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LWT - Food Science and Technology 207 (2024) 116613

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Optimization of soy-whey fortified pineapple juice beverage using response

surface methodology
Jahangir A. Rather a , Hilal Ahmad Punoo a,* , Najmeenah Akhter b , Moawiya Haddad c,**,
Sabeera Muzzaffar a
Department of Food Science and Technology, University of Kashmir, Hazratbal Srinagar, (190006), India
Department of Food Technology, Islamic University of Science and Technology, Awantipora, Pulwama, (192122), India
Department of Nutrition and Food Processing, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Al-Balqa Applied University, Al-Salt, Jordan, (19117)


Keywords: The current study was conducted to optimize the development of soy whey-fortified pineapple juice beverages
Pineapple utilizing response surface methodology (RSM). The pineapple juice contained 84.16%, 0.45%, 0.20%, moisture,
Soy-whey protein, fat, ash respectively. The TSS and pH were 11.5 oB and 3.69 respectively. The extracted soy whey
contained 88.79%, 0.42%, 0.30%, 0.29%, moisture, protein, fat, ash respectively. The TSS, and pH of soy whey
Sensory evaluation
were 4.10 oB, and 6.10 respectively. The optimized percentages of pineapple juice, soy whey, and sugar were
Fortified beverage
25.47%, 29.23%, and 5.0%, respectively. The R2 values ranged from 0.9876 to 0.9994, indicating the strong
suitability of the models. The adjusted and predicted R2 values were very close, with a difference of only 0.2, and
the coefficient of variation (CV%) fell within the range of 0.22–5.18%, indicating strong reproducibility, pre­
cision, and reliability. The TSS of beverage samples increased significantly (P < 0.05) with increasing pineapple
juice and sugar contents. The chroma values increase with increasing soy whey, pineapple juice, and sugar
content. With an increase in the amount of soy whey the hue value diminished significantly. The sensory score of
the optimized beverage sample was between 7.8 and 8.0 on a hedonic sensory scale; thus, the optimized beverage
had greater sensory acceptability.

1. Introduction antiobesity, and antioxidant properties, among various other health

benefits owing to the presence of daidzein, genistein, glycerin, and
Fruit juice is a favored beverage because it contains antioxidants, epigenistin components (Azi et al., 2021). These essential components of
minerals and vitamins, which are vital for human health (Arumugam soy whey play a prominent role in overcoming bone demineralization
et al., 2021; Punoo et al., 2023). Fresh juice consumption is increasing and menopausal syndrome (Kim, 2021). Soy protein has also been
worldwide since fresh juice is a rich source of bioactive ingredients and shown to protect anthocyanin components during passage through the
minerals (Ruxton & Myers, 2021). Pineapple (Ananas Comosus), which is upper digestive tract for subsequent colonic delivery (Manayi, 2021).
abundant in organic acids, dietary fibers, minerals, and vitamins, is a Soy whey contains a substantial amount of nutrients and numerous
well-suited fruit for nourishing the human body (Rather et al., 2023). bioactive components, such as phenolics, polypeptides, and phospho­
Moreover, pineapple boasts a substantial presence of bioactive constit­ lipids (Chourasia et al., 2022). Owing to the presence of these essential
uents, contributing to its heightened antioxidant potential (Akhter et al., components, soybean-derived food products have high health-related
2024; Wu et al., 2021). Owing to its appealing taste, nutrient-rich activities (Azi et al., 2021). Soy isoflavones, which are abundant in
composition, and antioxidant properties, the popularity of pineapple soybeans, can play a significant role in scavenging radicals, decreasing
has increased, leading to an increase in demand in recent years (Difonzo cancer susceptibility, and mitigating symptoms of osteoporosis and
et al., 2019). menopause in women. Isoflavone aglycones have been observed to be
Soybean (Glycine max) derived food products have numerous bio­ directly absorbed from the intestinal epithelium, bypassing the need for
logical activities, such as anticancer, antihypertensive, antidiabetic, glycoside hydrolysis, and have been noted to exhibit more pronounced

* Corresponding author.
** Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (H.A. Punoo), [email protected] (M. Haddad).

