Brief exposure to repeated episodes of low inspired oxygen, or acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH), is a promising
therapeutic modality to improve motor function after chronic, incomplete spinal cord injury (SCI). Although
therapeutic AIH is under extensive investigation in persons with SCI, limited data are available concerning car-
diorespiratory responses during and after AIH exposure despite implications for AIH safety and tolerability.
Thus, we recorded immediate (during treatment) and enduring (up to 30 min post-treatment) cardiorespira-
tory responses to AIH in 19 participants with chronic SCI (>1 year post-injury; injury levels C1 to T6; American
Spinal Injury Association Impairment Scale A to D; mean age = 33.8 – 14.1 years; 18 males). Participants com-
pleted a single AIH (15, 60-sec episodes, inspired O2 & 10%; 90-sec intervals breathing room air) and Sham
(inspired O2 & 21%) treatment, in random order. During hypoxic episodes: (1) arterial oxyhemoglobin satu-
ration decreased to 82.1 – 2.9% ( p < 0.001); (2) minute ventilation increased 3.83 – 2.29 L/min ( p = 0.008); and
(3) heart rate increased 4.77 – 6.82 bpm ( p = 0.010). Considerable variability in cardiorespiratory responses was
found among subjects; some individuals exhibited large hypoxic ventilatory responses (‡0.20 L/min/%, n = 11),
whereas others responded minimally (<0.20 L/min/%, n = 8). Apneas occurred frequently during AIH and/or
Sham protocols in multiple participants. All participants completed AIH treatment without difficulty. No sig-
nificant changes in ventilation, heart rate, or arterial blood pressure were found 30 min post-AIH p > 0.05).
In conclusion, therapeutic AIH is well tolerated, elicits variable chemoreflex activation, and does not cause per-
sistent changes in cardiorespiratory control/function 30 min post-treatment in persons with chronic SCI.
Keywords: breathing; cardiovascular; hypoxia; plasticity; respiratory; ventilation
Breathing Research and Therapeutics Center and Department of Physical Therapy, 2McKnight Brain Institute, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, USA.
Brooks Rehabilitation, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences, College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Department of Neurology, College of Medicine–Jacksonville, University of Florida, Jacksonville, Florida, USA.
Department of Physical Therapy, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA.
**Contributed equally to this work..
***Co-senior author.
*Address correspondence to: Emily J. Fox, DPT, MHS, PhD, University of Florida, HPNP Building, Room 1130, PO Box 100154, Gainesville, FL 32610, USA E-mail: [email protected]
After decades of extensive research in rodents, interest International Standards for Neurological Classification
has grown in the potential therapeutic application of of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI). Enrollment criteria in-
repeated short-duration exposures to low inspired O2, or cluded adults with >20% impairment in maximal inspira-
acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH).3 In 2012, Trumbower tory or expiratory pressure, and either: (a) incomplete
and associates4 reported an 82% increase in plantar flex- SCI (C1 to T12) based on residual sensory and motor
ion torque and 43% increase in gastrocnemius electro- function below the level of injury or injury classification
myographic activity 30 min post-AIH in 13 individuals of American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) Impair-
with chronic, incomplete SCI. Positive outcomes have ment Scale (AIS) B, C, or D; or (b) chronic complete
since been observed in many somatic motor functions, SCI (C4 to T12; AIS A). Participants required clearance
including: maximal inspiratory mouth pressure5; resting from a physician to ensure medical stability.
ventilation6,7; walking speed and endurance8,9; hand- Exclusion criteria consisted of: diagnosis of an addi-
grip strength10; and dynamic balance.11 Early investiga- tional neurological condition such as multiple sclerosis,
tions have focused primarily on changes in motor output Parkinson disease, stroke or brain injury; presence of
with less emphasis on the effects of AIH on cardiorespi- unstable or uncontrolled medical conditions such as car-
ratory control/function.12 diovascular or pulmonary disease, hypertension, hetero-
The mild-to-moderate AIH dose stimulates carotid topic ossification; infections; severe neuropathic pain;
body chemoreceptors and activates pontomedullary car- known pregnancy; severe recurrent autonomic dysre-
diorespiratory control centers that reflexively increase flexia; and/or history of seizure disorder. To ensure eligi-
ventilation and heart rate (HR) in able-bodied individuals bility, all participants were screened before initiating
and those with SCI.4–6,13–15 Although some differences in the study. Screening included an in-person participant
experimental protocols exist between studies (e.g. dura- interview, physical examination, and review of medical
tion of hypoxic episodes, presence of concurrent hyper- records.
