Clojure Guides_ Introduction to Clojure

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Introduction to Clojure

1. Overview
2. The Basics
3. Identifiers
4. Scalars
5. Data Structures
1. Abstractions
6. Evaluation
1. Function Calls
2. Macros and Special Forms
3. Quoting
7. Let and Locals
8. Namespaces
9. Functions for Creating Data Structures
10. Functions For Working With Data Structures
11. Regular Expressions
12. Functions For Working With Strings
13. Values, Immutability, and Persistence
14. Control Structures
15. Truthiness
16. Equality
17. Predicates and Comparators
18. Vars
19. Functions: Defining Your Own
1. Layout of Functions
20. Side-effects
21. Destructuring
22. Laziness
23. Bread and Butter Functions
1. map
2. filter and remove
3. apply
4. for
5. reduce
6. partial, comp, and iterate
24. Looping and Recursion
25. Reference Types
26. See Also
27. Not Covered In This Tutorial
28. Contributors

This guide covers:

Clojure language basics

expressions, identifiers (locals, vars)
let forms
basic data types
introduction to immutable data structures
overview of Clojure reference types (vars, atoms, agents, refs)
looping and recursion
basics of Clojure macros

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License
( (including images & stylesheets). The source is available
on Github (

This is a brief beginner's introduction to Clojure. If you haven't already done so, have a look at the Getting
Started (/articles/tutorials/getting_started/) tutorials. Before continuing, make sure you've got Java and
either the Clojure CLI ( or Leiningen (
installed, and can create a new project and run a REPL in it. The author expects you'll want to have a
REPL running while following this introduction so you can type expressions into it as you go.

Note: In the code samples below, unless we're specifically discussing the REPL, to reduce clutter
we've usually omitted showing the REPL prompt (ex. " user=> " or " my-proj.core=> ").

Additionally: In Clojure, a semicolon begins a single-line comment, and in this document we use " ;
⇒ " (for trailing comments) and " ;; ⇒ " (for comments on their own line) to indicate what the
previous expression evaluates to.

Code samples shown with a blue outline around them are interactive: the box containing the code
is editable and the box containing the output/result will automatically update as you edit the code.
These examples are powered by Klipse (

This introduction is a whirlwind tutorial of most of the basics of Clojure. Its goal is to rapidly get you familiar
with the core areas of the language without wasting your time and also without getting too bogged down in
details or advanced topics (the various topics will get more comprehensive coverage in the topic guides

As we said in the Getting Started tutorial, Clojure is a wonderfully simple language, and you're going to
love it.

This is just one of many Clojure tutorials out there. The official Clojure site has a Learn Clojure
( series tha was not available when this Introduction was originally
written. The website also has an excellent Learn Clojure ( book and
there's also the classic Clojure for the Brave and True ( (although that is
showing its age a bit at this point).

When you're ready to move beyond experimenting in the REPL, you can read about Creating New
Projects ( later in this

The Basics
Clojure is a general-purpose programming language, and a quite practical one at that.

The syntax for Clojure is like Lisp and is very simple: code is made up of expressions which are evaluated
to some value. Here are some examples of expressions:
5 ; ⇒ 5
"hi" ; ⇒ "hi"
[1 2 3] ; evaluates to the vector `[1 2 3]`
(+ 1 2) ; evaluates to the sum of 1 and 2
(if true "yes" "no") ; evaluates to the string "yes"
(println "hello!") ; evaluates to nil (but also prints "hello!")

Clojure supports a few extra bits of syntax which will be noted as we encounter them.

Expressions can contain sub-expressions:

(+ 1
(* 2 3)
(/ 10 2)) ; ⇒ 1 + (2 * 3) + (10 / 2) = 12

Expressions in (various types of) brackets are often referred to as "forms".

An expression in parentheses is usually treated as a function call, but may also be a macro or special form
(more about those in the Evaluation section below).

Clojure is not whitespace-sensitive. Also, commas count as whitespace, so you can omit them (for
example, you can write a vector as [1 2 3] instead of [1, 2, 3] ).

Clojure code is block-structured and lexically scoped (though dynamic scope is supported as well, if you
really need it).

Clojure is a compiled language. The Clojure reader reads your source code, then your code is compiled to
JVM bytecode, and then it's run on the JVM. The reader supports a few extra bits of syntactic sugar (for
example, a literal syntax for specifying regular expressions) that we will cover as we go along.

Throughout this tutorial, we will liberally reference and lean on the marvelous Clojure Cheatsheet
( Aside from being a great organizational aide, it also handily includes links to
the relevant Clojuredocs ( pages where you can find docs for and examples of the
various Clojure functions.

In the REPL, at any time you can see the documentation for a given function:

(doc some-function)

and even the source code for it:

(source some-function)

So, it will be of great use to you to have your REPL running so you can try things out while following along.

Identifiers are used to name things. For example, in

(def the-answer 42)

we've named something "the-answer" and given it the value 42.

In this document we'll mostly use lowercase letters, numbers, and dashes to name things, although some
other characters are allowed too, such as _<>!?* (ex. this->that , ready? ). We'll note more
examples of those cases later on as they come up.

