MDS102RG600x47 1
MDS102RG600x47 1
MDS102RG600x47 1
Fiber - - - E-Glass
Weight rate - - % 50 50
-: Not relevant
dry: dry as manufactured
ISO 1110: Conditioned acc. to ISO 1110, 70 °C, 62 % RH, equilibrium
1) Test specimen (250 x 25 x 2) mm
2) Test specimen (80 x 25 x 2) mm
3) Based on ISO 75-1/-3
Bond-Laminates registered trademark
The values in the datasheet are for this specific composition only, the characteristics of composites depend on the reinforce-
ment level and the fiber orientation. Non-standard thickness may also alter some or all of these properties. The data listed
here fall within the normal range of product properties, but they should not be used to establish specification limits nor used
alone as basis of design. The underlying tests were conducted at room temperature and with 2 mm specimen thickness.
This information and our technical advice - whether verbal, in writing or by way of trials - are given in good faith but without
warranty, and this also applies where proprietary rights of third parties are involved. Our advice does not release you from the
obligation to verify the information currently provided - especially that contained in our safety data and technical information
sheets - and to test our products as to their suitability for the intended processes and uses. The application, use and processing
of our products and the products manufactured by you on the basis of our technical advice are beyond our control and,
therefore, entirely your own responsibility. Our products are sold and our advisory service is given in accordance with the
current version of our General Conditions of Sale and Delivery.
Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in human body.