Received 7 June 2024; Received in revised form 5 August 2024; Accepted 10 August 2024
Available online 22 August 2024
0023-6438/© 2024 Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).
J.A. Rather et al. LWT 207 (2024) 116613

biological effects than their glycoside counterparts (Dai et al., 2021). into pieces as shown in Fig. 1(a). The slices were then used for the
Consumers are more health conscious and demand beverages with extraction of juice using a juice extractor (Wipro, juicer, mixer, grinder)
high levels of nutraceutical components (Giri et al., 2023). The devel­ similar to the method of Tanwar et al. (2022). The juice was strained
opment of pineapple beverages containing soy ingredients is a novel through muslin cloth. The juice was then refrigerated (7 ± 1 ◦ C) until
approach to the development of nutraceutical-rich pineapple-soy whey use.
beverages. Due to the growing popularity of enhanced nutritional, The soy whey was developed similarly to the method of Kumar et al.
health-conscious, and environmentally friendly dietary concepts, there (2014). Briefly, the cleaned soybeans were boiled in boiling water at a
is a rising interest in beverages that are abundant in protein and phy­ 1:6 ratio for 30–35 min to mask the beany flavor of the soybeans. The
tochemicals while offering multiple therapeutic benefits (Rather, Punoo, soybeans were soaked in the same water for 12 h and then ground in a
et al., 2024). Consequently, there is an urgent demand for the creation blender (Borosil Aro 4 mixer grinder). The blend was filtered through
and advancement of these types of beverages (Sun et al., 2022). Pine­ muslin cloth, and the soy milk was filtered three times. The soymilk was
apple beverages have been developed from pineapple and cheese whey; treated with a 2% citric acid solution, the coagulant (tofu) was sepa­
however, pineapple soy whey beverages have not yet been developed rated, and the whey was collected. The collected soy whey was filtered
and evaluated for their physiochemical and sensory properties. again, cooled to room temperature (25 ± 2 ◦ C), and stored for further
A quantifiable relationship between the independent and dependent analysis as shown in Fig. 1 (b).
response variables is established through modeling. Modeling aids in the
contemplation of procedures that are too intricate to fully comprehend 2.2. Development of soy whey-incorporated pineapple juice beverages
for scientists and practitioners (Kidane, 2021). Using techniques such as using response surface methodology (RSM)
response surface methodology (RSM), which considers several param­
eters at once, optimization studies should be carried out to overcome Soy whey-fortified pineapple juice beverages were developed by
this constraint. The RSM has proven to be an effective method for heating whey at 45 ◦ C with the incorporation of sugar and pineapple
product modeling and optimization (Yolmeh & Jafari, 2017). Thus, the juice, as shown in the flow chart (Fig. 2), similar to the method of Yadav
present investigation was conducted to optimize the percentage of soy et al. (2016).
whey-fortified pineapple juice. After proper mixing, the mixture was filtered through clean muslin
cloth to obtain a whey-pineapple beverage, which was added to a 250
2. Materials and methods mL glass bottle and crown corked. After crown corking, the samples
were heated in a hot water bath at 85–90 ◦ C for 15 min, cooled at room
Pineapple fruit (Kew variety), soybeans (NRC-130) and sugar were temperature (25 ± 2 ◦ C) and subjected to sensory evaluation to deter­
purchased from a local market in Hazratbal Srinagar (190006). The mine the best formulation, which was stored under refrigeration and
pineapple fruits were washed and cleaned before further processing, the ambient temperature conditions for further study. Twenty different
soybeans were cleaned, and the foreign ingredients were removed combinations of beverages (A-T) were developed, as shown in Table 1.
manually before the development of the whey. The upper and lower limits of the process parameters were set similar to
the methods of Singh and Singh (2012). The lower limit (15 mL) and
2.1. Extraction of pineapple juice and soy whey upper limit (50 mL) of pineapple juice and soy whey were set, and the
lower limit and upper limit of sugar were set as 5 g and 10 g, respec­
The pineapples were washed with water, peeled, cored, and sliced tively. To optimize beverage formulation, the Central Composite

Fig. 1. Preparation of Pineapple juice and soy whey.

J.A. Rather et al. LWT 207 (2024) 116613

Fig. 2. Development of soy whey-pineapple beverage preparation.

