6, J UNE 2018
Abstract— In this research work, for establishing a modern proper electric protection and installation is considered as one
electrical design and installation of equipment of high rise of the most important dealing issue for any residential and
building two new appliances have been proposed. The first one is commercial buildings. So, for improvement in this section
usage of busbar trunking (BBT) system for main distribution line
new electrical equipment and conductors are releasing and
instead of conventional wiring system to provide much higher
protection, easier installation process, reduce cost, time, space, becoming available on a regular basis. High rise building is a
and maintenance management. The second one is continuous building above four stories, and/or a building exceeding 15
fault analysis and monitoring using SICAM Q100 device which is meters or more in height above the average level of front
the updated process to make sure more safety for monitoring road [27].
power quality to acquire, visualize, analyze, and transmit Usually high-rise buildings consist of a substation, HT
measured electrical variables such as AC current, AC voltage,
panel, LT panel, transformer, generator, power factor
frequency, power, harmonics, etc. The measured variables can be
output to a computer or control center via communication improvement panel, different ratings of circuit breakers,
interfaces or shown on a display. Total electrical drawing has different ratings of wires and fire detection with alarm system.
been drawn in AutoCAD. An entire substation for the high-rise Although many protective equipment are used in high rise
building has been designed, according calculated load of the buildings nowadays, the protection scheme can be more
building. For protection of the building proper rated MCB and improved by using BBT system which will provide more
MCCB has been installed according to the load. To avoid fire
hazard, fire detection and alarm system with immediate water
protection and benefits with compared to the conventional
supply has been installed in this building. Entire electrical wiring system. Fault analysis and regular monitoring of fault
connection has been designed based on Bangladesh National can also be imposed to improve protection and avoid fault in
Building Code- 2014 (BNBC). the system.
Keywords— Busbar Trunking, SICAM Q100, Fault Analysis, II. MATHEMATICAL EXPLANATION OF
Substation, Generator, Power Factor Improvement Panel,
Wiring, Fire Protection and Circuit Breaker Protection
A) Electricity Supply Specifications
I. INTRODUCTION Electricity supply for domestic consumers, according to MS
IEC 60038 standards, meets the following specifications [1]:
(i) Undertake a site Visit, (ii) Determine the consumer load The junctions and terminations of the incoming and outgoing
requirements, (iii) Calculate the maximum load demand, and cables are made through copper bars containing bolts and nuts
(iv) Submit the plans, drawings and specifications. for Cable lugs known as bus-bars. A Distribution Board may
be named MDB (Main Distribution Board) or FDB Floor
C) Fittings, Fixtures and Accessories Distribution Board or DB (Distribution Board) or SDB (Sub-
Switch Boards with back boxes and cover plates, Ceiling Distribution Board) or BDB [4]. EDB, EFDF, ESDB, EBDB
Roses, Socket Outlets with back boxes, Plugs, Light Fittings, Sections of DB, FDB, SDB, BDB receiving feed from the
Fans, pull boxes with cover plates have been put in this Emergency Busbar which in turn is getting feed from Standby
category, although there may be other items which may be Generator through changeover switch. Each of these
included under electrical accessories related to electrical and distribution boards must have bus bars for Line, Neutral and
electronic installations in buildings [2]. Earthing for a single-phase box. A 3-phase distribution board
must have bus bars for Line1, Line2, Line3, Neutral and
D) Switch boards Earthing. These boxes shall be made with sheet steel of not
less than 18 SWG thicknesses and must be appropriately paint
Tumbler Switches have been used for surface wiring and
finished to match the wall paint [2].
Piano Switches have been used for concealed or surface
wiring. The Switches must conform to the relevant BS H) Circuit wiring
standard. The minimum ampere rating of switch shall not be
below 5A. Depends on operation, switches may be: SPST The number of final circuits (also termed as sub-circuits or
(Single Pole Single Throw), SPDT (Single Pole Double circuits) required and the points supplied by any final circuits
Throw), DPST (Double Pole Single Throw), DPDT (Double shall comply with
Pole Double Throw). Usually the DPST switches are made for 1) The requirement of over-current protection, 2) The
10A, 15A and 20A rating [2]. requirement for isolation and switching, and 3) The selection
of cables and conductors. All final circuits shall be wired
E) General Requirements of Socket Outlets using loop wiring system; no joint box shall be used.
