Casino Winner Manual
Casino Winner Manual
Casino Winner Manual
Thank you for purchasing the CASINO WINNER game machine (hereafter referred to as the
How to operate the machine correctly and make full use of its features
For further information about the machine and repairs (including replacement of
consumable parts), please contact your distributor.
The machine uses clip arts from the “Master Clip” image collection sold by H2 Soft Art
(Tel.: +81-422-28-5210, Fax: +81-422-28-5211).
The images used herein were obtained from IMSI’s MasterClips® and MasterPhotos
Premium Image Collection (75 Rowland Way, Movato, CA 94545, U.S.A.).
Page 3
OPERATORS MANUAL ............................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................................ 3
1. SPECIFICATIONS .............................................................................................................................. 34
4. INSTALLATION ................................................................................................................................... 38
Page 4
6. ADJUSTMENTS .................................................................................................................................. 51
Page 5
7. MAINTENANCE .................................................................................................................................. 89
7-2-7 Removing Jammed Coins from the Play Panel ............................................................. 102
Page 6
8. ASSEMBLY, DIS-ASSEMBLY AND REPLACING PARTS .................................................................. 119
8-8-2 Replacing the Multi Button and Wedge Lamp ................................................................ 149
8-10 Removing the Coin divider (L), (R) Assys ................................................................................ 153
Page 7
8-11 Coin Hoppers ........................................................................................................................... 154
Page 8
Page 9
No part of this publication may be reproduced by any mechanical, photographic or electronic process, or in the form of
phonographic recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or otherwise copied for private use, without
permission from NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED.
While the information contained in this manual is given in good faith and was accurate at the time of printing,
NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED reserve the right to make changes and alterations without notice.
This equipment has been manufactured in accordance with European Directives, and has been tested and complies with the
directives 89/336/EEC and 72/23/EEC by the application of EN55014-1, EN55014-2 and EN60335-2-82 standards and as such
bears the CE marking. Any changes or modifications to this equipment must be in accordance with the European Directives.
Any unauthorised changes to this equipment may contravene such directives.
Under some conditions of extreme external interference, e.g. radio transmissions, electrostatic discharge or mains born
transients, some degradation of performance may occur. However the equipment will recover normal performance once the
source of interference has ceased or been removed.
Following abnormally high surges on the mains supply, the video monitor may need to be manually reset by turning the
equipment OFF and back ON.
If the game processor resets due to an interruption of the mains voltage, any credits established will be lost.
In order to use this equipment safely, be sure to read this Operators Manual carefully before installation, adjustment or use of
this equipment.
Whenever the owner of this equipment entrusts dis-assembly, installation, adjustment or routine maintenance to another
person, the owner should ensure that that person read the appropriate precautions and relevant sections of this manual before
starting work.
In order that no accidents occur when the equipment is in operation, strictly follow the notes on safety as described
This manual along with the Installation Manual (where applicable) form an integral part of the equipment and must be available
to the operating or service personnel at all times.
This equipment is for indoor use only and should only be used for the purpose intended.
Namco Europe Ltd. bears no responsibility for accidents, injury or damage resulting from unauthorized changes to, or improper
use of this equipment.
The following safety notes are used throughout this manual. Familiarize yourself with each of these notes and it’s meaning
before installing, servicing or making adjustments to this equipment.
WARNING Warning denotes a hazard that could result in injury or death. Do not proceed beyond a warning note until
the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
CAUTION L Caution denotes a hazard that could result in damage to the equipment. Do not proceed beyond a caution
note until the indicated conditions are fully understood and met.
Installation, service, adjustment or routine maintenance should be carried out by suitably qualified persons only.
For continued protection against fire hazard, replace fuses with the same type and rating. The use of other fuses
or material is prohibited.
To prevent possible electric shock due to failure, this equipment MUST be fitted with a securely connected
If at any time the mains lead becomes damaged, it must be replaced immediately.
Do not turn the power switch ON until the equipment has ben installed correctly.
L Before connecting the machine to the mains supply, ensure that the equipment is set for the correct voltage and that the
correct fuse are fitted.
Page 10
NEVER turn the power to the machine ON until installation has Access
50cm or more
50cm 50cm
In order to prevent possible electric shocks, be sure that the or more or more
Note: In order to gain access to the Power Supply and CPU assemblies,
ensure that the rear of the equipment is seperated from a wall or
other equipment by at least 500mm
This equipment is fitted with castors to make it easier to move. Take care when moving the
equipment on an inclined surface.
The overall height of the equipment , with the Header Assembly fitted, is 1740mm. Take care of any
overhead obstructions. (e.g. Light Fittings, Electric Cables etc.)
Do not make any alteration to this equipment without prior approval. Doing so could cause
unforeseeable danger.
Only parts specified by Namco Europe Ltd. should be used when replacing parts. (Including
Ensure that the power to the equipment is turned OFF before commencing any maintenance work.
(Trouble shooting, repairs etc.)
If performing work not described in this manual, contact your distributor for instructions, as no
responsibility will be accepted for damage or injury.
Parts of the Power Supply remain hot and carry high voltage even after switching OFF and could
cause burns or electric shock. Take care not to touch these parts accidentally.
Make sure that the equipment is switched OFF before connecting or disconnecting any plugs or
l When moving the mains connector from the equipment, or the mains plug from the wall outlet,
always grasp the plug and not the cable.
Page 11
Dieses Dokument darf in keiner Weise vervielfältigt werden. Jegliche Tonaufnahmen sowie die Speicherung auf Datenträger
(Suchsysteme), die Weitergabe oder sonstiges Kopieren für den gewerblichen und privaten Gebrauch sind untersagt und
bedürfen der vorherigen Genehmigung durch NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED.
Die informationen in diesem Handbuch entsprechen den Tatsachen bei Drucklegung. NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED behält sich
jedoch das Recht zu Änderungen ohne vorherige Bekanntgabe vor.
Dieses Gerät trägt das CE-Zeichen und wurde gemäß den EU-Richtlinien produziert. Es erfüllt die Richtlinien 89/336/EEC und
72/23/EEC und Standards EN 55014-1, EN55014-2 und EN60335-2-82 (s. Deckblatt des Handbuches). Alle Veränderungen an
diesem Gerät müssen in Übereinstimmung mit den EU-Richtlinien erfolgen. Nicht genehmigte Veränderungen an diesem Gerät
verstoßen gegen diese Richtlinien.
Extreme äußere Störungen, wie z.B. durch Radiobetrieb, elektrostatische Entladung oder zeitweilige Netzschwankungen
können zu einer Leistungsminderung führen. Sobald diese Faktoren jedoch ausgeschaltet oder beseitigt wurden, erreicht das
Gerät seine normale Leistung.
Achtung! Falls der Spielprozessor auf Grund von Netzunterbrechungen oder Abnahme der Netzspannung aussetzt, kann es
zum Verlust von Spielkrediten kommen.
Um einen ordnungsgemäßen Betrieb dieses Gerätes zu gewährleisten, muß vor Aufstellung, Inbetriebnahme und Gebrauch das
Handbuch sorgfältig gelesen werden.
Sobald der Besitzer dieses Gerätes die Demontage, Aufstellung, Inbetriebnahme oder den Service einer anderen Person
überträgt, muß er sicherstellen, daß diese Person vor Arbeitsbeginn die nötigen Sicherheitshinweise und die dazugehörigen
Kapitel des Handbuches liest und versteht.
Um jegliche Unfälle während des Betriebes zu vermeiden, müssen obige Hinweise strikt befolgt werden.
Dieses Handbuch sowie das spezielle Geräte-Handbuch (wenn vorhanden) gehören zum Gerät und müssen dem Betreiber und
Wartungspersonal stets zugänglich sein
Dieses Gerät ist ausschließlich für den gewerblichen Gebrauch in geschlossenen Räumen bestimmt und darf nur dort betrieben
NAMCO EUROPE Ltd. übernimmt keinerlei Haftung für Unfälle, Verletzungen oder Beschädigungen, die auf nicht genehmigte
Veränderungen oder unsachgemäßen Betrieb des Gerätes zurückzuführen sind.
Folgende Sicherheitsbegriffe werden im gesamten Handbuch benutzt. Machen Sie sich daher bitte vor Inbetriebnahme, Wartung
und Durchführung von Einstellungen am Gerät mit diesen Warnhinweisen vertraut.
WARNUNG WARNUNG bezeichnet eine Gefahrenquelle für Leib und Leben. Erscheint dieser Warnhinweis, darf
erst weitergearbeitet werden, wenn die entsprechenden Erklärungen vollständig verstanden und
befolgt wurden.
VORSICHT L VORSICHT bezeichnet eine Gefahrenquelle für die Beschädigung des Gerätes. Erscheint dieser
Warnhinweis, darf erst weitergearbeitet werden, wenn die entsprechenden Erklärungen vollständig
verstanden und befolgt wurden.
Das Gerät darf nur betrieben werden, nachdem es vorschriftsmäßig und in Übereinstimmung mit dem Handbuch
aufgestellt wurde.
Die Warnschilder müssen in gutem Zustand sein und ersetzt werden, wenn sie nicht mehr gut lesbar sind.
Bei Auftreten eines Fehlers oder Problems muß das Gerät sofort abgeschaltet werden und darf erst nach
fachgerechter Behebung des Fehlers wieder in Betrieb genommen werden.
Aufstellung, Service, Einstellungen und Wartung dürfen nur von dafür qualifiziertem Fachpersonal durchgeführt
Zur Vermeidung von Feuer, defekte Sicherungen nur durch vorgeschriebene Sicherungen ersetzen. Die
Verwendung von andersartigen Sicherungen oder unterschiedlichem Material ist untersagt.
Zur Vermeidung von Elektroschlägen muß dieses Gerät mit einem ordnungsgemäß geerdeten Netzstecker
versehen sein.
L Vor Einstecken des Netzsteckers bitte sicherstellen, daß Netzspannung und Gerätespannung übereinstimmen, und die
vorgeschriebenen Sicherungen verwendet wurden.
Page 12
NIEMALS das Gerät einschalten bevor die Aufstellung völlig 50cm or more
abgeschlossen ist. Area
Zur Vermeidung von Elektroschlägen muß das Gerät mit einem 50cm 50cm
or more or more
ordnungsgemäß geerdetem Netzstecker an die
Stromversorgung angeschlossen werden.
Zum leichteren Transport ist das Gerät mit Rollen ausgerüstet. Daher besondere Vorsicht auf
abschüssigem Boden
Die Gesamthöhe de Gerätes beträgt 1.740m. Daher Vorsicht bei tiefer hängenden
Für die Repartur dürfen nur Originalersatzteile (incl. Schrauben) von NAMCO EUROPE LTD.
verwendet werden.
Vor Beginn aller Wartungsarbeiten (Fehlersuche, Reparaturen etc.) muß der Netzstecker
gezogen werden.
Bei Arbeiten, die nicht in diesem Handbuch beschrieben werden, muß vorher der Händler zu
Rate gezogen werden, da sonst keinerlei Haftung bei Beschädigungen und Verletzungen
übernommen wird.
Teile des Netzteiles und Bilschirmes bleiben nach Abschalten noch heiß und führen
Hochspannung. Dies kann zu Verbrennungen oder einem Elektroschlag führen. Diese Teile
dürfen nich berührt werden.
Vor der Montage oder dem Entfernen von Steckverbindungen und Steckern muß das Gerät
ausgeschaltet werden.
Bei Ziehen des Gerätesteckers oder des Netzsteckers aus der Wandsteckdose stets den
Stecker greifen und nicht das Kabel.
Page 13
Denne udgivelse må ikke reproduceres af nogen som helst mekanisk, fotografisk eller elektrornisk proces eller i form af
indspilning, den må heller ikke lagres i et eftersøgningssystem transmitteres eller kopieres til nogen form for offentlig benyttelse
uden tilladelse fra Namco Europe Limited.
Da informationerne i denne manual er givet med god tro og var korrekt på udskivningstidspunktet,
forbeholder Namco Europe Limited sig retten til, at foretage ændringer og forandringer uden varsel.
Denne maskine er frernstillet i overensstemmelse med Det Europæiske fællesskabs direktiver og er blevet testet og fuldendt
med direktiverne 89/336/EEC og 72/23/EEC standarder (se manualens forside) og som sådan bærer CE mærket. Enhver form
for ændring eller modiflkation af denne maskine skal være i overensstemmelse med Det Europæiske fællesskabs direktiver.
I tilfælde af forbigående ekstreme eksterne forstyrrelser, så som radio udsendelser, elektronisk afgivelse eller forstyrrelser på
ledningsnettet, kan nedbrydning forekomme. Maskinen vil dog køre normalt så snart forstyrrelsen ophører eller bliver fjernet.
Bemærk:- Hvis spilleprocessoren resetter p.g.a. en forstyrrelse eller reduktion af hovedstrømmen kan de
etabledrede kreditter gå tabt.
For at betjene denne maskine sikkert, læs da denne brugemanual grundigt før installation, justering eller brug af maskinen.
Når som helst ejeren af denne maskine overlader demontering, installation, justeringer eller daglig vedligehold til en anden person,
skal ejeren sikre sig at denne person læser de sikkerhedsregler og relevante punkter i denne manual før arbejdet begynder.
For at undgå ulykker nor maskinen er i gang, følg nøje de sikkerhedsregler der er beskrevet herunder.
Denne manual sammen med installations manualen er en uløselig del af udstyret og skal altid være til
råidighed for det arbejdende og servicerende personale.
Denne rnaskine er kun til indendørs brug og bør kun bruges til det beregnede formål.
Namco Ltd. bærer intet ansvar for ulykker eller skader som er et resultat af uautoriserede ændringer eller
fejlagtig brug af denne rnaskine.
De følgende sikkerhedsregler er brugt helt igennem denne manual. Gør dig bekendt med hver enkelt af dem og meningen
heraf før installering, servicering eller justering af denne maskine.
ADVARSEL Advarsel betegner en episode der kan resultere i skader eller død. Begiv dig ikke forbi et
advarselsskilt før de indikerede betingelser er fuldstændig forstået.
FORSIGTIG L Forslgtig betegner en episode der kan resultere i ødelæggelse af maskinen. Begiv dig ikke forbi et
advarselsskit før de indikerede betingeser er fuldstændig forstået.
Betjen kun maskinen efter at have tjekket, at den er korrekt installeret og er i overensstemmelse med manualen.
Advarselsskiltene skal altid være i god stand og erstattes hvis de er slidt, så kunden tydeligt kan læse dem.
Hvis der er en fejl eller et problem med maskinen skal betjening straks stoppes, og problemet afhjælpes før
yderligere brug.
Installations service, justeringer eller daglig vedligehold bør kun udføres af en kvalificeret person.
For fortsat beskyttelse mod brandfare, sikres at hoved sikringerne kun erstattes med samme type kapacitet. Brug af
anden kapacitet eller materiale er forbudt.
For at undgå elektrisk stød p.g.a. en fejl skal denne maskine være forbundet med et sikkert jordstik.
Hvis hoved ledningerne på noget tidspunkt bliver beskadiget skal de strakt erstattes.
L Før tilslutning af maskinen til hovedstrømmen sikres, at maskinen er indstillet til den rette spænding.
Page 14
Tænd aldrig for strømmen til maskinen før installering er fuldført. 50cm or more
For at undgå mulige elektriske stød sikres, at maskinen er forbundet til 50cm 50cm
hovedstrømmen med sikkert monterede jordstik. or more or more
BEMÆRK : For at få adgang til strømforsyningen og CPU justeringer sikres, at 100cm or more
bagsiden af hoved kabinettet står adskilt fra andre maskiner eller
væggen med mindst 50cm.
Maskinen er smurt med olie for at gøre den lettere bevægelig. Pas på når maskinen flyttes på
en skrå overflade.
Den fulde højde af hoved sektionen er 1.740m. Pas på øvre forhindringer f.eks. lys inventar
Skift ikke noget på maskinen uden godkendelse, det kan føre til uforudset fare.
Der bør kun bruges dele specificeret af Namco Europe Limited når der skiftes eller repareres dele (inklusiv
Sørg for, at strømmen til maskinen er slukket før der foretages nogen form for arbejde (fejlfinding,
reparation etc.)
Hvis der foretages arbejde der ikke er beskrevet i denne manual, kontakt da din leverandør for at få kyndig
vejledning, da intet ansvar vil blive accepteret ved skader.
Dele af strømforsyningen og monitoren forbliver varme eller bærer høj spænding selv efter maskinen er
slukket, det kan føre til forbrændinger eller elektriske stød. Pas på ikke at røre disse dele ved et uheld.
Læg mærke til at maskinen er slukket før samlinger eller stik tages ud eller sættes i.
Når hovedsamlingen fjernes fra maskinen eller hovedstikket fjernes fra væggen, tag da altid ved stikket,
ikke ledningen.
Page 15
No se permite la reproducción total ni parcial de esta publicación por ningún medio mecánico, fotográfico o electrónico,
grabaciones fonográficas, ni su almacenamiento informático, su transmisión o su copia, ya sea para uso público o privado, sin
Si bien la información contenida en este manual se da de buena fe y es correcta en el momento de su impresión, NAMCO
EUROPE LIMITED se reserva el derecho de hacer cambios y alteraciones sin previo aviso.
Esta máquina ha sido fabricada según las directrices de la Comunidad Europea, ha sido probada, y se ajusta a las directrices
89/336/EEC y 72/23/EEC, mediante la aplicación de los estándares EN55014-1, EN55014-2 y EN60335-2-82 (véase cubierta del
manual) y por ende lleva el sello de la C.E. Cualquier cambio o modificación que se haga a esta máquina ha de ajustarse a las
directrices de la Comunidad Europea. Cualquier cambio no autorizado hecho al producto pudiera contravenir estas directrices.