Clojure has support for the following kinds of scalar values:

true, false

nil is like Python's None, or Java's null. It's just another value. Incidentally, there's no "undefined" value
in Clojure --- if you try to use a symbol which you haven't defined, then it's undefined and the compiler will
let you know about it.

As we go along, type those expressions into your REPL to see them evaluated. These too:

1 ; integer
1N ; arbitrary-precision integer
1.2 ; float/double/decimal
1.2M ; arbitrary-precision decimal
1.2e4 ; scientific notation
1.2e4M ; sci notation of arbitrary-precision decimal

0x3a ; hex literal (58 in decimal)

1/3 ; Rational number, or "ratio".
\a ; The character "a".
"hi" ; A string.

Strings can span multiple lines --- just hit Enter and keep typing. If you want to include a double-quote
mark in a string, backslash-escape it.

#"^foo\d?$" ; A regular expression.

:foo ; A keyword.
:foo/bar ; A namespaced keyword.

We'll have more to say about regular expressions later on.

Keywords are just scalars that evaluate to themselves and are useful where in other languages you might
use little strings as identifiers (for example, as the keys in a hashmap). More about keywords in the next
section (Data Structures).

'foo ; A symbol.
'foo/bar ; A namespaced symbol.

A symbol is an object that represents the name of something. The single quote mark is there to keep
Clojure from trying to figure out to what the symbol refers (the quote isn't part of the identifier of the
symbol). When you want to represent the name of a thing --- rather than the value to which it refers --- you
use a symbol. Their utility will become clearer later on when we briefly mention Macros.
Terminology: By "object" we just mean the internal thing that Clojure uses to represent a value ---
not "object" as in "object oriented programming". Clojure is not an object oriented language. Sure,
you can easily access Java OOP objects from Clojure, but that is outside the scope of this tutorial.

Also, the words "reference" and "refer" are used in Clojure in the generic sense. A symbol refers to
an object (it is not the object itself). Clojure also happens to support something called reference
types. We'll cover them later on in the Reference Types section.

Data Structures
Clojure comes out of the box with nice literal syntax for the various core data structures:

[1 2 3] ; A vector (can access items by index).

[1 :two "three"] ; Put anything into them you like.
{:a 1 :b 2} ; A hashmap (or just "map", for short).

A hashmap is your typical hash/dictionary data structure. In the above example, the keys are :a and :b ,
and the values are 1 and 2. One key-value pair in a map is called an entry.

Using namespaced keywords as keys is a common practice in Clojure applications, as it provides more
context to the key and helps avoid key collisions:

{:customer/id 123 :invoice/id "INV-456" :invoice/total 95.99}

Note: if you have a hashmap where all the keys have the same namespace prefix, such as
{:invoice/id "INV-456" :invoice/total 95.99} , the REPL will print it using a shorthand
syntax, where the prefix is shown in front of the hashmap and the keys are shown without the
prefix: #:invoice{:id "INV-456", :total 95.99} . This is just a shorthand syntax for printing
the hashmap and doesn't affect how you use the hashmap in your code.

Although it's most common to use keywords (as shown above) for hashmap keys, you can use any values
you like for the keys as well as the values.

#{:a :b :c} ; A set (unordered, and contains no duplicates).

'(1 2 3) ; A list (linked-list)

You generally don't use lists very often for typical sequential data in your programs:

(def my-stuff '("shirt" "coat" "hat")) ; Works fine, but ...

(def my-stuff ["shirt" "coat" "hat"]) ; this is more typical usage.

Lists are most often used when treating code itself as just a bunch of nested lists --- see Macros.

BTW, don't mind that single-quote mark before the list's open paren; it's just there to tell Clojure that this
isn't a function call (discussed in Function Calls, below), but rather, an actual list.

Note: In Clojure, we use the term "vector" rather than "array". "Array" would refer to the native Java
array, whereas "vector" refers to the Clojure data structure.
Nesting data structures works like you'd expect:

[1 2 3]
{:foo 11 :bar 12}
#{"shirt" "coat" "hat"}}

We will see how to get at values inside nested data structures a little later on.

The data structures we just looked at (lists, vectors, maps, and sets) are all concrete data types. The
various Clojure functions for working on them (which we will get to later on) actually aren't written to work
on the concrete types, but rather, are written to work on abstract data types. The concrete data types are
implementations of the various abstract data types.

Some of the Clojure abstractions are:

Collection (Lists, vectors, maps, and sets are all collections.)

Sequential (Lists and vectors are ordered collections.)
Associative (Hashmaps associate keys with values. Vectors associate numeric indices with values.)
Indexed (Vectors, for example, can be quickly indexed into.)

In the docs for the various functions, you'll often see that they take, for example, a "coll". This means that
the particular function will work on any of the collections.

If you'd like to look under the covers and see what the type of an object is, try (type my-stuff) .

