is called a matrix. The numbers in the array are called the
elements of the matrix which are a11 , a12 ,..........., amn . The above
matrix has m rows and n columns and it is called and
(m n) matrix and read m by n matrix.
j=1 j=2 .... j=n
i=1 a11 a12 ..... a1n
i=2 a 21 a 22 ..... a 2n
. . . ..... .
. . . ..... .
i=m a m1 a m2 ..... a mn m×n
Shortly this matrix can be written as
a ij i= 1, 2,……m, and j = 1, 2, ……….n.
2 3
1 3 22
1 4 6
2 6 8 2×3
Row Matrix : A matrix consisting a single row is called a
row matrix and is given by;
a11 a12 ..... a1n 1×n .
This matrix consisting a single row and n column and it is
called 1 by n matrix.
Example : A = 2 4 3 1 is a 1 by 4 row matrix.
2 0 0
A 0 3 0 is a diagonal matrix.
0 0 5 33
Scalar Matrix : A diagonal matrix whose diagonal
elements are all equal is called a scalar matrix.
2 0 0
A 0 2 0 is a scalar matrix.
0 0 2 33
Identity or Unit Matrix : A square matrix whose elements
a ij = 0; for i j and a ij =1, for i=j is called a identity matrix
or unit matrix.
1 0 0
1 0
Example: A= , B = 0 1 0 are the identity or unit
0 1 22 0 0 1 3×3
Transpose Matrix : A is an m n matrix, then the n m
matrix is obtained from the matrix A by writing its rows as
columns and its columns as rows is called the transpose of a
matrix A and is denoted by the symbol AT . If A= a ij m×n ; i=
1, 2,……m, and j = 1, 2, ……….n. is an m n , then
A T = a ji
is n m matrix.
2 -3 4
Example : A = is 2 by 3 matrix. The transpose of A is
1 2 6 2×3
given by;
2 1
A T = -3 2
4 6 3×2
Addition of Two Matrices: Addition of two matrices is
defined only for the matrices having same number of rows
and same number of columns. Let A and B are two matrices
having m rows and n columns.
a11 a12 ..... a1n b11 b12 ..... b1n
a ..... a2 n b ..... b2 n
21 a22 21 b22
A . . ..... . B . . ..... .
. . ..... . . . ..... .
am1 am 2 ..... amn mn bm1 bm 2 ..... bmn mn
a11 b11 a12 b12 ..... a1n b1n
a b a22 b22 ..... a2 n b2 n
21 21
A B . . ..... .
. . ..... .
am1 bm1 am 2 bm 2 ..... amn bmn mn
and the subtraction of A and B is given by;
a11 b11 a12 b12 ..... a1n b1n
a b a22 b22 ..... a2 n b2 n
21 21
A B . . ..... .
. . ..... .
am1 bm1 am 2 bm 2 ..... amn bmn mn
5 1 0
10 7 5
5 1 5
Subtraction of A and B is given by:
2 3 0 1 1 1
A B 5 15 1 6 0 5
0 5 1 2 3 2
1 1 2
20 5 5
5 3 1
Equality of Two Matrices: Two matrices A and B of same
order are said to be equal if and only if the corresponding
elements of their rows and columns are identical:
Let us consider the two matrices A and B of the type
a11 ..... a1n
a12 b11 b12 ..... b1n
a a22 ..... a2 n b b ..... b
21 21 22 2n
Then A and B are said to be equal iff a ij = bij for all i and j
x -3 4 -3
Example: Let us define A = , and B =
y z -2
If A=B, then we have x = 4, y = -2 and z =3
Matrix Multiplication by a Number: The multiplication
of an (m n) matrix A by a number k is denoted by kA and
is the (m n) matrix obtained by multiplying every element
of A by k which is given by;
ka11 ka12 ..... ka1n
ka ka22 ..... ka2 n
kA . . ..... .
