2021 Class Test - 6 Dec 2021

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6 December 2021 Test Duration: 1h15

Student Name:

A study was conducted with the aim of investigating the role of Facebook in the establishment of
relationships between brands and their fans, as well as extending the link between relationship marketing
and online consumer behavior. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and a valid sample of
650 Portuguese Facebook brand followers was obtained.

In order to investigate the levels of satisfaction with the brand (according to various attributes measured
on a 5-point Likert-type scale from 1=Very Unsatisfied to 5=Very Satisfied), Principal Components Analysis
was conducted and some of the outputs that were obtained follow:

A.1) Do you consider the collected data appropriate to conduct principal components analysis? Justify your

A.2) How many principal components do you consider should be extracted? Justify your answer considering
the information available and the criteria commonly used to decide how many dimensions to consider.

A.3) Propose an interpretation for each of the components extracted in your chosen solution. Do not forget
to mention the variables most correlated with each component, and to highlight in the outputs the values
of those correlations.

A multiple linear regression model was estimated to explain the level of satisfaction with the brand,
considering one of the dimensions derived from the PCA previously conducted. Explanatory variables include
Age (in years) and How often do you use Facebook (1 = Several times per day; 0 = Not so often).
The following outputs were obtained:

B.1) Write down the equation of the estimated model.

B.2) Interpret the standardized coefficient beta associated with variable Age.

B.3) How do Age and How often do you use Facebook influence the level of satisfaction with the brand?
Justify your answer, considering a significance level of 10% (α=0.1).

B.4) Overall, do you consider the fitted model as appropriate? Justify your answer.

Collected data on Frequency of participation in Facebook were used to conduct Cluster Analysis. Hierarchical
and Non-hierarchical K-Means Cluster were used and the following outputs were obtained:

C.1) Given the dendrograms presented above, how many groups do you think should be formed? And
considering which hierarchical method? Justify your answer.

C.2) Considering also the results from non-hierarchical K-Means clustering, which is your final decision
regarding how many groups to form? Justify your answer.

C.3) In your chosen solution, which of the grouping variables differentiates the groups most? Justify
your answer.

C.4) Considering the information available, and the number of groups you have chosen, how do you
characterize the groups in terms of number of elements and in terms of the frequency of
participation in Facebook?

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