So far you've been typing various literal values (expressions) into the repl and Clojure has evaluated them
and repeated their resulting values back to you (printed them out in the repl):

user=> "hi"
;; "hi"
user=> :foo
;; :foo
user=> [1 2 3]
;; [1 2 3]

Clojure evaluates the expressions you give it and tries to come up with a resulting value. If the expression
starts with an open paren, Clojure treats it as either a macro, a special form (discussed below) or else a
function call.

Function Calls
If the symbol right after the open paren names a function, Clojure evaluates all of its function arguments
first, then applies the function to the values of those args:

(my-func arg1 arg2 arg3)

You can nest function calls as deep as tasteful discretion allows:

(my-func (my-func2 arg1
(other-func arg-a
(foo-bar arg-x
(+ arg-xx

Note that your code will be easiest to read if you line up args to functions vertically (as shown above). Your
editor should take care of this for you automatically.

By the way, there are no "operators" in Clojure per se; just function names (symbols which refer to their
corresponding functions). So, for example, + , > , <= , = , * , and not= are all just function names.

Macros and Special Forms

If an expression starts with an open paren, Clojure first checks to see if it's a macro or special form. These
are forms which don't follow the regular evaluation rule and get special treatment from the Clojure

Macros are like functions which take as arguments regular Clojure code (which is, after all, just a list of
expressions and (usually nested) other lists), and returns the code transformed / expanded in some useful

You write macros to add new syntax to the Clojure language, and usually it's only done when necessary,
after you've already gotten as far as you can with plain functions.

Macros are created using defmacro . Writing them involves manipulating lists (Clojure code), just like
you've already seen. Though quoting and unquoting is used to control evaluation of the code you're

Macro calls in your code get expanded at compile-time, right before the rest of your code is compiled.
Certain Clojure built-ins like let , def , and if are written as special forms which are hard-coded into
the compiler rather than macros, but this is an implementation detail; the effect is the same.

This tutorial does not discuss macros further.

If for whatever reason you'd rather Clojure not treat something like (+ 1 2 3) as a function call, you can
"quote" it like so:

'(+ 1 2 3)

(+ 1 2 3)

This causes Clojure to then regard it simply as a 4-element list; the first element of which is the symbol for
some function. Reasons for wanting to do this will become clearer later on.
Let and Locals
When you want some lexically-scoped named values to use in a section of your code, you can use the
let expression:

(let [width 10
height 20
thickness 2]
(println "hello from inside the `let`.")
(* width

hello from inside the `let`.


The first thing inside the let is a binding vector. In it, you specify the local names you'd like to make
available inside the let , along with their values.

Formatting note: Your readers might appreciate you vertically lining up the values used in the
binding vector, as we've done above with 10, 20, and 2.

These local names are symbols that refer directly to the values you set them to.

You can re-set the symbols in the binding vector multiple times (building it up into the value you need), if
you find it useful:

(let [x 2
x (* x x)
x (+ x 1)]

The let expression itself evaluates to the last expression in its body. You can put other things inside the
let (like our println expression, in the previous example), but the overall value of the let is its last

Note that the println expression just evaluates to nil. We don't use its value for anything --- we
only care about its side-effects (printing out to the console). More about Side-Effects shortly.

Clojure uses namespaces to organize function names into groups and to keep them from colliding with
other function names. All function names live in a namespace. All the core functions we've been using thus
far are in the clojure.core namespace:
(clojure.core/println "hi")


That's the fully-qualified name of println . You'd normally have to use the fully-qualified name for
functions (or else use an alias to the namespace --- covered in a moment), but Clojure makes all the
clojure.core functions automatically available by their unqualified names (that is, sans namespace) for

Fully-qualified names are written "namespace/symbol". The namespace may have dots in it, which
correspond to directories in your filesystem. For example, the function foo-bar.core/my-func
corresponds to the my-func function in src/foo_bar/core.clj . (It's just a bit of the underlying Java
platform showing through that you need to use underscores in your directory names instead of dashes).

It's most common for one source code file to correspond to one namespace, and often comprise one
library. At the top of your source file, you write (ns what.ever) and that declares the namespace for the
rest of the file.

In the repl, you can make use of libraries --- and at the same time provide a handy alias for them --- by
requiring them like so:

(require '[clojure.string :as str])


Now we can use all the functions in the clojure.string library by prefixing them with "str/". We'll do exactly
this in the section below on Functions for working with strings.

Functions for Creating Data Structures

There are functions for creating the various data structures without using the usual literal syntax:

(list 1 2 3) ; ⇒ '(1 2 3)
(vector 1 2 3) ; ⇒ [1 2 3]
(hash-map :a 1 :b 2) ; ⇒ {:a 1 :b 2}
(hash-set :a :b :c) ; ⇒ #{:a :b :c}

And there are various functions for converting between vectors, sets, and maps:
(def my-vec [1 2 3])
(set my-vec) ; ⇒ #{1 2 3}

(def my-map {:a 1 :b 2})

(vec my-map) ; ⇒ [[:a 1] [:b 2]]
(flatten (vec my-map)) ; ⇒ (:a 1 :b 2)
(set my-map) ; ⇒ #{[:b 2] [:a 1]}

(def my-set #{:a :b :c :d})

(vec my-set) ; ⇒ [:a :c :b :d]

;; And for fun:

(zipmap [:a :b :c] [1 2 3]) ; ⇒ {:c 3 :b 2 :a 1}
(apply hash-map [:a 1 :b 2]) ; ⇒ {:a 1 :b 2}

(We cover apply in the Bread and Butter functions section.)

