Indicators (For Steam Engines)
Indicators (For Steam Engines)
Indicators (For Steam Engines)
he products of industry are being catalogued. Its goals include tracing the history of design and development of the engine indicator; identifying participating manufacturers and their products; deducing (if possible) how many autographic indicators have been made since Watt's first attempt; and providing a way of dating individual items satisfactorily. For contact addresses and links, see More information. Last update: 18th September 2006
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One of the major catalysts in development was the increasing realisation that the steam engine, useful tool though it had proved to be, was inefficient. Many reasons have been advanced to account for this process, but it is probable that once the Watt-type engine began to replace the old Newcomen 'atmospheric' designs it could be seen that too much coal was being consumed in relation to output. James Watt (1736-1819) is customarily accorded credit for defining the 'horse power', and was also the first (as far as we know) to produce a 'stand alone' method of indicating steam pressure within a cylinder. In theory, a mercury barometer could have been adapted to the task, but experiments showed that it was too prone to oscillation. About 1790, Watt produced an indicator in which a small piston, travelling within a brass cylinder, moved a pointer; the greater the pressure, the greater the deflection, which, as the engines of the day were slow running, could be seen by an observer. A skilled man could note the progress of the pressure during the steam phase and also the vacuum produced by the condenser. The first major improvement in the design of the Watt Indicator was made by an employee of Boulton & Watt, John Southern, who designed the first method of recording the operating cycle of the steam engine automatically. In the summer of 1796, Southern suggested adapting the 'recording indicator' by adding a recording-board or tablet that slid within a supporting frame. A cord attached to the beam pulled the tablet sideways as, simultaneously, the pencil-pointer recorded the rise of pressure in the cylinder on a sheet of paper. As the beam returned, a weight attached to the free end of the operating cord reversed the movement of the tablet. The pencil recorded the cylinder pressure as it dropped to nothing, and in so doing closed the diagram of pressure against time. The shape of this diagram remained characteristic of indicators made into the present century, the earliest datable survivor being made in January 1803. However, indicators were in perpetually short supply until the 1820s. James Watt was a secretive man, obsessed with keeping his ideas from others, and the development of a recording indicator was kept from prying eyes. However, details of one such instrument were published in an 'Account of a Steam Engine Indicator', a letter submitted by 'H.H. junr.' to The Quarterly Journal of Science in 1822. This credits knowledge of the indicator to Joshua Field of Maudslay, Son & Field, and manufacture to a foundry owned by 'Mr Hutton of Anderston', Glasgow. Once the value of the perfected McNaught rotating-drum pattern had been universally admitted, steamengine indicators were made in great quantity by many manufacturers. But they were expensive. Regarded as precision tools, they still cost more than four times the average English weekly wage in 1914. Though many of the old mechanically-driven indicators had been displaced by new electricallyoperated instruments, a few survived in everyday use into the 1960s, when the closure of last great steam-driven textile mills and the demise of the steam railway locomotive ultimately relegated most of
them to the scrap-yard. For more than 150 years, however, the indicator had given engineers an opportunity to see inside the cylinders of a steam-engine (and later also the internal-combustion engine), and had testified to many major advances. A few are still being made in Germany for use with marine diesel engines.
What is an indicator?
An indicator is a small, originally mechanically-operated instrument that gives an insight into the operation of a range of pressure-operated machines steam engines, gas and oil engines, compressors, condensers, even guns by comparing the rise and fall of pressure during the operating cycle. The use of an oscillating drum allows variations in pressure to be recorded on both the outward stroke and the return journey. Excepting some of the continuously-recording instruments and virtually all maximum-pressure recorders, indicators usually give a trace in the form of a closed loop. A steam engine works by allowing steam to enter a cylinder behind a piston, then pushing the piston along to the opposite (far) end of the cylinder. The piston is connected to a crank, and the crank is often connected to a heavy flywheel. If the engine is single acting, the steam would be exhausted at the end of the piston stroke and the momentum of the flywheel, once the engine was running, would return the piston passively to its original position. Steam would be introduced, and the cycle would recommence. Most engines are double-acting, however. When the steam is exhausted from the head side of the piston at the end of the outward stroke, another charge of steam is introduced on the crank side of the piston to actively push the piston back again. This results in continual motion as steam is admitted and exhausted on both sides of the piston alternately.
The sides of this near-rectangle illustrate the steam cycle in graphical form. The steam valve opens at A, allowing the pressure to rise instantaneously to its maximum level, shown at B. The piston starts to move forward, propelled by steam that is admitted until the piston reaches the far end of the cylinder at C. The exhaust valve then opens, releasing all the steam, and the pressure drops to D. At this point, the admission of steam to the other side of the piston (or the momentum in the flywheel) pushes the piston back to its original position A. But this is a very simplistic case, and no engine could ever work exactly in this way. This is due to several factors, ranging from a desire to economise, using the ability of steam to expand within the cylinder ('expansive working'), to the inability of valves to admit or exhaust steam instantly and the inadvisability of pistons slamming into the end faces of cylinders. It is standard practice, therefore, to
shut the inlet valve long before the piston has travelled the length of the cylinder, allowing steam to provide impetus by continuing to expand even though pressure drops as volume increases. Opening the exhaust valve shortly before the end of the piston stroke allows pressure to fall quickly, but smoothly enough to cushion the last few inches of piston-travel. As the piston travels back to its start position, propelled by a fresh admission of steam on the crank side, it does so against a certain amount of back pressure (a residue of steam remains after the exhaust valve has closed) that rises far enough to prevent the piston slamming against the inner face of the cylinder head. The inlet valve admits steam shortly before the end of this return stroke, pressure climbs rapidly to its maximum value, and the cycle begins again. The diagram is no longer a horizontal rectangle, but more like a vertical rectangle (where steam is admitted at full pressure) joined to a truncated right-angle triangle representing the part of the cycle where the expensive properties of steam are being used to promote economy. Rounded corners show the point at which the admission of full-pressure steam has been cut off, where admission or exhaust occurs, and where the cushioning effects of residual steam prevent unnecessary damage to the piston and cylinder.
This diagram is to be expected from a well-regulated engine of Corliss type, showing the traces obtained from the outward or head stroke (blue) and the return or crank stroke (pink). The admission of steam during the head stroke is 'cut-off' at E, allowing the remainder of the piston stroke to be powered simply by the additional expansion of the steam that is already in the cylinder. The position of the base of the trace in relation to an atmospheric line will show the levels of back pressure, and whether the engine is fitted with a condenser (when the baseline of the trace will lie below the atmospheric line and indicate the presence of a vacuum). Diagrams may be taken from one end of the cylinder only, though, with the aid of multi-way cocks, they will often be taken from both ends in sequence and present the mirror-image appearance shown above. The greater the symmetry of the mirroring, the more consistently an engine is performing. There can be good reasons why the power developed on each stroke is not identical, but this balancing is nevertheless an ideal if often theoretical goal. To guard against a single indicator card being untypical, several traces would sometimes be run on a single card; in most cases, assuming the engine was working reliably without any change in load, the lines would usually reinforce each other. The so-called 'limiting' indicators achieved a similar goal by building up a single trace of narrow horizontal slices taken from as many as fifty sequential strokes.
An indicator diagram could draw attention to a wide range of problems with an individual engine, which had often escaped the attention of its minder. On many occasions, the diagram revealed that the setting that was claimed to be perfect 'by ear' or 'by eye' was anything but ideal, and changes could often be made to improve economy or reduce the strain on the components. Some engines, of course, could have a number of faults simultaneously; those that were due to poor design or bad construction were much more difficult to address than a simple case of bad valve timing.
Left This was copied from a diagram taken in 1906 by a boiler inspector employed to check that the steam plant insured by his employers was working satisfactorily. An Elliott-Richards indicator was used.
The diagram show above, taken from a real double-acting engine, makes these points eloquently. The shape of the 'Back' (head) trace, in red, shows that the engine is not working particularly hard, and that the cut-off the point at which the admission of steam ceases is too early. The pressure of steam behind the piston then falls so far that there is virtually no additional drop as the exhaust valve opens. In addition, the long sweeping upward curve at the bottom left-hand corner shows that there is too much steam left in the cylinder when the inlet valve opens and the cycle begins again. The trace of the 'Front' or crank end, however, is worse. The steam-admission pressure is lower, cut-off is even shorter, the decline of pressure too protracted, and there is almost no cushioning effect on the piston as it returns. A few simple alterations could greatly improve the smooth-running and general efficiency of this particular engine. Different types of engine, of course, gave characteristically different diagrams; though the design of the intervening pipes played an important part in ensuring that as much of the boiler pressure as possible was preserved when the steam reached the cylinder, there is little doubt that the valve gear made the greatest difference. This is particularly true of 'detaching gear' such as the American Corliss design, which (at its best) gave very precise admission and exhaust phases.
Watt indicators
The first of Watt's pressure-indicating gauges had been tried by December 1793. It consisted of a small cylinder, no more than an inch in diameter with a bore six inches long, which contained a solid-head piston made with the greatest accuracy that could be obtained. The cylinder terminated in a small cone-tipped pipe, which could be inserted in a hole bored in the cylinder or condenser covers. Communication between gauge and receptacle was controlled by a system of cocks. A long spiral spring connected the piston rod with the supporting frame, and a pointer attached to the rod-tail lay against a graduated scale allowing the pressure within the cylinder (or, alternatively, the vacuum in the condenser) to be determined. Calibration was undertaken by referring to a mercury barometer. Watt's primitive gauge worked well enough to enable the operating characteristics of individual engines to be determined, but had an important drawback: pressures could be observed only by watching the movements of the pointer during the piston stroke and then simply writing the results down. This process was open to error, even though the ponderous movements of the early beam engine were slow enough to facilitate observation. Indicating devices of this type soon proved so useful that refinements were made. The Science Museum in London still has a machine in the form of a small beam engine, with the piston on one side of the supporting column and the spiral spring on the other, taking the place of the connecting rod or pump rodding on the full-size engines. The minuscule beam, with two small arch heads, supports an elongated metal rod running upward to serve as a pointer. A graduated scale could be attached to a board attached to the vertical arm of the frame, which in its entirety resembled a large slender round-headed 'T' on a low four-leg stool. Elongating the pointer rod magnified the movement of the pointer against the scale, facilitating observation, but the process still demanded great care if the fluctuating pressures within the cylinder were to be recorded accurately. Exactly when this instrument was made remains in dispute, though the Boulton & Watt Papers, now in the care of the Birmingham Museum of Science & Industry, contain a variety of references dating back to 1794. The indicator was soon adapted to provide a written record of each individual application instead of merely a transient observation. This was a tremendous analytical breakthrough, allowing, as it did, an accurate picture to be formed of the pressure of steam at any time during the movement of the piston. The inspiration was due to John Southern (1758-1815), Watt's draughtsman, who recorded in a letter dated 14th March 1796 that he had 'contrived an instrument that shall tell accurately what power any engine exerts'. By August 1796, Southern was expressing doubts that diagrams that had been supplied from the Salford Cotton Mill engine were accurate. He went on to note that 'It would be better if instead of
drawing the board uniformly forward, a pair of wheels was applied so as to make one revolution for a double stroke of the engine and crank fixt [sic] upon one end of such a length as to give the stroke you wish for the board to move. The exactness of the beginning and ending might be ascertained very nicely, and as the pencil would go over and over again the same track or nearly, the mean might be taken with some precision'. The 'closed loop' was obtained by fitting a tablet that reciprocated in phase with the piston.
A Watt-pattern indicator
Above: genuine Watt indicators are exceptionally rare. This working replica built by Bruce Babcock of Amanda, Ohio, on the basis of information supplied by the Science Museum in London, has been demonstrated successfully at many steam fairs in the USA. The drawing, taken from Terrell Croft's Steam Engine Principles and Practices (1922), shows a typical Watt-type indicator of the 1820s. The instrument shown in the Croft drawing consists of a vertical tube C approximately 10in high with a diameter of 1.125in attached to an iron or wood frame D at the top and a steam cock B at the base. The pipe was usually designed to mate with the grease cock on the cylinder cap of the engine A, but could also sometimes be fitted to the lower end of the cylinder to check the valve settings. The tube contained a tightfitting piston F with a hollow tail rod extending upward through the top cap. A short transverse brass tube, containing a light spiral spring and a pencil or pencil or 'crayon' L was fixed to the tail rod to serve as an indicating pointer. A large spiral spring S was contained within the body C, surrounding the piston rod. The spring was anchored in the back of the piston head P and either in a bracket on the supporting frame or in the top-cap of the tube, so that it was capable of a limited amount of compression (to register the low maximum pressures of the Watt beam engines) or a larger degree of extension to register the vacuum created in the condenser. Steam was admitted from the engine cylinder E through the indicator cock X into the indicator cylinder C. The pencil A traced its linear diagram D R D onto a sheet of paper, pinned or clamped in place, as the tablet slid along the under-edge of its supporting frame. A cord F attached to the tablet was led around a
small pulley on the frame to a suitable moving point on the engine on the parallel motion, for example which moved no greater than the six inches required for the diagram. The return stroke of the tablet was undertaken with the help of a weight suspended from another cord running over a pulley on the opposite side of the indicator frame to complete the diagram.
