Chapter 6 Brm
Chapter 6 Brm
Chapter 6 Brm
A report is a detailed description of what has been done and how it has been done with
respect to a particular area or topic. The purpose of the written report is to present the results of
your research, but more importantly to provide a persuasive argument to readers of what you have
found. It is the end product of a research activity. It is highly skilled work it is the final stage of the
research work.
• Research report serves as a means for presenting the problem studied, methods and techniques
used, findings, conclusions and recommendation in an organised manner.
• It serves as a reference material for future use in the same or related area.
• It serves as a means for judging the quality of the research project.
• It is a means for evaluating research ability.
• It provides systematic knowledge on problems and issues analysed.
• Plan the project in advance; fix the target and final date of completing the report.
• The time of report writing should be planned in advance.
• Arrange the data, documents, bibliography etc. in conformity with the structure of the report.
• The outline should be based on all main points and sub points.
• Prepare a rough report of what one has done in his studies. He has to write down the procedure
adopted by him in collecting the material, the technique or analysis adopted by him, the broad
findings and generalizations and his suggestions.
• Keep the rough report for few days for careful reading and then revising it on the basis of
thinking and discussing with others. it is appropriate to get help of some experienced and
knowledgeable person at this stage.
• Rewrite the report on the basis of the revision made and corrections effected on the report.
• Prepare final bibliography. Bibliography may contain two parts, first containing name of the
books and pamphlets, second containing the names of magazines and newspaper articles.
• The last step in report writing is the writing of a final draft of the report. The final draft should
be written in a concise and objective style and in simple language.
Title Page
The contents of Title Page
These items are centered between the margin of the page and no terminal punctuation is used.
Researcher’s Declaration
The researcher has to declare that it is a bonafide Research work done by him/her and that
no part of the Thesis/Dissertation is presented for the award of any degree, diploma, associateship,
fellowship or other similar title before.
The Guide has to state that the thesis is a record of bonafide research work carried out by the
researcher under his supervision and no part of the thesis is submitted for any degree, diploma,
associateship, fellowship or other similar title before. He/she is permitted to submit the thesis.
- Guide
- Authorities of Libraries
- Respondents of questionnaire/Schedule
List of Abbreviations
In this page the list of Abbreviations used in the Thesis is presented in the alphabetical order.
In this Page a list of Tables and Figures, if any, is shown.The full titles of Tables & Figures as
shown in the text are shown with corresponding Page numbers. Examples
2.2. Area Under Rubber Cultivation in the World (in ‘000 hectares) 49
List of Appendixes/Appendices
• In this page a list of appendixes given at the end of the Thesis/Dissertation is shown.
• Examples
7. Hypotheses to be tested
Presentation style – Simple & Lucid Style with the help of apt Mathematical & Statistical
Testing of Hypotheses
The main objective of the present investigation is to conduct an in-depth analysis on the
HRM practices of the Public Sector Financial Enterprise (ie.,KSFE) in comparison with that of
financial enterprises operating in the private sector in the State of Kerala. To achieve this main
objective, the following specific objectives have been set forth.
2. To assess the extent of satisfaction of the employees of the KSFE in respect of their
3. To examine the quality of work life of the employees of the KSFE and the Private Sector
Financial Enterprises.
4. To evaluate the job satisfaction of the employees of KSFE and Private Sector Financial
Enterprises and
5. To analyze the industrial relations of the KSFE and the Private Sector Financial Enterprises.
Chapter Titles
1. Training
2. Compensation
4. Job Satisfaction
5. Industrial Relations
Hypothesis -example
In line with the objective stated above, the following hypotheses were developed and tested.
1. There is no significant difference among the three levels of employees of the KSFE in
respect of the training practices imparted.
2. There is significant difference among the employees at the three levels of KSFE in respect
of their compensation for the services.
3. In respect of quality of work life, the employees of KSFE are more satisfied compared to
that of PSFE.
4. The job satisfaction of the employees of KSFE is better than that of PSFE.
Summary of Chapters
Summary of Chapters
The first chapter presents the introduction and methodological design of the research.
The second chapter deals with the literature and related studies on different aspects of HRM
In the third chapter an overview of HRM has been done in detail. In the fourth
chapter the training practices followed by the PEPSICO are discussed.
In the fifth chapter an attempt has been made to assess the level of satisfaction of the
employees of PEPSICO in respect of their compensation.
Scope for Further Research
On the basis of the present investigation, the following topics are found relevant for further
research studies in the field.
2. Customer Satisfaction on the services of the SUBWAY and the Private Sector
Fastfood Companies – A Comparative Study.
Websites/Electronic Sources
• Agarwal, A.N, Indian Economy, New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House, 1994.
• Amarchand, D, Ed. Research Methods in Commerce, Madras: Emerald, 1987.
• Anderson, J, Thesis and Assignment Writing, New Delhi: Wiley Eastern Limited, 1970.
• Baker, M. J, Marketing – Theory and Practice, London: MacMillan, 1983.
• Banerjee, Mrityunjoy. Essentials of Modern Marketing, 2nd ed. New Delhi: Oxford IBH
Publishing Pvt Ltd, 1988.
• Chakravarthi, Hrishikesh, Advanced Accounting, Standard Publishers , Kolkata, 1982.
• Barlow, C, Jayasuriya, S, and Tan, C.S, The World Rubber Industry, London: Rout ledge,
Style of Listing- Reports and other Official Publications
• Government of India, Annual Reports. (Various Issues), Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, New Delhi
• Planning Commission, Report on General Hospital, New Delhi, 1964.
• Department of Science and Technology, Report of the Health Care Panel on Technology
Forecast for 2020, New Delhi, 1996.
• Government of Kerala, Database of Kerala Economy, Thiruvananthapuram: Dept. of
Economic and Statistics, 1983.
For a Journal
(Surname of the Author, Name, Title, Name of Periodical, Volume, No., Year in Brackets &
• Ajimon George, “Natural Rubber Industry in India”, Economic and Political Weekly, 41.
15, (2002), 23-24.
• Budiman, “If India wants to export, it must go in for TSR”, Rubber Asia, January February,
(2003), 25-27.
For a Newspaper
Seminar Papers
• Cyriac,P.C, “The progress and development of Rubber small holders- India”, Paper
presented at VI Seminar ANRPC, Palambang (Indonesia), 1986.
Working Papers
• Title Page
• Introduction
• Research Problem
• Research Methodology - Method of Study, sampling design, Source of Data, Tools for
Collection and analysis of Data, period of reference etc.
• Conclusion
• References