DASP Additional Information Form
DASP Additional Information Form
DASP Additional Information Form
call us on +61 7 3333 7400 have left Australia and your visa has either expired or been cancelled.
before proceeding.
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The following describes important things to remember when completing
Completing the each section of the form:
attached form
1 Personal details
If you are not applying through the Ensure you include your residential address. Legislation states we may not be able to process your
claim without it (a PO Box is not a residential address).
ATO’s online application system,
Ensure you confirm when your last employer contributions are made to Australian Retirement Trust.
if your balance is over $5,000,
or you are applying through an
agent you need to complete the 2 Claiming a tax deduction
attached form. Carefully consider if you want to claim a tax deduction before sending us this form. To claim a tax deduction
for years prior to 2017-18 you must have been self employed. Visit ato.gov.au for more information.
4 Visa information
Ensure you provide us with details for all visas you have held while working in Australia.
5 Payment details
Provide us with the details of the account you would like us to pay to. Refer to page 3 or go to ato.gov.au
for details on tax.
6 Proof of identity
For full information about certified identification, please refer to page 3.
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Important information
This form is to be used if you are not applying through Providing your Tax File Number (TFN)
the ATO’s online application system, if your balance is Under the Superannuation Industry (Supervision) Act
over $5,000, or you are applying through an agent. 1993, your superannuation fund is authorised to collect
your TFN, which will only be used for lawful purposes.
Proof of identity requirements (a)
These purposes may change in the future as a result of
You can get your documents
legislative change. The trustee of your superannuation
certified before you leave Australia.
fund may disclose your TFN to another superannuation
If you need more information about
provider, when your benefits are being transferred,
proof of identity requirements,visit
unless you request the trustee of your Superannuation
australianretirementtrust.com.au/id for
fund in writing that your TFN is not to be disclosed to
further details.
any other superannuation provider. However giving
What is an acceptable identification document? your TFN to your superannuation fund will have the
To verify your identity please attach a certified copy of: following advantages (which may not otherwise apply):
A. Your current driver’s licence, current passport or (c) (d) • Y
our superannuation fund will be able to accept
current national identity card that contains your all types of contributions to your account/s.
photo, name and EITHER residential address OR
00000000 0 0000
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Super Savings
Departing Australia Superannuation Payment
(DASP) additional information
This form is only to be completed if you are not applying through the ATO’s online
application system, if your balance is over $5,000, or you are applying through an agent. 13 11 84 |australianretirementtrust.com.au
Reply Paid 2924 Brisbane Qld 4001
Note: When completing the ATO online application, please enter our Australian Business Number (ABN) 60 905 115 063 in the
Superannuation fund details section.
Important: Please provide us with as much information as possible. Please tick boxes where appropriate. Use BLOCK letters and dark ink
when completing this form and ensure it is signed and dated. This form and supporting documentation need to be returned to Australian Member number
Retirement Trust GPO Box 2924 Brisbane QLD 4001*DENOTES MANDATORY FIELD.
1 Member details
Title First name* Middle name
Suburb /Town* State* Postcode* Home phone number Daytime phone number*
Residential street address (if the same as above leave blank)* Suburb /Town* State* Postcode*
Other/previous names
Note: If you have changed your name, you’ll need to provide a certified copy
of a linking document. Please read the important notes on identification.
Tax file number (TFN) details
If you’re not sure if we have your TFN you can add it below. You don’t have to provide your TFN, however if we don’t have your TFN, you may pay more tax than you need to.
Before you supply your TFN, please read the TFN section on page 3 of the Important information pages. If we do have your TFN you don’t need to provide it again.
Turn to page 3 to learn how you can avoid extra tax by providing your TFN.
Please note: If you intend to claim a tax deduction for voluntary after-tax contributions paid to your Super Savings account, it’s important you let us know BEFORE we make your payment.
If you close your account, income tax laws don’t allow us to complete any future requests for tax deductions. If you make a partial withdrawal or transfer, the maximum amount you can later claim
a tax deduction for is the reduced contribution amount remaining with us. If you intend to claim a tax deduction, you can let us know by completing the online form in Member Online or send us a
completed Notice of intent to claim a tax deduction form from ato.gov.au and we’ll send you confirmation to include with your tax return. To claim a tax deduction for years prior to 2017–18 you
must have been self employed. Visit ato.gov.au for more information.
You must work at least 40 hours over a period of 30 consecutive days, during the income year the contributions were made (or during the previous financial year, under a one-off exemption available to members with a ‘total
Please note if you have applied for a Certificate of Immigration Status from Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP),
you don’t need to provide visa information as DIBP will provide this information to us in the certificate.
If you’ve held either of the following two visas you need to provide visa information so we can accurately assess your application:
• Working holiday visa (subclass 417)
• Work and holiday visa (subclass 462)
List details for all visas you have held while working in Australia (including bridging visas), starting with subclass 417 or 462 visa.
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Visa subclass Visa type
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Visa subclass Visa type
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Visa subclass Visa type
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Visa subclass Visa type
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Visa subclass Visa type
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Visa subclass Visa type
/ / / /
If you have held more visas while working in Australia, write the details on a separate page and include it with this application.
The visa information you provide may be checked against information held by the DIBP. Your application may take longer if your information
does not match information held by DIBP.
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5 Payment details
If your payment is approved we will pay directly into your Australian bank or credit union account. Please also be aware that money can’t be paid into a credit card account,
third party account or an overseas account.
Please complete the sections below for the account you would like us to pay to and provide proof of your account.
6 Proof of identity*
For balances OVER $5,000 you must provide your proof of identity to I’ve attached a certified copy of my proof of identity (if applicable)
Australian Retirement Trust before your benefit will be paid.
All copies of ORIGINAL proof of identity documents must be certified as true copies by someone approved to do so and no more than
Certification 12 months old. More information about acceptable proof of identity documents and who can certify them is provided on page 3.
7 Checklist
Before we can pay your benefit, please make sure you have:
Please note: Providing us with your tax file number (TFN) in section 1 is not mandatory, however additional tax may be deducted from your
Important payment if you’ve not provided your TFN. Contact the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on 13 10 20 for more information about tax on
your payment. Please refer to page 3 for more information of the tax treatment of DASP claims.
Date (DD/MM/YYYY)*
We are committed to respecting the privacy of personal information you give us.
If you would like a copy of Australian Retirement Trust’s Privacy Policy, visit australianretirementtrust.com.au/privacy or call 13 11 84.
Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd ABN 88 010 720 840 AFSL No. 228975 Trustee of Australian Retirement Trust ABN 60 905 115 063
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