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From the past, there has been a lot of use of the bonding agents in restora-
Article History tive dentistry. Choosing of bonding systems has become a challenge for the
clinicians as there was a lot of advances regarding the usage of bonding
Received 14 October 2019 agents. Each successive modification in the formulae has led to the classifi-
Received revised cation of the bonding system into many “generations”. During the past few
02 November 2019 years, these bonding agents have been replaced by the same systems that
Accepted 03 November 2019 are used on dentin. This change occurred because of the benefit of bonding
Available online resin to both enamel and dentin. Extensive research is still on the way to
15 November 2019 develop the best adhesive system that can produce reliable and permanent
bonds to dentin.
K E Y W O R D S 1. Introduction
Bonding agents can bring a strong bond between the composite and the
tooth structure to withstand mechanical forces and stress. The success of
adhesives depends on their ability to adhere to the natural tooth on one side
and the composite restoration on the other side. The bonding can be achieved
4. Benzoyl peroxide, Benzoin methyl ethers and Cam- Initiator systems for chemical, UV light
phoroquinone. and Visible light activated respectively.
5. Butylated hydroxy toulene Photoinhibitor
with enamel and dentin, or both by micromechanical [11]. In the 1990s, the three-step total-etch system was
interlocking along with chemical bonding. Whereas, developed. In Late 1990s original bonding systems
the bonding between the composite resin restoration evolved to multi-step systems. Further research leads
and a bonding agent is attained by copolymerization to simplification of the application procedure to reduce
of the adhesive resin with the resin matrix of compo- manipulation time [7].
site materials [5,6]. Two different types of bonding
agents have been developed. They include enamel
bonding agents (EBA)and dentin bonding agents 2. Adhesion mechanisms
(DBA). The objective of this review is to discuss nu-
merous bonding mechanisms and emphasize the vari- Adhesion occurs when two, unlike molecules, join to-
ous bonding agents developed in the field of adhesive gether on being brought into contact due to force of
dentistry to provide bonding with the natural tooth. attraction between them [2]. The material which is
used to produce adhesion is called as an “adhesive”
1.1 History and evolution and the substance to which adhesive is applied is
called as an “adherent” [2,5,12]. The following are the
The use of dentin bonding agents markedly reduces adhesion mechanisms that are commonly employed in
the need to provide mechanical retention through dentistry.
dovetails, grooves, undercuts, sharp internal angles
which in turn helps in conservation of sound tooth 2.1. Mechanical adhesion
structure. The main reason for the success of aesthetic
restorative materials is these adhesive systems[7]. In The interlocking of the adhesive with irregularities on
the late 1960s, Buonocore proposed that boning to the surface of the substrate or adherend. If the surface
dentin was possible[8,9]. In the 1970s, using scanning irregularities are responsible for bonding and having
electron microscope, Eick identified the presence of a dimensions of only a few micrometres, the process is
smear layer on the dentine surface[10]. He reported known as “micromechanical attachment”. This is dif-
that the smear layer is blocking and interfering in ferent from macro-mechanical attachment, which
bonding to dentin. In the 1980s, the total-etch concept forms the basis of retention for many filling materials,
was introduced by the development of etch and rinse using undercut cavities [2].
systems. In 1982, Nakabayashi demonstrated the con-
cept of hybrid layer formation on the dentin s u r f a c e 2.2. Adsorption adhesion
International Journal of Dental Materials 2019; 1(2): 60 -67
It occurs due to the chemical interaction between the nsitizer (e,g., camphoroquinone) and an activator
adhesive and the adherend. Forces may be primary (e.g., tertiary amine) for a self-cure resin system
(ionic and covalent), secondary (hydrogen, dipole in- with an initiator such as benzoyl peroxide.
teraction), and vanderwaal’s valence forces. f. Fillers-silica particles.
g. Other ingredients like glutaraldehyde act as desen-
2.3. Diffusion adhesion sitizer, paraben used as antimicrobials, fluoride to
prevent secondary caries, and chlorhexidine to
Interlocking between mobile molecules such as adhe- prevent collagen degradation.
sion of two Polymers.