Size of cables to be used in a branch circuit shall be at
Socket Outlets shall be 13 A switched shuttered 3pin flat
least one size larger than that computed from the loading if the
pin type. All socket outlets must be switched (Combined) and
distance from the over-current protective device to the first
shuttered and shall be for 3 pin Flat pin type (rectangular
outlet is over 15m [2].
Cross section) 13A plugs fitted with tubular fuse. The
The minimum size of wiring cable used for a 15A
corresponding plugs must be fitted with fuse. The maximum
socket outlet branch circuit shall be 4 mm (7/0.036). When the
fuse rating shall be 13A for 13A Sockets or 15A for 15A
distance from the over-current protective device to the first
sockets and so on. Wiring for sockets shall be radial type of
socket outlet on a receptacle circuit is over 30 m the wire used
wiring. However, ring type wiring may be used by strictly
for a 15A branch circuit shall be 6 mm2 (7/0.044) [2].
following the rules given in IEE Wiring regulations BS
For a single-phase circuit, red color insulation was
7571:2008, 17th Edition and by using appropriate size of
used for the live wire and the black color insulation for the
Cable [2]. All sockets should be matched with the rating of
neutral and green + yellow bi-color insulation was used for the
load according the standard.
ECC. For a three-phase circuit, red color was used for the live
F) Distribution wiring in a building (L1), yellow color for the live (L2), blue color for the live (L3)
cable and the black color for the neutral and green + yellow
Every installation shall be divided into small circuits bi-color for the ECC. This color code of cables now can be
following the rules (given in this document) to avoid danger in replaced by the current IEC cable color code standards [2].
case of a fault, and to facilitate safe operation, inspection,
maintenance and testing. For the establishment of the circuits TABLE I
appropriate type of wiring is needed and appropriate
terminations connections junctions of these circuits are
needed. At the same time, appropriate types of protection Wire Current IEC Standards
against faults must be given at different levels. These are to be
achieved through installation of appropriate distribution Protective earth (PE) Green + yellow bi-color
or ECC or Earth Lead Wire
wiring in the building [2]. Neutral (N) Blue
Single phase: Live (L)
G) Distribution board Three phase: L1 Brown
Three phase: L2 Black
A Distribution Board is the junction point of the incoming Three phase: L3 Grey
line and the outgoing lines for the distribution of Electricity
throughout the building. The incoming as well as the outgoing
lines must have circuit breaker protection or Fuse protection.
I) Circuit wiring neutral cable shall be drawn using blue color insulated PVC
cable. Common neutral shall not be used under any
For calculated load, cable size may be found with the help
circumstances [2].
of different tables but it is needed to keep in mind and follow
the rules about voltage drop. Also, the load factor is needed to The minimum size of cable for a 5A circuit protected by
be considered when finding the size of cable. When a 5A circuit breaker or fuse shall not be below 1.5 mm
determining the cable size, the type of wiring system is needed The minimum size of cable for a 10A circuit protected by
to be considered i.e. in open wiring system, temperature a 10A circuit breaker or fuse shall not be below 2.5 mm.
would be low but in conduit wiring, temperature increases due The minimum size of cable for a 15A circuit protected by
to the absence of air [3]. a 15A circuit breaker or fuse shall not be below 4 mm.
The minimum size of cable for a 20A circuit protected by
J) Electrical Wiring in the Interior of Buildings a 20A circuit breaker or fuse shall not be below 6 mm.
In general, the minimum size of cable for a particular circuit
Surface Wiring or Exposed Wiring: Wiring run over the
shall depend on the rating of the fuse or circuit breaker used
surface of walls and ceilings, whether contained in conduits or
for the protection of that circuit [2].
