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BS (Information Technology)

Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)

Computing programs prepare students to attain educational objectives by ensuring that students
demonstrate achievement of the following outcomes (derived from Graduate Attributes define
by Seoul Accord ).

No. Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) Computing Professional Graduate

1. Academic Education To prepare graduates as computing
2. Knowledge for Solving Computing Apply knowledge of computing
Problems fundamentals, knowledge of a
computing specialization, and
mathematics, science, and domain
knowledge appropriate for the
computing specialization to the
abstraction and conceptualization of
computing models from defined
problems and requirements.
3. Problem Analysis Identify, formulate, research
literature, and solve complex
computing problems reaching
substantiated conclusions using
fundamental principles of
mathematics, computing sciences,
and relevant domain disciplines.
4. Design/Development of Solutions Design and evaluate solutions for
complex computing problems, and
design and evaluate systems,
components, or processes that meet
specified needs with appropriate
consideration for public health and
safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
5. Modern Tool Usage Create, select, adapt and apply
appropriate techniques, resources,
and modern computing tools to
complex computing activities, with
an understanding of the limitations.
6. Individual and Team Work Function effectively as an individual
and as a member or leader in diverse
teams and in multi-disciplinary
7. Communication Communicate effectively with the
computing community and with
society at large about complex
computing activities by being able to
comprehend and write effective
reports, design documentation, make
effective presentations, and give and
understand clear instructions.
8. Computing Professionalism and Understand and assess societal,
Society health, safety, legal, and cultural
issues within local and global
contexts, and the consequential
responsibilities relevant to
professional computing practice.
9. Ethics Understand and commit to
professional ethics, responsibilities,
and norms of professional computing
10. Life-long Learning Recognize the need, and have the
ability, to engage in independent
learning for continual development
as a computing professional
Computing Core Courses

Learning Objectives
• To familiarize students with the basic structured programming skills
• To emphasizes upon problem analysis, algorithm designing, and program development
and testing

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand basic problem-solving C 2 2
steps and logic constructs
• Apply basic programing concepts C 3 2
• Design and implement algorithms to C 3 4
solve real world problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Overview of computer programming; Principles of structured and modular programming;
Overview of structured programming languages; Algorithms and problem solving; Program
development, analyzing problem, designing algorithm/solution; Testing designed solution;
Translating algorithms into programs; Fundamental programming constructs; Data types;
Basics of input and output; Selection and decision (If, If-Else, Nested If-Else, switch
statement and condition operator); Repetition (while and for loop, Do-While Loops); Break
statement, continue statement; Control structures; Functions; Arrays; Pointers; Records; Files
(Input-Output); Testing & debugging.

Practical exercises of building algorithms in different writing forms and converting them to
programs in C language.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Deitel, P. and H. Deitel. 2013. C++ How to Program. 9th Ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Hanly & Koffman. 2009. Problem Solving and Program Design in C, 6th edition. Addison-
Wesley. Boston, MA, USA.
2. Kochan, S. G. 2014, Programming in C. 4th Ed. Pearson Education, Addison-Wesley,
Boston, MA, USA.
3. Mustafa T., T. Mehmood, I. Saeed and A. R. Sattar. 2008. Object Oriented Programming
using C++. IT-Series publications, Faisalabad, Pakistan.

Learning Objectives
• The course aims to develop students’ Object Oriented Programming skills.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand principles of object oriented C 2 2

• Identify the objects & their relationships to C 3 3

build object oriented solution

• Model a solution for a given problem using C 3 4

object oriented principles

• Examine an object oriented solution. C 4 3

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to object oriented design; history and advantages of object oriented design;
introduction to object oriented programming concepts; classes; objects; data encapsulation;
constructors; destructors; access modifiers; const vs non-const functions; static data members
& functions; function overloading; operator overloading; identification of classes and their
relationships; composition; aggregation; inheritance; multiple inheritance; polymorphism;
abstract classes and interfaces; generic programming concepts; function & class templates;
standard template library; object streams; data and object serialization using object streams;
exception handling.

Practical exercises of building algorithms in different writing forms and converting them to
programs in C++ language.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Deitel, P.and H. Deitel. 2015. Java: How to Program 10th Ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle
River, NJ, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Wu, C. T 2010. An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming with Java, 5th Ed.
McGraw-Hill, Columbus, OH, USA.
2. Horton, I. 2011. Beginning Java, 7th Ed. John Willey & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
3. Schildt, H. 2009. Java the Complete Reference, 7th Ed. Pearson and Education, London,
4. Robert,L. and S. Simonson. 2010. Object Oriented Programming in C++. 4th Ed. McGraw-
Hill Higher Education, New York, NY, USA.

Learning Objectives
• This course provides an introduction to the theory, practice and methods of data
structures and algorithm design.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Implement various data structures and their C 2, 3 2
algorithms, and apply them in
implementing simple applications.

• Analyze simple algorithms and determine C 4, 5 3

their complexities.

• Apply the knowledge of data structures to C 3 2

other application domains.

• Design new data structures and algorithms C 6 4, 5

to solve problems.

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Abstract data types; complexity analysis; Big Oh notation; Stacks (linked lists and array
implementations); Recursion and analyzing recursive algorithms; divide and conquer
algorithms; Sorting algorithms (selection, insertion, merge, quick, bubble, heap, shell, radix,
bucket); queue, dequeuer, priority queues (linked and array implementations of queues);
linked list & its various types; sorted linked list; searching an unsorted array; binary search
for sorted arrays; hashing and indexing; open addressing and chaining; trees and tree
traversals; binary search trees; heaps; M-way tress; balanced trees; graphs; breadth-first and
depth-first traversal; topological order; shortest path; adjacency matrix and adjacency list
implementations; memory management and garbage collection.
Practical exercises of searching, sorting and merging algorithms. Develop understanding of
link lists, queues and stacks. Students implement projects requiring the implementation of the
above data structures.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Mark, A.W.2014. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++. 3rd Ed. Pearson,
Harlow, UK.
Suggested Readings:
1. Elliot, B.K. and A.T.Paul.2016. Data Structures: Abstraction and Design using Java. 3rd
Ed. John Wiley Sons, New York, NY, USA.
2. Brijendra, K.J. 2010. Data structures and algorithms in C. Tata McGraw Hill
Education, New Dehli, India.
3. Adam, D. 2012. Data Structures and Algorithms in C++. 3rd Ed. Sydney, Australia.

Learning Objectives
• This course provides an introduction to the theory, practice and methods of data
structures and algorithm design.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand the key concepts of Discrete C 2 2
Structures such as Sets, Permutations,
Relations, Graphs, and Trees etc.

• Apply formal logic proofs and/or informal, C 3 2

but rigorous, logical reasoning to real
problems, such as predicting the behavior
of software or solving problems such as

• Apply discrete structures into other C 3 2

computing problems such as formal
specification, verification, databases,
artificial intelligence, and cryptography.

• Differentiate various discrete structures C 4 3

and their relevance within the context of
computer science, in the areas of data
structures and algorithms, in particular.

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Mathematical reasoning; propositional and predicate logic; rules of inference; proof by
induction; proof by contraposition; proof by contradiction; proof by implication; set theory;
relations; equivalence relations and partitions; partial orderings; recurrence relations;
functions; mappings; function composition; inverse functions; recursive functions; Number
Theory; sequences; series; counting; inclusion and exclusion principle; pigeonhole principle;
permutations and combinations; elements of graph theory; planar graphs; graph coloring;
Euler graph; Hamiltonian path; rooted trees; traversals.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:

1. Richard, J. B.2018. Discrete Mathematics. 7th Ed. Prentice Hall, New York, NY, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Kenneth H. R. and K.Krithivasan. 2013. Discrete Mathematics and its Applications. 7th
Ed. McGraw-Hill, Singapore.
2. Ralph P.G. 1994. Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics: An Applied Introduction. 5th
Ed. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, USA.
3. Winifred. and J.P. Remblay. 1998 Logic and Discrete Mathematics: A Computer Science
Perspective. Prentice Hall, Upper saddle River, NJ, USA.

Learning Objectives
• To help students gain a general understanding of the principles and concepts governing
the functions of operating systems.
• To extend students understating of layered approach that makes design,
implementation and operation of the complex OS possible.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand the characteristics of different C 2 2
structures of the Operating Systems and
identify the core functions of the Operating

• Analyze and evaluate the algorithms of the C 4, 5 3

core functions of the Operating Systems
and explain the major performance issues
with regard to the core functions.

• Demonstrate the knowledge in applying C 3 5, 7

system software and tools available in
modern operating systems.

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Operating systems basics; system calls; process concept and scheduling; inter-process
communication; multithreaded programming; multithreading models; threading issues;
process scheduling algorithms; thread scheduling; multiple-processor scheduling;
synchronization; critical section; synchronization hardware; synchronization problems;
deadlocks; detecting and recovering from deadlocks; memory management; swapping;
contiguous memory allocation; segmentation & paging; virtual memory management;
demand paging; thrashing; memory-mapped files; file systems; file concept; directory and
disk structure; directory implementation; free space management; disk structure and
scheduling; swap space management; system protection; virtual machines; operating system
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Abraham, S. and G. Gagne. 2018. Operating System Concepts. 9th Ed. John Wiley & Sons.
Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Mehmood, T. and I. Saeed. 2005. A Comprehensive study of Operating systems &
Networks, IT Series, Publication, Pakistan.
2. Wang, K. C. 2017. Embedded and Real-Time Operating Systems. Springer, Olympia,
3. Ulrich, W. 2012. Quantum Dissipative Systems. 4th Ed. World Scientific Publisher,
4. Raggo, M.T and C. Hosmer. 2013. Data Hiding Exposing Concealed Data in Multimedia,
Operating Systems, Mobile Devices and Network Protocols. Syngress, Waltham, MA,

Learning Objectives
• The held students learn the salient features of various types of databases, transaction
management, data warehousing and data mining

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Explain fundamental database concepts. C 2 2

• Design conceptual, logical and physical C 5 4

database schemas using different data

• Identify functional dependencies and C 2 3

resolve database anomalies by normalizing
database tables.

