Pol Science Program Course Outcome

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Program Description:
The subject Political Science was first introduced in the college in 2011 by the
University of Jammu when the college was established. Since the introduction of subject
the department is seen in younger stage with the continuous increase in enrolment. It
aims to provide students with the scientific, theoretical understanding of political
Science that would enable them to understand the new dimensions and trends in Indian
Political system, Western thought, International Politics etc. The student is free to
choose Political Science from different pools of subject combinations as discipline
specific elective, generic elective, skill enhancement under Choice Based Credit System
(BCCS). The language of instructions followed by the institution is English.

Different Courses Taught in all the Six Semesters under CBCS Syllabus prescribed
by the University of Jammu.
Course/Paper Code Sem.
Introduction to Political Science UPSTC-101 I
Indian Government and Politics. UPSTC-201 II
Western Political Thought. UPSTC-301 III
Legislative Support. UPSTS-302 III
Comparative Politics. UPSTC-401 IV
State, Citizenship and Rights in India UPSTS-304 IV
International Politics. UPSTE-501 V-DSC
Functioning of Administrative Structure in India. UPSTS-503 V-SEC
Introduction to Indian Political System. UPSTE-502 V-GEC
Government and Politics in Jammu & Kashmir. UPSTE-601 VI-DSE
Politics and Journalism. UPSTS-603 VI-SEC
International Politics: Contemporary Issues & UPSTE-602 VI-GEC

Program Outcome
PO 1: Political Science aims to equip learners with the necessary theoretical and
conceptual knowledge, operational understanding and skills relevant for the
functioning of State at the local, national and global levels.

PO 2: It is designed to educate them about the evolution of ideas, institutions,

structures, processes, principles and contexts that constitute the subject matter of
the discipline. It aims to teach the inter-disciplinary and comparative, analytical
and critical skills to develop comprehensive understanding about the subject.

PO 3: The curriculum has been framed keeping in view the evolving dynamics of
discipline in the light of the changing national and international scenario. It
comprises the core courses, discipline specific elective courses, skill enhancement
courses and generic courses as per the instructions of the University Grants
Commission and University of Jammu.

PO 4: Political Science education provides learners with knowledge and skills

needed to prepare for a professional career as a teacher, administrator, political
scientists, lawyers etc.

PO 5: It also provides ground knowledge about the basics of political education (it
gives political training). It trains about the politics and government at local, state,
national and global levels

Overall Learning Objectives and Outcomes

 The students graduating with this subject will acquire sufficient theoretical and
conceptual knowledge to realize the worth of their degrees in the highly
competitive job-market.
 They will acquire skills to understand, contemplate, comprehend and to reflect
upon political, social and economic phenomena prevailing at the micro and macro
levels after completing graduation.
 The knowledge and skills obtained after completing this course will be compatible
with the national and international standards and thereby empower them to
compete at the national and global levels for employability and mobility.
 The understanding developed and skills acquired thereof while studying this
subject in the graduate Programme will enable the learners to confidently appear
and pass the competitive examinations to be conducted for the provincial and
union civil services.

Program Specific Outcome

After graduation with Political Science as a subject, the student will be able to;

PSO 1: Understand the contribution of the main traditions of western political thinkers
to political thought.

PSO 2: Understand the processes and dynamics of Indian government and politics. It
also familiarize with the vital contemporary emerging issues of centre-state relation,
political parties, emergence of new leadership at different levels, demand for autonomy
movement, ethnic conflicts etc.

PSO 3: Acquaint with the basic concepts, principles and dynamics of public
PSO 4: Familiarise with important theories and issues of international relations.

PSO 5: To go through the governmental structure and politics in Jammu and Kashmir
and latest developments and Acts.

PSO 6: Understand the basic concept and ideological orientations of political science

PSO 7: Understand the basic concept and issues concerning human rights and

PSO 8: Understand the women’s issues and problems.

PSO 9: Understand the cultural, social, political, economic and constitutional

environment as a historical perspective of Indian Administration

Course Outcome
CO 1: Introduction to Political Science (UPSTE-101).This course aims to impart
knowledge about the fundamentals of Political Science. It intends to introduce the
learners with the subject matter of the discipline ranging from substance to
methodology. The course is designed to introduce the learners with the institution of
State, the philosophies that shaped it, instrument and bases of its authority and its
relations with individuals. It enables the learners to develop understanding about the
subject matter of discipline by approaching it through various traditional and modern
approaches. It empowers them to learn the evolution of discipline through various
phases and stages.

CO 2: Indian Government and Politics (UPSTE-201). This course is designed to

educate about the theoretical and operational aspects of Indian Polity that affects the
life and carrier of the learners. It educates them about their entitlements and obligations
towards state. It equips the learners with knowledge and methods to claim their
entitlements from the state and performs obligations towards it. It enables the learners
to grasp that how the politics is being shaped by the various structures and processes in

CO 3: Western Political Thought: (UPSTE-301) It introduces the students with the

classic works of political philosophers. It also explores the relationship between the
State and its subjects/citizens. The equation and relations between the State and Church
have been examined and theorized in the works of political philosophers. It intends to
describe the impact of renaissance and reformation movements on the state and
political philosophy thereof. This course empowers the learners to trace the origin of
state and its evolving dynamics through Ancient, Medieval and Modern periods. It
enables them to grasp the social universe of state and political philosophy that shaped it
through the various phases and stages of history.

