Applied Physics
Beijing Key Laboratory of Microstructure and Property of Solids, College of Materials Science and Engineering,
Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
School of Materials Science and Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China
Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected] and [email protected]
Cold spray is an effective method for surface coating, which has been applied in various engineering areas. However, it is difficult to directly
observe the dynamic deformation process in experiments. This paper applies the molecular dynamics simulation to model the deposition of
a monocrystalline Cu particle onto a Cu substrate and, subsequently, carries out a systematic study on the deposition mechanism and micro-
structure evolution. The results indicate that the deposition process consists of an impact stage and a relaxation stage. It is mainly the high
speed collision and the friction following the collision that lead to particle deposition, which, under different circumstances, can be defined
as surface deposition or penetration deposition. Two methods, namely, drastic shear deformation and cooling in the relaxation stage, can
help form nanocrystallines. Jetting and melting are not the necessary factors for the deposition of nano-sized particles. The formation of dis-
location lines is influenced by impact velocities. At lower impact velocities, the dislocation lines are mainly distributed near the contact
surface. However, when the impact velocity is higher, dislocation lines are almost uniformly distributed in the particle.
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can be deposited onto the substrate under the impact velocities direction is a regular quadrilateral. At the impact velocity of 1250
ranging from 250 to 1500 m/s. or 1500 m/s, a part of the particle penetrates into the substrate
The compression strain (ε) of the deposited particle,26 which [Figs. 3(i) and 3(k)], but the particle almost remains in the circle
is defined by the ratio of the height in the center region to the shape in the top view [Figs. 3( j) and 3(l)]. In these conditions, the
initial diameter, is first calculated. Figure 2 illustrates the compres- particle changes into a crescent shape in the cross-sectional view,
sion strain curve under the impact velocities from 250 to 1500 m/s. and a few atomic inter-diffusions take place across the contact
As can be seen, in each situation, due to the drastic collision surface between the particle and the substrate [Figs. 3(i) and 3(k)].
between the particle and the substrate, the compression strain In cold spray, the flattening ratio (FR) is a critical measure-
increases dramatically at first. At this moment, the compression ment to evaluate the particle deformation and coating quality.36 It
strain rates (dε/dt) are, respectively, 3.49 × 109, 1.04 × 1010, can be calculated by the following equation:
1.55 × 1010, 2.13 × 1010, 2.17 × 1010, and 2.25 × 1010 s−1. Then, com-
pression strain gradually reaches a stable value. The final compres- FR ¼ d/h, (1)
sion strain values (t = 200 ps) are, respectively, 0.12, 0.32, 0.49, 0.59,
0.55, and 0.56. It is quite interesting to note that compression
where d represents the diameter of the deposited particle and h rep-
strain increases by raising the impact velocity from 250 to 1000 m/s
resents the height of the deposited particle.
but decreases under the impact velocities of 1250 and 1500 m/s.
For monocrystalline nanoparticles, under the impact velocities
To clearly observe the particle deformation, morphologies
from 500 to 1000 m/s, the particle’s final shape in the top view is a
from both the cross-sectional view and top view are analyzed.
regular quadrilateral. To accurately analyze the flattening ratio, d is
Figure 3, respectively, illustrates the morphologies from cross-
acquired by calculating the maximum area of the deposited particle
sectional view and top view at 200 ps in each situation. It should be
in the horizontal direction. Figure 4(a) demonstrates the flattening
mentioned that, in all the cross-sectional views of this paper
ratio in each situation at 200 ps. As can be seen, the flattening ratio
(Figs. 3, 5–7), a slice in 1 nm thickness, which is through the center
almost increases linearly when the impact velocity rises. In the cold
of the impact zone (x–y surface), is cut from the deposited particle
spray experiments of titanium particles to alumina substrates per-
and substrate. The deposition behavior is influenced by the impact
formed by Imbriglio et al.,37 they also identified the linear relation
velocities. When Up = 250 m/s, a flat interface is formed at the
between FR and impact velocities.
contact surface [Fig. 3(a)], and the particle almost remains in the
Figure 3 also shows that, in each situation, the particle and the
spherical shape [Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)]. Under the impact velocities
substrate are joined together at atomic scale. It means that, at the
from 500 to 1000 m/s, a concave interface is generated [Figs. 3(c),
contact surface, the particle and the substrate are tightly joined
3(e), and 3(g)], and the particle changes into a square shape in the
together. When 250 m/s ≤ Up ≤ 1000 m/s, in the horizontal direc-
top view [Figs. 3(d), 3(f ), and 3(h)]. In the MD simulations per-
tion, the area of the contact surface is lower than the maximum
formed by Zhao et al.,18 they also found that, at the impact velocity
area of the post-impact particle [Figs. 3(a), 3(c), 3(d), and 3(g)].
of 1000 m/s, the final shape of the particle with the [100] lattice
When Up = 1250 and 1500 m/s, in the horizontal direction, the area
of the contact surface is equal to the maximum area of the post-
impact particle [Figs. 3(i) and 3(k)]. To evaluate the deposition
behavior, the effective coating rate (η) in each situation is calcu-
lated. It is defined as the ratio of the area of the contact surface to
the maximum area of the deposited particle in the horizontal direc-
tion. Then, the effective coating rate can be expressed in the follow-
ing equations:
η ¼ D2 /d2 , (2)
FIG. 3. The morphologies of the deposited particle and substrate at 200 ps, respectively, from the cross-sectional view and top view under the impact velocities of 250
(a) and (b), 500 (c) and (d), 750 m/s (e) and (f ), 1000 (g) and (h), 1250 (i) and ( j), 1500 m/s (k) and (l).
