Name: , QEID#18978097:
August, 2017
Qualification Exam QEID#18978097 2
1 Undergraduate level
Problem 1. 1983-Fall-SM-U-1 ID:SM-U-2
1. Two containers of equal volume are filled with an equal number of moles of
two different ideal classical gasses. The containers are in thermal contact. The
molecules of one of the gasses are diatomic, the other monoatomic. Which
container has greater
(a) pressure
(b) internal energy
(c) heat capacity at constant volume
(d) entropy
2. Discuss and criticize, using examples, the following statement: “In equilibrium,
nature seeks the equipartition of energy, in which each degree of freedom con-
tains an average amount of energy 12 kB T .”
(a) pressure
(b) internal energy
(c) heat capacity at constant volume
(d) entropy
2. Answer the same questions as for previous part, but comparing classical statis-
tics and Bose-Einstein statistics. Do any of your answers depend on the tem-
2. What is the change in the entropy of the gas during the second leg of the cycle?
3. What is the change in internal energy of the gas in the first leg of the cycle?
dP lS d(log P )
= dT, and lS = −R ,
P RT 2 d(1/T )
where the volume occupied by the solid can be neglected compared to that
occupied by the vapor.
3. Assuming constant latent heat, calculate the vapor pressure at 305K, assuming
no phase transition exist in the intervening temperature range.
2. Two identical bodies, each of constant heat capacity C are at the same initial
temperature Ti . A refrigerator operates between these two bodies until one
of them is cooled to T2 . Calculate using the same principle as the one in the
previous question the final temperature of the high temperature body in terms
of Ti and T2 . Show that the minimum amount of work needed is
W =C + T2 − 2Ti .
3. Show that
∂U ∂P
=T − P.
∂V T ∂T V
4. For a van der Waals gas, show that the internal energy increases as the volume
increases. The van der Waals equation of state is
RT a
P = − 2.
V −b V
2. During which periods of time can one describe the entropy of the system as
a unique function of energy, volume, and particle number? Comment on your
answers for each part.
(a) Initially.
(b) During the expansion.
(c) After the adjustment to the doubled volume.
3. What is the total change in entropy of the water and the heat source?
1. For a 3-dimensional solid, write down the density of states D(ω) for such an
2. Write an expression for the energy density for the spin waves.
3. Determine an expression for the heat capacity, and what is its temperature
dependence at low temperatures?
4. At sufficiently low temperatures, which terms should give the largest contribu-
tion to the specific heat: phonons, electrons, or spin waves? Which would give
the smallest contribution?
1. Write down the expression for the partition function of the rotational motion.
2. Using the previous part find the molar rotational heat capacity of the gas at
low and at high temperatures.
3. For CO, the constant, I has a value 1.3 × 10−39 gm·cm2 . What is the molar
rotational heat capacity for CO at room temperature?
2. The helium is now expanded adiabatically to 3K. What ls the final volume? H
ow much work W is done by the gas and what is the new internal energy of the
3. The helium is now compressed isothermally to its original volume. What are
Q, W , and ∆U during this process?
B = µ0 (Ha + M ) = µ0 (1 + χ)Ha ,
where χ is the magnetic susceptibility of the material. For most ordinary metals in
the normal state, χ is rather small. (For this problem it can be set equal to zero.)
If the metal goes into the superconducting state, however, it would usually exhibit a
Meissner effect which means that B = 0 inside the superconductor, i.e. χ = −1. At
temperatures below the superconducting transition temperature, T < Tc , an applied
field Ha = Hc , (the critical field) is sufficient to destroy superconductivity. The
phase boundary between the superconducting state and the normal state can be
approximated by
Hc = H0 1 − (T /Tc )2
1. For this phase boundary in the Ha , T plane. Write the defining expression for
the magnetic Gibbs free energy G(T, P, Ha ) and its differential.
(a) there must be a jump discontinuity in the heat capacity of a metal when
it undergoes the superconducting transition at T = Tc . (Relate this jump
to dHc /dT at T = Tc , Ha = 0);
(b) there must be a latent heat of transformation when the superconductor is
driven from the superconducting state to the normal state by a magnetic
field applied at a constant temperature T . (Relate this latent heat to the
slope of the phase boundary as a function of temperature.)
2. In fact the volume of a sample does change when it is subjected to pressure, and
so we ought to see how to take the effect into account, and then judge whether it
is significant. The volume varies in a way that can be determined by specifying
the isothermal compressibility κ = −V −1 (∂V /∂P )T , and we may assume that
this is virtually constant over a pressure range of interest. Deduce an expression
for the Gibbs energy Gf at the pressure pf in terms of its value Gi at the initial
pressure pi , the original volume of the sample Vi , and the compressibility κ.
Take the limit of κ → 0 in your expression for ∆G ≡ Gf − Gi , and show that
it reduces to the expression used in the first part.