Watt moving-tablet indicators were made only in small numbers, though construction and design often differed greatly in detail; for example, a long spiral spring was often substituted for the cord and weight. Many of them were still being used in the 1850s. They were invaluable to the engineers of their day, even though excessive friction in the moving parts promoted inefficiency. Consequently, the moving-tablet indicators were eclipsed first by the McNaught instruments and then by the many 'high speed' designs deriving from the Richards pattern. However, there were many who mistrusted the ability of the spring-driven reciprocating cylinder to provide accurate diagrams, pointing to the dependence on inherently elastic driving cords and on the assumption that the performance of the spring in the recording cylinder would be consistent throughout the entire range of movement. One of the earliest attempts to resurrect moving-tablet systems was reported by John E. Sweet to a meeting of the American Institute of Mining Engineers held in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in the summer of 1879. Even at this early stage in the development of high-speed engines, a need had been identified, said Sweet, for efficient indicators that dispensed entirely with parallel motion. The Thompson indicator (then regarded as the most modern design) had dramatically reduced the weight of the parts in the pointer linkage, but engineers were already predicting that running speeds of 1000rpm would be achieved. No indicator available in 1879 could provide legible diagrams at this speed. Sweet claimed that the indicator made by Fred Halsey, one of his students, had worked very well, providing diagrams as good at 330rpm as they had been with the Thompson instrument at 270rpm and the original Richards machine at only 220rpm though the rigid connection between the reducing gear and the sliding tablet undoubtedly explained part of the improved performance. The most sophisticated moving-tablet indicator to be introduced prior to 1914 was patented in 1893 by an Englishman, Moses Wayne, who acknowledged the prior existence of instruments working on similar principles. A lightweight moving tablet was combined with a rotary piston controlled by an externally-mounted helical spring. Steam from the engine cylinder entered by two channels through diametrically opposed admission ports, twisting the piston by its vanes against the pressure of the control spring. The steam or water that leaked past the piston simply dissipated through two escape ports. The pointer was a radial arm attached directly to an extension of the piston spindle, drawing its trace on a piece of paper attached to a concave mounting plate on the tablet. This was moved forward and then back by the connection with the crosshead (or suitable reducing gear), producing a conventional indicator diagram. However, the Wayne instrument could also be fitted with a detachable limiting mechanism (later known as a 'liner'), enabling it to be used in circumstances e.g., on railway locomotives
where vibration hindered the creation of a single diagram. The limiting mechanism allowed the operator to produce a continuous line-by-line summary of performance as the tablet reciprocated. The movement applied to the piston by the worm gear ensured that each line was drawn at slightly greater pressure than its predecessor. The piston could be moved from its 'off' position (when the cylinder pressure was less than that the opposing spring) to 'on' when the pressure finally overcame the spring. Though the absolute pressure was not shown, the point at which it rose above the controlling spring was clearly marked on each line and allowed the points to be joined to provide continuity. Experience soon taught the operator how fast to turn the limiter crank-handle, until the individual lines were no more than a twentieth of an inch apart. At this spacing, the pressure line became all but continuous. Elliott Brothers made Wayne moving-tablet indicators until 1900 or later, though the quantities involved were probably small. The simplicity of rival rotating-drum patterns relegated the Wayne pattern largely to experimental or laboratory use, even though the ease with which legible 'lined' traces could be obtained from engines running at 600rpm (or more) was greatly in its favour. Elliott turned instead to the equally short-lived Simplex drum instrument, with its detachable 'tong' springs.
McNaught indicators
and derivative designs
The first major advance in design was made by replacing the reciprocating tablet with a revolving drum, which was much more compact, easier to manage, and offered less frictional resistance to the recording stroke. The instigator of this system is generally believed to have been John McNaught, who began trading on his own account in Glasgow in the 1820s having previously made Watt-type indicators for (possibly among others) the engineer John Farey. McNaught relied on the piston stroke to make half a rotation of the drum and a spring within the drum to enforce a return. The date of this advance has not been satisfactorily determined, though some evidence was laid by McNaught before the Society of Arts for Scotland in 1829, including a pamphlet entitled Description and Use of Macnaughts Improved Indicator for Steam Engines, published anonymously in Glasgow in 1828 but almost certainly McNaught's own work. There were also several testimonials, including one from 'Mr Alexander', who claimed to have been using a McNaught indicator for 'more than two years'. This suggests that the development had been completed by, at the latest, the winter of 1827. The original McNaught indicators were of the 'co-axial' or 'in-line' design, with the paper drum around the cylinder. They were suitable only for low-power engines, the scales usually ranging a vacuum of 15lb/ to a pressure of 15lb/ above atmospheric level. Soon, perhaps inspired by an ever-increasing enthusiasm for compounding (and undoubtedly also the introduction of railway locomotives), a high-pressure 'parallel axis' variation had appeared. The recording drum had been moved to a bracket projecting at right angles from the cylinder. A catalogue published in Glasgow in 1831 shows both patterns. By 1842, however, McNaught had abandoned the co-axial indicator, and the distinction between pressure ranges was being addressed with differing pistons. The high-pressure and lowpressure patterns had areas of 1/ and 1/ respectively. Pressures ranged as high as 130lb/, which had advanced only to 140lb/ by the mid 1850s. Some, if not all high-pressure McNaught instruments were also apparently capable of indicating a vacuum; however, it is suspected that most would have been used in conjunction with non-condensing locomotive engines. The pressures were far too high for the stationary engines of the day. By 1856, and the final version of McNaught's promotional leaflet (which had become a book), the separate-cylinder indicator was being offered for pressures of 60, 100 and 140lb/ In addition, a specially enlarged version was being offered, capable of giving a six-inch diagram instead of the customary 3.75in version. McNaught indicators (and the copies that they inspired) came from a variety of sources. Some may have been made for McNaught by Joseph Chadburn and Chadburn Bros. of Sheffield; many were made by the Novelty Iron Works of New York (apparently from 1847); and others came from Joseph Hopkinson of Britannia Works, Huddersfield. One example in the Science Museum collection bears the mark of John Hannan of Glasgow.
A McNaught-type indicator
Above, left to right: a McNaught parallel-axis indicator, probably dating from the 1840s, with a replacement spring. Photograph by courtesy of Bruce Babcock, Amanda, Ohio, USA. Drawings taken from Indicator Diagrams and Engine and Boiler Testing by Charles Day, published in 1898. A later indicator, made by J/ McNaught & Son of Glasgow. This large example, with replaceable pressure-graduation plates, may date from about 1858 and is believed to have been used in a military factory in India. Author's collection. Apart from the recording system, the McNaught essentially similar to Watt's reciprocating-tablet instrument, with a steam-tight piston P sliding in a wood-insulated tube W beneath a spiral spring S, which was capable of extension or compression. A pencil-pointer attached to the piston tail rod p pivoting on a bar R protruded through the wall of the tube W to trace a diagram on a paper strip held to the drum B by brass fingers. The drum contained a coil spring or fuse, which was anchored in the drum spindle and worked against a spindle fixed in the supporting bracket or platform. When the outward stroke of the engine began, a cord C running back from the parallel motion, crosshead or suitable movable point, passed over a pulley G attached to the drum-support bracket. This rotated the drum as the increase in steam pressure in the cylinder raised the pencil to begin the trace. As the inward stroke began, the spring rotated the drum back to its starting position as the cylinder pressure dropped. The return stroke thus completed the diagram.
The indicator promoted from the early 1850s onward by Joseph Hopkinson of 'J. Hopkinson & Co., Engineers of Huddersfield and London', was the most interesting variant of the McNaught system. Hopkinson's indicators returned to the co-axial design, which he considered to be more resistant to vibration. The operating cord ran around the base of the drum, and around a pulley attached to an arm held to the base of the tube by a collar-and-thumbscrew assembly. The pencil pointer lay on a spring-steel arm, attached directly to the piston tail rod to work directly on the trace-paper. Additional springs could be supplied, each suited to differing pressure ranges. Unlike virtually every other design, however, these springs were added to the piston rod above the cylindrical casing, where they were retained by a locking nut. Hopkinson's design was simple and compact, remaining in vogue even after the first Elliott-made Richards instruments had been distributed in Britain in the 1860s. However, it soon lost favour once high-speed engines became common, as the inertia of the heavy spring/piston unit contributed to excessive vibration and irregular trace lines. The original axial or 'in-line' design was discontinued in the mid 1870s. Hopkinson had attempted to make a parallel-axis indicator, protected by British Patents granted in 1869-70, but this fragilelooking design offered little improvement on the axial pattern. The inventor was still championing the direct-reading system, and a flimsy curved arm, with a slender cylindrical tail rod, was simply slipped on to the piston-rod extension and clamped in place with a small threaded nut. The tail rod was supposed to steady the assembly by passing down through a small horizontal plate protruding above the cylinder cap, which allowed the whole tracer unit to turn until the pointer was brought to bear on the paper.
Left The new-pattern Hopkinson indicator, clearly inspired by the Richards design but lacking an amplifying trace mechanism, was made in small numbers in the early 1870s. This example is numbered '411'.
Play in the tracer mechanism and the use of springs that were un-necessarily large, owing to the absence of amplification, were too much of a handicap to allow accurate readings to be taken. Consequently, the parallel-axis Hopkinson indicator was in vogue only for a very few years. For a long time, none had been identified; then, in the space of as many weeks, two examples were found. Hopkinson indicators retained their popularity in northern England into the 1880s, losing ground there only as the mill and factory engines increased in size, speed and power, and there is circumstantial evidence to show that they were also popular in Cornwall. The McNaught pattern was still regarded as standard in the Royal Navy (where boiler pressures had remained exceptionally conservative) as late as 1882. The advent of compounding then had an effect in the navy: the McNaught pattern was soon being preferred only 'for general use on ordinary service', and the Richards design was used 'for the records of steam trials and other special services'. Perhaps the first of the limiting or 'slice' indicators was the work of an Alsatian engineer, Gustave Hirn (1815-90). Alterations had been made in the 1850s to a co-axial McNaught-type indicator. Hirn preferred the direct-reading instrument where absolute accuracy was concerned, but acknowledged that the oscillations that affected the pencil posed a real problem when the enginespeed rose above 20-25rpm. An answer was found by limiting the recording to a fraction of the cycle, then repeating it section-bysection until an overall picture was created. Hirn had first applied the method crudely, simply by pressing down on the pointer with his finger, but then progressed to mechanical stops. The slice diagrams or tranches minces were subsequently employed in France by Deprez, in the USA by Burkitt Webb, and in Britain both by Farnum & Bodley and by Moses Wayne.
Left A French MacNaught-type indicator fitted with a continuous-recording system. It was probably made by Duvergier of Lyon in the 1860s.
A few attempts were made to fit McNaught-pattern indicators with continuous-roll apparatus, most notably by the French clockmaker Paul Garnier in 1857-65. However, the success of the Richards design held immediate attention. Some continuousrecord instruments relied on three drums one holding the paper roll, one recording, and the other receiving the used roll though others had only two, and a few attempts were made to contain the entire assembly in the recording drum. Elliott Brothers of London made Darke and 'Improved Richards' indicators of this type, but the universal acceptance of pillar-type torsion springs at the expense of flat spiral springs in the drum base subsequently favoured external paper feed systems.
McNaught indicators were successful, particularly for use with slow-running engines, and set a trend that lasted for more than thirty years. They also inspired many copies, some of which offered significant improvements.
Richards indicators
and derivatives
The continuously-recording machine proposed by Daniel Gooch (181689) was the first indicator to be used successfully on a railway locomotive at speed. It owed its origin to the 'Battle of the Gauges', a controversy that raged in Britain in the 1840s over the ideal dimensions for railway track. One powerful faction, led by the Stephensons, claimed that the 'standard' gauge (then 4ft 8in) was superior to the Broad Gauge (7ft 0.1/4in) championed by the maverick engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel (180659). Among the sharpest differences of opinion concerned the resistance afforded by air pressure, friction and other factors to a moving train, and it was this that Gooch sought to investigate The Gooch indicator comprised a horizontal-cylinder apparatus incorporating two half-elliptical springs and a slide valve instead of a turn cock. It was also the first instrument of its type to incorporate an amplifying recorder: a pencil bar, attached at one end to the piston rod was mounted so that the movement of the piston was magnified approximately fourfold. Unfortunately, the diagrams produced by the Gooch indicator took an unusual form, partly because of the continuous-recording feature but also because the recording pointer moved radially. The next great advance occurred in the USA, owing to the interest shown in engine design by Charles Talbot Porter (18241910). The success of the Porter Governor, which improved the performance of many a steam engine from the 1850s onwards, led to an association with a mechanic named John Allen. Allen had designed what he felt was a better way of controlling a steam engine than the classical adjustable slide valve. Porter not only persuaded Allen that his design was worthwhile, but also suggested that a high-speed engine could result from a marriage of the Allen 'liberating gear' and Porter's flyball governor. The first high-speed Porter-Allen engine was built in 1861, ran successfully, and inspired the creation of a larger machine shown at the International Exhibition in London in 1862. There it aroused great controversy, as many observers opined that high speeds posed a real threat to life and limb. The running speed was so great, indeed, that only the indicator supplied with the machine could produce useful pressure/time diagrams. The designer of the indicator was Charles Brinkerhoff Richards (18331919), a successful Brooklyn- born consulting engineer with whom Porter had previously had contact. Richards declined to patent the indicator, leaving the task to Porter in return for a $100 fee and a ten per cent royalty on each instrument. Porter subsequently obtained patents in many countries in 18623, including British Patent 1450/62 and US Patent 37980. The principal claim to novelty concerned the parallel-motion type amplifying mechanism, which ensured that the pencil that traced the diagram moved in a straight line.
