Determination of Anti Pitch Geometry L (/) - Acceleration (1/3)

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Determinationofantipitchgeometry acceleration[1/3] l [ / ]
Similar to antisquat Similartoanti squat Oppositedirectionof DAlembertsforces.



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Determinationofantipitchgeometry acceleration[2/3] l [ / ]
Itfollowsthatthechangeinthefrontspringforce It follows that the change in the front spring force is:

wherekf =frontsuspensionstiffness. Similarlyfortherearwheels. Similarly for the rear wheels.

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Determinationofantipitchgeometry acceleration[3/3] l [ / ]

Zeropitchoccurswhen=0,i.e.whentheterminsquarebracketsiszero. anti squatandanti pitchperformancedependsonthefollowingvehicle antisquat and antipitch performance depends on the following vehicle properties
suspensiongeometry, suspensionstiffnesses(frontandrear)and T Tractiveforcedistribution. i f di ib i

Forasolidaxlethedrivetorqueisreactedwithinthewheelassembly,i.e. itisaninternalmomentasfarasthefreebodyisconcerned.
Inthiscase,M=0andequationsmodifiedbysettingr=0fortheappropriate , q y g pp p solidaxle(s)

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Lateralloadtransferduringcornering Lateral load transfer during cornering

Notationandassumptionsintheanalysisare: Gisthesprungmasscentreofgravity; ThetransverseaccelerationatGdueto corneringisa; The sprung mass rolls through the angle Thesprungmassrollsthroughtheangle abouttherollaxis; Thecentrifugal(inertia)forceonthe sprungmassmsaactshorizontallythrough G; Thegravityforceonthesprungmassmsg actsverticallydownwardsthroughG; Theinertiaforcesmufaandmuraact directlyontheunsprungmassesatthe frontandrearaxles.Eachtransfersload onlybetweenitsownpairofwheels.



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Loadtransferduetotherollmoment [1/2] [ / ]
Replace the two forces at G with the same forces at ep ace t e t o o ces t t e sa e o ces A plus a moment (the roll moment) Ms about the roll axis, i.e AssuminglinearrelationshipbetweenM and M =ks ks =totalrollstiffness

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Loadtransferduetotherollmoment [2/2] [ / ]
ksf +ksr =ks L dt Loadtransfersintwoaxlesare f i t l

TfandTr arethefrontandreartrackwidthsofthe vehicle vehicle

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Loadtransferduetosprungmass inertiaforce f
Thesprungmassis p g distributedtotheroll centersatfrontandrear axles. axles Centrifugalforce Centrifugal force distributionis Correspondingload transfersare

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Loadtransferduetotheunsprung massinertiaforces f


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Suspensioncomponents Suspension components

Needforcompliancebetweenunsprungandsprungmass. Requirements: Goodisolationofthebody(Goodride) Softresponse
Inconsistentwithrollresistanceincornering Inconsistent with roll resistance in cornering Rollstiffeningusingantrollbars Springcanhitlimits Additionalspringsasbumpstops Additional springs as bump stops


G d Goodroadgrip(Goodhandling) H d d i (G d h dli ) Hardresponse

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Steelsprings Steel springs

Semielliptic springs earliest d l l developments in motor vehicle Robust and simple used for heavy applications f h li ti Hotchkiss type to provide both vertical compliance and lateral constraint for the wheel travel change in length of the spring produced by bump loading is accommodated by the swinging shackle



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Leafspringanalysis Leaf spring analysis

Wheel load FW , is vertical. FC is parallel to the shackle Two load member The stiffness (rate) of the spring is determined by the number, length, width and thickness of the leaves Angling of the shackle link used to give a variable rate When the angle < 90 , g the spring rate will increase (i.e. rising rate) with bump loading

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Coilsprings Coil springs

Lightandcompactformofcomplianceforweightand packagingconstraints Littlemaintenanceandprovides Opportunity for co axial mounting with a damper Opportunityforcoaxialmountingwithadamper Variableratespringsproducedeitherbyvaryingthe coildiameterand/orpitchofthecoilsalongitslength Disadvantages: Lowlevelsofstructuraldamping,thereisapossibility ofsurging(resonancealongthelengthofcoils) of surging (resonance along the length of coils) Springasawholedoesnotprovideanylateralsupport forguidingthewheelmotion.