capnia), blood pressure appears well regulated without
measurable change from baseline.5,8,13,14 Few studies, Design
however, have examined both the immediate (within- After enrollment, participants attended the laboratory
treatment exposure) and enduring (post-treatment expo- on two separate occasions separated by a minimum of
sure) cardiorespiratory responses to AIH and most lack three weeks. The two testing sessions were conducted
sufficient detail (e.g. measurement of end-tidal gases, at the same time of day (in most cases) and the order of
beat-by-beat blood pressure) to make conclusions regard- visits was randomized. Testing on both visits involved
ing AIH safety and tolerability in persons with SCI. the same breathing apparatus and experimental proto-
Given the therapeutic potential of AIH and known del- col except for the inspired gas fraction during AIH
eterious effects of SCI on respiratory and autonomic (FIO2 & 0.10) and Sham (FIO2 & 0.21). Fifteen cycles
function,16,17 assessment of immediate and enduring car- of 60-sec hypoxia or normoxia exposures were inter-
diorespiratory responses to AIH is warranted. To that spersed with 90-sec intervals breathing ambient air.5
end, we sought to characterize cardiorespiratory re- Ventilation, HR, arterial blood pressure, and oxyhemo-
sponses to a single AIH treatment in persons with chronic globin saturation were measured before (baseline), dur-
SCI. We tested the hypotheses that AIH: (a) increases ing, and 20–30 min after AIH and Sham. Participants
HR and ventilation without significantly altering arterial and assessors administering inspired gases were blinded
blood pressure during treatment exposure; and (b) does to the intervention. All experiments were performed at
not elicit persistent short-term effects on any measure Brooks Rehabilitation in Jacksonville, FL.
of cardiorespiratory control/function.
Methods On the first visit, participants were seated comfortably
Participants and instrumented with a nose clip and a mouthpiece
Individuals with chronic (>1-year post-injury) SCI were attached to a filter and calibrated pneumotachograph
recruited through an Institutional Review Board appro- (MLT1000L; ADInstruments, Colorado Springs, CO).
ved research recruitment registry, the After a few normal resting breaths, participants were
website (NCT03833674), flyers, and local healthcare instructed to inspire fully, and then rapidly and forcefully
providers and researchers. The University of Florida expire until no more air could be exhaled. A minimum of
Institutional Review Board approved the study, and all three forced vital capacity maneuvers were performed,
participants provided informed consent to participate. and the test was terminated when the three largest values
Data reported here constitute part of a larger phase 2 varied by <150 mL according to testing guidelines.18
clinical trial. Forced vital capacity is reported as the largest of three
Injuries were classified by a licensed physical therapist consistent trials. Participants were encouraged through-
with expertise in SCI rehabilitation according to the out all tests to ensure maximal effort.
Breathing circuit and apparatus tory and cardiovascular variables were stable, AIH or
An illustration of the breathing circuit during AIH and Sham commenced. The AIH and Sham protocols were
Sham is shown in Figure 1. Participants were reclined identical except for the FIO2 level during episodes. Fifteen,
in a power wheelchair or placed in a long sitting position 1-min episodes of hypoxia (AIH; FIO2 & 0.10) or nor-
on a mat with the trunk reclined 45 degrees. Participants moxia (Sham, FIO2 & 0.21) interspersed with 90-sec
were instrumented with a face mask (7450 V2; Hans intervals breathing ambient air were delivered. Cardiores-
Rudolph Inc., Shawnee, KS, USA) connected to a two- piratory responses were recorded at baseline, during AIH/-
way non-rebreathing valve (2700; Hans Rudolph Inc.). Sham episodes, and 20–30 min post-AIH/Sham (i.e.