If you need to convert to a sequential collection but don't need fast random access to items via index, you
can use seq instead of vec (to convert to a generic linked-list-like ("sequential") data structure). More
about seq when we get to Laziness.

By the way, you may have noticed a pattern here: longer function names are for passing in values
one-by-one to create the data structure, whereas the shorter function names are for passing in a
whole data structure at once:

literal long name short name

------- --------- ------------------
() list *{no short name}*
[] vector vec
{} hash-map *{no short name}*
#{} hash-set set

You might think of seq as the short name for list , but that's probably pushing it, since there are
a few differences.

Functions For Working With Data Structures

Getting values from data structures:
;; Vectors
(def v [:a :b :c])
(nth v 1) ; ⇒ :b
(v 1) ; ⇒ :b (same)
(first v) ; ⇒ :a
(rest v) ; ⇒ (:b :c)
(next v) ; ⇒ (:b :c)
(last v) ; ⇒ :c

;; Lists
;; Same as vectors, but can't index.

;; Maps
(def m {:a 1 :b 2})
(get m :a) ; ⇒ 1
(m :a) ; ⇒ 1 (same)
(:a m) ; ⇒ 1 (same!)
(get m :x 44) ; ⇒ 44 (if no :x, 44 is the default)
(keys m) ; ⇒ (:a :b)
(vals m) ; ⇒ (1 2)
;; Grab a key or a val from a single map entry:
(key (first m)) ; ⇒ :a
(val (first m)) ; ⇒ 1
;; Of course, note that maps are not ordered.

;; Sets
(def s #{:a :b :c})
(s :a) ; ⇒ :a
(s :z) ; ⇒ nil

Data structures in Clojure are actually immutable --- you can't change them. Though it may sound batty, it
actually works out nicely in practice, and we'll read more about in the Immutability section below. For now,
just note that data structures can't be mutated, but we can get a new modified copy of a data structure:
;; Vectors
(def v [:a :b :c])
(def li '(:a :b :c))
(conj v :d) ; ⇒ [:a :b :c :d]
(conj li :d) ; ⇒ (:d :a :b :c)

v ; ⇒ is still [:a :b :c]

li ; ⇒ is still (:a :b :c)

;; Maps
(def m {:a 1 :b 2})
(assoc m :c 3) ; ⇒ {:a 1 :c 3 :b 2}
(dissoc m :b) ; ⇒ {:a 1}

m ; ⇒ is still {:a 1 :b 2}

;; Sets
(def s #{:a :b})
(conj s :c) ; ⇒ #{:a :c :b}
(disj s :a) ; ⇒ #{:b}

s ; ⇒ is still #{:a :b}

See the cheatsheet ( for much more you can do with these core data

Regular Expressions
As you've seen, Clojure provides a handy literal syntax for regular expressions: #"regex here" . Clojure
uses the same regular expression syntax as Java, which is nearly the same as what Perl 5 (and Python,
and Ruby) uses. You can read more about the specifics in the Java java.util.regex Pattern docs

Clojure provides a number of functions for working with strings, and a number of those can make use of
regexes. See the next section for some examples.

Functions For Working With Strings

There are a number of functions for working with strings listed in the Strings section of the cheatsheet.
Here are some examples of a few of them:
(str "hi" "there")
;; ⇒ "hithere"
(count "hello")
;; ⇒ 5
(require '[clojure.string :as str])
;; ⇒ nil
(str/split "hello there" #" ")
;; ⇒ ["hello" "there"]
(str/join ["hello" "there"])
;; ⇒ "hellothere"
(str/join " " ["hello" "there"])
;; ⇒ "hello there"
(str/replace "hello there" "ll" "LL")
;; ⇒ "heLLo there"

Some of them make optional use of regexes. There's more in the cheatsheet. Try them out!

Incidentally, since strings are sequential, any function that works on sequentials works on strings. For

(first "hello")
;; ⇒ \h
(last "hello")
;; ⇒ \o
(rest "hello")
;; ⇒ (\e \l \l \o)
(nth "hello" 1)
;; ⇒ \e
(doseq [letter "hello"] (println letter))
;; h
;; e
;; l
;; l
;; o
;; ⇒ nil

Again, see the cheatsheet for more.

Here's an interactive cell for you to experiment more with string functions:
(first "hello")
(last "hello")
(rest "hello")
(nth "hello" 1)
(doseq [letter "hello"] (println letter))


Values, Immutability, and Persistence

A value is fundamentally a constant thing; For example, the letter "a" is a value. You don't "set" the letter
"a" to some other value; it always stays the letter "a". It's immutable. The value 10 is always 10. You can't
ever "set 10 to 11". That makes no sense. If you want 11, you just use 11 instead of 10.