Bajo ciertas condiciones de extrema interferencia externa, p. ej. transmisiones de radio, descargas electrostáticas u oscilaciones
de la red eléctrica puede tener lugar un descenso del rendimiento. No obstante, la máquina recuperará su rendimiento normal
una vez que la fuente de interferencias sea retirada o cese de producirlas.
Nota: Si el procesador de juegos se reinicializa a causa de caídas o interrupciones en la alimentación eléctrica, se perderán
todos los créditos.
Para utilizar esta máquina con seguridad, lea cuidadosamente este Manual de Operador antes de proceder a la instalación, ajuste
o uso de esta máquina.
Cada vez que el propietario de esta máquina confíe a terceros su desmontaje, instalación, ajuste o mantenimiento rutinario deberá
asegurarse de que tales personas lean las precauciones adecuadas y las secciones relevantes de este manual antes de comenzar
su trabajo.
Para que no ocurra accidente alguno mientras la máquina se encuentre en funcionamiento, siga estrictamente las notas de
seguridad tal como más adelante se describen.
Este manual, junto con el Manual de Instalación (cuando proceda), forma parte integral del equipo y debe estar a disposición del
personal de mantenimiento y operación en todo momento.
Esta máquina es únicamente para ser usada en interiores, y sólo debe usarse para aquello para lo que ha sido creada.
Namco Ltd. queda exenta de cualquier responsabilidad por accidentes, heridas o daños causados por cambios no autorizados o
uso indebido de esta máquina.
En este manual se usan las notas siguientes. Familiarícese con cada una de ellas y su significado antes de instalar,
revisar, o hacer ajustes en esta máquina.
AVISO. Aviso señala un riesgo que puede ocasionar lesiones o la muerte. Tras ver esta nota, no
continúe hasta entender completamente y cumplir las condiciones exigidas.
PRECAUCIÓN. L Precaución señala un riesgo que puede ocasionar daños a la máquina. Tras ver esta nota, no
continúe hasta entender completamente y cumplir las condiciones exigidas.
Opere sólo con esta máquina tras comprobar que ha sido instalada correctamente y de acuerdo con este manual.
Las notas de aviso deben mantenerse siempre en buen estado y reemplazarse si estuvieran desgastadas para que
los usuarios puedan leerlas con claridad.
Si hubiera algún error o problema con la máquina, debe interrumpirse su operación inmediatamente, y subsanar el
problema antes de volver a usarla.
Las revisiones de instalación, los ajustes, y el mantenimiento rutinario deberán llevarse a cabo sólo por personal
Para asegurar una continua protección contra riesgo de incendios, asegúrese de que los fusibles eléctricos sean
reemplazados solamente por otros del mismo tipo y especificaciones. El uso de otros fusibles o material está
Para evitar posibles descargas eléctricas por cortes, esta máquina debe estar provista de un enchufe debidamente
conectado, con TOMA DE TIERRA.
No encienda el interruptor de la máquina hasta que ésta haya sido correctamente instalada.
L Antes de enchufar la máquina a la red eléctrica, asegúrese de que la máquina está preparada para el voltaje correcto, y de
que se usan los fusibles adecuados.
Page 16
50cm or more
JAMÁS ENCIENDA la máquina antes de haber completado la Access
50cm 50cm
or more or more
Para evitar posibles descargas eléctricas, asegúrese de que la máquina
está conectada a la red con un enchufe provisto de toma de tierra.
El juego tiene ruedecitas para hacer más fácil su traslado. Tenga cuidado al mover la máquina
en una superficie inclinada.
La altura total de la Unidad principal es de 1740mm. Tenga cuidado de que no haya obstáculos
p. ej. luces.
No realice alteraciones en esta máquina sin aprobación previa. De hacerlo así, pueden causar peligros
Sólo deben usarse las partes especificadas por Namco Europe Ltd. para reparaciones o reemplazos (incluidos los
Asegúrese de que la máquina está desconectada antes de comenzar cualquier trabajo de mantenimiento
(reparaciones, resolución de problemas, etc.)
Al realizar trabajos no descritos en este manual, póngase en contacto con su distribuidor para recibir
instrucciones. Se declina cualquier responsabilidad por daños o lesiones.
Hay partes de la fuente de alimentación y del monitor que se mantienen calientes o almacenan alto voltaje incluso
tras desconectar la máquina, y pueden producir quemaduras o descargas eléctricas. Tenga cuidado de no tocar
accidentalmente estas partes.
Asegúrese de que la máquina está apagada antes de conectar o desconectar cualquier enchufe o conector.
Al retirar el conector principal de la máquina, o la clavija de alimentación del enchufe de la red, agarre siempre la
clavija y no el cable.
Page 17
Aucun élément de cette publication ne sera reproduit, ni par procédé mécanique, photographique ou électronique, ni par un
moyen d’enregistement phonographique. Ces informations ne seront ni stockées grâce à un procédé de récupération, ni
transmises ou autrement copiées pour un usage publique ou privé, sans l’autorisation de NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED.
Malgré le fait que les informations contenues dans ce manuel soient données de bonne foi et étaient actualisées au moment de
leur impression, NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED se réserve le droit de procéder à des changements ou à des modifications sans
avis préliminaire.
Ce jeu a été fabriqué en respect des normes de la Communauté Européenne, après avoir été testé il répond aux normes 89/
336/EEC et 72/23/EEC, en application des standards EN55014-1, EN55014-2 et EN60335-2-82 (voir la couverture du manuel),
et comme tel il comporte l’autocollant de conformité avec les normes de la Communauté Européenne. Tout changement non
autorisé sur ce produit pourrait contrevenir à ces normes.
Sous certaines conditions extrêmes d’interférence exteme, par example des transmissions radio, des décharges
électrostatiques ou bien de interférences passagères sur le réseau, certaines dégradations ou anomalies peuvent se produire.
Le jeu retrouvera cependant son état normal de fonctionnement lorsque la cause de ces anomalies aura cessé ou se trouvera
Si le processeur du jeu se reprogramme suite à une interruption ou une réduction de l’alimentation, les crédits qu’il aurait pu
contenir peuvent se trouver perdus.
Ce jeu n’est pas une machine, telle que définie par la norme sur les machines 89/392/EEC
Afin d’utiliser ce jeu en toute sécurité, bien lire ce manuel d’utilisation avant de procéder à son installation, son réglage ou son
Si le propriétaire de ce jeu en confie la démontage, l’installation, le réglage ou la maintenance habituelle à une autre personne,
il devra s’assurer que cette personne ait lu les conseils d’utilisation et les passages du manuel se rapportant à ce thème, avant
qu’elle ne commence son travail.
Afin d’éviter tout accident pendant la durée d’exploitation de ce jeu, se conformer strictment aux conseils de sécurité décrits à la
Ce manuel ainsi que le manuel d’installation du jeu (là où nécessaire) font partie des éléments nécessaires à l’installation de la
machine et doivent être mis à la disposition de l’utilisateur et du personnel de maintenance à tout moment.
Ce jeu est uniquement destiné à un usage intérieur et devra être utilisé comme tel.
Namco Ltd. ne sera aucunement tenu responsable en cas d’accidents, de blessure ou de dommage quelconque résultant de
modifications non autorisées ou d’usage impropre du jeu.
AVERTISSEMENT Ce terme annonce un danger qui pourrait éventuellement avoir des conséquences
dommageables ou mortelles. Ne pas passer oûtre ce signal jusqu’à ce que les conditions
indiquées soient entiérement comprises et effectuées.
ATTENTION L Ce terme indique qu’un danger menace la machine. Ne pas passer oûtre ce signal jusqu’à ce que
les conditions indiquées soient entiérement comprises et effectuées.
Les notes de mise en garde doivent constamment demeurer en bon état et être remplacées en cas de disparition,
afin que le client puisse les lire clairement.
S’il y una erreur ou un problème avec la machine, l’utilisation doit être immédiatement interrompue et le
problème résolu avant toute nouvelle utilisation.
L’installation, le service, le réglage, ou la maintenance doivent être effectués uniquement par les personnes
Afin d’éviter un éventuel incendie, s’assurer que les fusibles soient remplacés par le même type de fusibles et au
bon voltage. L’utilisation d’autres sortes de fusibles ou autres matériels est interdite.
Pour prévenir une éventuelle électrocution due à un défaut matériel, ce jeu DOIT être muni d’une prise de TERRE
connectée en toute sécurité
Si à tout moment les fils électriques sont endommagés, il faut les remplacer immédiatment
Ne pas mettre le jeu en mode de fonctionnement avant qu’il n’ait été correctement installé.
L Avant de connecter la machine au réseau, s’assurer que la machine est installée sous la bonne tension et que les
fusibles correspondent.
Page 18
50cm or more
NE JAMAIS mettre le jeu en marche avant que l’installation ne soit Access
complétement effectuée.
50cm 50cm
or more or more
Afin de prévenir une éventuelle électrocution, s’assurer que la
machine est connectée au réseau avec une prise de terre reliée
selon les normes de sécurité.
Le jeu est foumi avec des roulettes pour une meilleure mobilité. Prendre garde quand la machine est
déplacée sur une surface inclinée.
La hauteur totale de l’assemblage principal est de 1740 mm, prendre garde aux encombrements de la partie
supérieure (ex : illuminations du bandeau).
Ne pas apporter de modifications sur cette machine sans autorisation préalable, faute de quoi cela pourrait
entraîner un danger.
Seules les pièces détachées Namco Europe Ltd. doivent être utilsées pour le remplacement ou la
réparation de pièces (y compris les vis)
S’assurer que l’interrupteur soit sor OFF avant de commencer tout travail de maintenance (localisation
d’une panne, rèparations, etc.)
Si dans ce manuel il manque une information pour réaliser un quelconque travail, contacter votre
distributeur, car aucune responsabilité ne sera acceptée en cas de domage ou de blessure.
Les pièces de l’alimentation et du moniteur restent chaudes, à tension élévée même lorsque la machine est
hors tension, elle pourrait occasionner des brûlures ou des électrocutions. Attention de ne pas toucher ces
endroits accidentellement.
S’assurer que la machine soit hors tension avant de brancher ou débrancher toute prise ou connecteur.
Lorsque l’on manipule la prise au réseau de la machine, ou lorsque les prises principales doivent être
débranchées, saisir toujours la prise, et non le câble.
Page 19
Κανένα μέρς αυτής της έκδσης δεν μπρεί να αναπαραθεί με πιδήπτε μηανικ" ,φωτγραφικ" ή ηλεκτρνικ" μέσ , ή με μρφή
φωνητικής ηγράφησης και ύτε να απθηκευτεί με επανρθωτικ" σύστημα , να μεταδθεί ή να αντιγραφεί για δημ"σια ή ιδιωτική ρήση ,
ωρίς την άδεια της NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED.
Καθώς αυτές ι πληρφρίες σε αυτ" τ εγειρίδι έυν δθεί με καλή πίστη και ακρι*ώς την ώρα της τύπωσης , η εταιρεία
NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED κρατάει τ δικαίωμα να κάνει πιεσδήπτε αλλαγές ωρίς ειδπίηση.
Τα μηανήματα έυν κατασκευαστεί σύμφωνα με τυς "ρυς της Ευρωπαϊκής Κιν"τητας , και έυν ελεγθεί σύμφωνα με τυς ν"μυς
89/336/Ε-Κ και 72/23/Ε-Κ με την αίτηση των ΕΝ55014-1 , ΕΝ55014-2 και ΕΝ60335-2-82 στάνταρτς (δες μπρστά στ εγειρίδι) και "λα
έυν τ CE σήμα . -πιαδήπτε αλλαγή ή μετατρπή σε αυτ" τ μηάνημα πρέπει να είναι σύμφωνα με τυς "ρυς της Ευρωπαϊκής
Κιν"τητας. -πιεσδήπτε αλλαγές ωρίς άδεια σε αυτ" τ πρϊ"ν μπρεί να παρα*εί αυτύς τυς "ρυς.
Σε κάπιες περιπτώσεις υπερ*λικής ε=ωτερικής παρεμ*λής ,π.. ραδιφωνικές μεταδ"σεις, ηλεκτρστατικές μετα*λές ή παρδικές
εμ*λές , μπρεί να παρυσιαστύν κάπιες αθλι"τητες στην παρυσίαση. Πάντως τ μηάνημα θα επανέλθει στην φυσιλγική παρυσίαση
εφ "σν η πηγή της παρεμ*λής σταματήσει ή απμακρυνθεί.
Σημείωση : Εάν γίνει reset στν processor τυ μηανήματς κατά τη διάρκεια της κύριας παρής , π"ντι πυ έυν κερδηθεί μπρεί να
Αυτ" τ παινίδι δεν είναι μηάνημα "πως πρσδιρί@εται απ" τυς "ρυς Μηανημάτων 89/392/Ε-Κ .
Για την ασφαλή ρήση τυ μηανήματς , πρέπει να δια*άσεις τ εγειρίδι ρήσης πρσεκτικά πριν την εγκατάσταση ,τπθέτηση ή
ρήση τυ μηανήματς.
-πτεδήπτε ιδικτήτης αυτύ τυ μηανήματς @ητάει απ" κάπι πρ"σωπ να εγκαταστήσει , να κάνει πιαδήπτε αλλαγή ή
έλεγ ρυτίνας στ μηάνημα , πρέπει να είναι σίγυρς "τι έει δια*άσει τις δηγίες αυτύ τυ εγειριδίυ πριν να αρίσει να
δυλεύει .
Πρς απφυγήν πιυδήπτε ατυήματς κατά την λειτυργία τυ μηανήματς , αυστηρώς ακλυθύνται ι δηγίες ασφάλειας
"πως δίννται παρακάτω .
Αυτ" τ εγειρίδι σε συνδυασμ" με τ εγειρίδι εγκατάστασης ("πυ διατίθεται) απτελεί ένα λκληρωμέν μέρς των παρών και
πρέπει να είναι διαθέσιμ για την λειτυργία και τ service πιαδήπτε στιγμή.
Αυτ" τ μηάνημα είναι για ρήση μ"ν σε εσωτερικ" ώρ και θα πρέπει να ρησιμπιείται μ"ν για τυς λ"γυς για τυς πίυς
Η εταιρεία NAMCO Ltd δεν φέρει καμία ευθύνη για ατυήματα , πληγές ή καταστρφές πυ μπρεί να πρκληθύν απ" αλλαγές ωρίς
άδεια σε ή εισαγωγείς αυτύ τυ μηανήματς.
-ι ακ"λυθες σημειώσεις ασφάλειας ρησιμπιύνται μέσω αυτύ τυ εγειριδίυ . Διά*ασε αυτές πρσεκτικά για να γίνει
κατανητ" τ ν"ημά τυς πριν την εγκατάσταση , σέρ*ις ή πιαδήπτε αλλαγή γίνει στ μηάνημα.
ΠΡ'ΕΙΔ'Π'ΙΗΣΗ Η πρειδπίηση αφρά κίνδυν πίς μπρεί να είναι λγς θανάτυ . Να μην πρωρήσεις σε
πιαδήπτε κίνηση μέρι αυτί ι ρι γίνυν κατανητί.
ΠΡ-Σ-HΗ L Η πρσή αφρά κίνδυν πίς μπρεί να πρκαλέσει πρ"*λημα στ μηάνημα . Να μην
πρωρήσεις σε πιαδήπτε κίνηση μέρι αυτί ι "ρι γίνυν κατανητί.
Αφύ έει κατανηθεί αυτ τ εγειρίδι , μν ττε να λειτυργήσει τ μηάνημα ή να γίνει έλεγς εφ σν έει γίνει η
'ι πρειδπιήσεις πρέπει να μένυν καθαρές και σε καλή κατάσταση ώστε πελάτης να τις δια*ά+ει καθαρά.
Εάν υπάρει λάθς ή πρ*λημα με τ μηάνημα , η λειτυργία πρέπει να σταματάει αμέσως και να διρθώνεται τ λάθς πριν
πιαδήπτε άλλη ρήση.
Εγκατάσταση , μετατρπή ή έλεγς ρυτίνας μπρεί να γίνεται μν απ ε/υσιδτημένα άτμα .
Για συνεή πρστασία απ φωτιά , πρέπει ι ασφάλειες να αντικαθιστύνται με ίδιυ τύπυ .Η ρήση άλλων ασφαλειών ή
αντικειμένων απαγρεύεται.
Για την απφυγή ηλεκτρικών σκ λγ *λά*ης , τ μηάνημα ΠΡΕΠΕΙ να έει πρώτα ενωθεί με γείωση.
Να μην ανάψει τ μηάνημα (switch ON) μέρι να έει εγκατασταθεί σωστά και πλήρως.
L Πριν την παρή ρεύματς στ μηάνημα , να είσαι σίγυρς "τι τα voltage και "λες ι ασφάλειες είναι σωστά ενωμένα και
Page 20
50cm or more
Π'ΤΕ να μην ανά*ει τ μηάνημα εάν δεν έει λκληρωθεί η
εγκατάσταση. 50cm 50cm
or more or more
Τ συνλικ ύψς της κεφαλής είναι 1740mm . Φρντισε να μην τυπήσει σε λάμπες κ.λ.π.
Εγκατάσταση , μετατρπή ή έλεγς ρυτίνας μπρεί να γίνεται μν απ ε/υσιδτημένα άτμα .