A Richards-type indicator Taken from Jamieson's A Text-Book on Steam and Steam Engines (1897), this illustration of Richards indicator shows a brass piston tube C forged integrally with the base for the recording drum D, to which paper or card could be attached with the assistance of two brass fingers. The tube contained a tight-fitting piston P and a spiral spring SS, and was connected to the engine cylinder by a steam cock SC. Serpentine arms or 'standards' A, carried on a collar which could rotate on the piston tube, supported the parallel-motion system PM. Rotating the collar allowed the pencil or scriber P mounted on PM to be brought into contact with paper on the recording drum D. The piston rod PR was carried up through a cap screwed into the piston tube, to be pivoted to the inner parallelmotion arm by a small link. The outer parallel-motion arm was connected with the inner arm by a short vertical link, which carried the pencil P at its mid-point. The drum was revolved by a cord S attached to the moving parts of the engine, acting over the customary small pulley GP, and was returned by a volute or coil spring in the drum-base.
The Richards Indicator amazed onlookers in the Crystal Palace by recording perfect diagrams at an unprecedented 150rpm. No other indicator of the day would have coped in such circumstances, owing to the inertia of their heavy moving parts and the effects of vibration on their feeble springs. The Record of the International Exhibition, 1862 described the improvements as the substitution of "very light moving parts, attached to a short, and therefore stiff spring, instead of the comparatively heavy moving parts, attached to a long, weak, and therefore tremulous spring. The motion is multiplied by a lever of the third order, and a parallel motion is employed to guide the recoil spring in a straight line... It is very little more complex than the [common] M'Naught instrument". It attracted so much attention that it was used to test all but two of the British-made engines that were present. Porter stayed in England after the 1862 International Exhibition finished, keen to promote not just the PorterAllen engine but also the Richards indicator. His experiences with the engine were unhappy, as the initial contractor (Oswald, Grierson & Company of Manchester) failed in 1866 and a subsequent liaison with the autocratic Joseph Whitworth was equally unproductive. Conversely, the indicator was successfully licensed to in the winter of 1862/3 to Elliott Brothers of London. Elliott-Richards indicators had improved recording units, with the parallel-motion components made in the form of two thin bars instead of a single flimsy rod. A better method of connecting the piston rod to the
parallel motion with a swivel is usually attributed to an employee of Elliott, Edward Darke, and the provision of exchangeable springs was also a helpful novelty: in 1874, the range of springs extended from 15lb/ to 175lb/ To allow such flexibility in a single instrument, Elliott instruments had a pistonarea of 1/, double that of the Richards prototype. Elliott Brothers made 'Improved Richards' indicators into the early years of the twentieth century. Though production was slowed by the introduction of better designs (Elliott also made Simplex and Wayne indicators), at least 23,000 Richards-type instruments had been made in a variety of sizes. Most of the 'Improved Richards' indicators had detents of a type patented in 1875 by Edward Darke, which allowed the drum to be stopped without disconnecting the driving cord.
Above: the perfected post-1875 Elliott-made Richards indicator, fitted with a Darke-patent detent. This particular example dates from about 1890. Note the full complement of six springs, three of which match the surviving rulers. There is little doubt that this instrument was the property of a consulting engineer or an insurance inspector.
The Richards Indicator required careful manufacture and accurate assembly to work efficiently and was also surprisingly expensive. However, as the popularity of high-speed engines increased dramatically in the 1860s and 1870s, so the need for its sophistication grew. Many Richards-type indicators were made over a forty-year period, most of them being advertised as 'improved'. The principal alterations concerned the drum spring, which was often changed from a coil in the drum-base to a coil around a vertical post. Novelty was sometimes introduced into the cord pulley or the indicating-pointer linkage, though the basis of the instrument almost always remained unchanged. Classifying these instruments is complicated by the involvement of a variety of manufacturers in the USA, Britain and Europe. These included Casartelli of Market Street, Manchester, who made many standard Richards-style indicators in Britain, together with a modified version with a lighter double-bar parallel motion system 'somewhat like the pentagraph'; Hannan and Hannan & Buchanan made them in Glasgow; and Martin-Garnier of Paris and Duvergier of Lyon made them in France. Many of the Duvergier-made examples had a patented integral reducing wheel, which was fitted to a bracket beneath the drum-support part of the frame. The status of the Richards indicator in the USA has often been questioned, and it is widely believed that the initial needs were satisfied with Elliott-made instruments imported from Britain. Several indicators of this
type, with low serial numbers suggesting production in 1863-4, have been found in the USA; indeed, one recently sold on eBay. It is now known that the American Steam Gauge Company of Boston, Massachusetts, made Richards indicators before progressing to the better-known Thompson design. One of these Richards instruments (pictured below) is owned by the Knox County Historical Society of Mount Vernon, Ohio, and may be seen on display in the local museum. It appears to be numbered '599' and also bears an acknowledgement of the design C. B. RICHARDS PAT. MAR. 24, 63 in two lines on the rear link bracket. This suggests that it dates prior to the expiry of the patent, placing manufacture in the mid 1870s.
Above: two illustrations of the Richards indicator, made by the American Steam Gauge Company, in the collection of the Knox County Historical Society, Mount Vernon, Ohio. Photographs by courtesy of Bruce E. Babcock, Amanda, Ohio.
Though Richards-style instruments have been identified as the work of Rosenkranz of Hannover, the principal German manufacturer was Schaeffer & Budenberg of Buckau bei Magdeburg though production (possibly never excessive) had ceased in favour of Thompson indicators by the late 1870s. Richards-type indicators were still being advertised by many suppliers of steam accessories (e.g., W.F. Stanley & Co. Ltd of London) in the 1920s. For slow-speed installations, they were as reliable as any of the later, lighter and usually more delicate designs, and were eminently suited to the comparatively ill-trained engineers to whom many manufactories, waterworks and similar installations entrusted them. They were also commonly used at sea. The Richards indicator also formed the basis for Bourdon-tube designs patented in Arnold Budenberg (1867) and James Kenyon (1878). Made by Isaac Storey & Sons of Manchester, Kenyon's Patent Pistonless Steam Engine Indicator was easily recognised by the replacement of the conventional pis-ton-in-cylinder with a curved Bourdon Tube which could expand in relation to pressure. The upper or 'free' tip of the tube was connected to the upper link bar, operating the pointer in the normal manner.
Left The short-lived Kenyon indicator was basically a Richards-type instrument with a Bourdon tube instead of a conventional piston and spring.
The Kenyon indicator excited a good deal of controversy when it first appeared. However, though it seems to have worked quite well when new and was at least the equal of a standard piston-type indicator, problems developed with age; interest in it had waned by 1885, and production ceased shortly afterward. Though they had advantages, including the isolation of corrosive or poisonous gases from the atmosphere) Bourdon-type indicators proved to be unusually susceptible to vibration.
Pantograph-type indicators
Charles Richards made one final, if short-lived contribution to the design of the indicator. This was apparently made for exhibition in Paris in 1878 on the general lines of an Elliott-Richards instrument, but in steel instead of brass. The new amplifying mechanism was inspired, no doubt, by the emergence in the USA of the Thompson and Tabor indicators. This particular instrument is still in the museum collection in Paris, inventory no. 09416. It was donated after the exhibition had ended and is marked appropriately 'Presented/to the/Conservatoire/ des/Arts et Mtiers' and 'C.B. Richards' over '1878' on the body. The amplifying mechanism is a simple pantograph system comprising a link, pivoted on the serpentine standard protruding from the body, which is connected at its tip with the elongated pencil arm. A link from the top of the piston rod to the pencil arm is connected to the rear link, at approximately its mid-point, by a short doublepivoting bar. This maintains a proper straight-line motion, but the undoubted efficiency of the design was never matched by commercial exploitation; indeed, perhaps only the prototype was ever made. Jacques Buchetti, in his book Guide pour l'Essai des Machines Vapeur et la Production conomique de la Vapeur (1887?), gives a diagram. A later embodiment of the pantograph will be found in the SImplex indicator, marketed commercially by Elliott Brotthers of London. Patented in Britain by Moses Wayne in September 1894, the Simplex is easily recognised by the 'sugar tong' or 'V' spring compressed between the top cap and the tip of the piston-rod extension. The spring could be removed simply by sliding it sideways. The piston unit could then be detached by unscrewing the locking ring and then lifting the piston and pointer assembly upward and out of the slotted tubular housing. The patent showed a Darke-type elevator, but the pointer linkage of the production version was a classical four-lever pantograph which promised an accurate representation of pressures throughout its range without the need to ensureas Ashcroft had done with the Tabor and Elliott with the Darkethat additional fixtures were required to direct the recording point in a straight line. The remainder of the Simplex was very similar to the standard Elliott made 'Improved Richards' indicator, which was still being made in quantity, and a modification of the Darke pattern detent slid in a small circular plate held to the piston housing with two screws.
Above: two Elliott-Simplex indicators. The engraving (left) dating from 1897 shows what is assumed to be the prototype form, whereas the photograph of 'Pattern A' indicator no. 453.A (right) shows the perfected series-made type.
Vigorously promoted for the ease with which the spring could be changed and regulated, and the manufacturing advantages possessed by the distinctive spring ('lends itself to accuracy of calibration in any range', 'a simplicity of attachment [that] will recommend it to all engineers'), the Simplex was not particularly successful; production, apparently confined to18971901, was comparatively small. Two sizes were made: 'Pattern A' for normal speed ranges, and 'Pattern B', with a small drum, for high-speed use. Serial numbers will be found suffixed with the appropriate letter, and the springs were similarly distinguished to ensure they were used with the correct indicator-a typical example reads 'A' over '1/150' and '+375', showing a spring requiring a pressure of 150lb/ to compress it by an inch and that 375lb/ above atmospheric pressure was the maximum permissible in an 'A' class SImplex. It is suspected that Simplex instruments were numbered in the same basic series and that no distinction was drawn between the two sizes other than the 'A' or 'B' identifier. If this proves to be true, then less than a thousand units were ever made. Sales were comparatively slow, as most British purchasers still very conservative preferred the Elliott-made Richards indicator. The highest-number Simplex yet found (no. 913.B) bears the marks of 'Elliott Bros. (London) Ltd', a change in corporate structure than does not seem to have occurred until shortly after the end of the First World War. The problems with the Simplex are said to have concerned the excessive inertia of the heavyweight pantograph assembly, though the unique tong-springs may not have been popular. They may not have been as durable as the standard coil type, and regulating them may have been much more difficult than Elliott Brothers claimed. in addition, though the lighter springs were easily detached,
changing the stiffer patterns required considerable manual strength or the assistance of a compressor. A comparison between the original 1897-vintage engravings and the surviving instrument shown in the photograph shows that the perfected version had a simplified lightweight folded-metal pantograph that was pinned together instead of heavy links retained with screws, and the design of the piston-support bracket was altered to improve rigidity. There are many other changes in detail, which suggests that tests undertaken either with a single prototype or a 'pre-production' batch revealed shortcomings that Elliott took pains to correct.
Thompson indicators
and Thompson-type designs
The Richards indicator reigned supreme until the master patent expired in the mid 1870s, allowing a stampede to develop a better design. Though the Richards-type instruments were robust and reliable, tests often showed that oscillations began to affect the accuracy of its diagrams above 200 rpm, and rival promoters considered that many details of the basic pattern e.g., the pointer linkage could be improved to reduce both friction and inertia. This left the field open to speculation, and a variety of 'improved' designs appeared.