In Clojure, all scalars and core data structures are like this. They are values. They are immutable. The

{:name "John"
:hit-points 200
:super-power :resourcefulness}

is a value. If you want to "change" John's hit-points, you don't change anything per se, but rather, you just
conjure up a whole new hashmap value.

But wait: If you've done any imperative style programming in C-like languages, this sounds crazy
wasteful. However, the yin to this immutability yang is that --- behind the scenes --- Clojure shares data
structures. It keeps track of all their pieces and re-uses them pervasively. For example, if you have a
1,000,000-item list and want to tack on one more item, you just tell Clojure, "give me a new one but with
this item added" --- and Clojure dutifully gives you back a 1,000,001-item list in no time flat. Unbeknownst
to you it's re-using the original list.

Clojure data structures are said to be persistent.

And, again: this works just fine because to you the data structures are all immutable. There is no "action at
a distance". Other functions can't change the value of a data structure you're working on because values
don't change.
Note that, of course, Clojure doesn't do any unnecessary copying. For example, when you pass a
large data structure to a function

(my-func a-really-big-data-structure)

it merely passes along a reference to the big data structure. You can't change it in the caller's
scope, because of course it's immutable.

And of course, you don't get any action-at-a-distance in situations like this either:

(def a [1 2 3 4 5])
(def b a)
;; Do what you will with `b`, ...
(my-func a) ; but it won't affect `a`.

since, regardless, you can't mutate the vector (neither via b nor a ).

If you're wondering how the heck it's even possible to program at all if you don't have "variables" and can't
change anything, it will become clear as we continue.

Control Structures
Clojure has most of the usual control structures you'd expect to find, for example: if , and , or , and
cond . You can find them listed in the Cheatsheet (

Note that they are all expressions in Clojure, and evaluate to something. So, for example, this if

(if motor-turning?

Evaluates to either the value "yes" or the value "no".

Looping is handled by either using one of the various built-in functions such as map , filter , reduce ,
for , etc., or else it's handled by manually using loop and using recursion. We'll get to these shortly.

Incidentally, looping is something that is required far less in Clojure than in imperative languages like
Python and Java. The functions that Clojure provides often makes looping unnecessary. For example,
where in Python you might do something like this:

specific_stuff = []
for i in my_items:
if is_what_i_want(i):

in Clojure you lose the loop and it becomes:

(def specific-stuff (filter what-i-want? my-items))

This sort of thing comes up again and again, and we'll cover more examples of it in the Bread and Butter
functions section.

In (if <test> <then-this> <otherwise-this>) (and in and , or , cond , etc. expressions), Clojure
checks if the <test> evaluates to something that looks either true or false. Clojure takes a very simple
approach here: nil and false are falsey; everything else is truthy.

This means that zero, the empty string, and empty core data structures are all true:

(if 0 :t :f) ; ⇒ :t
(if "" :t :f) ; ⇒ :t
(if [] :t :f) ; ⇒ :t
(if {} :t :f) ; ⇒ :t
(if #{} :t :f) ; ⇒ :t

If you want to check if one of those is empty, you could use the empty? function, though, the docs
recommend using this idiom:

(if (seq my-stuff)

"still has stuff left"
"all gone")

You'll often check for equality using = (and likewise inequality using not= ), for example:

(if (= tries max-tries)

"you're done"
"keep going")

= recursively checks equality of nested data structures (and considers lists and vectors containing the
same values in the same order as equal), for example:

(= {:a [1 2 3] :b #{:x :y} :c {:foo 1 :bar 2}}

{:a '(1 2 3) :b #{:y :x} :c {:bar 2 :foo 1}})
;; ⇒ true

There's also a double-equals function == that is more forgiving across various types of numbers:

(= 4 4.0)
;; ⇒ false
(== 4 4.0)
;; ⇒ true

See the docs for = ( and == (

for more info.
Predicates and Comparators
Predicates are functions that take one or more arguments and return a true or false value. They usually
are named with a trailing question mark, for example, even? , odd? , nil? , etc. Though, some names
don't have the question mark, such as > , >= , < , <= , = , == , and not= .

Comparators are functions that take 2 args and return -1, 0, or 1 depending upon whether the first arg is
less than, equal to, or greater than the second arg. The main one is compare .

Near the top of this tutorial is the following definition:

(def the-answer 42)

The thing being defined here (behind the scenes) is officially called a Var. The symbol " the-answer "
refers to that var which itself refers to the value 42:

the-answer (a symbol) → a var → 42 (a value).

When Clojure sees " the-answer ", it automatically looks up the var, then from there finds and returns the
value 42.

Recall that locals don't involve vars at all: those symbols refer directly to their values.

Functions: Defining Your Own

You can create a function using fn , and give it a name using def :

(def my-func
(fn [a b]
(println "adding them!")
(+ a b)))


As you might guess, this actually creates the symbol my-func which refers to a var which itself refers to
the function (which is a value). Call it:

(my-func 10 20)

adding them!