(b) What is the probability that the atom will be in an “orbital p−state”?
(c) What is the probability that the atom will be in an “orbital s−level”?
(d) What is the probability that the atom will be in an “orbital p−level”?
2. If the temperature is such that kB T = 1 − 0 , then show and state which of the
two orbital levels is occupied more.
3. Derive an expression for the mean energy of the atom at temperature T and
obtain the limiting value of this mean energy as T → ∞.
4. Derive an expression for the entropy of the atom at temperature T and also,
from the definition of entropy, state what should be the values of the entropy for
this atom in the limits of T → 0 and T → ∞. (If you do not know the answer
for the last question, you may obtain the limits from your general expression of
1. Starting from the condition of equilibrium for the two phases that the Gibbs
free energies g1 and g2 are the same, i.e. g1 = g2 , derive the Clausius-Clapeyron
dP l1,2
dT T ∆v
where l1,2 is the heat absorbed when one mole of phase 1 is transformed to
phase 2, ∆v = v2 − v1 is the corresponding volume change, and P and T are,
respectively, the pressure and temperature of the system.
2. Using the above equation show that the slope of any vapor pressure curve (liquid
or solid) is positive.
3. Show that the melting curve for water has a negative slope.
4. The slope of a vapor pressure curve near the critical point is finite. Using the
above equation find the expected numerical value for l1,2 at the critical point.
1. Find the equilibrium piston position, x0 , given the mole amounts of the three
gases, NA , NB , NC .
2. If the piston is moved adiabatically from its equilibrium position (x0 ), find the
temperature vs. x, in terms of the initial temperature T0 , and the constant volume
molar heat capacities of the three gases CA , CB , and CC . (Assume that the three
gases attain a mutual temperature.)
3. What is the total entropy change in the process (S vs. x)?
4. For the system of B molecules only, what is the entropy change (SB vs. x)?
2. What is hEi, the total energy expectation value, in the high temperature limit
(first temperature-dependent term)?
4. From the previous result, find the temperature dependence on the field H, as H
is varied in an adiabatic process. For decreasing H, what is the process called?
U = PV
3. Calculate how much heat is transferred into the system when the volume changes
from V0 to 2V0 during an isobaric process (P = P0 ).
4. Calculate the amount of work done by the system when V changes from V0 to
2V0 under isobaric condition (P = P0 ).
5. Show that your results from the previous two parts obey the First Law of
1. Find the work done by the rubber band when stretched from x to x + dx.
3. Show that
∂S ∂λ
=− .
∂x T ∂T x
4. Show that
∂x ∂x ∂T
= .
∂S T ∂λ T ∂x λ
5. If now the rubber band obeys Hooks’s law as an ideal spring, with the force
constant K independent of temperature, what is implied about the functional
form of S = S(x, T )?
1. How much work is done on the gas on the right hand side? Express the answer
in units of P0 V0 .
2. What is the final temperature of the gas on the right hand side in units of T0 ?
3. What is the change in entropy for the gas on the right hand side in units of the
number of moles times the gas constant, nR?
4. What is the final temperature of the gas on the left hand side in units of T0 ?
5. How much heat is added to the gas on the left hand side? Express the answer
in units of P0 V0 .
derive a specific form for dE given above. CV is again a constant (valid, pre-
sumably, over a limited temperature range).
3. Find, for the van-der-Waals gas, the constant-pressure specific heat CP (T, V ),
using your result from the previous part. Note that CP is not a constant, but
show that it reduces to the expected form for the ideal gas case.
the normal state undergoes a phase transition to a new state, the S phase. In the S
state, it is found that B = 0 inside the material. The phase diagram is shown below.
1. Show that the difference in Gibbs free energies (in cgs units) between the two
phases at temperature T ≤ Tc , is given by
1 2
H − Hc2 (T ) .
GS (T, H) − GN (T, H) =
(You may express your answer in another system of units. The Gibbs free
energy in a magnetic field is given by G = U − T S − HM .)
3. Show how the root-mean-square voltage Vrms , across the capacitor of this circuit
can be used as a thermometer to measure the absolute temperature T of its
surroundings, by showing that Vrms is a monotonically increasing function of
2. Show that the entropy S decreases with increasing length at constant temper-
3. When the rubber band is stretched adiabatically, does the temperature increase,
decrease or stay unchanged, and why?
1. Describe the physical reason for each of the three difierent plateaus in the figure.
3. Given the first excited state of the rotational spectrum of this molecule is at
the energy kTe above the ground rotational state, and Te = 64K, calculate
from basic theory the rotational contribution to the specific heat capacity per
molecule (in units of the Boltzmann constant kB ) at T = 10K and T = 500K.
(Note that Te = 2θr , where θr ≡ 2Ik B
is the rotational temperature, and you
may make reasonable approximations in answering this part. If you don’t have
a calculator for the explicit evaluations, indicate what numerical expressions
you would have to compute with a calculator.)