Table 1
Preparation of beverage samples using Response Surface Methodology (RSM).
Trials Sample Code Pineapple juice (mL) (%) Soy whey (mL) (%) Sugar (g) (%)

1 A 32.5 44.827 32.5 44.827 7.5 10.34

2 B 50.0 47. 619 50.0 47. 619 5.0 4.761
3 C 15.0 42.857 15.0 42.857 5.0 14.28
4 D 50.0 45.454 50.0 45.454 10.0 9.090
5 E 61.9 60.745 32.5 60.745 7.5 7.361
6 F 50.0 66.666 15.0 20.000 10.0 13.33
7 G 3.06 7.1060 32.5 75.476 7.5 17.41
8 H 15.0 37.500 15.0 37.500 10.0 25.00
9 I 32.5 44.827 32.5 44.827 7.5 10.34
10 J 15.0 20.000 50.0 66.666 10.0 13.33
11 K 32.5 60.745 61.9 60.745 7.5 7.361
12 L 50.0 71.428 15.0 21.428 5.0 7.142
13 M 32.5 75.476 3.06 7.1060 7.5 17.41
14 N 32.5 42.372 32.5 42.372 11.7 15.25
15 O 32.5 44.827 32.5 44.827 7.5 10.34
16 P 32.5 44.827 32.5 44.827 7.5 10.34
17 Q 32.5 47.584 32.5 47.584 3.3 4.831
18 R 15.0 21.428 50.0 71.428 5.0 7.142
19 S 32.5 44.827 32.5 44.827 7.5 10.34
20 T 32.5 44.827 32.5 44.827 7.5 10.34

Rotatable Design (CCRD) was employed using Design Expert-13 (ATAGO-0258999, Japan).
2.3.3. Instrumental color
The sample’s color was assessed using the Hunter Color Lab (Flex EZ
2.3. Physicochemical properties of pineapple juice and soy whey
Model No. 45/0). The measurements of lightness (L*), redness (a*), and
yellowness (b*) were conducted in triplicate following a methodology
2.3.1. Proximate composition
similar to that of Rather, Majid, et al. (2022).
The proximate composition, such as moisture, fat, protein, and ash,
The hue and chroma values of the beverage samples were deter­
of the pineapple juice and soy whey was determined by the AOAC
mined similar to those of Niveadhita et al. (2018) as follows:
method (2006).
Hue = 1/tan (b*/a*) Eqn. 1
2.3.2. pH and total soluble solids (TSS)
2 2
The pH of the samples was determined using a digital pH meter Chroma = √a* +b* Eqn. 2
(LABMAN LMPH-12, India), similar to the method of Rather, Majid,
et al. (2022). The total soluble solids in all the samples were determined
similarly to that of Punoo et al. (2024) using a handheld refractometer