Thompson patterns The first improvement is credited to an American, Joseph W. Thompson, whose US Patent was granted in August 1875. The Watt-type or lemniscoid parallel motion did not ensure that the pen moved in straight line. Once the central range of the lemniscoid curve had been exceeded, the pen began to trace an arc, and although the error was comparatively small, reckoned to be about 0.8 per cent for a standard 'large' example, many reasoned that it was avoidable. The Thompson system makes use of the mathematically superior "Evans' Parallelogram", also known as the 'Scott Russell', 'Grasshopper' or ellipsoid method. The instruments are readily identified by the design of the recording mechanism, as the serpentine linkage and robust supports of the Richards design were replaced by much lighter components taking the general form of the letter 'M'. The piston-rod extension often incorporated a universal joint, not only to allow proper movement of the parallel motion but also to combat wear. The piston-rod extension pushed upward on the pointer bar, which was attached to one link attached to a fixed post and another pivoted on the cylinder body.
Left: a sectional drawing of the first or Buckeyetype Thompson indicator, dating from the late 1870s. The illustration was taken from the British periodical Engineering of 19th October 1877.
Thompson indicators generally performed better with high-speed engines than the Richards pattern. The first instruments were made by the Buckeye Engine Company of Salem, Ohio (coassignee of the patent), and then by the American Steam Gauge Company. Later, once licenses had been obtained or after the patent had expired, Thompson-type indicators were made by Schaeffer & Budenberg of Buckau bei Magdeburg, Rosenkranz of Hannover in Germany and Kraft & Sohn of Vienna in Austria-Hungary; Victor Lefebvre in France; and Hall-Brown, Buttery & Company of Glasgow, Scotland. Changes made as a result of intensive scrutiny, largely undertaken in Germany in the 1880s, led to the 'Improved Thompson' instruments made by the American Steam Gauge Company, Schaeffer & Budenberg, and Dreyer, Rosenkranz & Droop. Essentially similar examples were made by Star, Lippincott and others. The indicator designed by Edward Hall-Brown of Hartlepool, patented in Britain in 1889, was among the most interesting Thompson derivatives. Though the distinctive linkage was retained, Hall-Brown devised a method of detaching the pointer mechanism, cylinder cap and piston/spring assembly simply by aligning the bayonet joint and a supplementary locking collar running around the cylinder body. The spring in this design is exceptionally easy to change, but the Hall-Brown system does not seem to have survived into the twentieth century; the readily detachable cylinder cap would have contributed to accidents if the engineer forgot to rotate the collar back to its locked position before opening the steam cock. However, a substantial number of indicators were made by Hall-Brown, Buttery & Company of Glasgow. There is no doubt that they were intended for use at sea, something the original indicator cards made clear.
Left: the 1887-patent Bachelder indicator incorporated a riband spring, placed horizontally, which could be altered to give differing resistances simply by adjusting the sliding thumbscrew seen below the right-hand edge of the recording drum.
Another of the interesting variations on the Thompson theme was that of Joseph Bachelder of Manchester, New York, who received a US Patent in 1887 to protect a Thompson-type indicator linkage working in conjunction with a unique adjustable-pressure riband spring placed horizontally beneath the drum. This was intended to avoid changing springs to suit differing engine characteristics and exploited the ease with which the effective length of the spring could be changed to provide an 'adjustable' indicator. The Bachelder instruments were made in small quantities by Thomspon & Bushnell of New York City, but may not have been successful; they are now exceptionally rare. Other American-made indicators included the Buffalo; the Calkins, perhaps made only in small numbers; the Robertson-Thompson, which became the Trill early in the twentieth century; the Lippincott; the Lyne; and the Star. (See 'Sources of information') The most popular variation of the Thompson linkage to be found in Britain in 1900 was based on a patent granted in November 1887 to Thomas McInnes (or M'Innes) of Glasgow. An instrument maker by profession, McInnes eschewed the minimalist approach and accepted that his new indicator would inevitably contain more parts than some of his better-established rivals. McInnes sought to reduce friction whilst simultaneously improving the response of the pointer linkage to changing pressures, but the greatest claim to novelty, however, lay in the adoption of vulcanite sheathing to protect the operator's hand from heat absorbed by the pistoncylinder body. The earliest instruments may have been made by a short-lived partnership of McInnes & Cairns (allegedly in Edinburgh). By 1889, McInnes was trading as 'T.S. McInnes & Co.' from 56 Waterloo Street, Glasgow. A limited-liability company had been formed by 1894, manufacturing facilities moving from Waterloo Street to Clyde Place. These first-pattern McInnes indicators were made until the end of the nineteenth century. In
May 1898, however, a British Patent had been granted to John Clark Dobbie, a partner in A. Dobbie & Son. Dobbie was making clocks and watches in premises virtually adjoining McInnes' premises in Clyde Place, and it was a logical step for McInnes to make the new Dobbie-patent indicator.
Above: McInnes-patent 'Large Size' indicator no. 637, made by 'T.S. McInnes & Co.' of Glasgow, c. 1893. Note the trademark moulded into the vulcanite sheath of the threaded union (at the bottom of the body) that couples the indicator to the steam cock. The label pasted in the lid of the case replaced the original at some time after 1928.
The new instrument offered an external-spring system and a modified mechanism with the pointer directly above the supporting bar instead of alongside. These changes were incorporated on the McInnes-type closed-cylinder indicators made after c. 1900, though production was slow. All Dobbie-patent instruments had 'D'-prefix serial numbers, and most post-1903 examples bore the marks of Dobbie McInnes Ltd. Perfected McInnes-Dobbie internal spring indicators were still being made in the 1920s, but were eventually superseded by efficient outside-spring types patented in 1898-9. Thompson-type indicators were also made by Whyte, Thomson & Company of Glasgow. Their history is remains obscure; though their existence is mentioned in several pre-1914 sources, only one could be located for examination 'Model I' no. 305, which is somewhat similar to the contemporaneous McInnes pattern. However, comparing the design and construction of individual components reveals a total lack of similarity, and any theories that Whyte, Thomson indicators were simply McInnes or Dobbie McInnes instruments being marketed under another name can be discounted. Schaeffer & Budenberg made several versions of the Thompson indicator, with internal and external springs. There was also an instrument that allowed a simultaneous combined diagram
to be taken from a double action engine. It was otherwise necessary to use two indicators, or throw a three-way cock to indicate first one side of the piston and then the other - but not on the same stroke.
External-spring Thompson derivatives Among the first of the American exposed indicators seems to have been a modified Thompson type, patented in 1899 and introduced commer-cially by the American Steam Gage Mfg Co. by 1902-3. The spring was mounted on top of the platform, held in a threaded collar supported by a bar across two pillars. The two-leaf pointer lever was bent so that the piston rod could pass through a central aperture.
Left: A German '1902 Model' externalspring indicator made by Dreyer, Rosenkranz & Droop of Hannover, probably in about 1907. Extremely well made and beautifully finished (though a cumbersome variant of the Thompson amplifying mechanism), this particular example has a wide range of accessories. Courtesy of the British Engineerium, Hove, England.
Similar indicators were also made by Schaeffer & Budenberg in Magdeburg (though often marked 'Manchester', where a limited company had been registered). The first type had the spring beneath the platform, connected to the piston by a bifurcated arm with prominent lightening holes. The piston housing was connected with the platform by three pierced steel straps. Instruments of this type were only made in small numbers, and had been replaced by 1908 by an improved design with the spring supported above the platform by a two-strap bracket. The side links were duplicated to allow the piston rod to pass between the stirrup-shape pencil arm. German-made Thompson derivatives were more successful than their American counterparts, which, with the exception of the Trill, lost so much ground to the Crosby type that manufacture had apparently ceased by 1917. A derivative of the basic Thompson linkage was the subject of a patent granted in Britain in 1898 to John Clark Dobbie, a 'Nautical Instrument Maker' of '45, Clyde Place, in the City of
Glasgow'. The indicator was based on the proven McInnes pattern which was little surprise, as Dobbie & Son traded next door to T.S. McInnes & Co. Ltd. The principal claims to novelty included a readily removable piston spring, exposed to the air, and a 'pencil-carrying arm curved at its forward end and having a downwardly projecting knee or branch'. Changes were also made to the drum. A patent granted in December 1899 then allowed claims for a lightweight pointer assembly made of aluminium 'or similar light metal or alloy' and a lightweight piston consisting of two hollowed discs. The lower disc was steam-tight, but the upper one was perforated to allow grit to pass through. The Dobbie indicator was initially made by T.S. McInnes & Co. Ltd, but then by a new partnership of McInnes and Alexander Dobbie & Son, known as 'Dobbie McInnes Ltd'. Too few indicators have been examined to deduce exactly when the first instruments were made, though Engineering of June 1900 contained a brief review of the new external spring McInnesDobbie design. Concurrently, the pointer of the concealed-spring McInnes indicator was changed to the new Dobbie 'over-bar' layout.
Above: a compact half size Dobbie-McInnes external-spring indicator, known as 'Design No. 1C' and used to indicate 'explosion' (internal-combustion) engines. Indicators of this type were also made in 'Large' and 'Small' versions for use with steam engines.
The design of the pointer linkage identifies all Improved McInnes, McInnes-Dobbie and Dobbie McInnes indicators made since the beginning of the twentieth century. The improvement concerned the ease with which the spring could be changed. It was simply necessary to unscrew the top cap (carrying the pointer linkage) and lift it clear of the indicator body; the vulcanite locking collar could then be unscrewed and the spring removed. McInnes-Dobbie indicators were very successful, and are still commonly encountered. They
had been renamed 'Dobbie McInnes' by 1909, though many instruments continued to be marked MCINNES-DOBBIE and misleadingly marked printing blocks (already some years old) continued to be used for some time.
Dobbie-McInnes 'Design No. 1' indicator The illustration on the left shows the original Design No.1 (Large pattern); that on the right, published in William J. Goudie, Ripper's Steam Engine Theory and Practice (eighth edition, 1932), shows a vertical section of a typical improved Design No. 1 indicator. The printing blocks were supplied by Dobbie McInnes, and identical illustrations will be found in many other publications.
The body 1 of the indicator is made of brass, and the cylinder 2, also of brass, is screwed into the reduced portion 3 by means of a screwdriver key which fits into the cross-slot 4. This lower portion is coned inside, to fit a corresponding conical spigot on the indicator cock, and is provided with a fine thread screwed to take the upper half of the coupling nut 5. The lower half of the nut is screwed with a special thread to take the screw of the cock. The nut is rotated by means of the cylindrical projections 6. [The nut] is sheathed in vulcanite. The body of the indicator is also covered with a thick sheathing of vulcanite 7 The piston 8 is made of hardened steel and secured to the piston rod 9, which is a special steel tube, employed to obtain strength with light weight, by the screwed pin 10. Two deep grooves are cut in the piston and act as throttling chambers, to prevent un-due leakage of steam. Any steam or water which leaks past the piston is discharged downward through three holes 11, bored through the sheathing and body, to the inside of the space above the cylinder. This space is closed by a brass clamp head 12, sheathed on the top with vulcanite, which serves the purpose of a closing cap. By giving this head a half turn the clamp screw threadis turned clear of the thread in the body, and the piston and head can then be withdrawn.
The frame 13 supporting the drum table and pencil mechanism is of the bayonet type It has the upper part 14 turned conical to take the swivel head 15, which is rotated by the handle 16. In the [previous Dobbie McInnes] designthis head is replaced by a cylindrical band with an overhanging arm for the suspension of the link work, to which the handle is attached; and a projection on the right makes contact with an adjustable stop-pin screwed into a knob on the platform. This stop arrangement does not show on the section. The curved pencil lever 17 of the parallel motionis pivoted at the end of a vertical swing link 18, and to a horizontal link 19, which is pivoted to the swivel head. The two pin-joints of lever 17 are in the same straight line as the pencil point, so that the action of the mechanism is the same as though a straight link were used. The link 19 is pinjointed to a vertical link 20, which in turn is pin-jointed to a de-tachable head 21, screwed on to the piston rod 9. This rod is screwed and enlarged near the middle to give the wide facing with knurled surface against which the lower brass end-piece 22 of the spring is screwed. The upper brass end-piece 23 is screwed to a projection on the under side of the top cap 24, which takes the thrust when the spring is compressed under the action of the steam pressure. This cap, which is covered with vulcanite, is screwed into the conical projection with a fine thread, to a considerable depth, to obtain secure fixture. When the clamp head 12 is released and the top cap 24 is screwed out of the body, the piston, rod, spring, cap, and swivel head can be lifted out as one piece, and can then be taken adrift. When a spring is to be changed, the rod, piston, and cap 24 are rotated by the knurled enlargement, until the rod is screwed off the detachable head 21, and the swivel head is removed. The spring and rod are then screwed off the cap 24, and finally the spring is screwed off the rod. This process is reversed when a spring is replaced. The springs are made of steel and the ends of the wire are inserted in holes drilled in the brass end-pieces All springs intended for both vacuum and pressure are made the requisite length, so that when screwed full home at both ends the pencil point of the indicator rests in the correct position, to afford space for the vacuum and pressure diagram below and above the atmospheric line. This position varies with the strength of the spring. If it is desired to raise the atmospheric line, this can be done by unscrewing the piston rod and inserting a washer. The drum 25rotates on a spindle fixed on the platform 26, and is held against a stop, when at rest, by a coiled spring. It is prevented from rising by the milled nut 27 screwed on the reduced end of the drum spindle. The cord pulley bracket 28 is clamped on to the under side of the platform by the thumb nut 29. The pulley carrier 30 can be turned in the bracket to in-cline the pulleys in any desired direction. It is clamped in position by the set-pin 31. The small pulley prevents the cord from being thrown out of the guide pulley groove. The two steel clips 32 fixed on the drum by the screws at the bottom are used to secure the paper on the drum.