Δεν πρέπει να γίννται μετατρπές στα μηανήματα ωρίς έγκριση . Μπρεί να πρκληθεί απρ*λεπτς
Μν μέρη πυ διευκρινί+νται απ την εταιρεία NAMCO EUROPE Ltd μπρύν να ρησιμπιηθύν για
αντικατάσταση ή επιδιρθωση. (συμπεριλαμ*άνντε και ι *ίδες)
Εάν γίνει κάπια δυλειά στ μηάνημα ωρίς να διευκρινί+εται στ εγειρίδι , να επικινωνήσεις με τν
αντιπρσωπ για δηγίες γιατί καμία ευθύνη δεν φέρυμε για καταστρφές ή *λά*ες.
Μέρη τυ τρφδτικύ ή τυ μνιτρ παραμένυν +εστά ή έυν υψηλή τάση ακμα και ταν σ*ήσει τ
μηάνημα και μπρύν να πρκαλέσυν κάψιμ ή λεκτρσκ.Γιαυτ δεν πρέπει να έρνται σε επαφή με
έρια .
Τ μηάνημα πρέπει να είναι σ*ηστ κατά την σύνδεση ή απσύνδεση πρί+ας ή κνέκτρα.
Κατά την απμάκρυνση των κεντρικών κνέκτρ απ τ μηάνημα ή της κυρίας πρί+ας , πρέπει να
πιάνυμε τ πλαστικ μέρς και ι τ καλώδι.
Page 21
Nessuna parte di questa pubblicazione può essere riprodotta con processo meccanico, fotografico o lettronico, nè sotto forma di
registrazione fonografica, nò può essere memorizzata in un sistema di salvataggio, trasmessa o in altro modo copiata per uso
pubblico o privato, senza l’autorizzazione di NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED.
Le informazioni contnute in questo manuale sono state date in buona fede ed erano accurate al momento della pubblicazione.
Tuttavia NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED, si riserva il diritto di apporre cabiamenti e variazioni senza alcun preavviso.
Questo apparecchio è stato costruito in conformità alle Direttive della Comunità Europea, ed è stato provato e soddisfa le
Direttive 89/336/EEC e 72/23/EEC per l’applicazione degli standards delle norme EN55014-1, EN55014-2 e EN60335-2-82 (vedi
fronte del manuale), e per questo porta il marchio CE. Qualsiasi cambiamento o modifica di questo apparecchio deve essere in
conformità con le Direttive della Comunità Europea.
In caso di condizioni di estrema interferenza dall’esterno, per esempio trasmissioni radio, scariche elettrostatiche o transitori
sulla linea, può verificarsi un decadimento delle prestazioni. Comunque l’apparecchio ritornerà al rendimento normale quando la
sorgente dell,interferenza avrà cessato di emettere o sarà stata rimossa.
Nota bene: se il processore del gioco “resetta” a causa di una interruzione o diminuzione del voltaggio di linea, un eventuale
credito, già concesso, può essere annullato.
Questo goco non è una macchina così come viene definita dalla Direttiva Macchine 89/392/EEC.
WARNING “Warning” evidenzia un rischio di ferita o di morte. Non procedere oltre una nota “Warning”
finchè le avvertenze specifcate non siano completamente capite e conosciute.
CAUTION L “Caution” evidenzia un rischio di danneggiare la macchina. Non proceder oltre una note “Caution” finchè
le avvertenze specificate non siano completamente capite e conosciute.
Se vi sono errori o problemi con la macchina, si deve interrompere il funzionamento immediatamente e risolvere
il problema prima di ogni ulteriore uso.
L’installazione, l’assistenza, le regolazioni e la manuzenzione ordinaria devono essere eseguite solo da persone
idonee e qualificate.
Per una protezione costante contro il rischio di fuoco, assicurarsi che i fusibili sulle alimentazioni siano solo
sostituiti con lo stesso tipo e caratteristiche. L’uso di altri fusibili o materiali è proibito.
Per prevenire possibili scosse elettriche dovute a difetti, quest macchina DEVE essere installata con un
connettore sicuramente MESSO A TERRA.
In caso il cavo di alimentazione di rete risultasse danneggiato deve essere sostituito immedatamente.
Non accendere la macchina finchè la stessa non è stata installata completamente e correttamente.
L Prima di collegare la macchina alla rete, assicurarsi che la macchina sia preparata per il voltaggio corretto e che siano
inseriti i fusibili adatti.
Page 22
50cm or more
NON ACCENDERE MAI la macchina finchè l’installazione non è Access
stata completata.
50cm 50cm
or more or more
Allo scopo di prevenire possibili scosse elettriche, la macchina
deve essere obbligatoriamente collegata alla rete con un
connettore messo a terra con connessioni sicure.
100cm or more
Il gioco è fornito di ruote per rendere più facile il suo spostamento. Fare attenzione quando si
muove la macchina su una superficie inclinata.
L’altezza totale della parte principale è 1740mm, fare attenzione ad eventuali ostacoli sopra la
testata ovvero ad eventuali installazioni di luci.
Non apporre alcuna modifica alla macchina senza autorizzazione preventiva. Il fare questo può causare un
pericolo non prevedibile.
Quando si rimpiazza o si riparano delle parti (incluse le viti) si possono usare solo parti approvate dalla
Namco Europe Ltd.
Assicurarsi che la macchina sia SPENTA prima di incominciare qualsiasi lavoro di manutenzione (guasti,
riparazioni etc.)
Se state per iniziare un lavoro non descritto in questo manuale, contattate il vostro distributore per
instruzioni poichè non si accetta alcuna responsabilità per danni o ferite.
Parti dell’alimentatore e del monitor rimangono caldi o portano alta tensione anche dopo aver spento
l’apparecchiatura e possono causare bruciature o scosse elettriche. Attenzione a non toccare queste parti
Assicurarsi che la macchina abbia l’interruttore nella posizione OFF prima di inserire o disinserire
qualsiasi connettore o spina.
Quando vengono rimossi i connettori principali dalla macchina oppure la spina dell’alimentazione dalla
parete bisogna sempre afferrare il connettore e non il cavo.
Page 23
Ingen del av denne utgivelsen må reproduseres av noen mekaniske, fotografiske elle elektroniske prosesser, eller i form av
fotografiske opptak, og ikke kan det lagres i et gjenvinnbart system, sendt eler kopiert for offentlig eller privat bruk, uten tillatelse fra
Da informasjonen i denne manualen er gitt i god tru og var korrekt da den ble utgitt, tillegger NAMCO EUROP LIMITED seg retten
til å lage forandringer uten varsel.
Denne maskinen er produsert i samsvar med direktiver framsatt av det Europeiske samfunn. Maskinen er testet og samsvarer med
direktivene 89/336/EEC og 72/23/eec med anvendelse av EN55014-1, EN55014-2 og EN60335-2-82 standarder (se i begynnelsen
av manualen), og derfor bærer CE merket. Hvilken som helst forandring eller modifisering må skje etter direktivene satt av det
Europeiske samfunn. Uautoriserte forandringer på dette produktet, kan motstride disse direktivene.
Under noen forhold av ekstreme ytre forstyrrelser, f.eks radio sendere, elektronisk utladning eller transiente spenninger, kan man
regne med noe senket ytelse. Men maskinen vil oppnå normal ytelse når kilden til forstyrrelsene opphører eller er fysisk fjernet.
Merk:- Hvis spillets prosessor resettes p.g.a et kutt eller reduksjon av hovedspenningen kan oppsparte kreditt på spillet forsvinne.
Dette spillet er ikke en maskin som er definert ved Maskin direktivet 89/392/EEC.
Sikkerhets advarsel.
For å bruke denne maskinen uten noe form for fare, sørg for å lese denne manualen nøye før installasjon, justeringer eller bruk
av maskinen.
Når eieren av denne maskinen overlater avmontering, installasjon, justering eller rutine vedlikehold til en annen person, skal
eieren forsikre seg om at denne personen leser de passende forsiktighetsreglene og relevante deler av manualen før han starter
på arbeidet.
For å forhindre at ulykker inntreffer når maskinen er i drift, følg strengt teksten om sikkerhet som beskrevet nedenfor.
Denne manualen sammen med installasjons manualen (hvor det er anvendelig) er en intrigert del av utstyret og må være
tilgjengelig for drift- og servispersonell til alle tider.
Denne maskinen er bare for innendørs bruk og skal bare benyttes etter mente hensikter.
Namco Ltd. bærer intet ansvar ved ulykker, kvestelse eller skade som følge av uautoriserte forandringer, eller for uriktig buk av
Sikkerhets beskjeder.
Følgende sikkerhets punkter er brukt ut denne manualen. Gjør deg kjent med disse punktene og deres mening før
installasjon, service eller du utfører noen innstillinger på denne maskinen.
ADVARSEL Advarsel innebærer en risiko som kan føre til kvestelse eller død. Ikke fortsett utover advarslen
før den er ordentlig forstått og mottiltak er igangsatt.
FORSIKTIG L Forsiktig innebærer en risiko som kan medføre skade på maskinen. Ikke fortsett utover advarslen før
den er ordentlig forstått og mottiltak er igangsatt.
Bruk bare denne maskinen etter å ha kontrollert at den er korrekt installert ifølge manualen.
Advarsel skiltene må bestandig holdes i skikket stand og eventuelt byttes ut hvis det oppstår skade på dem, slik at
kunden uten vanskelighet kan lese dem.
Hvis det er en feil eller et problem med maskinen, må den straks settes ut av funksjon. Og må under ingen
omstendigheter startes før problemet er rettet på.
Installasjon, service, justering eller rutine vedlikehold skal bare utføres av kvalifiserte personer.
For fortsatt beskyttelse mot brann, forsikre deg at hoved sikringen bare byttes ut med en av samme type og verdi.
Bruk av andre sikringer eller materiale er forbudt.
For å forhindre mulige elektriske sjokk grunnet funksjonsfeil, må denne maskinen være ordentlig jordet.
Hvis ledningen til hoved strømforsyningen skades må den straks byttes ut.
L Før du kopler maskinen til strømnettet, forsikre deg om at maskinen innstilt for den korrekte spenningen og de riktige
sikringene benyttes.
Page 24
50cm or more
Slå ALDRI på maskinens strømforsyning før installasjonen er fullført.
50cm 50cm
For å forhindre eventuelle elektriske sjokk, forsikre deg om at maskinen er or more or more
L For å forhindre skade på maskinen p.g.a. feil bruk, sørg for at spenningen til
hoved strømforsyningen er 230Volt AC. 50cm
or more
or more
MERKNADER: Hvis plassen hvor spillet skal plasseres har polerte gulv anbefales
det at du benytter gummi sko under nivå justeringene, for å
forhindre at maskinen kan flytte på seg. Player Zone
MERKNADER: For å få adgang til strømforsyningen og CPU-kort, forsikre deg om 100cm or more
Spillet har montert hjul for å gjøre det letter å flytte på. Hver forsiktig når det skal flyttes på en
hellende overflate.
Den totale høyden på hoved enheten er 1740mm. vær forsiktig med høye hindringer som f.eks
Ikke lag noen forandringer på denne maskinen uten godkjenning. Dette kan medføre uforutsette farer.
Bare deler spesifisert av Namco Europe Ltd. skal benyttes ved utskifting eller reparasjon av deler (dette
gjelder også skruer).
Forsikre deg om at strømmen er slått av før du påbegynner noe som helst vedlikeholdsarbeid (feilsøking,
reparasjon osv.)
Hvis du utfører arbeid som ikke er beskrevet i denne manualen, ta kontakt med din distributør for
instruksjon da ikke noe ansvar vill bli akseptert for skade på maskin eller på personer.
Deler av strømforsyningen og monitoren er fortsatt varm eller bærer høye spenninger selv etter strømmen
er slått av og kan forsake skader eller elektriske sjokk. Forsikre deg om at du ikke berører disse delene.
Forsikre deg om at maskinen er slått av før du kopler sammen eller tar fra hverandre plugger eller
Når du fjerner hoved koplingene fra maskinen, eller hoved pluggen fra støpselet, ta bestandig tak i pluggen
og ikke ledningen.
Page 25
Niets uit deze publikatie mag worden gereproduceerd door enig mechanisch, fotografisch of electronisch proces, of in de vorm
van een fonografische opname, noch mag het opgeslagen worden in een retrieval systeem, doorgezonden of anderszins
gekopieerd voor publiek of privégebruik, zonder toestemming van Namco Europe Limited.
Ofschoon de informatie in deze handleiding in goed vertrouwen is gegeven en nauwkeurig was ten tijde van het drukken, houdt
Namco zich het recht voor om veranderingen en aanpassingen te maken zonder bericht.
Deze machine is geproduceerd volgens Richtlijnen van de Europese Gemeenschap, en is getest en is in overeenstemming met
de Richtlijnen 89/336/EEC en 72/23/EEC door de toepassing van de standaards EN55014-1, EN55014-2 en EN60335-2-82 (zie
voorin de handleiding) en draagt als zodanig het CE-merk. Enige veranderingen of aanpassingen aan deze machine dienen in
overeenstemming te zijn met de Richtlijnen van de Europese Gemeenschap. Enige ongeauthoriseerde veranderingen aan dit
produkt kunnen in strijd zijn met deze Richtlijnen.
Onder sommige omstandigheden van extreme externe storingen, bijv. radiotransmissies, electrostatische ontladingen of pieken
op het net, kan prestatieteruggang optreden. De machine zal echter normaal presteren zodra de storingsbron gestopt of
verwijderd is.
Let op: - als de spelprocessor reset a.g.v. een onderbreking of vermindering van de netstroom, dan kunnen opgebouwde credits
verloren gaan.
Dit spel is niet een machine zoals omschreven in de Machinery Directive 89/392/EEC.
Om deze machine veilig te kunnen gebruiken, dient vóór installatie, aanpassing of gebruik van deze machine, de
Bedieningshandleiding zorgvuldig gelezen te worden.
Telkens wanneer de eigenaar van deze machine de demontage, installatie, aanpassing of routine-onderhoud toevertrouwd aan
een andere persoon, dient de eigenaar er voor te zorgen dat deze persoon de juiste voorzorgsmaatregelen en relevante
gedeeltes uit de handleiding leest voordat hij begint.
Om er voor te zorgen dat geen ongelukken gebeuren als de machine gebruikt wordt, dienen onderstaande
veiligheidsaanwijzingen zorgvuldig opgevolgd te worden.
Deze handleiding maakt samen met de installatiehandleiding (waar van toepassing) een integraal deel uit van de apparatuur en
moet te allen tijde ter beschikking staan van exploitatie- en onderhoudspersoneel.
Deze machine is alleen bedoeld voor gebruik binnenshuis en dient alleen gebruikt te worden voor bedoelde doeleinden.
Namco Ltd. is niet verantwoordelijk voor ongelukken, letsel of schade die voortkomt uit ongeoorloofde veranderingen aan of
onjuist gebruik van deze machine.
De volgende veiligheidsopmerkingen worden overal in deze handleiding gebruikt. Maak uzelf vertrouwd met deze
opmerkingen en hun betekenis vóór installatie, het plegen van onderhoud of het aanbrengen van aanpassingen aan deze
WAARSCHUWING Waarschuwing geeft een gevaar aan dat zou kunnen resulteren in letsel of de dood. Ga
niet verder dan een waarschuwingsopmerking totdat de aangegeven omstandigheden
volledig begrepen zijn en hieraan voldaan is.
VOORZICHTIG L Voorzichtig geeft een gevaar aan dat zou kunnen resulteren in schade aan de machine. Ga
niet verder dan een voorzichtigheidsopmerking totdat de aangegeven omstandigheden
volledig begrepen zijn en hieraan voldaan is
Stel deze machine alleen in gebruik nadat gecontroleerd is of de machine correct en overeenkomstig de
handleiding is geïnstalleerd.
De waarschuwingsstickers dienen altijd in goede staat te worden gehouden en vervangen indien versleten, zodat
de klant ze goed kan lezen.
Als zich een fout of probleem voordoet met de machine, dan dient de machine onmiddellijk stopgezet en het
probleem verholpen te worden voordat de machine verder gebruikt wordt.
Installatie, service, aanpassingen of routine-onderhoud dient alleen uitgevoerd te worden door hierin bekwame
Om blijvende bescherming tegen brandgevaar te garanderen, dient ervoor gezorgd te worden dat de
netzekeringen alleen vervangen worden door zekeringen van hetzelfde type en dezelfde sterkte. het gebruik van
andere zekeringen of ander materiaal is verboden.
Om mogelijke electrische schokken a.g.v. storingen te voorkomen, MOET deze machine voorzien zijn van een
goed vastzittende aardstekker.
Mocht het netsnoer op enig moment beschadigd worden, dan moet deze onmiddellijk vervangen worden.
L Voordat de machine op het lichtnet wordt aangesloten, dient gecontroleerd te worden of de machine op het correcte
voltage staat afgesteld en of de correcte zekeringen zijn aangebracht.
Page 26
Opmerkingen aangaande Installatie
Sluit de machine nooit aan op de stroomtoevoer totdat de installatie is
voltooid. 50cm or more
Om mogelijke electrische schokken te voorkomen, dient ervoor gezorgd te
50cm 50cm
worden dat de machine middels een goed vastzittende aardstekker op het or more or more
lichtnet is aangesloten.
Het spel is voorzien van wieltjes, waardoor het gemakkelijker is om te verplaatsen. Wees
voorzichtig als de machine op een hellend vlak gereden wordt.
De hoogte van het hoofdgedeelte is 1740mm: kijk dus uit voor obstakels zoals lampen.
Maak geen veranderingen aan deze machine zonder goedkeuring vooraf. Dit kan onvoorzien gevaar
Alleen onderdelen die door Namco Europe Ltd. zijn gespecificeerd dienen gebruikt te worden bij
het vervangen of repareren van onderdelen (incl. schroeven).
