PPA GF50 PTDS_T5_GF_50_6_black_8000
PPA GF50 PTDS_T5_GF_50_6_black_8000
PPA GF50 PTDS_T5_GF_50_6_black_8000
Thermal Properties
Temperature of deflection under load HDT/C (8 MPa | ISO 75) 230 °C
Burning rate (UL 94)
1,6mm Wall thickness HB Class
General properties
Density (23°C | ISO 1183) 1,65 g/cm³
Molding shrinkage (flow | ISO 294-4) 0,1-0,3 %
Rheological Properties
Flowability (2mm Thickness | AKRO) 400 mm
All specifications and information given on this website are based on our current knowledge and experience. A legally binding promise of certain characteristics or suitability for a concrete individual
case cannot be derived from this information. The information supplied here is not intended to release processors and users from the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and inspections in
each concrete individual case. AKRO®, AKROMID®, AKROLEN®, AKROLOY®, AKROTEK®, ICX® and PRECITE® are registered trademarks of the Feddersen Group.
Preliminary datasheet 8000 from 21.11.2019
Standard Grade with good surface quality
All specifications and information given on this website are based on our current knowledge and experience. A legally binding promise of certain characteristics or suitability for a concrete individual
case cannot be derived from this information. The information supplied here is not intended to release processors and users from the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and inspections in
each concrete individual case. AKRO®, AKROMID®, AKROLEN®, AKROLOY®, AKROTEK®, ICX® and PRECITE® are registered trademarks of the Feddersen Group.
Preliminary datasheet 8000 from 21.11.2019
All specifications and information given on this website are based on our current knowledge and experience. A legally binding promise of certain characteristics or suitability for a concrete individual
case cannot be derived from this information. The information supplied here is not intended to release processors and users from the responsibility of carrying out their own tests and inspections in
each concrete individual case. AKRO®, AKROMID®, AKROLEN®, AKROLOY®, AKROTEK®, ICX® and PRECITE® are registered trademarks of the Feddersen Group.