J.A. Rather et al. LWT 207 (2024) 116613

2.4. Sensory assessment Dhingra (2014) reported TSS and protein content of 1.77 and 3.0%,
respectively. Additionally, Chua and Liu (2019) reported a protein
The sensory evaluation of the optimized beverage sample was con­ content of 1.33% of the soy whey produced during tofu preparation.
ducted similar to the method of Rather, Akhter, et al. (2024). The sen­
sory evaluation of the beverage samples was conducted at room 3.2. Model fit
temperature (25 ± 2 ◦ C) at 12 p.m. by semitrained senior faculty
members and research scholars (1:1 male/female ratio) of the Depart­ The summary of fit statistics indicated that both linear and quadratic
ment of Food Science and Technology, University of Kashmir. Fifty regression models were appropriate for the selected responses. The
milliliters of each beverage sample was given to each of the 10 panelists analysis of variance data presented in Table 3 demonstrates that the
for sensory evaluation. Sensory attributes such as flavor, taste, consis­ regression models formulated for all the responses exhibited high levels
tency and overall acceptability were evaluated during the sensory of significance (p < 0.05). In the case of the developed soy whey-
evaluation of the soy whey-based orange beverages. The nine-point fortified pineapple beverage, the R2 values ranged from 0.9867 to
hedonic scale comprises a range of grading options, namely, 9 = 0.9994 for various quality parameters, indicating the strong suitability
extremely liked, 8 = liked very much, 7 = liked moderately, 6 = liked of all the models (Naqash et al., 2021). The alignment between the
slightly, 5 = neither liked nor disliked, 4 = disliked slightly, 3 = disliked predicted and adjusted R2 values was quite close, with a difference of
moderately, 2 = disliked very much, and 1 = disliked extremely. less than 0.2. The coefficient of variation (CV) fell within the range of
0.22–5.18%, demonstrating the reproducibility, precision, reliability,
2.5. Statistical analysis and reasonable accuracy of the findings (Singh & Singh, 2012). Addi­
tionally, all parameters displayed a lack of significant lack of fit, indi­
Each replicate test was conducted (n = 3), and the presented values cating a well-correlated and desirable match between the measured data
represent the average of these repetitions. The statistical analysis and the developed models (Kazemi et al., 2015).
involved performing one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) using SPSS
statistics software (v.16, SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL, USA). Post hoc analysis 3.3. Coded and noncoded values of variables
was carried out using Duncan’s test to determine the significance of the
data points, with a significance level of 5% (p < 0.05). Table 4 presents the coded and noncoded values of the variables
along with their respective levels used in the beverage preparation
3. Results and discussions process. The (+α) values of pineapple juice, soy whey and sugar were
61.93, 91.93 and 11.70, respectively, while the corresponding values for
3.1. Proximate composition these samples were 3.06, 3.06 and 3.29, respectively.

The proximate composition of the freshly extracted pineapple juice 3.4. Experimental attempts
and soy whey is shown in Table 2. The moisture content of the developed
pineapple juice was 84.16%. Ogunmefun et al. (2018) reported a A central composite rotatable design (CCRD) involving three factors
moisture content of 89.55% in freshly extracted pineapple juice. The was employed to optimize the formulation of the beverage. The out­
protein, fat and ash contents of the pineapple juice were 0.45%, 0.0% comes of these trials are presented in Table 5. A total of twenty exper­
and 0.20%, respectively. Similarly, Ogunmefun et al. (2018) reported iments were conducted to determine the ideal levels of pineapple juice,
protein, fat, and ash contents of 0.52%, 0.00% and 0.19%, respectively, soy whey, and sugar. The trials were performed in a randomized
for freshly extracted pineapple juice. The TSS value of pineapple juice sequence, adhering to standard design practices. In this experimental
was 11.5, the results are in line with Oyeleke et al. (2013), who reported arrangement, the objective was to identify the conditions that maximize
a TSS of 10.62◦ B for pineapple juice. The pH of pineapple juice was 3.69, the response parameters. The pineapple juice, soy whey, and sugar
Oyeleke et al. (2022) reported pH values of 5.20 and 3.80 for pineapple quantities in the beverage formulation were adjusted within the ranges
and watermelon juice, respectively. Additionally, Jori et al. (2013) re­ of 15–50, 15–50, and 5–10, respectively. The desired ranges for the
ported a pH of 4.10 for pineapple pulp with a TSS of 15◦ B. This variation response parameters pH, TSS, chroma, and hue were set between 2.91
in pH may be attributed to the variation in the ripening of pineapple and 3.39, 7.22–8.5, 2.13–3.08, and 2.58–3.20, respectively.
fruits, as reported by Solomon et al. (2016).
The pH of the soy whey was 6.10 lower than the pH reported by 3.5. Regression analysis and diagnostic checking of the fitted model
Kumar and Dhingra (2014), which may be due to the type and per­
centage of acid used for the extraction of the soy whey. Additionally, The outcomes of the ANOVA for the second-order polynomial
Chua et al. (2017) reported a pH value of 3.88 for pretreated soy whey. response model in Table 3 indicated that the equation formulated using
The variation in the pH of the soy whey may be due to the type and Design-Expert-13 software was sufficiently suitable for describing the
concentration of acid used in pretreatment during the development of impact of response parameters on process variables within the intended
soy whey (Punoo et al., 2023). The TSS, protein, and fat content of the operating conditions. Table 6 displays the regression coefficients for the
extracted whey were 4.42, 0.42, and 0.30%, respectively. Kumar and response variables. Table 3 presents the estimated regression co­
efficients of the quadratic polynomial models for the response variables,
Table 2 alongside the associated R2, adjusted R2, predicted R2, coefficients of
Proximate composition of pineapple juice and soy whey. variation (CV), and prediction error sum of squares (PRESS) values. The
analysis of variance revealed that the models exhibited high significance
Constituents (%) Soy whey Pineapple juice
(p < 0.001) across all response categories. In terms of fitness, the lack of
Moisture 88.79 ± 0.01A 84.16 ± 0.12B fit, which assesses the suitability of the models, did not yield a signifi­
Protein 0.42 ± 0.05B 0.45 ± 0.04A
Fat 0.30 ± 0.13A 0.00 ± 0.00B
cant F value for any of the response parameters. This implies that these
Ash 0.29 ± 0.05A 0.20 ± 0.02B models proved to be adequately accurate in predicting the correspond­
TSS 4.10 ± 0.02B 11.5 ± 0.01A ing responses. The coefficient of determination (R2) values for all the
pH 6.10 ± 0.02A 3.69 ± 0.05B responses were notably high (p > 0.9936), approaching unity. This
The data is presented as mean ± standard deviation (n = 3). For every param­ suggests that a substantial portion of the variability was accounted for
eter, the data with different capital letters as superscript are significantly by the data, confirming the adequacy of the response surface models.
different (p < 0.05). The coefficient of variation (CV) should ideally remain below 10%, yet

