भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं
भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं
भज गोविन्दं भज गोविन्दं
ू जिीहि धनागमतषृ णां O fool! Give up your thirst to amass wealth,
कुरु सद्बद्
ु धधम ् मनसस वितषृ णाम ् | devote your mind to dispassion and thoughts of
the Real. Be content with what comes to you
यल्ऱभसे तनज कमोऩात्तं
through actions performed by your own work.
वित्तं तेन विनोदय धित्तम ् ‖2‖