A heated, calibrated pneumotachograph (3818; Hans recovery). Immediately following AIH and Sham, partici-
Rudolph Inc.) was connected to the expired limb of the pants were relieved of the face mask for comfort purposes.
circuit. The inspired limb of the circuit was attached to During that time, participants were permitted to use the
a three-way stopcock (2100; Hans Rudolph Inc.) and restroom and drink water only.
hypoxia generator (HYP-123; Hypoxico, New York,
NY) with a 5 L reservoir bag. Another two-way non- Cardiovascular variables
rebreathe valve was connected between the hypoxia The HR, blood pressure, and arterial oxyhemoglobin sat-
generator and face mask for positive pressure from the uration (SpO2) were recorded continuously at baseline,
generator to escape the circuit and prevent bias flow. Fil- during AIH/Sham and during recovery. Heart rate was
ters were placed on the inspired and expired limbs of the obtained using 3-lead ECG (ML-132; ADInstruments).
circuit. Beat-by-beat blood pressure was recorded using finger
Mouth pressure was continuously recorded via a side photoplethysmography (Finapres; Finapres Medical Sys-
port in the face mask connected to a calibrated pressure tems BV, Arnhem, Netherlands). Finger arterial pressure
transducer (113253; Hans Rudolph Inc.). Breath-by- was calibrated to brachial pressure using an automated
breath inspired/expired O2 and CO2 concentrations sphygmomanometer. The SpO2 was measured using a
were recorded at the mouth via a side port in the face finger pulse oximeter (ML320/F; ADInstruments).
mask connected to a calibrated O2/CO2 gas analyzer
(GEMINI; CWE Inc., Ardmore, PA). Data analysis
Expired tidal volume (VT) was calculated by integrating
Acute intermittent hypoxia and Sham _ Respiratory cycle time (TTOT) was
the expired flow (V).
Approximately 10 min of resting breathing data were col- calculated as the time interval between the onset of suc-
lected before AIH and Sham (i.e. baseline). Once ventila- cessive breaths. Breathing frequency (fb) was calculated
FIG. 1. Breathing circuit. See text for description. Pm, mouth pressure; PO2, partial pressure of O2; PCO2,
partial pressure of CO2, NRBV, non-rebreathe valve; PNT, pneumotachograph.
Table 2A. Cardiorespiratory Responses at Baseline and During Exposures to Acute Intermittent Hypoxia and Sham
AIH Sham
Variable Baseline Hypoxia %-D Baseline Normoxia %-D AIH vs. Sham p (%-D)
VT (L) 0.63 – 0.19 0.81 – 0.26 34.58 – 41.42 0.60 – 0.67 0.67 – 0.19 13.40 – 32.47 0.186
fb (breaths/min) 12.57 – 3.06 14.35 – 2.70 18.09 – 25.42 13.51 – 3.19 13.39 – 2.49 1.15 – 14.00 0.048
V_ E (L/min) 7.53 – 1.99 11.36 – 3.41 51.54 – 27.83 8.07 – 2.25 8.83 – 2.86 13.30 – 34.34 0.008
PETO2 (mm Hg) 101.98 – 7.76 55.12 – 7.21 -46.00 – 5.09 103.32 – 8.68 108.51 – 9.67 5.10 – 5.62 < 0.001
PETCO2 (mm Hg) 37.18 – 3.09 35.48 – 4.34 -4.63 – 7.89 35.22 – 4.73 33.32 – 5.17 -5.35 – 8.21 0.722
SBP (mm Hg) 119.15 – 12.26 123.60 – 14.01 3.75 – 6.06 118.84 – 17.70 121.53 – 12.15 3.09 – 8.81 0.930
DBP (mm Hg) 75.12 – 10.66 79.31 – 13.52 5.39 – 9.21 73.99 – 8.36 76.92 – 9.71 4.23 – 9.46 0.803
MAP (mm Hg) 89.80 – 10.97 94.08 – 13.38 4.69 – 7.60 88.94 – 10.97 91.79 – 10.36 3.60 – 7.91 0.891
HR (bpm) 68.55 – 8.17 73.32 – 10.54 7.02 – 10.12 68.11 – 12.72 67.76 – 12.46 -0.37 – 6.02 0.010
SpO2 (%) 95.18 – 1.94 82.11 – 2.90 -13.72 – 2.68 95.56 – 1.21 95.82 – 0.79 0.28 – 1.16 < 0.001
Mean changes in VT, fb, and V_ E during hypoxic epi- d = 0.13 vs. Sham), or DPETCO2 ( p = 0.920, d = 0.02 vs.