4. Determine the work done by the system as it expands from an initial volume
V0 to a final volume 2V0 along an isothermal path with temperature T0 .
5. Determine the heat added to the system as it expands from an initial volume
V0 to a final volume 2V0 along an isothermal path with temperature T0 .
1. Write down a general integral expression for the statistical average of the total
number of particles not in the zero-energy ground state.
x 3/2 5/2 3 5
√ √
Γ π/2 3 π/4 2 24
ξ 2.612 1.341 1.202 1.037
Temperature T
Volume V
Pressure P
1 ∂V
Thermal Expansion α= V ∂T P
− V1 ∂V
Isothermal Compressibility κT = ∂P T
2. Evaluate your expression for ∆T in the previous part for a monoatomic ideal
1. Enumerate the possible states of a single pair and compute their corresponding
3. Given the above model, determine whether there exists a temperature Tc for
which hszi i can be non-zero at h = 0. Evaluate Tc .
3. If the average number of electrons adsorbed per site is maintained at 2 for small
nonzero temperatures, determine the precise limiting value of µ as T approaches
U = cN kB T, P V = N kB T,
where c is a constant.
2. Show for a paramagnetic material, where χ = α/T with a = constant, that the
expression in the first part reduces to CH − CM = M H/T .
2. At a finite temperature T, calculate the ratio r = P1 /P0 , again for the two cases
defined above. P1 is the probability for finding the four-particle system in the
first excited energy level, and P0 is the probability for finding the same system
in the lowest energy level.
2. Calculate the change in the total entropy of the two bodies of water.
3. Now, determine the theoretical maximum amount of total work that could have
been obtained from this system.
T ∂S 1 ∂V 1 ∂V
CP = , α= , κT = − ,
N ∂T P,N V ∂T P,N V ∂P T,N
In this model, does the partition function (and the other physical properties)
depend on the particular sequence of the bases?
3. Derive a closed analytical expression for f as a function of T and c ≡ NA /N ,
where N = NA + NB .
[Hint: You may find the following identity useful: e−x /(1 + e−x ) = 1/(1 + ex ) =
(1 − tanh(x/2))].
4. Using the result in the previous part and the phenomenological form β∆A =
aA (TA − T ) and β∆B = aB (TB − T ), indicate the phenomenological parameters
aA , aB , TA and TB in your figures in the first part, and sketch f (T ) assuming
c = 1/4, TB = 1.5TA , a−1 −1
A = 0.1TA , and aB = 0.1TB .
1. Calculate the partition function Z(T, V ) for this system and show explicitly
that Z(T, V ) = Z0 (T, V )q(T V n/3 ), where Z0 is the ideal gas partition function
and the function q(x) (which you can not express in a closed form!) depends
on T and V only through x = T V n/3 .
2. Given the result of the previous part, show that the internal energy U and the
pressure P are related as U = U0 + n3 (P − P0 )V , where the subscript 0 refers to
the ideal gas.
α = (R/P v) + (a/RvT 2 ),
κT = [T f (P ) + (b/P )]/v,
1. Determine f (P ).
2. Determine v(P, T ).
2. Find expressions for the following quantities, in terms of the dimensionless den-
sity parameter (rs /a0 ), where a0 is the Bohr radius, and with the units indicated:
In each case, a detailed expression for the coefficient involved should be found
so that if you had a calculator you would be able to evaluate the coefficient
In each expression, you may introduce any number of un-determined numerical con-
stants, but not any un-determined dimensional quantities. For each of the three
physical quantities listed above, drew also a qualitative sketch of its T -dependence
dU = T dS + EdΠ
where Π is the electric polarization of the system. Define the generalized Helmholtz
free energy F (T, Π), the generalized enthalpy H(S, E) and the generalized Gibbs free
energy G(T, E) for this system in terms of the variables T , S, E, and Π. Write the
differentials for these thermodynamic functions and use these to find the four Maxwell
relations between derivatives of these variables. (Note: for this particular system the
pressure P and volume V are not relevant variables, so don’t include them in your
3. Sketch on the graph the region in which the system is unstable to local pertur-
bations (spinodal line).
4. Sketch on the graph the region in which the system is globally unstable.
6. Sketch the qualitative behavior of the molar volume against temperature for an
isobar at P = 0.02 and P = 0.06.
3. For an ideal gas, show that CP = CV + N k, and hence that CV = N k/(γ − 1),
where γ ≡ CP /CV . (Here N is the number of molecules and k is the Boltzmann
constant. )
6. Calculate the efficiency η ≡ W/QCA of the engine, and show that it is given by
1 − V2 /V1
η =1−γ
1 − P1 /P2
2. Find the differential equation for the pressure P (y) under gravity by finding the
equilibrium condition for the matter in a slab of area A and thickness dy.