• Use Structured Query Language (SQL) for C 4 5

database definition and manipulation in
any DBMS

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Basic database concepts; Database approach vs file based system; database architecture; three
level schema architecture; data independence; relational data model; attributes; schemas;
tuples; domains; relation instances; keys of relations; integrity constraints; relational algebra;
selection; projection; Cartesian product; types of joins; normalization; functional
dependencies; normal forms; entity relationship model; entity sets; attributes; relationship;
entity-relationship diagrams; Structured Query Language (SQL); Joins and sub-queries in
SQL; Grouping and aggregation in SQL; concurrency control; database backup and recovery;
indexes, NoSQL systems.

Practical work on SQL server and Oracle server with practice of all major SQL statements.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Elmasri, R. and S. Navathe. 2017. Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th Ed. Addison-
Wesley, Boston, MA, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Connolly, R. and P. Begg. 2015. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design,
Implementation and Management. 6th Ed. Addison-Wesley, Boston, MA, USA.
2. Mustafa, T. and A. R. Sattar. 2010. Database Management System, IT Series Publications,
3. Ramakrishnan, R. and J. Gehrke. 2003. Database Management Systems, 3rd Ed. Pearson
Education, Boston, MA, USA.
4. Silberschatz, A., H.F. Korth and S. Sudarshan. 2010. Database System Concepts. 6th Ed.
McGraw Hill, New York, NY, USA.

Learning Objectives
• To familiarise students with various software development models and software
development life cycles.
• To emphasize upon understanding of concepts of project management, change control,
process management, software development and testing through hands-on team

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Describe various software engineering C 1 2
processes and activities

• Apply the system modeling techniques to C 3 2

model a medium size software system

• Apply software quality assurance and C 4 2

testing principles to medium size software

• Discuss key principles and common C 2 3

methods for software project management
such as scheduling, size estimation, cost
estimation and risk analysis

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Nature of Software; Overview of Software Engineering; Professional software development;
Software engineering practice; Software process structure; Software process models; Agile
software Development; Agile process models; Agile development techniques; Requirements
engineering process; Functional and non-functional requirements; Context models;
Interaction models; Structural models; behavioral models; model driven engineering;
Architectural design; Design and implementation; UML diagrams; Design patterns; Software
testing and quality assurance; Software evolution; Project management and project planning;
configuration management; Software Process improvement.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Project, Report Writing
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Ian, S. 2016. Software Engineering. 10th Ed. Addison Wesley, Boston, MA, USA

Suggested Readings:
1. Gary, B. S., T. J, Cashman and H. J. Rosenblatt. 2017. Systems Analysis and Design. 9th
Ed. Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
2. Roger, S.P. 2016. Software Engineering: A Practitioner's Approach. 8th Ed. McGraw-Hill.
Beijing, China.
3. Craig, L. 2001. Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis
and Design and the Unified Process. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
4. Dines, B. 2011. Software Engineering Domains Requirements, and Software Design,
Springer, Berlin, Germany.

Learning Objectives
• To familiarize students with concepts related to network layers, network models, and
protocol standards.
• To emphasizes upon understanding of modern network concepts.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Describe the key terminologies and C 2 2
technologies of computer networks

• Explain the services and functions C 2 2

provided by each layer in the Internet
protocol stack.

• Identify various internetworking C 4 3

devices and protocols, and their
functions in a network.

• Analyze working and performance of C 4 3

key technologies, algorithms and

• Build Computer Network on various P 3 4


* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction and protocols architecture; basic concepts of networking; network topologies;
layered architecture; physical layer functionality; data link layer functionality; multiple access
techniques; circuit switching and packet switching; LAN technologies; wireless networks;
MAC addressing; networking devices; network layer protocols; IPv4 and IPv6; IP addressing;
sub netting; CIDR; routing protocols; transport layer protocols, ports and sockets; connection
establishment; flow and congestion control; application layer protocols; latest trends in
computer networks.
Lab exercises using tools such as Wireshark, OpNet and Packet tracer
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Behrouz A. F. 2013, Data Communications and Networking, 5th Ed. McGraw-Hill, New
York, NY, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. James F.K. and K. W. Ross. 2017. Computer Networking a Top-Down Approach
Featuring the Internet. 7th Ed. Pearson Education, Harlow, UK.
2. Stallings, W. 2004. Data and Computer Communications. 6th Ed. McGraw Hill, New
York, NY, USA.
3. Terry S. and B. Burton and W. Burton. 2000. Advanced IP Routing in Cisco Networks.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
4. William Stallings.2014. Data and Computer Communications. 6th Ed. Pearson Education,
Harlow, UK.

Learning Objectives
• To enhance students understanding about the essentials of information security and the
algorithms for implementing security

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Explain key concepts of information C 2 2
security such as design principles,
cryptography, risk management, and ethics.

• Discuss legal, ethical, and professional A 2 2

issues in information security.

• Apply various security and risk C 3 2

management tools for achieving
information security and privacy.

• Identify appropriate techniques to tackle C 4 3

and solve problems in the discipline of
information security.

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Information security foundations; security design principles; security mechanisms; symmetric
and asymmetric cryptography; encryption; hash functions; digital signatures; key
management; authentication and access control; software security; vulnerabilities and
protections; malware; database security; network security, firewalls; intrusion detection;
security policies; policy formation and enforcement; risk assessment; cybercrime, law and
ethics in information security; privacy and anonymity of data.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Bishop, M. 2015. Computer Security Art and Science. Wesley Professional, Addison,
London, UK.
Suggested Readings:
2. Bidgoli, H., 2006. Handbook of Information Security. John Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
3. John, D. S. 2000. Principles of Global Security. Brookings Institution Press, WA. USA.
4. Michael, E. W. and H. J. Mattord. 2014. Principles of Information Security 4th Ed.
Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
5. Stalling, W. 2012. Cryptography and Network Security, 6th Ed, Pearson Education, UK.
Information Technology Core (Compulsory) Courses


Learning Objectives
The learner will gain knowledge about securing both clean and corrupted systems, protect
personal data, and secure computer networks. The learner will understand key terms and
concepts in cyber law, intellectual property and cybercrimes, trademarks and domain theft.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Apply the TCP/IPV6 protocols, C 1 2
addressing, and troubleshooting
• Use security technologies such as C 2 2
firewalls, VPNs, virtualization, virus
scanning, and intrusion protection from
a security perspective
• Develop network security architectures C 3 4
and explain how to use layering and
segmentation to improve security
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity objectives, Cybersecurity roles, Differences
between Information Security & Cybersecurity, Cybersecurity Principles, Confidentiality,
integrity, & availability, Authentication & nonrepudiation, Information Security (IS) within
Lifecycle Management, Lifecycle management landscape, Security architecture processes,
Security architecture tools, Intermediate lifecycle management concepts, Risks &
Vulnerabilities, Basics of risk management, Operational threat environments, Classes of
attacks, Incident Response
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
1. P. W. Singer (2013) Cybersecurity and Cyberwar, Oxford University Press.
Suggested Readings:
1. R. Meeuwisse (2017) Cybersecurity for Beginners, Cyber Simplicity Limited
2. D. Franke (2016) Cyber Security Basics: Protect Your Organization by Applying the
Fundamentals, CreateSpace Independent Publishing
3. S. Michael (2012) Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting
Malicious Software, No Starch Press
4. L. Krutz, (2009) Industrial Automation and Control Systems Security Principles.
Learning Objectives
• To familiarize students about the concepts and technical issues of Database
• To emphasize on understanding of internal functionality of Database Management
• To enable students to perform Database administration tasks and performance tuning of

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Install, create, and manage Oracle database. C 3 2, 5

• Define and devise transaction and C 3 2

concurrency control systems.

• Manage storage structures and controlling C 3 2

users’ security.

• Design database backup and recovery C 3 4


* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to advance data models such as object relational, object oriented. File
organizations concepts, Transactional processing and Concurrency control
techniques, Recovery techniques, Query processing and optimization, Database
Programming, Integrity and security, Database Administration, Physical database
design and tuning, Distributed database systems, Emerging research trends in
database systems.
Hands on practical on database administration and database design and tuning.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:

1. Elmasri, R., S. Navathe. 2015. Fundamentals of Database System. 7th edition.

Pearson. Atlanta, USA
Suggested Readings:
1. Lightstone, T. 2007. Physical database design, Elsevier.
2. Edward, S. 2008. Database design and implementation. Wiley.
3. Bernstein, L. 2001. Database and Transaction Processing, Addison-Wesley
Learning Objective
• To develop students‘ ability to plan and manage software development projects
successfully, maximizing the return from each stage of the software development life
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Manage the scope, cost, timing, and C 2 2
quality of the project, at all times focused
on project success as defined by project
• Align the project to the organization's C 2 2
strategic plans and business justification
throughout its lifecycle
• Identify project goals, constraints, C 2 2
deliverables, performance criteria,
control needs, and resource requirements
in consultation with stakeholders.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Introduction to Project Management; The Project Management and Information Technology
Context; The Project Management Process Groups; Project Integration Management: Project
Scope Management: Project Time Management; Project Cost Management: Project Quality
Management: Project Human Resource Management: Project Communications Management;
Project Risk Management: Project Procurement Management: Project Management Tools.
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book
1. Kerzner, H. and H.R. Kerzner. 2017. Project management: A Systems Approach to
Planning, Scheduling and Controlling. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Suggested Readings
1. Phillips, J. 2002. It Project Management: On Track from Start to Finish.3rd Ed. McGraw-
Hill, India.
2. Schwalbe, K. 2015. Information technology project management.6th Ed. Cengage
Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
3. Schwalbe, K. 2015. Information Technology Project Management. 3rd Ed. Cengage
Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
4. Wysocki, R. K. 2011. Effective Project Management: Traditional, Agile, Extreme. 7th Ed.
John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
Learning Objectives
• To familiarize students with Information Technology Infrastructure.
• To emphasize on understanding IT infrastructure performance, management, security &
service delivery issues and support processes.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Discuss in-depth knowledge of IT C 2 2

• Manage latest computing environment and C 3 3

IT systems.