J.A. Rather et al. LWT 207 (2024) 116613

Table 3
ANOVA results showing the variables a linear, quadratic, and interaction terms on each response variable and coefficients for the prediction models.
Source d.f pH TSS Chroma Hue

p-value F-value p-value F-value p-value F-value p-value F-value

Model 9 <0.0001 82.29 <0.0001 2084.14 <0.0001 462.64 <0.0001 82.29

A.pineapple 1 <0.0001 82.95 0.0798 3.50 0.0005 21.18 <0.0001 82.95
B.Soy whey 1 <0.0001 216.36 0.0543 4.31 <0.0001 334.02 <0.0001 216.36
C.Sugar 1 0.0179 7.99 <0.0001 6244.61 <0.0001 1042.83 0.0179 7.99
AB 1 <0.0001 108.21 <0.0001 158.07 <0.0001 108.21
AC 1 <0.0001 117.41 <0.0001 366.68 <0.0001 117.41
BC 1 0.4063 0.7514 <0.0001 853.05 0.4063 0.7514
A2 1 0.0015 18.77 <0.0001 0.0015 18.77
B2 1 <0.0001 45.89 <0.0001 <0.0001 45.89
C2 1 <0.0001 128.26 <0.0001 <0.0001 128.26
Residual 10
Lack of fit 5 1.07 0.4698 0.9868 0.2038 0.7027 0.6780 0.3011 1.64
Pure error 5
R-square 0.9867 0.9974 0.9953 0.9994
Adjusted R2 0.9747 0.9970 0.9932 0.9988
Predicted R2 0.9348 0.9969 0.9907 0.9967
Ageq- precession 40.2958 160.8291 87.3377 166.8709
CV% 0.5200 0.2277 0.7133 5.18

Where R2= Coefficient of determination, CV = coefficient of variation, p value < 0.001 = and F value = ratio of mean squares treatment/mean square error.

Table 4
Coded and non-coded values of variables, along with their associated levelsfor
the preparation of the beverage. Table 6
Constraints selected in the range for optimization of beverages.
Independent Non-coded Coded levels
variable levels Name Goal Lower limit Upper limit
-α − 1 0 +1 +α
Pineapple juice Is in range 15 50
Pineapple Juice A 3.06863 15 32.5 50 61.9314 Soy whey Is in range 15 50
Soy whey B 3.06863 15 32.5 50 61.9314 Sugar Is in range 5 10
Sugar C 3.29552 5 7.5 10 11.7045 pH Maximize 2.91 3.39
TSS Maximize 7.22 8.5
Chroma Maximize 2.13 3.08
this study found that it ranged from 0.20% to 0.80% across all responses. Hue Maximize 2.58 3.20
This indicates a heightened level of precision and reliability in the
conducted experiments. By employing a desirability function, ingredient
levels were derived to meet the optimal criteria for the beverage. The Table 7
outcomes, including the optimized levels and predicted optimum Optimum levels and predicted optimum values of responses.
response values, are detailed in Table 7. Specifically, the optimal pro­ Variable Optimum value Response Predicted value
portions for the beverage ingredients pineapple juice, soy whey, and
Pineapple juice 15.0 pH 3.16
sugar were 15.0%, 50.0%, and 5.0%, respectively.
Soy whey 50.0 TSS 8.25
Sugar 5.0 Chroma 2.48
Hue 10.75