But for creating top-level functions, it's more convenient to use defn (which uses def under the hood):

(defn my-func
"Docstring goes here."
[a b]
(println "adding them!")
(+ a b))
A few points to note:

The function parameters ( a and b ) are present in a vector (just like with the let expression,
except we don't include values for them).
Inside my-func you can do a sequence of operations if you like (for example, our println call) --
- just like in a let --- but the value of the last expression is what the function call as a whole will
evaluate to.
Function definitions (using defn ) should only go at the "top-level".

Functions can return data structures instead of just scalars:

(defn foo
[x (+ x 2) (* x 2)])

and you can of course pass them data structures as well:

(defn bar
(println x))

(bar {:a 1 :b 2})

(bar [1 2 3])

To define a function to take, say, two or more arguments:

(defn baz
[a b & the-rest]
(println a)
(println b)
(println the-rest))

Any additional args you pass beyond the first two get packaged into a sequence assigned to the-rest .
To have that function take zero or more arguments, change the parameter vector to just [& the-rest] .

Layout of Functions
Your author likes to write his functions in a top-down fashion:
;; BROKEN pseudocode


(defn do-it
(... (my-func-a ...)))

(defn my-func-a
(... (my-func-b ...)))

(defn my-func-b ...)

but Clojure doesn't like that because it wants to have at least heard about a function before you write a call
to it. To let Clojure know about a function's existence, use declare :

;; pseudocode

(declare do-it)


(declare my-func-a)

(defn do-it
(... (my-func-a ...)))

(declare my-func-b)

(defn my-func-a
(... (my-func-b ...)))

(defn my-func-b ...)

Some expressions in Clojure have side-effects. Many do not. All expressions evaluate to something.

For example, (+ 1 2) evaluates to 3 and has no side-effects. (println "hi") evaluates to nil and has
the side-effect of printing "hi" to standard out. You usually call println for the side-effect, not for the
return value.

Pure functions are those which have no side-effects and which do not depend upon anything outside to
compute their return value(s): you pass it one or more values, and it returns one or more values.

If you want to make an expression that has some side-effects before it evaluates to a value, use do :
(println "Spinning up warp drive, captain ...")

There are a handful of functions/macros/special-forms in Clojure for making use of side-effects, and they
are spelled with a "do" at the beginning. Try these on for size:

(def my-items ["shirt" "coat" "hat"])

(doseq [i my-items]
(println i))


(dotimes [i 10]
(println "counting:" i))

counting: 0
counting: 1
counting: 2
counting: 3
counting: 4
counting: 5
counting: 6
counting: 7
counting: 8
counting: 9

There's also dorun and doall , both of which are discussed below in the section on Laziness.

We say that let expressions and function bodies (and also loop expressions, which you'll read about
later in Looping and Recursion) have an "implicit do": within them you can list expressions one after
another, and they all get evaluated in order (presumably for the side-effects), but the last one is what
determines the overall resulting value of the let expression.

Incidentally, if in the binding vector of a let you'd like to have some side-effects happen and
aren't really concerned about the local values involved, it's customary to use "_" (an underscore)
as the identifier:

(let [_ (do-something)
_ (println "done with that")
x 10]

There's nothing special about the identifier "_" --- it's just shorter to type than, say, "this-is-of-no-
There's a version of if which supports no "else" expression and which provides an "implicit do": it's
spelled " when " (and likewise with if-not ↔ when-not ).

Clojure provides a little bit of extra syntactic support for assigning values to locals in let expressions and
function definitions. Using let as an example, suppose you have a nested data structure, and you'd like
to assign some values in it to locals. Where you could do this:

(def games [:chess :checkers :backgammon :cards])

(let [game-a (games 0)

game-b (games 1)
game-c (games 2)
game-d (games 3)]

Destructuring allows you to instead write:

(let [[game-a game-b game-c game-d] games]


The thing to the left of "games" in the binding vector is referred to as the "binding form". In the above case,
the binding form is a vector.

The way it works is: if the binding form is a vector, Clojure assumes that the thing you're trying to assign to
it must also be a vector, and so it unpacks the values from that data structure into the corresponding items
listed in the binding form.

If you want to omit one or more of the values in the games , you can do so like this:

(let [[_ my-game _ your-game] games]


The underscore is just used as a placeholder. It's a valid identifier, but conventionally used when you don't
care what value it gets. Above, my-game gets :checkers and your-game gets :cards.

Destructuring also works for maps in additon to vectors. For example, instead of:
(def concert {:band "The Blues Brothers"
:location "Palace Hotel Ballroom"
:promos "Ladies night, tonight"
:perks "Free parking"})

(let [band (concert :band)

location (concert :location)
promos (concert :promos)
perks (concert :perks)]

you could do:

(let [{band :band

location :location
promos :promos
perks :perks} concert]

but an even better shortcut that destructuring provides for that is:

(let [{:keys [band location promos perks]} concert]


Most of the sequences Clojure creates (via calls to map , reduce , filter , for , etc. --- covered in the
next section) are lazy. A lazy sequence is one that isn't realized (computed) all at once. Instead, its values
are only realized when you ask for them. If you've only asked for the first 5 values of a lazy seq, then that
seq consists of 5 values plus a box that makes more values only when you ask for them. .

