JRF positions

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राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान विक्षा एिं अनुसंधान संस्थान भुिनेश्वर

परमाणु ऊर्ाा विभाग, भारत सरकार का एक स्ियं िावसत संस्थान

ं ान और विकास अनुभाग)
(An autonomous research institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Jatni, Khurda, Odisha - 752050
Research & Development Section

Advertisement No.: NISER / R&D-198 / EPS2001 / 31 / 2024-25

Research opportunity in interdisciplinary Planetary Science project from Max Planck Society

Max Planck India Partner Group led by Dr. Guneshwar Thangjam at NISER Bhubaneswar (funded by
Max Planck Society/Germany) is inviting application from Indian nationals for 2 JRF positions. The
project is in collaboration with Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Göttingen/Germany.
The work is interdisciplinary in nature (processing & analyzing imaging spectrometer data in near-
infrared wavelengths) and the science objective is to investigate study planetary surface physical and
chemical properties. The primary focus here is to work on: 1. Radiometric calibration considering the
spectrometer/camera preflight/inflight performance and define the uncertainty, 2. Data processing
considering artifact/noise, thermal/temperature/emissivity issues.

QUALIFICATION: Minimum of 60% marks or equivalent GPA in Masters or M.Tech. or M.E in

Physics/ Astronomy and Astrophysics / Geology/ Geophysics/ Earth Science/ Chemistry/ /Computer/
Data-Science / Mathematics with a minimum of 75% marks in aggregate or equivalent
DESIRABLE: 1. Proficiency in python/programming, 2. Knowledge in Spectroscopy/ Physical-
chemistry/ Optics / Electronics
1. ₹37,000/- + HRA (as per rules); to candidates who have valid National Level Examination, i.e.,
CSIR-UGC-NET (LS or JRF) /GATE/JEST/equivalent
2. ₹31,450/- +HRA (as per rules); to candidates who do not have, any National Level Examination,
i.e. CSIR-UGC-NET (LS or JRF) /GATE/JEST/equivalent.
MAXIMUM AGE: 28 years as on 20.12.2024, age relaxation to entitled categories as per GOI rules
Mode of selection: Online/Offline Interview
The position is purely temporary and initially offered for a period of 6 months (extendable on
satisfactory performance) or completion of project whichever is earlier and strictly co-terminus with
the project and not leading to any PhD degree in NISER. It would, therefore, not confer any right/
claim, implicit, or explicit for consideration/ absorption against any NISER post.
Interested candidates may send the application (page 2-3 of the advt.), CV, SOP indicating research
interest and programming proficiency and knowledge in physical-chemistry/ spectroscopy/ Mineralogy/
Geochemistry, and scanned copies of relevant educational certificates, and two recommendation
letters by the thesis/project/course guide to [email protected] by 20.12.2024. Please check
https://www.niser.ac.in/profile/thangjam and contact Dr. Thangjam for further information.
No TA/DA will be paid to the candidate for appearing in the interview or joining the position.

Dean (R&D)
राष्ट्रीय विज्ञान विक्षा एिं अनुसंधान संस्थान भुिनेश्वर
परमाणु ऊर्ाा विभाग, भारत सरकार का एक स्ियं िावसत संस्थान
ं ान और विकास अनुभाग)
(An autonomous research institution under Department of Atomic Energy, Govt. of India)
Jatni, Khurda, Odisha - 752050
Research & Development Section

विज्ञापन संख्या : NISER / R&D-198 / EPS2001 / 31 / 2024-25

भती के विए आिेदन पत्र Paste your recent
Application for recruitment to the post of Junior Research Fellow colour passport

1. पूरा नाम (स्पष्ट अक्षरों में) | Full Name (In Block Letters):


2. वपता / पवत का नाम | Father’s / Husband’s Name:_______________________________________________

3. र्न्मवतवथ | Date of Birth :_________________________

4. उम्र | Age as on (ददनांक 20.12.2024) :_________________________

5. पत्राचार के विए डाक का पता :_______________________________________________

Postal Address for Correspondence _______________________________________________

6. स्थाई पता | Permanent Address :_______________________________________________


7. (a) कॉन्टैक्ट नं | Contact No. : _________________________

(b) ई-मेि | E-mail :_______________________________________________

8. क्या अ.र्ा./ अ.र्.र्ा./अ.वप.ि./ िा.वि. में आते हैं ? :__________________________

Whether belongs to SC/ST/OBC/PWD
(र्ावत प्रमाण-पत्र का नकि संिग्न दकया र्ािे | Copy of Caste Certificate to be enclosed)

9. क्या CSIR-UGC NET / GATE में योग्य हैं ? :__________________________

Whether CSIR-UGC NET / GATE qualified?
(प्रमाण-पत्र का नकि संिग्न दकया र्ािे | Copy of the Certificate to be enclosed)
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10. िैक्षवणक योग्यताएँ (स्नातक से) | Educational Qualifications (Starting from Graduation):

परीक्षा का नाम | उत्तीणा होने का अंको का प्रवतित

बोडा/ विश्वविद्यािय/ संस्थान
Name of the िर्ा | Year of विर्य | Subjects Percentage of
Examination Board/ Univ./ Institute Passing Marks

11. अनुभि, यदद कोई हो | Experience, if any:

संगठन/ वनयोक्ताका सेिा अिवध िर्ा तथा िेतनमान तथा मूि/

नाम माह सकि िेतन
पदनाम काया की प्रकृ वत
Name of Period of Scale of Pay &
Designation Nature of duties
Organisation/ Service in Year Basic/ Gross
Employer & Months Emoluments

मैं सत्यवनष्ठा से पुष्ट करता / करती हँ दक उपयुाक्त र्ानकारी मेरी अवधकतम र्ानकारी और विश्वास के अनुसार सही है। यदद मेरे
द्वारा दी गयी कोई र्ानकारी दकसी भी चरण पर गित पायी र्ाती है, तो मेरा आिेदन रद्द दकया र्ा सकता है |
I do solemnly affirm that the above information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge
and belief. If any information given by me is found to be incorrect at any stage, my candidature
may be cancelled.

ददनांक | Date :

स्थान | Place : आिेदक का हस्ताक्षर | Signature of Applicant

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