3. Show that the reversible work done in an isothermal expansion is equal to the
negative of the change in free energy.
2. Find the free energy and the heat capacity per site.
3. Now find an expression for the specific heat of the gas, following the coexistence
curve (that is, the specific heat calculated from the heat into the gas only, as
it contacts the liquid), in terms of T , Lv , and the specific heat at constant
pressure (CP ). CP , (assumed to apply only to the gas) and Lv may be taken to
be constant.
[Hint: a Maxwell relation may be used to obtain the final answer.]
4. Show from your result that there is a temperature regime in which the specific
heat of the gas is negative. Does this mean that the gas is thermodynamically
1. Write down the general form of the velocity (not speed) distribution function
for such a gas. This should be a probability function per unit volume, per d3~v .
Assume the gas as a whole is at rest in your coordinate system. Determine the
normalizing constant.
2. Obtain vrms , which is the root-mean-square velocity for this gas, using your
distribution function (You get credit for demonstrating the method, not for
recalling the result.)
3. Find the probability that a gas particle will have a positive x velocity component
that exceeds vrms . (There is a table of values in the CRC tables that can be
used to evaluate the integral.)
Eg p2 Eg p2
c = + ; v = − − ,
2 2mc 2 2mv
where Eg , is the gap in the electron spectrum and mc,v , are effective masses of electrons
and holes respectively.
2. Calculate the density of electrons in the conducting band and the density of
holes in the valence band at a temperature T Eg .
1. Find the partition function and the free energy for this system.
3. If the same gas is placed in a field of constant force per particle, F , directed
along the x-axis, determine the density n as a function of x.
1. Assuming that the sun is a black body, what is the emitted power per cycle
dP/df at a wavelength of 3cm? (Please give a simple approximate expression.)
2. What is the emitted power per cycle dP/df at the wave-length 3 × 10−6 cm?
3. Indicate how you would determine the power P integrated over all frequencies.
Path 1: The gas undergoes an isothermal expansion from V0 to 2V0 , and then the pres-
sure is increased to its final value Pf at constant volume.
2. Find the heat Q added to the system in each step of the above two processes in
terms of P0 , V0 , and other constants.
3. Find the change in entropy of the gas in going from the initial to the final state.
3. Calculate the work done on the gas during the two steps 1 → 2 and 2 → 3.
4. Calculate the entropy changes of the gas during the two step 1 → 2 and 2 → 3.
p2 mω 2 r2
H= − ,
2m 2
where r is the radial coordinate, and p is the total momentum.
1. The earth’s atmosphere thins out with increasing height, because of gravity. A
similar effect occurs for the gas within this rotating container. Determine how
the pressure and density vary with radial coordinate r.
1. Determine the degeneracy factors dG and dC for the gluons and the quarks.
In what follows, consider only the gluons, and take volume V.
2. Determine the thermal average for the total energy E for the gluons. (Gluons
are not conserved; from this one can show that their chemical potential µG = 0.)
Leave any integrals in dimensionless form; do not evaluate them.
4. Determine the free energy F and the pressure P associated with the gluons.
Show that P = 13 E/V
2. Find the number of ways W (J, b) that b atoms can be distributed over the J
bulk sites. Find the bulk entropy SB (J, b), the bulk energy EB (J, b), and the
bulk free energy FB (T, J, b).
3. Find the number of ways W (K, s) that s atoms can be distributed over the K
surface sites. Find the surface entropy SS (K, s), the surface energy ES (K, s)
and the surface free energy FS (T, K, s).
1. Find the thermal average, at temperature T , of their total electric dipole mo-
ment P~ .
3. Evaluate P~ at high T .
where −V −1 (∂V /∂P )T,N is the isothermal compressibility and n = N/V is the
particle number density. Here P denotes the pressure, T the absolute temper-
ature, and µ the chemical potential.
1. Express the incremental heat δQ absorbed by a gas if the pressure of the gas is
increased incrementally from P to P + δP while maintaining a fixed volume.
2. For the same process, determine the incremental change in the enthalpy of the
gas, δH where H = U + P V .
3. Evaluate your answers in for the first and the second parts for the case of an
ideal monoatomic gas.
P = a(T ),
where P denotes pressure, a > 0 is a constant, and (T ) is the internal energy per
unit volume of the photon gas at temperature T .
1. Calculate the temperature dependence of the total internal energy U for the
whole gas using the equation
∂U ∂P
=T − P.
∂V T ∂T V
evaluate (∂S/∂T )V , and (∂S/∂V )T , and then integrate them to obtain S. Use
the third law of thermodynamics to fix any unknown integration constant(s) of
this step.]
3. Find the total internal energy and total heat capacity of the gas (i.e., the total
amount of heat energy required to increase the temperature of the entire gas
column by 1K).