Above: two Dobbie McInnes continuous explosion recorders, intended for use with gas and oil engines the Mathot pattern (left) and the Cippolina type (right).
T.S. McInnes & Co. Ltd of Glasgow (and their successors, Dobbie McInnes Ltd) made a few Mathot-type indicators, combining a conventional vulcanite-clad external-spring body with a clockwork-driven paper drum. The design was patented in Britain in 1900 by Rodolphe Mathot, an engineer living in Brussels, Belgium, and was intended specifically for use with 'explosion engines' (gas, oil or petrol). The Mathot indicator was superseded by the Cippolina Continuous Double Diagram Recorder, production beginning in Glasgow in 1904 or 1905. Protected by a British Patent granted in 1902 to an Italian naval engineer, Giuseppe Cipollina of La Spezia, the instrument was basically two Dobbie McInnes No. 1 indicators sharing a common platform. Complexity and high price kept production to a minimum, even though production continued into Dobbie McInnes days.
Above: a typical British-made Casartelli indicator, probably dating from about 1910. This particular example has seven springs and two piston units (one for steam engines, one for 'internal-combustion engines'). Though the amplifying mechanism is similar to the McInnes and McInnes-Dobbie patterns, it is held to the cylinder cap by a large spiral spring at the rear.
Casartelli of Manchester made indicators with springs below the platform and vulcanite sheathing. The design bore a resemblance to contemporaneous McInnes-Dobbie types, but could be easily identified by a large coil spring that rather clumsily held the rear of the amplifying mechanism to the platform. Indicators of this type were usually boxed with alternative steam/internal-combustion engine pistons to facilitate a dual-purpose role.
Tabor indicators
and other fixed-guide types
The indicator patented in the USA by Harris Tabor in 1878 was the result of a prototype shown to Charles Porter that could run efficiently at 450rpm. This had interested the Ashcroft Mfg Co., which was soon making Tabor indicators in quantity. The first few hundred of these, despite the statements that have been made to the contrary, were made in close accord with the patent drawings. The essence of these Tabors which were being made in quantity by 1883 is a small cam-plate elevator attached directly to the piston-rod extension. In 1886, however, after at least 413 of the first-type indicators had been made, Ashcroft replaced the flimsy elevator with the more familiar amplifying mechanism: a sturdy standard, attached to the cylinder cap, containing a curved track to ensure that the pencil arm moved vertically. Links pivoted at both ends joined the pointer bar to the piston-rod extension and the cylinder body. Series production of the new-pattern Tabor indicator began in 1887, and continued for many years.
The Tabor indicator Taken from John Musgrave & Son, Illustrated Catalogue of Vertical Quadruple Expansion En-gines, Horizontal & Vertical Triple Expansion Engines (undated, but published in 1892):
"the most noticeable peculiarity of the Tabor Indicator is the means employed to communicate a straight line movement to the pencil. A plate containing a curved slot is fixed in an upright position
and secured to a swivel plate on the cover of the steam cylinder. This slot serves as a guide, and controls the motion of the pencil bar. A pin which carries a roller is fixed on one side of the pencil bar, and this roller is fitted so as to roll freely from end to end of the slot. The position of the slot is so adjusted, and the pin attached at such a point on the pencil bar, that the curve of the slot compensates the tendency of the bar to move in a circular arc, and the end of the bar, which carries the pencil, moves up and down in a straight line, when the roller is moved from one end of the slot to the other. It will be apparent that there is little chance for friction in this movement, and also that the lightness of the bar and connections insures that inertia will not exert a disturbing influence on the movement of the pencil. Of the general features of this Indicator it will be noted that the base of the paper drum and the steam cylinder jacket are made in one piece, The steam cylinder is a straight tube inside of the jacket, with an air space around the sides, and is attached to the jacket by means of a thread cut on the bottom of the cylinder. The cylinder being thus left free to expand or contract without affecting other parts of the instrument. Slots are cut in the top of the cylinder for the insertion of a key for screwing it in or out, and it may be easily and cheaply renewed if damaged when working. The pencil mechanism is carried by a swivel plate fitted to the cylinder cover, on which it can be freely moved, The pencil movement consists of three pieces the pencil bar, the back link, and the piston rod link. The two links are parallel to each other in every position they may assume. The lower pivot of these links and the pencil point are always in the same straight line. If an imaginary link, parallel with the pencil bar, be supposed to connect the two, the combination would form an exact pantagraph, and would serve the purpose of making the pencil point move in a straight line, but the friction and wear of the pencil movement would be greatly increased. The slot and roller serve the purpose of this imaginary link to much better advantage. The connection between the piston and pencil mechanism is by means of a steel piston rod, hollow at the upper end where it passes through the cylinder cover, but solid below, with a reduced diameter, and having a ball formed on the lower end. A ball and socket joint forms the connection of this rod with the piston. This prevents the slightest tendency to bind either rod or piston while working, a fault which causes considerable error in other indicators where solid connections are used. The socket is an independent piece which fits into a square hole in the piston, and is fastened with a thumb nut below. The piston is light but strong, and has a number of shallow grooves cut upon the outside to serve as water packing, and is practically steam-tight when working. The springs used in this Indicator are of the duplex type, being made of two coils of wire fastened exactly opposite each other on the fittings. This arrangement equalises the side strain on the spring, and keeps the piston central in the cylinder, avoiding the excessive friction caused by a single coil spring forcing the piston against the side of the cylinder. The maximum pressures to which the springs for this Indicator should be subjected, to give good results, are given in the following Table These springs are always kept in stock. The paper drum turns on a vertical steel pin secured to the frame of the Indicator. The drum, which is very light, has a closed top, with an inside sleeve fitting the steel pin and serving to guide the top. The
bottom rests on and is guided by the drum carriage, which has a long bearing on the central pin. Stops are provided on the drum and corresponding openings for them on the carriage, arranged so that the position of the drum may be reversed, in order to take diagrams from the opposite side. The pencil movement is made to correspond, so that in two or three minutes time the Indicator may be changed from a right to a left hand instrument; this is a great convenience in many cases. The pressure of the pencil on the paper is regulated by a screw which passes through a projection on the guide plate and strikes against a pivot on the frame. This screw is operated by a handle which also serves for turning the pencil mechanism to and from the drum when taking diagrams. Steel clips are attached to the drum for holding the paper. It will be noticed that one of these is shorter than the other, and this slight alteration makes it vastly more convenient for putting on the paper. The drum carriage projects below the drum and is grooved for the reception of the driving cord, the groove being wide enough for two complete turns of the cord. The drum spring, which furnishes the returning force for the drum, consists of a flat spiral spring placed in a cavity underneath the drum carriage and encircling the bearing. One end is attached to the frame below and the other to the carriage. A stop is provided on the frame, to prevent the carriage unwinding the spring when released. The tension of the spring may be regulated by unscrewing the knurled nut above, which holds the carriage in place, lifting the carriage clear of the stop, and winding or unwinding the spring as may be desired. A simple form of carrier pulley, at the end of a swinging arm placed below the paper drum, serves to guide the Indicator cord from any direction. A circular plate carrying a single-grooved pulley, is mounted in a clamp at the end of the swinging arm, and this plate and clamp are so arranged as to swivel to any position; while the groove on the pulley being central with the driving cord at all times, leads the cord in any desired direction. The cord provided with this instrument is specially braided, and is stretched by the manufacturers until its elasticity is eliminated. This cord will not stretch in use under ordinary circumstances, and in extraordinary cases cord should not be used. A ratchet is cut on the edge of the drum carriage, and a pawl is so arranged as to engage in it wherever it is desired to stop the motion of the drum without unhooking the driving cord. This is a great convenience in many cases. The outside of the Indicator in all its parts, excepting the pencil bar and links, is nickle-plated. The pencil movement is of spring steel hardened and finished blue. The excellence of manufacture of the parts of the Tabor Indicator is a marked feature of the instrument, and particular attention is directed to this matter because, from an engineering point of view, excellent workmanship in an instrument of this kind is of great importance. The perfection that is reached in its mechanical construction is revealed not only by a general examination, but by a close inspection of every part. These Indicators are sent out in polished walnut boxes with nickle-plated mountings, each box containing, besides the Indicator, two Indicator cocks (nickle-plated), one spring and scale (any pressure), a shank of special Indicator cord, cord adjuster, package of Indicator cards, Treatise on the
Indicator, hyperbolic curve, extra drum spring, bottle of special oil, box of leads for pencil arm, set of keys and screw driver.
Above: the perfected version of the enclosed-spring Tabor indicator could be distinguished by the cam-slot plate projecting vertically from the piston-cylinder cap. Note also the design of the guide pulley for the drum cord. This instrument is no. 1951, dating from 1889 or 1890; later examples replaced the knurled fairlead retainer with a large hexagonal-headed nut. This particular set is lacking the steam cocks.
Tests conducted by the U.S. Navy in Brooklyn Navy Yard, in 1886, with Richards, Thompson, Tabor and other indicators, revealed that the moving parts of the Tabor instrument were thirty per cent lighter than the nearest rival and had 243 per cent less friction. One of the most popular systems of indication, the basic Tabor pattern was extensively marketed in Europe. Among the British distributors were the Globe Engineering Works and John Musgrave & Sons Ltd of Bolton, who began work in 1889. Engravings accompanying a short descriptive article published in Engineering in June 1889 depict an Ashcroft-made indicator no. 915, but the printing blocks may have been several years old. An exposed-spring version of the Tabor indicator was introduced in 1900, retaining the basic curved-track-and-roller amplifying system of the perfected internal-spring design. However, two cylindrical standards protruding vertically from the platform supported a bridge, and the spring was clamped between the bridge and the platform by tightening a screwed collar. The amplifying mechanism was offset in an auxiliary chamber alongside the piston cylinder, allowing the pointer to be activated by a 'lifter' on the piston rod. Much of the existing production tooling could be used and the springs could be changed exceptionally easily, but the unconstrained springs were prone to flex laterally; accuracy may
not have been exceptional. In addition, the clumsiness of the design which had much in common with the American-Thompson and the first Dreyer, Rosenkranz & Droop or Maihak patterns in Germany suggests that the Ashcroft Manufacturing Company rushed the external-spring Tabor into production prematurely.
Other designs The simplicity of the Tabor system influenced Edward Darke of London, whose minimalist design was patented in Britain in 1879. Made exclusively by Elliott Brothers in 'small pattern', the Darke Patent High Speed Indicator had only one fixed pivot and a swivelling link connecting the piston-rod extension to the pointer bar. The role of the other fixed pivot was taken by a vertical slot cut in a plate on the cylinder body. The pointer was allowed to slide back along its bar as a guide pin rose in the slot. However, though this was claimed to promote accuracy the Darke and a properly regulated Tabor were among the few indicators to be mathematically perfect it was also susceptible to excessive friction in the slider unit. Darke claimed the improvements in his system as 'an invention for giving motion to the paper drum by means of rods, &c, in rigid communication with the engine, with means of stopping and start-ing the paper drum in a very simple and effective way': a sprung pawl-type detent (patented in 1874) could be activated at will by engaging a spring-steel plate that slid horizontally around the cylinder body. This allowed the operator to stop the movement of the drum whilst the indicator card was removed. Darke-patent indicators generally had a coil-type spring in the base of the drum, freeing the interior for a continuous roll of paper. The paper clip was often a hinged two-bar pattern instead of the customary Richards spring fingers. Instruments of this type were made in large numbers, but had been overtaken by better designs by 1900. Another Tabor-like design was the Casartelli High-Speed Steam Engine Indicator, made in Manchester, which was exhibited at the Engineering and Metal Trades Exhibition staged in London in 1883. This offered a vertically slotted plate to guide the pointer, but had an additional moving pivot. The cylinder body had a screwed joint at its mid-point, while the piston rod (in the form of a tube) was attached to the piston with a universal joint. The total weight of the working parts was claimed to be less than one ounce, which may explain why indicators of this type are rarely seen; they may well have been too lightly built to withstand hard use.