sodes from baseline were +0.18 – 0.21 L (35 – 41%; Sham) expressed as %-change from baseline. No associ-
p = 0.186, d = 0.33 vs. Sham), +1.78 – 2.72 breaths/min ations were found between DVT (r = 0.322, p = 0.179),
(18 – 25%; p = 0.048, d = 0.50 vs. Sham), and +3.83 – Dfb (r = -0.393, p = 0.096), or DV_ E (r = -0.147, p = 0.547),
2.29 L/min (52 – 28%; p = 0.008, d = 0.70 vs. Sham), and the hypoxic ventilatory response.
respectively. On average, PETO2 decreased to 55.1 –
7.2 mm Hg (-46 – 5%; p < 0.001, d = 6.73 vs. Sham), Cardiovascular responses to AIH and Sham
and PETCO2 decreased to 35.5 – 4.3 mm Hg (-5 – 8%; Immediate (within-treatment exposure) cardiovascular
p = 0.722, d = 0.10 vs. Sham) during hypoxic episodes responses to AIH and Sham are shown in Figure 6 and
from baseline. Considerable interindividual variability Table 2A. A main effect of time was found for SpO2,
in AIH responses was observed (Fig. 4). The hypoxic SBP, and MAP. A main effect of condition was found
ventilatory response during AIH was greater in persons for SpO2, HR, and DBP. An interaction effect was
with SCI versus healthy controls (0.25 L/min/% vs. found for SpO2 (F = 90.3, p < 0.001). Full statistical com-
0.12 L/min/%, p = 0.008), as shown in Figure 5. parisons and results are presented in Supplementary
Enduring (post-treatment exposure) respiratory res- Table 1.
ponses to AIH and Sham are provided in Table 2B. No Mean changes in SpO2, HR, SBP, DBP, and MAP
differences were found in DVT ( p = 0.684, d = 0.10 during hypoxic episodes from baseline were -13.06 –
vs. Sham), Dfb p = 0.111, d = 0.40 vs. Sham), DV_ E 2.58% ( p < 0.001, d = 5.92 vs. Sham), +4.77 – 6.82 bpm
( p = 0.218, d = 0.30 vs. Sham), DPETO2 ( p = 0.589, (7 – 10%; p = 0.010, d = 0.76 vs. Sham), +4.45 –
FIG. 4. Variability in respiratory responses to acute intermittent hypoxia (AIH). Figure demonstrates vast
differences in respiratory responses to AIH between participants. SCI_12 is an example of an individual with
normal chemoreflex modulation of breathing. SCI_02 is an example of an individual without evidence of
chemoreflex modulation of breathing. SCI_13 is an example of an individual with multiple episodes of
apnea followed by hyperventilation.
FIG. 5. Comparison of hypoxic ventilatory response between healthy controls and people with chronic
spinal cord injury (SCI). Panel A shows the change in arterial O2 saturation (SpO2) and minute ventilation
(V_ E ) during hypoxic episodes relative to normoxic intervals in persons with chronic SCI (filled circles) and
healthy controls (open circles). Panel B shows the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) in chronic SCI and
healthy controls. Statistics: Independent samples t test. *p < 0.05.