Table 5
Experimental composite randomized design (CRD) runs in Design-Expert-13 and corresponding results (responses).
Sample Pineapple juice Soy whey Sugar pH TSS Chroma Hue

A 32.5 32.5 3.29 3.23 8.5 2.3 3.86

B 32.5 32.5 11.70 3.26 7.22 2.83 − 0.7291
C 50.0 15.0 10.0 3.14 7.46 2.94 2.28
D 50.0 15.0 5.0 2.99 8.22 2.49 − 0.0406
E 32.5 61.93 7.5 3.14 7.88 2.4 − 2.58
F 32.5 32.5 7.5 3.1 7.86 2.56 1.49
G 32.5 32.5 7.5 3.11 7.8 2.56 1.38
H 15.0 15.0 10.0 3.08 7.48 3.08 4.67
I 50.0 50.0 5.0 3.23 8.25 2.52 − 0.53
J 32.5 32.5 7.5 3.1 7.86 2.56 1.49
K 3.06 32.5 7.5 3.08 7.87 2.61 19.9
L 61.9 32.5 7.5 3.24 7.85 2.55 8.46
M 50.0 50.0 10.0 3.39 7.46 2.22 3.19
N 32.5 32.5 7.5 3.14 7.82 2.56 1.49
O 15.0 50.0 5.0 3.18 8.26 2.49 10.59
P 32.5 32.5 7.5 3.12 7.86 2.51 1.86
Q 32.5 3.06 7.5 2.91 7.84 2.7 − 1.30
R 15.0 50 10 3.06 7.5 2.68 3.46
S 15.0 15 5 3.15 8.24 2.13 13.13
T 32.5 32.5 7.5 3.1 7.86 2.56 1.49

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3.6. Response surfaces were developed to analyze the impact of process With increasing pineapple juice and sugar contents in the developed
parameters on response parameters beverages, the TSS increased significantly (P < 0.05). The increase in the
TSS may be due to the greater accumulation of soluble solids in the
For the beverage production process, pineapple juice, soy whey, and beverage (Fawole & Opara, 2013). However, with an increase in the soy
sugar are considered process parameters, whereas pH, TSS, chroma and whey content of the beverages, the TSS decreased significantly (P <
hue are regarded as response parameters. 0.05). This may be due to the lower TSS (4.10) of soy whey compared to
pineapple, which has a TSS of 11.0, as reported by Kumar and Dhingra
3.6.1. Effect on pH (2014) and Oyeleke et al. (2018). There is a linear effect of factors on the
Fig. 3 shows the impact of soy whey, pineapple juice, and sugar TSS of the samples, as shown in the above equation. Similar results were
content on the pH. values of soy whey-fortified pineapple juice bever­ also reported by Yadav et al. (2014) for RTS banana beverages.
ages. From the figure, it is clear that with an increase in the pineapple
juice content, the pH increases significantly. A similar trend is shown by 3.6.3. Effect on the chroma value
the increase in soy whey in the beverage samples, owing to the higher In the context of color, chroma refers to the purity, intensity, or
water content in both soy whey and pineapple juice. According to the saturation of a specific hue. Colors with high chroma are vivid, vibrant,
regression equation below, as the pineapple juice, soy whey and sugar and intense, while colors with low chroma appear more muted, dull, or
contents of the beverage samples increased, the pH increased signifi­ washed out (Paakki et al., 2019). The effect of pineapple juice, soy whey,
cantly (P < 0.05). Ahmed et al. (2023) reported an increase in the pH of and sugar content on the chroma value is shown in regression equation
mango beverages containing whey with increasing whey content, while (5). A 3D image of the effect of pineapple juice, soy whey, and sugar
the pH decreased with increasing mango juice content in the beverage content is shown in Fig. 5. According to the regression equation, an
samples. Similarly, the interactive effects of AB and AC had a positive increase in the soy whey, pineapple juice, and sugar content in the
effect on increasing the pH values of the beverage samples, as shown in beverage sample significantly increased (P < 0.05) the chroma value of
equation (3). the beverages; however, there was a linear effect of these parameters in
beverage samples. The increase in chroma could be attributed to the
0.0402A + 0.0649B + 0.0125C + increase in the concentration of pigments in the developed beverage, as
0.0600AB+0.0625AC+0.0186A2+0.0291B2+0.0487C2 Eqn. 3 reported by Zulueta et al. (2007). This could be influenced by the
presence of carotenoids, which are abundant in pineapple juice and soy
whey, as reported by Agomuo et al. (2014).
3.6.2. Effect on TSS Chroma = 0.023536A + 0.035814B + 0.0296033C Eqn. 5
The effects of pineapple juice, soy whey and sugar content on the TSS
of the beverage samples are shown in Fig. 4. The regression equation for
determining the effect of pineapple juice, soy whey and sugar is given
below in equation (4). 3.6.4. Effect on the hue value
Hue is described with the words we normally think of as describing
TSS = 0.02516A-0.0101B + 0.3824C Eqn. 4 color: red, purple, blue, etc., and describes overall intensity to how light

