Matrices:: M N A A A A

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Mathematics: Lecture 4 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬


When a system of equations has more than two equations, it is difficult to discuss
them without using matrices and vectors.
The size of the matrix is described by the number of its row and columns. A
matrix of n rows and m columns is said to be n  m matrix.

 a11 a12  a1m 

a a22  a2 m 
A 
 

 
 aij , i  1,2,..., n , j  1,2,..., m.
 
an1 an 2  anm  n m

Types of matrices:
Square matrix: It is a matrix whose number of rows are equal to the number of
columns ( n  m ). For example:

1 3 0
1 5 
A  , B  3 2 1
 2 4 2 2 1 8 0 33

Diagonal matrix: It is a square matrix which all its elements are zero except the
elements on the main diagonal. For example:

 4 0 0
A  0 9 0
0 0 1

Identity matrix: It is a diagonal matrix whose elements on the main diagonal are equal
to 1, and it is denoted by In. For example:

1 0 0
1 0
I 3  0 1 0 , I 2  
 0 1
0 0 1

Transpose matrix: Transpose of A is denoted by ( AT ) , means that write the rows of A

as columns in At. For example:
 3 - 2
3 7 1
A  , A  7 1 

 2 1  3 23 1 - 3 3 2

Mathematics: Lecture 4 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

Matrix addition and multiplication

If A  [aij ] and B  [bij ] and both A & B are n  m matrices, then

A  B  [aij ]  [bij ]  [aij  bij ]

For any scalar (number) c , we can multiply A by c as follows:

cA  c[a ij ]  [ca ij ]

A matrix with only one column, n  1 in size, is called a column vector, and one
of only one row, 1  m in size, is called a row vector.

Matrices multiplication
Let A be an n× k matrix and B be a k×m matrix then C=AB is an n×m matrix,
where the element in the ith row and jth column of AB is the sum
cij  ai1b1 j  ai 2 b2 j  ...  ain bnj   aik bkj , i  1,2,..., m and j  1,2,..., p.
k 1

With each square matrix A we associate a number det(A) or |aij| called the
determinant of A, calculated from the entries of A as follows:

For n=1, det(a)=a,

a a12 
For n =2, det  11   a11a22  a21a12
a21 a22 

To each element of a 3 3 matrix there corresponds a 2  2 matrix that is
obtained by deleting the row and column of that element. The determinant of the 2  2
matrix is called the minor of that element.

For a matrix of dimension 3×3, we define

 a11 a12 a13  a11 a12 a13

det a21 a22 a23   a21 a22
a a23 a21 a23 a21 a22
a23  a11  22  a12   a13 
a32 a33 a31 a33 a31 a32
a31 a32 a33  a31 a32 a33

Mathematics: Lecture 4 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

a 22 a 23 a a 23
where is the minor of a11 , 21 is the minor of a12 ,
a 32 a 33 a 31 a 33
a 21 a 22
and is the minor of a13 .
a 31 a 32

Ex.6: Evaluate the determinant of A if:

1 3  5

A   2 4 6 
 0  7 9 

By choosing the second row we get
1 3 5
3 5 1 5 1 3
det( A)   2 4 6  (2) 4  6
7 9 0 9 0 7
0 7 9
 62
Note that 62 is the same value that was obtained for this determinant in Example

If a matrix A is triangular (either upper or lower), its determinant is just the
product of the diagonal elements:

Linearly Dependent and Linearly Independent

Definition: the vectors v1, v2, …, vm are linearly dependent if | v1 v2 … vm|=0, and
if | v1 v2 … vm| ≠ 0 then v1, v2, …, vm are linearly independent.

Ex1: Let v1=(3, 6, -1); v2=(8, 2, -4); v3=(1, -1, 1), determine whether v1, v2, v3 are
linearly dependent or not.

Sol: Since
3 8 1
6 2  1  3 2 1  8 6 1  6 2
 3(2  4)  8(6  1)  (24  2)  68  0
  4 1 1 1 1  4
 1  4 1 
then v1, v2, v3 are linearly independent


1) Determine whether the given vectors are linearly dependent or linearly independent.

Mathematics: Lecture 4 ‫مدرس مساعد ازهار مالك‬

a) (3,2);(1,-1)
b) (4,-3,1);(10,-3,0);(2,-6,3)
2) Find determinant of the following matrices
  4 1 0 1
 
 0 1 0 0
a) 
0 0 2 0
 
 1 0 0 3
 

 3 2 1 
 
b)  1 10  1
3  2 1 
 

1- Calculus & Analytic Geometry (Thomas).
2- Calculus (Haward Anton).
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