Table 2B. Cardiorespiratory Responses at Baseline and 30 Minutes after Acute Intermittent Hypoxia and Sham (Recovery)
AIH Sham
Variable Baseline Recovery %-D Baseline Recovery %-D AIH vs. Sham p (%-D)
VT (L) 0.63 – 0.19 0.57 – 0.14 -7.42 – 16.53 0.60 – 0.14 0.56 – 0.12 -5.10 – 21.29 0.684
fb (breaths/min) 12.57 – 3.06 14.37 – 3.46 16.28 – 23.82 13.51 – 3.19 13.81 – 2.66 4.15 – 13.99 0.111
V_ E (L/min) 7.53 – 1.99 7.89 – 2.10 6.03 – 20.97 8.07 – 2.25 7.59 – 1.73 -2.44 – 20.59 0.218
PETO2 (mm Hg) 101.98 – 7.76 100.79 – 8.12 1.67 – 5.04 103.32 – 8.68 103.48 – 9.37 0.84 – 3.69 0.589
PETCO2 (mm Hg) 37.08 – 3.09 36.78 – 3.90 -0.77 – 7.11 35.22 – 4.73 34.75 – 4.67 -0.42 – 4.95 0.920
SBP (mm Hg) 119.15 – 12.26 121.89 – 14.97 2.46 – 9.31 118.84 – 17.70 120.59 – 14.23 2.62 – 14.52 0.591
DBP (mm Hg) 75.12 – 10.66 74.59 – 10.25 0.03 – 11.87 73.99 – 8.36 73.06 – 9.04 -0.50 – 14.15 0.683
MAP (mm Hg) 89.80 – 10.97 90.35 – 11.47 1.04 – 10.09 88.94 – 10.97 88.90 – 10.33 0.80 – 13.73 0.638
HR (bpm) 68.55 – 8.17 68.65 – 8.57 0.48 – 9.93 68.11 – 12.72 68.62 – 13.80 1.15 – 12.35 0.847
SpO2 (%) 95.18 – 1.94 94.86 – 2.14 -0.31 – 2.32 95.56 – 1.21 95.60 – 1.16 0.06 – 1.74 0.622
AIH, acute intermittent hypoxia; VT, tidal volume; fb, breathing frequency; VE, minute ventilation; PETO2, end-tidal partial pressure of O2; SBP, systolic
blood pressure; DBP, diastolic blood pressure; MAP, mean arterial pressure; HR, heart rate; SpO2, peripheral oxyhemoglobin saturation.
Statistics: Paired t test.
events during subsequent sleep. Alternatively, pairing hypercapnic-hypoxia, but not AIH alone, however,
AIH with hypercapnia may prevent apnea during treat- enhances corticodiaphragmatic conduction by a central
ment by increasing ventilatory drive and conscious neural mechanism of respiratory motor plasticity.13
awareness of breathing, while also enhancing respiratory Thirty minutes after AIH, HR had returned to base-
motor plasticity. line and BP remained unaltered. These findings are in
line with previous studies in humans with chronic SCI,
Immediate AIH effects on cardiovascular control which report minimal (or no) persistent AIH effects on
On average, SpO2 decreased to 82% during hypoxic epi- HR or BP regulation.6,8,10 Although prolonged effects
sodes, similar to that of previous studies of mild-to- were not observed, intermittent hypercapnic-hypoxia
moderate AIH in persons with SCI4,5 (Fig. 6). During (or asphyxia) experienced during sleep apnea elicits
hypoxic episodes, HR increased by 5 bpm on average, long-lasting pathology.50
reflecting modest chemoreflex activation. Our results Numerous studies report sustained increases in muscle
are in accord with previous work reporting increases in sympathetic nerve activity after various intermittent
HR during hypoxic episodes in persons with SCI.5,8 hypoxia protocols51,52; however, increased muscle sym-
While HR increased during hypoxic episodes, it is pathetic nerve activity is not always associated with
unknown whether stroke volume, cardiac output, or peri- changes in BP.53 Indeed, reductions in BP have been
pheral vascular resistance was altered. observed after AIH in healthy individuals54 and per-
No changes in SBP, DBP, or MAP were observed dur- sons with chronic SCI given the non-steroidal anti-
ing hypoxic episodes, although responses were highly inflammatory drug, ibuprofen.55
variable. Persons with SCI often exhibit diminished sym- A recent study in healthy humans found that intermit-
pathetic control of BP,33,34 leading to hypotension at rest tent asphyxia elicited long-lasting increases in muscle
and increased risk of syncope during exercise35,36 or sympathetic nerve activity, MAP, and the translation of
changes in posture.37 A recent study found impaired BP increased sympathetic outflow to changes in DBP; yet,
responses during the cold-pressor test in individuals forearm vascular conductance was unchanged, suggest-
with cervical SCI versus healthy able-bodied controls, ing regional differences in sympathetic neurovascular
supporting the notion that SCI alters the ability to regu- transduction after intermittent asphyxia.56 In rats with
late BP in response to environmental stress.38 cervical spinal hemisection, moderate AIH elicits renal
Nevertheless, similar to results reported here, BP does but not splanchnic sympathetic long-term facilitation.57
not appear to change during acute poikilocapnic hypox- Thus, it remains to be determined whether AIH can be
emia in healthy humans,39 perhaps indicating that our harnessed to improve autonomic function and orthostatic
therapeutic AIH dose does not present a major challenge tolerance post-SCI. Future studies are needed to test
to BP regulation. In support of this postulate, more severe whether AIH alters sympathetic outflow, cardiac contrac-
intermittent hypoxia protocols do report increases in arte- tility, endothelial function, sympathovagal balance, and
rial BP.40,41 In persons with obstructive sleep apnea and hemodynamics, in addition to establishing whether con-
hypertension, daily intermittent hypoxia increases SBP comitant hypercapnia enhances these responses, as is
during treatment, but lowers resting SBP between treat- known with breathing.
