remains functional.
Focusing on clothing and shelter that suits various weather conditions or
can be adapted to different scenarios means you’re already ensuring your
comfort and safety when the need arises.


Panic buying is common during a crisis and involves buying lots of what
isn’t needed and forgetting to buy what is needed. But lucky you, or
should I say “prepared you”? You have most of everything you need and
even lots to spare. Plus, you have the flexibility to acquire what you need
when traditional resources are scarce.
So, peradventure you might need to trade skills or goods when the need
arises, what are examples of items that are likely to be in short supply
during a disaster? First, consider stocking up on goods with universal
appeal: non-perishable food, hygiene products, medical supplies, and
even some of those durable tools and equipment you bought at the
hardware store. These are important items that people don’t buy enough
of, or forget to buy altogether, and they will surely come in handy in a
trade or barter scenario. Also, buy goods with a long shelf life, like
canned foods, dried foods, and properly stored grains.
Skills can also be exchanged for goods, whether you’re the one with the
skills or with the goods. Skills like first aid, carpentry, or even farming
are usually highly sought after during cases of survival. You can meet
your needs in terms of skills or goods. You should build connections
within your community or local prepper networks, as having a good
rapport with them will facilitate smoother bartering arrangements. This
way, you will also be kept in the loop about their needs and demands.
During a period of survival, you need to keep your stockpile secure to
avoid theft, since a lot of people would want to get their hands on the
things they need by hook or by crook. Separate the items you’ll be
bartering from your regular stockpile, so there won’t be a mix up and
you won’t barter more than you can afford to. Then make an inventory of
your bartering items, quantities, and how you intend to use them.
By doing this, you’re not only making yourself more self-sufficient, but
you’re also making an impact in the community and contributing to the
growth of a resilient and mutually supportive community.


Lastly and very importantly, you need to learn how to rotate your
stockpile. This will help you efficiently manage it and ensure that you
have a fresh supply readily available for use.
First, you need to establish a regular rotation schedule; maybe every
three or six months you dedicate time to accessing and rotating your
stockpile. You can use this opportunity to replace expired or damaged
products. You will use these routine checkups to look for signs of
spoilage, damage, or pests. While doing this, you need to adopt the FIFO
principle, where you use the oldest items in your stockpile first. When
replenishing your stockpile, you’ll add the newer items to the back or
bottom of the storage and push older ones to the top or front for easy
Then, every time you buy new items for your stockpile, keep a detailed
list that includes item descriptions, quantities, and expiration dates, and
always update it every time you use and replace some of these items.
You should also employ a labeling system that’s easy to use and
understand—clearly label items with their expiration dates and storage
instructions. You can choose to donate items that are approaching their
expiration date, and that you can’t use up before that date, to local
charities or food banks. In your little way, you’ll be helping those in
The ability to manage your stockpile rotation is a skill that helps your
preparedness efforts to remain effective and budget-friendly, minimizing
waste, maximizing shelf space, and ensuring you have the necessary
supplies when you need them the most.

Your Food Stockpile Inventory

F orYou'll
instance, let's say you get six tins of canned fish on January 12.
fill in the date that you got it. Next add the product, which is
canned fish (you can add the brand name). Add the quantity of six tins,
and the expiration date, maybe June 16, 2025. Then let's say you take the
next inventory on March 30, and by then, you've used two tins of the
canned fish. You'll write three tins left on the March 30, 2024.

H ey, fellow prepper, you’ve just learned an essential skill common to

all thriving survival preppers—stockpiling. We kicked things off by
understanding the essential food supplies that you need to stockpile, but
just getting these food items is not enough. Efficient storage is important
if your supply will still be useful when needed. Then we looked at how
to stock water and ensure a clean water source anytime.
Of course, your health and that of your loved ones is important, which is
why we looked at essential medical supplies for your wellbeing, and how
to be handy whether in the wilderness or at home. We also learned how
to find alternative energy and fuel sources and how to cater to our
comfort and needs. We capped it all with a very important skill: how to
efficiently manage your stockpile and avoid waste or damage. So, as you
continue on your journey to being a successful prepper, keep these
lessons in your back pocket as you get ready to tackle any challenge that
comes your way.


You know that preppers thrive on self-sufficiency, but moving from a life
dependent on mainstream stores to one where you have to make the most
out of nature can be quite daunting. In a self-sufficient lifestyle, you have
to fend for yourself, and you need skills to thrive. So, in this part, you'll
be learning how to thrive off the grid, be food-sufficient, and able to
protect yourself, loved ones, and home.


O nestockpiling
of the reasons why there are a lot of rules necessary for
food is so that food can last longer and serve you well
when SHTF. There are rising food shortages, rising food prices, and
many other reasons why we prep, which is why now, more than ever,
you need the necessary skills to preserve and store your food. There are
several ways to preserve foods, as you know, some of which we even
practice at home: freezing, smoking, salting, drying, using Mylar bags,
fermenting, etc. Canning is a food preservation method that has stood the
test of time and has been in existence since it was introduced by
Nicholas Appert in 1805, and since then it has improved to include better
techniques. I’ve always loved canning, although my initial experience
with it gave me the solid impression that it’s a stressful ordeal. That was
when I used to visit Nana, but then technology came along, and I’ve
developed more manageable, faster, and efficient methods of canning,
which I’m going to tell you about. We will also discuss other
preservation methods and how they can serve you on this journey, so
let’s get started.

So, what is canning?
Canning is an art, just as cooking is, and can be a form of hobby that
extends the shelf life of perishable food items (Rombauer et al. 2019).
It’s great for homesteaders like me, who will always want to have access
to fresh food items both in season and out of season. It’s also for those
who want to take control of their food supply, reduce waste, and ensure
their family’s sustenance in time of need. For someone who isn’t a fan of
replacing food items but would rather extend their shelf life, canning is
an essential skill. When we can, we seal food in airtight containers and
heat them. This causes the food in the jars to expand, the steam removes
air from the jar, and a barrier for the food is created against bacteria,
yeast, mold, and enzymes, preventing them from acting on the food and
thus keeping it safe to eat for years.
As a prepper, canning is one skill that helps you become more self-
reliant, because not only are you able to grow, harvest, and preserve your
food, but you’re also independent of grocery stores and supply chains,
especially during emergencies. Canning is also a money-saver, letting
you take advantage of seasonal abundance and sales. Food has gotten
expensive, and I’m always shocked at prices every time I go grocery
shopping. With canning, you know you can buy food in bulk (which is
cheaper, trust me) and preserve it, which means you have something to
fall back on during price hikes. Not only does this food preservation
method retain food quality and flavor, but you can also save surplus and
prevent food waste.
There are three methods of canning (one thing I didn’t learn from
canning days with Nana), and they are steam canning, water bath, and
pressure canning. The open kettle method, inversion method, sun
canning, oven/microwave canning, dishwasher canning (no comments on
this one), or other funny methods you might have heard about or seen
being practiced are not safe and so a no-no, as they can’t get completely
get rid of bacteria in your food.
Unlike situations where you need to weigh the pros and cons of three
options, the choice of these methods depends on food acidity and, at
times, your level of expertise.
Steam canning is relatively simple for the beginner; it’s less stressful and
reaches processing temperature quicker than other canning methods. It is
a relatively new canning method (wasn’t recommended until 2015 by Dr
Barbar Ingham in collaboration with the National Center for Home Food
Preservation). This method is suitable for acidic or acidified foods with a
pH of not more than 4.6, like fruits, preserves, and pickled vegetables.
The boiling water bath method is also for canning highly acidic foods
with nothing less than a pH of 4.6, like fruits, pickles, jams, and jellies.
The acidic content of these foods can prevent the growth of Clostridium
botulinum spores, the culprit behind botulism, the most common of
foodborne diseases. This is why they can be safely canned at boiling
temperatures (212°F at sea level), and acids such as lemon juice or citric
acid are added to the water. In the steam canning methods, prepared jars
are arranged in a rack above a reservoir of water and then the steam
generated from the boiling water provides the thermal treatment. In the
boiling water canning method, the prepared jars are fully submerged in
the boiling water.
Then we have the pressure canning method, which is suitable for low-
acid and non-acidic foods (with a pH over 4.6) like vegetables, meats,
seafood, and poultry. It’s the only safe method, to be honest. In this
method, prepared jars of food are placed in water in a pressure canner
(not necessarily submerged as in a boiling water bath) and then heated to
a temperature of 240°F, a temperature that can only be attained in a
pressure canner.
If you don’t can safely, you’re still at the risk of botulism. So, for safe
canning, always follow trusted canning recipes approved by the USDA,
and use proper canning techniques based on your altitude. Also ensure
that your jars, lids, and bands are not damaged so they can seal properly,
and inspect your canned goods before consumption.
I always advise beginners to start with high-acid foods using the water
bath canner or atmospheric steam canning method before they venture
into pressure canning because these canning methods are relatively easy
to get the hang of. So, if you’re looking to take control of your food
supply, whether for emergencies or simply sustainable living, canning is
one skill that empowers you to thrive. The key is to start small.


The main essence of this book is helping you to live a self-sufficient
lifestyle without breaking the bank. Although some canning equipment is
quite expensive, with the right choices and a bit of resourcefulness, you
can preserve your food without compromising on quality and safety.
Let’s start with the basics that won’t stress your wallet too much.
Mason jars: These or canning jars are the most essential item and come
in different sizes (the size you use depends on the quantity of food you
want to can or your canning guide calls for). They also come with lids
that contain both the covers and rims. Now, while the jars can be reused,
the lids and rims cannot. Or you can buy reusable lids, though they’re
expensive. If you would rather not buy lids every time you need to,
buying these will pay for themselves over time. And you can get the jars
from thrift stores or even garage sales, but make sure they are not
cracked or chipped.
Canner: If you’re going to be practicing safe canning, then a canner is
something you can’t skimp on. You can start with a water bath canner.
They’re cheaper and you can get a gently used one (or even a pressure
canner) in a second-hand store. You can also use a large stockpot with a
lid as an alternative to a water bath canner. For the pressure canner, you
can choose to buy one with a weighted gauge, which is cheaper but quite
complicated to use, or one with a dial gauge, which is expensive but
easier to use.
Canning utensils: You’re going to need a funnel, jar lifter, and lid lifter.
Although a normal kitchen funnel works, it was pretty slow and messy
when I used it for canning, while the jar funnel fits into both the regular
and wide-mouth Mason jars. The jar lifter helps you easily transfer a hot
Mason jar. An alternative is tongs with rubber at the end. A lid lifter also
helps you pick lids up out of hot water (when you’re sterilizing them) or
from the countertop for better handling and to avoid contamination. You
can buy the three cheaply in a canning toolset.
Canning racks: This is what you’ll set your prepared jars on, so make
sure they fit inside your canner or stockpot. They can be found
secondhand, or, as an alternative, you can arrange extra Mason jars at the
bottom of your canner.
Kitchen scales: Just as in baking, inaccurate measurement can affect how
your canned produce comes out, so you should have one on hand.
Canning labels: It’s important to label your jars for easy identification. If
you like fancy-schmancy things, you can buy fancy labels, but if not, you
can use masking tape or printable labels.
Ladles: I trust you already have one of these in your kitchen. If not, you
can include one on your shopping list since you’ll be scooping a lot of
things in the canning process.
You can save costs in the canning process by canning in small batches.
Instead of canning everything all at once, focus on what’s in season,
extra produce from your garden harvest, or foods that keep experiencing
a hike in their prices. You can also pool resources and share equipment
with a group of friends or neighbors who also have an interest in
canning. Although, we humans can be funny, so only share if you can
handle the frustration now and then; if not, buy your equipment.
So, as you can see, canning on a budget is very much possible. I can
assure you, the satisfaction of preserving your harvest and being
prepared for any situation is worth every penny spent and saved.


How do we go about this canning process?
Step 1: Gather Your Supplies
As a prepper, you’re to be prepared for everything, without running here
and there to get this and that. Ensure you have every ingredient and piece
of equipment you need. This includes jars in their appropriate sizes, lids
and bands, a jar funnel, a jar lifter, canning pots, and your fruits, meats,
or any other items for canning, necessary spices as per the recipe, and
any other thing you might need to get you through the day. Also, while
doing this, ensure your jars and lids are in pristine condition and, if using
a pressure canner, clean and inspect it before use. Also, make sure the
gauge is accurate before use.
Step 2: Sterilize Your Jars and Lids
Usually, canning will sterilize both jar and food, but if your canning time
is less than 10 minutes, then sterilize all your jars and lids by submerging
them in boiling water for at least 10 minutes, and they should remain hot
until ready to use.
Step 3: Prepare Your Recipe
Following a trusted canning guide, prepare the food you want to can, and
don’t forget to make necessary adjustments for altitude.
Step 4: Fill the Jars
Carefully fill your sterilized jar with your prepared recipe using a ladle
and funnel. There’s always a recommended headspace at the top of the
jar that allows food to expand during processing, so stick to this
recommended headspace.
Step 5: Remove Air Bubbles
You can do this by sliding a non-metallic utensil down the sides of the
jar to release trapped air, as air usually causes spoilage. I use a spatula
for doing this.
Step 6: Apply Lids and Bands
Then I use a damp kitchen towel to wipe the rims of the jars, cleaning off
any residue or food particles so that the jar can seal properly. Then I
place a lid on each jar and secure it tightly with a band. Avoid the band
being so tight that its pressure would break the jar.
Step 7: Canning Time
Arrange the filled jars on the canning rack in your canner. For water bath
canning, submerge the jars in boiling water, ensuring they’re covered by
at least one inch. Begin timing the process once the water reaches a
rolling boil. For pressure canning, fill with about two to three inches of
hot water, and make sure the vent pipe is open before covering the
canner. Vent the canner by adjusting the canner’s heat to a relatively high
temperature, and maintain for about 10 minutes, letting the canner vent
excess air. If it’s a dial range pressure canner, just set the burner on heat
high and let it continue heating until the desired pressure, and start
timing once the pressure reaches 11 pounds. If it’s a weighted gauge,
place the pressure regulator on the canner. Once it is under pressure, the
safety valve (if it has one) will pop up. Once the regulator starts to rock,
turn up the heat until it rattles at a steady pace and start the timer.
Step 8: Remove and Cool
For a water bath canner, simply remove the hot jars using a jar lifter and
place them on a clean towel or cooling rack. You might hear the lids pop
as they seal while cooling. If you’re using a pressure canner, turn the
heat off and let the canner depressurize by itself (please note this: no
funny tricks), the canner will let off a clicking sound once it
depressurizes. Then let the canner cool for about 10 minutes or so before
opening it. Once it is cool, it will have released all the pressure inside,
and you won’t need to force it open. After this, you can remove the jars
the same way as in the water bath method.
Step 9: Test the Seals
After the jars have cooled for about 12–24 hours, I test the seals by
pressing down on the center of each lid. If it doesn’t pop up or down,
that means it is properly sealed. But if it flexes or makes a popping
sound, it is not properly sealed, and you can store it in the refrigerator to
use for later. If there’s no immediate need for it, reprocess immediately.
Step 10: Label and Store
First, remove the bands from the jars as they usually rust over time, then
label each jar with its contents and the date it was canned. Then store
your canned goods in a cool, dark, and dry place. The quality, flavor, and
smell can last for a year or more.
Pressure Canning Altitude Chart

A quick tip: I usually add two spoons of white vinegar to the boiling
water in the canner to prevent water stains on my jars.


Believe me, only a few skills are as rewarding as canning fruits and
veggies. If fresh produce is in surplus now, you might not yet feel how
rewarding it is, but wait until they're out of season and you desperately
want some. The ability to store the vibrant essence of summer or the
bountiful harvest for future consumption is a hallmark of the self-reliant
lifestyle. Let's look at the process involved.
Choosing the Finest Produce
Begin with the best ingredients—ripe, firm, unblemished fruits and
freshly harvested vegetables (nothing later than three hours after
harvesting). Whether it's plump, sun-ripened tomatoes or the juiciest
peaches, selecting top-quality produce is the foundation of successful
Preparation and Processing
Properly prepare your fruits and vegetables by washing, peeling, and
cutting them according to your chosen recipes. The method of processing
—water bath or pressure canning—varies based on the acidity of the
food. High-acid fruits are suitable for water bath canning, while low-acid
vegetables require pressure canning.
Now we go to either hot packing or raw packing.
Raw Packing: This only requires washing, chopping, and packing the
fruits/veggies—there is no need to warm them first. Raw packaging is
quicker and less stressful than heat packing. The difference in result is
that the fruit can float, which means huge pieces of fruit float to the
surface during canning. This a common occurrence in raw packaging but
is absent in heat packaging. During the canning process, some of the
floating fruit pieces will turn brown. It has no impact on the taste or
quality, but call me picky ‘cause I like my food to look a certain way.
Hot Packing: Cook the food until boiling, then reduce the heat and
simmer for two to five minutes. Then, loosely pack these boiling
fruits/veggies into the jars you are using (since they've already shrunk in
size). You should boil the fruits in the sugar syrup, if you're going to add
it, or with the canning liquid you intend to use.
Although raw-packed and hot-packed fruits/veggies may appear the
same after canning, hot packing remains my preferred method for
prepping fruits for preservation. Fruits/veggies packed hot retain more of
their color and flavor throughout a short time of storage than fruits
packed uncooked. It increases the shelf life by reducing the food,
removing air from the food tissues, increasing the vacuum in sealed jars,
and keeping food from floating in the jars.
After hot or raw packing into jars with the required headspace and
pouring in the canning liquid (can be syrup), put fruits in the water bath
canner and vegetables in the pressure canner for the required time. Once
your canning process is complete, allow the jars to cool, check for
sealing, and label them with the contents and the date of canning. Store
them in a cool, dark, and dry place. Regularly check for signs of
spoilage, such as bulging lids or off odors.
Also, fruits usually darken if on the shelf for long. Some solutions for
canning fluid can help prevent this if, like me, you like your food to look
as delicious as it tastes.

1. Use 1 gallon of water to 2 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons

of vinegar.
2. Mix commercial ascorbic and citric acid with 1 gallon of water.
The amount of the ascorbic and citric acid should be based on the
product’s description.
3. Crush and dissolve 3000 mg of vitamin C tablets (that is six 500
mg tablets) in 1 gallon of water.
4. Mix 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid powder with 1 gallon of water.

Canning fruits and vegetables is more than a preservation method; it’s a

celebration of self-sufficiency. It empowers you to enjoy the flavors of
each season year-round, strengthening your food security.


