Si (Class Room Sheet)
Si (Class Room Sheet)
Si (Class Room Sheet)
(SSC CGL Mains Class Room Sheet)
1. A sum of Rs.8,400 amounts to Rs.11,046 at 4. If the annual rate of simple interest increase
8.75% p.a. simple interest in a certain time.
What will be the simple interest (in Rs) on a from 11% to 17 % , a person's yearly income
sum of Rs.10,800 at the same rate for the
same time? increase by 1,071.20. The simple interest (in
`) on the sum at 10% for 5 years is :
8]400 #i;s dh ,d /ujkf'k 8-75» okf"kZd lk/kj.k C;kt
nj ij fuf'pr vfo/ esa 11]046 :i;s gks tkrh gSA leku 1
;fn lk/kj.k C;kt dh okf"kZd nj 11» ls c<+dj17 %
C;kt nj vkSj leku vof/ ds fy, 10]800 :i;s dh 2
jkf'k ij lk/kj.k C;kt (:i;s esa) fdruk gksxk\ gks tkrh gS] rks ,d O;fDr dh okf"kZd `vk; 1]071-
(a) 3402 (b) 3204 20 rd c<+ tkrh gSA 5 o"kks± ds fy, 10» dh nj ls
(c) 3024 an by (d) 3420 ml jkf'k ij lk/kj.k C;kt ( ` esa) Kkr djsaA
2. A sum of Rs.10,500 amounts to Rs.13,825 in (a) ` 16,480
(b) ` 9,120
3 years at a certain rate percent per annum
5 ja (c) ` 8,240
R s
simple interest. What will be the simple (d) ` 7,250
a th
interest on the same sum for 5 years at double 5. The simple interest on a certain sum is one-
the earlier rate? eighth of the sum when the number of years
is equal to half of the rate percentage per
10]500 #i;s dh ,d jkf'k izfr o"kZ lk/kj.k C;kt ds
ty a
5 for 8 years.
gks tkrh gSA blh jkf'k ij igyh nj ls nksxquh nj ij 5 ,d fuf'pr jkf'k ij lk/kj.k C;kt jkf'k dk ,d&vkBoka
o"kks± dk lkèkkj.k C;kt fdruk gksxk\ fgLlk gksrk gS tc o"kks± dh la[;k çfr o"kZ nj çfr'kr
(a) Rs.8,470
ds vk/s ds cjkcj gksrh gSA 15]000 #i;s ij 8 o"kks± ds
fy, lk/kj.k C;kt dh leku nj ij lk/kj.k C;kt (#
(b) Rs.8,750
esa) Kkr dhft,A
(c) Rs.8,670
(a) 5800 (b) 5000
(d) Rs.8,560
(c) 6000 (d) 5250
3. Rs.1120 becomes Rs.1792 at a certain rate
of simple interest in 8 years. If rate of interest 6. A certain sum of money becomes 4 times in
would be 4 % less, then find the amount at 12 years when invested at simple interest. In
the end of 10 years. how many years will it become 10 times of
itself at the same rate?