CO 4: Legislative Support: (UPSTE-302) (Skill Enhancement Course).This course

aims to develop skills amongst the learners to make them employable. It intends to
impart operational skills to students by familiarizing them with functioning of
legislature. The course educates them about the devices used in the working of
Parliament. It empowers the learners by making them familiar with the legislative
procedure. It enables them to understand the role media in the legislative process and
its impact on governance.

CO 5: Comparative Politics: (UPSTE-401). This course explores the utility of

comparative methods to understand political phenomena. It teaches the students to
compare and contrast the political structures and processes in the politics of different
nations to grasp them in their entirety. The students learn the methods and tools used
in the comparative politics to understand political phenomena properly. It enables
learners to acquire theoretical knowledge to put facts into a theoretical thread by
comparing and contrasting them.

CO 6: State Citizenship and Rights in India: (UPSTE-402) (Skill Enhancement

Course). This course is framed to impart skill to the students about relations between
State and Citizens in India. It educates about the rights of citizens from the state and
obligations of the citizens towards it. It also sensitizes the students about the
constitutional and legal safeguards for the women, children and specially-abled children.
Rights and safeguards for the disadvantaged groups and stateless people have also
explored. The learners are educated not only about the entitlements of citizens and the
disadvantaged groups but also about the enforcement instruments and grievances
redressal mechanism prescribed under the constitutional and statutory laws.

CO 7: International Politics (Discipline Specific Elective Course) (UPSTE-501).

This course imparts theoretical knowledge about the subject matter and tools to
understand the international politics. It intends to elucidate the behaviour of State-
actors at the global level. It explains that international politics has always been shaped
by the behaviour of State actors invariably driven by their national power. It also
examines the role of Non-State actors in shaping the dynamics of global politics. This
course enables the learners to know how the Nation-States serve their national interest
through their foreign policies by deploying a variety of tools such as diplomacy, alliance,
aid and at times war. It also familiarizes them that how the big-powers used
imperialism and neo-imperialism to fulfil their aspiration of expansionism.

CO 8: Introduction to Indian Political System (Generic Elective Course) (UPSTE-

502). The course introduces the students with the theory and practice of Indian
Political System. It analyses the political structures and processes that have been
shaping the Indian Polity. This course explores the philosophy of Indian State
prescribed in its constitution and examines its functioning in that context. It intends to
explain the role of various constitutional institutions and functionaries and thereby
enabling the learners to grasp the functioning of Indian Polity in its entirety. The
learners are also familiarized with the various issues and emerging trends in the Indian

CO 9: Functioning of Administrative Structures in India (Skill Enhancement

Course) (UPSTE-503). This course intends to educate the students about the
functioning of administrative structures that constitutes the steel-frame of India State.
The role of various administrative functionaries working at the national, state and local
levels has been elaborated for sharpening the skills amongst the learners. The working
of Union and States recruitment agencies has been explained to make the learners
aware regarding the employment avenues. It sensitizes the learners about the
recruitment process and equips them with relevant skill to compete for the civil

CO 10: Government and Politics in Jammu & Kashmir (Discipline Specific Elective
Course) (UPSTE-601). This course aims to educate the learners about their immediate
political surrounding which is constituted by the government and politics in Jammu &
Kashmir. The course also explains how and why the special status granted to the state of
Jammu and Kashmir. It intends to examine the governmental structures provided in the
constitution of Jammu and Kashmir. It also familiarizes the learners about the recent
change in the status of Jammu & Kashmir from a State to Union territory. While studying
this course, the students will learn about the politics in Jammu & Kashmir during the era
of its statehood and subsequent its bifurcation and the formation of two Union

CO 11: International Politics: Contemporary Issues and Concerns (Generic

Elective Course) (UPSTE-602). This course is framed to impart knowledge to the
students about the contemporary issues and concerns pertaining to international
politics. It also educates them about the modes of politics deployed by the states
actors at international level. The course elaborates upon the various issues ranging
from peace, security, political economy, climate change, nuclear weapons and
terrorism pertaining to the global world. After completing this course, the learners
will be empowered not only to understand contemporary global issues and
concerns but will also learn about the methods, strategies and instrument used by
Nation-States to realize their national interests in the arena of international

CO 12: Politics and Journalism (Skill Enhancement Course) (UPSTE-603). This

course is designed to enhance skill of the learners regarding the symbiotic
relationship between politics and journalism operates at the operational level. It
intends to impart knowledge and skills about the role of media in the formation of
public opinion as well as serving as an instrument of propaganda. It aims to teach
them about the increasing role of social media in the politics of democratic nations.
This course also explains that how the corporatization of media and politics in the
neo-liberal era has made the politics devoid of public interest in the democracies in
most of the developing nations. It imparts skills to the learners regarding news
report writing, writing press release, editorial and opinions in impartial manners.
By imparting practical skills about journalism, it empowers the learner to choose
journalism as a carrier.

Department of Political Science,
Govt. Degree College Surankote,

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