2. Using this type of heat engine, determine the final temperatures of the two
3. Using this type of heat engine, determine the total amount of useable work
where p̄ is the mean pressure, Z the partition function, and β = 1/kB T is kept
constant. You may assume that the volume V is a cubic box of edge length L = V 1/3 ,
with walls maintained at temperature T .
2. Using the above result, obtain an explicit relation between the mean pressure
p̄ and the mean energy density ū (= Ē/V ) of the photon gas.
3. Find T in terms of N , V , and S, and verify that it is consistent with the results
of the first part.
2. Using this result, obtain the internal energy U of the system as a function of T
and N .
and it approaches to 0 as T → 0.
1. Find the condition(s) under which the above two equations of state are con-
sistent with each other, and then determine the entropy per particle of the
substance, s(u, v), to within an additive constant.
2. Fix the constant in your answer to the previous part by invoking some law in
2 Graduate level
Problem 108. 1983-Fall-SM-G-4. ID:SM-G-3
a. Show that
= −αV,
∂P T
where α is the coefficient of thermal expansion.
dE = (−T αV + P V βT )dP,
where βT is the isothermal compressibility. To get the full credit for this problem
you must start with dE = T dS − P dV .
b. Write down the normalized positional distribution function f (y) (i.e. the proba-
bility per unit distance to find the particle between y and y + dy) for this particle
for T < Tc .
c. Find the average distance hyi for the particle. What happens if 0 < Tc /2 − T
Tc /2
[Hint: You will be given more credit for this problem if you can also give numerical
values for the last two parts.]
a. Bosons.
b. Fermions.
c. What is the energy and degeneracy of the ground state and the first four excited
states if the system consists of spin 1/2 particles which are not constrained to be
in the same spin state?
where F0 , a, and b are all positive constants. Show that there is a phase transition
at a temperature Tc and deduce the temperature dependence of the order parameter.
Calculate the jump in the heat capacity at T = Tc .
[Hint: C = −T (∂ 2 F/∂T 2 ).]
2. Using the result of the previous part make qualitative plot of the heat capacity
CV as a function of the temperature T .
3. Calculate explicitly an expression for the mean energy ¯(T ) and heat capac-
ity CV (T ) for this system. Verify that your expression exhibit the qualitative
features discussed in the previous parts.
2. Calculate the density of modes i.e. the number of modes per unit volume
between ω and ω + dω for a three dimensional photon gas.
3. Show that the average energy density ū of the gas can be written as
hω 3 dω
ū(ω, T )dω =
π 2 c3 (eβhω − 1)
4. Show that hωmax /kB T ≈ 3, where ωmax represents the peak in the energy
density functional.
a. Calculate the free energy of the system in case the particles are Bosons.
b. Calculate the free energy of the system in case the particles are Fermions.
c. What is the ration of occupation probability of the highest energy state of the
system to the lowest energy state in each of these cases?
2. How does the absorbed power depend on the temperature of the water?
2. Treating this system using quantum statistics, where the energy of the system
is E = ~ω(n + 1/2) for n = 0, 1, . . . , and there is only one state at each energy,
calculate the partition function of this system. (ω is the oscillation frequency
of the mass on the spring.)
3. What is the average energy Ē of the system? Does this come close to the
classical value for the system in the first part?
4. From the previous part, find the average occupation number n̄. Must n̄ be large
or small for Ē to be close to its classical value?
E = ~ω(n1 + n2 + n3 + 3/2)
2. What is the partition function for this system if only the lowest two (ground
and the first exited) energy levels are important? When this approximation
5. What is the rms fluctuation δE ≡ (E 2 − (Ē)2 )1/2 in the energy in this case?
1. What is the partition function for the system at the temperature T , assuming
that the particles are distinguishable?
1. In how many ways can one take n atoms from the interior? Treat the atoms as
a. Calculate the efficiency of this engine and compare it to the maximum possible
efficiency for an engine operating between Ta and 2Ta .
c. What is the net change of the energy of the gas in one cycle?
d. What is the net change of the entropy of the hot thermal bath during one cycle,
if all processes are reversible?
e. What is the net change of the entropy of the cold thermal bath during one cycle,
if all processes are reversible?
2. Suppose that the value of the excited state energy varies for different particles
in a system of N particles. Furthermore, assume that the number of particles
with a particular value of the excited state energy between and + d is n()d
and suppose that n() is a constant for all energies between 0 and 0 , and that
there is no states with > 0 , i.e.
n0 , for 0 < ≤ 0
n() =
0, for > 0
and N = 0 n()d = n0 0 . Find the temperature dependence of the specific
heat of these N particles at low temperature, T 0 /kB .
1. Show that the mean pressure P̄ of the system is given quite generally in terms
of the average kinetic energy Ē by
P̄ = .
independent of whether the particles obey classical, Fermi-Dirac, or Bose-Einstein
1. Find the probability that N1 spins are up and N2 are down, with N1 + N2 = N .
2. From this probability find the average or expected value of the energy in terms
of p, , and N .