. . ..... .
kam1 kam 2 ..... kamn mn
1 3 5
Example : A then
2 0 1
2 1 2 3 2 5
2 2 2 0 2 1
2 6 10
4 0 2
Matrix Multiplication: Two matrix A and B can be
multiplied if the number of columns of A is equal to the
number of rows of B.
Example: Let, A = 1 2 31×3 and B = 2
1 3×1
AB = 1 2 31×3 2
1 3×1
(1 3) (2 2) (3 1)
1 1
1 -3 5
Let A= and B 3 4 ;
2 0 -1 23 3 0 32
1 6 15 1 12 0
AB =
2 0 3 2 0 0 22
22 13
1 2 22
Singular Matrix: Let us consider the square matrix A, and
D be the determinant of the matrix A, if D=0, then the
matrix A is called a singular matrix and if D 0 then the
matrix A is called a non-singular matrix.
1 2
A , A 0 ; So, A is called a singular matrix.
2 4
1 2 3
B 2 4 5 B 0 , so B is singular matrix.
1 1 7
Inverse Matrix: A square matrix A is said to be invertible
if there exists a unique matrix B, such that AB = BA = I,
where I is the unit matrix, then B is called the inverse
matrix of A and is generally denoted by A . Here we have 1
to note that if B is the inverse matrix of A, then A is also the
inverse matrix of B.
Let us consider the following two matrices A and B of the
2 1 2 -1
A= and B =
3 2 -3 2
4 3 2 2 1 0
6 6 3 4 0 1 ;
4 3 2 2 1 0
6 6 3 4 0 1
Let us consider the two matrices A and B
2 0 -1 3 -1 1
A= 5 1 0 and B= -15 6 -5
0 1 3 5 -2 2
1 0 0
AB BA 0 1 0
0 0 1
Adjoint Matrix : Let us consider the matrix of order n,
a11 a12 ... ... a1n
a a2 n
21 a22 ... ...
A . . ... ... .
. . ... ... .
an1 an 2 ... ... ann
and D be the determinant of the matrix A which is given by;
a11 a12 ... ... a1n
a21 a22 ... ... a2 n
D A . . ... ... .
. . ... ... .
an1 an 2 ... ... ann
and let Aij (i = 1, 2, ….n, j =1 ,2, ……n) be the co-factors
of the determinant D and we will form the matrix
A11 A12 ... ... A1n
A A ... ... A
21 22 2n
matrix A; then
1 AdjA
A -1 = AdjA=
A A 21 ... ... An1
A A 22 ... ... An2
1 12
A -1 = D
. . ... ... .
. . ... ... .
1n A 2n ... ... Ann
A A 21 A n1
11 ... ...
A A 22 A n2
12 ... ...
. . ... ... .
. . ... ... .
A1n A 2n A nn
... ...
3 2
Find the inverse matrix of the matrix A =
3 4
Solution: The determinant of the matrix A is, D = 6
The cofactor matrix of A is given by:
4 -3
-2 3
The Adjoint matrix of A is given by:
4 -2
AdjA= C=
-3 3
Thus the inverse matrix of A is given by:
AdjA 1 4 -2 2/3 -1/3
A -1
6 -3 3 -1/2 1/2
2 1 3
Find the inverse matrix of A 4 0 1
3 3 2
Solution: The determinant of the matrix A is, D = 53. So, A
is the non-singular matrix and A exists. 1
3 11 1
AdjA 11 5 14 ;
12 9 4
3 11 1
A -1 11 5 14
12 9 4
Problem: Find the values of the variables in each of the
0 5 x 0 w+3 6
w x 3 2
1. = 2. -1 3 y+2 = -1 3 0
y z -1 4 4 1 z 4 1 8
In each of the following determine whether the two
matrices are equal
1 1 2 1 2 0
6. 1 2 ; ; No 7. 3 4 ; 3 4 0 ;
Perform each of the operations in Exercise 8-13 whether
possible or not.
