Minor Test[1]

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Test - #1
Topic : 1-D MOTION, 2-D MOTION Subject : Physics
Max. Marks : 180 Marks Date : 01.12.2024 Time Duration : 2 Hour
Each Questions 4 Marks 6. A boy stops after travelling 3 km towards east and
1. The numerical value of the ratio of average then goes 4 km towards north along a plane road.
velocity to average speed is : The resultant displacement of the boy, is :

(1) Always less than one (1) 7 km (2) 4 km

(2) Always equal to one (3) 5 km (4) 15 km

(3) Always more than one 7. A particle is moving on a straight line. It travels
half of the distance with unifrom speed 30 ms–
(4) Equal to or less than one
and the remaining half of the distance with
2. A runner completes one round of a circular path
speed 60 ms –1 . The average speed of the
of radius r in 40 seconds. His displacement after
particle during its motion is :
2 minutes 20 seconds will be :
(1) 45 ms–1 (2) 42 ms–1
(1) zero (2) 2r
(3) 40 ms–1 (4) 50 ms–1
(3) 2r (4) 7r
8. A car travels from A to B at a speed of 20 km / hr
3. A body covered a distance of L meter along a
and returns at a speed of 30 km / hr . The average
curved path of a quarter circle. The ratio of
speed of the car for the whole journey is
distance to displacement is :
(1) 25 km / hr (2) 24 km / hr
 2 2
(1) (2) (3) 50 km / hr (4) 5 km / hr
2 2 
9. A boy walks to his school at a distance of 6 km
 2 with constant speed of 2.5 km/hour and walks
(3) (4)
2  back with a constant speed of 4 km/hr. His
4. An old man goes for morning walk on a average speed for round trip expressed in km/
semicircular track of radius 40 m, if he starts from hour, is
one end of the track and reaches to other end, (1) 24/13 (2) 40/13
then distance covered by the man and his (3) 3 (4) 1/2
displacement will respectively be : 10. A particle is moving along x-axis, whose position
(1) 126 m, 80 m is varying with time according to the relation
(2) 80 m, 126 m x = –3t + t3, where x is in metre and t is in second.
(3) 80 m, 252 m The displacement of particle for t = 1s to t = 3s is:
(4) 252 m, 80 m (1) +16 m (2) –16 m
5. A body moves 6 m north, 8 m east and 10m (3) +20 m (4) –20 m
vertically upwards. Its resultant displacement from 11. A particle is moving on a straight line. Its motion
initial position to final position, is : is described as x = (2t – 3)2, where x is in meter
(1) 10 2 m (2) 10 m and t is in seconds. At t = 2 sec., velocity of
the particle will be :
(3) m (4) None of these (1) 2 m/s (2) 4 m/s
(3) 6 m/s (4) 0 m/s


ADDRESS :- Near Shiv Bari Chauraha, Bikaner Ph :- +91-99838 36731
Minor Test -1 NEET/JEE-2025
12. The position x of a particle along the x–axis with 18. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower and it
a1 a strikes with 3 km/hr against the ground. Another
time t is given by x = a0  t  2 t 2 . The
2 3 stone is thrown vertically downwards from the
acceleration of the particle is at t = 2 sec : same top of the tower with a velocity 4 km/hr. Its
a1 a1 a2 velocity when it strikes the ground will be :
(1) a0  (2) 
2 2 3 (1) 7 km/hr (2) 5 km/hr
a1 a2 2a2 (3) 3.5 km/hr (4) 4 km/hr
(3) a0   (4)
2 3 3 19. A ball is thrown verticazly upwards from the top of
– tower with a velocity of 10 m/sec. If the ball falls
13. A particle's position x in time t is given by x = (t+5)
1 on the ground after 5 seconds, the height of the
. The acceleration of particle is proportional to:
(1) (velocity)2/3 (2) (velocity)3/2 tower will be (use g = 10 m/s2)
(3)(distance)2 (4) (distance)–2 (1) 25 m (2) 50 m
(3) 75 m (4) 100 m
14. A point moves in a straight line so that its position
20. The value of tan at (2,2) for the given graph is :
is x m at time t sec, given by x2 = t2 + 1. Its
acceleration in m/s2 at time t sec is : y

1 1 1
(1) (2)  2
x x x 150º (2,2)
t 1 x
(3)  2 (4) 3
x x
15. An object is relased from some height. Exactly (1) 3 (2) 
after one second, another object is released from
the same height. The distance between the two (3) (4)  3
objects exactly after 2 seconds of the release of
second object will be : 21. Choose the correct statement about the slope of
graph :
(1) 4.9 m (2) 9.8 m
(3) 19.6 m (4) 24.5m y

16. A man standing on the edge of a cliff throws a

stone straight up with initial speed u and then
throws another stone straight down with same x

initial speed u from the same position. Find the (1) slope is increasing
ratio of speeds, the stones would have attained (2) slope is decreasing
when they hit the ground at the base of the cliff? (3) first decreases then becomes constant
(1) 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 2 (4) first increases then becomes constant
(3) 1 : 1 (4) 3 : 1 22. Slope at x = 2 for the given graph is :
17. A stone is dropped from a bridge and it reaches y
the ground in 4 seconds. The height of the bridge
is :
(1) 78.4 m x
(2) 64 m
(1)  (2) 0
(3) 260 m
(3) 1 (4) 2
(4) 2000 m