• Establish business value of information C 4 3


• Resolve security and storage issues. C 3 3

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Definition of IT Infrastructure; Non-functional Attributes; Availability Concepts;
Sources of Unavailability; Availability Patterns; Performance; Security Concepts;
Data centres; Servers: Availability, Performance, Security; Networking: Building
Blocks, Availability, Performance, Security; Storage: Availability, Performance,
Security; Virtualization: Availability, Performance, Security; Operating Systems:
Building Blocks, Implementing Various OSs, OS availability, OS Performance, OS
Security; End User Devises: Building Blocks, Device Availability, Performance,
Security; IT Infrastructure Management; Service Delivery Processes; Service
Support Processes; Ethics, Trends, organizational and technical issues related to IT
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. K. Surendra Keshari, N. Kumar (2013) IT Infrastructure & Management, I.K.
International Publishing House.
Suggested Readings:
1. Gupta (2010) It Infrastructure & Its Management, Tata McGraw-Hill Education.
2. S. Laan (2013) It Infrastructure Architecture - Infrastructure Building Blocks and
Concepts, 2nd Edition, Sjaak Laan
3. W. Stallings and Case (2013) Business Data Communications: Infrastructure, Networking
and Security, 7th edition, Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, USA.
4. D. Comer (2006) Internetworking with TCP/IP volume 1: Principles, Protocols and
Architecture, 5th edition. Prentice Hall.
Learning Objectives
This course will enable the students to design a class A; B; or C IPv4 networking scheme
and be able to subnet the network based upon requirements for number of networks and
number of hosts required
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able Domain BT Level* PLO
• Demonstrate an understanding of the C 2 2
principles, practices and goals of system
• Demonstrate an understanding of the C 3 2
major approaches to computer
management in the network environment.
• Configure & troubleshoot services (e.g.; C 4 4
DNS; DHCP; routing; printing) in a
networked environment.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to system administration; SA components; Server environment (Microsoft and
Linux); Reliable products; Server hardware costing; Maintenance contracts and spare parts;
Maintaining data integrity; Client server OS configuration; Providing remote console access;
Comparative analysis of OS; Important attributes; Key features; Pros and cons; Linux
installation and verification; Configuring local services and managing basic system issues;
Administer users and groups; Software management; Managing network services and
network monitoring tools; Boot 148 management and process management; IP tables and
filtering; Securing network traffic; Advanced file systems and logs; Bash shell scripting;
Configuring servers (FTP; NFS; Samba; DHCP; DNS and Apache).

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Hunt, C. 2002. TCP/IP Network Administration. O'Reilly Media, Inc, Sebastopol, CA,
Suggested Readings:

1. Limoncelli, T., C.J Hogan and S.R. Chalup. 2007. The Practice of System and Network
Administration, Pearson Education, London, UK.
2. Kirch, O. and T. Dawson. 2000. Llinux Network Administrator's Guide, O'Reilly Media,
Sebastopol, CA, USA.
3. Petersen, R. 2005. Red Hat Enterprise Linux & Fedora Core 4: The Complete Reference.
McGraw-Hill, New York City, NY, USA.
4. Wiley,L. 2009. Networking Systems Design and Development. 1st Ed, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, FL, USA.
Learning Objectives
This course will focus on the creation and development of a cohesive, innovative visual
system applied across a variety of media formats.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able Domain BT Level* PLO
• Manage VMware and Microsoft Virtual C 2 2
Machine (VM) technologies
• Leverage VMs to build testing, support, C 3 2
and training environments
• Partition physical servers to decrease C 4 4
operating costs and migrate from physical
to virtual machines
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Virtualization Concepts, defining virtual machines (servers and workstations), Advantages of
deploying Vms, Creating Virtual Machines, Partitioning shared resources, Accessing raw and
virtual disks, Virtualizing CPU and memory resources, Planning for automatic installations,
Designing virtual networks, Bridged, NAT and host-only networking, Allocating host
resources, Configuring virtual hard drives, Managing peripheral devices, Exploiting Virtual
Workstation Functionality, Readying multiple operating systems, Suspending and resuming
virtual workstations
Practical implementation of virtual machines concepts on different virtual machines like VM
ware, virtual box etc.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. D. Iain (2010) Virtual Machines, Springer Science & Business Media
Suggested Readings:

1. S. Jim Smith, N. Ravi ( 2005), Virtual Machines: Versatile Platforms for Systems and
Processes, Elsevier.
2. Tim Lindholm (2013) The Java Virtual Machine Specification, Java SE 7 Edition,
3. G. Theodor G. Wyeld, K. Sarah (2007) Virtual Systems and Multimedia, Springer
Science & Business Media

Learning Objectives
• To familiarize students with Web Systems and Technologies.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand WWW technologies and web- C 2 2
based applications architecture

• Development, deployment and management C 3 4


• Perform analysis modeling and design C 4 3

modeling for web application

• Identify candidate’s tools and technologies C 5 3

for developing web application

• Developing user interface for web C 6 4


• Describe and transform data using XML and C 3 2

its related technologies

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to Web Applications; TCP/IP Application Services; Web Servers: Basic
Operation, Virtual hosting, Chunked transfers, Caching support, Extensibility: SGML,
HTML5, CSS3; XML Languages and Applications: Core XML, XHTML, XHTM MP; Web
Service: SOAP, REST, WML, XSL; Web Services: Operations, Processing HTTP Requests,
Processing HTTP Responses, Cookie Coordination, Privacy and P3P, Complex HTTP
Interactions, Dynamic Content Delivery; Server Configuration: Server Security; Web
Browsers Architecture and Processes; Active Browser Pages: JavaScript, DHTML, AJAX,
JSON; Approaches to Web Application Development; Programming in any Scripting
language; Search Technologies; Search Engine Optimization; XML Query Language;
Semantic Web; Future Web Application Framework.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Report Writing, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Nixon, R. 2012. Learning PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, and CSS: A step-by-step guide to
creating dynamic websites. O'Reilly Media, Inc.
Suggested Readings:
1. H.M Dietel & P.J. Dietel, A.B Goldber, (2008) Internet and World Wide Web How to
Program, 4th Edition
2. Sambells & A. Gustafson. (2007) Advance DOM Scripting Dynamic Web Design
3. H.M Dietel & P.J. Dietel. (2001) XML How to program, .Pearson Education Inc.
4. G. Kappel, B.Proll, S. Reich and W. Retschitzegger (eds) (2006) Web Engineering- The
Discipline of Systematic Development of Web Application.
General Education Courses


Learning Objective
• Interact with academic content: reading, writing, listening and speaking.
• Demonstrate ability to think critically.
• Utilize information and digital literacy skills.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Interact with academic content: reading, C 1 1
writing, listening and speaking.
• Demonstrate ability to think critically C 1 1
• Utilize information and digital literacy C 3 7
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 4 (Quality Education)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Paragraph and Essay Writing; Descriptive Essays; Sentence Errors: Persuasive Writing; How
to give presentations: Sentence Errors; Oral Presentations: Comparison and Contrast Essays:
Dialogue Writing: Short Story Writing: Review Writing; Narrative Essays: Letter Writing.
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book
1. College Writing Skills with Readings, by John Langan, McGraw-Hill, 5th Edition
Suggested Readings
1. A Textbook of English Prose and Structure by Arif Khattak, et al, GIKI Institute, 2000
2. Rivers, W. M. and M.S Temperley. 1978. A Practical Guide to the Teaching of English
as a Second or Foreign Language. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.
3. Smalley, R. L., M. K Ruetten and D. Kozyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. 4th
Ed. Heinle & Heinle Inc., Boston, MA, USA.
4. Vawdrey C. 1993. Practical Business English. 2nd Ed. Richard d Irwin Publishing, New
York City, NY, USA.
ENG-407 3(3-0)
Learning Objective

• To effectively plan and structure technical reports and to recognize the various stages
in writing a technical report.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:

• Enhance the Skills regarding primary and C 1 1

library research to discover and employ
• Enhance correspondence Skills (learning C 1 1
the generic conventions of each).
• Polish the excellent writing skills with no C 3 7
spelling mistakes.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 4 (Quality Education)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Overview of technical reporting; use of library and information gathering: administering
questionnaires: reviewing the gathered information; Technical exposition; topical
arrangement: exemplification: definition: classification and division: casual analysis:
effective exposition: technical narration: description and argumentation: persuasive strategy:
Organizing information and generation solution; brainstorming: organizing material:
construction of the formal outline: outlining conventions: electronic communication:
generation solutions: Polishing style; paragraphs: listening sentence structure: clarity: length
and order: pomposity: empty words: pompous vocabulary: document design; document
structure: preamble: summaries: abstracts: table of contents: footnotes: glossaries: cross
referencing: plagiarism: citation and bibliography: glossaries: index: appendices: typesetting
systems: creating the professional report; elements: mechanical elements and graphical
elements: Reports; Proposals: progress reports: Leaflets: brochures: handbooks: magazines
articles: research papers: feasibility reports: project reports: technical research reports:
manuals and documentation: thesis; Electronic documents: Linear verses hierarchical
structure documents.
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book
1. Technical Report Writing, by Pauley and Riordan, Houghton Mifflin Company, 8th
Suggested Readings
1. Effective Technical Communication by Ashraf Rizvi, Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Ellis, M. and C. Johnson. 1994. Teaching Business English. 3rd Ed. Oxford Press, Oxford,
3. Ray E. 2010. Technical and Business Writing for Working Professionals. 2nd Ed. Xlibris
Corporation, Bloomington, IN, USA.
Learning Objective

• Evaluate information and its sources critically.

• Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge base.
• Use information effectively to accomplish a specific purpose.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Enrich the thought and culture and C 1 1
provides us with the most important
international vehicle of expression.
• Enhance English language skills of the C 1, 3 1
students and develop their critical
• Demonstrate ability to think critically C 3 7
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 4 (Quality Education)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Principles of writing good English; understanding the composition process: writing clearly;
words: sentence and paragraphs; Comprehension and expression; Use of grammar and
punctuation; Process of writing; observing: audience collecting: composing: drafting and
revising: persuasive writing: reading skills: listening skills and comprehension: skills for
taking notes in class: skills for exams; Business communications; planning messages: writing
concise but with impact: Letter formats; mechanics of business: letter writing: letters: memo
and applications; summaries: proposals: writing resumes: styles and formats: oral
communications: verbal and non-verbal communication: conducting meetings; small group
communication: taking minutes: Presentation skills; presentation strategies: defining the
objective: scope and audience of the presentation: material gathering material organization
strategies: time management; opening and concluding: use of audio-visual aids: delivery and
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book
1. Practical Business English, Collen Vawdrey, 1993, ISBN = 0256192740
Suggested Readings
1. Effective Communication Skills: The Foundations for Change, John Nielsen, 2008, ISBN
= 1453506748
2. Smalley, R. L., M. K Ruetten and D. Kozyrev. 2001. Refining Composition Skills. 4th
Ed. Heinle & Heinle Inc., Boston, MA, USA.
3. Schriver, K. A. 1997. Dynamics in Document Design. 3rd Ed. Wiley Inc. New York City,
4. Henri, E. B., C. J. Jacobs, K. G. Langendoen and D. Grune. 2012. Modern Compiler
Design. 2nd Ed, John Wiley & Sons. New York City, NY, USA.
5. Masami, I. 2004. Algebraic Theory of Automata and Languages. World Scientific, River
Edge, NJ, USA.
Learning Objective
• To develop student understanding of historical, social, economic, ethical, and
professional issues related to the discipline of Computing.
• To identify key sources for information and opinion about professionalism and ethics.
• To enable students to analyze, evaluate, and assess ethical and professional
computing case studies.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:

• Know the scope of computing field after C 1 1

graduating in it and what are the common
things in every organization
• Distinguish between various fields of C 2 1
• Describe the core of any profession. C 1 1
• Know that how business and professional A 2 1
environment of computing field work
• Adhere the responsibilities according to A 3 9
profession, organization, and
• Know the standards, tools, and rules C 1 9
about IPs and information security
• Write and analyse software contracts as C 3 7
an employer or to an employer
• Know the business and professional A 2 9
environment of software house
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 4 (Quality Education)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Computing Profession; Computing Ethics; Philosophy of Ethics; The Structure of
Organizations; Finance and Accounting; Anatomy of a Software House; Computer Contracts:
Intellectual Property Rights: The Framework of Employee Relations Law and Changing
Management Practices; Human Resource Management and IT; Health and Safety at Work:
Software Liability: Liability and Practice: Computer Misuse and the Criminal Law:
Regulation and Control of Personal Information; Overview of the British Computer Society
Code of Conduct; IEEE Code of Ethics; ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct:
ACM/IEEE Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice: Accountability
and Auditing; Social Application of Ethics.
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book
1. Professional Issues in Software Engineering by Frank Bott, Allison Coleman, Jack Eaton
and Diane Rowland, CRC Press; 3rd Edition (2000). ISBN-10: 0748409513
Suggested Readings
1. Computer Ethics by Deborah G. Johnson, Pearson; 4th Edition (January 3, 2009). ISBN-
10: 0131112414
2. A Gift of Fire: Social, Legal, and Ethical Issues for Computing and the Internet (3rd
Edition) by Sara Baase, Prentice Hall; 3rd Edition (2008). ISBN-10: 0136008488
3. Applied Professional Ethics by Gregory R. Beabout, University Press of America (1993).
ISBN-10: 0819193747.
CS-301 3(2-1)
Learning Objective
• The course introduces students to information and communication technologies and
their application in the workplace.
• Students will get basic understanding of computer software, hardware, and associated
• They will also learn how computers are used in the workplace, how communications
systems can help boost productivity, and how the Internet technologies can influence
the workplace.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:

• Understand basics of computing C 1 2

• Perform number systems conversions and C 2 3
• Know about different types of software & C 2 2
• Apply basic computing related P 3 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Brief history of Computer; Four Stages of History: Computer Elements; Processor: Memory:
Hardware: Software; Application Software its uses and Limitations: System Software its
Importance and its Types: Types of Computer (Super, Mainframe, Mini and Micro
Computer); Introduction to CBIS (Computer Based Information System); Methods of Input
and Processing; Class2. Organizing Computer Facility; Centralized Computing Facility:
Distributed Computing Facility: Decentralized Computing Facility: Input Devices; Keyboard
and its Types: Terminal (Dump, Smart, Intelligent): Dedicated Data Entry: SDA (Source
Data Automation): Pointing Devices: Voice Input: Output Devices: Soft- Hard Copies:
Monitors and its Types: Printers and its Types: Plotters: Computer Virus and its Forms;
Storage Units; Primary and Secondary Memories: RAM and its Types; Cache: Hard Disks:
Working of Hard Disk: Diskettes: RAID: Optical Disk Storages (DVD, CD ROM): Magnetic
Types: Backup System; Data Communications; Data Communication Model: Data
Transmission; Digital and Analog Transmission: Modems; Asynchronous and Synchronous
Transmission: Simplex: Half Duplex: Full Duplex Transmission: Communications; Medias
(Cables, Wireless): Protocols; Network Topologies (Star, Bus, Ring); LAN: LAN: Internet;
A Brief History: Birthplace of ARPA Net: Web Link: Browser; Internet Services provider
and Online Services Providers: Function and Features of Browser: Search Engines; Some
Common Services available on Internet.
Practical work on Microsoft Office and web designing using HTML.
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book
2. Baldauf, K. 2011. Succeeding with Technology: Computer System Concepts for your
Life. 2nd Ed. Cengage Learning. Boston, MA, USA.
Suggested Readings
5. Capron, H. L. and J.A, Johnson 1990. Computers: Tools for an Information Age. 8th Ed.
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, San Francisco, CA, USA.
6. Long, L. E and Long, N. 2001. Computers: Information Technology in Perspective. 11th
Ed. Pearson Education, Trenton, NJ, USA.
7. Meyer, M. and R. Baber. 1998. Computers in your Future. Cisco press, Trenton, NJ,
8. Snyder, L. 2008. Fluency with Information Technology, John Wiley & Sons, New York,
Learning Objective
• Develop vision of historical perspective, government, politics, contemporary Pakistan,
ideological background of Pakistan.
• Study the process of governance, national development, issues arising in the modern
age and posing challenges to Pakistan
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Learn about the History and Ideology of C 1 1
• Get knowledge about the political and C 2 1
administrative structure of Pakistan.
• Get familiarity about the political C 2 1
transitions in Pakistan.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 4(Quality Education)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Historical background of Pakistan; Muslim society in Indo-Pakistan: the movement led by
the societies: the downfall of Islamic society: the establishment of British Raj- Causes and
consequences: Political evolution of Muslims in the twentieth century; Sir Syed Ahmed
Khan: Muslim League: Nehru: Allama Iqbal: Independence Movement; Lahore Resolution;
Pakistan culture and society: Constitutional and Administrative issues: Pakistan and its
geopolitical dimension; Pakistan and International Affairs; Pakistan and the challenges
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Text Book
1. The Emergence of Pakistan, Chaudary M., 1967
Suggested Readings
1. The making of Pakistan, Aziz. 1976
2. A Short History of Pakistan, I. H. Qureshi, ed., Karachi, 1988
3. Mehmood, S. 1994. Pakistan Political Roots and Development. 2nd Ed. Five Star
Publishing, Lahore, Pakistan.
4. S.M. Burke and L. Ziring. 1993. Pakistan’s Foreign Policy: An Historical Analysis. 2nd
Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, U.K.
IS-310/SS-310 ISLAMIC STUDIES 2(2-0)
Learning Objective
• To enhance understanding of the students regarding Islamic Civilization
• To improve Students skill to perform prayers and other worships
• To enhance the skill of the students for understanding of issues related to faith and
religious life.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Get the knowledge of basic teachings of C 1 1
• Learn how to adopt Islamic life style. C 2 1
• Know the rights of individuals given by C 2 1
the Islam.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 4(Quality Education)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Basic Themes of Quran; Introduction to Sciences of Hadith; Introduction to Islamic
Jurisprudence; Primary & Secondary Sources of Islamic Law; Makken & Madnian life of the
Prophet; Islamic Economic System; Political theories: Social System of Islam.
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Final Exam
Text Book
1. Introduction to Islam by Dr Hamidullah, Papular Library Publishers Lahore
Suggested Readings
1. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence by Ahmad Hassan, Islamic Research Institute, IIUI
2. Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes, By Mir Waliullah, Islamic Books
3. Waliullah M., 1982. Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes. 2nd Ed.
Islamic Book Service, Karachi, Pakistan.
Information Technology SUPPORTING courses

Learning Objectives
• Prepare comprehensive report and an oral presentation with accurate visual
representations of a model and its results.
• Understand the Role of Modeling
• Construct difference-based computer models.
• Utilize MATLAB as a computational tool - Create tabular and graphical results.
• Analyze modeling and simulation