Zorg ervoor dat de machine UITgeschakeld is voordat er enig onderhoudswerk wordt verricht
(troubleshooting, reparaties etc.)
Bij het verrichten van werkzaamheden die niet in deze handleiding staan beschreven, dient voor
instructies altijd contact opgenomen te worden met de verdeler aangezien geen verantwoording
wordt genomen voor schade of letsel.
Delen van de voeding en de monitor blijven warm of behouden hoogspanning zelfs nadat de
machine UITgeschakeld is en zouden verbrandingen of electrische schokken kunnen veroorzaken.
Ben voorzichting en raak deze delen niet per ongeluk aan.
Als het netsnoer uit de machine of uit het stopcontact verwijderd wordt, dient altijd de stekker
vastgepakt te worden en niet het snoer.
Page 27
Nenhuma parte desta publicacão poderá ser reproduzida por processos mecanográficos, fotográficos, electrónicos ou ainda
sob a forma de gravacão sonora nem tão pouco poderá ser gravada através de sistemas informáticos transmissiveis ou de
outra forma copiados para uso publico ou privado sem autorização expressa da NAMCO EUROPA LIMITADA.
A informação contida neste manual foi fornecida de boa fé, sendo rigorosa na altura da sua publicação. A NAMCO EUROPA
LIMITADA, reserva-se o direito de proceder a mudanças e alterações sem qualquer aviso prévio.
Esta maquina foi fabricada de acordo com as Directivas Comunitárias Europeias e tem sido testada em conformidade com as
seguintes Directivas: 89/336/EEC e 72/23/EEC através dos requerimentos normativos, EN55014-1, EN55014-2 e EN60335-2-
82 (ver capa frontal do manual) e como tal sustenta o certificado de marca de CE. Quaisqueres alterações ou modificações
efectuadas nesta maquina deverão ser em conformidade com as Directivas da Comunidade Europeia. Quaisquer alterações
não autorizadas a este equipamento poderão infrigir tais Directivas.
O funcionamento normal desta maquina, poderá ser afectado debaixo de algumas condicões extremas de interferências
externas tais como; transmissões via radio, descargas electroestáticas e passagens de corrente na rede de alimentação.
Contudo o seu funcionamento normal será restabelecido logo que a fonte de interferências tenha cessado ou tenha sido
Nota :- Se o processador de jogo for inicializado devido a uma interrupção ou quebra da corrente principal, quaisqueres creditos
obtidos poderão desaparecer.
Este jogo por si só não contitui uma maquina tal como defenido pelas Directivas de Maquinaria de 89/392/EEC8.
Afim de usar esta maquina com segurança, certifique-se que lê este manual de operador atentamente antes de proceder á
montagem e afinação ou uso da mesma.
Sempre que o proprietário desta maquina confiar a desmontagem, instalação, afinação ou manutenção preventiva da mesma a
outra pessoa, deverá este assegurar - se que a pessoa em questão lê as precauções apropriadas e capitulos relevantes deste
manual antes de iniciar o trabalho.
Afim de evitar qualquer tipo de acidente quando a maquina estiver em funcionamento, deverá seguir rigorosamente os
procedimentos de segurança descritos abaixo.
Este manual juntamente com o manual de instalação (aonde aplicavel), contituem parte integrante do equipamento e deverão
estar sempre disponiveis ao operador e pessoal tecnico de assistência.
Esta maquina destina-se a ser operada em espaços interiores apenas e a sua utilização deve circunscrever-se somente aos
fins previstos.
A Namco Ltd. declina qualquer responsabilidade por acidentes, ferimentos ou danos resultantes de modificações não
autorizadas ou uso indevido desta maquina.
Os seguintes avisos de segurança são usados através de todo o manual. Familarize-se com cada um destes avisos e
respectivos significados antes de instalar, assistir ou efectuar qualquer afinação nesta maquina.
PERIGO Perigo revela uma situação anormal que poderá resultar em ferimentos ou morte. Não avance para
além de um aviso de Perigo sem que todas as condições indicadas estejam completamente
esclarecidas e resolvidas.
CAUTELA L Cautela revela uma situação anormal que poderá resultar em danos materiais para a maquina. Não avance
para além de um aviso de Cautela sem que todas as condições indicadas estejam completamente
esclarecidas e resolvidas.
Esta maquina só deverá ser colocada em funcionamento após ter sido verificado que se encontra instalada
correctamente e de acordo com o manual de instruções.
Os avisos de perigo devem ser sempre mantidos em boas condições de leitura de forma a permitir uma leitura
clara por parte do utilizador, caso se encontrem danificados deverão ser substituidos.
Caso esta maquina manifeste algum erro ou problema durante o seu funcionamento, deverá ser imediatamente
parada até que o problema em questão seja rectificado.
A montagem, assistência e afinações ou manutenção de rotina desta maquina, deverão ser somente executadas
por tecnicos ou pessoas devidamente qualificadas para o efeito.
Afim de garantir uma proteção anti - fogo permanente nesta maquina, certifique-se que os fusiveis de proteção
são sempre substituidos por fusiveis de igual valor ou calibre aos de origem. O uso de outro tipo de fusiveis ou
material é proibido.
Esta maquina deve estar sempre equipada com uma ficha com circuito de protecção à Terra, afim de evitar
possiveis choques electricos, caso surga uma falha no sistema.
Se a qualquer altura o cabo de alimentação principal ficar danificado, deverá ser imediatamente substituido.
Não ligar a maquina sem que esta tenha sido correctamente instalada.
L Antes de ligar a maquina à tomada da rede de alimentação principal, certifique-se de que a maquina está preparada
para a voltagem correspondente e de que também se encontra protegida com os fusiveis apropriados.
Page 28
NUNCA ligar a maquina sem que a instalação esteja 50cm or more
completamente finalizada. Area
Esta maquina está equipada com rodas afim de facilitar a sua deslocação tenha cuidado ao
mover a maquina num plano inclinado.
A altura total do bloco principal, é de 1740mm, tenha cuidado com qualquer tipo de obstruções
existentes em altura como por exemplo; calhas electricas ou candeiros.
Não faça qualquer tipo de alteração prévia nesta maquina sem aprovação prévia. Se tal acontecer poderá
provocar danos e perigos imprevisiveis.
A substituição ou reparação de peças deverá ser feita apenas com peças de origem ou especificadas pela
“Namco Europa Ltd.” (incluindo parafusos)
Certifique-se que a maquina se encontra desligada sempre que iniciar qualquer tipo de trabalho de
manutenção. (identifação de avarias, reparação etc.)
Caso esteja a efectuar um trabalho não descrito neste manual, certifique-se que contacta o seu
distribuidor para obter instruções, caso contrário não serão aceites responsabilidades por danos
causados ou ferimentos.
Algumas zonas da fonte de alimentação e do monitor ficam quentes e transportam correntes de alta
voltagem, mesmo depois de a maquina ter sido desligada, podendo causar queimaduras e choques
electricos. Tome cuidado para não tocar acidentalmente estas zonas.
Certifique-se que a maquina está desligada antes de ligar ou desligar qualquer tipo de fichas ou junções.
Quando desligar a ficha principal da maquina ou a ficha do cabo de alimentação das tomadas da parede,
deverá sempre agarrar na ficha e nunca puxar pelo cabo da mesma.
Page 29
Ingen del av denna publikation får reproduceras, varken fotografiskt, elektroniskt eller i någon form av ljudinspelning. Det får inte
heller lagras i något återvinningssystem, översändas eller på annat sätt kopieras för offentlig eller privat användning, utan
tillstånd från NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED.
Eftersom informationen i denna manual lämnas ut i god tro och var korrekt när den trycktes, reserverar sig NAMCO EUROPE
LIMITED för ändringar.
Denna maskin har tillverkats enligt direktiv från europeiska unionen, är testad och uppfyller direktiven enligt 89/336EEC och
72/23/EEC med tillämpning av EN55014-1, EN55014-2 och EN60335-2-82 standard (se manualens framsida) och bär därmed
också CE-märket. Varje förändring eller modifiering av denna maskin måste ske i överens-stämmelse med EU-direktiven.
En förändring i denna produkt, som inte är auktoriserad, kan strida mot dessa direktiv.
Under vissa omständigheter när det gäller extrema externa störningar, t ex radiosändningar, elektrostatiska urladdningar eller
nätburna strömstörningar, kan resultera i en något nedsatt funktion. Maskinen kommer dock att återgå till normal funktion, så
snart störningen har upphört eller avlägsnats
OBS! Om spelprocessorn startar om till följd av ett avbrott eller reducering av strömmen kan registrerade krediter gå förlorade.
För att maskinen ska kunna användas på ett säkert sätt, ska manualen läsas noggrant före installation, användning
eller justering.
Om ägaren till maskinen anförtror någon annan person att montera isär, installera, justera maskinen eller utföra
rutinunderhåll, ska ägaren försäkra sig om att denna person läser om försiktighetsåtgärder och tillämpliga delar av
denna manual innan arbetet påbörjas.
För att förhindra att någon olycka händer när maskinen är igång, måste säkerhetspunkterna beskrivna nedan följas
Denna manual tillsammans med installationsmanualen (när tillämpligt) utgör en integrerad del av utrustningen och
måste vara ständigt tillgänglig för operatörer och service personal.
Maskinen är avsedd för inomhusbruk och ska endast användas för detta ändamål.
Namco Ltd. bär inget ansvar för olyckor eller skador som orsakats av icke auktoriserade ändringar i maskinen eller
felaktigt användande av densamma.
Säkerhetsanvisningarna nedan används genomgående i manualen. Gör dig förtrogen med varje anvisning och
dess innebörd innan installation, service eller justeringar görs på denna maskin.
VARNING ”Varning” anger en fara som skulle kunna skada eller förorsaka dödsfall. Fortsätt inte
vid en sådan varningsanvising innan de påvisade förhållandena är förstådda och
åtgärdade i sin helhet.
OBSERVERA L ”OBSERVERA” anger en fara som skulle kunna förorsaka skada på maskinen. Fortsätt inte
vid en sådan varningsanvising innan de påvisade förhållandena är förstådda och åtgärdade i
sin helhet.
Sätt inte igång maskinen utan att ha kontrollerat att den är korrekt installerad och i överensstämmelse med
Varningsanvisningarna måste alltid hållas i gott skick och ersättas när de blir slitna, så att kunderna kan läsa dem
dem tydligt.
Om det uppstår fel eller problem med maskinen, måste användningen stoppas omedelbart och problemet rättas
till innan den åter används.
Installation, service, justeringar eller rutinunderhåll ska endast utföras av en för ändamålet kvalificerad person.
För kontinuerligt skydd mot brandfara, ska man försäkra sig om att huvudsäkringarna endast ersätts med samma
typ och specifikationer. Användandet av andra säkringar eller material är förbjuden.
För att förhindra en eventuell elektrisk stöt förorsakad av fel, MÅSTE maskinen vara försedd med säkert ansluten
JORDAD kontakt.
L Innan strömmen sätts på till maskinen, måste man försäkra sig om att den är inställd på rätt spänning och att rätt
säkringar är isatta.
Page 30
Spelet är försett med hjul för att underlätta förflyttningar. Var försiktig om spelet ska flyttas på en
sluttande yta.
Den totala höjden är 1740 mm, tänk på eventuella högt placerade hinder, t ex lampor.
Justeringar och underhåll på denna maskin skall endast utföras av kvalificerad personal.
Gör inga ändringar på denna maskin utan ett godkännande i förväg. Detta kan förorsaka
oförutsägbar fara.
Endast delar som är specificerade av Namco Europe Ltd. ska användas vid utbyten eller
reparation av delar (inklusive skruvar).
Om arbete ska utföras som inte är beskrivet i denna manual, är det viktigt att kontakta
återförsäljaren för instruktioner eftersom inget ansvar accepteras för åverkan eller personskador.
Delar av strömförsörjningen och monitorn är varma och strömbärande även efter strömmen
stängts av och kan orsaka brännskador eller elektriska stötar.
Försäkra dig om att maskinen är avstängd innan kontakter sätts i eller tas ur.
När kontakten tas ur maskinen eller ur väggen, ta alltid tag i kontakten och inte i sladden.
Page 31
Tästä julkaisusta ei saa ottaa missään muodossa kopioita yksityis- tai julkiseen käyttöön ilman NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED:in
Tässä ohjekirjassa olevat tiedot pitävät julkaisuhetkellä paikkansa. NAMCO EUROPE LIMITED:illä on kuitenkin oikeus
muutoksiin ilman erillistä ilmoitusta.
Tämä laite on valmistettu EC direktiivien mukaisesti. Se on testattu ja todettu noudattavan seuraavia direktiivejä: 89/336/EEC ja
72/23/EEC (EN55014-1, EN55014-2 ja EN 60335-2-82 standardit). Näin ollen tämä laite on varustettu CE-merkinnällä. Kaikki
tähän laitteeseen kohdistetut muutokset on tehtävä EC- direktiivien mukaisesti. Mikä tahansa valtuuttamattoman huoltomiehen
tekemä muutos voi olla direktiivien vastainen.
Laitteen toiminta voi häiriintyä määrätyissä olosuhteissa, jotka johtuvat äärimmäisistä ulkoisista sähköhäiriöistä, kuten
radiolähetys, elektrostaattinen purkaus tai vahvavirrasta syntynyt häiriö. Toiminta normalisoituu kuitenkin heti, kun ulkoinen
sähköhäiriö on poistettu.
Huom:- Jos peliprosessori resetoituu sähkökatkoksen tai vastaavan johdosta, voivat kaikki pelivaraukset hävitä.
Tämän laitteen turvallinen käyttö edellyttää käyttöohjekirjan huolellista lukemista ennen laitteen asennusta, säätöä tai käyttöä.
Jos tämän laitteen omistaja antaa jollekin toiselle osapuolelle tehtäväksi purkaa, asentaa, säätää tai muuten huoltaa laitetta, on
omistajan varmistuttava siitä, että toinen osapuoli on lukenut ja ymmärtänyt käyttöohjekirjan oleelliset osat ennen työhön
Turvallisuusohjeita on seurattava tarkoin vahinkojen välttämiseksi laitteen ollessa käytössä .
Tämä ohje sekä mahdollinen asennusohje muodostavat laitteiston oleellisen osan ja on siksi aina oltava huolto- ja
käyttöhenkilökunnan käytettävissä.
Tämä laite on tarkoitettu vain sisätilakäyttöön. Sitä ei saa käyttää muihin tarkoituksiin.
Namco Ltd ei vastaa niistä onnettomuuksista, loukaantumisista tai vahingoista, jotka johtuvat laitteeseen ilman Namco Ltd:n
lupaa tehdyistä muutoksista laitteen väärästä käytöstä.
Tässä käyttöohjekirjassa on käytetty seuraavia turvallisuuteen liittyviä huomautuksia. Tutustu jokaiseen näistä. Älä asenna,
huolla tai säädä laitteistoa, ennen kuin olet täysin ymmärtänyt mitä ne tarkoittavat.
VAARA “Vaara” tarkoittaa uhkaa, joka voi johtaa loukkantumiseen tai kuolemaan, Älä koskaan ohita Vaara-
merkintää, ennenkuin ohjeissa esitetyt olosuhteet on ymmärretty täysin.
VAROITUS L “Varoitus” tarkoittaa uhkaa, joka voi johtaa laitteen vioittumiseen. Älä koskaan ohita Vaara-merkintää,
ennenkuin ohjeissa esitetyt olosuhteet on ymmärretty täysin.
Varmista, että laite on asennettu oikein ja ohjekirjan mukaisesti ennen käyttöönottoa.
Varoitustaulut on pidettävä hyvässä kunnossa. Jos ne ovat kuluneet, ne on ehdottomasti vaihdettava, jotta
asiakkaalla olisi mahdollisuus lukea niitä selvästi.
Jos laitteeseen tulee vika tai ongelmia, on se pysäytettävä välittömästi ja ongelma selvitettävä ennen uutta
Vain riittävän ammattipätevyyden omaava henkilö saa suorittaa asennus-, huolto-, säätö- tai muita laitteeseen
kohdistuvia rutiinitoimenpiteitä.
Jotta palovaaraa ei syntyisi, saa pääsulakkeita vaihtaa vain samankokoisiin sulakkeisiin. Muiden sulakkeiden tai
materiaalin käyttö on ehdottomasti kielletty.
L Varmista ennen verkkoon kytkemistä, että virtalähteen jännitteen asetus on asetettu oikealle jännitteelle ja että siinä on
oikeat sulakkeet.
Page 32
50cm or more
Älä koskaan kytke laitetta päälle ennen kuin asennus on suoritettu
50cm 50cm
loppuun. or more or more
Laite on varustettu kääntyvillä pyörillä. Tämä on pidettävä mielessä, kun laitetta siirretään kaltevalla
Laitteen kokonaiskorkeus on yli 1740mm. Varmista, ettei katossa ole esteitä. esim. valaisimia.
Vain riittävän ammattipätevyyden omaava henkilö saa suorittaa asennus-, huolto-, säätö- tai muita
laitteeseen kohdistuvia rutiinitoimenpiteitä.
Tälle laitteelle ei saa tehdä mitään hyväksymättömiä muutoksia. Se voi aiheuttaa ennalta-arvaamattomia
Vain Namco Europe Ltd:n määrittelemiä varaosia saa käyttää vaihtaessasi tai korjatessasi osia. (sisältäen
Ota yhteyttä maahantuojaan ohjeita varten, jos joudut tekemään työtehtäviä, joita ei ole esitelty
huoltokirjassa, muuten vastuuta vioista tai loukkaantumisista ei ole.