,d fuf'pr C;kt nj ls 8 o"kks± esa 1120 #Ik;s dh /
ujkf'k 1792 #i;s gks tkrh gSA ;fn C;kt nj dks 4» lk/kj.k C;kt ij fuosf'kr dksbZ fuf'pr /ujkf'k] 12
de dj fn;k tk,] rks 10 o"kks± ds var esa feJ/u Kkr o"kZ esa 4 xquh gks tkrh gSA leku nj ij ;g jkf'k fdrus
djsaA o"kZ esa Lo;a dh 10 xquh gks tk,xh\
(a) Rs.1512 (b) Rs.1601.60 (a) 60 (b) 48
(c) Rs.1572 (d) Rs.1448 (c) 24 (d) 36
7. A person invested one-fourth of the sum of 11. A person invested a total of ` 9,000 in three
Rs.25,000 at a certain rate of simple interest parts at 3%, 4% and 6% per annum on simple
and the rest at 4% p.a. higher rate. If the total interest. At the end of a year, he received
interest received for 2 years is Rs.4,125. What equal interest in all three cases. The amount
is the rate at which the second sum was invested at 6% is
,d O;fDr us 25]000 #i;s dh ,d&pkSFkkbZ jkf'k lk/ ,d O;fDr lk/kj.k C;kt ij ` 9]000 dks rhu Hkkx esa
kj.k C;kt dh fdlh fuf'pr nj ij rFkk 'ks"k jkf'k 4» 3»] 4» vkSj 6» dh nj ls fuos'k djrk gSA ,d o"kZ ds
izfr o"kZ mPp nj ls fuos'k dhA ;fn 2 o"kks± ds fy, var esa] mls rhuksa ekeyksa esa leku C;kt izkIr gqvkA
izkIr dqy C;kt 4]125 #i;s gS] rks nwljh jkf'k dks fdl ij fuosf'kr jkf'k fdruh gS\
nj ij fuos'k fd;k x;k Fkk\ (a) ` 2,000 (b) ` 3,000
(a) 9.5% (b) 9.25% (c) ` 4,000 (d) ` 5,000
(c) 9.255% (d) 7.5%
8. Anil lent a sum of Rs.5,000 on simple inter- 12. A sum of Rs.12,800 is invested partly at 15%
est for 10 years in such a way that the rate per annum and the remaining at 12% per
of interest is 6% per annum for the first 2 annum simple interest. If the total interest
years, 8% per annum for the next 2 years and at the end of 3 years is Rs.5085. Then how
10% per annum beyond 4 years. How much in- much money was invested at 15% per annum.
an by
terest (in Rs) will he earn at the end of 10 years?
vfuy us 5]000 #i;s lk/kj.k C;kt ij 10 o"kks± ds
12]800 #i;s dh ,d jkf'k va'kr% 15» izfr o"kZ rFkk
va'kr% 12» izfr o"kZ lk/kj.k C;kt ij fuos'k dh tkrh
fy, bl çdkj m/kj fn, fd C;kt dh nj igys 2 o"kks±
gSA ;fn 3 o"kZ ds var esa dqy C;kt 5]085 #i;s gS] rks
ds fy, 6» çfr o"kZ] vxys 2 o"kks± ds fy, 8» çfr
ja 15» izfr o"kZ ij fdruh jkf'k fuos'k dh x;h Fkh\
o"kZ vkSj 4 o"kks± ds ckn 10» çfr o"kZ gksA 10 o"kks± ds
R s
var esa og fdruk C;kt (# esa) vftZr djsxk\ (a) Rs.5200 (b) Rs.7500
a th
end of the year, he received equal interest to Rs.6,000 in 4 years and to Rs/6,750 in 7
in all the three cases. The amount invested years at the same rate per cent p.a. of interest.
at 5% was: The sum (in.) is:
,d O;fDr us dqy 57]500 #i;s dks 4»] 5» vkSj 8»
,d fuf'pr /ujkf'k leku okf"kZd lk/kj.k C;kt nj
ok£"kd dh nj ls lk/kj.k C;kt ij fuos'k fd;kA o"kZ
ij 4 o"kZ esa 6000 :i;s vkSj 7 o"kZ esa 6750 :i;s gks
ds var esa] mls rhuksa ekeyksa ds leku C;kt izkIr gqvkA
tkrh gSA og /ujkf'k (:i;s esa) fdruk gS\
5» ij fuosf'kr jkf'k D;k Fkh\
(a) Rs.25,000 (b) Rs.20,750 (a) 5,100 (b) 4,800
(c) Rs.20,000 (d) Rs.37,500 (c) 4,000 (d) 5,000
15. A sum lent out at simple interest amounts 5,000 #i;s dh jkf'k dks nks Hkkxksa esa bl çdkj foHkkft
to Rs.6076 in 1 year and Rs.7504 in 4 years.
The sum and the rate of interest p.a. are fd;k tkrk gS fd igys Hkkx ij 4 o"kZ dk
respectively : 5
lk/kj.k C;kt ij m/kj nh xbZ ,d jkf'k 1 o"kZ esa 2
6076 #i;s rFkk 4 o"kZ esa 7504 #i;s gks tkrh gSA ;g lk/kj.k C;kt 3
6 % çfr o"kZ dh nj lsA nwljs Hkkx
27]000 #i;s dh jkf'k dks nks Hkkxksa
A vkSj B esa bl for 7
years at 8 % p.a. is
3 2
times the
rjg foHkkftr fd;k x;k gS fd nks lky vkSj pkj lky
ckn A vkSj B ij izfro"kZ 15» dh nj ls lk/kj.k simple interest on the second part for 5
an by 4
C;kt cjkcj gSAA vkSj B ij ,d lkFk dqy fdruk
years at 8% p.a. What is the difference (in
C;kt (#i;s esa) izkIr gksxk\
Rs.) between the two parts?
