Iodine Value
Iodine Value
Iodine Value
Procedural Steps
Step 1. Weigh l0g of the salt sample into a 250rnL Erlenmeyer flask with a stopper.
Step 8. Remove flask from drawer, and add Stop 10. Record the level of thiosulfate in the
some Na2S203 from the titration burette until the burette and convert to parts per million (ppm) using
solution turns pale yellow (Flask B shown in the conversion table in Appendix 11-3.
Figure 11.4). NOTE: Analysis time is approximately 20 minutes
per sample.
Step 9. Add approximately 2mL of starch indicator
solution (the solution should turn dark purple) and Precautions
continue titrating until the solution becomes pink, • The reaction mixture should be kept in the dark
and finally colourless. (Colour sequence of titration before titration because a side reaction can occur
is shown in flasks C, D and E, figure 11.4) when the solution is exposed to fight that causes
iodide ions to be oxidized to iodine.
Figure 1 1-4: This photo shows the various color • Inaccurate results may occur if starch solution is
changes that will be seen during the titration. used while still warm.
Flask A - after addition of KI (Step 5); • If starch indicator is added too early, a strong
Flask B -just prior to addition of starch (Step 8); iodine-starch complex is formed, which reacts
Flask C - after starch has been added (Step 9); slowly, and gives falsely elevated results.
Flask D -just prior to titration end-point (Step 9), • The reaction should be performed at mild room
Flask E - titration end-point (step 9). temperature (<30oC), since the iodine is volatile, and
the indicator solution loses sensitivity when exposed
to high temperatures.
It is of the utmost importance that salt iodine test
results be reliable, accurate and timely. This is
especially the case if the salt iodine test data is to be
used for iodine deficiency programme evaluation and
Establishing a salt iodine monitoring system
that gives information about how well the salt is
fortified is the “first level” in salt iodine quality
assurance. However, we must also be sure that the
information derived from the monitoring system (i.e.,
the actual salt iodine test results) is also of good
quality. This can be considered the “second level” of
salt iodine quality assurance.
Figure 11-5
Key elements of
Total Laboratory Quality
Assurance for Salt Iodine
• Salt Sample Recording
• Reagent inventory/batch Checks
• Equipment Checks
• Method Validation
- Sensitivity, recovery, cross-
• Internal Quality Control
- Establish QC materials
- Routine QC testing
- Monitor test Precision
• External Quality Control
- Establish laboratory network
- Link industry and Government
18 48 75
2 20 52 68
MEASURED = OBSERVED value corrected for BASELINE
(i.e., value obtained with NO iodine added)
3 19 50 73
** % Recovery = (MEASURED ppm/ADDED ppm) * 100%
4 16 47 67
As a guideline, the average recovery, allowing for
expected test imprecision, should be between 85
5 22 55 70
and 115 percent.
6 17 48 72 Comparison & cross-checking
If possible, an initial sample cross-check should be per-
7 21 43 75
formed with others as a means of assessing method bias.
This could be done either with a laboratory using the same
8 23 51 66 method or compared to alternative techniques e.g.,
correlation between titration method and
9 19 55 72 spectrophotometric method.
10 20 49 78
NOTE: PAMM (Program Against Micronutrient
Malnutrition) provides a service for those
M EAN 19.5 49.8 71.6 laboratories wishing to cross-check samples for
their initial validation. For further information,
STD DEV 2.17 3.68 3.86 please contact:
PAMM Laboratory
%CV* 11.1 7.4 5.4
Centers for Disease Control
Mailstop F20
Standard deviation
4770 Buford Highway Ne
* % CV= _____________________ Atlanta, Ga, 30341-3724, USA
mean Phone: 1 404 488 4088
Fax. 1 404 488 4609
ROUTINE QUALITY CONTROL Example: A known iodized salt sample was analysed
Once the laboratory method has been validated as by titration twenty times. For the 20 result values
above, it must establish and maintain ongoing obtained, the calculated sample mean was 32 ppm,
quality control (QC) data, both internally (or 'in- and the standard deviation was 2.5. The operating
house') and externally (inter-laboratory), as control range (OCR) for this example can be
described below. established as:
Internal or "in-house" Quality Control
Known positive iodized salt sample(s) should be
OCR = 32 + 2 (2.5)
obtained by the laboratory and stored in sufficient 32 + 5
quantity for analysis every time salt titrations on
unknown samples are run e.g., daily or weekly. By
(27, 37)
performing multiple analyses on these positive salt Therefore, the lower control limit is set at 27 ppm,
samples, a concentration range can be established the upper control limit is 37 ppm, and the control
and used for operational quality control purposes. range is 27 to 37 ppm. Subsequent test results
The following provides a description and worked falling between 27 and 37 ppm are to be considered
example of how to calculate and establish a quality in control, while any results <27, or >37 ppm are
control range and a quality control chart. outside the control range, and therefore out-of-
Establishing and Interpreting a Quality Control
Range: Quality Control Charts
Multiple salt iodine analyses on a known positive salt Once the above operating control range has been
sample should be performed until approximately 15 established, standard quality control charts and rules
to 20 titration results have been obtained. To establish should be used to interpret these control values,
the control range, it is best if these results are decide acceptability of test results, and be kept as a
obtained over a period of time (e.g., three to four tests permanent record to verify all unknown sample
per day), rather than all at once (e.g. twenty tests in results.
