4-2 Syllabus
4-2 Syllabus
4-2 Syllabus
Course Objective: To understand the Management Concepts, applications of Concepts in Practical aspects
of business and development of Managerial Skills for Engineers.
Course Outcome: The students understand the significance of Management in their Profession. The various
Management Functions like Planning, Organizing, Staffing, Leading, Motivation and Control aspects are
learnt in this course. The students can explore the Management Practices in their domain area.
UNIT II: Human Resource Management –Human Resource Planning - Recruitment & Selection –Types
& Process of selection-Training & Development -Performance appraisal methods- Employee Separation-
Stress Management Practices-cross cultural management-Diversity.
UNIT III: Operation Management- Introduction to Operations Management-Principles and Types of Plant
Layout-Methods of production (Job Batch and Mass production) - Method study and Work Measurement-
Quality Management - TQM-Six sigma - Inventory Management – EOQ - ABC Analysis - JIT System-
Business Process Re-engineering (BPR)- Bench marking.
Suggested Readings:
Dept. of CSE/JNTUH UCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2021-22 Academic Year
(Professional Elective - VI)
1. To learn the fundamentals of Block Chain and various types of block chain and consensus
2. To understand public block chain system, Private block chain system and consortium block
3. Able to know the security issues of blockchain technology.
1. Able to work in the field of block chain technologies.
Fundamentals of Blockchain: Introduction, Origin of Blockchain, Blockchain Solution,
Components of Blockchain, Block in a Blockchain, The Technology and the Future.
Blockchain Types and Consensus Mechanism: Introduction, Decentralization and Distribution,
Types of Blockchain, Consensus Protocol.
Cryptocurrency – Bitcoin, Altcoin and Token: Introduction, Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrency,
Cryptocurrency Basics, Types of Cryptocurrencies, Cryptocurrency Usage.
Public Blockchain System: Introduction, Public Blockchain, Popular Public Blockchains, The
Bitcoin Blockchain, Ethereum Blockchain.
Smart Contracts: Introduction, Smart Contract, Characteristics of a Smart Contract, Types of
Smart Contracts, Types of Oracles, Smart Contracts in Ethereum, Smart Contracts in Industry.
Private Blockchain System: Introduction, Key Characteristics of Private Blockchain, Why We
Need Private Blockchain, Private Blockchain Examples, Private Blockchain and Open Source, E-
commerce Site Example, Various Commands (Instructions) in E-commerce Blockchain, Smart
Contract in Private Environment, State Machine, Different Algorithms of Permissioned
Blockchain, Byzantine Fault, Multichain.
Consortium Blockchain: Introduction, Key Characteristics of Consortium Blockchain, Why We
Need Consortium Blockchain, Hyperledger Platform, Overview of Ripple, Overview of Corda.
Initial Coin Offering: Introduction, Blockchain Fundraising Methods, Launching an ICO,
Investing in an ICO, Pros and Cons of Initial Coin Offering, Successful Initial Coin Offerings,
Evolution of ICO,
ICO Platforms.
Dept. of CSE/JNTUH UCEH B.Tech. (Reg), w.e.f. 2021-22 Academic Year
Security in Blockchain: Introduction, Security Aspects in Bitcoin, Security and Privacy
Challenges of Blockchain in General, Performance and Scalability, Identity Management and
Authentication, Regulatory Compliance and Assurance, Safeguarding Blockchain Smart Contract
(DApp), Security Aspects in Hyperledger Fabric.
Applications of Blockchain: Introduction, Blockchain in Banking and Finance, Blockchain in
Education, Blockchain in Energy, Blockchain in Healthcare, Blockchain in Real-estate,
Blockchain in Supply Chain, The Blockchain and IoT. Limitations and Challenges of Blockchain.
Blockchain Case Studies: Case Study 1 – Retail, Case Study 2 – Banking and Financial Services,
Case Study 3 – Healthcare, Case Study 4 – Energy and Utilities.
Blockchain Platform using Python: Introduction, Learn How to Use Python Online Editor, Basic
Programming Using Python, Python Packages for Blockchain.
Blockchain platform using Hyperledger Fabric: Introduction, Components of Hyperledger
Fabric Network, Chain codes from Developer.ibm.com, Blockchain Application Using Fabric Java
Text book:
1. “Block chain Technology”, Chandramouli Subramanian, Asha A.George, Abhilasj K A and
Meena Karthikeyan , Universities Press.
1. Blockchain Blue print for Economy, Melanie Swan, SPD Oreilly.
2. Blockchain for Business, Jai Singh Arun, Jerry Cuomo, Nitin Gauar, Pearson Addition Wesley.