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able Domain BT Level* PLOs

• Explain the model classification at different C 1 2

• Analyze complex engineering systems and C 3 3
associated issues (using systems thinking
and modelling techniques)
• Apply advanced theory-based understanding C 4 4
of engineering fundamentals and specialist
bodies of knowledge in the selected
discipline area to predict the effect of
engineering activities.
• Analyze the simulation results of a C 4 3
medium sized engineering problem.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to modelling and simulation; System analysis: Classification of systems:
System theory basics: its relation to simulation: Model classification at conceptual:
abstract: and simulation models levels: Methodology of model building; Simulation
systems and languages: Means for model and experiment description; Principles of
simulation system design: Parallel process modeling using Petri nets and finite automata in
simulation; Models of queuing systems; Discrete simulation models; Model time;
Simulation experiment control; Overview of numerical methods used for continuous
simulation; System Dymola/ Modelica: Combined simulation; Special model classes:
Models of heterogeneous systems: Cellular automata and simulation: Checking model
validity; Verification of models: Analysis of simulation results: simulation results
visualization: model optimization; generating: transformation: and testing of
pseudorandom numbers with overview of commonly used simulation systems.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Modeling and Simulation, Bungartz, H.-J., Zimmer, S., Buchholz, M., Pflüger, D.,
Springer-Verlag, 2014.
Suggested Readings:
1. Simulation Modeling Handbook, A Practical Approach, Christopher A. Chung, CRC
Press, 2004.Kochan, S. G. 2014, Programming in C. 4th Ed. Pearson Education, Addison-
Wesley, Boston, MA, USA.
2. System design, modeling and simulation using Ptolemy II, Claudius Ptolemaeus, , Ver
2.0, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported, 2014.
3. Applied Simulation Modeling, Andrew F. Seila, Vlatko Ceric, Pandu Tadikamalla,
Thomson Learning Inc., 2003

Learning Objectives

Learning Outcomes
This course will enable the students to Domain BT Level* PLOs

• Identify and develop operational research C 2 2

models from the verbal description of the real
system Development, deployment and
management concepts.
• Understand the mathematical tools that are C 2, 2
needed to solve optimization problems.

• Use mathematical software to solve the C 3 3

proposed models.

• Develop a report that describes the model and C 4 4, 7

the solving technique, analyses the results and
propose recommendations in language
understandable to the decision-making
processes in Management and Engineering.

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)

Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
An overview and background; Process; Techniques and Application; Networks; Inventory Control
Models; Linear Programming; Dual Analysis; Transportation Problems; Assignments Problems;
Methodology of Operations Research: Linear programming; solving methods; duality: and sensitivity
analysis: Integer Programming; Network flows; Multi-criteria decision techniques; Decision making
under uncertainty and risk; Game theory; Dynamic programming.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Fredrick s. Hillier, Liebeman Hillier. (2001), Introduction to Operation Research, 7th
Prentice Hall

Learning Objectives

• To understand issues in requirements engineering

• To apply requirements engineering process
• To understand and use requirements elicitation and specification
• To understand and use formal techniques of software engineering
• To understand modeling and analysis of Non-Functional Requirements.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLOs

• Describe the requirements engineering process C 1 2

• Effectively analyze software requirements for the C 4 3

development of cost-effective and efficient technical
• Prepare both functional and non-functional C 3 3
requirements along with validation for a medium-size
software system.
• Document effective requirements in Software C 3 7
Requirements Specification (SRS) using clear,
unambiguous requirements.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Definition of requirements engineering and role in system development; Fundamental
concepts and activities of requirements engineering; Information elicitation techniques;
Modeling scenarios: Fundamentals of goal-oriented requirements engineering: Modeling
behavioral goals; Modeling quality goals: Goal modeling heuristics; Object modeling for
requirements engineering: Object modeling notations; Object modeling heuristics: Identifying
objects from goals: Modeling use cases and state machines: Deriving operational
requirements from goals; Requirements Specification: Requirements verification and
validation. Management of inconsistency and conflict; requirements engineering risks: the
role of quality goals in the requirements selection process: Techniques for requirements
evaluation; selection and prioritization; Requirements management; Requirements
traceability and impact analysis.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Alan M. Davis (1993) Software Requirements: Objects, Functions, and States, 2nd Edition,
PTR Prentice Hall
Suggested Readings:
2. C. Bailin (1997) Software Requirements Engineering, 2nd Edition, Wiley.
3. B. Brian (2009) Software & Systems Requirements Engineering in Practice, ISBN 978-
4. D. Leffingwell, D. Widrig, (2006) Managing Software Requirements: A Use Case
Approach, 2nd Edition, ISBN 0-321-12247-X
5. J. Preece, R. Yvonne (2007) Interaction Design: beyond human-computer interaction, 3rd
Information Technology Elective Courses
Learning Objectives
• This course covers the basics of computer organization with emphasis on the lower level
abstraction of a computer system including digital logic, instruction set and assembly
language programming.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Acquire the basic knowledge of computer C 2 2
organization, computer architecture and
assembly language.

• Understand the concepts of basic C 2 2

computer organization, architecture, and
assembly language techniques.

• Solve the problems related to computer C 3 3

organization and assembly language.

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to computer systems: Information is bits and context; programs are translated by
other programs into different forms; it pays to understand how compilation systems work;
processors read and interpret instructions stored in memory; caches matter; storage devices
form a hierarchy; the operating system manages the hardware; systems communicate with
other systems using networks; Representing and manipulating information: information
storage; integer representations; integer arithmetic; floating point; Machine-level
representation of programs: a historical perspective; program encodings; data formats;
accessing information; arithmetic and logical operations; control; procedures; array allocation
and access; heterogeneous data structures; putting it together: understanding pointers; life in
the real world: using the gdb debugger; out- of-bounds memory references and buffer
overflow; x86-64: extending ia32 to 64 bits; machine-level representations of floating-point
programs; Processor architecture: the Y86 instruction set architecture; logic design and the
Hardware Control Language (HCL); sequential Y86 implementations; general principles of
pipelining; pipelined Y86 implementations.
To learn the basics of the MIPS Assembly Language and Practice its programming.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. David, A. P. and J. L. Hennessy. 2018. Computer Organization and Design the
hardware/software interface. MA Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Cambridge, MA, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Erl, T. 2008. Soa: principles of service design. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ,
2. Godse, A. P. and D. A. Godse. 2013. Computer Architecture Organiztion, Technical
Publication, Pune, India.
3. Hamacher, V. C., Vranesic, Z. G., Zaky, S. G., Vransic, Z., & Zakay, S. (1996). Computer
organization. McGraw-Hill, New York City, NY, USA.
4. Stallings, W. 2018. Computer Organization and architecture designing for performance.
Pearson Education, Hoboken, UK.

Learning Objectives
This course will enable the students to:
• Improve ability to analyse and understand mobile software development. Improve
your skills in reacting appropriately to solve mobile related problems.
• Develop efficient and state-of-the-art applications.
• Solve complex mobile programming problems and could transfer real-life mobile
related problems into productive solution.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to: Domain BT Level* PLOs
• Discuss different architectures & framework for C 1 2
Mobile Application development.
• Develop mobile applications using current software C 3 4, 5
development environments.
• Compare the different performance tradeoffs in C 3 5
mobile application development.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A=
Affective domain
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Mobile development concepts; Activities; Resource management and media; Services and
content providers: data storage: security: Managing evolution; Tablets: graphics: speech
sensors; Networking; Processes and threads: Deployment of application; Mobile application
development models; Mobile network management.

Use of Android framework; Form designing in android; Database design; Front end and
back end connectivity.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:

1. Burnette, E. 2009. Hello, Android Introducing Google's Mobile Development Platform.

2nd Ed. Oxford Press, Oxford, UK.
Suggested Readings:

1. Fling, B. 2009. Mobile Design and Development: Practical concepts and techniques
for creating mobile sites and Web apps. O'Reilly Media Inc., Sebastopol, CA, USA.
Lee, V., H. Schneider and R. Schell. 2004.
2. Lee, V., H. Schneider and R. Schell. 2004. Mobile applications: architecture, design,
and development. Prentice Hall PTR, USA.
3. Meier, R. 2012. Professional Android for Application Development. 3rd Ed. John
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ, USA.
4. Wigley, A., Moth, D., and Foot, P. 2007. Microsoft® Mobile Development
Handbook. Microsoft Press, Microsoft Redmond Campus, WA, USA.
Learning Objective
• The course introduces students with fundamental concepts of automata theory and
formal languages.
• Form basic models of computation which provide foundation of many branches of
computer science, e.g. compilers, software engineering, concurrent systems, etc.
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Explain and manipulate the different C 2 2
concepts in automata theory and formal
languages such as formal proofs,
automata, regular expressions, Turing
machines etc.
• Prove properties of languages, grammars C 2 3
and automata with rigorously formal
mathematical methods
• Design of automata, RE and CFG C 3 4

• Transform between equivalent NFAs, C 3 3

DFAs and REs
• Define Turing machines performing C 2 2
simple tasks
• Differentiate and manipulate formal C 3 4
descriptions of languages, automata and
grammars with focus on regular and
context-free languages, finite automata
and regular expressions.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system.
Course Contents
Finite State Models; Language definitions preliminaries: Regular expressions/Regular
languages: Finite automata (FAs): Transition graphs (TGs): NFAs, Kleene’s theorem:
Transducers (automata with output): Pumping lemma and non-regular language Grammars
and PDA; CFGs: Derivations: derivation trees and ambiguity: Simplifying CFLs: Normal
form grammars and parsing: Decidability: Context sensitive languages: grammars and linear
bounded automata (LBA): Chomsky’s hierarchy of grammars Turing Machines Theory;
Turing machines: Post machine: Variations on TM: TM encoding: Universal Turing
Machine: Defining Computers by TMs.
Teaching Methodology
Lectures, Written Assignments, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book
1. Alfred, V., S. Ravi and D. Ullman. 2006. Compilers Principles Techniques and Tools. 2nd
Ed. Wesley Pub, Lancing, MI, USA.
Suggested Readings
4. Andrew, W. and A. Appel. 2004. Modern Compiler Implementation in C. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge, UK.
5. Dick, G., E. Henri and J. H. Jacobs. 2010. Modern Compiler Design. 2nd Ed. John Wiley,
New York City, NY, USA.
6. Henri, E. B., C. J. Jacobs, K. G. Langendoen and D. Grune. 2012. Modern Compiler
Design. 2nd Ed, John Wiley & Sons. New York City, NY, USA.
7. Masami, I. 2004. Algebraic Theory of Automata and Languages. World Scientific, River
Edge, NJ, USA.
Learning Objectives
•This course will introduce the basic principles in artificial intelligence.
•To cover simple representation schemes, problem solving paradigms.
• The Prolog programming language will also be introduced
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:

