Received: 5 August 2021 / Accepted: 3 January 2022 / Published online: 20 January 2022
© The Author(s) 2022
Threat modelling Cyber-Physical System built on cloud infrastructure to monitor and manage the window cleaning operation
using Window Cleaning Warehouse as a case study. Focusing on IoT data collection and cloud infrastructure security and the
connections with the Cyber-Physical System. External dependencies and trust levels are defined before using trust boundaries
and data flow diagrams to highlight attack surfaces. Expected scenarios from the data flow diagrams are discussed to identify
violated intended use of the system using STRIDE threat classification. A risk assessment of assets that may be of interest to
an adversary aid the discovery of more security risks that are then prioritised using the DREAD methodology. The results of
the research present a comprehensive breakdown of vulnerabilities associated with IoT data security for route optimisation
ranging from GPS spoofing, to Firestore vulnerabilities in the real-time database to Bluetooth Low Energy vulnerabilities in
the IoT hardware, all of which could be common risks in cyber-physical systems designed by SME businesses. The research
concludes various security risks applicable to SME businesses adopting industry 4.0 to alleviate the risk of new security
breaches to the business through this adoption, increasing the likelihood of successful adoption of industry 4.0.
Keywords Cloud computing · Internet of things · Cyber physical system · Cloud security · Database security
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intelligence of the pure water usage hotspots. The novel To fulfil the objective of novel research in threat model-
aspect of the research is the threat modelling of the digi- ling real-time IoT data for route optimisation based on the
tal supply chain’s real-time data in the IoT based route and physical and electronic security and the digital supply chains
resource optimisation context and the security policy as a encompassment of security and privacy of real-time data.
course of action to circumvent security risks.
The threat modelling process follows the Microsoft
security development lifecycle to identify potential secu- Scope and Constraints
rity threats in the design and strategize risk management to
reduce inherent risk severity. This process involves defin- The research will focus on the novel aspects which are to
ing the external dependencies of the CPS for the Google threat model the innovative digital supply chain of real-time
Cloud Platform (GCP) cloud functions since they have a IoT data for route and resource optimisation. The delimi-
direct impact on the security of the system. External entities tations of the research are aspects not associated with the
and their privileges to access the system is then discussed cloud infrastructure, IoT hardware, data exchange between
to determine their trust levels for the system, thus setting a these systems and the cyber-physical system. These delimi-
precedence of acceptable access privileges among expected tations include but are not limited to, risks associated with
entities. To represent the system schematically and repre- the underlying Flutter framework and the multiple operating
sent how data flow is expected, data flow diagrams are used systems it supports.
with trust boundaries bordering a change of privilege in the
system, to highlight attack surfaces. From the dataflow dia-
grams the expected data exchange scenarios are documented Related Work
to clearly define intended use of the system thus making it
simpler to distinguish violated intended use of the system The contextual background that the research will be con-
using STRIDE threat classification. Because attackers usu- ducted against includes;
ally act with intent an assessment of assets that may be of
interest to an adversary give context to the impacts these 1. The novelty of real-time IoT data for resource and route
risks can cause which is summarised using the DREAD optimisation
methodology before risks are prioritised and managed. 2. The novelty of small and medium-sized enterprises
(SME) digital supply chain’s encompassment of security
and privacy of real-time data for IoT route optimisation
Aims and Objectives 3. The novelty of electronic and physical security of IoT
devices to monitor resources affects the efficiency of a
This section outlines aims and objectives defining the suc- route
cess criteria of the research project. This will be achieved
by focusing on the following aims; Literature review of related work to IoT data being used
for resource and route optimisation is summarised as route
1. Defining the entry and exit points of the system for real- optimisation of freight logistics based on vehicle capacity,
time data customer time-window, the maximum travelling distance,
2. Defining the external entities and their trust level in the the road capacity and traffic data [11]. Other IoT based route