To analyze the deposition process, the von Mises shear strains deformation takes place in both the particle and the substrate. In
of the particle and the substrate are calculated. Figure 5, respec- these situations, the maximum shear deformation region occurs at
tively, illustrates the von Mises shear strain distribution from cross- the contact surface [t = 10 ps in Figs. 5(e) and 5(f )], because the
sectional view in each situation at 10, 20, 30, and 200 ps. As can be particle penetrates into the substrate. The shear strain at the edge
seen, the shear deformation initiates at the periphery of the contact region of the contact surface is much higher than that at the center
surface [t = 10 ps in Figs. 5(a) and 5(b)] and transmits into the par- region [t = 10 ps in Figs. 5(e) and 5(f )]. In Fig. 5, it can be also
ticle and substrate with 45° inclined angle [t = 20 ps and t = 30 ps in found that, in each situation, particle deformation mainly takes
Fig. 5(a)]. Under the impact velocities from 250 to 1000 m/s, shear place in the first 30 ps. At the time periods from 30 to 200 ps, the
deformation results in the slip deformation along the {111} surface morphology in both the particles and the substrate does not display
in the particle [Figs. 5(a)–5(d)]. As a result, the particle, in the top any significant change.
view, gradually changes into the square shape [Figs. 3(d), 3(f), and To analyze the atomic structure deformation, the CNAs of the
3(h)]. At the impact velocity of 1250 or 1500 m/s, drastic shear particle and the substrate are calculated. Figure 6 illustrates the
1 X3 X N
j 3
Ek ¼ mi (vi vj )2 ¼ kB T, (3)
2N j¼1 i¼1 2
FIG. 5. The von Mises shear strain of the deposited particle and substrate from the cross-sectional view under the impact velocities of 250 (a), 500 (b), 750 (c), 1000 (d),
1250 (e), and 1500 m/s (f ).
FIG. 6. The CNA of the deposited particle and substrate from the cross-sectional view under the impact velocities of 250 (a), 500 (b), 750 (c), 1000 (d), 1250 (e), and
1500 m/s (f ).
FIG. 7. The temperature distribution in the deposited particle and substrate from the cross-sectional view under the impact velocities of 250 (a), 500 (b), 750 (c), 1000 (d),
1250 (e), and 1500 m/s (f ).
FIG. 8. The dislocation distributions in the deposited particles under the impact velocities of 250 (a), 500 (b), 750 (c), 1000 (d), 1250 (e), and 1500 m/s (f ).
and 8(f )]. In these conditions, the dislocation lines are not have increased in the deposited particle. The dislocation segment
observed at the middle region of the particle [t = 20 and 30 ps in and average dislocation length in the deposited particle at 200 ps
Figs. 8(e) and 8(f )], as drastic shear deformation has changed are also calculated, as shown in Fig. 9(b). As the impact velocity
the atoms into the disordered state [t = 20 and 30 ps in Figs. 6(e) increases, the dislocation segment in the deposited particle
and 6(f )]. increases, but the average dislocation length decreases, because
The dislocation densities as a function of simulation time are nanocrystallines have formed in the particle.
also calculated. It is defined as the ratio of the total length of the
dislocation line to the particle volume. As can be seen in Fig. 9(a), IV. DISCUSSION
in each situation, at first, the dislocation density increases very fast
and then begins to decrease. When 250 m/s ≤ Up ≤ 1000 m/s, the A. Deposition mechanism
dislocation density finally reaches a constant value. However, when Based on the simulation results, the deposition process of cold
Up = 1250 or 1500 m/s, the dislocation density increases again at spray can be divided into two stages: the impact stage and the
approximately 24–32 ps and finally arrives at a constant value. At relaxation stage. There are three steps in the impact stage. In step
t = 200 ps, the dislocation densities in each situation are, respectively, one, the collision between the particle and substrate joins the
4.31 × 10−18, 3.14 × 10−17, 4.09 × 10−17, 4.58 × 10−17, 5.02 × 10−17, center region of the contact surface between the particle and the
and 4.61 × 10−17 m−2. The dislocation density decreases under the substrate. In step two, the shear deformation (in the deposited par-
impact velocities from 1250 to 1500 m/s, because disordered atoms ticle) enlarges the contact surface of the particle. In step three, the
friction between the particle and the substrate tightly joins the
periphery region of the contact surface. The bonding strength at
the edge of the contact surface is higher than that at the center
region.38 In the relaxation stage, the morphology of the particles
and the substrate does not show any change. However, some stack-
ing faults and disordered atoms disappear, and the atomic struc-
tures of these atoms change to the FCC structure again.