5. Find the free energy, the entropy, and the total energy from this partition
function. For what value of p will your result in the second part agree with
your result for the total energy in this part?
1. What is the change in temperature in terms of the initial volume V1 and final
volume V2 ?
[Hint: CV for a monoatomic van der Waals gas is a temperature and volume inde-
pendent constant.]
1. Draw a picture of a typical constant-energy surface p~ = , for the above dis-
persion p~ .
2. Express the Fermi energy F as a function of the electron density n for this
metal. (Note, that electrons have spin 1/2.)
5. Now let the temperature T be finite. Express N and the total energy E as func-
tions of T and the chemical potential µ. The expressions can involve integrals
which you do not have to evaluate.
ū = cN/V.
Here N/V is the number of particles per unit volume, and c is a constant. (First
evaluate the classical partition function Z, and then use it to find pressure P .) Give
physical interpretation of your finite answer (the van der Waals equation), and show
that it reduces to the correct result when u(r) = 0.
5. Interpret your result from the previous part in light of the equipartition theorem.
2. If the volume of this system is V0 when it is in the lower energy state, but it
increases to 1.2V0 when it is in the higher energy state, calculate the mean vol-
ume hV i of this system as a function of temperature, and its thermal expansion
coefficient α as a function of temperature.
2. Calculate the specific heat per unit volume of the system as a function of tem-
[Hint: One of the integrals can only be done after a series expansion, using
∞ Z ∞
1 X 1 1
= (−1)n+1 e−nx , xe−ax dx = x0 e−ax0 + 2 e−ax0 .
ex + 1 n=1 x0 a a
2. At temperatures very close to T = 0 (i.e., so that you can ignore any tem-
perature dependence of the quantities you might calculate for the adsorbed
fermions,) find the areal coverage N/A of adsorbed atoms as a function of the
density ρ ≡ N 0 /V 0 and temperature T of a dilute (three-dimensional) gas of
the same atoms that is in thermal equilibrium with the adsorbed gas. Assume
that the dilute gas can be treated classically at the given temperature with the
partition function
3N 0 /2
1 m N0
Z= 0 2
(2V 0 )
N ! 2π~ β
and β ≡ 1/kB T .
νD = ν0 (1 + vx /c).
2. Determine the distribution function g(νD ) for the fraction of gas atoms that
will absorb light at frequency νD .
2. One mole of this system is expanded from an initial volume vi to a final volume
vf in a process that conserves the enthalpy H = U +P V . Such a process is often
referred to a Joule-Thomson expansion, or a “throttling” process. Determine
the change in the temperature T if the change in the volume is small vf −vi vf .
The He3 melting curve (solid-liquid coexistence curve) is shown above, left.. The
general shape of the melting curve is well understood in term of the physical properties
of solid and liquid He3 and the Clausius-Clapeyron equation
dP ∆s
= ,
dT ∆v
where ∆s and ∆v are the molar entropy and molar volume differences between the
two phases.
At low temperatures the molar volumes of the solid and liquid do not vary sub-
stantially along the coexistence curve such that below 40mK vl − vs is essentially a
constant at 1.3cm3 /mole.
The thermal properties of the solid can be modeled by a system of N independent
2-level systems with the energy gap of 1mK, where N corresponds to the number of
He3 atoms.
The thermal properties of the liquid at low temperatures are well described by a
degenerate Fermi gas. In particular, the heat capacity of the liquid at temperatures
below 40mK is known to be linear in temperature, i.e. cv ∝ T .
You are given that the slope of the melting curve at P0 = 33.66 bar and T0 =
20mK is
dP/dT = −38.43bar/K
2. Using your result and the Clausius-Clapeyron equation, estimate the molar
entropy sl of the liquid at P0 and T0 .
= pc.
1. The Fermi energy F at absolute zero in terms of the gas density, n = N/V .
2. The average energy per electron in the ground state of the gas at T = 0 as a
function of F .
3. Derive the equation of state for an electron gas in the extreme relativistic limit
which is valid at any temperature when the dispersion relation given above
1. Determine the change in the internal energy of the gas for one complete cycle
(A → B → C → D → A).
3. Determine the thermodynamic efficiency of the above heat engine. Express your
answer in terms of c, P1 , and P2 .
3. Determine how the heat capacity scales with temperature as T → 0 using the
fact that the derivative of the Fermi function is sharply peaked around F in
this limit.
b. Write down the expression which determines the density of He4 atoms n as a
function of a chemical potential µ and temperature T . Evaluate integrals explicitly.
c. As T → 0, i.e. T 1 find the limiting value of µ and how the specific heat
depends on T in this limit.
2. Write down the free energy of this macro-state of the “polymer”, as a function
of N , m, and the temperature T .