digital supply chain optimisation is based on how planned routes are performed
3. Defining the intended use of the system and its real-time using IoT devices to monitor vehicles and drivers to learn
routing data preferences [12]. Research has also been conducted on IoT
4. Defining the external dependencies that are interoper- use in waste management routing problems [13, 14].
able with the real-time data Research objectives aligning with the literature review
5. STRIDE threat classification to identify risks relating to for real-time IoT data for route and resource optimisation
digital supply chain innovation is that the literature does not consider the security of the
6. DREAD risk assessment of the novel real-time route and IoT data for routing problems. This is a significant knowl-
resource optimising IoT data risks edge gap since attacks could occur to IoT routing such as
7. Specify the security measures for the identified criticali- physical denial of service attacks on roads by routing all
ties and policy to be implemented to curb the problem vehicles towards congested areas if the integrity of the data
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is breached or a breach of confidentiality of the routes could for SME’s digital supply chain’s security and privacy of
lead to digital supply chain loses of marketable real-time real-time IoT data for route optimisation. The final con-
data for WCW in the context of this study. tribution to knowledge gaps in the electronic and physical
According to a review on cyber risk analytics and arti- security of IoT devices is to monitor resources affecting
ficial intelligence in the industrial IoT and I4.0 supply the efficiency of a route which is presented in this paper.
chains [1] there are knowledge gaps for Small and mid-
size enterprises (SMEs) since;
Research Methodology
“the SME’s digital supply chains need to encompass
the security and privacy, along with electronic and
To fulfil the research objective the data is collected through
physical security of real-time data”, “the SMEs need
a non-probabilistic convenience sample using WCW as a
security measures to protect themselves from a range
case study of a theoretical CPS design. The data analysis
of attacks in their supply chains, while cyber attack-
method is grounded theory [5] which is a systematic method
ers only need to identify the weakest links” and “the
of constructing hypotheses, and theories of possible security
weakness of existing cyber risk impact assessment
risks based on the threat modelling of the design of the CPS.
models is that the economic impact is calculated on
Since ideas and concepts of security risks become appar-
organisations stand-alone risk, ignoring the impacts
ent from the qualitative threat model data they can then be
of sharing supply chain infrastructure”.
succinctly summarised with codes and grouped into threat
The research expressed [1] stresses the lack of knowl- classifications before being analysed further to discuss risk
edge for research objectives 1–3 and how this case study severity, impacts and mitigations.
will add to the body of knowledge since it is very impor-
tant for SMEs looking to adopt I4.0 to have real-time data Entry and Exit Points
infrastructures for a more efficient production process
and economies of scale [6]. The synthesis of the literature The confidentiality, integrity and availability of the real-
review for objective 2 is that convolutional neural net- time data are important since it is a fundamental part of the
works (CNN) have been used to detect cross-site scripting CPS and the digital supply chain. Figure 1 shows an abstract
attacks (XSS) in SME IoT network payloads after apply- view of the architecture consisting of the components used
ing data preparation methods [4]. Critical analysis is that to monitor the WCO.
the CNN is used on fog compute nodes which require the
integration of CNN inference and data pre-processing into
self-hosted compute units. This method is expensive to
develop and there are also cloud solutions readily avail-
able such as Google Cloud Armor which would be cheaper
($0.75 per million requests), easier and quicker to deploy
and develop by security experts.
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) will be used to connect
a mobile device to the IoT hardware to monitor variables
affecting the route optimisation. In line with research
objective 3 an exploration of prior work has revealed case
studies, where unauthenticated BLE devices have been
exposed allowing anyone to connect to the BLE device
using a BLE sniffer. There have also been researched stud-
ies on bypassing the passkey authentication in BLE [2]
and the exploration of BLE security [3]. This case study
will add to the body of literature by exploring the WCW
case study and look at these security risks in the context
of real-time data exchange in the WCO.