not, is termed as surface wiring or exposed wiring. Single core
PWC insulated cupper through PVC Channels or through Feeder wiring between SDB and BDB, DB and SDB, FDB
PVC conduits or through GI pipes of approved quality may be to DB, MDB to FDB etc: Wiring between a BDB and an
used for surface wiring. Surface wiring using twin core flat SDB, an SDB and a DB, a DB and an FDB, an FDB and an
PVC insulated cupper on wooden battens used to be used long MDB needs special attention and the rules are similar to
back. This is almost discontinued and discouraged now a day, circuit wiring. ECC must be present for each of the feed
PVC conduits or GI pipes, when used for surface wiring, shall connections. The ECC in this case also shall be PVC insulated
be clamped with saddles at a spacing not exceeding 600mm, copper cable of appropriate size but with green+ yellow bi-
to the Wall or ceiling using plastic rowel plugs with color insulation. At both ends the ECC must be terminated at
countersunk galvanized screws [2]. the earthing bus bar. Appropriate cable lugs / cable sockets
must be used for terminating the L1, L2, L3, N and E
Concealed Wiring: The wires in this type of wiring shall be
connections on the bus bars of both the boards. The sizes of
placed inside GI conduits or PVC conduits that are buried in
the cables must be chosen to match with the rating of the
roofs and in brick/concrete walls. The conduits in the walls
circuit breaker /fuse ratings as mentioned above. Circuit
shall be run horizontally or vertically, and not at an angle. In a
breakers / fuses must be provided at the outgoing and
column structure building having no permanent walls, switch
incoming sides of each of the bus bars of each
boards and socket boards, pull boxes shall be placed in
BDB/SDB/DB/FDB boxes [2].
columns and must be done during the casting of columns [2].
Wiring inside Suspended Ceilings (False Ceilings): III. BUSBAR TRUNKING SYSTEM
Wiring inside suspended ceilings (False Ceilings) shall be
surface wiring through conduits or through PVC channels Busbar trunking (BBT) system in compact design is the
mentioned under the heading of surface wiring methods [2]. most efficient, safe and ideal system for electricity supply to
Methods of Point Wiring: Wiring between a Light / fan industrial installations and high-rise structures, offering a wide
point and its corresponding switch board is termed as point current range from 125A to 2000A in type CBC (Copper
wiring. It is assumed that the load of such a point is not in conductor) and 160A to 1250A in type CBA (Aluminum
excess of 100watts in general in special this may be up to 200 conductor) with possibility of feeding loads up to 400A with
watts. Wiring for a light / fan point shall be made using one of standard plug-in boxes. The system has provision of 4 plug-in
the methods i.e., (i) Surface Wiring or (ii) Concealed outlets per meter, which can be fitted quickly and provide
Wiring [2]. total flexibility for any change in distribution layout at a later
stage. The system has been designed especially for
Methods of Circuit Wiring: Wiring between a switchboard
installations and projects where power supply has to be made
and a BDB/SDB/DB will be called circuit wiring. Circuit
available rapidly. These are most suitable for applications
wiring shall be done with a live cable a neutral cable and an
where exact location and power consumption is not sure and
ECC cable for a single-phase circuit. Sometimes this circuit is
possible changes in physical distribution of loads are
also referred to as sub-circuit. An ECC must be provided with
envisaged [4]. The proposed BBT system also has been
each circuit. The ECC at the switch board end shall be
chosen according to the calculated load of the building.
terminated in the earth terminal of the metal part of the Switch
Board using a brass screw, bolt and a nut. The BDB/SDB / A) Typical power distribution by busbar from Panel
DB end of the ECC shall be terminated in the earthing busbar Benefits & comparison: Benefits of BBT system are
of the BDB / SDB / DB. The ECC in this case shall be PVC numerous. The total cost of ownership (TCO) is very low
insulated copper cable of appropriate size but with yellow- compare to conventional cabling system for distribution up to
green bi-color insulation. For each circuit, the live cable must load due to shorter & easier installation, reduced costs, time,
be drawn using brown color insulated PVC cable and the and space and maintenance management [6].
run cooler.
3) Flexible: Additions of floor to a building or any
expansion to an existing system is extremely simple with
sandwich BBT. They are scalable & elegant.
4) Safe & sure: Higher mechanical strength over long runs,
better electrical conductivity lower mV drop which ensures
high reliability. Ability to withstand high short circuit currents
makes them doubly safe.
5) Fire & retardant: Sandwich constructions don’t have air
gape due to which natural progression of fire inhibited. Epoxy
insulation, being flame retardant provides better resistance to
Fig. 1. Busbar Trunking [5] spread of fire.
6) Economical: Inherently flexible design ensures easy
installation and maintenance thus resulting in lower
installation and maintenance costs.