6 -9 2 -8 2 5 9 4 -3 2
8. - 6 -3 4 9. + -4 7
4 1 3 -8 2
-2 4 -6 2
Let A = 0 3 and B = 4 0
Find 17. 2A, 18. -3B, 19. 2A-B, 20. -2A+4B
21. –A+1/2B
Find the matrix product
3 -4 1 5 6 0 3
4 ; 25. 3 4 1 2
5 0 2 2
-2 1 3 0 1 1 -2 1 0
26. 7 0 -1 -1 2 0 27. 0 -2 0
-2 1 4
0 1 2
0 2 1 3 1 4 4 1 2
Problem 1: Suppose a company produces two product
namely (i) Shirt and (ii)T-shirt using two resources namely
(i) labor and (ii) capital. The following table provides the
basic data of the problem;
Shirt T-shirt Availability of
x y Resources
Labor (a11 ) 2 (a12 ) 1 24 (b1 )
Capita (a 21 ) 3 (a 22 ) 2 6 (b2 )
Profit per unit 3 2
(in USD)
Form a system of linear equation. Solve using matrix
Solution: Let us define x is the quantity of shirt and y is the
quantity of T-shirt that the company produces using the
The equation for the resource labor is given by:
Labor : 6x+46 = 24
The equation for the resources capital is given by:
Capital: x+2y = 6
Thus the system of two linear equations of two variables of
x and y is given by:
6x+4y = 24
2+2y = 6
The profit function is given by:
Profit = 3x+2y
Problem 2: Let a company produces two products namely
P, and Q from two raw materials namely R1, and R2. One
unit of product P requires 2 units of R1 and 3 units of R2.
One unit of product Q requires 3 units of R1 and 5 units of
r2. The company has 28 units of raw material R1, 20 units
of raw material R2. Profits from per units of product P, and
Q and R, are $ 3, and $ 4 respectively. Formulate a system
of linear equations and solve using matrix
Problem 3: A company produces two different kinds of
products namely A, and B using two different raw materials
namely R1 and R2. The quantity of each raw material to
produce per unit of A and B and also the total amount of R1
and R2 are given in the right side of the table. All the
required information are given below in tabular form
Product Total Amount
A B Of Raw Materials
R1 2 3 8
R2 1 2 5
Per Unit Profit 5 7
(in 000 TK)
Write this form in a system of linear equation. Solve using
matrix and find the total profit.
Problem 4: Suppose two different types of machines
namely: A and B are used to produce two different products
namely: P1 and P2. The table below shows: (i) the hour
required on each machine type to produce per unit of
each product, (ii) total machine hours per week, and (iii)
per unit profit on sale of each of the product.
Machine Type Products Time for Each
P1 P2 Machine
A 3 2 12
B 2 2 10
Unit Profits 5 7
Find the quantities of P1 and P2 using matrix and hence
find profit.
Problem 5: A company produces two different products
namely: P1 and P2 using two different raw materials
namely: R1 and R2. To produce per unit of P1 and P2, the
required quantity of R1 and R2, total amount of R1 and R2,
are given below in tabular form.
Products Quantity of R1
Raw Material P1 P2 and R2
R1 3 2 12
R2 1 2 6
Formulate the problem and find the quantity of P1 and P2
using matrix.
Problem 6: Suppose a company produces both interior and
exterior paints from two raw materials 1 and 2. The
following table provides the basic data of the problem;
Exterior Paint Interior Paint Quantity of Raw
from per ton of from Per Ton Materials
Raw Material of Raw Material (tons)
Raw Material 1 6 4 24
Raw Material 2 1 2 8
Profit per ton in 5 4
thousand USD
Formulate the problem and find the quantity of interior and
exterior paints using matrix and hence find the daily profit
of the company.
Problem 7: Find their summation, subtraction and
2 0 -1 3 -1 1
A= 5 1 0 and B= -15 6 -5
0 1 3 5 -2 2
2 1 2 -1
A= and B =
3 2 -3 2