ments.42,43 A lack of data investigating mechanisms of
altered cardiovascular control during and after AIH limits Limitations
interpretation of our data. We studied a heterogeneous sample of 19 individuals
with chronic SCI, with injury levels ranging from C1–
Persistent AIH effects on cardiorespiratory control T6 and injury severities from AIS A–D. In addition, the
Table 2 provides an overview of group mean averages for age range of subjects was large (19–67 years) and
various indices of cardiorespiratory control at baseline included only one female participant. Although these
and 30 min post-AIH. No persistent short-term changes broad inclusion criteria generated a large dataset, they
in respiratory or cardiovascular responses were found, limit our ability to isolate specific subgroup effects.
suggesting that AIH per se has limited sustained impact While our predominantly male cohort aligns with the de-
on cardiorespiratory control/function post-SCI. mographic distribution of individuals living with chronic
Evidence has emerged demonstrating that poikilo- SCI,58 we acknowledge that the limited female represen-
capnic or isocapnic AIH does not elicit ventilatory tation prohibits generalizability of our findings. Future
long-term facilitation in healthy humans.44–46 Human studies are needed to determine whether AIH responses
ventilatory long-term facilitation has been observed differ on the basis of injury level/severity, age, sex,
most often when AIH is paired with hypercapnia, either and/or genetic biomarkers of plasticity.59
sustained47,48 or intermittent.49 Mechanisms differenti- Some data were omitted (described in Methods) because
ating poikilocapnic versus hypercapnic AIH have not of unreliable beat-by-beat and/or breath-by-breath record-
been comprehensively studied. Acute intermittent ings caused by equipment malfunction or difficulties
instrumenting participants because of (in part) injury char- ology, validation; LAD: investigation, supervision; HS:
acteristics and symptoms, such as hyperreflexia/spasticity. investigation, supervision; CNW: investigation, method-
Our data are limited to some degree by the narrow time ology, supervision; GJ: investigation, supervision; JN:
window studied post-AIH despite being consistent with investigation, methodology; GSM: conceptualization,
previous literature describing enhanced motor functions methodology, validation, resources, writing – review
in persons with SCI.4,5,7,55,60 and editing, project administration, supervision, projec-
ting administration, funding acquisition; EJF: concep-
Conclusions tualization, methodology, validation, resources, data
We investigated immediate and enduring cardiorespi- curation, writing – review and editing, project adminis-
ratory responses to AIH in persons with chronic SCI. tration, supervision, projecting administration, funding
Although AIH elicited robust chemoreflex activation, acquisition.
increasing V_ E and HR during hypoxic episodes, BP
remained unaltered. No changes in ventilation, HR, or BP Funding Information
were found 30-min after AIH relative to baseline. Thus, University of Florida (UF) McKnight Brain Institute,
we conclude that mild-to-moderate therapeutic AIH is Craig H. Neilsen Foundation (SCIRTS), United States
safe, well tolerated, and does not significantly affect cardio- Department of Defense (SCIRP W81XWH-17), National
respiratory control/function in persons with SCI. Institutes of Health (R01 HL147554), Brooks Rehabilita-
tion/UF College of Public Health and Health Professions
Research Collaboration.
Transparency, Rigor
and Reproducibility Summary Author Disclosure Statement
The current study is a substudy of a larger clinical trial No competing financial interests exist.
that was pre-registered with
(NCT03833674). As such, the pre-specified analysis
Supplementary Material
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