Virtalähde ja monitori pysyvät kuumina ja niissä on alueita, joissa on korkeajännite vaikka laite on
kytketty pois päältä. Palovammojen tai sähköiskun saaminen on mahdollista. Älä koske näihin laitteisiin.
Varmista, että laite on kytketty POIS PÄÄLTÄ ennen johtojen kytkemistä tai irrottamista.
Irrottaessasi verkkojohdon seinästä tai laitteesta, ota kiinni itse pistokkeesta, ei johdosta.
Page 33
Assembled 230kg
Page 34
WIN lamp
Upper Door
Assy Arrow lamp
LCD unit
Gas-cylinder springs Fluorescent Checker unit
Payout Assy Panel Assy
Payout solenoid
Pusher table
Armrest Assy
Foot rest
Escalator section
Rear cover
Hopper (O)
Separator sensor jam sensor
Control Board Escalator section
Hopper (O)
sensor 1 D hopper chute
Pusher motor
Coin guide
Escalator section
Page 35
3-1 Basic rules of the pusher game
(1) Coins inserted, from the coin slot in the armrest, by a player are counted by the
coin sensor before falling into the coin hopper (L) or (R).
(2) The same number of coins counted are ejected from the coin hopper at the top of
the play panel. The ejected coins slide down the panel and fall onto the pusher
table that is constantly moving backward and forward.
(3) Coins already on the pusher table are pushed by the fallen coins and drop onto
the lower playfield.
(4) Coins that fall onto the playfield are pushed by the pusher, forcing other coins on
the playfield forward. The pushed coins may move beyond the front edge of the
playfield and fall into the coin hopper (O) or fall into the side holes located on the
both sides of the playfield.
(5) The coins that have fallen into the coin tray are returned to the player, while the
coins entering the side holes are returned to the coin hopper (JP)
The player tries to send coins through the “SPIN” checkers at five positions on
the Panel Assy in order to spin the slot machine.
When a coin passes through a checker, the slot machine on the screen spins. If
coins continue to pass the checkers, up to 10 are stored (basic game). According
to the combination of symbols aligned on the slot machine, coins are dispensed
or a mini-game starts.
- Cherry
When 3 Cherry symbols align, two coins are dispensed onto the playfield.
- Watermelon
When 3 Watermelon symbols align, five coins are dispensed onto the playfield.
- Bell
When 3 Bell symbols align, ten coins are dispensed onto the playfield.
- Bar
When 3 Bar symbols align, 15 coins are dispensed onto the playfield.
- 7
When 3 number “7” align, 30 coins are dispensed onto the playfield.
- Card
When 3 Card symbols align, cards on the screen are shuffled and five cards are
laid out.
The combination of the five cards determines the number of coins to be
dispensed onto the playfield.
Page 36
i Up-Down game
When Wild symbols align, the player wins 10 coins, and the player can take a challenge
of an Up-Down chance game on the Andon section to double or quadruple the number of
*When only one Wild symbol appears, it serves as a wildcard and substitutes for any
1. The player chooses whether to play the Up-Down game or not by using the button.
When the player decides not to play the Up-Down game, the ten coins he won will
be dispensed.
2. If the player decides to play the Up-Down game, the multiplying factor (“x2” or “x4”)
is automatically determined.
i Free-Spin game
* Ingot
When the Ingot symbols align, the player wins and accumulates 50 coins.
The Ingot symbol appears only in free-spin games, in place of the Spin symbol.
Page 37
1. Outdoors
2. Direct Sunlight, places with excessive humidity or dust, places where there is
water leakage, near air-conditioning or heating equipment, places with
excessive heat or cold temperature.
3. Places where it would be in the way of emergency exits or fire extinguishing
4. Unstable places or places with excessive vibration.
5. Places that are not level.
6. This machine must not be cleaned with a water jet, or installed in an area where
a water jet could be used.
1. Im Freien.
2. In direktem Sonnenschein, an extrem feuchten und staubigen Plätzen, an Plätzen mit
Wasseranschlüssen und möglichen Leckagen, nahe Klima- und Heizungsanlagen, an
Plätzen mit extrem hohen oder niedrigen Temperaturen.
3. In der Nähe von Notausgängen oder Feuerlöschgeräten.
4. An unstabilen Plätzen oder Plätzen mit übermäßiger Vibration.
5. An Plätzen, die nicht eben sind.
6. Diese Maschine darf nicht mit einem Wasserstrahl gereinigt oder in einem Bereich
installiert werden, in dem Wasserstrahlen verwendet werden.
1. Udendørs
2. Direkte sollys, steder med høj fugtighed el. støv, steder med vand udslip, i
nærheden af air-condition eller varme udstyr, steder med usædvanlig høj el. kold
3. Steder hvor den vil stå i vejen for nødudgange eller brandslukningsudstyr.
4. Ustabile steder eller steder med for store vibrationer.
5. Steder der ikke er plane.
6. Maskinen må ikke renses med en vandstråle eller monteres et sted hvor det er muligt at
bruge en vandstråle.
1. Exteriores.
2. Bajo luz solar directa, en lugares con polvo o humedad excesiva, lugares donde hay
filtraciones de agua, cerca de aparatos de calefacción o de aire acondicionado, lugares
con temperatura ambiente muy alta o muy baja.
3. Lugares donde la máquina obstruya salidas de emergencia o equipos de extinción de
4. Suelos inestables o lugares con vibraciones excesivas.
5. Lugares con suelos no nivelados.
6. Esta máquina no deberá ser lavada con agua a presión. Tampoco deberá instalarse en
áreas donde puedan haber chorros de agua.
Page 38
1. A l’extérieur.
2. Directement exposée au soleil, aux endroits excessivement humides ou poussiéreux,
aux endroits où il y a des risques de fuite d’eau, près de ventilateurs ou source de
chaleur, aux endroits très chauds ou froids.
3. Dans des zones de proximité des sorties de secours ou d’accès aux équipements
d’extinction du feu.
4. Dans des emplacements instables ou soumis à de fortes vibrations.
5. Dans des endroits dénivelés.
6. Ne nettoyez pas cette machine sous un jet d’eau et ne l’installez pas à un endroit où l’on
risque d’employer des jets d’eau.
1. Ε/ωτερικά
2. Απευθείας στν ήλι,σε μέρη πυ υπάρει υγρασία ή σκνη,μέρη πυ υπάρει
άφθν νερ,κντά σε air-condition ή άλλυ είδυς θέρμανση,μέρη με υπερ*λική
υψηλή ή αμηλή θερμκρασία.
3. Σε μέρη πυ εμπδί+υν μέσα ανάγκης π.. πυρσ*εστήρες ή άλλα.
4 Μη σταθερά μέρη ή μέρη με πλλύς κραδασμύς.
5. Μέρη πυ δεν είναι επίπεδα.
1. In ambienti esterni.
2. Alla luce diretta del sole, in posti con eccesiva umidità o polvere, in luoghi dove ci siano
infiltrazioni d’acqua, vicino ad apparecchi di condizionamento d’aria oppure
riscaldamento, in posti eccessivamente caldi o freddi.
3. In luoghi dove potrebbe esserci un uscita di emergenza o un’attrezzatura per lo
spegnimento del fuoco.
4. In posti non stabili o con eccessive vibrazioni.
5. In luoghi non piani.
6. La macchina non deve essere pulita con un getto d’acqua, né installata in un’area in cui
si utilizza un getto d’acqua.
1. Utendørs
2. Konstant sollys, plasser med mye fuktighet og støv, plasser hvor det er vannlekasje,
nære luft kjølere eller varme elementer, plasser med overdreven høy eller lav temperatur.
3. Plasser hvor det vill stå i veien for nødutganger eller brannslukking utstyr.
4. Ustabile plasser eller plasser med overdreven vibrasjon.
5. Plasser som ikke er i vater.
6. La macchina non deve essere pulita con un getto d’acqua, né installata in un’area in cui
si utilizza un getto d’acqua.
Page 39
1. Buiten
2. In direct zonlicht, op plaatsen met een zeer hoge vochtigheidsgraad of met veel stof, op
plaatsen waar een waterlek is, dichtbij airco’s of verwarmingsapparatuur, op plaatsen
met een zeer hoge of koude temperatuur.
3. Op plaatsen waar nooduitgangen of blusapparatuur worden geblokkeerd.
4. Op onstabiele plaatsen of plaatsen waar grote trillingen voorkomen.
5. Op plaatsen die niet vlak zijn.
6. Deze machine mag niet gereinigd worden met een waterstraal of geïnstalleerd worden op
een plaats waar een waterstraal gebruikt kan worden.
1. Exteriores.
2. `Luz solar directa, locais com humidade excessiva ou pó, locais aonde existam fugas de
água perto de ar condicionados ou equipamentos calorificos e locais com temperaturas
excessivamente quentes ou frias.
3. Locais aonde ficaria colocada no caminho de saidas de emergência ou equipamentos
extintores de fogo.
4. Locais estruturalmente instaveis ou locais com vibrações excessivas.
5. Locais não nivelados.
6. Esta máquina não deve sem limpa com jato de água, ou instalada em área na qual
possam ser usados jatos de água.
1. Utomhus
2. I direkt solsken, platser med extremt hög luftfuktighet eller damm, platser där det
förekommer vattenläckage, nära luftkonditionering eller värmeelement, i extremt hög
eller låg temperatur.
3. Platser där den skulle kunna vara i vägen för nödutgångar och
4. Instabila ställen eller där stark vibration förekommer.
5. Platser med nivåskillnad.
6 Denna maskin får inte rengöras med en vatten stråle, eller monterad inom ett område
där en vatten stråle kan användas.
1. Ulkotilaan
2. Suoraan aurinkovaloon, kosteisiin tai pölyisiin paikkoihin, vesivuotopaikkojen
läheisyyteen, ilmanvaihto- tai lämmityslaitteen lähistölle tai paikkoihin, jossa on erittäin
kuumaa tai kylmää.
3. Varauloskäytävien, muiden pakoteiden tai tulensammutusvälineiden eteen.
4. Epävakaisiin tai täriseviin paikkoihin.
5. Kaltevalle alustalle.
6. Tätä laitetta ei saa pestä suihkuttamalla sille vettä eikä sijoittaa sellaiseen paikkaan,
missä se voi joutua alttiiksi vesisuihkuille.
Page 40
4-1 Notes on Installation
NEVER turn the power to the machine ON until installation has been
So that customers are not injured, ensure that there is at least 500mm
separation between other machines or walls.
In order to avoid damage to the machine due to mis-operation, ensure that the
voltage of the mains supply is 230volts AC.
When the game is in it’s final position, lower the four (4) level adjusters with a spanner,
so that all castors are raised from the floor by 1~2mm. Tighten the lock nuts with a
spanner to ensure that the Level Adjusters do not move.
Lock Nut
Approx. 1~2mm
Level adjuster
Page 41
4-3 Preparing for Operation
Before starting, place a cloth on the pusher table to prevent parts dropping into
the hopper.
To prevent damage during transport, a number of screws are left loose. It is imperative
that these screws are tightened, and the Side Pillars and the Coin Dispensing Chute
are fitted before operation of this game.
Note: Do not over tighten these screws or the plastic may crack.
(21 screws)
Page 42
Panel Assy
Pozihead screw
(M4 x 8) x 2
Side pillar R
(side pillar L located
on the opposite side)
Pozihead Screw
Page 43
4-4 Adjusting the Tilt Sensitivity
The machine is equipped with a tilt device. If the machine is shaken excessively, the
tilt device activates an alarm sound and closes the divider of the Payout Assy to
prevent coins falling to the payout tray.
To reset the game after the tilt has been activated (see 6-4 page 59)
2. Loosen the adjustment screw (M3x6) on the weight, and slide the weight up or
down to adjust the sensitivity. Moving the weight up will decrease sensitivity and
moving the weight down will increase sensitivity. Re-tighten the adjustment screw
3. By loosening 2off pozihead screws, the actuator bracket can be moved to ensure
that the weight is central to the actuator.
If the actuator bracket cannot be adjusted so that the weight is central, the
machine is not level. Adjust the level adjusters, (see 4-2 page 41), until the
machine is level.
screw (M3x6)
Less sensitive
Adjustment range
More sensitive
Page 44
4-5 Filling the machine with coins
• Coins inserted by players are dispensed. Therefore, limit the amount of coins in
the coin hoppers (L), (R) to about 90 ~ 120 coins. If an excessive amount of
coins are placed in the hoppers, the motor load can increase and may shorten
the service life of the coin hoppers.
• If the 1-13, 1-23 Coin Hopper (L), (R) Empty error is generated frequently (except
when coins are jammed or hoppers are empty), fill the coin hoppers with more
coins within the above-mentioned range. This may reduce the error generating
frequency in some cases.
• If coins with different diameters or thicknesses, deformed coins, or dirty coins are
used, they may not be dispensed properly. They can also cause coin hopper
D hopper chute
Maintenance door
D hopper chute
Page 45
(3) Filling the coin hopper (JP) with coins
Unlock and open the upper door, set the Test switch to ON, and then add coins
until coins start overflowing from the center hole into the cash box.
Upper door
Center hole
* To ensure that the escalators are full ready for game play, enter the Test
mode (see 6-6 page 61) and select I/O TEST. Select NEXT until MOTOR
TEST 1 is diplayed. Select Hopper (L) and press the Enter button until coins
are dispensed to the playfied. Repeat for Hopper (R). Select NEXT until
MOTOR TEST 2 is displayed. Select Hopper (JP) and press the Enter button
until coins enter the Jackpot Assy.
Page 46
4-5-2 Loading the Playfield
Unlock and open the upper door and supply coins evenly onto the playfield and
After supplying coins, close the upper door.
• Do not place wrapped coins. If wrapped coins are placed on the playfield, they
can be stuck on the payout slope during dispensing.
• If coins with different diameters or thicknesses, deformed coins, or dirty coins are
used, they may not be dispensed properly. They can also cause coin hopper
Upper door
Page 47
• Do not leave the machine on a slope. The machine may topple or cause an
unforeseen accident if it is left on an inclined surface.
• When moving or transporting the machine, do not hold the machine by the
following places. Hands can slip easily from those sections and cause the
machine to fall or cause an accident or injury.
Upper Door Assy, level adjusters, castors, Andon Assy
Do not hold the sections indicated below when moving or transporting the machine.
Andon Assy
Level adjusters
Page 48
5-1 Moving (on the floor)
• Always use at least 2 people to move the machine to prevent the machine
toppling over if it hits un unexpected obstacle on the floor.
• Move the machine carefully to prevent damage to the machine.
• Do not apply excessive force to plastic parts since they can break easily.
• Always fully retract all level adjusters (2 locations) when moving the
• Be sure to disconnect the power cord before moving the machine.
• Do not apply shocks or jolts to the machine when lifting or lowering the
Turn off the power switch located at the lower section on the back side of the Cabinet
Disconnect the power cord from the Cabinet Assy.
After the machine has been relocated, set up the machine according to the instructions
in “4. INSTALLATION” on page 38.
Page 49
5-3 Loading on and unloading from a truck
Fork position
Fork sticker
Page 50
Tätä laitetta saa säätää tai huoltaa vain siihen ammattipätevyyden omaava
Page 51
6-1 Adjustment of the payout rate
• The front edge B is adjusted at the factory according to the size of coins to be
• Do not attempt to adjust the front edge B unless the result of a test in the Field P/
O Measurement Mode do not fall within the standard range of 35% to 45%.
If the test result deviates from the above range, adjust the level adjusters to ensure
that the machine is level.
If this does not correct the problem, raise the front edge B if the condition shows
overpay or lower the front edge B in the case of underpay.
(See P. 41 “4-2 Adjusting the level adjusters.”)
WIN guard
Page 52
3. Loosen the two cap screws (M4x10), and Remove the Shutter Guide 3.
Cap screw (M)
(M4 x 10) x 2
Shutter guide 3
To adjust the height of the front edge B, remove the two flange socket screws (M4 x10).
• When removing the two flange socket bolts (M4 x 10), be sure to support the front
edge B with a hand, and take care not to drop the screws.
Front edge B
13mmx6=78mm 13mmx6=78mm
• When installing two flange socket bolts (M4 x 10), be sure to insert them into the
holes that are at equal distances from the center.
Front edge B
Page 53
6-2 Adjustment of Coin Selector (L), (R) Assys
(1) Removing and reinstalling the Coin Selector (L), (R) Assys
• The following describes the procedures for removing and reinstalling the Coin
Selector (R) Assy. Follow the same procedures for the removal and reinstallation
of the Coin Selector (L) Assy.
1. Turn off the power switch located at the lower section on the rear of the Cabinet
2. Unlock and open the under-panel, and detach the under-panel by sliding it
1 2
3. Remove the two cap screws (M) (M4 x 8), disconnect the 8-pin connector, and
dismount the Coin Selector (R) Assy.
8-pin connector
Page 54
4. Remove 1off cap screw (M4x10), loosen 1off cap screw (M4x10), and remove the
Coin Out (R) or (L)
5. Loosen 2off flange sockets (M4x6), and adjust the position of the Adjuster Plate
(R) or (L).
Make the adjustment so that the width indicated in the diagram below is the
diameter of the coin minus 0.5 to 0.6mm.
Note: Measure the width at both ends of the acceptor to ensure that the
Adjuster Plate is parallel.
Page 55
6. To confirm the adjustment, arrange coins inside the Coin Acceptor Assy, and
make sure that, with the Adjuster Plate at the bottom, the coins overlap the
Acceptor Base by 0.5 to 0.6mm.