Canning meats and proteins is a valuable skill for self-sufficiency and
preparedness. It ensures a reliable source of protein even in challenging
situations. And it is very versatile, as you can warm meat/fish and eat it
right out of the jar, thus you can make a quick meal without having to
rush to the market or thaw frozen meat (which I find tedious).
To can meats, begin with high-quality meat. Look for lean cuts with
minimal fat, as fat can affect the quality and shelf life of canned meat.
Meats are low-acid foods, except for fish which must be canned using a
pressure canner.
Trim any visible fat and cut the meat into manageable chunks or slices.
Season lightly if desired, but avoid using thickeners or flour. You can
also raw pack meats, where you pack it just the way it is after washing
and cutting. Or hot pack, where you steam, boil, or bake the meat until it
is about two-thirds done (for rabbits and chicken). I usually add in the
broth when packing the meat pieces into the jar and, of course, I can only
get the broth from hot packing, which is probably why it's my go-to
choice for packing meats as well. Or you can use the browning method,
where you heat the meat in hot oil for a while. All you need to do for
fish, however, is nob, wash, descale, and brine.
Clean and sterilize your canning jars, lids, and rings. Keep them hot until
ready for use to prevent temperature shock. Fill hot, sterilized jars with
the prepared meat, leaving the recommended headspace (usually 1 inch
for meats, rabbits, and poultry, and 1 1⁄4 inches for fish). Add hot water or
broth to cover the meat, leaving the same headspace.
Remove air bubbles, wipe jar rims, and apply the lids and rings.
For the meat, poultry, and rabbit, process pint-sized jars for 75 minutes
and quart-sized jars for 90 minutes at a pressure specified for your
altitude. You process fish in pint-sized jars for 100 minutes and fish in
quart-sized jars for 160 minutes.
Cool and check seals. Then label and store properly.
And to answer the question you're asking: yes, you can process all kinds
of meats, both domesticated and hunted.
Canning meats provides a valuable source of protein for your self-
sufficiency journey. Ensure you follow reliable recipes and guidelines to
maintain safety and quality.


Pickles are yummy, and instead of buying pickles from the store, you can
make a batch in the comfort of your home. When people hear the word
fermentation, they often only think of yogurt, beer, or wine—or at least
that's what a millennial I recently discussed this topic with thought. Yet
even your foods at home can be fermented. Pickling and fermentation are
time-tested methods of preserving food that every self-sufficient
enthusiast should master. These techniques extend the shelf life of your
harvest and enhance flavor and nutritional value.
Pickling involves immersing food items in a solution, typically vinegar
or brine, to preserve them. The acidity in the pickling solution prevents
the growth of spoilage microorganisms. Pickled items are known for
their tangy, sharp flavors. Common pickled foods include cucumbers
(pickles), onions, and various vegetables.
Fermentation, on the other hand, is a natural process where beneficial
microorganisms, like lactic acid bacteria, break down sugars and starches
in food, creating an environment hostile to harmful bacteria. This method
preserves food while developing unique, complex flavors. Fermented
foods include sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, and kombucha.
Key Steps for Successful Pickling and Fermentation
Ensure all equipment, jars, and utensils are thoroughly cleaned and
sanitized. Any residual bacteria can affect the fermentation process
(Katz, 2016).
Proper Containers
Use appropriate containers for pickling and fermentation, such as glass
jars with tight-fitting lids. These help to maintain a controlled
Salt and Seasonings
Use the right type and amount of salt for fermentation (avoid iodized
salt). Herbs, spices, and seasonings can be added for flavor. Follow
recipes carefully to maintain the correct salt-to-water ratio.
Temperature Control
Keep the fermentation process at the right temperature. Most
fermentations occur between 60°F and 75°F (15°C to 24°C). Cooler
temperatures slow down the process, while higher temperatures can lead
to spoilage.
Fermentation takes time; it can range from days to weeks. Allow the
process to proceed naturally and check for signs of completion, like
bubbles and a sour aroma.
Once fermentation or pickling is complete, store your preserved foods in
a cool, dark place or a refrigerator. Properly sealed containers help
maintain freshness.
Steps Involved

Wash and sterilize canning jars, lids, and rings.

Slice cucumbers or other vegetables into desired shapes and pack
them into the jars.
Create a pickling solution by heating equal parts water and
vinegar. Add salt, sugar, and your choice of pickling spices.
Pour the hot pickling liquid over the vegetables, leaving some
Wipe the jar rims, place the lids on, and screw the rings until they
are fingertip tight.
Let the jars cool to room temperature, and then refrigerate them
for a few days to develop flavors.

Now we want our pickles to taste as good as, if not better than, store-
bought ones, so here are some tips to ensure that crunchy solid taste
you’re used to.

Use fresh, well-developed pickles.

Remove blossoms from cucumbers.
Fully submerge them in brine.
Ensure that the salt and acid to water ratio is perfect and follow
instructions to the letter.
Ensure that the container is airtight.
Don't overcook or undercook.
Avoid using too much spice.

These methods offer a wealth of possibilities for self-sufficiency. Not

only can you preserve the fruits and vegetables you've grown, but you
can also create delicious, probiotic-rich foods that contribute to a healthy
Dehydrating foods is a valuable skill for self-sufficiency enthusiasts. It
allows you to extend the shelf life of your harvest, reduce food waste,
and create lightweight, portable snacks for your adventures. It is an eco-
friendly way to reduce food waste, minimize your carbon footprint, and
another reason to buy food in bulk.
You can dehydrate a wide range of foods, including fruits, vegetables,
herbs, and meats. Choose ripe, fresh produce for the best results. Slice or
chop them uniformly to ensure even drying.
Dehydrated foods are incredibly versatile. Use them for backpacking
meals, trail snacks, camping trips, or as additions to your daily meals. All
you need to do is rehydrate dehydrated vegetables and meats with hot
water for quick and nutritious dishes. They retain most of their
nutritional value, including vitamins and minerals, and they are free from
additives or preservatives, making them a healthy choice for your self-
sufficient lifestyle.
You need to first invest in a good-quality food dehydrator. You can also
consider using your oven or even the sun for solar dehydration.
Dehydrators offer precise temperature control, making them a popular
Some foods will first have to be blanched or soaked in citric acid or
lemon juice to preserve color and flavor. Follow the recommended
preparation steps for each specific food item. After this, place your
prepared foods on dehydrator trays or oven racks, leaving space for air
circulation. Set the temperature according to the food you're dehydrating.
Fruits typically dry at 135°F (57°C), while vegetables and herbs require
slightly higher temperatures.
Drying times vary depending on the food and drying method. Regularly
check your foods for dryness. Pieces should be leathery and free of
moisture. I kept a record of the drying times of most food items I
preserve, so I don't need to constantly go and check if they're fully dried
or not. You can also keep a record.
Allow the dehydrated foods to cool completely before packaging. Store
them in airtight containers, vacuum-sealed bags, or glass jars with tight-
fitting lids. Keep your dehydrated foods in a cool, dark, and dry place.
Experiment with different foods, create your flavor combinations, and
enjoy the convenience of having nutritious, homemade snacks at your


We preppers can't do without vacuum-sealing and Mylar bags; they're
practical and have many benefits, as discussed next.
Preserving Freshness
Vacuum sealing removes air from containers, Mylar bags, or vacuum-
seal bags. This airtight environment prevents the growth of bacteria,
molds, and fungi, preserving the freshness of your food for an extended
Longer Shelf Life
By eliminating oxygen, vacuum-sealing and Mylar bags can significantly
extend the shelf life of various food items, including grains, beans, dried
fruits, and more. Some foods can last up five to ten times longer when
properly sealed.
Protecting Against Moisture
Mylar bags are particularly effective at shielding your food from
moisture, which can lead to spoilage and the growth of harmful
microorganisms. This feature is essential for safeguarding your stockpile
of essentials.
Easy Storage
Vacuum-sealed packages and Mylar bags are compact and stackable,
optimizing your storage space. This is crucial for those living off the grid
or with limited storage capacity.
Preserving Nutritional Value
Vacuum sealing maintains the nutritional value of your food by
preventing oxidation, which can cause nutrient degradation over time.
Customizable Portions
You can portion your food items before sealing, allowing you to use only
what you need and minimizing waste.
Protection Against Pests
Mylar bags provide an extra layer of defense against pests and critters
that might infiltrate your food storage area.
Using a Vacuum Sealer

1. Prepare Your Food: Start by preparing the food you want to

vacuum seal. This can include dried goods, meats, vegetables, or
2. Choose the Right Bag: Select an appropriate vacuum-seal bag or
roll for your food items. Ensure the bag is clean and free from
any residue.
3. Portion Your Food: If you plan to use the food in portions, divide
it accordingly before sealing. This helps you avoid opening and
resealing the bag multiple times.
4. Sealing the Bag: Place the food items in the bag, leaving some
space at the top for sealing. Ensure that no food particles or
liquids come into contact with the sealing area, as this can
prevent a proper seal.
5. Seal the Bag: Place the open end of the bag into the vacuum
sealer's sealing channel. Close the lid and select the appropriate
sealing setting. The machine will remove the air from the bag and
heat-seal it. Wait for the machine to complete the process.
6. Label and Date: After sealing, label the bag with the contents and
date of sealing. This helps you keep track of freshness and
expiration dates.
7. Store Properly: Store your vacuum-sealed bags in a cool, dry, and
dark place. Keep them away from direct sunlight, extreme
temperatures, and humidity.

Using Mylar Bags

1. Choose the Right Mylar Bag: Mylar bags are particularly

effective for long-term food storage. Ensure your bags are food-
grade and come with oxygen absorbers if needed.
2. Prepare Your Food: Similar to vacuum sealing, start by preparing
the food you want to store. Divide it into portions if necessary.
3. Use Oxygen Absorbers (personal choice): For extra protection
against oxygen, you can include oxygen absorber packets in your
Mylar bags. These packets will remove any remaining oxygen
after sealing.
4. Fill the Mylar Bag: Fill the Mylar bag with your food items. Be
cautious not to overfill; leave some space at the top for sealing.
5. Seal the Mylar Bag: Seal the open end of the Mylar bag using a
hot iron or a specialized bag sealer. Ensure you achieve a tight
seal across the entire width of the bag.
6. Double-Bag for Added Protection: For an additional layer of
defense against oxygen and moisture, you can double-bag your
Mylar bags.
7. Label and Date: As with vacuum-sealed bags, label the Mylar
bags with the contents and date of sealing.
8. Proper Storage: Store your Mylar bags the same way as vacuum-
sealed bags—in a cool, dry, and dark place.

Both vacuum-sealing and Mylar bags are excellent methods for food
preservation. When done correctly, they can extend the shelf life of your
food items, ensuring you have a reliable source of sustenance in
challenging times.
Remember to regularly check your stored food for any signs of damage,
and rotate items to maintain freshness. With these techniques, you'll be
well-prepared for self-sufficient living and emergencies.


Long-term food preservation is very important in the life of a prepper. If
you can't preserve food long-term, it's almost the same as being a hoarder
because the food you store will no longer be of value to you in a very
short while. As a dedicated survivalist, you understand that securing a
reliable source of sustenance is paramount. This is why we'll be
discussing two other methods, aside from the ones we've discussed, to
preserve food for extended periods while maintaining its nutritional
value and flavor.
Freeze-Drying: While not the most accessible method for the average
prepper, freeze-drying is highly effective for long-term preservation. It
involves freezing food and then slowly removing the moisture in a
vacuum chamber. The result is food with a remarkably extended shelf
life and that retains its original taste and nutritional value.
Root Cellaring: For those fortunate enough to have access to a root cellar
(which most farmers have and use), it offers a fantastic way to store
crops like potatoes, carrots, and apples. These naturally cool and humid
environments help maintain freshness for months.
Regardless of the method chosen, proper storage conditions are essential.
Store your preserved food in a cool, dry, and dark location, away from
direct sunlight, extreme temperatures, and humidity. Regularly inspect
and rotate your stock to ensure freshness.
Long-term food preservation is not only a practical skill but also a smart
investment in your self-sufficiency journey. It provides peace of mind
knowing that you have a secure source of nourishment in times of need.


Being a prepper doesn't mean you can't be creative. Life can be quite
bland without creativity, if you ask me. Creative canning recipes not only
extend your food stores but also tantalize your taste buds during times of
Fruit Salsas
Elevate your game with fruit salsas. Mix diced peaches, tomatoes,
jalapeños, onions, and cilantro. Season with a dash of lime juice and a
pinch of salt. These salsas make excellent companions for grilled meats
or as toppings for tacos and burritos.
Herb-Infused Oils
Preserve the essence of fresh herbs like rosemary, basil, or thyme by
infusing them into oils. It's very simple: blanch the herbs, place them in a
jar, and pour warmed olive oil over them. Seal and store. Then add these
aromatic oils to salads, pasta, and roasted vegetables.
Spiced Jams
Take a break from the ordinary and experiment with spiced jams.
Combine seasonal fruits like apples, pears, or plums with warm spices
like cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg. These jams are perfect for spreading
on toast or glazing roasted meats.
Pickled Vegetables with a Twist
Traditional pickles are delightful, but don't stop there. Experiment with
unique combinations like pickled asparagus with dill and garlic or
pickled watermelon rinds with a hint of ginger. These add flair to
charcuterie boards and salads.
Savory Chutneys
Chutneys are a canning gem. Craft them with fruits like mangoes,
peaches, or cranberries paired with onions, vinegar, and spices. They
make splendid accompaniments to cheese platters or roasted meats.
Tomato Concoctions
Tomatoes are incredibly versatile. Consider canning your tomato sauces
infused with garden-fresh herbs and garlic. Or get creative with tomato-
based salsas that incorporate ingredients like corn, black beans, and
Beverage Concentrates
Don't limit canning to just food. Create concentrated syrups for
refreshing beverages. Lemonade concentrate, fruit-infused simple
syrups, and even spiced apple cider concentrates can be stored for
months and reconstituted with water when needed.
The key to creative canning recipes is experimentation and imagination.
Start with trusted recipes and, as you gain confidence, make
modifications to suit your preferences. Record your creations so that you
can replicate your culinary successes.


No matter how long we want to preserve our foods, safety and hygiene
are still very important. This is why you must follow crucial, rigorous
practices that keep your provisions safe for the long haul. How do you do
1. Start with Pristine Ingredients
Your canned goods are only as good as the ingredients you use. Begin
with fresh, high-quality produce and proteins. Inspect them for any signs
of spoilage and discard anything questionable. Remember, the quality of
your starting materials impacts the result.
2. Sterilize Your Equipment
Before you embark on any canning adventure, ensure that your canning
equipment is impeccably clean and sterilized. This includes jars, lids,
funnels, and utensils. Use hot, soapy water and follow up with thorough
rinsing or dishwasher sterilization.
3. Choose the Right Processing Method
Don't forget that different canning methods are suitable for different food
types. Water bath canning and atmospheric steam canning are suitable
for high-acid foods like fruits, jams, and pickles, while low-acid foods,
including meats and vegetables, require pressure canning. Using the
wrong method can result in unsafe preservation.
4. Follow Proven Recipes
Reliable recipes from trusted sources are your best friends in the canning
world. Deviating from established recipes can lead to underprocessing or
overprocessing, both of which can result in spoiled food. Refer to
reputable resources like the USDA or respected canning books.
5. Mind Your Headspace
When filling jars, leave the recommended headspace as specified in your
recipe. This headspace allows for expansion during processing and helps
create a proper vacuum seal.
6. Handle Lids with Care
Always use new, undamaged canning lids. After simmering them in hot
water, ensure they are clean and dry before placing them on jars. Screw
the bands on firmly but not too tightly to allow air to escape during
7. Maintain Cleanliness
Throughout the canning process, maintain a clean workspace. Wipe off
any spills promptly, especially on jar rims. Cleanliness minimizes the
risk of contamination and mold growth.
8. Process Safely
Diligently follow your recipe's instructions for processing times and
pressures. These times and pressures are meticulously calculated to
destroy harmful microorganisms while preserving food quality.
9. Store Correctly
Once your jars are sealed and cooled, store them in a cool, dark, and dry
place. Inspect jars regularly for signs of seal failure or spoilage, such as
bulging lids or off odors.
10. Label and Rotate
Label your canned goods with the contents and the date of processing.
Implement a "first in, first out" system to ensure you consume older
items first, maintaining freshness and nutritional value.
By adhering to these safety and hygiene practices, you'll not only create
a well-stocked pantry but also guarantee that your preserved foods
remain a source of sustenance in times of need.

What food preservation method do you prefer and why?

Preserve food using your preferred food preservation method and explain
how the process went.

W hile stockpiling your food, it is also very important to be able to

preserve your food for the long term. You must be able to make the
resources you’re stockpiling last—to make every meal count.
Throughout this chapter, we’ve explored the many budget-friendly ways
to preserve food supplies. Now, you can go ahead and preserve your food
for up to several years.


T heprepping
moment I told some of my friends that I’d started the survival-
lifestyle, they immediately imagined me living in a shack in
the middle of nowhere, with a hat on my head, herding sheep and cattle
with my wife busy tending to the garden in our backyard. Can’t blame
them, that’s what comes to lots of people’s minds when you tell them
you want to start a self-sufficient lifestyle or start living off the grid. You
probably had that mental picture as well when you first read the chapter
topic. Yes, I moved away from the city, but not to a shack in the middle
of nowhere, herding cattle and sheep.
When I made the life-changing choice to live off the grid, I didn’t know
I’d love it as much as I do right now. It has reshaped who I am as a
person. It has reconnected me back to nature and family, and I am living
an independent lifestyle where I don’t have to depend on other people for
my food, water, shelter, and energy.
I’m not making an ad or campaign or something, but the moment you
start living off the grid, trust me, you’ll never want to go back.


Selecting the right location for your off-grid adventure is a thrilling yet
significant decision. One thing about off-grid living is that if you don’t
choose a location that is just right for you, living off the grid will be
frustrating instead of an enjoyable experience. Living off the grid is
about seizing control of your life, and this begins with choosing the
perfect location for your unique needs.
So, while making this choice and scouring the net for potential locations,
don’t forget to define your vision for off-the-grid living, as this will
guide whatever decisions you make. Do you want complete
independence or a balanced approach with some modern conveniences?
The answer to this will determine if you’ll live in the remote wilderness
or on the outskirts of a small community that will help you perfectly
blend both convenience and an off-the-grid lifestyle.
This will help you decide how far you want to be from civilization and
how much distance you want between yourself and the closest town or
city. Do you want access to amenities, public transportation, or other
essential services? Also, you have to consider the climate of the locations
you’ve pinned down. Whether you’d prefer beachside tranquility,
mountain vistas, a change of seasons, or a temperate climate, you’re
choosing a place to live, so let it be a place you love as well. Check for a
natural water source like a well, spring, or river, and ensure the land in
that location has a solid bedrock for building structures, avoid wetlands
or land that constantly experiences floods.
If you want to grow your food, keep animals or go fishing or hunting,
then the location you pick should permit these activities to make the
goals you set in chapter 1 more feasible. No matter where you choose to
stay, it must be a place your family and friends can easily come to visit,
whether for a social visit or in case of emergencies. A prepper’s life is
not a hermit’s life, so how close do you still want to be to your social
circle? When you narrow down your options, you can then research the
rules and regulations governing land use, building, and self-sufficiency.
If your goals don’t align with the region’s policies, then things might not
work out the way you want. Don’t forget to also consider the costs and
expenses of living in your chosen location—account for property taxes,
mortgage payments, and what you have.
The Perfect Off-Grid Location: It’s Personal
The best off-grid location is not a one-size-fits-all concept; it’s about
what resonates with you. Create a list of your needs, focusing on the
“holy trinity” of survival: water, shelter, and food. Select a location
where these essential resources are readily available without constant
Embrace technology and the internet to connect your off-grid lifestyle
with the world. The internet allows off-gridders to reach a global
community, contribute to society, and maintain the social aspect of life
while living self-sufficiently. I am off the grid right now, but thanks to
the internet, I can also contribute my quota to the prepper’s community
and society at large.
In summary, your perfect off-grid location is a personal choice that
mirrors your unique needs and aspirations. Ensure it provides the
essential resources for survival while accommodating your desired
lifestyle. This location, guided by your vision, will serve as the
foundation for your self-sufficient off-grid journey.

