A. Kernel methodss
Graph kernel For any i, j ∈ V, let E[i, j] denote the set of edges between
i and j which is either reduced to one edge or is empty. For conve-
nience, let V = {1, . . . , n} and define the matrix W = (Wij ) ∈ Rn×n
by Wij = 0 if E[i, j] = ∅, Wij = w[e] if e ∈ E[i, j]. Then, we can write
K(p, q) = w[e]w[e0 ] = Wpr Wrq = Wpq 2
e∈E[p,r],e0 ∈E[r,q] r
product. Then, for any z, z 0 ∈ R, S(z, z 0 ) = ht 7→ 1t∈[0,z] , t 7→
1t∈[0,z 0 ] i = hΨ(z), Ψ(z 0 )i, where Ψ is the feature mapping Ψ : z 7→
t 7→ 1t∈[0,z] . Thus, S can be expressed as an inner product and is
therefore PDS. t
(b) Use the previous question to prove that the kernel Kµ : (x, x0 ) 7→
QN min(|x |µ ,|x0 |µ )
k=1 e , where xk is the kth coordinate of x, is a
k k
B. Boosting
1 e−u 1 1
Φ0 (u) = − −u
=− < 0.
log(2) 1 + e log(2) 1 + eu
Solution: The objective function can be written for any α ∈ RN ,
α ≥ 0 as follows:
Xm N
F (α) = Φ yi αj hj (xi ) .
i=1 j=1
" #
1 + e−(u+v)
Φ(u + v) − Φ(u) = log2
1 + e−u
" #
1 + e−u + e−(u+v) − e−u
= log2
1 + e−u
e−v − 1
= log2 1 +
1 + eu
1 e−v − 1
≤ (log(1 + z) ≤ z)
log(2) 1 + eu
= −Φ0 (u)(e−v − 1).
(g) Give the full pseudocode of the algorithm.
(i) Compare empirically AdaBoost and this logistic loss boosting al-
gorithm on the same dataset as the one used in the previous
homework by choosing T via cross-validation as multiples of 100.