4. Calculate the equilibrium value of the free energy as a function of N and T , and
from which, calculate the specific heat of this “polymer” as a function of N and
T . (Note: Simplify your expression for the free energy to something quite simple
before calculating specific heat! Make sure your result has the right dimension,
or else you get no credit for this point.)
5. Show that in the limit kB T J, the specific heat of this “polymer” is inversely
proportional to T 2 , and obtain the coefficient of proportionality.
3. How does the ration of the RMS fluctuation to the mean energy depend on the
number of particles if the system is a classical ideal gas?
4. By expanding S(E, V ) in a Taylor series around the mean energy hEi, find the
expression for the mean-squared entropy fluctuation h(∆S)2 i in terms of the
heat capacity CV and the Boltzmann constant kB .
1. Obtain an expression for the (Boltzmann) entropy SB (E) of the system in the
microcanonical ensemble.
4. Find CV , the heat capacity at constant volume, in the small-T limit (kT
N/D) and show that CV is proportional to T in this regime. Assume that
constant volume means D does not change.
[Hint: solve first for U − U0 in this limit.]
where D and a are constants, and ~ri s are particles’ coordinates. Determine the leading
correction in D to the (Helmholtz) Free energy F of the system at high temperatures,
and the resulting change in the pressure of the gas.
3. Find the zero temperature (T = 0) limiting values of these two curves as func-
tion of N and V , and state the qualitative initial T -dependence of these two
curves as T is increased from zero.
[Hint: Z ∞ √
e−x dx = π
E = −A cos θ.
1. Determine the value of hcos θi. Give the high-temperature and low-temperature
limits. Interpret your results physically.
2. Determine the value of hcos2 θi. Give the high-temperature and low-temperature
limits. Interpret your results physically.
U = α(V ) + β(V )T 2 ,
where α(V ) and β(V ) are functions of volume. Determine the final temperature
of the gas after the expansion. Your answer should be expressed in terms of the
functions α(V ) and β(V ).
4. Determine α(V ).
5. Determine β(V ).
∞ ∞
xn−1 dx k
k+1 z
= Γ(n) (−1)
0 ex z −1 + 1 k=1
∞ ∞ ∞
π2 xn−1 dx zk
xdx X
= , = Γ(n)
0 ex + 1 12 0 ex z −1 − 1 k=1
" ∞
Z ∞ n−1 k k
x dx [− ln z] z
= Γ(n) Γ(1 − n)[− ln z]n−1 + (−1)k ξ(n − k)
0 ex z −1 −1 k=0
Γ(k + 1) k n
where n = N/V is the density, and a and b are positive constants (also 1 − nb is
supposed to be positive).
1. Find the total number of states for transverse and longitudinal phonons, Nt and
Nl .
2. Find ωD .
4. Find the integral form for the energy and specific heat CV of the phonons at
very low temperatures and at high temperature.
1. Derive an expression
p for the root-mean-square fluctuation of the internal energy,
∆E|rms ≡ h(∆E)2 i in terms of En , where ∆E = En − hEi.
2. Determine the relationship between the specific heat at constant volume and
∆E|rms .
3. How does the relative fluctuation in energy, ∆E|rms /hEi depend on volume for
large system?
4. Under what conditions might you expect the relative fluctuation in energy to
be large?
Any integrals that arise should be put in dimensionless form, but need not be
2. Determine the T = 0 surface pressure, σ, of the Fermi gas. This surface pressure
is the force per unit length acting on the confining boundary of the gas.
2. Obtain an approximate expression for the previous result in the high temper-
ature limit, i.e., |E1 − E0 | kB T . Find the heat capacity of the electrons in
this limit.
3. Find the thermal average energy and heat capacity of the two electrons also in
the low temperature limit, i.e., |E1 − E0 | kB T .
1. In one of these spaces Bose-Einstein condensation will occur, and in the other
case it won’t. Determine which is which, and why. Note: For this part, you
need not explicitly evaluate the integrals involved, but merely verify if they are
2. For the space in which Bose-Einstein condensation occurs, find the Bose-Einstein
transition temperature TBE . Express your results in terms of a dimensionless
integral, which you need not evaluate.
1. In one sentence, explain why the force is 2σl, rather than σl.
2. Express the energy change dE of the film due to work δW associated with the
surface tension and heat δQ absorbed by the film through the atmosphere.
4. Calculate the entropy change of the film when it is stretched at constant tem-
perature T0 from length 0 to x.
5. Calculate the change in energy ∆E = E(x) − E(0) when the film is stretched
at constant temperature T0 from length 0 to x.
5. Evaluate Zint (T ) for an atom with two internal energy states separated by
energy ∆E.
n (pz ) = (n + 1/2)~ωc +
where pz (−∞ ≤ pz ≤ ∞) is the continuous projection of the momentum on the
ẑ direction and non-negative integer n = 0, 1, 2 . . . is associated with the motion in
x − y plane. Here m is the mass of the particle and ωc = eB/mc is the cyclotron
The degeneracy of each level is given by
g [n (pz )] = A,
where A = V /L is the area of the system in the x − y plane, V is the volume of the
system, and L is the length of the system in the ẑ direction.