1) Compactness: Sandwich construction render to the BBT Fig. 3. The benefit of busbar over cabling system [6]
system more compact than air insulated busbar system, thus
making them a preferred choice in plant room and building
applications. B)The benefits of Busbar over cabling system
2) Energy efficiency: Compactness of sandwich The benefit of busbar over cabling system is given below
construction results in higher efficiency due to lower voltage [6] and is shown in the Fig. 3:
drop and impedance. This ensures all connected equipment 1) BBTs are functional and flexible; No additional ducting
or piping is necessary. Busbar projects are easy to prepare. according to Class A, SICAM Q100 also offers energy
2) If additional extension is required in the existing BBT management functions such as the acquisition of load profiles
system, then it can be done reusing the existing one. But for and the relationship to different tariffs, as well as the Modbus
the case of conventional cable, existing cable cannot be Master function for connecting RS485 sub meters (for
reused. example, PAC) and LV circuit breakers (such as 3WL) [7].
3) Load balancing is easy to achieve.
4) Unlike conventional cabling system, jointing can be done
in BBT system. Expand, change, replacement and reusing
5) Individual floor metering system can be easily
6) Busbar installations can be changed or can be mounted
to another establishment.
7) Minimizes cost of maintenance, operating, man power
and mounting.
8) It can stand strokes with metal housing.
9) Voltage drop can be measured exactly as inductive
reactance and electrical values are designed and calculated
values. Fig. 4. SICAM Q100, Power Monitoring Device and Power Quality
10) Establishments can be operational in 50% shorter time Recorder, Class A [7]
to other systems, for its easy mounting and installation.
11) It gives a modern and esthetic appearance where it’s A) Applications
used. SICAM Q100 is used in single-phase systems as well as
12) System does not cover a large area and helps space three wire and four-wire systems (with neutral conductors).
management. Considering its ampere range dimensions are This universal device is most valuable for applications where
small. the uninterrupted acquisition of supply quality data (e.g. EN
13) Reduces amounts and dimensions of panel boards, 50160) must guarantee fault-free operation of the loads/
especially for compact types heat transfer is perfect. Short consumers connected to the power supply system. In addition
circuit withstands are high. to acquiring supply quality data, the unit can also be used for
14) Energy can be collected from plug-in points without the comprehensive acquisition of other measured electrical
turning off the power. variables that are required by the particular application: as
15) Busbar can be applied to any kind of building by its part of an automation solution in industrial plants, for energy
modular structure. It covers much less space than cable management and building automation, in commercial
systems according to its high ampere rate. applications (assignment of cost centers), and for the
16) Cables enable fire to split out. It has no chimney effect comprehensive monitoring of important points in a power
because of its compact structure for that fire barrier in not company's network. Early detection of supply quality
needed. problems thanks to uninterrupted acquisition of important
power parameters. Manufacturer-independent, comparable
IV. FAULT ANALYSIS measured values for evaluating supply quality are obtained
using standardized measurement methods according to IEC
Universal unit for monitoring power quality and for energy
61000-4-30 Class A (0.1% accuracy). With its master
management SICAM Q100 is a Class A multifunctional
function, SICAM Q100 makes it possible to integrate and
measuring device for monitoring power quality according to
further process data from peripheral devices (for example, a
the according to the International Electro-Technical
power meter or LV circuit breaker). Whether the need is for
Commission (IEC) 62586-1 (PQI-A-FI) product standard. It is
comprehensive supply quality monitoring and logging or for
used to acquire, visualize, analyze, and transmit measured
energy management functions (for example, to reduce
electrical variables such as ac current, ac voltage, frequency,
operating costs): SICAM Q100 is a key component in any
power, harmonics, etc. The acquisition, processing and
power monitoring system [9].