Crosby indicators
and Crosby-type designs
Very few indicators have embodied a pantograph amplifying mechanism, excepting a prototype exhibited in Paris in 1878 by Charles Richards and the Simplex, made in quantity in the late 1890s by Elliott Bros. Ltd of London. The Simplex made in two sizes, Large ('A'-prefix serial numbers) and Small ('B') also made use of a bifurcated leaf (or 'tong') spring mounted externally at the top of the piston rod. Though the instrument was sturdy and the springs were very easy to change, the Simplex was a failure. This is usually ascribed to the unnecessarily heavy pantograph links, which had too much inertia to work satisfactorily with high-speed engines. In addition, there are some suggestions that the springs were much more difficult to regulate than the otherwise universal coil design. The only other pantograph-like indicator was the Crosby, though sufficient change had been made to the geometry of the links to compromise the mathematical certainty of the designs such as the Simplex. Perhaps the most successful of the late nineteenth-century designs, made in Boston, Massachusetts, by the Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Company, the Crosby Indicator was the subject of patents granted in the USA in 1879, 1882 and 1885. The perfected pencil motion, an ultra-light pseudo-pantograph, was just one of several alternatives proposed in the master patent of 1882. This mechanism bore some resemblance to the 1875-vintage Thompson type, though the short anchor link was pivoted to the piston-rod extension link instead of the pointer arm. The Crosby indicator was exceptionally successful, particularly after changes in the geometry of the links were made after intensive scrutiny by experimenters in Germany suggested that the original design was not as efficient as it should be. Post-1895 Crosby indicators, therefore, have a sturdier straight rear link than their predecessors, which relied on a very slender link with a noticeable curve.
Above: a matched pair of Crosby enclosed-spring indicators, one left-hand and one right-hand (note the positions of
the trace arm). These instruments are believed to have been the property of the Municipal Technical College in Brighton (England), opened in 1897, but were already several years old and may have come from School of Art & Science. They represent the first type of Crosby, with a curved rear link in the amplifying mechanism. The quality of the nickel plating is extremely good, and the blueing of the steel links is exemplary.
Internal-spring type The perfected Crosby Indicator may have been the first to incor-porate a spiral rotating spring within the drum body, which was soon accepted as an improvement over the conventional coil spring within the drum base. This feature was widely copied once Crosby's patents lapsed. Crosby was also known for the counterwound spring, but was responsible for a variety of other relevant innovations. The Crosby instrument was very popular, allowing its manufac-turer to maintain offices in Boston, New York and Chicago. A branch was also operated for many years at 147 Queen Victoria Street, London. These indicators were made in several styles, and were often supplied in a single box as matched pairs, triples or even quadruples. Crosby-type linkages were used by a variety of rivals, including Maihak in Germany, and are still evident on the Leutert instruments being made today.
External-spring type About 1903, the Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Company introduced an improved version of the unsuccessful McKinnell & Buchanan system patented in Britain in 1892 allied with its own highly successful lightweight pointer design. Volume production of this 'New Model' Crosby indicator seems to have begun about 1905.
The 'New Model' Crosby external-spring indicator The line drawing, originally published in William J. Goudie, Ripper's Steam Engine Theory and Practice (eighth edition, 1932), shows a vertical section of a typical indicator.
The gunmetal cylinder 1 is held in the recess in the cylindrical projection 2 of the platform 3, carrying the drum 4, by the outer cylinder 5, to which is attached the connecting nipple 6 and union nut 7. The piston 8 is made of steel and has a spherical contour, to prevent sticking through any want of alignment. The piston rod 9, which is hollow, passes up through a bushing in the cap 10 and for a part of its length is slotted to accommodate the parallel motion linkage The hollow rod passes through a long bush 11 fixed in the crosshead 12 on to which the spring 13 can be screwed. The top of the rod is provided with a swivel head 14 having a slot into which the ball 15, of the spring, fits, so that when the spring ball is clamped hard down on the bottom of the slot by the set-pin 16 the spring can be vertically adjusted, by turning it on the screw, without rotation of the piston rod. The set-pin is locked by a lock-nut 17, and when the gear is properly adjusted the spring is finally locked by the nut 18. The parallel motion is not directly attached to the hollow piston rod, but to an auxiliary rod 19 having a spherical end, which passes down the rod and bears on a spherical seating. The force of the steam is thus transmitted through the rod to the spring independently of the linkage. A swivel head 20 is mounted on the cylinder cap 10 and carries two lugs 21 and 22, to which are pivoted the links 23 and 24. The pencil lever 25 is pin-jointed to link 24 at one end and to a vertical link 26, which is pin-jointed at its lower end to the auxiliary rod 19. The link 26 is also jointed to link 23. The links are so proportioned that the recording point 27 (which is of soft brass) at the end of the pencil lever moves in a straight line parallel to the cylinder and drum axes. The magnification of the piston motion, in this case, is 6 to 1. The drum spindle 28 is screwed rigidly into the platform and is extended to take the clamping nut 29 and washer 30, which fix the cord pulley bracket 31 in position. The drum, when at rest, is held against a stop by the coiled spring 32. The lower part of this spring is fixed to a flange inside the drum; the upper part is fixed in a brass head with a square hole which fits over a corresponding squared part on the fixed spindle. The resistance of the spring can be adjusted by giving the spring several turns before it is slipped on to the spindle. The driving cord passes through a hole at the bottom of the drum, and over the guide pulleys The indicator card is fixed on the drum by the two
steel clips 33. [The] instrument is attached to the indicator cock by the union coupling. The cock has a two-way plug, and when the handle is in position, the cylinder is put into communication with the atmosphere, through the small hole seen in front. When in this position the atmos-pheric line is drawn on the indicator paper, giving the datum line for pressure measurement on the diagram. [The] space above the piston is open to the atmosphere through the passage 34, which allows any leakage of steam past the piston to escape. When a diagram is to be taken the swivel head 20 carrying the parallel motion and pencil lever is rotated, by means of a knob 35, until the brass recording point just touches the paper. In order to avoid undue pressure of the point on the paper, the knob is made adjustable in the head, and arranged to come in contact with a stop-pin when the point touches the paper.
Derivatives of the Crosby design The distribution of Crosby indicators throughout the work encouraged copies to be made. The most successful came from Germany. Only three manufacturers dominated the pre-1914 German market: Schaeffer & Budenburg of Buckau bei Magdeburg and Dreyer, Rosenkranz & Droop of Hannover made Thompson-type indicators with exposed springs, but Maihak made a variant of the external-spring Crosby with duplicated links and a 'Y'-shape pointer that allowed the piston-rod extension to rise between its arms. This layout, which gave a symmetrical layout without the need to cut a slot in the piston-rod extension, had been patented by Wilhelm Lehmann in 1906. The indicators made from 1907 onward by 'Firma H. Maihak, 57 Grevenweg, Hamburg' were extremely successful. Work continued until 1985, when manufacture was then entrusted to Leutert GmbH. Though the current Leutert Typ 30 and Typ 50 indicators embody improved materials and simplifications in construction, they are essentially similar to the 'Original Maihak' instruments that were being made in the period between the world wars.
Above: a Maihak-made Typ 50 indicator, dating from the 1950s, with its oak case and accessories.
Though Dreyer, Rosenkranz & Droop made a few Crosby-like indicators in the 1930s, shortly before
trading ceased, the only other German manufacturer to specialise in them was Lehmann & Michels. Founded in Altona in 1911, apparently to develop diesel engines, Lehmann & Michels soon began to make Maihak-like indicators in accordance with the 1906 patent granted to Wilhelm Lehmann. It is assumed that Lehmann had initially licensed his design to Maihak, but retained the right to exploit the design himself. An alternative explanation that Lehmann was being employed by Maihak in the early 1900s seems less plausible. However, Lehmann & Michels indicators could usually be identified by a light bell-like housing that protected the amplifying linkage. Instruments of this type are still being made in Western Germany.
Above: a sectional darwing of a typical 1930s Lehmann & Michels indicator. Note the bell-housing protecting the amplifying mechanism, and the Stauffer-type lubricator on top of the drum spindle.
Maihak-type indicators were made in Japan prior to 1945, and copies of the standard Maihak Type 30 and Type 50 instruments were certainly being made in the 1950s and 1960s in the German Democratic Republic (DDR) by Metallwerker AG of Meerane/Sachsen.
Above: engine indicator no. 10815, a Japanese copy of the German Maihak design that was used by the Imperial Japanese Navy and then brought back from the Pacific Theater at the end of the Second World War by William Wilson, a sailor serving on the Attack Transport USS Brookings (APA-140). The small encircled mark has yet to be identified, but may hide the identity of the manufacturer assistance with its interpretation will be welcomed! Courtesy of Leslee A. Moore.
Other indicators
The ever-increasing speed of internal-combustion engines, which became more and more evident after the end of the First World War, emphasised the limitations of the traditional indicator. Though continual improvements had been made in the design of the reciprocating drum, the amplifying linkage and the design of the piston assembly, few indicators of this type would provide satisfactory diagrams at more than 600rpm. Optical indicators were often promising designs, but needed light to be excluded to provide permanent records of performance. This suited them to laboratories or colleges, but not to consulting engineers who spent most of their time on-site.
Micro-indicators One answer was sought in the micro-indicator, which accepted that obtaining a small but perfect diagram was preferable to a large trace compromised by vibration. Among the first examples was the 'Collins Micro-Indicator for High Speed Engines', patented in Britain in 1922 by W.G. Collins, director of the Cambridge & Paul Instrument Co. Ltd of London. This was a very compact design, relying on a very small piston and a sturdy riband spring to move the stylus that engraved tiny dia-grams on a small ratchet disc. Engineering said of the design that 'The moving parts are light and they move through small distances; there is little inertia, an entire absence of linkages and uncompensated joints, and there is, therefore, small liability to wear. With a piston area of 1/4 sq. in. the natural period of the recording system is about 1/1100 of a second.'
Collins Micro-indicator Description from Engineering, 9th June 1922. The indicator consists of a cylinder A and a piston B, both made of a hard non-corrodible metal. The rising piston forces upward the flat spring C to which the style [stylus] is attached; the style scratches a record on a slightly curved disc or card of celluloid E which is provided with about 10 notches; the diameter of the disc is about 1 in. This disc is carried by a frame attached to the front sector of a small vertical post; a back sector on the same post is rocked to and fro' by a connection to the piston of engine; the post also supports the helical spring which takes up any back lash.
The style D scratches a small indicator diagram on the surface of the card. This action takes place when the Bowden wire is operated, causing the pawl F to press against one of the 10 notches of the disc; the disc turns about its horizontal axis by one-tenth of its circumfer-ence, each time the Bowden wire is moved, so that 10 consecutive diagrams are drawn near the circumference of the card. Contact between the style and the disc is, however, only possible when the automatic electric switch of the indicator energises the iron-clad electromagnet G which will be seen at the back of the card, and which draws the parts into contact by means of a small chain which extends from the armature to a pin close to the style. This switchis actuated by a belt from the engine, and its object is to permit of taking a single cycle only, and thus to avoid confusion when the diagram is rapidly changing its forms due to variation of load, ignition, carburation, &c. The switch circuit is ordinarily open, i.e., the style does not touch the disc, until the key of the switch is pressed."
The diagrams produced by the Collins instrument were only about 3mm long, with a maximum height of about 2.5mm. Though they were difficult to interpret with the naked eye, a simple tubular microscope with a graticle allowed the operator to read the dimensions of the diagram to the nearest hundredth of an inch. The raised edges of the trace helped to make the diagrams surprisingly distinct. The micro-indicator proved to be a useful tool, taking ten diagrams in quick succession from high-speed engines, but never prospered. This was partly due to the ready availability of conventional indicators, which could handle most of the day-to-day work of a travelling engineer; the need to have an electrical supply at hand, even if only a battery, and the impossibility of using a planimeter to interpret the micro-diagrams were considerable drawbacks. Though a few Collins instruments were sold commercially in the 1920s, the design soon faded into obscurity in the face of competition from multi-cylinder analysers such as the Farnboro pattern marketed aggressively by Dobbie McInnes.
Integrating/planimetring indicators
The growth of enthusiasm for the indicator that became evident in the late 1830s persuaded some engineers that the new instruments could be adapted to act as a 'work meter', monitoring the performance of engines not merely on the basis of a single stroke but instead over a lengthy trial. Among the first attempts was made by a Briton, Professor Moseley, who published 'Result of a Trial of a Constant Indicator upon the Cornish Engine at the East London Water-works', undertaken in 1842, in the Minutes of the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers in 1844. The advent of the Amsler polar planimeter (see Accessories) inspired work to begin again. Though calculating indicators were developed the Ashton & Storey design of 1869 was made in small numbers the integrating indicator had greater potential. The first of this type may have been the work of Henry Lea, patented in Britain in 1877. Built on the basis of a Richards indicator, Lea's design had a trace arm with a tiny wheel where the pencil-point would normally lie, and an abnormally long rearward overhang to accommodate the drive to the gear train of the recorder; a separate gear-train in the top of the drum recorded the number of strokes. The Lea planimetring indicator was theoretically capable of recording a single stroke, though it gave no clue to the steam distribution that would have been obvious from a pencil trace. Its true role was to record and calculate the mean performance of an engine over a period of time.
Above: the Lea planimetring indicator, patented in 1877. From Jacques Buchetti, Guide pour l'essai des Machines Vapeur... (Paris, c. 1887).