You are not self-sufficient if you don’t have some essential survival
skills. Since the essence of off-grid living is independence, lacking some
skills will ultimately make you dependent. Self-reliance and
resourcefulness are the first qualities you should possess. You should be
able to use what you already have to get by in an emergency and be
creative in your problem-solving. Additionally, you should be able to
locate a clean water source and learn how to treat it so that it is suitable
for drinking. You can also learn how to grow your own food through
gardening, foraging, rearing animals, fishing, or even hunting. And you
need to know how to store your food effectively for long-term
Even if you don’t have to build your house yourself when living off the
grid, you’ll still need some structures like a pen house, yurt, or tree
house. You can even make some changes to your current home, but for
this you’ll need skills like construction and materials like insulation.
You’ll even need to learn how to harness alternative energy sources if
you want your dwelling to be habitable. When you are in desperate need
of heat, starting a fire will provide more than just heat for warmth and
cooking; it will boost your mental health immediately, which is why you
also need to understand how to start and maintain fires. In case of
injuries and health emergencies, you want immediate help, so you need
basic medical knowledge plus a well-stocked medical kit.
If your choice of location ends up being someplace remote, you’ll need
navigation skills to ensure that you always find your way back home.
And while we hope for the best, it’s good to always be prepared for the
worst, so you’ll need to be good at self-defense techniques and learn how
to safeguard your home against potential threats. No matter where your
heart takes you, embrace the off-grid community spirit and join forces
with like-minded people for mutual support, sharing resources, and a
sense of camaraderie.
These survival skills are tools you need if you’re going to thrive as a
self-sufficient prepper, and then you can be sure you’ll have an enjoyable


If you’re moving from an urban area or city to somewhere remote, then I
can assure you that a life without electricity is not one that you’re ready
for. I lived without electricity for only a week before I couldn’t take it
any longer. At this point, harnessing solar power and alternative energy
sources is your lifeline to a self-sufficient future. One thing you need to
know as a prepper is that solar energy is not only a technology for the
future but a game-changer for us off-the-gridders.
First, you need to understand passive solar, which, unlike its name,
doesn’t include solar batteries or panels. It’s more about designing your
home and its orientation to keep summer heat out and winter heat in. For
example, this might entail building your house with windows facing
south in the northern hemisphere or windows facing north in the
southern hemisphere, or building your home near the shade of a large
tree in a hot climate. You can also insulate to prevent heat loss through
the walls, ceilings, or floors to ensure heat in the winter and cool in the
summer by adding thermal mass to your off-grid home design. You can
use materials like cob, brick, or even tiles.
Now, to harness solar power—solar panels convert sunlight into
electricity that you can use to power your home and appliances, like
charging your laptop, phone, or even the cooker and water heater. Panels
can basically supply all your electricity needs. So, the first thing you
need to do is quantify your daily energy usage. You can easily do this
with an electricity use monitor, and you can switch out some of your
appliances for more efficient ones to cut down on your solar
Quantifying your energy needs will help you know the amount of
wattage (determines the amount of electrical output your solar panel will
be able to generate in optimal conditions) to get when installing your
solar panel. There are also three major types of solar panels to choose
from, and they include: the monocrystalline which, is the most expensive
but has the highest efficiency; and the thin film, which is the cheapest
and has the lowest efficiency; and the polycrystalline, which is
somewhere in between. You can choose to install them yourself and then
pay an electrician to examine them. I did (I got the all-clear, though, and
was even commended for a job well done). If you’d rather not go that
route, you can choose to pay for installation, which can cost as much as
$10,000 for a 1000-square-foot-sized home to well over $75,000.
The batteries are actually the most expensive part of installing a solar
panel, but a battery is also what differentiates an off-grid solar panel
from an on-grid solar panel. If you’re looking for a long-lasting and
better-performing battery, then the lithium-ion is the best choice. It is the
most expensive but also has the longest lifespan, is low weight, and
requires the barest minimum maintenance. Coming right after it is the
nickel ion battery with a mid-price point. They also last long and even
withstand being under or overcharged. Right after them, comes the AGM
battery, which is also mid-price but is a sealed gel battery that performs
better. The cheapest of all is the flooded lead acid battery, which has the
shortest lifespan and causes off-gassing fumes (so it can only be stored
outside). It also requires constant maintenance.
Other important components of your off-grid solar system include the
charge controller, which monitors charge input to your batteries; the
inverter, which converts DC to AC; the battery protection to prevent
electrical surges; the battery monitor that tells you how charged your
batteries are; and the breaker box that distributes 120V energy to your
household plugs, wiring, fuses, and other miscellaneous items.
Ensure that your solar panel is large enough to fully charge your battery
because undercharging or overcharging your battery can damage it. Also,
there’s nothing wrong with having a backup for your backup in case a
crazy storm comes that causes a lack of sunlight for a week or more. If
you can, invest in wind turbines, hydroelectric systems, or a generator.
This will not only ensure that you are ready for any scenario but will also
help you reduce your carbon footprint and have peace of mind.


Whether on the grid or off the grid, you can agree with me that access to
clean water is non-negotiable. Off the grid, we usually rely on nature’s
gifts for our water sources: rain, rivers, springs, and stream flow. You can
easily harvest rainwater by collecting it from your roof and storing it in
tanks (that’s if you’re using a non-toxic roofing material). It’s pure and
free, and you can drink it, use it to cook, water your plants, and meet
other water needs. Rivers and streams are not only good water sources
but also perfect for micro hydropower. If you’re going to use them for
your water needs, just make sure you employ a filtration system. It’s hard
to find land with a spring on it, but in case you get lucky and your land
has one, make sure to install a pump system, and do your best to avoid
contaminating or damaging it. Also, you’ll need an additional water
In case all things fail, wells are one of the most reliable options but also
the most expensive. They cost about $5,000, and the price is dependent
on the depth required for drilling, which means it can still increase. Once
your well is drilled, it is usually a source of clean, healthy, mineral water,
and it requires little to no maintenance. It also needs a pump. You can
opt for the solar, hand, or electrically powered one. If your land has a
high water table, you can dig a well, which is much cheaper to do, and
line it with cement casings or even stones.
As always, you must be prepared for the worst. In case your water source
gets compromised, always have water stored in food-grade containers
that can last you for as long as the emergency. And quality matters, so
investing in filtration and water purification systems is necessary.


The cornerstone of off-grid living is sustainable food production, and
you can’t say you’re self-sufficient if you cannot grow and produce your
own food. This entails more than just planting crops, as anyone can do
this (my grandkid planted corn for a school project). Instead, it’s about
you creating a resilient food system that can withstand any challenges.
A lot of things go into this process, and you have to focus on crops that
thrive in your region because that’s the only way you can be assured of a
resilient food system. Then to ensure that you grow only organic foods
and not the chemical-infused ones we get from stores, you have to
implement organic gardening techniques, and you need composting and
water conservation to sustain your organic gardening practices.
Practicing organic gardening will also help your land stay healthy for a
long time.
Aside from growing crops, you can also complement your food
production process by practicing animal husbandry. You’ll get eggs,
dairy products, and meat on your farm. All you need to do is ensure
they’re well-fed and properly taken care of.
As a prepper, you shouldn’t eat all your harvest, but save some seeds for
the next planting season. That’s the way to ensure that you have food
every harvest season. Embracing permaculture principles will also help
you produce healthy food in abundance.


Off-grid waste management is a key component of self-sufficient living.
Maintaining a clean environment extends beyond simply your immediate
surroundings; it also involves reducing your ecological footprint and
making sure your off-grid existence is sustainable.
Consider eco-friendly substitutes for waste management that work. The
creation of nutrient-rich soil for your garden through composting is a
great approach to reduce kitchen waste. To manage human waste
properly and hygienically, you can also install a low-tech, off-grid septic
Another important element is recycling. When feasible, reuse resources
and find inventive new uses for them. Living off the grid frequently calls
for adopting a “waste not, want not” philosophy.
When living off the grid, it’s imperative to take a “leave no trace” stance.
This entails disposing of waste responsibly by burning or burying non-
recyclable waste. It’s important to be knowledgeable about local laws
and environmental effects, though.
Effective trash management improves your independence while also
assisting in environmental protection. By managing waste properly off
the grid, you reduce your dependency on outside services and show a
dedication to protecting the environment while coexisting peacefully
with it.


Off-grid living doesn’t mean cutting ties with the outside world; effective
communication is essential, especially during emergencies. Some tools
you can have in hand, aside from your laptops and phones, include the
Ham Radios: They are a tried and tested method. They offer reliable
long-distance communication and are relatively easy to learn to use.
Plus, they allow you to connect with a like-minded community of ham
radio enthusiasts.
Satellite Phones: When you’re far from cell towers, satellite phones
come to the rescue. They ensure connectivity even in the most remote
areas. While they can be expensive, they are invaluable for emergencies.
CB Radios: They are a cost-effective option for short-range
communication. They are commonly used in off-road and outdoor
Hand-Crank Radios: Invest in a hand-cranked or solar-powered
emergency radio. These devices can charge your mobile phone and keep
you updated with weather alerts and news.
Messengers: Utilize messenger apps that work offline, like FireChat or
Signal. Preload maps and establish a communication plan with your off-
grid community.
Emergency Signaling: Learn basic signaling methods, such as Morse
code or the use of signal mirrors. These low-tech approaches can be
surprisingly effective.
By combining these communication methods, you can stay connected
and informed, ensuring your safety and peace of mind as you embrace
off-grid living.


Building off-grid structures that stand up to the test of self-sufficient
living is both an art and a science. It’s about creating spaces that are not
only functional but harmonize with nature. Plus, they can utilize passive
solar design as well as thermal mass and solar systems, which I
mentioned in the section on solar power and alternatives.
Set up a rainwater collection system for rainwater harvesting. It’s a
sustainable way to secure your water needs while reducing reliance on
wells or municipal sources. The materials and equipment you need for
this include a non-toxic roofing material, water collection tanks, a tank
screen, a water filter, a pump system, underground pipes that lead to
indoor plumbing, a first flush diverter, and a water level indicator.
Also, perchance traditional plumbing is not a feasible option, composting
toilets are an eco-friendly solution that helps turn waste into valuable
compost for your garden with the aid of a urine diverter that separates
liquid from solids and breaks down solid waste using ash and sawdust or
peat moss. The separate components of composting toilets allow for
emptying. You can empty the liquids at the base of “manure trees,” and
the solids can be poured into a compost pile or trash can. The solids
usually look like garden soil at this point.
You can also design your compost toilet yourself, a cheaper option, if
you ask me. These designs are usually pits dug in outhouses so the waste
can compost in place. The only downside is that there is no urine diverter
but you can have ash, sawdust, or peat moss at hand for the composting
While constructing any structure, plan for expansion. Ensure your
structure can accommodate changes in your needs and lifestyle.
By combining these strategies, you can create off-grid homes that are
resilient, eco-friendly, and perfectly suited to the challenges and rewards
of self-sufficient living.
While living off the grid offers unparalleled freedom, it’s crucial to
navigate the legal and regulatory landscape.
The first thing you need to keep in mind is zoning regulations. The
structures you can build and permitted land usage depends on the local
zoning, which is why you must always check with the local government
to ensure your off-grid project complies with zoning regulations. You
also need to be aware of property rights and land ownership so you can
identify and respect land boundaries. While you might live
independently, you shouldn’t live independently of safety, so ensure that
you follow the building codes and safety standards the local government
has in place.
We preppers are also environmentalists, so you need to do your part in
protecting the environment by familiarizing yourself with laws related to
waste disposal, water use, and land management. Some regions have
laws requiring utility connections, even if you are self-sufficient. Explore
any exemptions or alternative compliance options that may be available.
Living off the grid is not without tax implications. Investigate the tax
codes relevant to your area to understand how your self-sufficiency
efforts might impact your finances. Ensure you have legal access to your
property. Easements and right-of-way agreements may affect your off-
grid plans.
While navigating these legal aspects may seem daunting, it’s essential to
ensure a smooth off-grid lifestyle. Always consult with local authorities
and legal professionals to understand the specific regulations and
requirements in your area.


If it has always been your dream to thrive off the grid, but you have been
held back by your budget, I am glad to tell you that your dream can now
become a reality.
1. Start Small and Simple
Begin with the basics. A tiny off-grid cabin, solar panels, and rainwater
collection can create a comfortable and sustainable living space without
a hefty investment.
2. DIY Everything
Learn new skills, from carpentry to gardening. DIY projects save money
and empower you with essential knowledge. As I mentioned, YouTube is
a huge classroom where you can find everything you need.
3. Second-Hand and Salvaged Materials
If you’re not picky, you can scour garage sales, online marketplaces, and
local recycling centers for materials. Repurpose, reuse, and upcycle to
reduce costs.
4. Rainwater Harvesting
Collect and filter rainwater for all your non-potable water needs. It’s a
sustainable way to reduce dependency on traditional water sources.
5. Grow Your Food
Establish a garden or permaculture setup. Growing your food cuts
grocery costs and provides fresh, organic produce.
6. Barter and Trade
Create a local network for bartering skills, surplus produce, or even
services. This can be a cost-effective way to meet your needs.
7. Financial Savviness
Carefully craft a budget with your expenses and stick to it. Prioritize
essentials and minimize waste.
8. Community Involvement
Engage with your local off-grid community. Shared resources and
knowledge exchange can lead to significant savings.
9. Continuous Learning
Stay informed about off-grid living practices and innovations. Embrace
the learning process as you adapt to this lifestyle.
Thriving off the grid on a tight budget is a journey that rewards self-
reliance and sustainability. Remember, it’s not about how much you
spend but how well you adapt and innovate to live comfortably and
harmoniously with nature.

Deciding Your Location

What’s your off-grid goal?

What locations are well-suited to your off-grid goal?
The cost of living and expenses in these locations you’ve pinned down:
Which of these locations are within your budget?

Rules and regulations guiding the locations:

Which of these regions’ policies are within your goal?
Which of the remaining locations do you love the most?

L iving off-grid might have always been your dream, but after this
chapter, I can honestly say you have what it takes to live off-grid.
You now know how to live sustainably without exceeding your budget.
And now that you’ve discovered the power of self-reliance, I’m sure
you’re ready to choose that way of life.


A smust
a prepper who is always prepared for anything and everything, you
also be ready to defend your home and property against all
forms of threats. Even if you’re living on the grid, it’s been proven over
and over again that the world is not a safe place. With home invasions,
violent crime on the streets, and the like, you can’t always expect the
police to save you. Locks keep only honest people out, and people can
easily kick down a door or rip it apart from the hinges. This means you
have to make your home impenetrable and be able to save yourself and
loved ones from danger. Thus, you need to put defense strategies in


To secure your off-grid haven, the first thing you need to do is assess
your home security to identify the needs of, and lapses in, your home
security system. To get started, you’ll conduct a perimeter evaluation
where you walk around your property’s perimeter and check for
vulnerable points like broken fences, overgrown vegetation, or even
unsecured entry points. Noticing these vulnerable points is not enough,
as you should also fix these issues ASAP.
After noting the weak and vulnerable points, make a plan to reinforce
your entry points (this includes doors and windows) with sturdy locks,
deadbolts, and shatter resistant glass. I added security bars to my
windows for good measure, and you can do that as well.
Well-lit areas serve as a deterrent to intruders, so check how lit your
home is. Are there measures in place? Does your home light and alarm
system have a backup power source? The effectiveness of your security
measures depends largely on how ready you are to implement them.
Do you have a plan in place for different security scenarios? Maybe a
safe room or a communication plan? If you have a plan in place, will you
and your family be able to effectively practice it when the need arises? If
you have firearms, are you well trained to use them, or are they just for
aesthetic purposes? These are things to keep in mind.
Also, periodically review your security measures. Has anything gone
awry, or are things still looking great? Also, what worked today might
not work tomorrow, so do you need to up your defense system? Be aware
of current security threats all around the world. That way, you can adapt
your strategies to face any security threat head-on.
Don’t forget that assessing your home security measures is the first step
to being prepared.


After assessing your home defense system and noticing the lapses,
what’s left to do is work on them. If there’s a need to make upgrades to
your security systems, there are budget-friendly and affordable ones you
can make.
Some of these upgrades include reinforcing entry points like I already
mentioned. You can use longer screws to strengthen doors and windows,
making them less susceptible to being ripped off, as well as strike plates
so forced entry will also become more difficult. Reinforcing your home’s
entry points also includes applying shatter-resistant window film to your
glass to make it harder to break and installing smart locks on your doors
for keyless entry and so you can easily monitor it. Then you can install
locks on your sliding windows to prevent them from being forced open,
as well as peepholes in your front and back doors to see who’s at the
door without necessarily opening it.
Another cost-effective upgrade you might need to make includes
installing motion-activated lights around your property. That way you
can know when someone is in your home perimeter before they get to
the door (especially when it is dark outside). You can also create the
illusion of being at home when you’re not by using timers for lights and
electronics. Defensive landscaping also works; you can plant thorny or
dense plants around your property to create a natural barrier. Or you can
make rocks or gravel paths, which are noisy when walked on and can
alert you to potential intruders.
You can also get a DIY alarm system for cheap and install it yourself.
The good news is that you can connect this system to your smartphone
and easily monitor your home. Even if you don’t have a security system,
planting signs or stickers from a security company near your home can
also deter potential burglars.
People close to you might think you’re being paranoid by having all
these systems in place, but you know deep down within yourself that
you’re being proactive, not paranoid, and you can’t place a price on
safety and peace of mind.


