Civil 7th Sem H
Civil 7th Sem H
Civil 7th Sem H
Theory / Practical / Sessional
Subject Code Subject Name Hours/ Credit University Internal
Week Theory Marks Evaluation
PCI7J001/ Architecture & Town planning / Ground 3-0-0 3 100 50
TOTAL 21 900
*Those who taken the subject Marketing Management in 5th semester are not
allowed to avail in 7th Semester
B.Tech( Civil Engineering) Detail Syllabus For Admission Batch 2015-16
Reference Books:
1.Grond improvement techniques by P.P.Raj, Laxmi Publications.
2.Foundation Design and Construction, M.J. Tomlinson
B.Tech( Civil Engineering) Detail Syllabus For Admission Batch 2015-16
Module I:
Industrial Pollution: Types of industries and industrial pollution, Characteristics of
industrial wastes, Effects of industrial effluents on streams, sewer, land, sewage treatment
plants and human health, Hazardous wastes, Environmental legislations related to
prevention and control of industrial effluents and hazardous wastes, Pollution Control
Module II:
Waste Management Approach:Waste management approach, Waste Audit, Volume and
strength reduction, Material and process modifications, Recycle, Reuse and by-product
recovery, Applications.
Module III:
Industrial Waste Water Treatment: Sources, Quantification and characterization of
effluent, Waste water treatment process, Primary and secondary treatment of waste water,
Aerobic and anaerobic treatment processes, various reactor configurations.
Advanced Waste Water Treatment Processes: Fundamentals and mechanism of
adsorption, adsorption isotherms, absorption, membrane separation and chemical
oxidation processes andtheir design principles.
Module IV:
Case Studies of Industrial Pollution Control:Sources & their Characteristics, Waste water
and air quality management in specific industries: Textiles, Tanneries, Distilleries,
Refineries, Thermal power plants, Fertilizer plant, Steel plant, Pulp and paper, Sugar and
dairies, Cement, Sponge iron industries.
Text Book:
1. M.N.Rao & A.K.Dutta (1995), Wastewater Treatment, Oxford IBH Publication.
2. Nelson, L. Nemerow (2000), Liquid Waste of Industry, Theories, Practices and
Treatment, Addison-WesleyPublishing Company, London.
3. Wastewater treatment processes, Metcalf and Eddy, Tata McGraw hill
4. Environmental Engineering, Peavy and Rowe, Tata McGraw Hill
Reference books:
1. T.T.Shen, 1999, Industrial Pollution Prevention, Springer publications.
2. R.L.Stephenson & J.B.Blackburn Jr. (1998), Industrial Wastewater Systems Hand book,
Lewis Publishers, NewYork.
3. Environmental Assessment Source book (1991), Vol.I, II & III., The World Bank,
Washington, D.C.
4. Judith Petts (1999), Hand book of Environmental Impact Assessment, Vol.I & II,
Blackwell Science.
B.Tech( Civil Engineering) Detail Syllabus For Admission Batch 2015-16
Module II:
Law of copy rights: Fundamental of copy right law, originality of material, rights of
reproduction, rights to perform the work publicly, copy right ownership issues, copy right
registration, notice of copy right, international copy right law.
Law of patents: Foundation of patent law, patent searching process, ownership rights and
Module III:
Trade Secrets: Trade secrete law, determination of trade secrete status, liability for
misappropriations of trade secrets, protection for submission, trade screte litigation.
Unfair competitiion: Misappropriation right of publicity, False advertising.
Module IV:
New development of intellectual property: new developments in trade mark law; copy
right law, patent law, intellectual property audits.
International overview on intellectual property, international - trade mark law, copy right
law, international patent law, international development in trade secrets law.
Objective of the Course: The course aims at introducing the basic concepts of marketing
to the undergraduate students in engineering. The learning shall help the students in better
designing, manufacturing and selling product/ service packages keeping competitive
market, customers and cost in view.
Text Book:
1. Etzel , Walker ,Stanton and Pandit, Marketing, 14/e, Tata McGraw Hill.
2. Saxena, “Marketing Management” Tata McGraw Hill, 4/e.
1. Grewal, Levy, ‘Marketing’ Tata McGraw Hill, special Indian edition.
earthquake forces on building frame using Seismic Coefficient Method as per IS 1893-2002,
base shear and storey shear calculation for multi-storeyed building frames
Significance of ductility, ductility of beam, design and detailing for ductility, simple problems
Retaining walls: Forces acting on retaining wall, Stability requirement, Design of Cantilever and
piers and abutments, vertical clearance above HFL, scour depth and choice of bridge type.
Standard Loadings for Road Bridges, Impact effect and impact factor calculation for RCC and
steel bridges
2. Limit state design of reinforced concrete by B.C. Punmia, AK Jain and A.K. Jain, Laxmi