accuracy of measured variables and events are performed
List of the total applications performed by SICAM Q100 are
according to the IEC 61000-4-30 Class A power quality
following [9]:
measurement standard. Long-term data and events are
evaluated directly in the device and displayed as a report in i. Voltage quality - application overview
accordance with power quality standards (such as EN 5016O). Voltage events - interruption, voltage dip,
The measured variables can be output to a PC or control Over voltage, and transients
center via one of the communication interfaces or shown on a Main voltage unbalance
display. In addition to acquiring the power Supply quality Main voltage harmonics
Fig. 5. Application- Voltage quality on all voltage levels of the power supply
system [7] Fig. 6. Application- Voltage quality and power monitoring for industry,
building and data center [7]
B) Function Overview
Continuous measured value acquisition: Alternating
voltage V, alternating current I, Power frequency f
(fundamental component), Active power P, Reactive power Q,
Fig. 10. Load profile recording using fixed block method [7]
Data transmission and download: Via IEC 61850, stored required for Multi-storied residential, Multi-storied
data from SICAM Q100 can be transmitted from the 2-GB Commercial buildings, Multi-storied Office building and
memory, exported, or downloaded manually via HTTP. The Industries. To determine the rating of the substation required,
following data formats are supported [7]: a load factor of at least 80% shall be applied to the estimated
load of the building. The future expansion requirements
should definitely be taken into consideration.
Location of an electrical substation: In a multi-storied
building, the substation shall preferably be installed on the
lowest floor level, but direct access from the street for
installation or removal of the equipment shall be provided.
The floor level of the substation or switch room shall be above
the highest flood level of the locality. Suitable arrangements
should exist to prevent the entrance of storm or flood water
into the substation area. The location of a substation will
depend on the feed point of the 11 KV supply authority line
and the location of the LT vertical riser cables.
For small to moderate power rating up to 2MW, two types
of indoor transformers have been widely used recent years.
These are (i) Oil Type Natural Cooled transformer and (ii)
Cast Resin Dry Type Natural Cooled transformers. In most
cases Oil Type Natural Cooled transformer may be used for
substations if adequate space is available to accommodate the
transformer. Cast Resin Dry Type Natural Cooled
Fig. 12. Data transmission and download [7]
transformers should be used (i) in places where stringent
protection against spread of fire is needed and (ii) in places
where space saving is of utmost importance [2].
The consumers do not use high voltage and so the same
must be stepped down to low voltage. The stepping up and
stepping down of voltage is one in the sub-stations. The MINIMUM AREA FOR SUBSTATION OF DIFFERENT CAPACITIES [2]
importance of substations further increased with the
development of transformers and converting plants and now a Capacity of a Transformer Total substation area (with HT, LT
day the substations are of via importance to the operation of Transformer Area panels & Transformer Room but
the above-mentioned systems [8]. (KVA) (m2) without Generators)
Necessity of using substation: 1x150 12 45
1) To switch on and off the power lines i.e. switching 1x250 13 48
operation. 2x250 26 100
2) To transform voltage from higher to lower or vice-versa 1x400 13 48
2x400 30 100
i.e. voltage transformation operation. 3x400 40 135
3) To convert ac into dc or vice-versa i.e. Power converting 2x630 26 100
operation. 3x630 40 190
4) To convert frequency from higher to lower or vice-versa 2x1000 40 180
3x1000 45 220
i.e., frequency correcting operation.
5) To improve the power factor by installing synchronous
condenser at receiving end of the line, i.e. power factor Choice of Oil type or Dry type transformers:
1) Dry type transformer should be installed where risk of
correction operation.
spreading of fire is high and where flammable materials are to
A) Indoor Substations be kept around the substation.
2) For Hospital buildings, Multistoried Shopping Centers
In these substations, the electrical equipment is installed Dry type transformers should be used to for minimizing fire
within the building of substation [2]. risks.
11kV/0.4kV Electrical Substation of a Building: 3) An industrial building, containing inflammable materials,
According to the rule of the distribution companies of Chemical and having the substation in the same building Dry
Bangladesh, 11KV/0.4KV Electrical indoor substations shall type transformers should be used for minimizing fire risks [2].
be required for a building if the load requirement of the Type of connection between a Substation Transformer
building exceeds 50kW. In most cases, substations are and its LT panel: Connection between a Substation
Transformer and its LT panel can be established a) by using Containment of the fire. * Safe exits.