In the case of a security threat, it doesn’t matter if the intruder is a man
or an animal. What matters is if you and your loved ones will sail
through such a situation safely. To be able to answer yes to this question
means that not only have you fortified your home by upgrading your
security system, but it also means if push comes to shove and you come
in direct contact with this intruder, you can protect yourself and your
Defensive Weapons
If you’re comfortable with carrying a firearm, then you should probably
get one because it provides effective protection. A gun, even if not used,
will make you feel secure due to the mere fact that it is sitting
somewhere in your home. You can also have a knife at home without the
legal requirements it takes to get a gun. You can otherwise choose to
keep a metal rod at home; hit the intruder in a few sensitive places, and
they will be down in a moment. Like the knife, a rod doesn’t need legal
Other defensive weapons include pepper spray. As you know, once the
spray comes in contact with the intruder’s eyes, they will be
incapacitated for a while, giving you the chance to fly or fight. If you do
get one, just constantly check that it is within its expiration date. Also, an
electric shock from a taser can do wonders in immobilizing your
aggressor, although you also need a little bit of training to use it. You can
also invest in barbed wire and keep it hidden. The funny thing is that if
you are living off the grid, no one expects barbed wire in the middle of
nowhere. The best investment of all are dogs. Loyal dogs are not only for
protection but also companionship. Their presence alone deters thieves,
and they also bring much joy into our lives.
Non-Lethal Options
The first non-lethal option is your physical reaction, especially if your
firearms, pepper sprays, etc. are out of reach. What self-defense moves
can save you in situations like this? Learning how to sprawl, do a
guillotine, or a rear arm grab will help you disable your human attacker,
after which you might decide to throw in some punches (to the face,
please—no one who attacks you should go back looking the same way
they came).
Other options include a stun gun that, like a taser, can also deliver an
electric shock when it comes in contact with your assailant. Personal
alarms are also loud enough to potentially scare off an intruder as they
attract attention. Making those security upgrades we discussed earlier,
like reinforcing entry points and investing in motion-activated lights, is
also an investment you should probably make. Design a safe room or
secure area in your home to which you and your family can retreat
during an intrusion (make sure you stockpile supplies in there as well).
Last but not least, make sure you have a reliable means of
communication to call for help when needed.
You can get any defensive weapons you want, but training is important,
and so is safety. Don’t put weapons in places where young children can
easily access them. To avoid accidents, always put the safety on when
you’re not using a gun, or take out the bullets before putting it away.
Non-lethal options, however, are a better option for protecting your
home without taking the life of or injuring someone. Having measures in
place and being confident in your chosen method is already self-defense
on its own.

Whether you’re off the grid or on the grid, no one wants to be a part of
the statistics. Over a million burglaries occur yearly, and it has even been
forecast that within the next 20 years, 75% of homes will be broken into.
If you think the police can help prevent these break-ins, what about the
over a million homes that get broken into yearly? You can see why a
defense plan for you and your family is the right thing to do. It will
prepare you all both mentally and practically for anything that might
come your way.
There are some principles involved in home defense planning. The first
one is that prevention is better than cure, so putting security systems as
well as security signs in place is going to be a red flag, warning intruders
that breaking into your home is going to bring them more trouble than
they can handle.
The second principle is communication. A defense plan will only work if
everyone knows it and the roles they play. Discuss strategies for different
scenarios, and let everyone know that this plan is only put in place if
something like this happens. Examples of strategies include: everyone
should head to the safe room if an intruder alert is given, someone should
go to the children’s room with a gun to protect them if an intruder is in
the house, or someone should dial 911. You can also implement code
words to alert the whole family that they are under threat or when the
threat has worsened or passed.
The third is that there should be a safe room. If someone is trying to
ward off the intruder, other members of the family should be in the safe
room and call the police. This safe room should also have escape routes
in case things go south. There should be a defensive spot in the house for
the person who’s trying to ward off the intruder by saying they have a
gun or they have called the police. The defensive spot should be in direct
line with the door so that someone coming in won’t be able to decipher
where they are.
The fourth principle is to dial 911. This way you can avoid a prolonged
invasion and quickly get medical help for a hurt member of the family.
The fifth principle is to stay locked and loaded. Always ensure your
home defense gun, ammo, a charged phone, and a flashlight are beside
you. The flashlight will be helpful in case lights are out, and a charged
phone will be useful in putting a call out to the police.
The sixth and final principle is to drill. Creating a home defense plan is
not enough; you have to test it to see how viable the plan is, put it into
practice, and perfect it. Everyone must master the plan. You can spring
emergency drills as a way of having fun. After making the plan, anyone
who will be using a gun should start practicing so they can get
comfortable using it.
Home Defense Drills
Home Intrusion Scenarios
This drill will simulate different intrusion scenarios such as break-ins,
attempted forced entries, or even suspicious activities near your property
to help your family practice responding to potential threats. To conduct
this, you can develop different scenarios, and even use your alarms and
signals to mimic real-life events. When doing this, ensure every member
of the family understands their role and responsibilities during each
scenario and record the response times to evaluate how effective your
reactions are, as well as each family member’s decision-making under
Safe Room Drills
This drill will help everyone in your household know how to respond to
a security threat, as it focuses on how quickly you can reach your
designated safe room during a home invasion. After you’ve chosen a
secure location that has reinforced doors and communication tools, alert
your family members about the drill and measure how long it takes
everyone to gather in the safe room. Also, make sure everyone can
communicate effectively from within the room.
Firearms Training
It is important to conduct regular training sessions, as they will enhance
your ability to use firearms safely and effectively. You can conduct this
by always prioritizing safety during training and maybe even receiving
training from certified instructors. Practice target shooting to improve
accuracy and help you familiarize yourself with your weapons.
Alarm Testing
This drill helps you verify how reliable your home security system is and
if it is still functional. You can conduct this by scheduling specific dates
for alarm system testing, which can be done monthly or quarterly.
Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for testing procedures,
check how responsive the signals and alarms are, and document the
outcomes of each test.
Don’t forget to regularly review and update your defense plan as your
situation evolves. Regularly conducting these drills helps you and your
family build essential preparedness skills.
As I have mentioned, self-sufficient living is not the same thing as living
like a hermit. So even if your shelter is your fortress, the shield of the
community might be the shield that defends it. The importance of
building a network of like-minded individuals who all work together to
ensure safety and security in your off-the-grid living cannot be
Neighborhood watch is a community-based program in which residents
actively take part in identifying and preventing potential threats. This
program fosters a sense of shared responsibility among people and helps
foster cooperation and unity in the community. The major objective of a
neighborhood watch is to deter potential intruders; nothing prevents
crime as much as a vigilant community. It also helps residents to quickly
detect suspicious behavior, as they will always be on the lookout for
unusual activities or people, and they can quickly report to law
enforcement. Also, in the event of an emergency, there will be a rapid
response because residents are already aware of what to do in such a
situation. Most importantly, it fosters trust, love, and unity among
members of that community.
Setting up a neighborhood watch begins with organizing a community
meeting to discuss the idea with other people, explain its benefits, and
encourage residents to get involved. Afterward, the whole community
should come together to choose a leader or coordinators to oversee the
program. These coordinators will be the ones to organize activities and
liaise with the local enforcement agency, as well as manage
communication within the group. Next, you’ll establish communication
channels, maybe phone trees, social media groups, or even messaging
apps—anything that will get information to every member of the
community as soon as possible.
If residents agree, you can arrange for training to equip members of the
community with necessary skills like emergency response and self-
defense. Hold meetings regularly and also practice security drills to
familiarize everybody with emergency procedures. Lastly, create a
reporting system like anonymous tip lines or a designated contact person
so people can report suspicious activities.
Working together as a community shows a united front that helps
everyone thrive in the face of any challenge, and this bolsters the
security of your off-grid lifestyle.


So, we’ve been discussing crisis preparedness and how to deal with
threats and intruders and protect your home and family, especially since
living off the grid in a remote location can make you more susceptible to
unwanted visitors.
Who exactly are these intruders? They can be criminals (armed or
unarmed) looking to steal valuables, food, or supplies. They can be
desperate people facing extreme hardship in times of crisis or disasters
and seeking refuge or resources, and although their intentions are not
malicious, they may still pose a risk. Then we have trespassers who
accidentally or unknowingly wander onto your property (humans and
animals alike).
You’ve already learned about the home defense systems and plans to put
in place, and you might have even practiced several times and perfected
the plan. In the event of a threat or invasion, remember to stay calm and
keep a level head so you can make rational decisions. If you have a
neighborhood watch or community security system, use your
communication channel to alert others about the threat, and place a call
to the local law enforcement agency as well. If you will need to confront
the intruder, prioritize your safety and defend wisely, don’t use weapons
unless necessary, and avoid every form of confrontation.
Don’t forget that off-the-grid living means taking responsibility for your
security. Being prepared to respond to threats will not only help you
protect your self-sufficient lifestyle but also enjoy peace of mind.


While defending your home is important, you also need to be familiar
with the local and state laws regarding self-defense. You need to
understand what constitutes self-defense in your area so you don’t end
up committing a criminal act.
Legal Aspects of Home Defense
Right of Self-Defense
In the United States, everyone has the right of self-defense. It is a
fundamental legal principle that allows people to protect themselves,
family, and property when facing an imminent threat. However, within
this right is the proportionate use of force, and it must also be used only
when necessary.
Castle Doctrine
Many states in the US, including Florida, Texas, Ohio, etc., have adopted
this doctrine. This law allows homeowners to use force, including lethal
force, to defend their homes from intruders, although these laws vary by
state, so it is important to learn about your local legislation.
Duty to Retreat
Some states, including New York and New Jersey, follow this principle,
and it requires individuals to avoid confrontation at all times and attempt
to avoid or escape a threat before resorting to force.
Stand Your Ground
States that don’t implement the “duty to retreat” law have this law. In
Florida it gained national attention during the Trayvon Martin case, as
well as in Alabama, Arizona, and Texas. In states like these, it’s not
compulsory to avoid confrontation before using force.
Ethical Aspects
This principle of self-defense requires that your response matches the
level of the threat. Using lethal force against non-lethal threats may be
considered unethical.
This ethical consideration encourages avoiding confrontation whenever
possible. One of the ways to do this includes implementing home
security measures to deter threats.
Here, you should try to resolve a situation before resorting to force.
However, it takes great communication and conflict-resolution skills to
do this.
Ethical practitioners of home defense should be trained in de-escalation
techniques, conflict resolution, and the responsible use of force.
Balancing Legal and Ethical Aspects
To balance both aspects, you must study your state’s defense laws,
understand your rights and obligations in various scenarios, and focus on
the proactive security measures that you learned in this chapter. You
should also engage in neighborhood watch programs or liaise with the
local law enforcement agency to improve your security. Then keep
records of any threats or incidents, as not only will they help you plan,
but they can also be useful in legal proceedings if it comes to that. To
protect yourself in case these incidents result in legal proceedings,
always consult with legal counsel to be sure you’re acting within the
boundaries of the law in the event of a defensive encounter.
By understanding the legal and ethical aspects of home defense, you can
protect your off-grid lifestyle while ensuring you act responsibly and per
the law. It’s a balance between safeguarding your sanctuary and
upholding your moral values in a self-sufficient world.

D raw a well-laid-out defense strategy for a home break-in scenario,

assigning responsibilities to every member of the family that will be

T here is unrest in the nation. Break-ins and shootings are on the rise,
and you shouldn’t leave yourself at the mercy of these criminals. You
can stay safe, your family members can stay safe, and your properties
can be safe as well. Are you ready to do what it takes to protect yourself?

A tsituation
the core of survival is the ability to feed yourself no matter the
or crisis. Famine is one of the most imminent threats to our
country and the world at large, and we can’t call ourselves survival
preppers if we are not ready for that at least. So, come along with me as
we learn how to become more food self-sufficient.


In our uncertain world, it is important to be able to grow your food.
Backyard gardening and container gardening are two ways to attain food
self-sufficiency even if you have limited space or resources. These
methods are sure ways to have a sustainable food source that won’t be
affected by disruptions of any sort.
Backyard Gardening
If you’ve always dreamt of growing your food and think you don’t have
enough space, you can turn your backyard into a lush garden. Start with
smart planning, which means considering your climate, soil type, and the
crops that are best suited to your region.
You can make the most of your small space by practicing companion
planting. This can also maximize your yield and be a natural pest
deterrent, for instance, planting marigolds to deter aphids. If you have
lots of space, you can explore raised bed techniques, which are eco-
friendly and promote soil health. Remember the compost I said you can
make from waste? Using it can enhance your food self-sufficiency. You
can also use organic matter and proper soil management practices to
ensure fertile ground.
Lastly, consistently water your garden and practice pest management to
nurture your plants’ growth.
Container Gardening
What if your space is limited or you live in an apartment? Container
gardening is your answer. You can grow an astonishing variety of
vegetables, herbs, and even dwarf fruit trees in pots and containers. You
can also explore vertical gardening to make the most of the little space
you have by using trellis and planting on your walls.
But first, the basics: quality soil and well-chosen containers. The pots or
containers you use must have proper drainage, and you should know the
crops you want to grow before choosing your pots because you need to
know the size and depth that is suitable for each crop. Most veggies and
herbs thrive in containers, so you can go for dwarf varieties of tomatoes,
salad greens, or even fruit trees.
Sunlight and water are crucial to the growth of your plants, and container
gardening helps you adjust these elements to perfectly suit your plants’
needs. Container plants dry out faster than plants in the ground, so water
your plants deeply, although you shouldn’t let the container get
waterlogged. Composting can also help your container garden grow a
healthy and sumptuous harvest, and you can add slow-release fertilizer
as well.
When buying the seeds you’re going to plant in either the backyard or
container garden, opt for heritage seeds. These seeds usually produce
plants with seeds that you can save and replant year after year, so you’ll
have a dependable source of seeds for the next planting season. You can
also prevent soil depletion and pest infestations by annually rotating your
Becoming very good at backyard and container gardening is a substantial
step toward food sufficiency that will help you thrive in any scenario.
Peace of mind and satisfaction come from providing food for yourself
and loved ones without being dependent.


Small livestock is also an invaluable asset for us preppers and
homesteaders who want to attain food self-sufficiency. They are a
constant source of meat, eggs, and dairy products and are not that hard to
raise. Also, you can successfully raise small livestock without breaking
the bank.
Chickens are the best for self-sufficiency on a budget. You don’t need to
invest too much in them, and they are very profitable. Once they are old
enough, they offer fresh eggs daily, and they can also be raised for meat.
Aside from providing for their dietary needs, you can also let them
forage for insects and give them kitchen scraps to reduce expenses.
Another way to reduce expenses while raising them is by using
scavenged or recycled materials to build their coop.

They’re another small-scale option that is quiet, efficient, and also
produces lean, nutritious meat. A single pair of rabbits can easily
multiply, so you can start with just a male and a female. To save the
expenses of raising them, you can feed them with kitchen scraps and also
build your rabbit hutch using reclaimed materials.
If you are interested in producing your dairy products at home, then
goats are an excellent and cheap choice. The milk they produce can be
turned into various products like cheese, yogurt, and butter. However, it’s
probably best that you go for smaller goat breeds like the Nigerian dwarf
unless you have a big yard. And if you’ll be raising goats, you’ll need to
invest in a sturdy fence and milking stand. They also reproduce fairly
quickly, although I don’t quite like the smell of the billy goat, so maybe
you should buy male and female goats in a ratio of 1:3.
Not a lot of people raise quail, but they’re budget-friendly and are great
for a self-sufficient lifestyle. They are also egg producers and their tiny
eggs are packed full of protein. You can maintain them in as little space
as possible, as they can be housed in small cages or aviaries.
However, if you choose to raise livestock, especially chickens and goats,
it is important to implement pasture rotation. This is where you divide
your land into sections or paddocks (about four to six) and develop a
rotation system that will outline where your goats and chickens will be
kept during different periods. You can choose to rotate them as
frequently as you want, maybe one to four weeks, depending on pasture
growth and the number of animals you have. You can move goats to a
new paddock after the current one has been grazed to about 3 ⁄ 4 inch and
then move the chickens right in after them so they can pick at the larvae
in the goat droppings. Then rest each paddock after the livestock has left
for a new one so the vegetation can regrow. You can choose to add
fertilizer or compost. Just make sure you regularly monitor their health,
deworm them, ensure that they have access to clean water and shelter in
each paddock, and maintain a record of rotation. Also, overgrazing can
damage the pastures, which is what we’re trying to avoid, so ensure
there’s a minimal number of animals in the paddock at any time. Pasture
grazing reduces feed costs and also improves soil health. Plant forage
crops like clover, alfalfa, and perennial herbs around your homestead to
provide free, nutritious feed for your animals. Practice good pasture
management by aerating, reseeding, and controlling erosion to maintain
a healthy forage ecosystem.
Another affordable feeding method is to create DIY animal feed using
grains, legumes, and other ingredients. Remember the corn I asked you
to get as one of the essential grains to stockpile for survival? It’s also a
great ingredient for animal feed. For poultry feed, you can also use
wheat, barley, or oats instead of corn. Then for the protein source, mix in
legumes like soybeans or field peas, and then you can throw in seeds like
sunflower seeds or flaxseeds for healthy fats and nutrients. To provide
calcium, crushed eggshells or oyster shells add grit to aid their digestion,
and you can give them leafy greens and kitchen scraps occasionally as
supplements. After mixing all of these, keep in a cool dry place that is
pest-protected to keep fresh.
For goats and rabbits, you can also use barley, corn, or oats as the grain
base. Throw in legumes like peas or lentils for added protein and a
protein source for lactating does and growing kids such as alfalfa pellets
or soybean meal. Then to ensure that they get a regular supply of their
necessary minerals and vitamins, you can put in rock salt, kelp, or a
premix and treat them with leafy greens and kitchen scraps occasionally.
You can also put predator-proofing measures in place to protect your
livestock, like installing sturdy electric fencing or woven wire with small
holes to deter both digging and climbing predators. You can also invest
in guardian animals like dogs, but, most importantly, ensure your
animals have a secure shelter that they can retreat to in the dark or during
bad weather, and always keep a close eye on them, especially during
vulnerable times like birthing.
Raising small livestock is not just about food self-sufficiency; it’s also
about a rewarding and fulfilling lifestyle. These animals can thrive even
on a tight budget, providing a consistent source of nourishment for you
and your family.