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Torsionbars Torsion bars

Very simple form of spring and consequently very cheap The principle of operation p p p is to convert the applied load FW into a torque FW R producing twist in the p g bar Stiffness related to diameter, length of the torsion bar and the torsion modulus of the material

Principleofoperationofatorsionbarspring Principle of operation of a torsion bar spring

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Hydro pneumaticsprings Hydropneumatic springs

Spring is produced by a constant mass of gas (t i ll t t f (typically nitrogen) in a variable volume enclosure As the wheel deflects in bump bump, the piston moves upwards transmitting the motion to the fluid and compressing the gas via th fl ibl di h i the flexible diaphragm The gas pressure increases as its volume decreases to produce a hardening spring characteristic Systems are complex (and expensive) and maintenance
FigurefromSmith,2002 Basicdiaphragmaccumulatorspring

Principlesofahydropneumatic suspensionspring

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Anti rollbars(stabilizer) Antiroll bars (stabilizer)

Reduce body roll Ends of the Ushaped bar connected to the wheel supports and pp Central length of bar attached to body of the vehicle Attachment points need to be selected to ensure that bar is subjected to Torsional loading without bending



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Anti rollbars(stabilizer) Antiroll bars (stabilizer)

Conditions: Onewheelsisliftedrelativeto theother,halfthetotalantiroll stiffnessactsdownwardsonthe wheelandthereactiononthe vehiclebodytendstoresistbody h l b d d b d roll. Ifbothwheelsliftbythesame amountthebarisnottwistedand thereisnotransferofloadtothe vehiclebody. Ifthedisplacementsofthe wheelsaremutuallyopposed wheels are mutually opposed (onewheelupandtheother downbythesameamount),the fulleffectoftheantirollstiffness isproduced. is produced
FigurefromSmith,2002 Totalrollstiffnesskrs isequaltothesum oftherollstiffnessproducedbythe of the roll stiffness produced by the suspensionspringskr,sus andtheroll stiffnessoftheantirollbarskr,ar,


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Dampers typesandcharacteristics Dampers types and characteristics

Frequently called shock Frequentlycalledshock absorbers Mainenergydissipators gy p inavehiclesuspension yp Twotypes:dualtube, Monotube. Inmonotube
Surplusfluid accommodatedbygas pressurizedfreepiston pressurized free piston
FigurefromSmith,2002 Dampertypes,(a)dualtubedamper, (b)freepistonmonotubedamper (b) f i b d

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Dampers typesandcharacteristics Dampers types and characteristics

In dealing with road surface undulations in the b d l h bump direction (damper being compressed) relatively low levels of damping are required compared with the rebound motion (damper being extended) g ) These requirements lead to damper characteristics which are asymmetrical y when plotted on force velocity axes Ratios of 3:1


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Dampers typesandcharacteristics Dampers types and characteristics

Damperdesignsare achievedbya combinationoforifice flowandflowsthrough springloadedoneway l d d valves
Atlowspeedsorificesare effective ff i Athigherpressurevalves openup

l t f lotofscopeforshaping f h i andfinetuningofdamper characteristics

Typicalcurvesforathreeposition (electronically)adjustabledamper FigurefromSmith,2002

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Roadsurfaceroughnessandvehicle excitation
Road surfaces have random profiles > non Roadsurfaceshaverandomprofiles >non deterministic. Methods based on the Fourier transform MethodsbasedontheFouriertransform PowerspectraldensityS(n)oftheheight variationsasafunctionofthespatial i i f i f h i l frequencyn =theroughnesscoefficient g