3.1 Chemistry
2.4. Electrostatic adhesion
Chemistry is explained by the formula M-R-X [2,5],
An electrical double bond layer at the interface of met- where ‘M’ is the methacrylate group that reacts with
al with a polymer that is part of the total bonding sys- the resin matrix, ‘R’ is the spacer, and ‘X’ is the func-
tem. tional group for adhesion to tooth tissue.
The bonding mechanism is explained in the following
steps [5]; 3.2. Generations of dentin bonding agents
Dissolution or adequate removal of the smear lay-
er from enamel and dentin. 3.2.1 First-generation dentin bonding agents
Maintenance of the dentin collagen matrix.
Good wetting. Buonocore et al., (1956) demonstrated glycerol phos-
Efficient monomer diffusion and penetration. phoric acid dimethacrylate containing resin and cy-
Polymerization within the tooth structure. anoacrylates to bond to acid-etched dentin. Hydro-
Copolymerization with the resin composite ma- philic phosphate group from the glycerol phosphoric
trix. acid dimethacrylate resin that increases bonding with
Ca ions of the hydroxyapatite. The methacrylate
groups were then able to bond to restorative acrylic
3. Bonding agents resin [2]. However, the clinical results with these sys-
tems were poor. Commercial products of first-
EBAs consist of different dimethacrylates from resins generation bonding agents were Scotch bond, Cervi-
of composites like bisphenyl glycidyl methacrylate dent, palakov, etc.
(bis-GMA) with diluting monomers such as triethylene
glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA)to control viscosity 3.2.2 Second generation bonding agents
and to improve wetting. DBAs include etchants, resin
monomers, solvents, initiators, inhibitors, fillers, and These systems were introduced in the late 1970s, the
other ingredients [5,13]. majority of these are “halo phosphorous esters” of un-
filled acrylic resins such as bis-GMA or HEMA. The Se-
Composition of bonding agents include [5]; cond-generation systems bonded to dentin by ionic
a. Etchant-37% phosphoric acid. bonding to Ca by chlorophosphate groups. They were
b. Primers-HEMA (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) is a highly soluble in oral fluids, and moisture from dentin
widely used primer monomer because of its high itself could result in debonding from the dentin and
hydrophilicity and solvent like nature. causing microleakage. The bond strength to dentin was
c. Solvents-The most commonly used solvents are weak and unreliable [2]. Commercial products from
water, ethanol, and acetone. Solvent has a specific second-generation bonding agents include Clearfil and
contribution to improve bond adhesion. Prisma Universal Bond.
d. Adhesives- Adhesive resins mostly composed of
mainly of hydrophobic dimethacrylates such as 3.2.3 Third-generation bonding agents
bis-GMA, TEGDMA, and urethane dimethacrylates
(UDMA). The third generation of adhesive systems used a dentin
e. Initiators- Polymerization can be initiated through conditioning step as well as an intermediate primer in
a photoinitiator system consisting of the photose- conjunction with a bonding agent. The conditioning
International Journal of Dental Materials 2019; 1(2): 60 -67
agents either modify or remove the smear layer before The bond strength of the fourth-generation bonding
the placement of adhesive resins and attempts have agents is more compared to the previous generations
been made to bond chemically with the calcium of due to the formation of hybrid layer. It is an acid re-
dentin. Bowen developed these and used a 2.5% of sistant admixture of polymer and tooth structure com-
nitric acid or ferric oxalate dentin conditioner fol- ponents creating a resin-dentin composite. The con-
lowed by treatments of NTG-GMA and PMDM cept of hybridization is to improve the bond strength
(Pyromellitic di anhydrate and 2-hydroxy ethyl meth- and also to provide better dentine seal. This can be
acrylate). This system was later modified by replacing achieved by the application of a hydrophilic primer
ferric oxalate with aluminumoxalate [2]. solution that can infiltrate the exposed collagen net-
work forming the hybrid layer. This can markedly re- Composition of third-generation bonding duce microleakage compared to the other bonding sys-
systems tems [13, 19].
Conditioner: phosphoric acid with aluminum oxa-
late and nitric acid. Commercial products:
Mirage bond All bond,
Dentin conditioner: HNO3 and NPG-GMA:2.5%. Scotch bond
Primer: PMDM. Scotch bond multipurpose, 3M, USA.