Assuming the BOLTZMANN statistics in canonical ensemble is valid, determine
c. What condition on the chemical potential must be true so that the use of the
Boltzmann statistics is justified?
where θi , φi represent angles in the spherical coordinates that the ith monomer makes
with the negative ẑ direction. Each angle can take all possible values 0 < θi < π and
0 < φi < 2π.
1. Determine the classical canonical partition function Z(T, N ) for this polymer
in contact with a temperature bath at temperature T .
2. Determine the thermodynamic energy U (T, N ) and entropy S(T, N ) of the sys-
tem. Find the temperature dependence of U and S for very small and very
large temperatures.
3. If the polymer is isolated from the temperature bath and the mass at the end
of the polymer is increased adiabatically from its initial value of m to a final
value of 2m, determine the final temperature of the polymer.
1. Without doing any calculations but using only simple physical reasoning, de-
scribe in words the behavior of h~µi, the thermal average value of µ
~ , in the limit
as the temperature approaches zero, T → 0.
2. If µ
~ is treated classically and can point in any direction in 3-dimensional space,
find h~µi as a function of temperature. In particular, what are the values of hµx i,
hµy i, hµz i? Show that as T → 0, µ ~ has the behavior predicted in the previous
3. Now assume that magnetic moment is that of a spin-1/2 particle with non-
vanishing gyromagnetic ratio γ, so it can only point parallel or anti-parallel to
~ Find h~µi as a function of temperature and show that it has the expected
behavior as T → 0. Also show that
∂hµz i
h~µi · B
χ= →
∂B T ~ 2
γ e+ + e−
This process does not occur in free space, but could be considered to be catalyzed
by the walls of the box. Ignore the walls except insofar as they allow this process to
occur and answer the following questions in sequence:
2. What should be the value of µγ in view of the fact that there is no number
conservation for photons?
3. What should be the values of µe+ and µe− be if all the positrons and electrons
in the box are due to pair creation? (Remember that a positron and an electron
have the same rest mass me .)
4. Using the relativistic energy of the particles, write down the integral expression
for the number of e+ in term of T , V , and µe+ and for the number of e− in term
of T , V , and µe− .
5. Using the values of µe+ and µe− from the third part and the integral expressions
from the fourth part, calculate the mean number of electron-positron pairs, in
the two limits kB T me c2 and kB T me c2 . (You may leave your answers in
terms of dimensionless definite integrals.
3. Assume that the average number of particles in the system is two. Determine the
limiting value of the chemical potential in the low temperature limit (T → 0).
[Hint: Convince yourself that based on the low temperature behavior of the
Fermi function, the value of µ should lie between 0 and 1 . Then determine its
precise value. ]
4. Assume that the average number of particles in the system is three, determine
the limiting value of the chemical potential in the high temperature limit.
[Hint: Knowing that at the high temperatures, the particle occupancy should
be described by a classical probability, determine the precise value of µ.]
e. How does pressure relate to the rate calculated in the previous part? Give physical
mω 2 R2
where x = 2T
b. Consider the limits of the obtained expression for M corresponding to very high
and very low temperatures. Give the physical interpretation of obtained results.
What is the criterion of high and low in this case?
c. How much energy one should supply to heat the gas from a very low temperature
T0 to a very high temperature Tf ? Denote the initial angular velocity of the
cylinder as ω0 . Neglect the moment of inertia of the cylinder (vessel) itself.
a. What is the average value of the amplitude aαk of the kth harmonic of a small
deformation of the string?
c. Calculate e~n~ak .
(P − P0 )2 (V − V0 )2
+ 2
= r2 ,
P0 V0
a. What is the total change of the energy of the body after a full cycle?
b. What is the total change of the entropy of the body after a full cycle?
c. What is the total work done by the body during the full cycle?
d. On the path ABC the body receives heat. On the path CDA it gives up heat.
What is the angle φ between the line AC and the axis V ?
f. What would the efficiency of this engine be if the body were a monoatomic ideal
2. A piston now adiabatically returns the gas back to the volume V0 , what will be
it’s temperature?
e. Find the average energy of the particle. Find the heat capacity.
f. Find the distribution function for a quantity f = f (p, x), where f (p, x) = p−ωmx.
2. Consider a limit of large distances and long times. Find a differential equation
for p(x, t).
5. What is the average coordinate of the frog? How does it change with time?
6. What is the average deviation of the frog’s coordinate? How does it change
with time?
7. Repeat all the steps for the situation when the frog hops with probability q to
the left and probability 1 − q to the right.
1. What is the probability that exactly n electrons cross through a wire cross-
section in time T .