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Roadsurfaceroughnessandvehicle excitation


ThevariationofS(f)fora vehicletraversingapoor vehicle traversing a poor minorroadat20m/sis shown


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Humanresponsetowholebody vibration b
Humanbodycomplexassemblageoflinearandnon y p g linearelements Rangeofbodyresonances 1to900Hz Foraseatedhuman
12Hz(headneck) 4 8 Hz (thorax abdomen) 48Hz(thoraxabdomen)

Perceptionofvibrationmotionsdiminishesabove25 Hzandemergesasaudiblesound. Dualperception(vibrationandsound)uptoseveral hundredHzisrelatedtothetermharshness

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Humanresponsetowholebody vibration b
Motionsickness(kinetosis) lowfrequency,normallyin ships ISO2631(ISO,1978)andtheequivalentBritishStandardBS 6841(BSI,1987) wholebodyvibrationfromasupportingsurfacetoeither thefeetofastandingpersonorthebuttocksofaseated person Thecriteriaarespecifiedintermsof Directionofvibrationinputtothehumantorso Acceleration magnitude Accelerationmagnitude Frequencyofexcitation Exposureduration

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Humanresponsetowholebody vibration b
Most sensitive frequency range for f vertical vibration i f ti l ib ti is from 4 8 48 Hz corresponding to the thorax abdomen resonance most sensitive range for transverse vibration is from 1 to 2 Hz corresponding to head neck resonance ISO 2631 discomfort boundaries
0.1 to 0.63 Hz for motion sickness. most sensitive range is from 0 1 0.1 to 0.315 Hz

RCB Reduced Comfort Boundary


WholebodyRCBvibrationcriteria,(a)RCBfor vertical(zaxis)vibration(b)RCBforlateral(x andyaxisvibration)

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Analysisofvehicleresponsetoroad excitation
Most comprehensive of these has h seven d degrees of f d f freedom Three degrees of freedom for the vehicle body (pitch, bounce and roll) Vertical degree of freedom at each of the four unsprung masses. This model allows the pitch, bounce and roll The suspension stiffness and damping rates are d i d d i derived from the individual spring and damping units



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Analysisofvehicleresponsetoroad excitation
Muchusefulinformationcanbe derivedfromsimplervehicle derived from simpler vehicle models. Thetwomostoftenusedfor passengercarsarethehalf vehiclemodelandthequarter h l d l d h vehiclemodel. Thesehavefourandtwodegrees p y offreedomrespectively. Reducednumberofdegreesof freedom Inthecaseofthehalfvehicle model,rollinformationislostand model roll information is lost and forthequartervehiclemodel pitchinformationisalsolost

Halfandquarter vehiclemodels,(a) hi l d l ( ) halfvehiclemodel, (b)quartervehicle model


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Responsetoroadexcitation Response to road excitation

Pitchandbounce characteristics Equivalentstiffnessis calculatedas calculated as

Generalizedcoordinates arezand



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Responsetoroadexcitation Response to road excitation

Equations simplify as Equationssimplifyas

IfB=0 theequationsareuncoupled Onabumponlypitchingoccurs notdesired

n ,bounce = A n , pitch = C

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Responsetoroadexcitation Response to road excitation

Rootsoftheequationare Roots of the equation are

DistanceofO1 &O2 (Oscillationcentres)fromG


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Responsetoroadexcitation Response to road excitation

If inertia coupling ratio is Ifinertiacouplingratiois
O1 andO2 areatsuspensioncenters it becomes a 2 DOF (2 mass) system itbecomesa2DOF(2mass)system

(0.8forsportscars,1.2forsomefrontdrivecars) Ifw <w ,T >T andonabump

nf nr nf nr


onegetsafeelingofinphasemotion one gets a feeling of in phase motion Nocouplingoffrontandrearsuspensions andminimalpitching betterride