After comparing and contrasting the literature to iden-
tify knowledge gaps it is clear there is a gap in knowledge
about the use of real-time IoT data for resource and route
optimisation that this paper will address. This paper’s con-
tributions will also be in the form of building knowledge Fig. 1 CPS architecture overview
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Round-Control’s data is to be stored on GCP’s FireStore It is important to define the external entities and their
which is a real-time NoSQL database. Only authorised trust levels to access the system. The expected entities are
WCW staff can create, read, update, delete (CRUD) and presented in Table 1.
make backups of the data through the GCP console. It is Figure 1 illustrates the data flow and trust boundaries
encrypted automatically by GCP but is decrypted to read but does not intuitively describe the expected scenarios
in the Firebase console through an authenticated admin and the intended use of the system to identify deviations.
account. The IoT hardware is composed of Arduino com- The intended use of the system is presented in Table 2.
ponents consisting of an HM-10 Bluetooth Low Energy Scenarios deviating from the intended scenarios of the
(BLE) transceiver enabled microcontroller, inflow and system in Table 2 help identify violated deployment of the
outflow Hall Effect sensors, temperature sensor, fill level application and intended use of the system thus impacting
sensor, total dissolved solids (TDS) inflow and outflow the security of the system.
and a Global Positioning System (GPS) sensor. The Flut-
ter application on the mobile device can connect to the External Dependencies
hardware via BLE and forward the real-time data to the
platform-specific Firebase app endpoint. The communi- The external dependencies are directly interoperable with
cation with the Firebase app endpoints is authenticated the system. The external entities relating to the real-time
via Firebase Authentication which requires validation of data are presented in Table 3.
email ownership. The Flutter application is authenticated
to use the Firebase app using the Firebase app credentials STRIDE Threat Classification
for each platform. Changes made to the Firestore is broad-
casted to all authenticated users signed in that have access The qualitative data collected about WCW’s adoption of
to that user’s data in the Firestore so the real-time data of I4.0 is analysed in this section for risks by analysing the
the IoT hardware is updated in real-time across Android, intended use, external dependencies, and the descrip-
iOS, Linux, Windows, macOS and web derived apps. tions of the data flow diagrams. The qualitative data can
Firestore admin Has access to the Firestore database with create, read, update and delete capabilities. Can manually make backups of the
database. Can edit the security rules for the database and the indexing for the NOSQL data
Web client Round-Control users using the web app. Has access to the Firebase Hosting Flutter website which is connected to the
Firebase Web App which is the intermediary to access the Firestore database to create, read, update and delete data for
the authenticated user session. Can also create, read and update Firebase Authentication data. For enterprise subscrip-
tions of the app, only enterprise admin accounts can delete jobs and their data
Android device Round-Control users using an Android device. Hosts the Android Flutter app or can be used to access the app using the
web client on the device. Is able to access the Android Firebase app endpoint to create, read, update and delete data to
the Firestore database for the Authenticated user session. Can also create, read and update Firebase Authentication data.
For enterprise subscriptions of the app, only enterprise admin accounts can delete jobs and their data
iOS device Round-Control users using an iOS device. Hosts the iOS Flutter app or can be used to access the app using the web client
on the device. Is able to access the iOS Firebase app endpoint to create, read, update and delete data to the Firestore
database for the Authenticated user session. Can also create, read and update Firebase Authentication data. For enter-
prise subscriptions of the app, only enterprise admin accounts can delete jobs and their data
WCO IoT hardware The Arduino controller and sensors were developed by WCW to monitor the WCO. Can either be used to connect to a
mobile device via Bluetooth Low Energy to monitor IoT data or can send the IoT data via the integrated 2 g sim card to
the Application Programming Interface (API) Gateway endpoint using an API key in the Hypertext Transfer Protocol
(HTTP) POST request. Can also control the actuators in the WCO van and receive data from the sensors connected to
the van equipment
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1 Mobile device connects to Bluetooth Low The iOS and Android mobile devices should Android device, iOS device
Energy (BLE) controller connect to the hardware via an authenticated
BLE connection to monitor and control the
hardware in the WCO. Currently, there is no
authentication on pairing only identification.