• Understand different types of AI agents. C 2 2

• Know how to build simple knowledge- C 3 2
based systems.
• Apply knowledge representation, C 4 4
reasoning, and machine learning
techniques to real-world problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Artificial Intelligence: Introduction; AI paradigms and hypothesis; Intelligent agents;
Difference between cybernetic Intelligence and artificial Intelligence; Objectives; Scope of
weak and strong AI; Problem solving; Solving Problems by searching; Informed search and
exploration; Constraint satisfaction problems; Adversarial search; Knowledge and reasoning;
Logical agents, First-order logic, Inference in first-order logic; Knowledge representation;
Planning and acting in the real world; Uncertain knowledge and reasoning; Uncertainty;
Probabilistic reasoning; Probabilistic reasoning over time; Making simple decisions; Making
complex decisions; Learning, learning from observations; Knowledge in learning; Learning
methods; Reinforcement learning; Communicating; Perceiving and acting; Probabilistic
language processing; Perception and robotics; LISP/PROLOG; Expert systems (ES) and
applications; Artificial general Intelligence; Issues in safe AI; Introduction to cognitive and
conscious systems
Differences between propositional logic: first-order logic, fuzzy logic and default logic;
Focus on artificial neural network and machine learning; Study of the Turing machine and a
discussion of the questionable claims.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Bratko, I. 2001. Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence. 4th Ed. Addison Wesley, Boston,

Suggested Readings:

1. George, F. 2008. Structures and Strategies for Complex Problem Solving 6th Ed. Pearson
Education, London, UK.
2. Margulies, P. 2004. Artificial Intelligence. Blackbirch Press, Farmington Hills, MI, USA.
3. Noah, .B and T. Gale. 2011. Artificial Intelligence. Greenhaven Press, Farmington Hills, MI,
4. Stuart, J., N. Peter and F. Canny. Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach. 3rd Ed. Prentice
Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA

Learning Objectives

• Understand the basic concepts of visual programming.

• Design visual programs following software development process

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Use the different elements of a visual C 1 4
programming language as building blocks
to develop correct, coherent programs.
• Program using the fundamental software C 3 4
development process, including design,
coding, documentation, testing and

• Analyze problems, develop C 4 3, 4

conceptual designs that solve those
problems, and transform those designs
to Visual Programs.

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Visual Programming Basics; Introduction to Events; Fundamentals of Event-driven
Programming; message handling; user interfaces; graphics device interface; painting
and drawing; windows management; input devices; resources; string and menu
resource; dialogs and windows controls; common controls; dynamic link libraries;
threads and synchronization; network programming; Building Class Libraries at the
Command Line; Class Libraries; Using References; Assemblies; Private Assembly
Deployment; Shared Assembly Deployment; Configuration Overview; Configuration
Files; Programmatic Access to Configuration; Using SDK Tools for Signing and
Deployment; Metadata; Reflection; Late Binding; Directories; Files; Serialization;
Attributes; Memory Management and Garbage Collection; Threading and
Synchronization; Asynchronous Delegates; Application Domains; Marshal by Value;
Marshal by Reference; Authentication and Authorization; Configuring Security; Code
Access Security; Code Groups; Evidence; Permissions; Role-Based Security;
Principals and Identities; Using Data Readers; Using Data Sets; Interacting with XML
Data; Tracing Event Logs; Using the Boolean Switch and Trace Switch Classes; Print
Debugging Information with the Debug Class; Instrumenting Release Builds with the
Trace Class; Using Listeners; and Implementing Custom Listeners.

Develop Visual Programs using Visual Studio IDE.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations

Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Bradley, J. C. and A.C. Millspaugh. 2014. Programming in C# .NET. McGraw Hill, New
York City, NY, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Deitel, H. and P. Deitel. 2010. Visual C# How to Program. Prentice Hall Press. Upper
Saddle River, NJ, USA.
2. Foxall, J. 2015. Visual basic in 24 hours. Sams Publishers, Carmel, IN, USA.
3. Libetty, J. 2002. Learning Visual Basic .net. O’Reily associates Inc, Sebastopol, CA,
4. Newsome, B. 2015. Beginning Visual Basic. Wrox Publishers, Hoboken, NJ, USA.

Learning Objectives

• The course introduces students with basic applications, concepts, and techniques of
data mining and to develop their skills for using recent data mining software to solve
practical problems in a variety of disciplines.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:

• Describe the underlying concepts of data C 2 2

warehousing and mining.
• Differentiate between data warehousing, C 2 3
data mining, machine learning, business
intelligence, artificial intelligence and
statistical analysis.
• Identify different machine learning C 3 3
approaches to suit the requirement of
problem at hand.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Fundamentals; Definition; Process; Applications examples; Data mining and ethics; Inputs
rules; Outputs of data mining process representation; Tables; Trees; Rules; Basic algorithms;
Clustering: hierarchical clustering, partitioned clustering; Classification: decision tree
classification, Bayesian classification, nearest neighbor classification; Basic algorithms.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Gorunescu, F. 2011. Data Mining Concepts, Models and Techniques. Springer Science
& Business Media, Berlin, Germany.
Suggested Readings:
1. Fong, J. 2006. Information Systems Re-engineering and Integration. 2nd Ed. Springer
Verlag, Berlin, Germany.
2. Han, J., J. Pei and M. Kamber. 2011. Data mining Concepts and Techniques. 3rd Ed.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
3. Miller, H. J. and J. Han. 2001. Geographic Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.
Taylor & Francis, London, UK.
4. Ponniah, P. 2004. Data Warehousing Fundamentals. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ,

Learning Objectives
• To introduce students to the rapidly growing field and equip them with some of its basic
principles and tools as well as its general mindset.
• to explain the significance of exploratory data analysis in data science.
• To identify common approaches used for Feature Generation as well as Feature
• To discuss the Ethical and Privacy issues.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Describe what Data Science is and the skill C 2 2
sets needed to be a data scientist.

• Apply EDA and the Data Science process C 3 3

in a case study.

• Comprehend the fundamental constructs of C 2 4

Python programming language.

• Apply basic machine learning algorithms to C 3 4

solve real world problems of moderate

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction: What is Data Science? Big Data and Data Science hype; Datafication; Current
landscape of perspectives; Skill sets needed; Statistical Inference: Populations and samples,
Statistical modeling, probability distributions, fitting a model; Introduction to Python;
Exploratory Data Analysis and the Data Science Process; Basic Machine Learning
Algorithms: Linear Regression, k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN), k-means, Naive Bayes; Feature
Generation and Feature Selection; Dimensionality Reduction: Singular Value
Decomposition, Principal Component Analysis; Mining Social-Network Graphs: Social
networks as graphs, Clustering of graphs, Direct discovery of communities in graphs,
Partitioning of graphs, Neighborhood properties in graphs; Data Visualization: Basic
principles, ideas and tools for data visualization; Data Science and Ethical Issues: Discussions
on privacy, security, ethics, Next-generation data scientists.
Programming language Python has been proposed for the practical work of this course;
perform programing exercises to apply machine learning algorithms to solve real world
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Igual, L. S. Segui. 2017. Introduction to Data Science: A Python Approach to Concepts,
Techniques and Applications. 1st edition, Springer. Cham. ISBN 978-3-319-50016-4.

Suggested Readings:
1. Saltz, J.S., J. M. 2017. Stanton, An Introduction to Data Science, SAGE Publications.
2. Subramanian, G. 2015. Python Data Science Cookbook. Packt Publishing, 1st Edition.
ISBN 978-1-78439-640-4
3. Grus, J. 2015. Data Science from Scratch, O’Relly Media, 1st Edition, 2015; ISBN 978-
4. Zaki. M. J., W. Meira. 2014. Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and
Algorithms. 1st edition. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-76633-3

Learning Objectives
• To describe the basics of IoT, the technology used to build these kinds of devices, how
they communicate, how they store data, and the kind of distributed systems needed to
support them.
• To enable students integrate available tools & techniques to build an actual IoT system.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Describe what IoT is and recognize the C 2 2
factors contributed to the emergence of IoT

• Design and program IoT devices C 3 2, 3

• Use real IoT protocols for communication C 2 2

• Secure the elements of an IoT device C 3 3

• Design an IoT device to work with Cloud P 3 4

Computing Infrastructure

• Transfer IoT data to the cloud and in P 3 4

between cloud providers

• Define the infrastructure for supporting C 2 7

Commercialization of Product

* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective

SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction: What is IoT?, Industrial IoT standards and protocols, IoT platform and
applications, IoT product development for industry 4.0, IoT security in the Internet; IoT
Development Platform: Introduction to RaspberryPi as the core development platform; IoT
Programming for Multi Sensors: Introduction to Python programming for IoT development,
Introduction to GrovePi+/PiHat Shields as the multi-sensor platforms; Introduction to the
Standard Lightweight IoT Protocol (MQTT): Open source industry IoT communication
protocol namely Messaye Queue Telemetry Transport (MQTT); Polishing IoT systems for
product pitching.
Basic hands-on for Rasbian GUI and console; Hands-on for using general-purpose
input/output pins for controlling IoT related sensors and devices (e.g., LED, Buttons, etc.);
Hands on to setup and deploy multiple sensors for data collections (e.g., sensors: temperature,
humidity, gas, fire, distance, water, moisture, light, current, vibration etc.); Hands on to
enable sensor connectivity using machine-to-machine (M2M) communication; Hands on to
extremely lightweight publish/subscibe messaging transport protocol on RaspberryPi and
PC/Laptop; Hands on to publish/subscribe data from multi-sensors; Hands on
controlling/monitoring IoT sensors and systems using Android Mobile Application; Hands
on to enhance the integration of IoT sensors and systems for seamless connectivity; Hands
on to polishing the GUI for user-friendly interface; Commercialization pitching of the
proposed IoT projects by students.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Hassan, Q.F. ed., 2018. Internet of things A to Z: technologies and applications. John
Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, New Jersey