A nice feature of laziness is that you can create lazy infinite sequences but only realize (and consume
memory for) the first n that you actually need.

Be aware that the repl causes lazy lists to be fully realized if you ask to see their value (which one is apt to
do). After using the repl for a while, you start to get a false sense of eagerness. ;)

If you've got some code that generates a lazy seq and you want to realize the whole thing right then and
there, you can either use

(doall my-lazy-seq) (to get the whole thing), or else

(dorun my-lazy-seq) (to realize each value (presumably for some side-effects you're expecting
to get in the process) but then forget it as you proceed to realize the next one).

Bread and Butter Functions

Given Clojure's extensive use of immutability, persistent data structures, and laziness, one of its strong
suits is functional programming. To this author, functional programming means:
treating functions just like any other regular value (for example, passing them as args to other
writing and using functions that return other functions
avoiding mutable state, preferring instead Clojure's functional alternatives ( map , filter ,
reduce , etc.) or else just directly using recursion.

Let's try out some of the power tools that Clojure comes with. In the subsections that follow, we've left out
the corresponding links to clojuredocs for the given functions, but you'll probably want to read the docs
and see the examples there to get the full story for each.

With map you can apply a function to every value in a collection. The result is a new collection. You can
often use map instead of manually looping over a collection. Some examples using map :

(map inc [10 20 30])

(11 21 31)

(map str [10 20 30])

("10" "20" "30")

;; You can define the function to be used on-the-fly:

(map (fn [x] (str "=" x "=")) [10 20 30])

("=10=" "=20=" "=30=")

;; And `map` knows how to apply the function you give it

;; to multiple collections in a coordinated way:
(map (fn [x y] (str x y)) [:a :b :c] [1 2 3])

(":a1" ":b2" ":c3")

When working on more than one collection at a time, map is smart enough to stop when the shorter of the
colls runs out of items:

(map (fn [x y] (str x y)) [:a :b :c] [1 2 3 4 5 6 7])

(":a1" ":b2" ":c3")

filter and remove

Use filter with a predicate function to pare down a collection to just the values for which (the-pred
the-value) returns true:
(filter odd? (range 10))

(1 3 5 7 9)

Use remove for the opposite effect (which amounts to removing the items for which (pred val) returns

(remove odd? (range 10))

(0 2 4 6 8)

You will often find yourself using these functions instead of writing loops like in imperative languages.

apply is for when you have a function which takes individual args, for example, max , but the values
you'd like to pass to it are in a collection. apply "unpacks" the items in the coll:

(max 1 5 2 8 3)

(max [1 5 2 8 3]) ;; ERROR

(apply max [1 5 2 8 3])

A nice feature of apply is that you can supply extra args which you'd like to be treated as if they were
part of the collection:

(apply max 4 55 [1 5 2 8 3])


for is for generating collections from scratch (again, without needing to resort to manually looping). for
is similar to Python's "list comprehensions". Some examples of using for :

(for [i (range 10)] i)

(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9)
(for [i (range 10)] (* i i))

(0 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81)

(for [i (range 10) :when (odd? i)] [i (str "<" i ">")])

([1 "<1>"] [3 "<3>"] [5 "<5>"] [7 "<7>"] [9 "<9>"])

Notice we snuck a " :when (odd? i) " in there. for even supports a :let modifier in there to set up
your values before getting to the body of the for expression.

reduce is a gem. You use it to apply a function to the first and second items in a coll and get a result.
Then you apply it to the result you just got and the 3rd item in the coll. Then the result of that and the 4th.
And so on. The process looks something like this:

(reduce + [1 2 3 4 5])
;; → 1 + 2 [3 4 5]
;; → 3 [3 4 5]
;; → 3 + 3 [4 5]
;; → 6 [4 5]
;; → 6 + 4 [5]
;; → 10 [5]
;; → 10 + 5
;; => 15

And, of course, you can supply your own function if you like:

(reduce (fn [x y] ...) [...])

A nice additional feature of reduce is that you can supply a value for it to start off with:

(reduce + 10 [1 2 3 4 5])


This by itself is pretty handy. But it gets even better. Since you can supply an initial argument, and you can
supply your own function, you can use a data structure as that initial argument and have your function
"build it up" as you go. For example:
(reduce (fn [accum x]
(assoc accum
(keyword x)
(str x \- (rand-int 100))))
["hi" "hello" "bye"])

;; → {}
;; → {:hi "hi-29"}
;; → {:hi "hi-29" :hello "hello-42"}
;; ⇒ {:hi "hi-29" :hello "hello-42" :bye "bye-10"}

Building up some accumulator using reduce and your own custom function is a fairly common pattern
(and once again allows us to avoid looping and manipulations of anything mutable).