Hunting, fishing, and foraging are three essential skills that connect us
with the land and help us live independently as we provide fresh and
sustainable foods for ourselves.
Hunting is a skill as fundamental as human activity. If you watch a lot of
movies about the old days, you’ll see how our ancestors went in hunting
groups, even making a competition out of it. Hunting is still as rewarding
for us as it was for them, and despite how challenging it gets, you know
that whether it is small game or big game, it is still the promise of food
on your dinner table.
First, you have to know the local game if you don’t want to go stepping
on the wrong toes. You have to be familiar with the local wildlife and
learn about the hunting seasons and regulations. Every region has its own
different game species and rules, and hunting legally and ethically while
following state regulations will preserve the wildlife population,
ensuring its health and long-term viability. Make sure you also obtain the
necessary permits and licenses.
You also need to invest in hunting gear, get a reliable firearm, bow, or
trapping equipment, and you should never skimp on quality. Also ensure
that you are proficient in using the tools of choice and that your tools are
well maintained. Also, spend some time scouting your hunting area, and
look for tracks, droppings, and game trails. You can even use game
cameras to track animal movements and study their behaviors. Take it
from me: knowing your prey’s habits is key to a successful hunt. Then
learn essential hunting skills like stalking, tree stand hunting, still
hunting, bait hunting, spot and stalk, trap and snare, etc. These hunting
techniques are useful for different scenarios and game, so that’s where
knowing the local wildlife comes in handy.
Finally, you should learn how to field dress, skin, and process game
animals. Properly handling your meat is one of the ways to ensure food
safety, and our health is important. Trust me, you don’t want to start
testing how strong your immune system is now.
Fishing is another self-sufficient skill that puts a rich source of protein on
your table, no matter if you cast your line in freshwater or saltwater.
First, garner local knowledge and identify the best fishing spots in your
area. You can also talk to local anglers, discuss the local fish species,
learn their habits, and visit bait shops to gain valuable information that
will help when you’re out on the river. Then invest in high-quality
fishing gear, and buy fishing rods, reels, lines, and tackle that is specific
to the local fish. Then learn various fishing techniques like baitcasting,
fly fishing, spin-casting, or even trolling.
Visiting the bait shops and doing a little research of your own will also
help you know which baits work best for the fishes you’re targeting,
varying from live baits to artificial, and fly patterns. Also, practice
casting and reeling techniques. I’ve watched many cartoons (thanks to
my kids) where someone fishing falls headlong into the water when they
get a bite and then struggle to reel in. It is a very funny situation when
you’re not the one involved, so learn how to set the hook when you get a
Catching the food is not enough, but you should also know how to cook
it. Learn how to clean, filet, and cook it properly. Conservation is
important for fishing as well, so you should understand catch limits and
size restrictions for different fish species to protect fish populations.
Always follow fishing regulations and acquire the necessary licenses to
ensure that you fish ethically and legally.
Foraging is another skill our ancestors thrived on, which makes it a
connection to our ancestral roots. It involves identifying and harvesting
edible plants and fungi in the wild. If you’re not careful, a way of
survival can lead to death because some wild plants are toxic. This is
why, as a rule, you need to familiarize yourself with edible plants in your
area and distinguish them from their toxic lookalikes; there are apps that
can help with this.
Every plant, not just the ones you grow in your home, has its seasons and
habitats, and this is the same with wild edibles. Wild mushrooms,
berries, and edible greens have specific harvest times; some are available
in spring, some in summer, and some in fall. Knowing their harvest
seasons will also help you steer clear of their toxic lookalikes that might
be available for harvesting when they are not. Also, double-check your
identifications, and if you’re not so sure, leave the plant be. Try to be a
responsible forager while you’re at it, only take the portion that you need
and leave the rest to grow. Respect the environment by leaving no traces,
as this ensures the sustainability of the ecosystem. Never uproot entire
plants unless it’s a common practice for plants of that species, like
When going food hunting (as my family likes to call it), carry essential
tools like a knife, a small shovel, a basket or bag for foraging, or a
walking stick if you’re going to be navigating uneven terrain. Try to
avoid foraging near industrial areas or roadsides as they may be polluted
with chemicals, as well as areas like organic farms and parks where there
is the possibility of pesticide use. Wild edibles can be diverse, from
berries and nuts to wild mushrooms and leafy greens. Incorporating them
into your diet helps with variety, and they are also yummy when properly
Hunting, fishing, and foraging for food is not only a way to achieve food
self-sufficiency but also a gateway to understanding and respecting the
natural world. By combining these practices with gardening and
livestock raising, you can build a robust and diverse food supply that
sustains you and your family.


As we’ve learned, the natural world can sometimes be our best ally on
our journey to self-sufficiency, with wild edibles and medicinal plants all
around, providing sustenance, healing, and self-reliance. However, while
there are foods and herbs right around the corner, there’s poison as well,
so identifying them is a valuable skill. Let’s look at some of the easiest
edibles that you can also grow in your backyard if you wish to.
Wild Edibles
Dandelion (Taraxacum officinale): It is an extremely adaptable plant, and
all of its parts are edible. The roots can be roasted and crushed to form a
coffee alternative, and the leaves can be used in salads.
Clover (Trifolium spp.): In addition to being lucky charms, clover
flowers and leaves can be eaten and used as a green vegetable or in
Lamb’s Quarters (Chenopodium album): You can boil the young leaves
or use them in salads, and its seeds are also edible.
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea): This succulent plant contains a lot of
important fatty acids and is suitable for use as a potherb, in salads, and
Plantain (Plantago major): Its young leaves can be used in salads or as
cooked greens.
Acorns (oak tree): They can be processed to create a flour alternative,
but first they must be leached to remove the bitter tannins.
Pine Trees (Pinus spp.): Pine needle tea can be made by soaking pine
needles, which are a good source of vitamin C.
Cattail (Typha spp.): Cattail roots can be roasted or boiled, and the young
shoots can be consumed as a vegetable.
Pigweed (Amaranthus spp.): Pigweed seeds can be ground into flour, and
the leaves can be cooked or added to salads.
Chickweed (Stellaria media): This weed is full of vitamins and can be
used as a garnish or an addition to salads.
Wild Mustard (Brassica spp.): Wild mustard greens are edible raw in
salads or cooked like spinach.
Morel (Morchella spp.): These edible mushrooms are recognizable by
their honeycomb shape and are usually found in the woodlands. You can
sauté them or add them to a number of dishes.
Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus): Due to their adaptability, oyster
mushrooms can be used to replace meats in risottos and stir-fries,
especially if there’s a new vegan in the house.
Lion’s Mane (Hericium erinaceus): The flavor and texture of lion’s mane
mushrooms are unique, and they can be sautéed or used in place of
seafood in dishes.
Hen of the Woods (Grifola frondosa): This mushroom gets its name from
its resemblance to the ruffled feathers of a hen, and is great when made
in a variety of cuisines, including stir-fries and soups.
Wild Strawberries (Fragaria spp.): Although they are smaller than other
berries, wild strawberries can nevertheless have a better flavor than other
berries. You can use them to make jam or simply eat them raw.
Wild Plums (Prunus spp.): Despite being smaller than other cultivated
berry species, wild plums, like strawberries, are also excellent for jams,
jellies, and desserts.
Blackberries (Rubus spp.): Blackberries are widely available in the wild
and you can eat them raw, mix them in your desserts, or preserve them
for later.
Elderberries (Sambucus spp.): They are full of antioxidants and great for
creating pies, jellies, and syrups.
Mulberries (Morus spp.): You can bake with them or eat them fresh or
Medicinal Plants
Medicinal herbs are another gift of nature to us, and you can make your
own tinctures, salves, and teas for healing. Let’s say you’re out in the
wild with no first aid box with you. Plants can provide relief when
modern medicine is absent. You can also make herbal remedies that
work for colds, headaches, and minor wounds. Also, you can choose to
grow most of these plants at home instead of foraging them all the time,
or drying and preserving the excess to ensure you have a year-round
supply of medical supplies.
Aloe Vera (Aloe barbadensis miller): Aloe vera gel is very important to
the hair and beauty industry today. If you’re a lady, you are probably
already using it as a cream or shampoo. You can also apply it topically to
treat minor burns and skin irritations.
Elderberry (Sambucus nigra): They are known for boosting the immune
system, and you can use the dried flower heads for teas during the cold
or flu season.
Yarrow (Achillea millefolium): Yarrow flowers and leaves have
therapeutic qualities and can be applied topically to treat wounds.
Mullein (Verbascum thapsus): You can make a relaxing tea or a poultice
out of mullein leaves to treat respiratory conditions.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla): Chamomile tea is quite common.
It is a soothing tea made from this plant’s flowers for intestinal
discomfort and sleep problems.
Calendula (Calendula officinalis): This herb contains both antibacterial
and anti-inflammatory qualities. You can apply it typically to wounds.
Willow (Salix spp.): Willow bark contains salicin. It is a natural
alternative to aspirin, which means you can use it both as a painkiller and
for fever.
These herbs and edibles can provide you with some of the nutrition you
need as a survival prepper and keep you in good health as well.


Aside from raising livestock and practicing container gardening and
backyard gardening, which I’ve mentioned before, there are some other
ways you can achieve food self-sufficiency as a prepper that will put you
in control of your food supply, come what may.
The first thing you need to learn is seed saving so that don’t eat all your
harvest. Seed saving is an age-old practice that assures self-sufficiency.
You select and store seeds from open-pollinated, non-hybrid, and
heirloom plant varieties (which you should have if you started with
heritage seeds as I told you to at the beginning of this chapter). Saving
seeds from your best-performing crops each year gives you a renewable
source of seeds for future planting seasons. You should save your seeds
in seed banks, which are usually airtight containers in cool, dark, and dry
places in cases of emergencies. They might just be the lifeline you need
to restart or expand your garden in tough times.
If you’re an urban prepper or you just have limited space, aside from
backyard and container farming, aquaponics and hydroponics are other
innovative methods that let you grow fish and plants symbiotically.
Aquaponics combines aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics
(cultivating plants in water, the best method for starting a coconut tree).
In this method, plants will get their nutrients from fish waste, while the
plants will purify the water, making it a more livable environment for the
fish. The result is the symbiotic system that helps you grow fish and
plants in a closed-loop system where they’re both beneficial to each
other’s growth. Most who practice this method choose to grow tilapia or
trout, and this method often produces a high yield with less water
compared to the traditional planting method.
With hydroponics, on the other hand, plants are submerged in nutrient-
rich water instead of soil. Crops grown this way include tomatoes,
lettuce, and most herbs. This method helps you control the nutrient level,
light, and temperature, maintaining perfect control, and you get high
yields. It also conserves both space and water.
Another practice is using greenhouses or cold frames. These methods
protect your plants from harsh weather and also extend their growing
season. A greenhouse is usually a permanent structure with a controlled
climate, and people use it for year-round cultivation. Cold frames are
temporary structures and are used mostly in early spring and late fall.
Cold frames capture and retain heat, letting you grow crops that might
not be able to survive outside during colder months.
You can also practice vermicomposting where you use composting
worms, usually red wigglers, to break down organic matter.
Vermicompost is richer for your soil and plants than ordinary compost,
and you can easily set up worm bins using proper bedding material and
kitchen scraps. Your poultry can also pick at these worms after their
work is done.
By implementing these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to
achieving food self-sufficiency. Start small, experiment, and watch your
bounty grow year-round.


Storing homegrown food produce is one of the ways we preppers can
stockpile food to ensure a lasting supply after harvest seasons and during
emergencies. Besides canning and pickling, which are the major
preservation methods a lot of us, especially me, like to use, there are
other methods, and they don’t require as much effort as canning and
pickling do.
Root Cellars
For centuries, root cellars have been the secret to preserving garden
goodies, and they’re effective for preserving a variety of produce.
They’re usually underground or partially buried structures like your
basement, which is why they are often cool, dark, and dry, and are also
able to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity despite the
outside weather. They’re usually great for storing root vegetables like
potatoes, carrots, and beets and can also be used to store apples and
cabbages, among other crops. Just ensure that there is proper ventilation
to prevent mold and spoilage. Also, use wooden crates or bins to store
each product, stacking them in layers and separating each layer using
straw or newspaper. You should also regularly check for spoilage
because the saying that one bad apple spoils the bunch is very true.
Freezing is one food preservation method that does not decrease the
nutritional values of fruits and vegetables and still maintains their
freshness, even after a while. However, you need to blanch them before
freezing. To blanch, you will briefly put them in boiling water to stop
enzyme activity and then cool rapidly in an ice bath. This method is only
advisable if you have access to an alternative energy source since, as you
know, freezers are dependent on a power source. When packaging the
fruits or vegetables that you want to freeze, use airtight containers or
vacuum-sealed bags and remove excess air to avoid freezer burn. Like
with the other storing or preservation methods, date each package and
use the older ones first.
Preserving in Oil or Vinegar
This method merely involves submerging herbs and garlic in oil, and
vegetables in vinegar, to preserve them. Then the herbs or garlic stored
in oil can thereafter be preserved in the refrigerator while vegetables in
vinegar can be kept at room temperature. Food items stored this way
usually end up being more flavorful than ones stored other ways.
Preserving in Salt
You can also preserve food items like lemons, limes, cabbage, etc., in
salt to preserve them. The salt acts as a preservative and draws out
moisture from the produce. You can bring out these preserved foods later
and use them to add flavor to your cooking.


Self-sufficiency doesn’t mean you have to spend extravagantly. On the
contrary, I believe making your own food items and delectables instead
of buying from mainstream stores is cheaper, and by the time you make
some calculations of your own, you’ll see that it is actually cheaper.
Homemade Bread

3 1/4 cups of all-purpose flour

1 packet of dry yeast
1 1/2 teaspoons of salt
1 1/4 cups of warm water


1. Mix the flour and salt in a large mixing bowl.

2. In another smaller bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm water for
about 5 minutes until it foams.
3. Then make a well in the flour and salt mixture and pour in your
dissolved yeast mixture.
4. Stir the yeast and flour mixture until the dough comes together.
5. Sprinkle flour on a flat surface and knead the dough on the
floured surface (which will prevent the dough from sticking to
the surface) until the dough is smooth and elastic.
6. Grease a bowl with oil, cooking spray, or butter. Place the dough
in this bowl, and cover it for about 1 hour to let it rise.
7. About 45 minutes later, preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
8. Punch down the dough. Then place it in a greased loaf pan and
mold it into the shape of the loaf pan.
9. Cover the dough for another 30 minutes to let it rise.
10. Bake for 30-35 minutes or until done. (The bread will sound
hollow if tapped when done, and if you put a knife or toothpick in
the middle, it will come out clean.)
11. Let it cool and enjoy your homemade bread with the family.

DIY Spice Blends


1. Select the spices and herbs you want for your blend.
2. Measure and combine the spices in a bowl.
3. Mix thoroughly, ensuring even distribution.
4. Store the spice blend in an airtight container or small spice jars.

Pasta from Scratch


2 cups of all-purpose flour

3 large eggs
A pinch of salt


1. Pour the 2 cups of flour to make a mound on a clean flat surface,

and poke a hole in the center of that mound.
2. Break the eggs into the well and add a pinch of salt.
3. Gently beat the eggs with a fork, gradually beating in the flour
from the edges.
4. Once a dough forms, knead it for about 10 minutes until it’s
smooth and elastic. Sprinkle flour on the dough if it starts
sticking to your fingers and the surface.
5. Place the dough in a bowl and cover it for 30 minutes to let it
6. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Then cut it into your
desired pasta shape, using any fairly sharp object.
7. Boil the fresh pasta for a few minutes until it’s al dente.
8. Enjoy with your favorite sauce or toppings.

Homemade Jerky

1. Slice your choice of meat into thin strips, removing excess fat.
2. Marinate the meat in a flavorful mixture like soy sauce,
Worcestershire sauce, or spices for several hours.
3. Preheat your oven to a low temperature (around 175-200°F or 80-
4. Place the marinated meat strips on wire racks or a baking sheet.
5. Bake in the oven for several hours until the meat is dried but still
flexible. You can also use a food dehydrator.
6. Allow the jerky to cool and store it in an airtight container.


Survival prepping shouldn’t prevent us from eating nutritious food and
meeting our nutritional needs. The food we eat affects our health, so you
shouldn’t compromise on balanced meals, but instead be responsible in
providing yourself with healthy food.
Meal Planning for Preppers
I’ve mentioned creating a seven-meal plan before, but before you do
that, you need to set priorities. Your focus should be balanced meals that
will provide all the essential nutrients you need and that can also be
grown and stored. Doing this will help you with stockpiling or meal
planning. Take note that this meal plan is for emergencies, so they should
be easy-to-cook meals, not 5-star restaurant meals, and something that
will include the four grains you already stockpiled because your calories
are important. You can incorporate canned, dried, and preserved foods as
After determining what these foods are, you’ll know the essentials you’ll
need to stockpile that will last you and your family throughout that
period. If I’m going to include spaghetti and meat sauce in lunch for my
family, for example, I know we’ll need two pounds of spaghetti and a big
jar of meat sauce. This means if I packed ten pounds of spaghetti and
five big jars of meat sauce, we’ve got five lunches covered. You see how
easy that is to calculate, right?
As you will be eating these meals at normal times (as normal as can be
right now), you also need to take inventory of your food supplies, as I
explained in chapter 2. You should also embrace adaptability in your
meal planning. When you find some items that can spice up your food,
they should actually make the food more delicious, or at least be
something different and still delicious. You should also implement
effective portion control to minimize waste and use proper food
measurements to ensure that you cook and eat the right amounts of food.
Balanced Nutrition
For balanced nutrition, you can diversify your protein sources. Don’t
simply rely on meats and fish. Eggs and legumes are great protein
sources, too, so legumes are probably one of the plants you should
include in your garden. Calcium and dairy are also important and can
also be gotten from goats, which are easier to rear and require less
maintenance than cows. You can easily get vitamins and minerals from
herbs that you can forage for or cultivate in your garden, plus you can
keep a variety of multivitamins and mineral supplements in your first aid
box to fill gaps in your diet during a crisis. The four grains and other
starchy foods you can stockpile will supply the energy you need for
physical and mental functions. You also need healthy fats and oils like
olive oil, nuts, and seeds to help with nutrient absorption and serve as a
long-lasting energy source. Most of all, you should try to incorporate
fresh fruits and vegetables into your diet, if and when you can.
You’re not fully self-sufficient if you have to sacrifice your nutritional
balance, so planning also means planning your meals and optimizing
your resources so that you have enough to follow the plan. Meal
planning and balanced nutrition as a lifestyle will help you be well-
prepared for challenging times and also help you enjoy vitality and
health in every meal.

1. Decide the livestock you will raise and set up a feeding plan for
the particular animal.
2. Pick a good DIY project, practice the necessary skills, and
explain how the process went for you.

F ood is essential for survival, which is why we’ve looked at the

various ways you can source enough food for yourself, family, and
livestock. As you start incorporating these practices onto your daily life
and embrace self-reliance, it’s only a matter of time before the
supermarket aisles become a distant memory.


It’s time to put everything you’ve learned into practice with strategies
that can help you start and stay committed to your prepping journey
without exceeding your budget.


A sandsurvival preppers, we are well aware of the need to be self-reliant

have contingency plans for everything, especially food and
water. I’ve tackled food, and while water might not seem like something
you need right now, it’s because of its availability and, trust me, you
don’t want to live without it, especially if you’re someone who frets
when hot water runs out. This is why in any survival situation, in the face
of natural disasters or a prolonged crisis, a reliable source of water is
needed. And that’s not all; you need to have water purification systems
in place to make your water potable.