(a) Rs.5,400 (b) Rs.9,600
50,250 #i;s dh jkf'k dks nks Hkkxksa esa bl çdkj foHkkft
(c) Rs.18,000 (d) Rs.10,800
ja 1
R s
17. A sum of Rs.5,000 is divided into two parts
fd;k tkrk gS fd igys Hkkx ij 7 o"kZ dk lk/kj.k
such that the simple interest on the first part 2
a th
1 2 1
for 4
years at 6 %
p.a. is double the C;kt 8 % çfr o"kZ dh nj lsA8% çfr o"kZ dh nj
ty a
21. Rs.21750 is invested by a person in the bank 24. A sum of ` 10000 is invested in three schemes
account of his two sons whose ages are 9 years of simple interest. The annual interest rates
and 13 years in such a way that they will get equal are respectively, 4%, 6% and 10%. ` 4000 were
amount at an age of 21 years at the rate of 4.5% invested in the first scheme. If the total
per annum. Find the share of younger child. interest earned after five years is ` 2800, then
,d O;fDr vius nks cPpksa ftudh vk;q 9 o"kZ vkSj 13 how much money was invested in the third
o"kZ gS] ds cSad [kkrksa esa 21]750 #i;s dh /ujkf'k blscheme?
izdkj fuosf'kd djrk gS rkfd 21 o"kZ dh vk;q gksus ij ` 10]000 dh ,d jkf'k lk/kj.k C;kt dh rhu ;kstukvksa
4-5» okf"kZd nj ls budks leku /u izkIr gksaA NksVs cPps
esa fuos'k dh tkrh gSA okf"kZd C;kt njsa Øe'k% 4»] 6
dk Hkkx Kkr dhft,A vkSj 10» gSA igyh ;kstuk`esa 4000 fuos'k fd;s x,A
(a) Rs.10,200 (b) Rs.11,550
(c) Rs.9,900 (d) Rs.11,475 ;fn ik¡p o"kks± ds ckn izkIr dqy C;kt ` 2800 gS] rks
22. A certain sum invested at a rate of 8% p.a. rhljh ;kstuk esa fdruh jkf'k fuos'k dh xbZ Fkh\
1 (a) ` 1500 (b) ` 5000
for 3 years at simple interest is Rs.2,944
(c) ` 1000 (d) ` 3000
less than the simple interest on the same sum
for 10 years at double the rate of interest. 25. A man take a loan of some amount at some
The sum (in Rs.) is: rate of simple interest. After three years, the
1 loan amount is doubled and the rate of interest
an by
lk/kj.k C;kt ij 8» izfr o"kZ dh nj ls 3 o"kks± ds
fy, fuos'k fd, x, ,d fuf'pr ewy/u dk feJ/u]
is decreased by 2%. After 5 years, if the total
interest paid on the whole is the ` 13,600,
leku ewy/u ls 10 o"kks± ds fy, C;kt dh nksxquh nj which is equal to the same when the first
ij izkIr lk/kj.k C;kt ls 2944 #i;s de gSA ewy/u
ja 1
R s
amount was taken for 11 years, then the loan
(#- esa) fdruk gS\ 3
(a) 9,800 (b) 9,200
a th
taken initially is :
(c) 9,000 (d) 9,500
23. A certain sum invested at simple interest for ,d vkneh lk/kj.k C;kt dh dqN nj ij dqN jkf'k
3 years amounts to Rs.11,268 and the same dk Í.k ysrk gSA rhu lky ds ckn] Í.k dh jkf'k nksxquh
ty a
sum invested at simple interest for 5 years gks tkrh gS vkSj C;kt dh nj 2» de gks tkrh gSA 5
amounts to Rs.12,780, with the rate of
lky ds ckn] ;fn iwjs ij fn;k x;k dqy C;kt ` 13]600
di M
11.(a) 12.(b) 13.(d) 14.(d) 15.(b) 16.(d) 17.(b) 18.(c) 19.(b) 20.(b)