The planimetring indicator designed by the Briton Charles Boys, patented in June 1880, achieved much the same goals as the Lea pattern. However, it was also capable of simultaneously providing the trace of a single stroke or an accumulation of strokes produced
at the same engine-setting. It had a cylindrical brass piston housing, flaring vertically into three standards to support the platform that carried not only the integrating arm but also a drum mounted on a spring-loaded reciprocating carriage. The carriage was driven from the engine cross-head or reducing gear, a drive rod from the drum to a gear train allowing readings to be taken from a large dial at the front of the instrument. Patented in 1894-7, the integrating indicator developed by W.G. and C.W.G. Little of Bexley, Kent, was intended to provide a continuous record of the output of an engine working under varying load, keeping an accurate tally as work proceeded. Though the Little indicator could not analyse individual strokes in the manner of other instruments, it proved to be surprisingly accurate. Tests suggested that, over the course of 150 revolutions, the error amounted to only about a half of one per cent. However, Little indicators were not robust enough for run-of-the-mill engineering work and were generally confined to laboratories, schools, colleges and educational establishments. Production, never large, came to an end with the rise of the optical indicator in the early twentieth century. It is believed that the instruments were made by Elliott Brothers, though no survivor could be traced for inspection. The Lea, Boys and Little indicators were made only in small numbers, and then, perhaps, only used for experimentation. Interest in instruments of this type seems to have lapsed for several years, only to reappear in earnest in Germany. Among the earliest of this group was designed by Heinrich Eicke, but more popular was the indicator patented by Anton Bttcher in 1908-9. This had an integrating wheel set in a housing hinged to the top of the recording drum, a spiral spring connecting the housing with the platform, and a prominent pillar (rising from the platform between the drum and the amplifying gear) that anchored a rocking link between the piston-rod extension and the planimeter head. A few of these instruments were made by Maihak of Hamburg prior to 1914. During the 1920s, however, an improved version appeared with a sheet-steel carriage and bell-cranks between the piston-rod extension and the integrator. Finally, in the mid 1930s, Maihak produced a much-modified integrating indicator driven by a combination of gearing at the base of the drum and a rocking rod engaging a collar on the piston rod.
Above. The pre-1914 (left) and 1920s (right) versions of the Bttcher planimetring indicator, made by Maihak of Hamburg. From Stephan, Verbrandingsmotoren (1917), and de Juhasz, The Engine Indicator. Its Design, Theory and Special Applications (1934).
All three of the Maihak/Bttcher planimetring indicators could also produce conventional diagrams. However, they were too complicated for most applications and were usually confined to research or teaching facilities. It is difficult to judge the true extent of production on the basis of a few survivors.
Optical indicators The essence of the first optical indicator seems to have originated prior to 1880, when a letter appeared in Engineering suggesting the use of a flexible diaphragm. The Clarke & Low indicator of 1885, therefore, consisted of a hemispherical body containing an elastic diaphragm in communication with the engine cylinder through a conventional stop cock. A small concave mirror was mounted above the diaphragm on a frame that could be oscillated about its vertical axis by a connection formed with the crosshead or reducing gear. A small link or 'finger' on the diaphragm rocked the mirror on its horizontal axis as the chamber pressure changed. Combining the movements of the mirror and the supporting frame allowed a conventional diagram to be produced. A pin-point beam of light was directed onto the mirror and reflected onto a screen, where the changes of pressure during the operating cycle could be pricked-off or traced to provide a permanent record. The system had inherent limitations difficulties of calibrating or regulating the diaphragm, for example, or errors produced by projecting the diagram onto a flat instead of appropriately
curved surface. However, the Clarke & Low system found a short-lived favour as a teaching aid, as it projected diagrams that could be several feet long. The optical indicator designed by Dr John Perry, who subsequently became professor of mechanics and physics at the Royal College of Science, was described to the Physical Society in 1891. Clearly inspired by the work of Clarke & Low, it relied on a thin steel diaphragm contained in a circular disc that could be expanded by the admission of steam or combustion products from a union with the engine cylinder. The influx passed through a gas-tight joint into a cast-iron box or 'shoe', and thence into the chamber beneath the diaphragm. A small mirror was fixed to the diaphragm face, offset to one side so that it was tipped in relation to the rise and fall in pressure. The shoe, mounted in gimbals, was tipped laterally by a linkage attached to the reducing gear or a suitable component of the engine. The resulting bi-directional movement of the mirror could be mimicked on a screen or photographic plate by a beam of reflected light. Leaks from the admission port, which ran through one of the gimbals, could be prevented by tightening an adjuster screw at the opposing end of the shoe. However, the Perry indicator shared the weaknesses of the Clarke & Low type, even though the development of photographic re-cording apparatus allowed the traces to be recorded and the instrument could react rapidly to changes of load, speed or pressure. The first optical indicator to achieve real success was developed by Bertram Hopkinson (1874-1918) of Cambridge University, Professor of Mechanism and Applied Mechanics from 1903 until his untimely death in an air crash. Its development history is obscure, though the engineer Harry Ricardo testified that he had been given the prototype were when he left Cambridge in 1906. An indicator pictured in Engineering on 25th October 1907 is identical with the perfected "Hopkinson's Flashlight Engine Indicator" marketed in quantity by Dobbie McInnes Ltd of Glasgow from 1908 onward. Hopkinson indicators were supplied with two differing indicator springs and three pistons (their surface areas were customarily one unit, a half-unit and a quarter-unit), which, with cylinder liners if necessary, allowed the operator sufficient choice to suit most circumstances. They proved to be successful teaching and experimental aids, as the spring calibration was found to remain remarkably constant over long periods of time an error less than 2 per cent being customary. However, the requirement either to plot the trace manually or employ comparatively cumbersome photographic recorders did little to commend Hopkinson indicators to consulting engineers. Even the manufacturer had lost interest by the early 1920s, concentrating instead on the Farnboro electrical engine indicator. Dobbie McInnes may have made as many as 250 Hopkinson optical indicators, but survivors are rarely seen...even though an illustration was
still appearing in the company's promotional booklet, The Engine Indicator. Its Commercial Value and Instructions for Use, in the days of Dobbie McInnes & Clyde Ltd.
Above: Hopkinson optical indicator no. 155, made about 1911/12 by Dobbie McInnes & Co. Ltd of Glasgow. Virtually all of the survivors reported to date (four of them) seem to have been used by colleges and reaching establishments.
In May 1920, Engineering reported that an optical instrument designed by Professor F.W. Burstall, representing 'we understand, the latest form which [the] indicator has taken', had been exhibited at the Royal Society soire. A double-mirror assembly reflected a point of light from the first ('pressure' or 'piston') mirror to the second ('motion') mirror to obtain the bi?directional movement required to expose an otherwise con-ventional indicator diagram on a photographic plate. The Burstall indicator had a water-cooled cylinder containing a tiny piston with a diameter of 0.4in and a stroke of just one-tenth of an inch. A stiff steel cantilever arm acted as a spring, reducing the effects of vibration until engines running at 2500rpm and pressures as great as 600lb/in could be tested satisfactorily. The Dalby-Watson was another of the designs touted in the 1920s. It relied on a corrugated circular diaphragm cooled by water to preserve its performance as long as possible which flexed as pressure was applied. The thickness of the diaphragm varied from 0.015 to 0.06 inches, depending on the test-pressure range. When the connection between the cylinder and the indicator cock was opened, steam pressed on the diaphragm. The diaphragm in turn acted through a light spring-loaded rod to turn a small mirror on a vertical axis, the amount of deflection being directly proportional to the pressure applied. This gave a continuous record of the changes within the cylinder in the same way as the pencil arm of a mechanical indicator. Simultaneously, a mirror set with its axis horizontally was oscillated by a cam and rod driven by a chain from the engine being tested. The ratio of the throw of the eccentric to the length of the eccentric rod had to be the same as that of the crank radius of the engine to the length of its connecting rod, to ensure that the angular displacement of the horizontal (or 'stroke')
mirror was proportional to the linear displacement of the engine piston. It also provided accurate timings for the rise and fall of pressure in the engine cylinder, effectively replicating the drum motion of a conventional mechanical indicator. The trace was created by allowing light from an external bulb to enter a pinhole in the casing of the indicator. The light-ray ran the length of the body to strike the vertical (pressure) mirror and was then turned back to strike the horizontal (time) mirror before leaving at approximately ninety degrees to its line of entry. The reflected light-ray struck a ground-glass screen or a photographic plate in a wooden box attached to the indicator body to create a visual record of the events that had occurred within the engine cylinder. Dalby-Watson indicators were made in small numbers, to be used largely for teaching purposes. Like most optical-indicating systems, they were comparatively free of the problems arising from the inertia of heavy moving parts and were ideally suited to high-speed running. They could also be used as continuous monitors.
Indicators were customarily accompanied by a variety of accessories. Advertising literature published in 1917, for example, shows that each Crosby instrument came in a lockable velvet-lined walnut case with a compartmented lid. In addition to the indicator, the case contained one spring and a small scale-ruler, one straight steam cock, fifty diagram cards, a hank of indicator cord, a spring bracket, a cord adjuster, one small oil bottle, a turn-screw, a hollow wrench, and an instruction booklet. Dobbie McInnes indicators of the same vintage were usually supplied in mahogany boxes with a hinged platform and a compartment in the lid. In addition to an indicator cord, each box also contained a cylinder cock, a spare recording drum spring, a hexagon spanner, a turn-screw, an oil bottle, a set square, a detent-cord adjuster, a small sheet-metal tube containing spare pencil leads, a cord-adjusting plate, a radial dividing board, and a cylinder cleaning rod. Some cases will also be found with a short tubular wrench.
Left A selection of accessories accompanying a German-made Dreyer, Rosenkranz & Droop external-spring indicator dating from c. 1907. They include two steam cocks, springs, rulers, pencil leads, an oiler and a selection of tools. Courtesy of the British Engineerium, Hove, England.
Additional springs or scales could be purchased separately, as the supply of indicator springs varied according to individual requirements. Some cases had provision for as many as twelve springs, but the absence of springs from a case does not necessarily mean that they were always there: indicators that were purchased specifically for use with a solitary single-cylinder engine (or for one particular cylinder of a triple-expansion engine) may only have had one spring! Indicators accompanied by a wide range of springs were often used by consulting engineers or by representatives of insurance socie-ties.
The springs A catalogue published by the Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Company in 1915 recorded the range of indicator springs as 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 40, 50, 60, 80, 100, 120, 150, 180, 200, 250 and 300lb 'to the inch', which referred to the amount of pressure required to move the indicator pointer by the specified amount. The metric sizes were rated at 2, 25, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 18, 20, 30, 45 and 60, but these figures referred to the height in millimetres the pointer moved for each additional 1kg/cm of pressure. The classification of the metric springs was the opposite of the imperial patterns, as the '2mm' version was thirty times stronger than the '60mm' type. Trial and error showed that hot springs performed differently to those that were tested cold, but most manufacturers were aware of the problem and calibrated accordingly. Though there were undoubtedly errors from spring to spring, and also from indicator to indicator, the system was efficient enough to provide acceptable results.
Left Instructions pasted into the lid of the box of a 1893vintage McInnes indicator, showing the range of springs that could be obtained. The trading style 'Dobbie McInnes & Clyde, Ltd.' dates from 1921-37, though other evidence suggests that the label was printed in June 1928.
Reducing gear The comparatively small size of the recording drum on even the largest indicator faced the analytical engineer with a major problem. The stroke of even the smallest engine was considerably greater than the 4.5-5 inches that represented the limits of diagram length, and the stroke of a beam engine or a large horizontal mill engine could exceed ten feet. The engine-testing handbooks illustrate many ways of reducing the motion of the crosshead to suit the indicator, with the assistance of rods, bars, pulleys, pantographs or lazy tongs.
Left: A typical adjustable pantograph, popular as a means of reducing the long stroke of an engine to the comparatively small rotative movement of the indicator drum. Most pantographs were wooden, though metal examples are known. Courtesy of Bruce Babcock, Amanda, Ohio, USA.
There were a few champions of systems that involved rods and gearing, avoiding the stretching of cord or even braided wire, but these methods failed to prosper. Excepting the pantographs and the lazy tongs, which could be purchased commercially, most of the rod and bar systems were the extemporisations of individual engineers. This was actively championed by many of the textbooks, as it permitted the quirks of individual engines to be accommodated. In addition, many of the solutions were simple and accurate. Another solution, more popular in Europe and the USA than in Britain, was the reducing wheel. This usually consisted of a largediameter wheel, connected by cord or wire to the crosshead, which shared a common axis with a much smaller wheel that accepted the indicator-drum cord. The wheels were made of aluminium, to keep their weight (and inertia) as low as possible, and could be adapted to a variety of different strokes simply by substituting pulleys. It was not unusual for reducing wheels to come with two crosshead wheels and eight carefully-graduated pulleys. The only other system that could compete was the adjustable pantograph.