Fig. 3. Effect of pineapple juice, soy whey and sugar on pH of beverages.

J.A. Rather et al. LWT 207 (2024) 116613

Fig. 4. Effect of pineapple juice, soy whey and sugar on TSS of beverages.

Fig. 5. Effect of pineapple juice, soy whey, and sugar on chroma value of beverages.

J.A. Rather et al. LWT 207 (2024) 116613

Fig. 6. Effect of pineapple juice, soy whey and sugar on hue value of beverages.

Fig. 7. Sensory evaluation of optimized beverage sample, F = flavor, T = taste, C = consistency and OA = overall acceptability.

J.A. Rather et al. LWT 207 (2024) 116613

or dark is the color (Stone, 2016). A 3D image of the effect of pineapple who reported a consistency ranging from 5.25 to 8.10% with increasing
juice, soy whey, and sugar content on the hue value is shown in Fig. 6. mango juice concentrations from 0 to 50% in various mango beverages
The regression equation is shown as: containing paneer whey.

Hue = +41.758–1.65241A + 0.132590B-2.69661C + 3.7.4. Color

Quality is not a singular, precisely defined attribute; rather, it en­
C2 Eqn. 6 compasses a multitude of properties and traits. Among these factors,
According to the above regression equation, as the pineapple juice appearance emerges as a significant factor through which consumers
content in the beverages increased, the hue increased significantly (P < gauge the quality of food products. The color of food products is an
0.05). This may be due to the concentration and interaction of pineapple important quality attribute that enhances consumer acceptability
juice pigments, as pineapple is a rich source of carotenoids and phyto­ (Baykuş et al., 2021; Rather, Akhter, et al., 2024). The color sensory
chemicals (Hikal et al., 2021). The interactive effect of pineapple juice, score of the optimized beverage sample was 7.72 ± 0.15, which in­
soy whey, and sugar also shows an increase in the hue value of the dicates moderate similarity on the 9-point hedonic scale of sensory
beverage samples, which may be due to the accumulation of the pig­ evaluation. Dai et al. (2021), while working on the biotransformation of
ments of soy whey and pineapple juice (Oren-Shamir, 2009). In terms of soy whey functional beverages with the incorporation of Cordyceps
quadratic effects, pineapple juice had a positive effect, while soy whey militaris, reported a color value of 7.8 on a hedonic scale of sensory
had a negative effect on the hue of the beverage sample. evaluation.

