NOTE: LABELLING IS MUST. EVEN IF IT'S NOT GIVEN IN NCERT, LABEL AT LEAST 2-3 PARTS. DIAGRAM SHOULD BE DRAWN ONLY WITH PENCIL. FOR LABELLING YOU CAN USE BLACK PEN OR ELSE PENCIL. DIAGRAM SHOULD BE BIG AND CLEAR. DON'T DRAW MINIATURE DIAGRAMS. DRAW DIAGRAM IF QUESTION CARRIES MORE MARKS AND YOU DO NOT HAVE MUCH CONTENT TO WRITE. Life Processes 1 Cross section of leaf 2 Open and closed stomatal pore 3 Nutrition in amoeba 4 Digestive system (Along with body outline) 5 Respiratory system (Along with body outline) 6 Heart ( WITH ARROWS) 7 Double circulation (Box diagram is also acceptable) ( WITH ARROWS) 8 Excretory system (Along with body outline) 9 Nephron (WITH ARROWS) Control and Coordination 1 Neuron cell 2 Conduction across a Synapse 3 Neuromuscular Junction 4 Brain 5 Reflex arc (Ray Diagram) 6 Phototropism and Geotropism 7 Human Endocrine System (To Identify) Reproduction 1 Fission ( Binary in Amoeba & Leishmania and Multiple in Plasmodium) 2 Budding in Hydra And Yeast 3 Regeneration in Planaria 4 Fragmentation in Spirogyra 5 Spore formation in Fungi 6 Bryophyllum leaf 7 Artificial Propogation (Cutting, Layering, Grafting from module) 8 Tissue culture (From module) 9 L.S of Flower (Can be drawn from Modules as well) 10 Pollen Germination on stigma (Must For double fertilization) 11 Stamen and Carpel 12 Structure of Dicot Seed (Parts for Identification) 13 Male and Female Reproductive Systems (Frequently Asked) 14 Embryo development (From module, for identification) 15 VASECTOMY & TUBECTOMY (For Identification) EXTRA TOPICS FOR GSEB STUDENTS Heredity and Evolution (If evolution is in syllabus) 1 Homologous Organs and Analogous Organs (To Identify) 2 Ammonite, Rajasaurus, Knightia, Trilobite, Tree trunk Fossil (To Identify) 3 Evolution of Wild Cabbage (To Identify) Management of natural resources 1 Khadin System of water Harvesting (To Identify)