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Suspensionperformanceanalysis Suspension performance analysis

Quarter car model Quartercarmodel Frequencyranges
Low 1 to 2 Hz resonance of sprung mass Low 1to2Hz resonanceofsprungmass High 1011Hz resonanceofunsprungor wheelhop

Suspension designer has selection of characteristics and parameter values for suspension springs and dampers to achieve the desired suspension performance

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Suspensionperformanceanalysis Suspension performance analysis Road


Lowesttransmissibility y (bestride)isproduced withthesoftest suspension goodroadholding requiresahard suspension

rs =kt/ks k


lowtransmissibilityatthe wheelhopfrequencyand (a) ride id inthemidfrequencyrange betweenthetwo Effectofsuspensionstiffnessonsprungand resonances

unsprungmasstransmissibilities,(a)sprung unsprung mass transmissibilities (a) sprung masstransmissibility,(b)unsprungmass transmissibility


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EffectofSuspensionDamping Effect of Suspension Damping

sprungand unsprungmass transmissibilities, (a)sprungmass transmissibility, transmissibility, (b)unsprung mass transmissibility

Control of the sprung mass resonance requires high levels of damping, but results in poor isolation in the midfrequency Wheelhop resonance also requires high levels of damping for its control, control but with the same penalties in the mid frequency range midfrequency 0.3 used for passenger cars

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Refinednon linearanalysis Refined nonlinear analysis

suspension spring and damper nonlinearities, li iti random road excitation assessment of ride, tyre force fluctuation and clearance space limitations highly nonlinear analysis Requires simulations in the time domain ISO weighted acceleration response of the sprung mass p p g denoted by the Discomfort Parameter D is evaluated
ISOweightingcharacteristicfor verticalvehiclebodyacceleration i l hi l b d l i FigurefromSmith,2002

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Suspensionperformanceanalysis Suspension performance analysis

Influences on variables by the choice of parameter values t h i f t l to maintain a constant value of C Ideal Suspension minimizes D and L L. When the vehicle traverses a different type of road and/or at a different speed, the performance locus changes and the suspension settings are no longer optimal controllable suspensions, suspensions where parameter values can be continuously adjusted

Conflictdiagramforconstant Conflict diagram for constant suspensionworkspace(C)


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Controllablesuspensions Controllable suspensions

With passive suspensions the control force control exerted simultaneously on the sprung and unsprung masses is: p g

Control of the wheelhop frequency is, however, not possible because the forces required would have to react against the spring mass and necessarily increase its acceleration

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Controllablesuspensions Controllable suspensions

Hydraulic Control Speed of response, high bandwidth, up to 60 Hz Actuator is driven by an onboard p p pump controlled by signals y g derived from transducers fitted to the sprung and unsprung masses. Signals are processed in a controller according to some control law to produce a controlled force at the actuator With practical limitations taken into account ride can be account, improved by 2030% for the same wheel travel and dynamic tire load when compared with a passive suspension

Fullyactivesuspension Fully active suspension


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Slowactivecontrolledsuspensions Slow active controlled suspensions

Low bandwidth (up to approximately 6 Hz) Hz). The aim of this form of suspension is to control the body mode to improve ride. Above its upper frequency limit it reverts to a conventional passive system which cannot be bettered for control of the wheelhop mode. Such systems require much less power than the fully active system, with simpler forms of actuation. The potential performance gains are y less than those for a fully active systems, but the viability is much improved. Slowactivesuspension


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AnotherControllablesuspension Another Controllable suspension

Passive damper is replaced with a controllable one one. Designed to produce a controlled force when called upon to dissipate energy and then switches to a notional zero damping state when called upon to supply energy. Performance potential of this suspension closely approaches that y y of a fully active system under certain conditions, but the hardware and operational costs of this type of suspension are considerably less Performance is impaired by changes in payload which alter the suspension l d h h l h working space : overcome by combining the controllable damper with some form of selfleveling system



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