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No. of Printed Pages : 4 Q.

9 Give the post fix notation of the given infix

Roll No. .................. 170842/120842/30833 notation. A +B / C - D (CO-4)
Q.10 Each node of a binary tree can have at most
4th Sem. / Trade : Computer Engg. ______________ children. (CO-5)
Subject : Data Structure using C SECTION-B
Note: Very Short answer type questions. Attempt any
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 100 ten parts 10x2=20
SECTION-A Q.11 Define Algorithm (CO-1)
Note:Objectives questions. All questions are Q.12 Name any four linear data Structures (CO-1)
compulsory (10x1=10) Q.13 Define linked list. (CO-3)
Q.1 The identifier whose value does not change Q.14 What are the various operations that can be
during execution of program is called ________ performed on an Array. (CO-2)
Q.15 Give the formula for calculating the address of
Q.2 For a linear array A [15, 16, 27, ..............., 25], an element in column Major form
Find the total number of elements. (CO-2) representation of array. (CO-2)
Q.3 When the function calls itself it is called Q.16 Give the node structure of a linked list. (CO-3)
____________ (CO-4)
Q.17 Define Queue. (CO-4)
Q.4 Linked list is a ___________ data Structure.
(CO-3) Q.18 Give two applications of a stack. (CO-4)
Q.5 Node of a linked list contains _________ and Q.19 Define Complete Binary Tree. (CO-5)
____________ parts. (CO-3)
Q.20 Define Degree of a Tree (CO-5)
Q.6 Expand the term LIFO __________ (CO-4)
Q.21 What is the precondition for performing binary
Q.7 Deletion operation in a Stack is called search operation on a given list of elements.
_______________ (CO-4) (CO-6)
Q.8 Give an example of sorting method which uses Q.22 What are the advantages of Doubly Linked List.
partitioning. (CO-6) (CO-3)
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SECTION-C Q.31 Give differences between sequential search
and binary search. (CO-6)
Note:Short answer type questions. Attempt any eight
questions. 8x5=40 Q.32 Sort the following list of elements using bubble
sort. Show result after each step. (CO-6)
Q.23 Explain the various types of data structures.
(CO-1) 6 10 2 9 1 5 7
Q.24 Give five differences between a Array and a SECTION-D
Linked List. (CO-2)
Note:Long answer type questions. Attempt any three
Q.25 Explain linear and non linear data structures. questions. 3x10=30
Q.33 What are different types of Arrays? Explain how
Q.26 Give algorithm for adding a element in the element of arrays are stored in memory?
beginning of the linked list. (CO-3) (CO-2)
Q.27 Define Array. Give algorithm for traversing an Q.34 Explain Sequential search technique with
array. (CO-2) suitable example? Give algorithm. (CO-6)
Q.28 Give algorithm for deleting an element form the Q.35 Convert the following expressions into postfix
stack. (CO-4) notation using Stack (CO-4)
Q.29 What is the limitation of a linear queue. How is it A + B * C + D / E -F
removed. (CO-4)
Q.36 Write short note on (CO-1)
Q.30 Give inorder, postorder and preorder traversal
of the following tree. (CO-5) a) Structured programming
b) Tower of Hanoi



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