214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message
Business Usage:
Import Shipment Status
214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message - Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Introduction............................................. 3
214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message – Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Implementation...................................... 4
214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message – ANSI X12 Guidelines ................................................................ 28
Example of Conventions.............................................................................................................................................................. 31
214 Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message - Changes from Previous (4030) Version................................... 32
Change History............................................................................................................................................................................... 33
Wal-Mart uses the 214 for tracking shipment status of import merchandise on a point-to-point
basis, from the time the shipment enters the port to the time it is dropped off at the final
destination (distribution center, store, or club).
Functional Acknowledgment
A Functional Acknowledgment, VICS/EDI transaction set 997 will be sent within 24 hours of
receipt of originating transmission to acknowledge receipt or to notify the sender of format or
syntax errors.
Pos. Seg. Req. Loop Notes and
No. ID Name Des. Max.Use Repeat Comments
LOOP ID - 1000 999999
M 0100 LX Assigned Number M 1
0200 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number O 10
0200 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number O 10
0200 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number O 10
0200 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number O 10
0200 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number O 10
0400 Q7 Lading Exception Code O 10
0600 AT5 Bill of Lading Handling Requirements O 10
0700 AT8 Shipment Weight, Packaging and Quantity Data O 10
LOOP ID - 1100 10
M 0800 AT7 Shipment Status Details M 1
0900 MS1 Equipment, Shipment, or Real Property O 1
1000 MS2 Equipment or Container Owner and Type O 2
1200 M7 Seal Numbers O 1
LOOP ID - 1200 5
1300 N1 Name O 1
1300 N1 Name O 1
This X12 Transaction Set contains the format and establishes the data contents of the Transportation Carrier
Shipment Status Message Transaction Set (214) for use within the context of an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
environment. This transaction set can be used by a transportation carrier to provide shippers, consignees, and their
agents with the status of shipments in terms of dates, times, locations, route, identifying numbers, and conveyance.
Pos. Seg. Req. Loop Notes and
No. ID Name Des. Max.Use Repeat Comments
LOOP ID - 1000 999999
M 0100 LX Transaction Set Line Number M 1
0200 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number O 999
0300 MAN Marks and Numbers Information O 9999
0400 Q7 Lading Exception Status O 10
0500 K1 Remarks O 10
0600 AT5 Bill of Lading Handling Requirements O 10
0700 AT8 Shipment Weight, Packaging and Quantity Data O 10
LOOP ID - 1100 10
M 0800 AT7 Shipment Status Details M 1
0900 MS1 Equipment, Shipment, or Real Property O 1
1000 MS2 Equipment or Container Owner and Type O 2
1100 K1 Remarks O 1
1200 M7 Seal Numbers O 1
LOOP ID - 1200 5
1300 N1 Party Identification O 1
1400 N2 Additional Name Information O 1
1500 N3 Party Location O 2
1600 N4 Geographic Location O 1
1700 G62 Date/Time O 1 n1
1800 L11 Business Instructions and Reference Number O 10
1. The G62 segment shall not be used to report shipment status dates and/or times.
The 214 is used primarily by truckload and less than truckload carriers to report the status of a
shipment to the shipper, consignee and other parties to the shipment. In addition, the 214 can be
used to provide customers with carrier performance data. The 214 can provide pick-up or
delivery dates and times, as well as information concerning shipments in transit.
Small package carriers use the Motor Carrier Package (240) to report package status information.
Various reference numbers will be provided in a shipment status message. For LTL carriers, the
PRO number will be provided along with a unique carton identification number if assigned by
the shipper and transmitted in a 211. Truckload carriers can provide an identification number
assigned by the carrier as well as a bill of lading number.
Most carriers send shipment status messages on a scheduled basis pre-agreed to by the trading
partners. The two most common times for the 214’s to be transmitted are at the time of pick-up
and time of delivery.
The transaction set can be used to transmit status information for both a single shipment, with
only one ship- from and ship-to, and multi-stop shipments.
The complete implementation guidelines are contained in the “Motor Carrier Industry Guide to
EDI Implementations and Conventions”. Any UCC member can receive a copy of the guide at
American Trucking Associations’ member price.