NYY underground LT Cables or b) by using ceiling 1) Early warning of fire is achieved through automatic fire
suspended busbar trunking. For small size transformers, the alarm systems. Fire alarms can be initiated automatically by
first method should be used although there is no restriction in smoke detectors or heat detectors, or manually by pull
using the second method. However, for big substations the stations. The alarm then sounds by means of bells or horns in
second method is safer and at the same time gives a neat order to notify the occupants to evacuate the building.
solution [2]. 2) Containing the fire is achieved by creating fire
compartments using fire resistant walls and floors. Fire
B) Standby Power Supply barriers are required from floor to floor in multi-stored
Provision for Standby Power Supply: Provision should be buildings, around certain rooms within the building, and to
made for standby power supply, in buildings. The Standby enclose exit stairwells. Sprinkler systems serve two functions:
Power Supply may be a Petrol Engine or Diesel Engine or Gas detecting the fire for immediate evacuation; and containing the
Engine Generator or an IPS or a UPS [2]. fire at its source.
3) Safe and efficient exiting is accomplished by providing
Capacity of a Standby Generating Set: The capacity of
necessary exits (at least two) and ensuring that the exits
standby generating set shall be chosen on the basis of essential
remain free of smoke and fire by requiring fire barriers around
light load, essential air conditioning load, essential equipment
the exit stairs. Locks are not permitted on exits [9].
loads and essential services load, essential lift (s), one or all
water pumps and other loads required as essential load. Table A) Fire Detection and Alarm System inside a Building
3 shows minimum generator room area requirements for
different sizes of generators. In the case of a gas engine driven The major parts of a Fire Detection and Alarm System
generator, the generator must be located outside the building inside a Building may be listed as [2]:
with adequate ventilation and windows. In general, the A number of different types of Fire Detectors/ detection
generator room must have adequate ventilation and fans for devices wired in a number of radial circuits.
continuous cooling. The generator shall not be placed in a Manual Call points: A central control panel for Fire
basement. The generator must not be placed on any other floor Detection A number of alarm sounders/alarm devices wired in
other than ground floor [2]. A standby generator, if needed, is a number of radial circuits Cables for wiring the Fire
to be connected at the supply input point after the energy Detectors/ detection devices Cables for wiring the alarm
meter and after the main incoming switch or the main sounders/alarm devices.
incoming circuit breaker, but through a changeover switch of Control Panel: The control panel will indicate in which
appropriate rating. The rating of such a switch shall be at least detection circuit (zone) an alarm or fault condition has been
1.25 times the rating of the main incoming circuit breaker. generated and will operate common or zonal sounders and
The wiring for this purpose shall be made following the auxiliary commands (for example door release or Fire Brigade
standard practices mentioned under the heading of wiring signaling) [2].
using cables of appropriate size [2]. A generator room needs
some required minimum space. Table III shows the area Detectors: A number of types of Detectors (smoke
requirements for standby generator room. detectors, heat detectors, ionization smoke detectors, Optical
beam smoke detectors, Opto-heat detectors) For the
TABLE III installation [2].
Alarm Devices: Alarm devices fall into two types, audible
and visual. The audible types are most common, with a variety
Capacity Area Capacity Area
(KW) (m2) (KW) (m2) of types being available from bells to all kinds of different
1x25 20 1x150 36 electronic sounders including those containing pre-recorded
1x48 24 1x300 48 spoken messages. Finally, visual alarms are to be used where
1x100 30 1x500 56 the hard of hearing may be occupying a building or where the
ambient noise is such (above 90dBA) that audible warning
may not be heard, where hearing protectors are in use or
VI. FIRE DETECTION AND ALARM SYSTEM where the sounder levels would need to be so high that they
might impair the hearing of the building occupant [2].
This statement is noticed by the Accord on Fire and
Building Safety to support factories in the implementation of Double Input/ Output Module: With a microprocessor, AI-
fire protection measures. Fire protection is a fundamental 511 Addressable Dual I/O Module can communicate with
accord goal. The accord is primarily concerned with the life FACP, monitor power supply, and judge the logic state of
safety aspects of fire protection. The keys to fire life safety input signal, control output and state indicators [12].