Note: sometimes you might want to capture those intermediate values from reduce -- 1, 3, 6, 10,
15 from that first example -- and the reductions function lets you do that:

(reductions + [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => (1 3 6 10 15)
(reductions + 10 [1 2 3 4 5])
;; => (10 11 13 16 20 25)

In the first case, since you did not provide a starting value, it used 1, but in the second case it used
10, which you provided.

partial, comp, and iterate

With partial you can create a function which wraps another one and passes it some standard
arguments every time, along with the ones you supply right when you call it. For example:

(defn lots-of-args [a b c d] (str/join "-" [a b c d]))


(lots-of-args 10 20 30 40)


(def fewer-args (partial lots-of-args 10 20 30))

(fewer-args 40)


(fewer-args 99)


comp is for composing a function from other ones. That is, (comp foo bar baz) gives you a function
that will first call baz on whatever you pass it, then bar on the result of that, then foo on the result of that,
and finally returns the result. Here's a silly example:

(defn wrap-in-stars [s] (str "*" s "*"))


(defn wrap-in-equals [s] (str "=" s "="))


(defn wrap-in-ats [s] (str "@" s "@"))


(def wrap-it (comp wrap-in-ats



(wrap-it "hi")


;; Which is the same as:

(wrap-in-ats (wrap-in-equals (wrap-in-stars "hi")))


(iterate foo x) yields an infinite lazy list consisting of:

(foo x)
(foo (foo x))
(foo (foo (foo x)))

To just take the first, say, 5 values from an infinite list, try this:

(defn square [x] (* x x))


(take 5 (iterate square 2))

(2 4 16 256 65536)

Looping and Recursion

As you've seen in the previous section, looping is often just handled by various built-in functions such as
map , filter , and reduce . You should use those whenever you can. For times when you need more
manual control, you can write loops yourself. By-hand.

A loop expression looks like a let ; you set up locals in its binding vector, then the body of the loop is
executed. The body has an implicit do, just like let and function bodies. However, within the body of the
loop expression you exit at some point with what you have or else loop again. When you loop again, you
call the loop (using recur ) as if it's a function, passing new values in for the ones you previously set up in
the binding vector. The loop calling itself like this is called recursion. Here's a trivial example:

(loop [accum []
i 1]
(if (= i 10)
(recur (conj accum i)
(inc i))))

[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]

The state in this loop is carried in the accum vector, which we update each time through the loop. i is
the counter, and we finally exit the loop (which evaluates to accum ) when i equals 10.

accum could be any other data structure, and that call (conj accum i) could be any expression that
yields a new data structure to take the old one's place the next time through.

You don't actually need a loop to use recur . If you use recur in a function body, it will just call the
function again, replacing the args it was previously called with with the ones you pass to recur .

Finally, recall that if you just need looping for the side-effects only, see doseq and dotimes .
Reference Types
Although we've been saying all along that Clojure doesn't have "variables", and that everything is
immutable, ... that's not entirely true.

For when you really do need mutability, Clojure offers reference types. And Clojure provides built-in
support for helping you mutate them in safe ways.

Aside from vars (which is a sort of special reference type), there are 3 kinds of reference types:


You might typically create a reference type like this:

(def my-atom (atom {}))

This reference type is an atom, and its state is a hashmap (an empty one, for now). Here, the my-atom
symbol refers to a var which refers to the atom.

Although you still can't literally change the value of the atom, you can swap in a new hashmap value for it
any time you like. To retrieve the value of the atom, you "deref" it, or just use the shorter "@" syntax.
Here's an (atom-specific) example:

(def my-atom (atom {:foo 1}))



{:foo 1}

(swap! my-atom update-in [:foo] inc)

{:foo 2}


{:foo 2}

... and we've just changed the state of the atom. (Note, swap! is a function used only for atoms. There
are other specific functions for working with the other reference types.)

The point of having reference types is that, in your programs, you may want to represent an identity. An
identity is something that may change its state over time, but is still the same entity, regardless. In Clojure,
an identity is represented by a reference type, and its state is represented by a value.

We won't discuss reference types further in this tutorial. Perhaps someone will write a good topical guide...
See Also
4Clojure ( --- try out what you've learned so far by interactively solving a
set of interesting programming problems.

Not Covered In This Tutorial

To keep this tutorial down to a manageable length, advanced topics or other far (or not so far) corners not
covered herein include but aren't limited to: function literals, multiple-arity functions, exceptions, dynamic
scoping of vars, namespaced keywords, metadata, any substantial coverage of macros, transients,
zippers, delays, futures, promises, refs, agents or anything about multithreading, thread-first, thread-last,
trampolines, datatypes, protocols, multimethods, and Java interop.

John Gabriele [email protected] (mailto:[email protected]) (original author)

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Language: Java Interop (/articles/language/interop/)
Language: Polymorphism (/articles/language/polymorphism/)
Language: Concurrency and Parallelism (/articles/language/concurrency_and_parallelism/)
Language: Macros (/articles/language/macros/)
Language: Laziness (/articles/language/laziness/)
Language: Glossary (/articles/language/glossary/)
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Strings (/articles/cookbooks/strings/)
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Date and Time (/articles/cookbooks/date_and_time/)
Working with Files and Directories in Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/files_and_directories/)
Middleware in Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/middleware/)
Parsing XML in Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/parsing_xml_with_zippers/)
Growing a DSL with Clojure (/articles/cookbooks/growing_a_dsl_with_clojure/)
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