one day), as this will give a more realistic estimate of The quality control chart is prepared as follows:
true day-to-day and analytic variability. •Use regular linear graph paper to prepare these
Once a sufficient number of these test results plots.
have been obtained, use a hand calculator or standard •Enter the salt iodine concentration (in ppm) scale for
statistical formulae to calculate the sample mean con- the control on the Y-axis. Make sure the concentra-
centration (X) in ppm, and standard deviation (SD). tion range plotted on this axis extends from less
The 95% confidence interval can then be calculated than the lower limit (i.e., <L), to above the upper
and used as the operating control range, as follows: limit (i.e., >U). For the example given above, which
_ has a calculated range of 27 to 37 ppm, the Y-axis
Sample Mean (X) +2 x SD could be scaled from 20 to 40 ppm.
•Find the sample mean concentration value (i.e., ) on
The X - 2 (SD) = the lower confidence limit (L), the Y-axis scale, and draw a continuous horizontal
and X + 2 (SD) = the upper confidence limit (U.) The line across the entire graph paper at this point For
operating control range is (L, U). the example this would be at 32 ppm.
Unless serious technical or performance errors •Find the lower limit concentration value (i.e., L) on
occur during these initial analyses, the above range the Y-axis scale, and draw a continuous horizontal
should reasonably reflect the normal amount of varia- line across the entire graph paper at this point For
tion expected when using this method over time. the example this would be 27 ppm.
Therefore, any future analysis of the same sample •Find the upper limit concentration value (i.e., U) on
should produce a result between the lower and upper the Y-axis scale, and draw a continuous horizontal
limits (i.e., the L - U range), for 95% of test results. line across the entire graph paper at this point For
Values falling within this range are considered to be the example this would be 37 ppm.
'in control." Only 5% of subsequent test values for • The X-axis is used to plot time, i.e., the date on
this sample should fall outside the established range, which the control sample is analysed.
provided the method (and technician) is operating
Once prepared, this chart is used to plot the
normally. Results falling outside the established
specific analysis date, and salt iodine concentration
range are considered potentially suspicious and
obtained for the control every time it is tested. If the
therefore classed as 'out-of-control.'
control point obtained is between the two limit lines,
then the test is deemed in control, and all results are
accepted. Any control values that are plotted outside
the two limit lines should be considered as out-of-
control, and the results of any corresponding
unknown salt samples tested at the same time should
also be rejected as unacceptable due to possible
method error.
92 Titration Methods for Salt Iodine Analysis
When an out-of-control value is obtained, steps 81.6 ppm. (Note: The computer software used to
should be taken to identify the possible reason for generate this chart plots the y-axis in units of
this event (e.g., use of old reagent, incorrect standard deviation, as opposed to ppm units, but this
procedure used or reagent mix-up), and correct the will not change the general overall shape of the
problem. Once resolved, and control values have chart.) As can be seen, such charts are very useful in
returned to normal, repeat the previously rejected identifying when problems occur within the test
unknown salt samples to obtain acceptable results. system, and allow corrective action to be taken. In
Figure 11-6 gives a real example of a typical Figure 11-6 the extremely high values above the
salt iodine quality control chart for a control with a upper limit (called outliers) were due to a
mean salt iodine concentration of 74 ppm, a standard deterioration in the sodium thiosulfate solution which
deviation of 3.8, and an operating control range of give falsely elevated test results.
66.4 to
** Fisher Scientific, 50 Fadem Road, Springfield, NJ, 07081, USA Fax: 201-379-7415,
ATTENTION: Jackie Dubeau
Titration Methods for Salt Iodine Analysis
Water preparation is the same as for procedures
described in section on “Titration Method for
Iodate content,” page 86.
Description of Reaction 1. Methyl Orange lndicator - Dissolve 0.0lg methyl
While use of potassium iodide (KI) is not common in orange in l00mLwater.
many developing countries for salt fortification, basic
2. 2 N Sulfururic Acid - Add 5.56mL concentrated
details of a titration method (De Maeyer EM,
H2SO4 to 90mL water, make to l00mL with water.
Lowenstein FW, Thilly CH, 1979) suitable for
analysing salt iodized with KI are provided here. 3. Bromine Water - Place 5mL in a small flask,
The reaction mechanism for this iodometric (keep in fume hood due to dangerous fumes)
titration is as follows:
4. Sodium Sulfite Solution - Dissolve lg sodium
Reaction 1: Potassium iodide is dissolved from the sulfite in l00mLwater
5. Phenol Solution - Dissolve 5g phenol in l00mL
Reaction 2: Bromine water oxidizes iodide ions to water
free iodine. Sodium sulfite and phenol are added to
6. Potassium Iodide Solution - Dissolve l0g potassium
destroy excess bromine so that no further oxidation
iodide in l00mL water
of I- can occur before KI solution is added.
Reaction 3. : The titration reaction with thiosulfate 7. Sodium Thiosulfate Solution (0 005N - Dissolve 0.124g
is the same as that described in the iodate method sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate in l00mL water
earlier. 8. Starch Solution - Dissolve 1g soluble starch in l00mL
water, with heating
Monitoring Universal Salt lodization Programmes