7. After adjustment, tighten the 2off flange sockets (M4x6), and reassemble in the
machine in the reverse order of removal.
Page 56
6-3 Adjusting the Coin Entry
2. Loosen 2off cap screws (M4x6) and 1off button head screw (M4x6), and slide the
Coin Adjuster (L) to adjust the width and height of the coin entry slot.
Coin adjuster
Page 57
The following describes the adjustment procedure.
1. Cut four strips of photocopy paper to a width slightly narrower than the diameter
of the coin. Stack the four pieces of paper, and insert them together with a coin
into the coin slot.
2. Move the Coin Adjuster (L) toward the lower left direction so that it is just in
contact with the coin. (In the case of the Coin Adjuster (R), move it toward the
lower right).
3. Move the Coin Adjuster (L) to the right so that there is a gap as wide as one
sheet of paper on either side of the coin. (In the case of the Coin Adjuster (R),
move it to the left).
• After adjustment, ensure that the 2off cap screws (M4x6) and 1off button head
screw (M4x6) are fully tightened.
• Insert at least 10 coins to make sure that they slide smoothly.
Cap screw (M4 x 6)
Photo copy paper (4 pieces)
Page 58
6-4 Resetting the Tilt
The tilt device can be reset in two ways: manual reset performed by a member of staff,
or automatic reset (default setting).
• Manual Reset
2. Slide the Test switch, located to the right of the playfield, On and then Off to
reset the alarm.
• Automatic Reset
When the tilt is set to automatic reset, the alarm will reset 10 seconds after it has
been activated.
Page 59
6-5 Adjustment Switches
Unlock and open the upper door. The adjustment switches are located inside the
cabinet at the lower right corner.
Test sw
Enter sw
Page 60
6-6 Test Mode
Coins cannot be inserted when the game is in the Test Mode except when SENSOR
TEST screen is displayed.
2. Operate the Select Switch up or down to select an item on the screen. The
selected item is indicated in red.
4. After adjustment, select “EXIT” and press the Enter Switch. The display returns to
the MENU screen.
5. After all adjustments have been completed, switch the Test Switch OFF. The
display returns to the game screen.
(g) For adding coins to the Jackpot Unit (see 6-6-10 page 83)
(h) For initialization of Backup Memeory. (6-6-11 page 84)
Page 61
6-6-1 Displaying and Initializing the Data
1. Select “DATA DISPLAY” on the menu screen and press the Enter switch.
The following screen is displayed.
2. The DATA DISPLAY consists of three pages. Operate the Select switch Up
or Down to select an item. The selected item is displayed in red.
4. After adjustments are completed, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch.
The display returns to the Menu screen.
MEDAL IN 0 (c)
NEXT (j)
(a) Total Cumulative number of coins inserted in left and right entries.
(b) Cumulative number of coins discharged from coin hopper “O”
• Data (a) and (b) are not erased when “Data Clear” is initiated.
(c) Total number of coins inserted on right and left.
(d) Number of coins discharged from coin hopper “O”.
(e) Number of coins discharged from coin hopper “JP” and dispensed to pusher
(f) Number of coins discharged from coin hopper “JP” and supplied to jackpot
(g) Sum of (e) and (f)
(h) Payout rate calculated based on the data (c) and (d).
(i) Set payout rate
(j) Displays the next page (page 2)
data on this page except for (a) and (b). When the Enter switch is pressed,
the display prompts for input “YES” or “NO”)
NO (Data not cleared)
YES (Clears data)
Page 62
6-6-1-2 Security Data
1. Select “NEXT” from Data Display screen page 1 and press the Enter button.
The following screen is displayed.
NEXT (g)
Checker 2 (B)
Checker 1 (A)
Checker 4 (D)
Checker 3 (C)
Checkers 5, 6 (S)
Page 63
6-6-1-3 Error History
1. Select “NEXT” from Machine Data Display screen page 3 and press the
Enter button. The following screen is displayed. (This screen shows the last
ten errors. (error codes and messages)
NEXT (b)
(a) Error codes, error messages. (most recent shown at the top)
(see 7-3-3 page 108 for list of error indications)
(b) Displays the next page. (returns to first page of data display)
Page 64
6-6-2 Options
1. Select “OPTIONS” on the menu screen and press the Enter switch. The
following screen is displayed.
2. Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item
is displayed in red.
4. After the item has been selected, use the Select switch to change the
5. After the setting has been changed, press the Enter switch. The screen
returns to the item selection mode.
6. Select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch to return to the Menu screen.
Page 65
6-6-3 Game Options
1. Select “GAME OPTIONS” on the menu screen and press the Enter switch.
The following screen is displayed.
Page 66
6-6-4 I/O Test
1. Select “I/O” on the menu screen and press the Enter switch. The following
screen is displayed.
2. Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item
is displayed in red.
4. After the item has been selected, use the Select switch to change the
5. After the setting has been changed, press the Enter switch. The screen
returns to the item selection mode.
6. Select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch to return to the Menu screen.
(b) This test is for testing switches and sensors (see 6-6-5 page 76)
(d) For testing the Andon Assy operation (see 6-6-7 page 80)
Note: No selections can be made while “WAIT”, displayed in the upper left of the
screen, is showing. Wait until this indication has gone off.
Page 67
6-6-4-1 Sensor Test (Test page 1 of 8)
• Operations are not accepted while “WAIT!” is displayed in the upper left
corner of the screen.
This checks the Tilt switch and coin sensors for proper operation.
• Coins can be inserted when this screen is displayed.
1. Select “I/O TEST” on the menu screen and press the Enter switch. The
following screen is displayed.
NEXT (a)
2. Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item
is displayed in red.
4. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and
press the Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
Refer to 8-9-2 page 151 regarding locations of coin sensors (L1), (L2), (R1), (R2)
Refer to “MAIN COMPONENTS” page 35 regarding location of hopper (O) location
Page 68
6-6-4-2 Motor Test 1 (Test page 2 of 8)
This screen is used to test the Checker Assys and Coin Hoppers.
1 Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item is
displayed in red.
2. The selected test is executed while the Enter switch is held pressed
4. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and press the
Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
Checker 2 (B)
Checker 1 (A)
Checker 4 (D)
Checker 3 (C)
Checkers 5, 6 (S)
• Items (b), and (c) can be used to empty coins from the coin hoppers.
• The Pusher Motor operates while the Coin Hopper (L), (R) is activated.
• When the game stops operation due to a coin hopper error, do not operate the
coin hopper in the coin hopper test as this could cause damage to the coin
Page 69
6-6-4-3 Motor Test 2 (Test page 3 of 8)
This screen is used to test the Pusher Motor, Jackpot Motor, Coin Hopper (0) and
Coin Hopper (JP).
1 Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item
is displayed in red.
2. The selected test is executed while the Enter switch is held pressed
4. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and
press the Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
• When the game stops operation due to a coin hopper error, do not
operate the coin hopper in the coin hopper test as this could cause
damage to the coin hopper.
Page 70
6-6-4-4 Solenoid Test (Test page 4 of 8)
NEXT (a)
1 Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item is
displayed in red.
2. The selected test is executed while the Enter switch is held pressed
4. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and press
the Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
(b) Operates the Payout Solenoid. Displays the payout sensor ON/OFF status
(c) Operates the Separator Solenoid. Displays the Separator sensor ON/OFF status
(d) Operates the Lockout Solenoid (L)
Page 71
6-6-4-5 LED/Lamp Test (Test page 5 of 8)
NEXT (a)
1 Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item is
displayed in red.
2. The selected test is executed while the Enter switch is held pressed
4. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and press
the Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
Checker 2 (B)
Checker 1 (A)
Checker 4 (D)
Checker 3 (C)
Checkers 5, 6 (S)
Page 72
6-6-4-6 Andon Motor Test
• Operations are not accepted while “WAIT!” is displayed in the upper left
corner of the screen.
NEXT (a)
1. Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item
is displayed in red.
3. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and
press the Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
Note: Operations of the wheel sensors (1), (2), (3) and damper sensor cannot
be checked unless the Reel Assy is in contact with the R roller. Operate
the Arm Motor so that the Reel Assy contacts the R roller.
Page 73
6-6-4-7 Andon LED/Lamp Test
• Operations are not accepted while “WAIT!” is displayed in the upper left
corner of the screen.
NEXT (a)
1. Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item
is displayed in red.
3. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and
press the Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
Note: Operations of the wheel sensors (1), (2), (3) and damper sensor cannot
be checked unless the Reel Assy is in contact with the R roller. Operate
the Arm Motor so that the Reel Assy contacts the R roller.
Page 74
6-6-4-8 Communication Test (Andon Control PC Board communication Test)
1. After the test, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch to return to the I/O
Menu screen.
I/O TEST 8 /8
NEXT (a)
Page 75
6-6-5 Switch Test
1. Select “SWITCH TEST” on the menu screen and press the Enter switch.
The following screen is displayed.
3. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and
press the Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
Page 76
6-6-6 Field P/O Measurment Mode
• Operations are not accepted while “WAIT!” is displayed in the upper left
corner of the screen.
The percentage of coins dispensed to the player (discharged to the coin tray to
all coins inserted and coins discharged to the coin hopper (JP) is called the
“field payout rate”.
This mode is used to measure the field payout rate in a simplified manner.
1. Select “FIELD P/O TEST” on the menu screen and press the Enter switch.
The following screen is displayed.
2. Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item
is displayed in red.
4. After the test for the selected item has been completed, select “EXIT” and
press the Enter switch to return to the I/O Menu screen.
Page 77
It is recommended to measure the payout rate by using this mode following
installation or any changes to the playfield, or levelling of the machine.
The payout rate may change suddenly in a new machine due to wearing-in, caused
by coins, in the initial period of operation and the natural stacking of coins on the
playfield. To maximise income, it is very important that following the installation of
this game, the payout rate is checked regularly, and when necessary adjusted.
Even after the game has been operating for some time, it is advisable to regularly
check and adjust the payout rate as the following can all cause the payout rate to
Coin Factors Coin diameter, coin thickness, coin weight and coin
surface patterns.
5. Turn the Coin Hopper (JP) on. The Coin Hopper (JP) stops automatically
after it has discharged 1000 coins (approx 18 minutes)
6. Ensure that the coins are distributed evenly on the playfield so that the
measurement can be performed properly.
2. Turn the Payout Solenoid ON so coins that fall from the front edge are sent
to the coin tray.
3. Turn the Coin Hopper (JP) on. The Coin Hopper (JP) stops automatically
after it has discharged 1000 coins (approx18 minutes)
*If the Coin Hopper (JP) becomes empty before discharging 1000 coins, it
stops automatically to protect the hopper motor from damage. Add coins
and turn the hopper on again.
Page 78
4. Count the coins that have fallen onto the tray.
• Use the calculated field payout rate as a guideline only. The calculated rate
may differ from the actual value.
• The actual field payout rate varies according the players playing style.
Record the calculated measurements and compare them with the actual
payout rate for enhanced accuracy.
Page 79
6-6-7 Andon Measurement Mode
2. Operate the Select switch Up or Down to select an item. The selected item
is displayed in red.
3. Pressing the Enter switch changes the indication to “ON” and executes the
selected test..
4. Pressing the Enter swich again changes the indication to “OFF” and stops
the test.
5. After the test has been completed select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch
to return to the Menu screen.
(a) Turns the wheel rotation/stop operation ON/OFF. Displays the operation count.
(c) Clears the disc operation counts and stopping counts. When the Enter switch is
pressed, the display prompts for the input “YES” or “NO”.
NO (Data not cleared).
YES (Clears data).
Note: When WHEEL TEST is set to ON, the Andon Assy repeats wheel rotation/stop
operations 100 times and then automatically stops.
Page 80
6-6-8 Monitor Test
1. Select “MONITOR TEST” from the Test Menu Screen, then press the enter
button. The following screen is displayed.
2. Operate the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is
displayed in red.
4. To exit from the selected pattern screen, press the Enter switch.
5. To return to the MENU screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch.
Page 81
6-6-9 Sound Test
1. Select “SOUND TEST” from the Test Menu Screen, then press the enter
button. The following screen is displayed.
2. Operate the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is
displayed in red.
3. When item (a), (b), (c) or (d) is selected, and the Enter switch is pressed,
the value of the selected item changes to red. Operate the Select switch up
or down to change the value.
4. For item (e), each time the Enter switch is pressed, the digit changes.
Operate the Select switch up or down to set the value for the selected digit.
After the last digit value has been set, press the Enter switch to play the
music or sound associated with that number.
“000” is for a stereo test. When “000” is set and the Select switch pressed,
sound is produced first from the Left speaker, then the Right speaker and
then Both speakers. During this test “LEFT”, “RIGHT” or “CENTRE” is
displayed at the location (f) according to which speaker is operating.
5. When the selected adjustment has been made, press the Enter switch to
return to the item selection mode.
6. To return to the MENU screen, select “EXIT” and press the Enter switch.
Factory Setting
Item Description
(indicated in red)
(a) Game sound volume level 00 (minimum) to 128 (maximum) 80
(b) Attract mode volume level 00 (minimum) to 128 (maximum) 80
(c) Alarm sound volume level 00 (minimum) to 128 (maximum) 80
(d) Music Selection of music/sound effect 000 (no sound)
Page 82
6-6-10 Jackpot Supply
• Operations are not accepted while “WAIT!” is displayed in the upper left
corner of the screen.
1. Select “JACKPOT SUPPLY” from the Test Menu Screen, then press the
enter button. The following screen is displayed.
2. Operate the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is
displayed in red.
4. After coins have been supplied to the Jackpot unit, select “EXIT” and press
the Enter switch to return to the Menu Screen.
(b) Operates the Jackpot unit to discharge coins and empty the unit.
Clears the Hopper (JP) operation count. Pressing the Enter switch prompts
for the input “YES”/”NO”.
NO (Data not cleared).
YES (Clears data).
Note: When the Coin Hopper (JP) is set to ON, the Coin Hopper (JP) supplies
100 coins to the Jackpot unit and stops automatically.
Page 83
6-6-11 Others
1. Select “OTHERS” from the Test Menu Screen, then press the enter button.
The following screen is displayed.
2. Operate the Select switch up or down to select an item. The selected item is
displayed in red.
4. After coins have been supplied to the Jackpot unit, select “EXIT” and press
the Enter switch to return to the Menu Screen.
(d) Initializes the Back-Up memory. Pressing the Enter switch prompts for the
input “YES”/”NO”.
NO(Data not cleared).
YES (Clears data).
Note: When the Enter switch is pressed after “YES” has been selected, all
data including the income data, machine data, hardware data, error
history and settings are cleared and returned to factory default
settings. When the display returns to the game screen, coins will be
supplied to the Jackpot unit automatically.
Page 84
6-6-12 Error Display
A machine error has occured. Please call for a staff member. (a)
(c) Indicates that the error can be reset by switching the Test switch ON and
back OFF.
(d) When the Select switch is operated Down, one coin will be dispensed from
the coin hopper (JP).
(e) When the Enter switch is pressed, the alarm sound stops.
Page 85
6-6-12-2 Error Indication
LEFT IN : 1 (b)
RIGHT IN : 0 (c)
TOTAL : 1 (d)
(a) This message is displayed only when there are unprocessed coins.
(b) Displays the number of unprocessed coins entered in the left hand side.
(c) Displays the number of unprocessed coins entered in the right hand side.
(d) Displays the total number of unprocessed coins entered from both the left
and right hand sides.
Page 86
6-6-12-3 Indication of Jammed Coins at the Coin Outlet
If coins are jammed at the coin outlet during the game, the machine stops
operating and displays a coin jam warning indication.
When jammed coins are removed from the coin oultet within the countdown
period (10 seconds), the game automatically resumes normal play. If the jammed
coins are not removed within the countdown period, the display changes to an
error display screen.
Page 87
6-6-13 Automatic Coin Supply to Jackpot Unit after Initialization
When the Back-Up Memory has been initialized and the display returns to the
Game Screen, coins will automatically be supplied to the Jackpot Unit.
After 50 coins have been supplied to the Jackpot Unit, the Game Screen
Page 88
쮕 Einstellungen und Wartung des Gerätes dürfen nur von dafür qualifiziertem
Fachpersonal vorgenommen werden.
Vor Beginn aller Wartungsarbeiten (Fehlersuche, Reparaturen etc.) muß der
Netzstecker gezogen werden.
Page 89
Aanpassingen of onderhoud aan deze machine dient alleen uitgevoerd te
worden door bekwaam personeel.
Zorg ervoor dat de machine UITgeschakeld is voordat er enig
onderhoudswerk wordt verricht (troubleshooting, reparaties etc.)
Tätä laitetta saa säätää tai huoltaa vain siihen ammattipätevyyden omaava
Varmista, että laite on kytketty POIS PÄÄLTÄ ennen työn aloittamista.
Page 90
7-1 Regular Inspection
• Check that the following screws and bolts for tightness. If they are loose, tighten
them firmly.
• Mounting screws and bolts for the Upper Door and Gas-Cylinder Springs.
• Mounting nut for the Playfield Base.
Pusher motor
Pusher motor
Page 91
7-2 Cleaning
Do not use organic solvents such as thinners, petroleum spirits etc. as these
can damage the machine.
Coin slots
Coin Entries
Page 92
Payout Assy
Payout Assembly
Dust box
Dust Boxes
Page 93
7-2-1 Cleaning the Coin Selector
Do not use organic solvents such as thinners, petroleum spirits etc. as these
can damage the machine.
1. Remove the Coin Selector (R) Assy (See 8-9-1 page 150).
2. Remove 2off cap screw (M4x10) from the Selector Base (R) Side, and remove
the Coin Out (R).