Data is received from the BLE controller
every 500 ml variation in the inflow/outflow
water of the WCO physical process
2 Mobile device connects to FireBase web app The Flutter web app can be accessed via the Web client, Android device, iOS device
Firebase Hosting website. The web client on
the mobile device should not be able to con-
nect to the BLE controller, since the external
dependency used (flutter_blue) does not
currently support Bluetooth via JavaScript on
Flutter Web. The intended use is, therefore,
limited to being able to see the real-time
data exchange for the job on the web that has
been instigated either on the Arduino or an
Android, iOS or Mac OS device. The web cli-
ent should, therefore, only be able to receive
real-time Firestore data exchange of IoT data
being written to the Firestore
3 Mobile device connects to FireBase Android The Android app should be able to connect Android device
app to the Firebase Android app to create, read,
update and delete job monitoring data for the
authenticated Firebase user for the speci-
fied job. The deletion of jobs for enterprise
subscriptions is limited to enterprise admin
4 Mobile device connects to FireBase iOS app The iOS app should be able to connect to the iOS device
Firebase iOS app to create, read, update and
delete job monitoring data for the authenti-
cated Firebase user for the specified job. The
deletion of jobs for enterprise subscriptions is
limited to enterprise admin accounts
5 Controller communicates with actuators The actuators are installed on the van system IoT hardware
in the form of components to open and close
water valve outlets, components of the water
pump to begin and stop pumping water to the
WCO brushes and pump components to pump
source water through the reverse osmosis
(RO) system into the pure water storage tanks.
The controller can send a control signal to the
actuators which will use a battery source as
energy to enable the physical process of the
6 Sensors data to controller Data is provided to the controller every 3 s from IoT hardware
the sensors
7 2 g sim controller connects to API gateway If the controller is being used without a IoT hardware
Bluetooth connection then the data is sent to
the API gateway via an HTTP POST request
which requires a valid API key. Authentication
of the Firebase user and selection of job to
monitor is to be done on the Arduino to assign
the data to the correct user and job in the
Firestore database
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ShopifyTargetedAdvert requests https://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/ Used to call the Shopify API using a Hyper-
text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) GET
request to get the information needed about
customer purchase history and similar items
to the last three purchases via their email
address. Also used to get adverts based on job
IoT data to detect filter fouling
HardwareDataUpdate pyrebase https://github.com/thisbejim/Pyrebase Used to authenticate Firebase Authentication
user to assign the data from the IoT van hard-
ware to an authenticated user with only using
the van 2 g sim instead of the Flutter app
HardwareDataUpdate jwt https://github.com/GehirnInc/python-jwt The python implementation of JavaScript
Object Notation (JSON) Web Token is used
by Pyrebase to securely transmit the infor-
mation as a JSON object which is trusted,
because it can be digitally signed and verified
HardwareDataUpdate google-cloud-firestore https://github.com/googleapis/python-fires A python package which is an official google
tore APIs implementation used to write the IoT
data to the Firestore database
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Firestore Tampering with the data in Firestore through the User Interface (UI) by accidentally deleting data (1). Non-repudiation
without the Firestore rules, because the allowed actions should be limited (2)
2 g sim Physical denial of service through being covered to not omit 2 g signal (8). 2 g was created in 1991 and encryption
between tower and device can be cracked in real-time to disclose information, since HTTP POST is used and the
users’ Firebase Authentication details and password and email is not encrypted before sending over 2 g (9). Non-
repudiation is caused by the system not being able to have enough evidence to prove that it should deny a malicious
process, since there is no authentication between the tower and 2 g enabled hardware (10). Spoofing is an issue, since
a man in the middle attacks can happen as someone posing as a 2 g tower is possible due to no authentication between
device and tower (11). Tampering with the data is possible with a man in the middle attacks (12)