Preppers are environmentalists who would rather make the most of what
mother nature gives us than have everything offered to us on a platter (a
rather expensive platter, at that). This is why our first choice for water
security, especially if living in urban areas, is rainwater harvesting. It is
an essential skill if you want to reduce your reliance on municipal water
sources and lower bills or simply store water for emergencies. Rainwater
harvesting is an eco-friendly practice and a way to contribute to a
greener future, and it is a free and abundant water source, meaning you
can allocate your water bills to other prepping essentials.
Rainwater is very versatile when treated and, just like the tap water
you’re used to, can be used for cooking and drinking, as well as hygiene
and sanitation purposes like washing, bathing, flushing toilets, etc. You
can also use it to irrigate your crops if you’re gardening and provide
clean water for both your livestock and pets. The most important reason
of all is that your stored rainwater can be your lifesaver during a crisis,
ensuring you have water when you need it the most.
The types of rainwater harvesting systems available include direct
catchment systems. These are the simplest and cheapest, where rainwater
simply flows directly from rooftops into storage tanks. This method is
also the most ideal for small-scale water needs. Then there are dry
systems that use gutters and downspouts to transfer rainwater to a
storage tank. This method reduces the risk of contaminating the water.
Wet systems use a network of pipes to direct water into filtration units
and transport filtered water from these units into storage tanks. This kind
of system is much more suitable for larger-scale water needs. The
combined rainwater harvesting system integrates both the dry and the
wet systems and is more versatile because it combines the advantages of
To create an effective rainwater harvesting system, there are some things
you need to put in place. First, you need to identify suitable collection
surfaces and ensure that they are clean and free of contaminants. They
can be rooftops, gutters, or other catchment areas, although rooftops are
ideal, as they’re usually large and elevated and are clean after the first
two or three rainfalls at the start of the rain season.
Gutters and downspouts are also crucial parts of your rainwater
harvesting system, as they channel the water from the collection surface
to your storage tank. However, you have to ensure that they’re well
maintained and always clean so you don’t have to deal with debris,
algae, or spirogyra in your water.
Then you need a filtration or first flush diverter. If debris gets into your
water, it will go from the flush diverter placed at the base of the
downspout or gutter, and that diverts initial runoff that might contain
contaminants through the gutter or downspout and to the filtration
system. You can place a simple mesh filter at the entry point of the
storage tank to ensure cleaner water.
And now for the storage tank: choose a high-quality and durable one that
is sealed to prevent contamination. Don’t forget that the size should
depend on the volume of water that can sustain your household during
Besides the water being clean, it should also be safe for drinking, and the
rainwater you collect will need to be treated before drinking. To treat
your water supply, you can opt for chemical purification methods, multi-
stage filtration systems, or UV treatments. However, this is only
necessary if the water will be consumed. If your water treatment method
requires a power source, then it’s ideal to also invest in backup power
sources like solar or hand-pump systems.
Lastly, maintain your rainwater harvesting system regularly to ensure it
keeps running smoothly, and always have a clean and safe water supply
so that you’re well prepared for whatever challenges might come your


Now that you’ve stored up your collected rainwater or water collected
from any other source, it is important to make it safe for consumption
because exposure to waterborne pathogens can result in serious health
issues. Since clean, safe water is non-negotiable, it is important to find
affordable filtration methods that won’t break your budget amidst all the
high-end filtration systems available on the market.
The first option is pitcher filters. They are not only budget-friendly, but
you can also get them in most stores. Pitcher filters are effective at
reducing (not totally removing) common contaminants like chlorine,
sediment, and odors. Also, you don’t need to call a handyman for
installation, as they don’t require any installation, and they’re only
suitable for small households, as they can’t filter much water at a time.
Next, countertop filters are not as cheap as pitcher filters but provide
long-term savings since they last longer. They can also remove a broader
range of contaminants and heavy metals than the pitcher filter. They’re
pretty straightforward to install and can filter enough water for cooking
and drinking.
An under-sink filter is another effective option, although the upfront cost
is a little bit higher than that for the previous two. As it is a step up from
the countertop filter, it can effectively remove a wider range of
contaminants, including lead and microorganisms. However, it requires
basic plumbing to install since it has to either be connected directly to
your water source before coming out through your tap or other outlets, or
it can have own specially designed faucet. It can filter as much as 1,000
gallons of water.
However, if you’re trying to survive a dire circumstance, and there’s no
filtration system in sight, you might need to make a DIY filtration
system using readily available materials. The most common DIY filter
can consist of a plastic bottle, a craft knife or pair of scissors, a hammer
and nail, charcoal, gravel, fine and coarse sand, and a strainer or cloth
You’ll first cut off the bottom ½ inch of the plastic water bottle and then,
using a hammer and a nail, drill a hole in the cover of the bottle. Then
uncap the bottle and place a coffee filter at the opening. If you don’t have
this, you can add cotton balls or cut off a piece of bandana, and then cap
the bottle back and turn the bottle upside down. Afterward, you’ll rinse
your filtering materials thoroughly, as you don’t want them
contaminating your water. Then break down the charcoal into small
pieces and pour them into the bottle. Next comes the fine sand; don’t use
processed, dyed craft sand so as not to contaminate your water with
chemicals. Then add the coarse sand, after which you should add gravel,
which should stop about one inch away from the cut part of the bottle.
Cover everything with a coffee filter, strainer, or bandana. You’re done
with your DIY filter; all you need to do is to place the bottle cap down in
the jar that you’ll use to catch the water that comes out and pour the
water you want to filter in it. The water will get cleaner as it passes
through the four stages: the first stage where the gravel will trap large
pieces of debris, the second stage where the sand traps mid-sized dirt
particles, the third stage where the charcoal absorbs some chemicals and
bacteria, and the fourth stage where the filter paper removes cloudiness.
The filtering process might take a long time, and you might need to
repeat the process if you’re working with extremely murky water. Also,
if the water appears to be ridden with microorganisms, you might need to
boil it after filtering the water to make sure that it’s safe for drinking.
This, obviously, does not work for large amounts of water.
Whichever filter system you purchase, remember to follow the
manufacturer’s recommendations for filter replacements. You need to
perform system checks as well to avoid your filter up and dying on you
someday. And you need to have a backup purification system, like
boiling or chemical treatment, in place in case your filtration system
fails. Anyway, affordable water filtration methods are a practical solution
for clean, safe water, as long as you go for one that meets your specific


Your health is even more important than being self-reliant. You have a
role to play, ensuring that everything you ingest is safe and won’t have
any harmful effects on you. This is one of the ways to stay healthy.
So, moving on to water purification methods to make your water safe for
drinking. The cheapest and safest method to purify your water for
drinking is the boiling method. All you need to do is bring your water to
a rolling boil and maintain it for one to three minutes, and then cover it
and let it cool before drinking. Boiling water gets rid of every
microorganism that might be hiding in it.
Filtered water is another safe water for drinking, and the cost varies
based on the different filtration systems you implement (whether store-
bought or DIY). It eliminates large, small, and disease-causing
contaminants from water using both physical and chemical processes.
Water purified via filtration is usually considered healthier than water
purified from other sources because it doesn’t remove water’s mineral
salt content, and also little water is lost.
Another method of purification is the solar disinfection method. This is a
totally free method, and all you need to do is fill clear plastic bottles with
water and leave them in direct sunlight for about six hours. This method
uses the sun’s UV rays to kill most pathogens present in the water,
although the heat also depletes some of the water’s mineral content, and
there is a little bit of water loss.
Another inexpensive purification method is using the household bleach
we all know. Adding about eight or more drops to a gallon of water and
letting it sit undisturbed for about 30 minutes kills a wide range of
waterborne pathogens. However, you should use unscented. I used
scented bleach the first time I tried this method out, and—I’ll tell you—I
struggled to drink just a cup due to the overpowering smell.
Many preppers prefer ceramic water filters since we don’t have to rely
on chemicals or electricity to make our water safe for drinking, and the
clay material also mimics the earth’s natural filtration process. The
ceramic water filter has pores the size of 0.5 microns that filter out all
kinds of pathogens, viruses included. And you can make it yourself; all
you need are clay, sawdust or rice husks, water, fine sand, gravel, or
coffee filter, a kiln or open flame, drill, and paintbrushes.
The first step is to mix the clay with sawdust or rice husks, which is the
pore-forming material, with the ratio of clay to the pore-forming material
being 7:3. Then gradually add water to the mixture and knead until it
reaches a dough-like consistency and is free of air bubbles.
Shape the dough into a cylindrical or a cone-like shape (any shape of
your choice, just make sure it is wide at the top and tapers down toward
the bottom). If you like, you can add a lip at the top to hold the water
before it filters through the ceramic.
Then apply a thin layer of clay slip (watered-down clay mixture) to the
exterior of the filter using a paintbrush. This clay slip will serve as the
initial filtration layer to trap larger particles. Another option instead of
the clay slip is to wrap the filter with either fine sand, a coffee filter, or
gravel to prevent large particles from clogging the filter.
Make microchannels in the filter using a thick straw or a dowel to press
small channels in the filter from top to bottom for the filtered water to
pass through. After, let the filter air dry slowly for as many days as it
takes. A wet or not fully dry ceramic will crack or break when placed in
the kiln.
When it is fully dry, carefully put it in your kiln and then increase the
temperature to around 1832°F–2192°F (1000°C–1200°C) to remove
organic materials (rice husks or sawdust) and harden the clay. This
process is known as bisque firing.
Next is the glaze firing process where you apply a ceramic glaze inside
the filter and then fire it again at a lower temperature of around 1472°F–
1832°F (800°C–1000°C) to set the glaze. Doing this enhances the filter’s
ability to trap impurities.
Then when the filter cools, drill an inlet at the top for water to enter and
an outlet at the bottom for filtered water to exit, after which you can test
your ceramic filter with water containing impurities. If the flow rate
slows down considerably after using it for a while or the filter becomes
more difficult to clean, then it’s time to mold another filter. Put the filter
in a container to hold the water.
When choosing a water purification method, choose the one that is more
suitable for your water source. Will you need to only filter out
impurities? Will you need to kill the pathogens in it? Or will you need to
do both? You should also practice your purification method of choice to
test how effective it is before you end up in a dire situation, and you
should have an alternative plan, just in case, to make sure that you’re
well-equipped to secure your water supply no matter how challenging
things are.


Even though you have a safe and secure water supply, the real test of a
survival prepper comes when there’s a shortage of water or you no
longer have access to your water supply due to a crisis or emergency. It’s
situations like this that separate the real preppers from the rest because,
after all, preppers save to have tomorrow.
And to save water against such days, you need efficient storage systems
that are long-lasting and will help your water stay clean, safe, and fresh.
Some of the best options for this include stackable water bricks, food-
grade plastic barrels, stainless steel barrels, and water tanks.
Stackable water bricks are the best choice for preppers who have limited
storage space. Each brick can hold about 3.5 gallons of water, and
they’re also modular and can be stored under your bed if need be. Since
the water bricks come with handles and can be lifted separately, they’re
the more convenient option for the road.
Food-grade plastic barrels are the most common water storage option,
especially since they are quite safe and do not contain chemicals that can
potentially contaminate your stored water. They’re also an eco-friendly
option and how long they last depends on how well you use them. If
you’re going for one of these, choose the barrels that come with fitting
lids, gaskets, or airtight seals to keep your water from getting
Stainless steel barrels are the most durable options and can weather any
storm. They are also resistant to corrosion and rust, which makes them
perfect for storing water over a long period.
Water tanks are available in various sizes, ranging from the small ones
you can keep indoors to the large ones that can be used outdoors. Water
tanks can either be plastic, metal, or concrete and how long one lasts
depends on the material it is made of.
The four are obviously great choices, but the one you go for depends on
your storage space, storage needs, and the conditions in which you’ll
store the water. You can also merge two options if that’s what works best
for you.
Storing your water alone is not enough. You need to purify your water
before storing it and replace it regularly as needed to preserve freshness
and prevent stagnation. Labeling each container with its storage date will
help with this, as then you’ll be able to effectively rotate your water
supply. The conditions in which you store your water also matter, so try
to avoid areas with direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, as they can
affect the quality of your water. You should also check the container
regularly for signs of leakage or damage.


Besides rainwater, there are other natural sources of water out there, and
having two or more water supply sources does not harm anyone. It is like
having a backup for your backup, and you can agree that that’s a logical
thing to do.
Springs and Seeps
These two options are nature’s gift to preppers, or anyone in search of
clean water. A spring is a result of groundwater bubbling up from the
earth and flowing to the surface, and a seep is also similar to a spring,
although it lacks the consistent flow a spring has. To find either of these
two, you have to be observant of your surroundings. Look for low-lying
areas, spots with lush vegetation, or signs of moisture, like wet rocks or
soil. If you dig the base of the seep, it’s possible to find a steady flow of
clean water. However, you’ll need containers such as buckets or tarps to
collect water from the springs.
Rivers and Stream Water
This is another valuable water source, although rivers and streams don’t
offer the assurance of clean water that we can always get from springs.
Flowing water is the best option. Stagnant pools should be used only in
the most desperate conditions. To find them, you have to head downhill
since water naturally flows to lower elevations. You must first filter
water obtained from this water source and afterward boil it for at least
one minute, or you could use purification tablets.
Lakes and Ponds
They also are a sizable water supply source but are stagnant, and
stagnant water can host a lot of parasites and bacteria, so filtration is
important. The best method of filtration you can employ onsite and in a
survival scenario is the DIY charcoal filtration system, after which you
boil the water or use purification tablets to make it safe for drinking.
They’re one of the most reliable and safest sources of water available.
You can find them by observing wellheads in yards or calling a drilling
company to drill one in your yard. They’re naturally pure, although you
have to properly maintain the well and test it regularly.
You can treat water from any of these sources using any of the
purification and filtration methods we’ve already discussed. Or, you can
sterilize your water using UV devices. You can easily get a portable UV
pen or device that is lightweight and easy to carry around. Just make sure
to follow the manufacturer’s guideline for exposure time. Also, if you’re
living along the coastline, you will need to desalinate your water supply
before use, which means you need to invest in a desalination device and
familiarize yourself with how it operates.


Preppers abide by the Rule of Three for survival: three minutes without
air, three hours without shelter, three days without water, and three
weeks without food. These rules simply mean you need air for survival,
you need to be protected from the elements, you can only survive
without water for about three days, and, as essential as food is, with
constant hydration, you can survive without food for three weeks. Air is
always guaranteed—I hope. You’ll always be able to hide from harsh
weather or from the hot sun under the shade of a tree and even find a
place to sleep if you already have tents, tarps, or sleeping bags in your
backpack. This brings us to water again. If you have a limited supply of
water in your backpack, which you are bound to have, then hydration
and water rationing skills are essential weapons in your survival-
prepping arsenal.
Staying hydrated is vital for your well-being. It helps sustain your
physical energy and endurance, which are very important and needed
during emergencies or strenuous activities. Being dehydrated clouds
one’s thinking and decision-making abilities. You’ve probably also
experienced times when you can’t proceed with what you’re doing
because you’re too tired to think, and then a gulp of water rejuvenates
you. Well, that’s because staying hydrated sharpens your cognitive skills.
Another thing being hydrated does is help regulate your body
temperature, especially during harsh weather conditions. Lastly, every
single organ in your body needs water to thrive, so staying hydrated is
one way to ensure that each of your organs functions optimally.
The first step toward staying hydrated is having a secure water supply,
and we’ve tackled the many ways for you to do that. Ensure you have a
water storage system that contains clean, safe water. Although FEMA
recommends a minimum of one gallon of water per person per day, store
more if you have the space and resources. The second step to staying
hydrated is understanding and using water purification techniques;
always carry a water purification tool in your survival kit.
Rationing Water
In the case of limited water supply, especially if it’s an emergency
scenario that has you and your family out of the house where you
obviously can’t carry your large water storage with you, you’ll need to
learn how to ration your water.
To start with, prioritize and allocate water to essential functions like
drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene, and suspend non-essential uses
in the meantime. Even though personal hygiene is essential, it should be
carried out efficiently. Use moist towelettes or wipes, if they’re available,
or minimal water to wash your hands. Also opt for foods that require
minimal water to cook. Munch on dehydrated and freeze-dried foods
now and then, and you’ll still get some of your essential nutrients from
them. Then measure and ration water usage. You can use measuring cups
or bottles to ensure everyone gets their fair share. If possible, create a
community-based water management system and cooperate with your
neighbors to distribute water resources effectively.


Developing a thrifty mindset toward water usage is necessary if you’re
going to be self-sufficient, and conserving water will decrease your
environmental footprint and ensure you have a reliable source of water.
The water you save today can save you tomorrow, which means you
must maximize your water supply.
Greywater recycling is one of the ways to conserve water, especially
when living off the grid, and it involves recycling relatively clean
wastewater from sinks, showers, and laundry. To do this, you’ll need to
reroute your home’s plumbing to direct the greywater your household
uses to a filtration and storage system. The plumbing will, of course, be
done by a professional plumber. Now, when we talk about greywater, we
are talking about water that contains soap and small debris. An inline
filter system integrated into your greywater system helps remove
impurities, after which you can store the water and use it for non-potable
uses like irrigating your garden. If you’re going to implement this
system, then only use environmentally friendly soaps and detergents, and
separate the greywater system from your potable water system to avoid
To use environmentally friendly soaps for cleaning, you can make your
own homemade cleaning solutions. Besides being the best option if
you’re implementing a greywater system, these eco-friendly options use
less water compared to commercial cleaning products. You can create
effective cleaning solutions using ingredients as simple as vinegar,
baking soda, and lemon juice, and these solutions clean well with
minimal water usage; just use a spritz here and there. You can also
employ waterless cleaning methods like steam cleaning or dry dusting
for various surfaces.
Installing low-flow fixtures, including low-flow showerheads, faucets,
and toilets, is another way to reduce water consumption without
sacrificing functionality. Low-flow showerheads restrict the flow of
water, reducing the amount of water used during showers, and the
change in pressure is barely noticeable. Encouraging timed showers in
your household is also another way to reduce water waste while
maintaining personal hygiene. Set a timer or duration: 10-15 minutes is
enough, no need to spend half an hour or more in the bathroom, like my
daughter does. For the faucets, you’ll install low-flow aerators on your
faucets. These aerators will then mix air with water to reduce the flow
rate, and they are also very easy to install. Replacing older, water-
guzzling toilets with low-flow or dual-flush models will allow you to
choose a low-volume flush for liquid waste and a higher volume for solid
waste. All you need to do is ensure that they’re not leaking and fix
immediately if you notice any leaks.
On this note, another effective water conservation system is leak
detection. Even the smallest leak can still waste a considerable amount of
water, so periodically check all water fixtures and plumbing. You can
even install detection devices that can quickly alert you to leaks. If you
do detect a leak, repair it promptly, and don’t wait until it escalates.
You can also opt for native landscaping using native, drought-tolerant
plants since they are adapted to local conditions and often require less
water, and drought-tolerant plants are bred to withstand arid conditions
and need little to no water. Or maybe try xeriscaping, a landscaping
approach where you plan your landscape design to minimize water use
through the use of native plants, mulch, and efficient irrigation systems.
Implementing efficient irrigation methods for your plants will also help
minimize evaporation and runoff. For example, drip irrigation delivers
water directly to the plant’s root zone. You can also use automatic timers
to schedule your irrigation system to early mornings or later evenings
when evaporation times are low. As well, you can install soil motion
sensors that detect the soil moisture level and activate irrigation only
when necessary, which prevents overwatering. Mulching also prevents
evaporation, moderates soil temperature, and suppresses weed growth.
You can apply organic mulch such as bark, compost, and leaves or
inorganic material such as stone or gravel. You can apply the mulch layer
to be two to four inches thick. Organic mulch breaks down over time, so
you will need to replenish it as necessary to maintain the desired depth.
These water conservation strategies will help you save for the rainy day,
or better put, save water for the dry day.