3. Remove 3off cap screws (M4x10), and remove the Upper Plate (R)
Page 94
4. Wipe the coin passages in the Selector Base (R) and Upper Plate (R) with a dry
soft cloth. If they are excessively dirty, dampen a soft cloth with a neutral
detergent and wipe clean.
• Never apply grease or other lubricants to the coin passages as this will
cause a faster build-up of dirt and dust and possible coin jams.
Coin passage
Page 95
7-2-2 Cleaning the Coin Hoppers
Do not use organic solvents such as thinners, petroleum spirits etc. as these
can damage the machine.
Hopper head
5. Wipe clean with a dry soft cloth. If it is excessively dirty, dampen a soft cloth with
a neutral detergent and wipe clean.
Page 96
7-2-3 Removing Jammed Coins from the Coin Hoppers
Hopper head
3. Loosen 2off wing screws (M4x14), with flat and spring washers, and loosen the
Coin Presser Flat Spring.
Note: Depending on the type of coins used, the screws may be provided with
spacers. Removing these screws causes the spacers to fall, and
reinstallation of the spacers may be difficult in some cases. Take care not
to lose the spacers if the screws are removed.
Page 97
[When installed with Guide Plate Cover Plate]
3. Loosen 4off pozi head screws (M4x14), with flat and spring washers, and loosen
the Guide Plate Cover
Note: Depending on the type of coins used, the screws may be provided with
spacers. Removing these screws causes the spacers to fall, and
reinstallation of the spacers may be difficult in some cases. Take care not
to lose the spacers if the screws are removed.
Page 98
7-2-4 Removing Jammed Coins from the Escalators
Escalator Escalator
Note If there are coins in the escalators, they can fall from the bottom of the
escalator when the escalator is removed.
Page 99
7-2-5 Removing Jammed Coins Hopper Head
A Hopper Empty Error can be generated if coins are standing on their edges inside the
Hopper Head, as shown below. If this happens, Remove the coins from the Hopper
Head and lay the coins flat.
Page 100
7-2-6 Cleaning the Play Panel
Do not use organic solvents such as thinners, petroleum spirits etc. as these
can damage the machine.
2. Remove 1off pozi head screw (M4x8) and remove the Coin Dispensing Chute.
3. Remove 9off poxi head screws (M4x15) and remove the Front Acrylic.
Front side
Front Acrylic
Play Panel
Pozi head screw (M4 x 15) x 3
Front Acrylic
4. Wipe the Play Panel and Front Acrylic with a dry soft cloth. If they are excessively
dirty, dampen a cloth with neutral detergent and wipe clean. Then, scrub gently
with a slightly wet cloth, and wipe thoroughly with a dry soft cloth.
Page 101
7-2-7 Removing Jammed Coins from the Play Panel
2. Insert the Coin Ejection Pin into the hole on the Front Acrylic that is closest to the
jammed coins, then gently pull the Front Acrylic forward to dislodge the coins.
Note: If the above method fails to dislodge the jammed coins, remove the Front
Acrylic to remove the coins. (see 7-2-6 page 101)
Jammed coins
Front Acrylic
Pull gently
Page 102
7-2-8 Cleaning the Andon Assy
Do not use organic solvents such as thinners, petroleum spirits etc. as these
can damage the machine.
3. Wipe the R Roller with a dry soft cloth. If it is excessively dirty, dampen a cloth
with neutral detergent and wipe clean. Then, scrub gently with a slightly wet cloth,
and wipe thoroughly with a dry soft cloth. If the R Roller has scratches or cracks,
replace it.
Reel Assy
R roller
Page 103
7-2-8-2 Cleaning the D Roller
Do not use organic solvents such as thinners, petroleum spirits etc. as these
can damage the machine.
3. Wipe the D Roller with a dry soft cloth. If it is excessively dirty, dampen a cloth
with neutral detergent and wipe clean. Then, scrub gently with a slightly wet cloth,
and wipe thoroughly with a dry soft cloth.
D roller
Reel Assy
Page 104
7-2-8-3 Cleaning the CW Roulette Acrylic Board
Do not use organic solvents such as thinners, petroleum spirits etc. as these
can damage the machine.
3. Wipe the D Roller with a dry soft cloth. If it is excessively dirty, dampen a cloth
with neutral detergent and wipe clean. Then, scrub gently with a slightly wet cloth,
and wipe thoroughly with a dry soft cloth.
Reel Assy
Page 105
7-3 Error Processing
A machine error has occured. Please call for a staff member. (a)
(c) Indicates that the error can be reset by switching the Test switch ON and
back OFF.
(d) When the Select switch is operated Down, one coin will be dispensed from
the coin hopper (JP).
(e) When the Enter switch is pressed, the alarm sound stops.
Page 106
7-3-2 Indication of Unprocessed coins
When an error is generated, the coin inserted at the time of error generation is
normally returned to the coins returned cup. However, if coins are inserted
continously or a problem occurs in the coin hopper (L), (R), the inserted cioins
may not be returned. When there are unprocessed coins, the number of
unprocessed coins is indicated on the ERROR screen.
LEFT IN : 1 (b)
RIGHT IN : 0 (c)
TOTAL : 1 (d)
(a) This message is displayed only when there are unprocessed coins.
(b) Displays the number of unprocessed coins entered in the left hand side.
(c) Displays the number of unprocessed coins entered in the right hand side.
(d) Displays the total number of unprocessed coins entered from both the left
and right hand sides.
Page 107
7-3-3 Error Codes
Cabinet Assy
Error Message Description of Error Possible Cause Action
This error is generated Malfunction of coin Replace the coin
when the hopper (JP) hopper (JP) hopper (JP)
1-1 sensor reacts while the
RUNAWAY Malfunction of main Replace main PC
coin hopper (JP) is not
operating PC Board Board
Page 108
Error Message Description of Error Possible Cause Action
This error is generated Malfunction of coin Replace the coin hopper
when the hopper (R) hopper (R) (R)
1-21 sensor reacts while the
RUNAWAY Malfunction of Replace main PC Board
coin hopper (R) is not
operating main PC Board
Page 109
Error Message Description of Error Possible Cause Action
This error is generated Dir ty coin sensor (R2) Clean the coin
COIN when the coin passing Malfunction of coin passage.
2-21 SENSOR (R) time of the coin sensors sensor (R2) Replace the coin
TIMEOUT (R1) and (R2) is longer sensors
than specified
This error is generated Jammed coins on top of Remove jammed
when a coin or other coin sensor (R1) coins and clean the
2-22 SENSOR (R1)
item is blocking the coin coin passage
sensor (R1)
This error is generated Jammed coins on top of Remove jammed
when a coin or other coin sensor (R2) coins and clean the
2-23 SENSOR (R2)
item is blocking the coin coin passage
sensor (R2)
This error is generated Jammed coins in Coin Remove jammed
when a coin passes Selector (R) Assy coins and clean the
through the coin sensor coin passage
COIN (R2) without passing
Reverse flow of coin. In the case of reverse
2-26 SENSOR (R2) through coin sensor Inser tion of non flow of coin or the
conforming coin inser tion of non
conforming coin, set
the Test switch ON
and then OFF
BACKUP Data in the backup Malfunction of main PC Contact your
MEMORY memor y is damaged Board distributor
Faulty communication Faulty contact in Check the connection
with the LCD PC Board communication harness of the LCD PC Board
LCD between main PC Board
3-2 COMMUNICA- and LCD PC Board
Faulty main PC Board Contact your
or LCD PC Board distributor
Faulty communication Faulty contact in Check the connection
with the Andon Control communication harness of the Andon Control
PC Board between Main PC Board PC Board
ANDON and Andon Control PC
3-3 COMMUNICA- Board
Faulty Main PC Board Contact your
or Andon Control PC distributor
the cabinet was tilted or Tilt detected due to Set the Test switch
3-5 TILT
shaken external vibration ON then OFF
JP Tilt detected during Set the Test switch
3-6 INTERRUPTI- analog lotter y due to ON then OFF
ON ERROR external vibration
Page 110
Error Message Description of Error Possible Cause Action
This error is generated Jammed coins in the If there are jammed
when there is an checker unit (1) coins, remove them. If
obstruction between the Dir ty checker sensor the checker sensor is
5-1 checker sensor and Malfunction of the dir ty, clean it. If the
prism or when there is a checker sensor checker sensor is
malfunction malfunctioning,
replace the sensor
This error is generated Jammed coins in the If there are jammed
when there is an checker unit (2) coins, remove them. If
obstruction between the Dir ty checker sensor the checker sensor is
5-2 checker sensor and Malfunction of the dir ty, clean it. If the
prism or when there is a checker sensor checker sensor is
malfunction malfunctioning,
replace the sensor
This error is generated Jammed coins in the If there are jammed
when there is an checker unit (3) coins, remove them. If
obstruction between the Dir ty checker sensor the checker sensor is
5-3 checker sensor and Malfunction of the dir ty, clean it. If the
prism or when there is a checker sensor checker sensor is
malfunction malfunctioning,
replace the sensor
This error is generated Jammed coins in the If there are jammed
when there is an checker unit (4) coins, remove them. If
obstruction between the Dir ty checker sensor the checker sensor is
5-4 checker sensor and Malfunction of the dir ty, clean it. If the
prism or when there is a checker sensor checker sensor is
malfunction malfunctioning,
replace the sensor
This error is generated Jammed coins in the If there are jammed
when there is an checker unit (5) coins, remove them. If
obstruction between the Dir ty checker sensor the checker sensor is
5-5 checker sensor and Malfunction of the dir ty, clean it. If the
prism or when there is a checker sensor checker sensor is
malfunction malfunctioning,
replace the sensor
This error is generated Jammed coins in the If there are jammed
when there is an checker unit (6) coins, remove them. If
obstruction between the Dir ty checker sensor the checker sensor is
5-6 checker sensor and Malfunction of the dir ty, clean it. If the
prism or when there is a checker sensor checker sensor is
malfunction malfunctioning,
replace the sensor
Page 111
Error Message Description of Error Possible Cause Action
This error is generated Faulty pusher motor If there is any foreign
when the pusher sensor Malfunction of pusher item stuck in the
does not detect the sensor pusher unit, remove it.
passing of the pusher Disconnected pusher If the pusher sensor
crank for a cer tain sensor connector connector is
period of time disconnected,
reconnect it. If the
pusher flanged
bushings are worn,
replace them.
This error is generated Faulty jackpot motor An abnormality may
when the JP unit sensor Malfunction of JP unit be generated during
JP UNIT (D) does not change sensor (D) the JP dispense
SENSOR (D) during the operation of standby. Check the
the jackpot motor operation in the Test
This error is generated Faulty separator If the separator
when the separator solenoid solonoid connector is
sensor is OFF during Malfunction of separator disconnectd,
5-12 the operation of the sensor reconnect it. If the
seperator solenoid Disconnected separator separator sensor is
sensor connector malfunctioning,
replace it.
PAYOUT This error is generated Faulty payout solenoid If the payout solenoid
DIVIDER when the payout sensor Malfunction of payout connector is
SENSOR is OFF during the sensor disconnected,
operation of the payout Disconnected payout reconnect the
solenoid sensor connector connector. If the
payout sensor is
replace it
This error is generaqted Jammed coins on the Remove the jammed
when a coin or other coin tray coins
item is blocking the
hopper (O) jam sensor
Checker 2 (B)
Checker 1 (A)
Checker 4 (D)
Checker 3 (C)
Checkers 5, 6 (S)
Page 112
Andon Assy
Error Message Description of Error Possible Cause Action
This error is generated Malfunction of damper Replace the damper
when the damper sensor sensor
sensor does not change
during the wheel
6-1 rotation or when it does
not change even if retr y
processing is executed
while the wheel is non
This error is generated Faulty arm motor If the arm motor
when the arm sensor Malfunction of arm connector is
(U) does not change sensor (U) disconnected,
6-2 during the operation of reconnect it. If the
the arm motor arm sensor (U) is
replace it.
This error is generated Faulty arm motor If the arm motor
when the arm sensor Malfunction of arm connector is
(D) does not change sensor (D) disconnected,
6-3 during the operation of reconnect it. If the
the arm motor arm sensor (D) is
replace it.
This error is generated Faulty wheel motor If the wheel motor
when the wheel sensor Malfunction of wheel connector is
WHEEL does not change during sensor disconnected,
6-4 MOTOR the operation of the reconnect it. If the
SENSOR wheel motor wheel sensor is
replace it.
This error is generated Malfunction of the wheel Replace the wheel
when the wheel sensor sensor (1) sensor (1)
6-5 (1) does not change
during the operation of
the wheel motor
This error is generated Malfunction of the wheel Replace the wheel
when the wheel sensor sensor (2) sensor (2)
6-6 (1) does not change
during the operation of
the wheel motor
This error is generated Malfunction of the wheel Replace the wheel
when the wheel sensor sensor (3) sensor (3)
6-7 (3) does not change
during the operation of
the wheel motor
Page 113
7-3-4 Resetting Errors
When the LCD screen displays an error message, reset the error by following the
procedures described below.
After the error has been reset, the game usually returns to the condition immediately
before the error occured.
When the machine is reset from a BACKUP MEMORY error, all data including the
income data, security data, machine data, error history and settings are cleared and
returned to factory defaults.
1. Check the error indication to find out the cause of the problem
4. Reset the error by turning the Test switch located inside the Upper Front Door ON
and then OFF
Test sw
Enter sw
Page 114
7-4 Troubleshooting
• To protect the service staff and other people from possible electric shock,
accident or injury, and to prevent damage to the electrical circuitry of the
machine, always turn the power OFF before initiating the described task.
• If the problem does not apply to any symptom listed below, or if the action
taken does not rectify the problem, contact your distributor.
• In the event of a problem, ensure that all connectors are securely connected.
• PC boards can easily be damaged by static electricity. If a person charged with
static electricity handles a PC board, electronic parts on the PC board can be
Before handling a PC board, touch an earthed metal surface to release
electrostatic charge from your body.
• For repair of PC boards, contact your distributor. Never use a tester for a
continuity test. Internal voltages of a tester can damage ICs.
• When sending parts for repair, pack components carefully. When sending PC
boards, wrap them in sponge or bubble wrap, and pack in a corrugated
cardboard box to protect against external impact.
Page 115
7-4-1 General
The machine fails to The power plug is disconnected from Inser t the power plug firmly into the
star t when the power the power outlet. power outlet
switch is turned on
The machine The supply voltage is outside the Measure the supply voltage, and
operation is unstable, correct value of 230vAC ensure that the specified voltage is
or the machine supplied
The coin hoppers do There are foreign items in the coin Remove the coin hoppers and
not operate hoppers remove any foreign items from the
The coin hoppers are defective Replace the coin hoppers
The coin hoppers There are not enough coins in the Add coins
operate, but do not coin hoppers
dispense coins
There are jammed coins Remove the coin hopper and
remove the jammed coins
The coin hoppers are not installed in Reinstal the hoppers correctly
the proper position
The coin hoppers do The coin hoppers are defective Replace coin hoppers
not stop operation
(See Note 1) The main PC Board is defective Replace the main PC Board
The fluorescent The fluorescent lamps are burnt out Replace the fluorescent lamps
lamps do not light
The star ters are defective Replace the star ters
The tilt device is The tilt sensitivity is out of Adjust the tilt sensitivity
activated frequently adjustment
The level adjusters are not properly Adjust the level adjusters
There is no sound The sound volume is set too low Adjust the sound volume
from the speakers
The LCD PC Board is defective Replace the LCD PC Board
Page 116
7-4-4 Playfield Assy
The pusher table There is a foreign item in the pusher Remove the foreign item
does not operate table operating range
The pusher motor is defective Replace the pusher motor
The pusher table The pusher shafts needs grease Apply grease
The flanged bushings are worn Replace the flange bushings
The LCD unit does The LCD unit is defective Replace the LCD unit
not display images
The LCD PC Board is defective Replace the LCD PC Board
The checker units do The LED PC Board is defective Replace the LED PC Board
not light
The Main PC Board is defective Replace the Main PC Board
The checker units do The checker sensors are defective Replace the checker sensors
not react to passing
coins The Sensor PC Boards are defective Replace the Sensor PC Boards
Coins that fall onto The payout solenoid is defective Replace the payout solenoid
the Payout Assy
(coin dispensing
The coin hopper (O) is defective Replace the coin hopper (O)
outlet) during the
game do not drop
onto the coin tray The Main PC Board is defective Replace the Main PC Board
(coin outlet)
Inser ted coins are A foreign item is stuck in the coin Remove the foreign item
not sent to the coin passage
Page 117
7-4-8 Coin Selector (L), (R) Assys
Coins inser ted from The coin sensors are dir ty Clean the coin sensors
the coin entries are
not sent onto the The coin sensors are defective Replace the coin sensors
Coins jammed inside The coin passage is dir ty Clean the coin passage
the coin entries
Coins cannot be The lock-out solenoid is defective Replace the lock-out solenoid
inser ted into the coin
entries A foreign item is stuck in the coin Remove the foreign item
entr y
The fluorescent The fluorescent lamps are burnt out Replace fluorescent lamps
lamps do not light
the inver ter circuit board is defective Replace the inver ter circuit board
The WIN lamps are burnt out Replace the WIN lamps
The arrows lamps do The lamps are burnt out Replace the lamps
not light
The Andon Control PC Board is Replace the Andon PC Board
The step-up lamps The lamps are burnt out Replace the lamps
do not light
The Lamp PC Board is defective Replace the Lamp PC Board
The roulette grids The wheel sensors (1), (2), (3) are Replace the defective wheel sensor
and indications do defective
not align
The S lever remains The damper sensor is defective Replace the damper sensor
in lowered condition
for continuous non-
operating condition
The roller does not The wheel motor is defective Replace the wheel motor
The Stepping PC Board is defective Replace the Stepping PC Board
The roller does not The arm motor is defective Replace the arm motor
separate from the
roulette or remains in The arm sensors (U), (D) are Replace the defective sensor
a seperated position defective
Page 118
Fluorescent lamp
Fluorescent lamp
Page 119
8-2 Replacing the Halogen Lamps
The halogen lamp remains very hot even after the power has been
switched OFF. To prevent burns, ensure sufficient time for the lamp to
cool before touching the lamp.