are: Pull Station: Connecting to the loop of SHIELD fire alarm
* Fire prevention. * Early warning of the fire. * system, BG-I450F Digital Manual Call Point (the MCP) is
suitable for public places. When there is fire, pressing the an indoor type substation 11kV/0.4kV. There is also an
action plate on the MCP can send the alarm signal to fire individual generator room. In this building, lots of modern
alarm control panel. After receiving the signal, the control electrical equipment has been installed. This research work
panel will show address information of the MCP and generate offers BBT system from ground floor to top floor instead of
alarm sound. Electronically addressed: the address can be wire and for wiring inside each floors and flats traditional
modified in field. Alarming by pressing: can be reset by a wiring system according to the Bangladesh National Building
special key, plug-in structure, designed to comply with EN 54- Code 2014 has been used. This research work has also offered
11 [13]. fault analysis for observing any fault in the installed
Water Sprinkler: It is used to spray the water according the connection.
response of the sensor. To start an electrical design and installation of a high rise
building it’s required to get its architectural design. After
Fire Extinguishers: There are three types of fire getting the architectural design it’s easy to draw electrical
extinguishers available in Bangladesh are: design and necessary electrical equipment. By electrical
Water and Foam: Water and Foam fire extinguishers design it is easy to show the entire electrical condition like
extinguish the fire by taking away the heat element of the fire load of the building, transformer and generator ratings, ratings
triangle [21]. of busbar trunking system, MCB and MCCB, ratings of
Carbon Dioxide: Carbon Dioxide fire extinguishers different wires, several MDB, SDB and SB.
extinguish fire by taking away the oxygen element of the fire
triangle and also are removing the heat with a very cold A) Block diagram of this project
discharge [21].
In this block diagram have to shows every part and
electrical system.
Fig. 13. Intelligent Eight Loop Fig. 14. Combined Heat & Smoke
Control Panel [10] Detector [11]
Then from this calculated ampere the KVA rating of the Where, EPi, and EQi are the values of active and reactive
Transformer of the substation is calculated. The formula of energy read at the beginning of the work cycle.
calculating in KVA is EPf and EQf are the values of active and reactive energy read
at the end of the work cycle.
KVA = (2)
Calculation of the necessary reactive power: Once the
power factor (cosφ1) of the installation and the power factor
KVA = = 418 to be obtained (cosφ 2) are known, it is possible to calculate
the reactive power of the capacitor bank necessary to improve
So according to this calculation it is ideal to choose a 3- the power factor. Indicating by:
Phase 450 KVA Transformer.
C) Selection of Generator
Load Calculation for Generator: A backup generator can
be used for supporting full load or few of them (some ceiling
fan and light of each flat, lift or elevator, ground floor,
Stairway and Corridor, water pump) in emergency situation.
i.e., Total load (Generator) required for full building = Fig. 20. Relation among three powers
20444W = 20.444kW
and total current required for Generator =35.55A P-the installed active power
Generator capacity required for this building: Φ1- the phase displacement angle before power factor
Φ 2 - the phase displacement angle to be obtained with the
power factor correction the power of the capacitor bank Qc is: Calculation of capacitor bank: In a plant with active power
equal to 334.004 kW at 415 V and cosφ= 0.80, and we want
Qc = (tgφ1 - tgφ2).P =K. P (4) to increase the power factor up to 1. In the table 1 above, at
the intersection between the row “initial cosφ” 0.80 with the
Once the initial COSΦ is known, power factor correction column “final cosφ” 1, a value of 0.750 for the coefficient K
table allows to calculate (in kvar per kW installed) the power is obtained
of the capacitor bank necessary to obtain a defined power Therefore, a capacitor bank is necessary with power Qc
factor. In a three-phase system the capacitor bank constituted equal to:
by three capacitors having the same capacitance, can be delta Qc = K · P = 0.750 x 334.004 = 250.5Kvar.
connected or star connected. When selecting the connection
modality, it is necessary to keep into account that with delta- E) Selection of wires
connection, each capacitance is subject to the Supply line-to-
Supply line entering substation: For connecting the DPDC
line Voltage, but, at the same level of generated reactive
supply line 11kV to the building’s substation 2xSEYFGY,
power, it has a value equal to 1/3 of the value it will have in
6/10(12) kV, IEC 60502-2 cable is used. This cable is suitable
case of star-connection:
for indoors, outdoors, underground and in water for
continuous permissible service voltage of 6.35/11kV. 90 0C
QcY =QcΔ CY = 3 . CΔ (5)
. . . 2 . . 2
[16], [17].