I’ve reiterated over and over again that our health is very important and
you shouldn’t take clean water for granted. While water is essential for
us to stay hydrated, drinking water is not all about staying hydrated.
Having access to clean water helps you maintain your overall well-being.
Drinking unsafe water, on the other hand, can cause many health
complications like waterborne diseases, malnutrition, and even
impairment in children’s physical and cognitive development. According
to the World Health Organization (WHO), unsafe water and poor
hygiene and sanitation contribute to the world’s disease burden.
This is why throughout this chapter, we’ve explored the several ways
you can treat and purify your water supply. It’s also important to
regularly test your water supply for contaminants and treat them as soon
as possible if they are present. I also mentioned safe water storage
options, and the water storage option you decide to invest in must be one
of those. You need to understand water-related diseases so that you can
do your best to eliminate health risks associated with your water source.
The first and most common water-borne disease that spreads through
contaminated water sources is cholera, which is an acute diarrheal
infection caused by the Vibrio cholerae bacterium. Cholera’s key
symptoms include intense diarrhea and vomiting, which often result in
dehydration and sometimes even death. To prevent this, you can take
oral cholera vaccines. Also, ensure safe water sources, always purify
your water supply, and practice good hygiene.
Another waterborne disease caused by contaminated water and food
sources is dysentery. This is also quite common and is caused by the
bacteria shigella. It often results in severe diarrhea with blood or mucus.
You can prevent this by purifying your water supply.
Then we have typhoid fever, which is caused by the Salmonella typhi
bacteria and spreads through water or food contaminated by feces,
especially in rivers and ponds. Its symptoms include high fever,
abdominal pain, and weakness, and you can prevent this by maintaining
sanitary conditions for water sources.
Then there is the Escherichia coli (E. coli) infection that results from
ingesting water or food contaminated with E. coli and its symptoms can
range from mild diarrhea to severe kidney problems. To avoid this,
properly treat the water and make sure you implement proper hygiene
and sanitation practices in food preparation.
There’s also cryptosporidiosis caused by the Cryptosporidium parasite
and it also spreads through water contaminated by feces. Its symptoms
also include diarrhea, stomach cramps, and fever. You can remove the
parasite with the help of filtration systems with a pore size of less than or
equal to 1 micron; you can also treat your water by boiling or using
chemical tablets.
Schistosomiasis, quite common in rural areas, is caused by the parasitic
worm schistosomes and transmitted through contaminated water.
Common symptoms include abdominal pain, diarrhea, and blood in
urine. It’s advisable to avoid contact with potentially contaminated water
sources. However, if you live in an endemic region and can’t avoid
contact with it, you can consider water filtration.
Hepatitis A can also be waterborne and its symptoms include jaundice,
fever, and abdominal pain. Vaccination against hepatitis is important, but
aside from that, safe water sources are also essential.
These are some of the most common water-related health issues. Don’t
forget that you have the knowledge and power to protect yourself and
your family by implementing water treatment and purification methods.
Understanding the connection between clean water and your health will
help you be more confident in your self-sufficient living.

1. Do you think you need a new purification plan in place for your
current water source/system?
2. If yes, which of these purification methods do you prefer, and
how do you plan to implement it?

L ooking at the health issues that come with unsafe water, and the
hydrating benefits water gives us, I’m sure you can agree that having
a clean and safe constant water supply is more important than having a
constant source of water. This is why throughout this chapter you’ve
been equipped with how to source water and make it safe for drinking.


I t’syounormal to experience financial constraints, but that shouldn’t stop

from prepping for the future. Throughout the book, I’ve
mentioned options that you should consider to avoid stretching your
budget too thin, but in this chapter, I’ll bring my point home with a few
more tips that can make the journey easier. Prepping doesn’t have to be
an all-or-nothing endeavor. It is more about being prepared, adaptable,
and self-sufficient within your financial means.


At this point, I know you’re invested in being a survival prepper, but you
don’t have the financial means to purchase everything I’ve mentioned so
far. Not having everything doesn’t make you less of a survival prepper,
and you can still make what you have work for you. Although you don’t
have to get everything, some essentials are a must.
The first essential is water and water purification measures; remember
the Rule of Three that I mentioned? Yes, water and portable filters or
purification tablets are a must. In no particular order, another important
item from the Rule of Three is food. Stock up on non-perishable, long-
lasting, and nutritious food like the very important four grains, freeze-
dried meals, and canned goods. Then the third member of the Rule of
Three is shelter. Tents, sleeping bags, and warm clothing are very
important. You can also invest in emergency blankets or even a wood-
burning stove; you know what to get based on your climate. Fire-making
tools are also important since fire is needed for cooking and warmth and,
if the case arises, to signal for help. Pack fire-starters, and learn fire-
making techniques.
Moving on from the Rule of Three to health, you need a comprehensive
first aid kit that includes bandages, antiseptics, over-the-counter
medications, as well as necessary prescriptions that any of your family
members might be on. Also, don’t forget hygiene supplies like soap,
toothpaste, toilet paper, and some tampons, as well as a portable toilet for
sanitation kits.
Self-defense tools are also important. Even if we hope to never use them,
we don’t want to be caught off guard if we end up needing them.
Consider lethal or non-lethal options, whatever works for you. You also
need lighting sources like flashlights, headlamps, and lanterns with extra
If your budget allows, you can also invest in energy sources like solar
panels, portable power stations, or other alternative energy sources, as
they can provide power for cooking, lighting, and charging devices
during power outages. If long-term survival is your goal, you can also
invest in seeds and gardening tools.
Knowledge is your most valuable tool as a survival prepper so invest in
books and invest in skills. First aid and self-defense skills, among others,
are going to serve you when SHTF.
Prioritizing these supplies will help you gradually build your prepping
inventory without putting a strain on your finances. You can start with
the basics (the Rule of Three) and then gradually expand based on family
needs and the imminent threats in your region.


There are a few DIY projects scattered throughout the book, but let’s
look at a few more that can help you be self-sufficient and resourceful on
a tight budget.
Homemade Solar Oven
This is quite easy to make. All you need are a cardboard box, aluminum
foil, adhesive, a piece of glass or a clear oven bag, black paint, and a
reflector (aluminum foil-covered cardboard).

1. Choose a large cardboard box, ideally with a lid or flap.

2. Cut out a flap on the top of the box to create a lid.
3. Line the inside of the box with aluminum foil to reflect sunlight.
4. Paint the interior of the box black to absorb heat.
5. Attach a piece of glass or clear oven bag to the top (inside) as a
6. Create a reflector using cardboard covered in aluminum foil and
attach it to the box, angling it to direct sunlight into the box.
7. On a sunny day, place your food or container in the box, close the
lid, and position it to capture direct sunlight. It can reach
temperatures suitable for cooking.

Recycled Garden Containers

For this, you need old buckets, crates, and containers.

1. Find suitable containers around your home or from thrift stores,

ensuring they have proper drainage.
2. Drill holes in the bottom for drainage if needed.
3. Add potting soil or compost to the container.
4. Plant your desired vegetables, herbs, or flowers.
5. Water as needed and watch your repurposed container garden

DIY Solar Water Heater

You’ll be using pipes or containers painted black and insulating

1. Select pipes or containers (like plastic bottles) and paint them

2. Connect these black containers to a water supply and a collection
3. Ensure the setup is exposed to direct sunlight.
4. The painted black surface absorbs heat, warming the water as it
passes through.
5. Insulate the pipes or containers to retain heat, and circulate the
heated water back into your home for various uses.

Repurpose Furniture
Give old or thrifted furniture a new life using paint, brushes, and
sandpaper (if refinishing).

1. Assess the furniture’s condition and decide on the desired

2. Sand and prep the surface if refinishing or clean thoroughly if
3. Apply fresh coats of paint or stain for a new look.
4. Reuse furniture in different ways (e.g., repurpose a dresser into a
kitchen island).

Handmade Soaps and Candles

You’ll need soap or candle-making kits, essential oils, molds, wax,
wicks, and dyes (for candles).

1. Follow instructions from a soap- or candle-making kit.

2. Add essential oils or scents of your choice.
3. Pour into molds and let them set.
4. Once set, remove the soaps or candles and enjoy your custom

Reusable Cloth Products

To do this, you should have a sewing machine, fabric, thread, and
1. Cut fabric into the desired size and shape (e.g., squares for
2. Sew around the edges to prevent fraying.
3. Use and wash these cloth products instead of using disposable

These DIY projects are not only budget-friendly but also foster self-
reliance, resourcefulness, and frugality, reducing your reliance on store-
bought solutions.


Bartering is a skill that often gets overlooked in our modern economy;
however, it’s a precious skill to us survival preppers and will most likely
be the skill to get normies (who have goods, services, or cash to barter
with) going when SHTF. When money loses its value or becomes scarce,
it is the goods and services you have that will help you thrive, and it is
bartering these goods and services that will help a community thrive as
Bartering is a skill as old as human civilization, and it simply involves
exchanging goods or services without money being involved. It has a lot
of advantages: lets you discover the true value of the items you possess,
allows you to acquire things you need but don’t have, helps you foster
relationships with people and even a sense of community, and it can be
the lifeline you need in times of financial constraints.
Before you can barter successfully, you need to know the principles
involved; otherwise it might not be a profitable venture for you. Before
you barter the goods you have or the services you can render, you have
to understand the value of what you have and know which of your goods
or services is attractive to others. You also need to identify your needs
and prioritize your necessities to be sure you’re not exchanging goods or
services just for the sake of it, but you’re getting something you really
need in return. Also, find people who have what you need and possibly
want what you have. Communication is very important as well, so that
you can negotiate with respect and openness and convince people to
make the trade. And lastly, like every trader, you need to be trustworthy,
so try to build a good reputation within your community.
Many of the essentials I mentioned that are a must if you’re working on a
small budget, are universally valuable in self-sufficiency, and are often
referred to as “bartering currency.” Although there are others besides the
survival preppers’ must-haves, these bartering currencies include food,
water, heirloom seeds, quality tools, medical supplies, fuel, ammunition
(for those who own firearms), clothing and blankets, soap and hygiene
products, and, very importantly, your skills and knowledge.
These skills are sometimes more valuable than goods because they allow
you to offer services that might be irreplaceable in a self-sufficient
community. Take medical skills, for instance. Sometimes the basics are
all you need to save lives. Gardening and farming skills are valuable as
well since they can help ensure a sustainable food source. Or perhaps
you’re good at carpentry and repair; everybody needs a fixer or builder,
eventually. Also, if you’re good at hunting or fishing, the protein source
you bring home is something a lot of people will definitely be interested
in. If you’re good at DIY projects, you can produce basic necessities like
soap and light that people need. You can also educate and tutor people,
and you’ll be surprised at what you can exchange for when sharing your
wealth of knowledge.
The trading process starts with identifying someone who has what you
need and then discussing to agree on the terms of the trade. After that,
you and the person you’re trading with can check or inspect the items or
services before you hand over the goods or services you’re trading, and
make sure that you’re both satisfied with the exchange. Once you’re
done trading, remember to keep a record of trades for future reference.
And there you have it, that’s the simple way to create a self-reliant
lifestyle for yourself—one that many only dream of.


My wife loves going to the secondhand store and views secondhand
things as objects waiting to find new owners that will love them just as
much as, or even more than, their previous owners—and maybe to be
altered to be better. She’s really sentimental about giving things, people,
and animals second chances at love and opportunities. Secondhand stores
not only offer their objects a new opportunity, but they offer us preppers
a world of opportunity as well. In these stores, you’ll find affordable,
sustainable, and even the most unpredictable things. Thanks to them,
self-sufficiency doesn’t have to be costly, and you can find every
essential prepper item, from survival gear to homesteading tools, at
reasonable prices.
The terms thrift and secondhand stores are often used interchangeably,
but they’re not the same. Thrift stores are often charity-based and most
items you find in them are donated, so they often support community
causes. Secondhand stores, on the other hand, are profit-driven
businesses, and their main goal is to make a profit from selling used
While being a survival prepper can be an expensive endeavor, these
stores provide a cost-effective solution that helps you equip yourself with
essential supplies without emptying your wallet. Thrift and secondhand
stores are also advocates for sustainable practices, and when you thrift,
you’re repurposing items and reducing the demand for new production.
Then, as I already said, they offer unpredictability: you never know what
you will find, but you’re sure to see some pretty unique things, unlike at
the predictable chain retailers. If you’re a collector of all things vintage,
then you will like secondhand stores because there you’ll find vintage
and older tools and equipment that have stood the test of time. A lot of
old items were made from really good materials, unlike products out
there in this period, so vintage items are always more durable than their
modern counterparts.
However, with secondhand stores also comes impulsive buying,
especially if you’re somewhat of a collector, so you need to compile a
list of your essential prepping needs before you go shopping as this will
help you stay focused. You need to be patient too; you might not get
what you’re looking for on the first visit, and it might take multiple visits
before experiencing the thrill of discovery, but I can assure you that you
will surely find that exact thing you’re looking for. Once you find the
item you’re looking for, before you do the dance or get too excited,
check that it is still functional and durable and that it will serve its
purpose. Imagine going home with a prepper’s knife that’s not only blunt
but is already starting to rust. Even if you can sharpen it, how do you get
rid of the rust? When buying secondhand goods, don’t hesitate to beat
down the prices, especially if you feel it’s warranted. You might need to
do a little research on how much a new one of the tools you’re getting
costs, so you can estimate how much the secondhand one should cost.
You shouldn’t always have to shuffle from store to store. Once you find a
store that has a good deal of prepper items with a wide selection range
that allows you to pick your choice at reasonable prices, with a friendly
staff as well, you might make that store your shopping spot.
In these stores, you can find unconventional items like camping gear,
including tents, sleeping bags, stoves, and camping utensils. You can
also find different tools, from gardening to power tools, which will help
you if you’re considering homesteading. You can also find sturdy,
rugged, and weather-resistant outdoor clothes that will keep you
comfortable when working outdoors. You can find canning supplies here,
even canners, and also cooking utensils like cast-iron skillets and
stainless-steel pots. These stores also have books and building materials
like lumber, screws, and nails that will help with your construction
projects. You can also find storage containers like plastic bins and other
containers that can help you organize your prepping supplies. The list is
endless, and you’re only limited by your shopping list.
If you’re not that financially buoyant, these stores are your allies, and if
you approach thrifting with an open mind, you’ll be amazed at the
treasures you can uncover.


Don’t let a limited budget be a roadblock on the way to achieving your
prepping goals. Prepping on a budget is both possible and exciting, and it
might awaken the resourceful side of you that you never knew you had.
First, you have to distinguish between the essentials and non-essentials,
and list the most crucial items you need for survival. That should be
pretty easy since it was what I first discussed at the beginning of this
chapter—the Rule of Three—your health and hygiene, and then every
other thing comes after. After doing this, you’ll set a realistic and clear
budget to determine how much you can allocate to your prepping
endeavors. Look for areas where you can cut unnecessary costs; thrift
items and DIY projects also count. You already learned how to create a
realistic budget in chapter 1, so this shouldn’t be much of a hassle. Then
embrace trade and bartering, as you can always use what you have
(goods and skills) to get what you need (goods and skills).
Be as frugal as possible when getting the essential items, stockpile
affordable food, buy in bulk so you can benefit from discounts, use
coupons, and then use proper storage measures to extend their shelf life.
Buy cheap yet quality food-grade water storage containers and purify
your water supply with methods you can make or do yourself. You can
also make your own soaps and cleaning supplies for hygiene. Learn how
to identify edible plants and possibly try your hand at foraging. If your
local area allows it, try hunting and fishing as well. There are ways to
also reduce your energy bills: you can opt for solar-powered appliances,
save on electricity using efficient LED lighting, insulate your home, and
seal drafts. Engaging with your local prepping and homesteading
community can be a valuable resource, as you’ll have access to group
buys, seed exchanges, and shared knowledge.
In short, approaching prepping with a thrifty mindset will help you
navigate financial constraints while living self-sufficiently, so tighten
your shoelaces and embrace the challenge of prepping without splurging.


Your network is your net worth and it is the connections you build with
other preppers that will enhance your preparedness journey. As much as
you like your privacy, as we all do, you can’t deny that there is a strength
in numbers. A community combines the knowledge of several people,
their skills, and their resources. Joining one means you’re deepening the
depth of knowledge, skills, and resources you have access to, which will
greatly benefit your self-sufficiency efforts. The concept of mutual aid is
very strong in prepper communities; you’re not alone, and you don’t
have to be as others watch your back in time of need.
I have made some mistakes in my prepping journey, and some of these
mistakes I’ve shared with you. However, you can’t compare the few
mistakes I’ve made to the ones a prepping community would have made
collectively, ones that you don’t even think of as mistakes until you have
to deal with the consequences. Learning from your community’s
experiences and mistakes will help you make informed decisions.
You’ve learned the bartering and trading process but this practice is more
effective if you are a member of a community. It’s a cost-effective way
to acquire what you need and reduce your reliance on financial
transactions. You can also engage in community projects like bulk
purchasing, communal gardens, or group training, and this reduces
individual costs. Being a prepper can be challenging at the beginning and
you will need emotional support to make it through; emotional support
which you can sometimes only get from a group of like-minded people.
You can join reputable and established prepper organizations like the
American Preppers Network. You can join online forums; there are also
communities across Reddit and Facebook, so joining one whose goals
align with yours is a cost-effective way to get started. You can also
search for local prepper meetups in your area for face-to-face
interactions and resource sharing. When joining these groups, be aware
that preppers come from all walks of life, so you have to embrace
diversity and respect different perspectives. You should also be able to
add value to your community, share your skills and knowledge, and offer
help when needed. Join hands in community projects and attend training
and workshops. A culture of mutual support strengthens your network.
Connecting with a prepper network strengthens your survival plan and
helps you build a web of resilience around you that benefits everyone


I know that as a survival prepper, you’re after a self-sufficient life, one
that is totally independent. However, when you experience financial
worries that pose a challenge to meet your prepping goals, you can take
advantage of these programs and use the extra cash to stockpile more
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP): Formerly known
as food stamps, SNAP can supplement supplies during challenging times
as they give eligible families funds to purchase food.
Medicaid: Health is wealth, and as I’ve said, we can’t compromise on
quality health as preppers and this program will help you address any
medical emergencies you might encounter. Only low-income individuals
and families are eligible for this health coverage.
Section 8 Housing Voucher Program: We can all agree that housing takes
up a huge part of our budget, and by participating in this program that
offers rental assistance to low-income families, making housing more
affordable, you can allocate all that free money taken off your housing
costs to other prepping essentials.
Child Nutrition Programs: The National School Lunch Program and
School Breakfast Program offer free or reduced-price meals for eligible
children. And you can agree that with this program, the problem of
ensuring your kids receive nutritious meals is half settled.
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP): LIHEAP
assists low-income families with covering their energy bills. You can
take advantage of this, especially if you’re living off the grid to maintain
your setup efficiently and offset the costs of heating, cooling, and
electricity, freeing up funds for other prepping essentials.
Emergency Assistance Programs: In the aftermath of emergencies,
programs like the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and
state agencies provide emergency assistance for temporary housing,
food, and other critical supplies, to help people get back on their feet.
Apart from these ones that cut across all states, you can also research the
state-based ones for a program that you’re eligible for as well.