ADDRESS :- Near Shiv Bari Chauraha, Bikaner Ph :- +91-99838 36731
Minor Test -1 NEET/JEE-2025
23. The variation of velocity of a particle which is 29. A projectile is thrown with a speed ‘v’ at an angle
moving along straight line is shown in figure. The , has a range ‘R’ on the surface of the earth. For
distance traversed by the body in 4 second is : same ‘v’ and , its range on the surface of the

Velocity (m/sec)
(1) 70 m moon, will be :
(2) 60 m (1) R/6 (2) 6R
(3) 40 m (3) R/36 (4) 36 R
0 1 2 3 4
(4) 55 m Time (sec) 30. Two projectiles A and B are projected with an
24. The adjoining curve represents the velocity-time angle of projection 15º for the projectile A and
graph of a particle, its acceleration values along 45º for the projectile B. If RA and RB be the
OA, AB and BC in metre/sec2 are respectively : horizontal range for the two projectiles, then
(1) 1, 0, –0.5 A B
velocity in m/sec

choose the correct option :
(2) 1, 0, 0.5
(1) RA < RB
(3) 1, 1, 0.5 5
(2) RA = RB
(4) 1, 0.5, 0 C
O 10 20 30 40 (3) RA > RB
25. The velocity time graph of a linearTime in secis shown
(4) The information is insufficient to decide the
in the figure. The distance from the starting point
relation of RA with RB
after 8 seconds, will be :
31. A body is projected with a speed ‘u’ at an angle
such that its horizontal range is maximum. The
velocity of the body at its highest point of the
projectile is :
(1) Zero (2) u

(1) 18 m (2) 16 m u
(3) (4) u 2
(3) 6 m (4) 8 m 2
26. A player kicks up a ball at an angle  to the 32. The time of flight of a projectile is 10 second and
horizontal. The horizontal range is maximum when its range is 500 m. The maximum height reached
 equals : by projectile is :
(1) 30º (2) 45º (3) 60º (1) 25 m (2) 50 m
(4) 90º (3) 82 m (4) 125 m
27. The angle of projection of a body is 15º. The other 33. A ball is thrown at an angle of 45º with the
angle for which the range is the same as the first horizontal with kinetic energy E. The kinetic energy
one is equal to : (in both cases initial velocity is at the highest point during its motion, is :
same) (1) Zero (2) E/2 (3) E
(1) 30º (2) 45º (4) 2E
(3) 60º (4) 75º
34. A body is thrown with a velocity of 9.8 m/s making
28. For angles of projection of a projectile at (45 + )
an angle of 30º with the horizontal. It will hit the
and (45 – ), the horizontal ranges describe by
ground after a time :
the projectile are in the ratio of : (if   45º)
(1) 3 s
(1) 2 : 1
(2) 2 s
(2) 1: 2
(3) 1.5 s
(3) 1: 1
(4) 2 : 3 (4) 1 s


ADDRESS :- Near Shiv Bari Chauraha, Bikaner Ph :- +91-99838 36731
Minor Test -1 NEET/JEE-2025
35. The maximum range of a projectile is 22 m. When 42. Two particles start moving along the same straight
it is thrown at an angle of 15º with the horizontal line starting at the same moment from the same
with same initial speed, its range will be : point. One of them moves with constant velocity
(1) 22 m (2) 6 m u and the other one with constant acceleration f
(3) 15 m (4) 11 m and zero initial velocity. During the time that

36. For ground to ground projectile motion, the ratio elapses before they meet again, the greatest

of maximum height reached by the particle to the distance between the particles is :

square of the time of flight, is : (1) u/f (2) u2/2f

(1) 5 : 4 (2) 5 : 2 (3) f/2u2 (4) u2/f

(3) 5 : 1 (4) 10 : 1 43. A ship is travelling due east at 10 km/h. A ship
37. If a projectile is thrown such that its range ‘R’ is heading 30o east of north is always due north
four times the maximum height ‘h’ reached by it, from the first ship. The speed of the second ship
then the angle of projection is : in km/h is-

(1) 30º (2) 45º 3

(1) 20 2 (2) 20
(3) 60º (4) 90º 2
38.  
The velocity of a projection is 6iˆ  8jˆ ms–1. The 20
horizontal range of the projectile, is : (3) 20 (4)
(1) 4.9 m (2) 9.6 m 44. A boat, which has a speed of 5 km/h in still water,
(3) 19.6 m (4) 14m crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest
39. A particle of mass 0.01 kg is projected with possible path in 15 minutes. The velocity of the

v  2ˆi m / s , from point (x = y = 20). After 2 river water in km/h is-
seconds, its position, is : (1) 1 (2) 3
(1) (24, 0) (2) (20, 4) (3) 4 (4) 41
(3) (0, 4) (4) (4, 20) 45. To cross the river in shortest distance, a swimmer
40. An arrow is shot in air, its time of flight is 5 sec should swim making angle  with the upstream.
and horizontal range is 200m. The inclination of What is the ratio of the time taken to swim across
the arrow with the horizontal, is : in the shortest time to that in swimming across

1 5 1 8 over shortest distance.

(1) tan (2) tan
8 5 (Assume speed of swimmer in still water is greater

1 1 than the speed of river flow)

(3) tan (4) 45º
8 (1) cos  (2) sin 
41. The two particles shown in the diagram are 40 m (3) tan  (4) cot 
apart. They start moving as showin in the figure.
The minimum distance between them during the
course of the motion is :
(1) Not possible to find out
(2) 30 m
(3) 40 m
(4) 10 m


ADDRESS :- Near Shiv Bari Chauraha, Bikaner Ph :- +91-99838 36731

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