1. Every data element on each segment is listed in the Data Element Summary section of the segment
documentation, including unused Elements.
2. Every data element has the ANSI X12 data element ID noted.
3. Every data element has the ANSI X12 data element title noted.
4. Every data element has the ANSI X12 data element attributes noted:
4.1. Data element requirement designation
4.1.1. Mandatory (M) This element is required to appear in the segment.
4.1.2. Optional (O) The appearance of this data element is at the option of the sending party or
is based on the mutual agreement of the interchange parties.
4.1.3. Relational (X) Relational conditions may exist between two or more data elements
within a segment based on the presence or absence of one of those data elements. The
relational condition is displayed under the heading “Syntax Notes.”
4.2. Data element type
4.2.1. Numeric (Nn) — The numeric type of data element is symbolized by the two-position
representation Nn. N indicates a numeric, and n indicates the decimal places to the right
of a fixed, implied decimal point. the decimal point is not transmitted in the character
stream. For negative values, the leading minus sign (-) is used. Absence of a sign
indicates a positive value. The plus sign (+) should not be transmitted. Leading zeros
should be suppressed unless necessary to satisfy a minimum length requirement. The
length of the data element is the number of digits used. The minus sign (-) is not counted
when determining the length of the data element value.
4.2.2. Decimal Number (R) — The decimal type of data element is symbolized by the
representation R. The decimal point is optional for integer values, but required for
fractional values. For negative values, the leading minus sign (-) is used. Absence of a
sign indicates a positive value. The plus sign (+) should not be transmitted. Leading
zeros should be suppressed unless necessary to satisfy a minimum length requirement.
The minus sign and the decimal point are not counted when determining the length of the
data element value.
4.2.3. Identifier (ID) — The identifier type of data element is symbolized by the representation
ID. An identifier data element must always contain a value from a predefined list of
values that is maintained by ASC X12 or other bodies that are recognized by ASC X12.
The value is left justified. Trailing spaces should be suppressed.
4.2.4. String (AN) — The string type of data element is symbolized by the representation AN.
Contents of string type data elements are a sequence of any letters, digits, spaces, and/or
special characters and contain at least one non-space character. The significant
characters must be left justified. Leading spaces, if used, are assumed to be significant
characters. Trailing spaces should be suppressed.
4.2.5. Date (DT) — The date type of data element is symbolized by the representation DT.
Format for the date type is CCYYMMDD. CC is the two digit Century (00-99). YY is
the last two digits of the year (00-99), MM is the numeric value of the month (01-12),
and DD is the numeric value of the day (01-31).
4.2.6. Time (TM) — The time type is symbolized by the representation TM. Format for this
type is expressed in 24-hour clock format, HHMMSSd..d. HH is the numeric expression
of the hour (00-23), MM is the numeric expression of the minute (00-59), SS is the
numeric expression of the second (00-59), and d..d is the numeric expression of decimal
4.3. Data element length (minimum/maximum)
5. Data elements utilized by Wal-Mart applications are noted in bold type.
6. Data elements ignored by Wal-Mart application are noted in italicized type.
7. Every data element utilized by Wal-Mart applications has the ANSI X12 data element purpose noted.
8. ID-type data elements have the list of utilized values noted.
9. Industry comments relating to segments and data elements are noted in bold text with a shaded
10. Wal-Mart comments relating to segments and data elements are noted in underlined bold text with a
shaded background.
51214-IM (004030) Wal-Mart Confidential 30
Example of Conventions
Segment: N1 Name
Position: 0400
Loop: N1
Level: Heading
Usage: Mandatory
Max Use: 1
Purpose: To identify a party by type of organization, name, and code
Syntax Notes: 1 At least one of N102 or N103 is required.
2 If either N103 or N104 is present, then the other is required.
Semantic Notes:
Comments: 1 This segment, used alone, provides the most efficient method of
providing organizational identification. To obtain this efficiency the
"ID Code" (N104) must provide a key to the table maintained by the
transaction processing party.
2 N105 and N106 further define the type of entity in N101.
Notes: There must be at least one occurrence of the N1 segment in the header 9
area to identify the sender of the transaction in text or coded format.
This segment will always identify Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. as the sender
of the document