Above. Left:made in surprisingly large numbers in the USA in the 1890s, the 'Straightline' indicator is occasionally found with reducing gear. This particular design relies on pulleys and gearing to scale-down the motion of the piston until it is appropriate for the size of the recording drum. Right: an example of a Trill external-spring indicator with continuously-operable reducing gear. This example may date as late as 1936. By courtesy of Bruce Babcock, Amanda, Ohio, USA.
Diagram-analysing aids The traces provided a surprising amount of information, among the most useful being the 'atmospheric line' drawn simply by allowing the drum to revolve without allowing steam to reach the indicator piston. Each spring was marked with a 'scale' that, in imperialmeasure terms, signified the weight required to compress the spring by one inch. A '24' spring, therefore, required a weight of 24lb to compress it by an inch; each inch of diagram-height, therefore, equalled a steam pressure of 24lb. Once the horizontal lines of pressure had been deduced, the 'mean pressure' of the cylinder could also be obtained in any of several ways. The simplest was to divide the diagram into narrow vertical sec-tions, total the heights of the sections, and then divide the result by the number of sections. This gave a good approximation, and was helped by the manufacturers who provided grids to facilitate an accurate division into sections. Another way, potentially more accurate and often quicker, was to use a polar planimeter. Invented in the 1850s by a Swiss mathematician, Jacob Amsler, these instruments automatically calculated the area of an enclosed figure with the aid of graduated wheels and verniers. Their popularity as mathematical instruments ensured that huge quantities were made. Many engine-indicator manufacturers, such as Crosby and Dobbie McInnes, offered 'own brand' planimeters; however, these were customarily purchased from specialist manufacturers in Europe or (subsequently) the USA. The simplest forms of these instruments, set for a single pre-determined value (e.g., 10 square inches) have integrating wheels divided into units and tenths, relying on a vernier scale on the carriage or trace arm to give an accurate reading. A more sophisticated version, sharing the same basic construction, had an additional counter-wheel driven by a worm gear on the integrating wheel shaft. The best polar planimeters had additional features. The integrating wheel, worm, counting-wheel and vernier may be carried on a carriage that can be slid along the trace bar, allowing the instrument to be set to different base units.
Above: the Allbrit planimeter, made by W.F. Stanley & Co. Ltd of London, was introduced in the 1930s to replace the variety of European-made instruments that had previously been imported into Britain.
The manufacture of planimeters has been restricted to specialist instrument-makers such as Amsler and Coradi in Switzerland; Keuffel & Esser, Ott and others in Germany; the Los Angeles Scientific Instrument Company ('Lasico') and Keuffel & Esser (originally a subsidiary of the German company) in the USA; W.F. Stanley in Britain ('Allbrit'); and a variety of businesses in Japan. However, individual planimeters may occasionally be found with the markings of distributors. These can include a few of the indicator makers, such as Elliott Brothers of London, but usually prove to be drawing- or mathematical-equipment suppliers.
Above: a Swiss-made Coradi polar planimeter. Dated '14th October 1910', it was sold in the USA by the Eugene Dietzgen Company (the mark 'E. D. Co.' lies on top of the pole arm). Author's collection.
In addition to conventional Amsler-type polar planimeters, there have been several idiosyncratic designs. In the USA, for example, J.L. Robertson & Sons of New York offered Lippincott and Willis planimeters, and the Trill Indicator Company, successor to Robertson, was still offering improved Willis-type planimeters in 1916. These differ greatly from the Amsler type in construction, though the underlying theory of operation was identical.
Above: a typical Willis 1901-type or 'Improved' planimeter, showing the integrating wheel and the rotatable boxwood scale. Author's collection.
An alternative method of assessing the indicator diagram was provided by the 'Averageometer', patented in the USA in 1882 by John Coffin, made by the Thompson & Bushnell Company of New York City and favoured by (amongst others) Ashcroft, maker of Tabortype indicators. This was a form of linear planimeter combined with a board-like base with a metal channel set into the left edge and a clamp sliding in another channel placed horizontally across the centre. To use an Averageometer, the diagram was attached to the board with its vertical edges against the fixed clamp on the left and the adjustable clamp to the right. The point of the trace arm was then taken around the diagram in the usual way, allowing the integrating
wheel to record movement. Most Averagers had wheels with a circumference of 2.5in and a six-inch trace arm, giving a total of 15 sq. in for one turn of the integrating wheel.
More information
The material in this website is extracted from The Engine Indicator. A collectors' guide to mechanical and optical/ mechanical designs, 1790 to date, which will be available on CD in '.pdf' form at the end of 2006 and then, hopefully, as a book.
For additional details (including a sneak preview of a typical chapter) watch this page, or contact John Walter [email protected].
Bacharach Industrial Instrument Company, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. Originally imported Maihak indicators prior to 1917, but then began production in the USA. Work continued until the 1950s. Sir W.H. Bailey & Co. Ltd, Salford and Patricroft, Manchester, England. X Reportedly found on a Richards-type indicator made by Casartelli. Buckeye Engine Company, Salem, Ohio, USA. Made the original Thompson-type indicators, but only for a few years.
J. Casartelli & Sons Ltd, Manchester, England. Made Richards, 'Improved Richards' and own-brand indicators from the 1870s until 1914 or later. A. Clair, Saint-tienne (?), France. Made Guinotte and other indicators. Corry Instrument Company, Corry, Pennsylvania, USA. Made (or perhaps simply assembled) a few Trill indicators, 1945-7. Crosby Steam Gage & Valve Company, Boston, New York, Chicago and London. Made internal-spring and external-spring Crosby indicators until the early 1930s. Marcel Deprez, Paris (?), France. X Probably made by Garnier or Lefebvre. Dreyer, Rosenkranz & Droop, Hannover, Germany. Made a few Richards and then many Thompson-type indicators, including an exposed-spring design patented in 1902. Continued production independently until c. 1937. Dobbie McInnes Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland. Made McInnes, McInnes-Dobbie and Dobbie McInnes indicators from 1903 until 1921, and then agein from 1937 until the late 1950s. Dobbie McInnes & Clyde Ltd, Glasgow, Scotland. A trading style found on McInnes-Dobbie and Dobbie McInnes indicators only from 1921 until 1937, when a reversion was made to the orignal name. A. Duvergier, Lyon, France. Made McNaught-type indicators in the 1860s, often fitted with continuous-recording drums.
Left: a typical example of the ephemera produced by Dobbie Mcinnes and Dobbie McInnes & Clyde Ltd. This particular example, which dates prior to the First World War, includes the rarely-seen Mathot continuous indicator used with internal-combustion engines.
Elliott Brothers (Ltd), London, England. Made Richards, Richards-Darke, Darke, Wayne and SImplex indicators from 1863 until the First World War. Engineering Appliance Company, Jamestown, New York, USA. Made Excelsior and Howard-Thompson indicators from the early 1890s until 1902. Engineering & Power Company, Jamestown, New York, USA. Superseded the Engineering Applicance Company in 1902, but was then purchased by Trill in 1910. Paul Garnier, Paris, France. Two generations of clockmakers made McNaught-type, Martin and Deprez indicators from the 1860s until c.1900 Globe Engineering Co. Ltd [The], Manchester, England. X May have sold Ashcroft-made Tabor indicators in the early 1890s. Hall Brown, Buttery & Company, Glasgow, Scotland. Made distinctive Thompson-type indicators from c. 1895 until 1901. John Hannan, Glasgow. The predecessor of Hannan & Buchanan, active from the 1850s. Made McNaught indicators, apparently for McNaught himself. Hannan & Buchanan, Glasgow, Scotland. Made Richards and McKinnell & Buchanan indicators from 1869 until c. 1900 Hine & Robertson, New York. Made Thompson-type indicators from the 1880s until 31st december 1896, when the trading name changed to James L. Robertson & Sons. Hodgson Hartley Ltd, Manchester, England. X Found on Ashcroft-made Tabor indicators sold in the 1900-14 period. Joseph Hopkinson, Huddersfield, Yorkshire, England. Made co-axial and parallel-axis non-amplifying indicators from c. 1854 until 1877. Kraft & Sohn, Vienna, Austria(-Hungary). Made Richards and Thompson-type indicators from the 1870s until 1900 or later. Victor Lefebvre, Paris (?), France. Made Thompson-type indicators from the early 1880s until 1895 or later. Lehmann & Michels, Altona bei Hamburg, Germany. Made Crosby-type external-spring indicators from 1919 (possibly earlier) until the end of the Second World War. Very similar to some of the Maihak products, which were originally protected by the same 1906 patent. Lehmann & Michels indicators are still being made in modernised forms. Leutert GmbH, Germany. Makers of Maihak-style external-spring and torsion-bar indicators since 1985.
W.G. Little & Company, Bexley, Kent, England. X Made patented integrating indicators, apparently using Crosby components. Lippincott Steam & Specialty Company, New York. Made surprisingly large quantities of Lippincott indicators and planimeters, etc, from the 1890s until, perhaps, as late as 1914. R. McAughtry & Son, Glasgow, Scotland. X Sole Britain and British Empire distributor for German-made Maihak instruments, 1921-52. Succeeded by 'Smail Sons & Co.', below. T.S. McInnes, Glasgow, Scotland. Makers of McInnes-patent internal-spring indicators from c. 1887 until Dobbie McInnes was formed in 1903. Became '& Co.' in 1889 and '& Co. Ltd' in 1894. McInnes & Cairns, Glasgow, Scotland, and Liverpool, England. X A ships chandlery that sold, among other things, McInnesmade indicators. Maihak GmbH & Companie, Hamburg, Germany. Maker of Crosby-type external indicators from c. 1909 onward. Metallwerker AG, Meerane in Sachsen, German Democratic Republic. Maker of Maihak-type indicators in the 1950s and 1960s. John Musgrave & Sons Ltd, Bolton, Lancashire, England. X Sold Ashcroft-made Tabor indicators in the 1890s.
Left: a label found in the lid of a box containing a Richards-type indicator, apparently incorporating improvements made by Thomas Struthers McInnes. The style '& Co. Ltd' suggests that the label (if not necessarily the indicator itself) dates from 1894 or later.
Negretti & Zambra, London, England. X Novelty Iron Works, New York City, USA. Made McNaught-type indicators in the 1850s, and also the prototype Richards indicator of 1862. James L. Robertson & Sons, New York City, with 'Branch Offices in Boston, Philadelphia, St. Louis', USA. Succeeded Hine & Robertson on 1st January 1897, making New Century and Robertson-Thompson indicators, internal- and external-spring types, until 1910 or later. Schaeffer & Budenberg, Brooklyn, New York City and Chicago. Imported German-made Thompson indicators (internal- and external-spring types) until the First World War began, then began to make 'American Thompson' instruments n the USA. Schaeffer & Budenberg GmbH, Buckau bei Magdeburg (later Magdeburg-Buckau), Germany. Made Thompson-type indicators from the 1880s until the end of the First World War. Schaeffer & Budenberg Ltd, Manchester, England. X Marketed indicators made by the German parent company prior to 1914. Subsequently became the Budenburg Gauge Co. Ltd. Ernest Scott & Co. Ltd, Newcastle upon Tyne, England. X Said to have marked Richards-type indicators made by Casartelli. Smail Sons & Company, Glasgow, Scotland. X Distributed German-made Maihak instruments from 1952 onward. See 'McAughtry', above. Star Brass Manufacturing Company, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, and London, England. Made internal- and external-spring indicators from the 1880s until the 1920s? Isaac Storey & Sons, Cornbrook, Manchester, England. Made Kenyon's Pistonless Indicator in the 1880s. Thompson & Bushnell Company, New York City, USA. Made the Bachelder indicators from c. 1888 until 1905 or later. Trill Indicator Company, Corry, Pennsylvania, USA. Made Triumph and Trill indicators, internal- and external-spring types, from 1901 until the end of the Second World War. Whyte, Thomson & Company, Glasgow, Scotland. Formed in 1889, and made a few Thompson-type and 'own brand' indicators in the early twentieth century.
Left: the only Whyte, Thomson & Company indicator found to date, 'Model I' no. 305. Superficially similar to the 1887patent McInnes design, it differs internally. Owing to the use of McInnes-type Vulcanite sheathing on the body, it is suspected that the instrument dates no earlier than 1901.
Richards indicator by Elliott Bros., London, c. 1875, bearing the marks of Hannan & Buchanan of Glasgow. Currently in Portugal. No. 1 Small Size Indicator by Dobbie McInnes & Co., Ltd, Glasgow, probably dating prior to 1920. Currently in Portugal. Robertson-Thompson indicator by James L. Robertson & Sons, New York City, dating after 1897. Currently in the USA.
Specific requests:
Farnboro indicator by Dobbie McInnes, post-1945 example: diaphragm unit and associated parts sought. Tabor indicator, second or 1886 type: drum, drum-spring and associated parts sought.
If you are interested in any of these, please send me an e-mail to forward to the vendor/requester.