Computer Fundamentals and Programming: Course Description

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Course Description

Basic information technology concepts; fundamentals of

algorithm development; high-level language and
programming applications; computer solutions of
engineering problems.

Program Outcomes
By the time of graduation, the students of the program
shall have the ability to:
1. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in
the specific fields of practice.
2. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using
both English and Filipino.
3. Work effectively and independently in multi-
disciplinary and multicultural teams.
4. Act in recognition of professional, social, and
ethical responsibility.

IT 223
5. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and
cultural heritage”.
6. Analyze complex problems, and identify and
define the computing requirements needed to
COMPUTER FUNDAMENTALS AND PROGRAMMING design an appropriate solution.
7. Apply computing and other knowledge domains to
SCHED CODE: 5457 address real-world problems.
NO. OF UNITS: 3 8. Design and develop computing solutions using a
PRE-REQUISITE: system-level perspective.
CO-REQUISITE: 9. Utilize modern computing tools.
SCHEDULE: 1:00-3:00 PM TTh
Course Outcomes
After completing this course, the student must be able to:
1. Design and develop an integrative programming
2. Distinguish the role of data exchange between
dissimilar IT systems.
3. Compare programming design patterns and the IT
services needed to integrate applications.
INSTRUCTOR: 4. Recognize different types of architectures for
RUWAIDA M. ABAS integrating systems.
CONTACT NUMBER: 5. Have knowledge of data representation and
0905-801-3528 exchange techniques and their appropriate use.
[email protected]

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6. Understand the use of integrative coding
techniques like interface, inheritance and design

Course Outline
1. Intersystems Communications
2. Data Mapping and Exchange
3. Integrative Coding
4. Scripting Techniques
5. Software Security Practices
6. Miscellaneous Issues
7. Overview of Programming Languages

Course Requirement
1. Personal computer with:
1.1 Netbeans installed
1.2 Internet browser and internet connection

Suggested References

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