IoT sensors Due to the significant number of sensors the attack surface is quite broad for compromising sensors for example if the
sensor is unauthenticated then a spoofing attack can occur where false sensor signals are injected causing malicious
data input like the considered by Huang et al. [7] (14). An example of spoofing attacks on IoT sensors is using laser
microphones [8] where oscillating laser signals from a fixed location can deflect off of the microphone receiver and
cause vibrations mimicking audio signals. Tampering with the Hall Effect sensors could compromise the validity
of the water flow which might happen if there are incentives to reduce water usage on jobs (15). Denial of service
attacks can happen on the path between the sensors, since they are exposed in the van system by delaying or blocking
the transmission aiding stale data attacks (16)
GPS mobile GPS spoofing on the mobile device is easy using free PlayStore and App Store apps (21)
Arduino controller Tampering with the Arduino controller is possible, since it is easily accessible so compromising the controller can send
incorrect control signals to the actuators [9] (13). A denial of service attack to the user can happen through compro-
mising actuators through zero dynamics attacks, since the actuators are exposed so the actuator will execute a differ-
ent command than what was intended by the controller [10] (17)
BLE Denial of service since only one BLE connection at a time (18). Connecting to the BLE and operating the actuators in
the van while not being the owner of the van system is a spoofing attack (19). If the IoT device is operated without a
mobile device and there is currently no signal then data is stored in temporary memory on Arduino which could be
erased if an adversary connects and modifies the data by beginning a process (20)
Shopify targeted advert Information disclosure and spoofing, since API Gateway API keys are programmed into Flutter code and not encrypted
so access to API key allows an adversary to pose as an email address owner to find their purchase history (3)
API Gateway Denial of service, since the number of invocations of cloud functions is not capped so spamming requests to a cloud
function could yield a big bill (4). Spoofing since API keys are sent in the HTTP POST request URL and can be
obtained (5)
Hardware Data Update Pyrebase is required, since using API key alone to access API gateway is unsafe, since the API key is quite easy to
obtain through social engineering or other vulnerabilities discussed. Authentication with Firebase Authentication is
required before being able to change data in the database but Pyrebase is not an official Google package so could have
vulnerabilities allowing for tampering (6). Not restricted to a number of invocations so denial of service through large
compute bill (7)
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1 1 2 1 1 1 6/50 Minimal damage as the database is backed up twice a day. The rights and freedoms of the individual’s data
through GDPR is not affected. It is difficult to reproduce the attack, since Firestore makes you type in to
confirm the deletion
2 10 4 6 10 2 32/50 The damage would be high, since Firestore CRUD operations could be performed. The affected users would be
WCW customers and their customers and WCW
3 8 7 3 10 8 36/50 Quite difficult to decompile into dart code from Android application Package (APK). High damage to WCW
4 10 10 8 10 9 47/50 Uncapped cloud function invocations could yield an extortionate GCP bill for WCW and might be too much to
pay to cause bankruptcy affecting the whole supply chain
5 10 10 9 8 10 47/50 Getting a user’s API key could mean that an adversary can use the systems services and the API key owner
would be billed
6 8 9 9 10 9 45/50 If Pyrebase was illegitimate then they would have full access to the Firebase services for the project
7 10 10 8 10 9 47/50 Same as risk 4
8 1 10 10 1 10 32/50 The attack is easy to reproduce and does not take much technical knowledge
9 10 7 5 9 8 39/50 The attack is severe, since users Firebase credentials are exposed. The affected users would be the user, their
customers and WCW
10 10 7 5 9 8 39/50 The phone can’t authenticate a legitimate 2 g receiver so and the same rationale as risk 9 applies
11 10 8 5 9 8 40/50 The same rationale as risk 10
12 10 9 4 10 8 40/50 The attack is easier to reproduce, since the HTTP packet structure is consistent and once the data structure is
found data can be modified automatically through a malicious parsing program
13 2 10 10 1 9 32/50 The controller is easily accessible