QCY = 3 ω CY ( Un / ) = ω CY Un = QCΔ (6)
= 3 .ω CΔ . Un2 CY = 3 . CΔ From Tap Off box to SDB: From tap off box to SDB the
BYA cable is used (Fig. 24). This wire is suitable for surface
In the low voltage field, where insulation problems are less mounted or concealed steel conducts or trunking.
important, the delta connection is usually preferred for the From SDB to SB and loads: Here we have used BYA
capacitor bank, since it allows a smaller sizing of the 450/750V single core cable (Fig. 24). This cable suitable for
capacitances of each phase [15]. use in surface mounted or embedded conduits or trunking.
Also, suitable for field protected installation in lighting fittings
and inside appliances up to 1000 V (ac) or up to 750 V to
earth (dc).
From CT to voltage sensing DB and other part: From CT
to voltage sensing DB the NYY cable is used (Fig. 25). This
wire is suitable for surface mounted or concealed steel
conducts or trunking.
Fig. 23. BYA 450/750V single Fig. 24. NYY 600/1000V, VDE-
core cable 0271/3.69m, single core cable
E) Equipment list at a glance for the experimented designed proposes best equipment (wire, circuit breaker, transformer,
high-rise building generator, BBT, fault analysis device, fire detection and alarm
system) for highest efficiency and safety of any high-rise
[1] SuruhanjayaTenaga, “Guidelines for Electrical Wiring in
Residential Buildings”, 2008 Ed., pp. 6-7.
1 Wire BYA 450/750Vsingle core cable, NYY
600/1000V [2] “Bangladesh National Building Code (BNBC)”, Housing and
single core cable, 2xSEYFGY 6/10(12) kV Building Research Institute,2014, Building Services, Volume
cable 3, part 8, Chapter 1
2 Busbar Al 630A,415V, 50Hz, 3p+M+PE [3]
3 Fault SICAM Q100 determine-the-suitable-size-of-cable-for Electrical-Wiring-
Analysis Installation-with-Solved-Examples-in-both-British-and-SI-
Device System.html
4 Transformer 3Phase 450KVA Transformer [4]
5 Generator 30KVA Diesel Generator 3Phase 415V [5]
6 Fire Alarm Intelligent Eight Loop Control Panel Combined [6]
System Heat & Smoke Detector, Standard Detector systems/
Intelligent Sounder Strobe, Double Inputs/
Output Module,
Pull Station, Water Sprinkler, Fire [8] By S.L Uppal and G.C Garg “ELECTRICAL
7 MCB MCB-SP 10A,16A, 20A,32A, MCB-TP 20A, [9]
40A, 6A [10]
8 MCCB MCCB-TP 650A, 350A, 600A, 63A
system/addressable/facp/ intelligent-eight-loop-control-panel/
VIII. CONCLUSION system/addressable/ detectors/intelligent-photoelectric-smoke-
Without a professional AutoCAD drawing it is not possible [12]
to proceed with the construction of the building and system/addressable/ modules/double-inputoutput-module/
installation of electrical equipment. A professional AutoCAD [13]
drawing gives proper ideas about proper location, size and system/addressable/pull-stations/
structure of both electrical and architectural site of a high-rise [14]
Building or any constructional work. For using BBT system it [15]
is required to know ratings, installation procedure, conductor factor
types and all about its sites. The installation cost of BBT [16]
system is a little higher than wiring system but in the long run [17]
BBT system is more cost effective. A new device (SICAM
Q100) has been introduced for fault analysis and continuous [18]
monitoring of fault which will help to reduce and avoid faults [19]
in the system. This device is the most updated and latest 3hsMTqV
technology that can be used for this purpose. Circuit breakers [20]
of proper ratings are installed to ensure safety issue of the 12/smoke-fire-detector-with-automatic-water-sprinkler-system/
building. The substation has been designed by using proper [21]
calculated rating and by following standard codes. Fire
detectors and alarm systems are installed to ensure avoiding
fire hazard.
This entire research has been completed by following and
maintaining Bangladesh National Building Code.
The manual system of controlling the building load (light,
fan) is still available. But in future the automation process can
be used widely controlling the building load in a high-rise
building. Then the calculation and installment of P.L.C will be
considered in the electrical design of high rise building. This
research contains selection, connection and fittings of
different ratings of wires for different purposes. This research