The deposition of Cu nanoparticles can be defined as surface
deposition or penetration deposition at different impact velocities.
At lower impact velocities (250–1000 m/s in this paper), the parti-
cle deposits onto the substrate surface. It is mainly the high pres-
sure that binds the particle and the substrate together. However, in
such situations, micro-pores may be formed among each deposited
particle. At higher impact velocities (1250–1500 m/s in this paper),
a part of the particle penetrates into the substrate. It is mainly the
drastic shear deformation that joins the particle and the substrate
together. In such conditions, micro-pores can be effectively reduced.
The experimental results also indicate that increasing impact velocity
is a straightforward way to reduce micro-pores.4,39,40
In experiments41–48 and finite-element modeling,2,4,49,50 jet can
be directly observed at the edge of the contact surface. However, in
the simulations of this study, jet is not observed, because the particles
as the object of the study are nano-sized. The jetting in cold spray is
similar to that in other areas, such as explosive welding, micro-
droplet impact, shaped charges, and asteroid strikes.49 In our previ-
ous works, we have observed the jet ejection in explosive welding by
using the finite-element modeling51 and MD simulation.52 We
found that jet is not ejected immediately under drastic collision. In
fact, it is gradually generated as the collision point moving forward.
In our cold spray simulations, if we enlarge the particle size or
increase the impact velocity, the jet will be ejected at the edge of the
contact surface. Therefore, we conclude that the jet is not a necessary
factor for cold spray. The nano-sized particles can be directly depos-
ited onto the substrate without jet ejection.
B. Microstructure evolution
FIG. 9. The dislocation density curves of the particles under the impact veloci- The simulation results demonstrate that microstructure evolu-
ties from 250 to 1500 m/s (a) and their dislocation segments and average dislo-
cation lengths (b).
tion is influenced by impact velocities. Under the impact velocities
from 250 to 500 m/s in this paper, shear deformation in the
deposited particle results in the formation of a few stacking faults. (3) It is mainly the shear deformation that leads to the atomic
Under the impact velocities from 750 to 1500 m/s in this paper, the structure evolution. Two pathways, namely, drastic shear defor-
shear deformation in both the particle and the substrate leads to mation and the cooling process, contribute to the form of the
the generation of nanocrystallines. In the cold spray experi- nanocrystallines.
ment,53,54 recrystallization can be also observed in the deposited (4) The dislocation distribution in the deposited particles is influ-
particles. Based on the simulations, we conclude that there are two enced by impact velocities. At lower impact velocities, the dis-
ways to form the nanocrystallines. One is the drastic shear defor- location lines are mainly distributed near the contact surface.
mation in the particle and the substrate. The other is the cooling At higher impact velocities, the dislocation lines are almost
process in the relaxation stage that changes the disordered atoms uniformly distributed in the particle. When the impact velocity
into the crystalline structure. is up, the dislocation segment in the deposited particle
It should be mentioned that, in these simulations, the atoms increases, but the average dislocation length decreases.
in the particle and the substrate are arranged with the same lattice
direction, and only one particle deposition is considered. The inter-
actions between each neighboring particle are not considered. In ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
experiments, because of the different lattice directions between the This work was supported by the National Natural Science
particles and the substrate, the grain boundary will be formed at Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 12102053 and 12472360.
the contact surface. What is more, the deposited particles will also
extrude and rotate with each other, resulting in the formation of AUTHOR DECLARATIONS
fine grains near the contact surface among each neighbor Conflict of Interest
The dislocation distribution in the deposited particles is also The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
influenced by impact velocities. Under the impact velocities of
250–1000 m/s, in the impact stage, collision results in the formation Author Contributions
of dislocation line near the contact surface. The dislocation density Jianrui Feng: Formal analysis (lead); Investigation (lead);
in the deposited particles tends to increase when the impact veloc- Methodology (lead); Project administration (lead); Software (lead);
ity rises. However, in the relaxation stage, the dislocation density Supervision (equal); Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review
decreases and gradually reaches a constant value. Under the impact & editing (equal). Erfeng An: Supervision (equal); Writing – review
velocities of 1250–1500 m/s, in the impact stage, the dislocation & editing (equal). Wensen Zhao: Methodology (equal).
lines are almost uniformly distributed in the deposited particle.
The drastic shear deformation decreases the dislocation density. DATA AVAILABILITY
However, in the relaxation stage, the dislocation density increases
again and gradually arrives at a constant value. The increase in the The data that support the findings of this study are available
dislocation density is due to the cooling process that changes the from the corresponding authors upon reasonable request.
atoms from the disorder state to the crystalline structure. With an
increase in the impact velocity, the dislocation segment in the REFERENCES
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