14 2 3 2 1 5 13/50 The damage is to the validity of the compromised sensors data. Physical access to the sensor and modification
is required
15 2 10 10 1 10 33/50 Easy to tamper with the sensor to make it not work anyone can do it without technical knowledge
16 2 6 4 1 3 16/50 Modification of the data transmitted through the wire connecting sensor and controller is not particularly easy
17 4 3 4 1 2 14/50 The actuators control things such as the outlet valves and pumps, so pumps can be broken by building pressure
18 4 10 10 4 10 38/50 Anyone within range and a BLE device can perform the attack
19 6 10 10 4 10 40/50 Can turn the pumps on and cause damage
20 2 10 10 4 10 36/50 This would cause data loss for that job
21 8 10 10 10 8 46/50 GPS spoofing could cause sub-optimal routes to be taken by affecting traffic data
likely to be considered for real-time data exchange by other The technical achievement of the paper is its identification
SMEs, since it is low cost but the vulnerabilities discussed of security vulnerabilities for novel IoT route optimisation
are significant. The significance of the risks found with BLE variables and the proposed security measures and policies
is also likely to apply to many other SME CPS projects. to circumvent, manage and monitor the risks.
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Vehicle capacity [11, 13, 14] and this study 5, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Risks 5 can be addressed by storing the API key associated with the
user in the Firestore database to then check that the API key used is
associated with the authenticated user
Risks 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 can be completely averted using a more
secure mobile network protocol such as 3 g, 4 g or 5 g, but meas-
ures against 2 g downgrade attacks should be considered to stop
downgrade back to 2 g. For risk 9 the user’s password should also be
encrypted before transmission as an extra security measure
Travel distance [11–14] and this study 4 and 7 To calculate travel distance based on roads the GCP Directions API
is commonly used. The billing for this is $5(~ £3.67) per 1000
requests. Risks 4 and 7 relate to uncapped Cloud Function invoca-
tions. WCW is looking to build a digital supply chain for business
intelligence that is fully scalable. The security measures to mitigate
risks 4 and 7 is to cap the number of requests per minute from
an Internet Protocol (IP) address and cap the number of function
instances that can be invoked in parallel. Monitoring the risk would
be in the form of monitoring the user base growth to ensure that the
CPS is not hindering genuine requests by limiting the number of
function instances
Road traffic data [11–14] and this study 21 Security measures to circumvent risk 21 of spoofing GPS location of
a mobile device to simulate standstill traffic on a popular road would
be to implement mobile device side code to detect mock locations.
In Android 17 this can be done through Setting. Secure to detect
if ALLOW_MOCK_LOCATION is enabled. On Android 18 and
above the Location.isFromMockProvider() API can be used. On iOS
it is possible to detect if the iPhone is jailbroken that suggests the
user could be spoofing their location
Historic preferences [12] and this study 1 and 2 A policy to circumvent tampering with data in the firebase UI (risk
1) is to set up a Cloud Scheduler to publish a topic every specified
duration that a Cloud Function is subscribed to. It would then be
possible to write a Cloud Function in Node.js to back up a copy
of the Firestore database to a Google Storage Bucket for disaster
recovery, with the added benefit of having an offline data set you
could export to a Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file using GCP’s
Big Query. The monitoring of the risk would be to check the Cloud
Function logs to ensure it is being invoked routinely. Security meas-
ures addressing risk 2 are to implement Cloud Firestore Security
Rules to restrict read and write access to authenticated users with
verified emails. Further restricting the privileges of the users to roles
is recommended so not any logged-in user has read and write access
to entire database. Firebase Admin Software Development Kit
(SDK) and Cloud Functions can still access the database regardless
of closed access. It is, therefore, recommended to restrict access to
public Cloud Function endpoints using API Gateway to enforce an
OpenAPI specification with security definitions for API keys and
authentication. Monitoring the risk would be in the form of setting
up local unit tests using JavaScript version 9 SDK
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