3.7.5. Overall acceptability

3.7. Sensory evaluation of the optimized beverage sample The overall acceptability provides a holistic evaluation of the sensory
qualities of products, such as color, aroma, taste, flavor, and consistency.
The sensory assessment and development of new food products are The overall acceptability of the optimized beverage ranges between 7.8
strongly linked. Sensory assessment methods can be used at various and 8.0 on a 9-point hedonic scale. Tanwar et al. (2022) reported
stages of the food product development process to judge the quality of 5.40–8.11% overall acceptability of mango-paneer whey beverage
the developed product and meet consumer demands (Świąder & Marc­ samples. Additionally, Dai et al. (2021) reported a lower overall
zewska, 2021). The increasing demand for sensory services, coupled acceptability score for a biotransformed soy whey beverage, which may
with the need for novel methods that swiftly yield actionable data for the be due to the beany flavor and effect of Cordyceps militaris on the
beverage industry, has led to a substantial increase in research focused sensory value of the developed beverage.
on sensory aspects (Vázquez-Araújo, 2022). Essential parameters
defining drink quality encompass positive attributes, including color 4. Conclusion
and overall appearance; taste characteristics, including flavor, mouth
persistence, and aftertaste; olfactory properties, such as odor, aroma, The present study aimed to optimize soy whey-fortified beverage
orthonasal and retronasal sensations; and tactile attributes, such as samples using response surface methodology. The beverage industry is
mouth feel and body (Pinto et al., 2022). The sensory evaluation results among the growing industrial sectors owing to the current consumption
of the optimized beverage sample are shown in Fig. 7. rate of beverages. Fortified beverages are gaining more importance in
society due to their greater nutraceutical potential. Soy whey, a
3.7.1. Flavor byproduct of tofu production, is discarded and hence can be utilized in
Flavor is a crucial quality trait influencing consumer’s acceptance of the fortification of beverages, as it is a rich source of daidzein, genistein
food and food products. Any undesirable flavor in beverages is an and epigenistin components. The optimal proportions of pineapple juice,
indication of spoilage (dos Santos Rocha et al., 2022). The flavor scores soy whey, and sugar obtained by applying RSM were 15.0%, 50.0%, and
of the optimized beverage samples were evaluated by 10 sensory pan­ 5.0%, respectively. The sensory evaluation score of the optimized
elists, as shown in Fig. 7. A flavor score less than 5 represented disliking beverage was higher on the hedonic scale. The market perception of the
of the food samples on a 9-point hedonic scale. The mean flavor score of optimized beverage was not evaluated in the present investigation and
the optimized beverage was 7.80 ± 0.15. The flavor score is close to the could be explored in further studies.
8 which represents receives like extremely score by the sensory evalu­
ators (7 = like moderately and 8 = like extremely). Singh and Singh CRediT authorship contribution statement
(2012) reported aroma scores in the range of 6.9–8.6 for different
combinations of cheese whey-based instant beverages. Jahangir A. Rather: Writing – review & editing, Writing – original
draft, Visualization, Supervision, Methodology, Investigation, Formal
3.7.2. Taste analysis, Conceptualization. Hilal Ahmad Punoo: Supervision, Inves­
Taste is an important quality attribute for the acceptance of every tigation, Funding acquisition, Formal analysis, Conceptualization. Naj­
food product. Alterations in the original taste of beverage samples meenah Akhter: Writing – original draft, Methodology, Investigation,
directly affect consumer acceptability (Song et al., 2022). The taste score Formal analysis. Moawiya Haddad: Supervision, Investigation.
of optimized soy whey-incorporated pineapple beverages ranges be­ Sabeera Muzzaffar: Supervision, Formal analysis, Conceptualization.
tween 7.5 and 7.9, as evaluated by sensory panelists, and these bever­
ages are extremely to moderately similar. Thus, the optimized beverage Declaration of competing interest
samples showed greater consumer acceptability, which may enhance
their marketability. The results of the present investigation are in line There is no conflict among the authors or any other agency and the
with the sensory scores of instant whey-based beverages reported by authors agreed to publish in LWT-Food Science and Technology.
Singh and Singh (2012).
Data availability
3.7.3. Consistency
Consistency of beverages is an important quality attribute for con­ The authors do not have permission to share data.
sumer acceptability. The sensory taste attribute value of the optimized
beverage sample was 8.0 ± 0.08, which is extremely similar on the
hedonic scale. Our results are in line with those of Tanwar et al. (2022),

J.A. Rather et al. LWT 207 (2024) 116613

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