The one final thing that can help you prepare for the long term is whether
you're under a tight budget or not is making a financial plan. Financial
planning will help you build a solid foundation for your self-sufficient
lifestyle and help you make your money work for you in your long-term
Financial planning for us preppers is more than just planning, it's about
setting goals. Remember the goals you set in chapter 1? I believe you've
written them somewhere, but, if not, write them out from the workbook
you used; those goals are realistic enough so let's work with them. I do
hope you put much thought into setting your preparedness goals in that
section. If you didn't, I’m sorry to inform you that you're going to have
to scrap that one and do it again.
Now that that's settled, assess your current financial status, income,
savings, expenses, and debts. How healthy are you financially? I hope
your income is more than your expenses and not the other way around.
The next thing to do after that is to set a realistic budget. The budget
you're going to create here is going to cover prepping-related costs as
well as your daily expenses. This will help you be more frugal with how
you spend money. Then identify the most critical prepping essentials you
need in your budget, from short-term needs to long-term goals. The goals
you set at the start of making your financial plan should help with this.
Then you're going to start an emergency fund, so include this as well in
your budget. As preppers, we always prepare ahead for the rainy day,
and this should reflect in your finances too. You should have set aside
enough for three to six months of living expenses that can act as your
safety net during an unforeseen crisis. Then explore investment options,
especially ones that align with your prepping lifestyle. You can diversify
your portfolio into assets like precious metals that retain their value even
during economic instability or renewable energy sources. Just make sure
you do enough research before dipping your foot into the investment
pool; you can even consult with a financial advisor. Then allocate a
portion of your income to saving regularly. You can't just put your
money all at once into long-term prepping projects or investments. It's
saving toward them that will help you embark on these projects and
finish them too.
A part of your savings should also go to paying off your debts. Start with
high-interest debts first, as paying them off will leave extra money that
can be targeted toward buying prepping essentials.
Also be prepared to make some changes in certain circumstances,
whether to your budget or your investment strategy. As a prepper, you
must not be rigid about these things. Periodically review your financial
plan and adjust it as circumstances change or as you fulfill some of your
Maintain accurate records: keep receipts, monitor your budget, and track
your investments. These records will help you make informed financial
decisions. And continue educating yourself both financially and
preparedness-wise. The more knowledgeable you are, the better you will
be able to navigate financial constraints.
A financial plan is an ongoing process, not a static one, so as you evolve,
let your financial plan evolve.
WO R K B O O K 8

Assessing Your Financial Plan

Expenses + debt > income (no savings) = financially unhealthy

Expenses + debt < income (no savings) = financially unhealthy
Expenses + debt > income (with savings) = financially unhealthy
Expenses + debt < income (with savings) = financially healthy

Investments and long-term prepping goals

Drawing your budget

Y ou've assessed your financial health and your financial goals, so now
is the time to choose a healthier financial lifestyle.
You've already stated how much your monthly income is, so let's divide
your income and set achievable goals.
First, you'll list the important expenses you can't skip on monthly (only
important things), make sure to add miscellaneous expenses; then take
the total amount out of your monthly income. We have four boxes left,
and you can divide what's left of your income into 4. Or save ⅓ of what's
left in your emergency fund and divide the money that’s left into the
three remaining boxes. The amount you get from that division will be
going into the remaining four boxes.
For instance, you earn $7,000 per month (taxes removed). Then you
allocate $4,000 to your total expenses plus miscellaneous, that's $3,000
left. If you divide $3,000 into 4, that's $750. That means you allocate
$750 dollars to each category: prepping essentials, savings for
investment, savings for prepping project, and emergency fund.
Or, you can keep ⅓ of the remaining $3,000 as your emergency fund,
which leaves you with $2,000. Divide $2,000 by 3 and you'll get
$666.70. That means you allocate $666.70 dollars to each category:
prepping essentials, savings for investment, and savings for prepping

F inances can hold a person back from achieving their preparedness

goals, but your finances don't have to hold you back. In this chapter,
we've explored how to thrive as a survival prepper while making do with
the little you have. I hope these tips on frugality will guide you on your
journey to self-reliance.

P reppers are not stagnant people; we thrive, we grow, and we seek
knowledge. You shouldn't just be content with the knowledge and
skills you have, as the world keeps evolving, new ideas keep coming out
that can make life easier for us, and you should be up to date. Growing in
all areas of your life will help you commit to this preparedness journey.
If not, you'll easily get bored and probably end up opting out of this
lifestyle. Going back to being a normie after living as a survival prepper
is not something you want to do, as moving from independent living to
dependent living can be quite frustrating—take it from the old people
who live in care homes.


Since being a prepper is an ongoing journey, you'll come across
challenges and uncertainties along the way that will require not only
your physical preparedness but mental resilience as well.
This mental resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks or
challenges and hold your ground through them. It’s the ability to grow
stronger through life's trials instead of letting them weigh you down.
Mental resilience is not all about having a positive outlook on life,
although this is a crucial part of it, but it is also the ability to embrace
change. While a positive outlook boosts your morale and motivates you,
you also have to accept that change is the only constant. As a prepper,
you're no stranger to adapting, and you should see change as the
opportunity to grow, learn new skills, and evolve yourself.
To be more resilient, you have to view failure as an opportunity to grow,
be ready to analyze what went wrong, and make adjustments based on
this info. You also need to be more flexible, as inflexibility is one of the
things that make challenges hit some people harder than others (even
when it is the same challenge). When you are aware that your first plan
may not always be the best and are ready to switch your strategies when
necessary, then you'll be able to survive anything.
Another way to be resilient is to develop healthy coping mechanisms.
What do you do when difficulty hits you? Do you hit the bar or do you
meditate? Find ways to alleviate your stress and stay resilient, maybe
through mindfulness and meditation practices, being creative, walking
through your garden, visiting a friend, physical fitness or self-care
activities, anything that makes you feel calm. Resilience also means
being resourceful and finding creative alternatives when things don't go
your way.
Mental resilience also goes hand in hand with adaptability. It is being
adaptable that helps you deal with challenges better. Instead of sitting
still and waiting sadly for the situation to be over, you take charge, and
modify your approach and strategies in response instead.
To be adaptable, you have to be a learner. Don't just stop at what you
know, don't stop at this book, but continue updating your skills and
knowledge and be open to new information and ideas. It might be what
you recently learned, rather than what you've always known, that will
help you deal with challenges. That way, challenges will look to you
more like opportunities to practice your skills, rather than things that
want to (pardon the dramatics) ruin your life. Networking with other
preppers will also introduce you to new ideas and knowledge that might
be more efficient than the older ones.
Also, learn how to manage stress and make sound decisions in
unpredictable circumstances. Simulating different scenarios and
practicing drills will help you test your adaptability and even anticipate
problems and come up with solutions before things get out of hand.
Also, a healthy mind and body are crucial in both your mental resilience
and adaptability, so try to stay physically and mentally fit. You can take
care of both your physical and mental health through physical activities,
getting enough sleep, good nutrition, self-care practices, and meditation.
No matter how challenging being a prepper is, it is a strong mind and the
ability to adapt that will empower you to thrive.


Skills are sometimes what make the difference between thriving and
surviving in a crisis, which is why as a prepper, you have to adopt the
mindset of a perpetual learner. You will experience a variety of
situations, each needing its own set of skills, so learn as many as you
can. I can assure you that no survival skill ever goes to waste. Be open to
new knowledge and experiences.
Before you get started, establish clear objectives for your skill
development. What skills do you think are the most necessary for your
self-sufficiency goals? Create a roadmap, starting from the basics to the
advanced ones. This roadmap will help you keep on track. Although it is
good to specialize, it is much better to be versatile, as versatility is the
sign of a well-rounded prepper. After you're done learning skills within
your goals, learn diverse skills that will serve you in different scenarios.
While theory is good, hands-on training is better, so practice all that you
learn. If that's not enough, you can attend workshops or join local
prepper training groups. If you don't practice, you can't claim to have
learned a skill. So don't just try once but practice regularly; practice
makes perfect. Tend to that garden regularly, go to the shooting range
regularly, go fishing regularly. Just make sure to practice. And remember
to create drills and real-life simulations to test your skills and your
Then keep a log of your skill development. Document all that you've
learned, your achievements, areas that still need adjustment, and work
toward getting better in those areas. Keeping a log will give you a picture
of your progress and guide you in further training.
Adaptability is very important for survival, so be open to updating or
modifying your skills to meet technological advancements and
challenges that might come your way.
You can learn basic survival skills like fire-making, shelter-building,
navigation, and water purification. If your goal is health-wise, you can
learn basic first aid and CPR, and then maybe advance to wilderness first
aid. If self-defense is your concern, go for firearms training or hand-to-
hand combat, and also learn how to use non-lethal weapons.
For food production, you can learn gardening, fishing, hunting, foraging,
and raising animals. You can also learn how to can food as well as other
food preservation methods. Then understand how to find water sources
and purify your water supply.
If your goal is to be self-sufficient, you can learn homesteading skills
like cooking from scratch, making soap, and generally making things
from scratch.
Acquiring repair and maintenance skills like repairing tools, equipment,
and structures will help you extend the life of your resources.
Leadership, team-building, and conflict-resolution skills will help you in
community building. And within that community, you'll need
communication skills that will help you communicate with your group,
as well as bartering and trading skills to obtain what you need in a post-
disaster economy.
Navigation skills like using maps, GPS, and compasses will also help
you navigate unfamiliar terrain.
Embracing lifelong learning with clear goals and hands-on training will
help you become more resilient in the face of adversity.

A lot of preppers prepare physically but don't prepare their minds and
emotions to handle when SHTF. And most times, if you're not prepared
psychologically, your physical preparations will go to waste, as you
might not be able to make rational decisions.
Being psychologically prepared means you're mentally and emotionally
ready to face adversity and that you can stay resilient in any situation
whatsoever. To be a psychologically-prepared prepper means that you
don't shy away from the reality that crises can happen. It also means you
have the emotional resilience to bounce back when this crisis happens
without getting hit by long-term psychological trauma. It means you
have great stress management skills and that you're able to maintain a
positive outlook and adapt to new circumstances that a crisis might
Being psychologically prepared is a plus to you because it is only when
you're mentally prepared that you won't be impulsive. Instead, you'll be
able to think clearly and make rational decisions under pressure. And
since your mind isn't all over the place or overwhelmed with stress, fear,
or anxiety, you'll be able to function properly, and even offer creative
solutions to problems.
Before you can be mentally prepared, you need to learn about how
disasters and emergencies affect our psychological health. Ignorance is
not bliss in this case, and knowing means you won't be surprised when it
happens. You need to be aware of your mental state too; know and
validate your emotions and feelings, and don't try to pretend you're fine
when you're clearly emotionally distressed. Start practicing positive self-
talk now. We can be our own greatest friend, or sometimes our greatest
enemy, and what you say to yourself can either make things worse or
make you view things more objectively.
You should also have stress management strategies in place for when
you're stressed: do you take a walk or go to sleep? Do you meditate or
engage in one of the things you're passionate about, like gardening?
Social self-care is also a thing, so having a group of like-minded friends
you can talk to when you're anxious or worried, and discussing your
worries and fears with them, is good for your mental health.
Drills are the one constant thing in both physical preparedness and
psychological preparedness. Not only do they help you get better at
handling these kinds of situations, but they help you become more
confident in yourself and familiarize your mind with such high-pressure
Most of all, embrace hope. Hoping that things will be better, that you
will not only survive but thrive, will help you stay mentally and
emotionally strong in adverse scenarios.


In preparing for the worst-case scenarios, you shouldn't only have
supplies and skills, though those are crucial. You should also have a
well-thought-out evacuation or bug-out plan for when SHTF and you
have to leave your home. For example, if natural disasters or civil unrest
occur and make staying at home a dangerous prospect or if you live in a
fire-prone area—or whatever other scenario comes to your mind—
having a bug-out plan becomes a matter of life and death. In these cases,
not having a bug-out plan is a grave mistake you don't want to make.
To build your bug-out plan, you need to assess the potential risks in your
region, like a hurricane or flood, and then tailor your plan accordingly.
Then if you're bugging out, you should be moving in somewhere.
Wandering around should only happen in extreme cases. In short, you
should have a secure destination in mind, whether a friend or family
member's house, a remote cabin, or a pre-established bug-out location.
Most times, bugging out is done hurriedly, and a few lapses, like going
back to pick up a member of the family or something else, can be dire.
To avoid this, ensure every member of your bug-out team or family
knows the plan. You can practice drills beforehand so everyone knows
what to do and what routes to take. Also, plan for the evacuation of your
pets and livestock, including their food and shelter.
Also, plan different bug-out routes in case any of the routes become
compromised, and you'll have another to take and avoid being trapped.
Also, consider backroads and alternate paths, as major highways can
become congested. If possible, stash supplies along these routes to
resupply in case your supply is finished, or create a temporary shelter.
Don't forget your bug-out bag as it’s very important if you don't want to
end up hungry, thirsty, tired, and unsheltered from the harsh weather.
Make sure your bug-out bag contains the essentials: food, water,
clothing, first-aid supplies, etc., including your important documents
(especially if it's a fire or flood issue). Then check your bug-out bag and
refresh it regularly, making sure all equipment in it is functional.
You can also have a bug-out vehicle ready. No matter what kind of
vehicle it is, it must be able to carry you, your family (or bug-out team),
and supplies. And you and every member of your group should have a
list of important contacts, including emergency services. Also, make sure
you have reliable communication tools so you can keep up-to-date with
local news and emergency alerts.
When making a bug-out plan, keep your location and plan discreet to
avoid potential threats, and determine how you'll handle encounters with
people during the evacuation process.
A bug-out plan isn't static, so prepare for unforeseen circumstances,
regularly reassess your plan, and make necessary adjustments based on
current circumstances and local risks.
Another important part of preparedness that should become your habit is
staying informed and updated on the latest events and news. Staying
informed will give you enough knowledge to make well-informed
decisions during a crisis.
Staying updated means you get early warnings about potential threats,
which will help you decide when to stay put, bug out, or take other
protective actions. That way, you'll also be able to manage your
resources efficiently and ration your supplies based on how long it seems
the crisis will last.
However, try to avoid echo chambers that only reinforce existing beliefs
instead of sharing new information, and also don't rely on a single news
outlet but diversify your information sources. That way you'll be able to
separate legit information from false. You can get quick updates if you
follow the social media accounts of local government agencies, credible
news outlets, and emergency services. Or you can install news apps on
your phone and set up notifications for breaking news.
If your local area is at risk of natural disasters like hurricanes, storms, or
floods, then you need to stay informed about weather conditions so you
won't be caught off guard. You can also choose to join or create a
community of like-minded preppers and share and verify information.
However, when it comes to staying updated, there's such a thing as
information overload, which can end up in misinformation and paranoia.
Think of the story of Chicken Little who kept shouting "The sky is
falling." Don't be an alarmist like Chicken Little, and always verify the
information before you disseminate it or before you take action so that
you don't panic and make bad decisions. Lastly, base your fear on real
facts, not mere speculation.
As you stay updated, use the information to react to threats effectively
and to protect your safety and that of your loved ones.


Most times, we're focused on doing things all by ourselves. Many of us
are even attracted to the idea of self-sufficiency because it suggests
independence. But prepping for survival as a community is the best, and
although you might not know it now, having people around you who
think like you will help you do much better than you'd do on your own.
Individual preparedness is great, but prepping as a community is much
better. Sometimes you might experience emergencies unique to you
alone and you'll need your community to fall back on. You'll gain a lot
more knowledge and resources from being a part of a close-knit
community, and you'll even have access to people with skills that you
might not have yourself. And you might also be able to learn new skills
that you'd have had to pay to learn if you were on your own.
No matter how resilient you might be, there are times when you'll still
need to rely on emotional support to get back on your feet. When
someone tells you they understand and that they love what you're doing,
you will have new motivation to move forward. Individual resilience is
great, but as a community, you can withstand challenges together,
ensuring that no one is left behind. Having neighbors you can rely on and
a sense of togetherness will strengthen the resolve of every single
Whatever benefits you can think of that are associated with survival
prepping, you'll experience them multiple-fold as a member of a close-
knit prepping community. Coupled with support, resilience, knowledge,
and a sense of belonging, your neighbors can be your best allies.


You've started your self-reliant journey, and you've acquired the
knowledge that will help you thrive on this journey, but when the going
gets tough, will you be among the tough that gets going?
Many challenges come with being a prepper. When the going gets tough,
it is also what got you started that will motivate you to carry on. You
didn't start survival prepping just because others were doing it. You most
likely decided to be a prepper because you want a self-reliant and free
lifestyle, or you want the ability to protect yourself and your family, or
you want to face challenges that come your way.
No matter what, you still want to fulfill that goal, so instead of being
worried about what you're facing at the moment, why don't you focus on
what the future holds for you, and how happy you will be if a challenge
comes your way and you find that it can’t overwhelm you? Now hold on
to that happy thought.
To stay committed, you should also regularly put what you've learned
into practice. As you practice regularly and get better, your progress will
motivate you to stay committed. Also, you won't want to give up, as you
won't want all the time and practice to go to waste.
Most times, when we feel tempted to give up, it is the people around us
who will hold us up and offer us the strength and fortitude to bear things
to the end. This is another reason why you need a community of like-
minded preppers. They will motivate you to stay committed to the
Challenges are an integral part of life, but you're not just anybody, you're
a prepper. You're ready for whatever comes your way; you don't let your
challenges become stumbling blocks. Instead, you turn them into
steppingstones because that's who you are. Stay committed to survival
prepping, and you'll not only be a survivor, you'll thrive, living life on
your own terms.

I fusing
your goal is self-defense, then you know you probably need skills in
firearms, hand-to-hand combat, and the like. Determine how
long it will take you to master the skill(s) you choose.
Weekly schedule for learning each skill
You already know how long it will take you to master each skill. Now,
include it in your schedule so you can meet your targeted duration.

S tarting the survival prepping journey is important, but staying

committed is equally important. From this chapter, you can see that
the ways to stay committed are to continue your learning process, be
resilient and adaptable, gain more skills, prepare psychologically, stay
informed, and embrace the support of a community. You've also learned
how to bug out in the direst of circumstances. At this point, here's to you
thriving as a survival prepper.

Disaster doesn't just come all of a sudden; there are warning signs, a
whirlwind here, a quiet rumbling in the distance there. Life is
unpredictable and disasters are normal. What makes us different is that
we don't sit still and watch things happen to us. We take charge of our
lives and face these challenges head-on. We're no damsels in distress
waiting for Prince Charming to save us, we are Princess Merida fighting
our own battles ourselves. We prepare for everything and anything.
If you've learned one thing from this book, it's that being prepared is a
superpower that can help you when SHTF. If you've always wanted to be
a survival prepper but are on a tight budget, this book has made you
realize that you can make the most of the little you have.
We've gone through physical preparedness and emotional preparedness,
and now you have the tools to survive any scenario that comes your way.
What's left to do now is to use these tools. Remember, I said you should
always put what you've learned into practice because it's only by doing
that that you can be confident in your skills as a survival prepper.
You've learned about the prepper's mindset, so embrace it. You've set
goals and drawn a plan. Now is the time to act.
If you've enjoyed this book and it has offered valuable insight that you
believe will help you prep for survival successfully, kindly leave a
review and share your thoughts with others. Let's start a community of
like-minded preppers together and amplify the whispers of preparation
so that we can all be ready to face whatever challenges may come our
Thank you so much for purchasing my book.

You could have picked from dozens of other books, but you took a
chance and chose this one.
So THANK YOU for getting this book and for making it all the way to
the end and letting us be part of your preparedness arsenal.
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