BACC Healthcare Private_r_22052020
BACC Healthcare Private_r_22052020
BACC Healthcare Private_r_22052020
BACC Healthcare Private Limited: Rating reaffirmed; Outlook changed to Stable from
Negative; rating withdrawn
ICRA has changed the outlook on the long-term rating to Stable from Negative and withdrawn the rating of [ICRA]A-(CE)
(pronounced ICRA A minus credit enhancement) assigned to the Rs. 19.50-crore bank facilities of BACC Healthcare
Private Limited (BACC/the company).
The rating was withdrawn in accordance with ICRA's policy on withdrawal and suspension at the request of the company,
based on a no-due certificate provided by its banker.
About the company
BACC operates assisted fertility centres across the country under the brand name Milann. It has eight centres in
Bengaluru, Delhi, Ahmedabad and Chandigarh. The company was set up by Dr. Kamini A Rao and has been carrying out
the business of medical consultation and treatment in maternity, fertility, cytogenetic, endoscopy and other education
services for the last 25 years. In FY2013, Healthcare Global Enterprises Limited (HCGE) acquired a 50.1% stake in the
company after Dr. Rao diluted her stake.
The company had acquired an equity interest of 50.1% in BACC in 2013, which operates fertility centres under the Milann
brand. Pursuant to this acquisition, it now operates eight Milann fertility centres in Bengaluru, Delhi, Ahmedabad and
Chandigarh. In accordance with the terms of the shareholders’ agreement dated March 22, 2013 between the company,
Dr. Rao and BACC, the company has announced that it shall acquire the remaining 46,695 equity shares, constituting
49.9% of the share capital of BACC from Dr. Rao. The same is expected in FY2021. While the promoter group currently
holds a 23.9% stake in the company, Aseco is expected to become the majority shareholder following an equity infusion
in FY2021.
Key financial indicators - HCGE (audited)
Standalone FY2018 FY2019
Operating Income (Rs. crore) 830.7 978.7
PAT (Rs. crore) 18.3 -19.9
OPBDIT/OI (%) 14.3% 12.8%
RoCE (%) 9.0% 5.2%
Annexure-1: Instrument details
Date of Amount
Issuance / Maturity Rated Current Rating and
ISIN Instrument Name Sanction Coupon Rate Date (Rs. crore) Outlook
NA Term Loan August 2014 NA NA 19.5 withdrawn
Source: Company
Analyst Contacts
Subrata Ray Pavethra Ponniah
+91 22 6114 3408 +91 44 4596 4300
[email protected] [email protected]
Relationship Contact
Jayanta Chatterjee
+91 80 4332 6401
[email protected]
Today, ICRA and its subsidiaries together form the ICRA Group of Companies (Group ICRA). ICRA is a Public Limited
Company, with its shares listed on the Bombay Stock Exchange and the National Stock Exchange. The international Credit
Rating Agency Moody’s Investors Service is ICRA’s largest shareholder.
ICRA Limited
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Tel: +91 11 23357940-50
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While reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the information herein is true, such information is provided ‘as is’ without any warranty of any
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