Suggested Readings:
1. Singh, R., A. Gehlot, L.R. Gupta, B. Singh and M. Swain. 2019. Internet of Things with
Raspberry Pi and Arduino. CRC Press.
2. Liyanage, M., A. Braeken, P. Kumar and M. Ylianttila, eds., 2020. IoT Security:
Advances in Authentication. John Wiley & Sons. UK
3. Serpanos, D. and M. Wolf. 2017. Internet-of-things (IoT) systems: architectures,
algorithms, methodologies. Springer. Atlanta. USA

Learning Objectives
• This course covers several aspects of the new digital marketing environment, including
topics such as digital marketing analytics, search engine optimization, social media
marketing, and 3D Printing
• Familiarize students with basics of the new digital marketing landscape and acquire a
set of stories, concepts, and tools to help you digitally create, distribute, promote and
price products and services
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Gain an understanding of the motivations C 2 2
behind data collection and analysis
methods used by marketing professionals
• Understand frameworks and approaches C 2 2
to measuring consumers’ digital actions
• Learn to evaluate and choose appropriate C 3 3
web analytics tools and techniques.
• Apply digital marketing concepts to a real P 3 4
business problem
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to Digital Marketing; Marketing in a digital world; digital marketing
analytics; web analytics and its tools; Website Planning and Creation; Search Engine
Optimization (SEO); digital media and marketing principles; Search Engine Marketing;
Social Media Marketing; Content Strategy; Digital Media Planning and Buying; Web
Remarketing; Design Essentials; Mobile Marketing; E-Commerce Management; Online
Reputation Management; Adsense, Blogging, and Affiliate Marketing; Managerial Skills;
Introduction to Agency; The art of Pitching; Client-oriented Strategy; Campaign Creation
for Client; Reporting and Evaluation.
Semester project that combines all concepts and tools that have been learnt in the course to a
real business problem.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Practical labs, Semester Project, Presentations.
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam, Home Assignments, Quizzes, Project, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Bhatia, P., 2019. Fundamentals of Digital Marketing. Pearson. UK
Suggested Readings:
1. Chaffey, D., 2019. Digital marketing. Pearson UK.
2. Morris, N. 2009. Understanding digital marketing: marketing strategies for engaging the
digital generation. Journal of Direct, Data and Digital Marketing Practice, 10. 384-387.
Mathematics and Science Foundation Courses


Learning Objectives
• To provide foundation and basic ground for calculus and analytical geometry

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand importance of calculus C 2 2
• Apply derivatives, partial derivatives C 3 2
or integrals
• Design and implement algorithms to C 3 4
solve practical problems.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Complex numbers; De Moivre’s theorem and its applications; Simple cartesian curves;
Functions and graphs; Symmetrical properties; Curve tracing; Limit and continuity;
Differentiation of functions; Derivative as slope of tangent to a curve and as rate of change;
Application to tangent and normal; Linearization; Maxima/Minima and point of inflexion;
Taylor and maclurin expansions and their convergence; Integral as anti-derivative; Indefinite;
Integration of simple functions; Methods of integration; Integration by substitution; Partial
fractions; Definite integral as limit of a sum, application to area; Arc length; Volume and
surface of revolution. Derivatives of Inverse Trigonometric Functions. Numerical
Integration. Applications of Integrals. Transcendental Functions. Inverse Tragicomic
Functions. Integrals.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam

Text Book:
1. Thomas and Finny. 2010. Calculus and Analytical Geometry. 6th Ed. Pearson Education,
New Delhi, India
Suggested Readings:
1. Thomas and Finny. 2010. Calculus and Analytical Geometry. 6th Ed. Pearson Education,
New Delhi, India.
2. Erwin, K. 2013. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. 10th Ed. Jones & Bartlett Learning,
Burlington, MA, USA.
3. Schenck, H. 2003.Computational Algebraic Geometry. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK
4. Dineen, S. and S. Dineen. 2001. Multivariate Calculus and Geometry.2nd Ed. Springer,
New York, YK, USA.
5. Callahan, J. J. 2010. Advanced Calculus: A Geometric View. Springer Science &
Business Media. Northampton, UK

Learning Objectives
• To provide foundation and basic ground for calculus and analytical geometry

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand the importance of C 2 2
probability and statistics
• Apply probabilities related to both C 3 2
• Compare and analyze data sets using C 3 3
descriptive statistics.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 4(Quality Education)& 8(Decent work & Economic
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to statistics; Descriptive statistics; Statistics in decision making; Graphical
representation of data stem-and lead plot, box-cox plots; Measures of central tendencies and
dispersion, moments of frequency distribution; Counting techniques; Introduction to
probability, sample space, events, laws of probability; Conditional probability and Baye’s
theorem with application to random variable (Discrete and continuous) binomial; Poisson;
Geometric; Negative binomial distributions; Exponential gamma and normal distributions;
Regression and correlation; Estimation and testing of hypotheses; Elementary statistical
packages for explanatory data analysis.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
Lay, L. D. 2015. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 9th Ed. Cengage
Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Lay, L. D. 2015. Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, 9th Ed.
Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
2. Mendenhall, W., R.J.Beaver and B.M. Beaver. 2012. Introduction to Probability and
Statistics. Cengage Learning, Boston, MA, USA.
3. Ronald, W. and Y. Myer.2008. Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists. 8th Ed.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
4. Serdobolskii, V.2008. Multiparametric Statistics. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
5. Sandra, K. M. 2010. Statistics, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA.

Learning Objectives
• To provide fundamentals of solution for system of linear equations.
• To apply operations on system of equations, matrix properties, solutions and study of
their properties.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand the importance of linear C 2 2
• Apply algebraic operation will be C 3 2
required to solve practical
• Design and implement symbolic C 3 4
simulator to solve system of equations
through programming language.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Vectors; Vector spaces; Matrices and determinants; Cofactor and inverse; Rank; Linear
independence; Positive definite matrix; Linear transformations; Operations on matrices;
Inner products; Orthogonally and least squares; Eigen value & eigenvectors;

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Cheney, W. and D.Kincai. 2009. Linear algebra: Theory and Applications. Jones &
Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Cheney, W. and D.Kincai. 2009. Linear algebra: Theory and Applications. Jones &
Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA, USA.
2. David, K.H.2007. Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications. 9th Ed. Prentice
Hall, Prentice Hall, Harlow, UK.
3. Gilbert, S. S., B. C. Andy and B. Andrew, B. 2005. Linear Algebra and Its
Applications. 4th Ed. Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, USA.
4. Hoffman, K. and R.A. Kunze. 2015. Pearson India Education Services, Noida, India.
5. Steven, J. L., I. Bica and T. Hohn. 2014. Linear Algebra with Applications. Pearson
Learning Solution, New York, NY, USA.

Learning Objectives
• To familiarize students with the basic structured programming skills
• To emphasizes upon problem analysis, algorithm designing, and program development
and testing

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand the importance of linear C 2 2
• Apply algebraic operation C 3 2
• Design and implement algorithms to C 3 4
solve system of equations through
programming language.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Electricity and Magnetism: Voltage, current, resistance, power, single phase and 3 phase A.C.
supply; Series and parallel circuits; Vector addition and subtraction of A.C. voltages;
A.C/D.C. motors: Concept of rotating fields, polyphase induction motor, lap and wave
winding of single phase and three phase motors; torque and starting characteristics;
measuring instruments; transformers; A.C power generators; Electrical distribution and
wiring for farm buildings; Electric controls, motor controls, and protection; Selection of farm
motors; applications of electricity at farm; Electronics: Semi-conductors, PN-junction;
Transistor; its characteristics and uses; Amplifiers; Power supplies; Magnetism: Electro-
Magnetic induction and radiation; Radioactivity: Radioisotopes; Biological effects of
radiation; Laser: Introduction, generation and uses of Laser; Fibre optics–characteristics.
1. Construction of wiring systems, fuses, switches of various types insulators
2. Circuits design and drawing of a typical farm electrical system.
3. Selection of motor for various farm equipment such as forage cutter, feed-grinders, and
shop tools.
4. Practice on repair and adjustment of electric motors, switches, fuses, transmission wiring
5. Study of 3 phase induction motor
6. Study of star and delta connections
7. Study of semi-conductor, triode, diode valve and transistors.
8. Use of AVO meter, CRO, planimeter
9. Fabrication of full wave rectifier and inductance study of its wave-shape.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Cheney, W. and D.Kincai. 2009. Linear algebra: Theory and Applications. Jones & Bartlett
Learning, Burlington, MA, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Cheney, W. and D.Kincai. 2009. Linear algebra: Theory and Applications. Jones &
Bartlett Learning, Burlington, MA, USA.
2. David, K.H.2007. Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications. 9th Ed. Prentice Hall,
Prentice Hall, Harlow, UK.
3. Gilbert, S. S., B. C. Andy and B. Andrew, B. 2005. Linear Algebra and Its Applications.
4th Ed. Thomson Brooks/Cole, Belmont, CA, USA.
4. Hoffman, K. and R.A. Kunze. 2015. Pearson India Education Services, Noida, India.
5. Steven, J. L., I. Bica and T. Hohn. 2014. Linear Algebra with Applications. Pearson
Learning Solution, New York, NY, USA.
University Elective Courses