Gluma bonding system Conditioner: Maleic acid–10%.
Dentin conditioner: EDTA. Primer: Aqueous solution of HEMA and copolymer.
Primers: HEMA + Glutaraldehyde PermaQuick, Ultradent.
Scotch bond - II. ProBond, Dentsply.
Dentin conditioner: Maleic acid and HEMA. Liner bond-II, Kuraray, Japan.
Primers: BIS-GMA + HEMA.
Prisma universal bond-III: This is designed to 3.2.5 Fifth-generation bonding agent
bond both the inorganic and organic parts of den-
tin. Application of fifth-generation bonding agents involves
a two-step procedure. A simplified method which com-
Till the third-generation, concepts for dentin adhesion bines the primer and adhesives into one application. It
were based on bonding via resin tag formation in the includes etching, which is usually done with 30% to
tubules of conditioned dentin, the formation of precip- 40%phosphoric acid that rinses away, promotes the
itate on pretreated dentin surfaces followed by chemi- dissolution of enamel rods thereby creating mi-
cal or mechanical bonding of resin and chemical union croporosities that are filled by bonding agents through
to either inorganic or organic components of the den- capillary action and then followed by polymerization
tin [2].The number of clinical steps involved with the of the resin. In this case, phosphoric acid treatment
newer generation bonding agents was mentioned in exposes collagen network that is nearly devoid of hy-
table 2 and 3. droxyapatite. Bonding occurs by diffusion and infiltra-
tion of the resin within the collagen mess, forming a
3.2.4 Fourth-generation bonding agents hybrid layer. This hybrid layer will provide microme-
chanical retention to the restoration. To facilitate clini-
Fourth-generation systems involve three steps which cal use, the fifth-generation system consists of a single
include acid etchant application followed by the appli- bottle system; combined the primer and adhesives into
cation of primer and application of actual bonding one solution to be applied after etching enamel and
agent or bonding resin. A new wet bonding concept dentin simultaneously. Fifth-generation bonding
was introduced by Kanca [14] and Gwinettet et al. agents generally contain BIS-GMA, HEMA, GPDM, etha-
when acetone/alcohol-based primers are applied to nol, barium, aluminum borosilicate glass, fumed silica,
demineralised dentine, water diffuses from wet den- sodium, hexafluorosilicate, camphoroquinone [20].
tine into the acetone, while the acetone diffuses into The commercial products of this generation bonding
the demineralised dentine matrix. This chemical dehy- systems include One-Coat Bond (Coltene Whaledent,
dration of the collagen network caused by the substi- Switzerland), Prime and bond (Dentsply-Detrey, Ger-
tution of water by acetone increases the modulus of many), Opti bond solo (Kerr, USA), Scotch bond multi-
elasticity [15-18]. purpose single bond -3M (Kuraray, Japan), etc.
International Journal of Dental Materials 2019; 1(2): 60 -67
Table 2. Outline of clinical steps involved in application of currently available dentin bonding
First-generation 2 2 2
Second-generation 2 2 5
Third-generation 2-3 3 12
Fourth-generation 3-5 3 24
Fifth-generation 2 2 25
Sixth-generation 2 1-2 20
Seventh- generation 1 1 25
Eighth-generation 1 1 30 - 38
Table 3. Comparison of the system components, steps required and shear bond strengths of various
dentin adhesive systems [2,25].
These generation systems consist of two different These are all-in-one adhesives contain acidic unreact-
types which are discussed in subsequent sections. ed monomer that contacts the composite restorative
material directly. The etching, priming, and bonding Self-etching primer agents together in a single solution are now available
commercially. However, the dentin bond strengths of
It is an aqueous solution of 20% of phenyl–p in 30% these systems are lower than those obtained with to-
HEMA for bonding to enamel and dentin simultane- tal-etch adhesives [21]. Kallenos et al. (2005) [21]and
ously. The combination of etching and priming steps Al-Ehaideb et al. (2001) [22] observed no significant
reduces the working time, eliminates washing out of differences in tensile bond strength and microleakage
the acid gel and also eliminates the risk of collagen between the sixth and fifth-generation systems. Com-
collapse [2]. mercial systems available are Adper Prompt L – Pop
International Journal of Dental Materials 2019; 1(2): 60 -67
(3M ESPE), One – Up Bond F (Tokuyama Dental), Xeno camphoroquinone.
