Diploma Data Communication 3rd Sem

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No. of Printed Pages : 4 Q.

5 In TDM, slots are further divided into___ (CO-2)

Roll No. .................. 180835 a) Seconds b) Frames
c) Packets d) Bits
Q.6 The word ______ refers to the portion of a ____ that
3rd Sem. / Comp, IT
carries a transmission. (CO-1)
Subject : Data Communication a) line; channel b) channel; link
c) link; channel d) line; link
Time : 3 Hrs. M.M. : 100
Q.7 In a______ connection, more than two devices can
share a single link. (CO-1)
a) Point-to-point b) Primary
Note: Multiple choice Questions. All questions are
compulsory (10x1=10) c) Multi-point d) Secondary
(Course Outcome/CO) Q.8 The ______ between two words is the number of
differences between corresponding bits, (CO-5)
Q.1 The ______ rate define the number of data
elements sent in 1s; the ____ rate is the number of a) Hamming rules b) Hamming code
signal elements sent in 1s. (CO-1) c) Hamming distance d) none of the above
a) signal; data b) data; signal Q.9 PCM is example of _____ conversion. (CO-2)
c) baud; bit d) none of the above a) analog-to-analog b) digital-to-digital
Q.2 Frequency of failure and network recovery time c) digital-to-digital d) digital-to-analog
after a failure measures of the ____ of a network. Q.10 In fiber optics, the signal is_____ waves (CO-3)
(CO-4) a) radio b) light
a) Performance b) Security c) infrared
c) Reliability d) Feasibility d) very low-frequency
Q.3 A _____ is the physical path over which a message
travels. (CO-1) SECTION-B
a) Path b) Medium Note: Objective type questions. All questions are
c) Protocol d) Route compulsory. 10x1=10
Q.4 A ____ set pf rules that governs data Q.11 Define data communication. (CO-1)
communication. (CO-1) Q.12 What do you mean by communication protocol.
a) Protocols b) Standards (CO-1)
c) RFCs d) Servers Q.13 List two types of networks. (CO-1)
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Q.14 In ____, the amplitude of the carrier signal is varied Q.28 Discuss the parity bit method for detecting errors.
to create signal elements. Both frequency and (CO-5)
phase remain conant (PSK/ASK) (CO-1) Q.29 Write a short note on FDM. (CO-2)
Q.15 AM and FM are example of _____conversion Q.30 Explain Local Area Networks. (CO-1)
(CO-2) Q.31 Explain the structure and properties of coaxial
Q.16 What is the major factor that makes coaxial cable cable (CO-3)
less susceptible to noise than twisted-pair cable Q.32 Different between periodic and Non-periodic
(CO-3) signals. (CO-1)
Q.17 _________ waves are used for short-range Q.33 Explain Attenuation, Distortion and Noise.
communications such as those between a PC and (CO-4)
a peripheral device (CO-3) Q.34 What is error correction. How error detection is
Q.18 Radio waves are________. (unidirectional/ different from error correction.
omnidirectional) (CO-3) Also differentiate between forward error correction
Q.19 Two categories of transmission media are_____ and retransmission. (CO-5)
(CO-3) Q.35 Write down the advantages and dis-advantages of
Q.20 _____ cable consists of an inner copper core and a twisted pair cable. (CO-3)
second conducting outer sheath (CO-3) SECTION-D
SECTION-C Note: Long answer type questions. Attempt any two out of
Note: Short answer type questions. Attempt any twelve three questions. 2x10=20
questions out of fifteen questions. 12x5=60 Q.36 Explain in detail with the help of diagrams AM, FM
Q.21 Write any four disadvantages of fibre optic cable. and PM (CO-2)
(CO-3) Q.37 Explain various digital to analog modulation
Q.22 Compare serial and parallel data communication in techniques. (CO-2)
term of seed of data transfer. Q.38 Explain the method of error detection and
(CO-4) correction using cyclic redundancy check.
Q.23 Explain five components of a data communication (CO-5)
system. (CO-1) Note : Course Outcome (CO) mentioned in the question
Q.24 Write a short note on distributed processing (CO-4) paper is for offcial purpose only.
Q.25 Briefly discuss the division multiplexing (CO-2)
Q.26 Differentiate between LAN and WAN. (CO-1)
Q.27 What do you mean by PCM. Explain in brief (CO-2)
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