Learning Objectives
• This course provides an understanding of the entrepreneurship process
• The course gives students the tools. Necessary to think creatively, to plan out whether
their idea is marketable to investors.
• This will be accomplished through a combination of readings, cases studies and
projects designed to convey the unique environment of the entrepreneurs and new

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand processes, and resources C 2 2
within a diverse organization
• Apply knowledge of leadership C 3 2
concepts in an integrated manner
• Analyze the internal/external factors C 3 3
affecting a business.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Evolution and importance of entrepreneurship; Difference between intrapreneurship and
entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial process; Agribusiness ventures, practices and
characteristics; Methods of new idea generation; Opportunities, innovations; change,
fantasies, Environment of small businesses in agriculture; Sources and resolutions, corporate
entrepreneurship in business sector; Risk failure and new venture unit; Feasibility and
concepts of planning; Stages of growth model; Responsibility of feasibility plan; Product and
services concepts; Product servicing concepts and commercial opportunities (macro over
view); Products and technology; Identification of opportunities; Product development life
cycle; Product protection; Trade mark and patents; Validity of property rights and accessing
government information; Human resources side of enterprise; Infrastructure of services,
Types of service venture; Success factors; Marketing and new venture development;
Situation analysis for new ventures, Marketing concepts, startup of marketing research;
Market focused on organization; Sources of market intelligence; Competitive analysis and
implications of market research; Marketing strategies; Functions and product concepts;
Changing international ventures; Entrepreneurial team and business formation, Human
resource and relations, Board of directors, Legal aspects; Evaluation of acquisition
opportunities and methods of valuation; Financial resources and asset management, Different
types of financing, buy or lease, Organization cycle and growth of organization; Strategic
management for success of enterprise; Looking towards agricultural entrepreneurial career,
Agricultural business plan contents and details.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
Dollinger, M. 2007. Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Resources. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall Inc.
Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Dollinger, M. 2007. Entrepreneurship: Strategies and Resources. 2nd Ed. Prentice Hall
Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
2. Kuratko, D. and R. Hodgetts. 2006. Entrepreneurship: A Contemporary Approach. 7th
Ed. Prentice Hall, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
3. Naqi, S. M. 2012. Entrepreneurs. 3rd Ed. A-One Publishers, Lahore, Pakistan.
4. Peters, M. and R. D. Hishrich. 2009. Entrepreneurship. 8th Ed. Irwin/McGraw-Hill, New
York City, NY, USA.
5. Wills, W.J. and M. E. Newman. 1998. Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship.
2nd Ed. Interstate Publishers, Boston, MA, USA.

Learning Objectives
• To introduce students with knowledge of accounting required to help them to
understand the process of financial management required to develop modern
accounting information systems.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Develop and understand the nature and C 2 2
purpose of financial statements in
relationship to decision making.
• Develop the ability to use the C 3 2
fundamental accounting equation to
analyze the effect of business
transactions on an organization's
accounting records and financial
• Develop the ability to use a basic C 3 2
accounting system to create (record,
classify, and summarize) the data needed
to solve a variety of business problems.

• Develop the ability to use accounting C 3 2

concepts, principles, and frameworks to
analyze and effectively communicate
information to a variety of audiences.
• Develop the ability to use accounting C 3 2
information to solve a variety of
business problems.
• Develop the ability to interact well with A 3 6, 9
team members
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to accounting; Accounting principles; Book keeping; Basics of financial
statements; Adjustments to financial statements; The cash book; Bank reconciliation; Control
accounts; Statement of cash flows; Financial activities; Property; Plant and equipment (PPE);
Accounting errors; Accounting for partnerships; Balance sheet.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:

1. Ghani, M. A. 2006. Principles of Accounting. Pak Imperial Book Depot, Lahore, Pakistan
Suggested Readings:
1. Meighs and Meighs. 2006. Accounting: The Basis of Business Decisions. 11th Ed.
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA.
2. Horne, V.J. and M. Wachowicz. 2013. Fundamentals of Financial Management. 13th Ed.
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
3. Kaluza, J. 2008. Accounting: A Systems Approach. 8th Edition, McGraw-Hills, New
York. NY, USA.
4. Wild, J. J., K. D. Larson, B. Chiappetta. 2007. Fundamental Accounting Principles.
McGraw- Hill, New York, NY, USA.

Learning Objectives
• To provides an overview of the history and major issues of psychology
• To emphasizes upon learning and perception, personality theories, abnormal
behaviour, motivation and emotion, human development, social psychology

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Understand the major fields of study C 2 2
and theoretical perspectives
• Differentiate between the major C 3 2
observational, correlation, and
experimental designs.
• Identify the major parts of the nervous C 3 2
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Basics concepts of psychology and research methods; Brain and behavior; Human
development; Sensation and perception; States of consciousness; Conditioning and learning;
Memory cognition, language, creativity and intelligence; Motivation and emotion; Sex,
gender, sexuality; Personality, health, stress and coping; Social behavior.
Practical exercises of building algorithms in different writing forms and converting them to
programs in C language.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Dennis, C. and O.M. John. 2011. Psychology, Modules for Active Learning. 12th Ed.
Wadsworth Publishing, Nelson Education, Toronto, Canada
Suggested Readings:
1. Dennis, C. and O.M. John. 2011. Psychology, Modules for Active Learning. 12th Ed.
Wadsworth Publishing, Nelson Education, Toronto, Canada.
2. Kalat, J. W.2016. Introduction to Psychology. 11th Ed. Cengage Learning, Boston, MA,
3. Plotnik, R. and H. Kouyoumdjian. 2013. Introduction to Psychology. 10th Ed. Cengage
Learning, Belmont, CA, USA.
4. David G. M. 2009. Psychology. 9th Ed. Worth Publishers, Basingstoke, UK.
5. Kassin, S. 2017. Psychology in Modules. 12th Ed. Pearson Custom Publishing, Australia.

Learning Objectives
• To provide students with a broad introduction to marketing concepts
• To help them understand the factors that influence marketing decisions
• Focus attention on the vital role of marketing in today’s global economy
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Identify some of the basic approaches to C 4 2
formulating a marketing strategy in order to
participate effectively when working with
marketing policy coordinators.

• Use an understanding of marketing and the C 2 2

market driven enterprise to differentiate

• Identify key stages of the market planning C 4 2

process in order to create marketing plans
through development of key sections
common to most plans.
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Marketing in Changing World, Core marketing concepts, Creating Customer Value and
Satisfaction, Strategic Planning and the Marketing Process, Micro and Macro Marketing
Environment, Marketing Research and Information Systems, Consumer Markets and
Consumer Buyer Behavior, Business Markets and Business Buyer Behavior, Marketing
Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning for Competitive Advantage Product and Services
strategy, New Products Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies, Pricing Products:
Pricing Considerations and Approaches, Pricing Strategies, Distribution Channels and
Logistics Management, Retailing and Wholesaling, Integrated Marketing Communication
Strategy, Advertising, Sales Promotion and Public Relations, Personal Selling and Sales
Management, Direct and Online Marketing, Competitive Strategies: Building Lasting
Customer Relationships.
Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Kotler P., H. Ehsan and P. Y. Agnihotri. 2014. Principles of Marketing: A South Asian
Perspective.14th Ed. Pearson Education, India.

Suggested Readings:
1. Cannon, T. 2009. Basic Marketing Principles and practices. 12th Ed. Jon Wiley and
Sons, New York, NY, USA.
2. Evans, J. 2008. Principles of Marketing. 9th Ed. Prentice Hall International Inc. Upper
Saddle River, NJ, USA
3. Stanton, W. J. 2009. Principles of Marketing. 14th Ed. McGraw Hill Pub, New York,
3. Meighs and Meighs. 2006. Accounting: The Basis of Business Decisions. 11th Ed.
McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, USA.

Learning Objectives
• To familiarize students with the basic structured programming skills
• To emphasizes upon problem analysis, algorithm designing, and program development
and testing
Learning Outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be Domain BT Level* PLO
able to:
• Provide a basic knowledge of main ideas C 2 2
• Develop an understanding of these and of C 3 2
related ideas and concepts
• Develop skills in diagnosis and problem C 4 4
* BT= Bloom’s Taxonomy, C=Cognitive domain, P=Psychomotor domain, A= Affective
SDGS addressed in the course: 9 (Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure)
Teaching Mode: the course will be taught in hybrid learning mode offering a substantial
portion of contents and course activities online through learning management system
Course Contents
Introduction to OB; People-centered organizations and ethical conduct; Organizational
culture; Socialization; Mentoring; Key individual differences; Values, attitudes, job
satisfaction and counterproductive work behaviors; Social perceptions and attributions;
Foundations of motivation; Improving job performance with goals, feedback, rewards, and
positive reinforcement; Group dynamics; Developing and leading effective
teams; Individual and group decision making; Managing conflict and negotiating;
Communicating in the digital age; Leadership, influence, empowerment, and politics;
Organizational design.

Teaching Methodology:
Lectures, Written Assignments, Presentations
Course Assessment:
Sessional Exam Home Assignments, Quizzes, Presentations, Final Exam
Text Book:
1. Huczynski, A. and A.D.Buchanan 2010. Organizational Behaviour. Financial Times
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.
Suggested Readings:
1. Johnson, C.E.2011. Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or
Shadow. 4th Ed. SAGE Publications, Thousand Oaks, CA, USA.
2. Kreitner, R. and A. Kinicki.2012. Organizational Behavior. 10th Ed. McGraw- Hill,
New York, NY, USA.
3. Parikh,P. 2009. Value Investing and Behavioral Finance. Tata McGraw-Hill Education,
4. Robbins, P. and T.A. Judge. 2012. Organizational Behavior. 15th Ed. Prentice Hall,
Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA.

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