III (Dentsply).
Optibond all in one: Glycerol phosphate dimethacry- Composition late, mono- and di-functional methacrylate esters, wa-
Adper Prompt L – Pop-Adhesive: 2 HEMA, Bis GMA, ter, acetone, ethanol [20].
methacrylate phosphoric Esters, 1,6-hexanidol-
dimethacrylate, methacrylate functionalized polyal- 3.2.8 Eighth-generation bonding agents
kenesAcid, camphorquinone, ethanol, water, silica
filler, and stabilizer [23]. In 2010, Voco America introduced Voco futura bond
DC as an 8th generation bonding agent, which contains
3.2.7 Seventh -generation bonding agents nanosized fillers [25]. Nano-fillers with an approxi-
mate particle size of 12 nm are incorporated in these
The latest generation which combines etch, primer, new systems. These nano-fillers facilitate increased
and bond in a single solution. It is a single-step proce- penetration of resin monomers and the thickness of
dure or “All – in – one”. Clinicians consider using one- the hybrid layer that, in turn, results in improving the
step, self-etch adhesives are attractive approach since mechanical properties of the bonding systems [26,27].
they require reduced and less complex number of clin- Further, nano-bonding agent solutions with nano-
ical steps compared with multistep etch–and –rinse fillers produce better enamel and dentin bond
adhesives [2]. Commercial materials available with strength, stress absorption, and longer shelf life [28].
seventh-generation adhesives are ibond (Heraeus- These new agents from self-etch generations have
kulzer), Xeno IV (Dentsply), Optibond All –in –one acidic hydrophilic monomers which can be easily ap-
(Kerr). plied on the moistened and etched enamel [29].
The permeability of cured adhesive permits migration The concentration and the size of the nano-fillers may
of water from underlying dentin and forms water blis- influence the viscosity of the adhesive resins. It was
ters along the composite-adhesive interface. The in- reported that the filler sizes larger than 15–20 nm and
crease in hydrophilicity encourages better diffusion of the content with more than 1.0% by weight may in-
the low-viscosity dentin bonding agent into the evacu- crease the viscosity of the adhesives and also results in
ated spaces created by the acid etching process. As a agglomeration of the fillers on the moistened surface.
result, water is incorporated in the shape of trees in These clusters can act as flaws that may induce cracks
the hybrid zone. These blisters can act as stress rais- and cause a decrease in bond strength [27]. Numerous
ers that lower bond strength of chemical cured com- studies reported more shear bond strength compared
posite to dentin. These blisters may be identified as to previous generation bonding agents [30-35]. The
black deposits on immersing in silver nitrate tracer shear bond strengths of all eighth-generation bonding
solution. The shelf life and bond strength are de- agents were described in table 3.
creased due to the water permeability from dentin
around the resin tags [24]. Composition of eight-generation bonding agents in-
cludes; a unique combination of three functional mon- Composition of seventh-generation adhe- omers (4-META, MDP, and MDTP), notably excluding
sives HEMA, ensures excellent stability and exceptional
G-BOND: 4 META, UDMA, phosphate monomer, DMA bond strengths not just to tooth tissue but to all indi-
component, fumed silica filler, acetone, water, pho- rect substrates, including composites, precious and
toinitiator. non-precious alloys.
Clear l S3: MDP, bis-GMA, HEMA, water, ethanol APX-
Clearfil. Commercial products
One Coat7.0: UDMA, HEMA, glycerol-dimethacrylate,
polyakenoate methacrylate, and amorphous silica, G-Premio bond, GC Corporation, USA.
Xeno V: Bifunctional acrylamides, acrylamide alkyl All Bond Universal, Bisco Dental, USA.
sulfonic acid, inverse functional phosphoric acid ester,
acrylic acid, butylated benzenediol, water, tert-butanol
International Journal of Dental Materials 2019; 1(2): 60 -67
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