Halogen lamp
Page 120
8-3 Replacing the Corner LED PC Board
PC Boards can easily be damaged by static electricity. ~If a person charged with
static electricity handles a PC Board, electronic parts on the PC Board can be
Before handling a PC Board, touch an earthed metal surface to release
electrostatic charge from your body.
The following describes the procedure to remove the corner LED PC Board from the
right hand side
3. Disconnect the 2way connector from the lower rear side of the Corner LED PC
Board. Remove 2off flange socket screws (M4x8) and 2off socket flange screws
(M4x25), and remove the Corner LED assy.
Cabinet Assy
Cabinet Assy
2-pin connector
Page 121
4. Remove 2off whizz nuts (M4), and remove the LED Cover attached with the
Corner LED PC Board.
2-pin connector
LED cover
5. Disengage the two locking supports using long-nosed pliers, remove the Corner
LED PC Board, disconnect the 2way connector from the board, and replace the
Corner LED PC Board.
Locking support
LED cover
Locking support
Locking support
PC board PC board
Click! Long-nosed
< Installation > < Removal >
Page 122
8-4 Replacing the Jackpot Lamp
3. Remove 2off pozi head screws (M4x8), and remove the lamp cover.
Lamp cover
Panel Assy
Jackpot lamps
Page 123
8-5 Control Board Assy
PC Boards can easily be damaged by static electricity. ~If a person charged with
static electricity handles a PC Board, electronic parts on the PC Board can be
Before handling a PC Board, touch an earthed metal surface to release
electrostatic charge from your body.
3. Disconnect 1off 64way connector, 2off 8way connectors and 2off 6way
connectors, remove 6off phillips head screws (M3x6), with flat and spring
washers, and remove the Main PC Board Assy.
Page 124
8-5-2 Replacing the LCD PC Board
PC Boards can easily be damaged by static electricity. ~If a person charged with
static electricity handles a PC Board, electronic parts on the PC Board can be
Before handling a PC Board, touch an earthed metal surface to release
electrostatic charge from your body.
Page 125
8-5-3 Replacing the AC Switch PC Board
PC Boards can easily be damaged by static electricity. ~If a person charged with
static electricity handles a PC Board, electronic parts on the PC Board can be
Before handling a PC Board, touch an earthed metal surface to release
electrostatic charge from your body.
3. Disconnect the 9way connector and 5way connector, remove 4off phillips screws
(M3x6), with flat and spring washers, and remove the AC Switch PC Board
5-pin connector
9-pin connector
Page 126
8-5-4 Replacing the Switchmode Regulators
PC Boards can easily be damaged by static electricity. ~If a person charged with
static electricity handles a PC Board, electronic parts on the PC Board can be
Before handling a PC Board, touch an earthed metal surface to release
electrostatic charge from your body.
Regulator 1
3. Disconnect the 5way and 4way connectors, remove 4off phillips head screws
(M3x6), with flat and spring washers, and remove the regulator (REG 1).
Regulator 2 and 3
3. Disconnect the 7way, 6way and 5way connectors, remove 4off philips head
screws (M3x6), with flat and spring washers, and remove the regulator (REG2
or REG3)
Page 127
8-6 Playfield Assy
Note: Before replacing the Pusher Motor, remove all coins from the playfield
3. Remove the 4off cap screws (M4x8) and disconnect the 2way connector.
Remove the Pusher Motor together with the Pusher Motor Bracket by sliding
them to the side.
2-pin connector
4. Disconnect the 3way connector, remove 1off cap screw (M4x12), and
remove the capacitor.
3-pin connector
Page 128
5. Loosen the 2off double point screws (M4x8), and remove the pusher crank.
6. Remove 4off phillips screws (M4x12), and replace the Pusher Motor.
Page 129
8-6-2 Replacing the Pusher Sensor
Note: Before replacing the Pusher Motor, remove all coins from the playfield
3. Remove 1off cap screw (M4x12), disconnect the 3way connector and
remove the Pusher Sensor.
3-pin connector
Pusher sensor
4. Disconnect the 3way connector, remove 1off cap screw (M4x12), and
remove the capacitor.
Page 130
8-6-3 Replacing the Flanged Bushings
3. Remove 1off wing screw (M4x8) and swing the Control Board Assy to the
Cabinet Assy
Page 131
4. Loosen the 4off wing screws (M4x15), turn the two head stoppers L, R (two
each) and remove the coin hopper (L), (R) escalator.
Note: Be sure to support the escalator with your hand in this step to
prevent the escalator from falling. Also, prepare a container to
receive the coins in the escalator.
5. Remove 2off whizz nuts (M4), and remove the coin guide.
Coin guide
Whizz nut
(M4) x 2
Panel Assy
Page 132
6. Disconnect the 2way, 6way, 9way and 18way connectors from the Panel
2-pin connector
2-pin connector
18-pin connector
9-pin connector
6-pin connector
8. Remove 1off phillips screw (M4x8), and remove the coin dispensing chute.
Phillips screw
(M4 x 8)
9. Remove 2off phillips screws (M4x8), and remove the side pillar L, R
Panel Assy
Phillips screw
(M4 x 8) x 2
Side pillar R
(side pillar L located
on the opposite side)
Page 133
10 Remove 4off phillips screws (M4x15), and remove the Panel Assy by pulling
the lower edge.
Phillips screw
(M4 x 15) x 2
(there are also two
screws on the left side)
Panel Assy
11. Remove 2off cap screws (M5x10), and remove the pusher table pusher
guide bracket.
12. Pull out the pusher guide bracket from the pusher table.
13. Remove 2off countersunk washer nuts (M4), disengage the bearing
supports and replace the flange bushings.
for tion
A r p lic a
g re
fo r tio n
washer nut
g re
washer nut (M4)
Pusher table
Pusher guide bracket Bearing support
Pusher table
washer nut (M4) Flanged bushing
Page 134
14. Reassemble in reverse order.
Panel Assy
FS side plate L
Stage side cover (R)
Stage side cover (L)
Phillips screw
Pusher table (M4 x 8) x 3
Phillips screw
1mm (M4 x 8) x 3 1mm
1. Remove 3off phillips screws (M4x8), and remove the FS side plates (L), (R).
2. Adjust the gap to 1mm by using the elongated screw holes in the stage side
covers (L), (R).
Page 135
8-6-4 Replacing the Sensor PC Board
4. Remove 2off cap screw (M3x6), disconnect the 5way, 3way, 2way
connectors, and remove the Sensor PC Board.
5-pin connector
Sensor PC Board
3-pin connector
2-pin connector
Page 136
8-6-5 Replacing the Checker Unit
4. From each checker unit, remove the two countersunk washer nuts (M4),
disconnect the 5way connector, and remove the checker unit
5-pin connector
Checker unit
Page 137
8-6-6 Replacing the Checker Sensors
3. Remove the checker cover, disconnect the 3way connector, and remove the
checker sensor by squeezing the claw section, and remove the sensor.
Checker sheet
Checker base
Checker sensor
Checker cover
Page 138
8-6-7 Replacing the LED PC Boards
PC Boards can easily be damaged by static electricity. ~If a person charged with
static electricity handles a PC Board, electronic parts on the PC Board can be
Before handling a PC Board, touch an earthed metal surface to release
electrostatic charge from your body.
3. Detach the checker cover, remove 1off cap screw (M3x6), disconnect the
2way connector and remove the LED PC Board.
2-pin connector
LED PC Board
• When replacing the LED PC Boards, do not lose the checker sensor
prisms and be sure to install them during reassembly.
Page 139
8-6-8 Replacing the Wiper Motor
Do not turn the Wiper Motor by hand. Doing so can damage the internal gears.
5. Remove the 4off whizz nuts (M4) and remove the wiper motor bracket.
When the wiper motor bracket is removed, the wiper falls to the front. Do
not lose the wiper.
2-pin connector
Cord clip
The illustration shows the left hand motor viewed from the back of the machine
Page 140
6. Loosen the double point screw (M4x8), remove 20ff cap screws (M3x8), and
remove the wiper motor.
Wiper motor
Double-point screw
Wiper (M4 x 8)
Page 141
8-6-9 Replacing the LCD Unit
4. Remove 4off whizz nuts (M3), disconnect the 6way connector, and remove
the LCD Unit.
6-pin connector
Page 142
8-6-10 Replacing the Jackpot Motor
4. Remove the 2off double point screws (M4x8), and remove the link B.
5. Disconnect the 2way connector, remove the 2off cap screws (M4x8), and
remove the Jackpot Motor.
Ensure that the Jackpot Motor is supported by your hand.
6. Reassemble in reverse order.
2-pin connector
Cap screw
(M4 x 8) x 2
Link B
Page 143
8-6-11 Replacing the Jackpot Unit Sensor (U)
3. Disconnect the 3way connector, remove 2off cap screws (M3x6), and
remove the sensor bracket A together with the sensor.
Ensure that the Jackpot Motor Bracket is supported by your hand.
Cap screw
(M3 x 6) x 2 JP unit sensor (U)
Sensor bracket A
3-pin connector
JP motor bracket
4. Remove 1off phillips head screw (M3x12) and remove the JP Unit Sensor
Sensor bracket A
Page 144
8-6-12 Replacing the Jackpot Unit Sensor (D)
3. Disconnect the 3way connector, remove 1off phillips head screw M3x12),
with flat and spring washer, and remove the JP Unit Sensor (D).
3-pin connector
JP unit sensor (D)
Panel Assy
Page 145
8-7 Payout Assy
Solenoid shaft
Bracket (2)
Payout solenoid
Cap screw
(M4 x 6) x 2
Payout Assy
2-pin connector
4. Disconnect the 2way connector, remove 2off cap screws (M4x6), and
remove the Payout Solenoid.
5. Install the new Payout Solenoid with the 2off cap screws (M4x6) loose.
Payout solenoid
Cap screw
(M4 x 6) x 2
(Tighten these
screws temporarily.)
7. With the plunger pressed fully down, raise the payout solenoid until it makes
contact with the bottom of the plunger. Tighten the 2off cap screws (M4x6)
with the payout solenoid in that position.
Press down
Payout solenoid
Cap screw
(M4 x 6) x 2
Page 146
8-7-2 Replacing the Payout Sensor
3. Disconnect the 3way connector, remove 2off cap screws (M4x6), and
remove the bracket (2) together with the Payout Sensor.
Cap screw
(M4 x 6) x 2
3-pin connector
Bracket (2)
Payout solenoid
4. Remove 1off cap screw (M4x12), and remove the Payout Sensor.
Payout sensor
Bracket (2)
Cap screw
(M4 x 12) x 1
Page 147
8-8 Armrest Assy
2. Unlock and open the Under Panel, and remove the Under Panel by sliding it
3. Remove 3off button head screws (M5x8) on each side and remove the
Under Panel 2 and Under Panel 3.
Under-panel 2
screw (M5 x 8) x 3
1 2
screw (M5 x 8) x 3
Under-panel 3
4. Remove 6off whizz nuts (M4), and remove the Armrests (L), (R).
Armrest (L)
Armrest (R)
Page 148
8-8-2 Replacing the Multi Button and Wedge Lamp
4-pin connector
Illumination switch
Illumination switch
Wedge lamp
(28V, 3W)
Page 149
8-9 Coin Selector (L), (R) Assys
The following describes the procedure for removing and reassembling the Coin
Selector (R) Assy. Follow the same procedures for the removal and reassembly
of the Coin Selector (L) Assy.
2. Unlock and open the Under Panel, and remove the Under Panel by sliding it
3. Remove 2off cap screw (M4x8), disconnect the 8way connector and remove
the Coin Selector (R) Assy.
8-pin connector
Cap screw
(M4 x 8) x 2
Note: When reassembling, ensure that the harness near the connector
does not block the coin passage or contact the inside of the Coin
Divider (L), (R) Assy.
Page 150
8-9-2 Replacing the Coin Sensors
The following describes the procedure for removing and reassembling the Coin
Sensor (R) Assy. Follow the same procedures for the removal and reassembly of
the Coin Sensor (L) Assy.
3. Remove 2off cap screws (M4x12), disconnect the 3way connector (red and
white), and remove the twin sensor holder.
Note: The Coin Sensor Connectors are colour coded in red and white.
When reassembling, connect the red connector to the coin slot side,
and the white connector to the coin outlet side.
Cap screw
(M4 x 12) x 2
4. Remove 2off cap screws (M4x10), and remove the Coin Sensors.
Coin sensor R1
(Coin sensor L1)
Cap screws
(M4 x 10)
Coin sensor R2
(Coin sensor L2)
Page 151
8-9-3 Replacing the Coin Lockout Solenoid
The following describes the procedure for removing and reassembling the Coin
Lockout Solenoid (R) Assy. Follow the same procedures for the removal and
reassembly of the Coin Lockout Solenoid (L) Assy.
3-pin connector
5. Remove 2off cap screws (M3x6), and remove the lockout solenoid.
Spring pin A (2 x 10)
Lock-out solenoid
Cap screw
(M3 x 6) x 2
Page 152
8-10 Removing the Coin divider (L), (R) Assys
The following describes the procedure for removing and reassembling the Coin
Divider (R) Assy. Follow the same procedures for the removal and reassembly of
the Coin Divider (L) Assy.
3. Remove 3off cap screws (M4x8), and remove the Coin Divider (R) Assy by
pulling it downwards.
9-pin connector
Cap screw
(M4 x 8) x 3
Page 153
8-11 Coin Hoppers
The Coin Hoppers (L), (R) discharge coins onto the playfield in an amount
equal to the number of coins inserted by the player. Consequently, the coin
hoppers of this machine operate more than in other coin games, thus
requiring the following periodic maintenance.
The Coin Hoppers can discharge approximately two million coins before
they require replacement.
At an ejection rate of about 5,000 coins per day, the hopper service life is
about one year.
Maintenance door
6-pin connector
12-pin connector
Hopper retainer 2
Page 154
3. Disconnect the 12way and 6way connectors, remove 4off wing screws
(M4x15), and separate the escalator section from the hopper section.
Escalator section
Wing screw
(M4 x 15) x 4
Hopper section
4. Loosen 1off wing screw (M4x15), remove the hopper retainer 2, and remove
the coin hopper (O).
During reassembly, ensure that the escalator mounting holes align with the
holes on the hopper side, and install securely the wing screws (M4x15). If
the screws are loose, coin jams can occur.
Page 155
8-11-2 Removing Coin Hopper (O) Escalator
4. Loosen 1off wing screw (M4x8), pull out the top section of the escalator, and
remove the coin hopper (O) escalator.
When removing the escalator ensure that the escalator is held to
prevent it falling. Since coins may fall from the escalator, have a
container ready to receive the coins.
Insert the top section of the escalator securely into the WIN case of the
cabinet Assy.
Page 156
8-11-3 Removing Coin Hopper (L), (R)
4. Disconnect the 9way and 3way connectors, remove 4off wing screws
(M4x15), and separate the escalator section from the hopper section.
Do not disconnect the 2way connector.
9-pin connector
Escalator section
Wing screw
(M4 x 15) x 4
Hopper section
Page 157
5. Loosen 1off wing screw (M4x15), remove the hopper retainer 2, and remove
the coin hopper (L)
During reassembly, ensure that the escalator mounting holes align with the
holes on the hopper side, and install securely the wing screws (M4x15). If
the screws are loose, coin jams can occur.
Page 158
8-11-4 Removing Coin Hopper (L), (R) Escalators
5. Loosen the 2off wing screws (M4x8), and remove the two head stoppers (L),
(R) (two each) by turning. Pull out the top section of the escal;ator from the
duct MTG L, R
When removing the escalator ensure that the escalator is held to
prevent it falling. Since coins may fall from the escalator, have a
container ready to receive the coins.
Duct MTG L
Page 159
8-11-5 Removing Coin Hopper (JP)
3. Disconnect the 12way and 8way connectors, remove 4off wing screws
(Mx15), and separate the escalator section from the hopper section.
8-pin connector
12-pin connector
Escalator section
Wing screw
(M4 x 15) x 4
Hopper section
4. Loosen the wing screw (M4x15), remove the hopper retainer 2, and remove
the hopper (JP)
During reassembly, ensure that the escalator mounting holes align with the
holes on the hopper side, and install securely the wing screws (M4x15). If
the screws are loose, coin jams can occur.
Page 160
8-11-6 Removing Coin Hopper (JP)) Escalator
5. Remove the 2off wing nuts (M4) that are holding the top section of the
escalator in place, and pull out the L-shape escalator carefully to prevent it
from hitting other parts.
When removing the escalator ensure that the escalator is held to
prevent it falling. Since coins may fall from the escalator, have a
container ready to receive the coins.
Page 161
8-12 Andon Assy
The lamps remain hot even after the power to the machine has been turned
OFF. To prevent burns, ensure sufficient time for the lamps to cool before
initiating these procedures.
2. Remove 4off phillips head screws (M4x15), and remove the CW Andon
panel A by lifting and pulling forward.
Andon Assy
CW Andon panel A
Upper acrylic
board 1 Collar 2 x 2
Page 162
3. Hold both ends of the Upper Acrylic Board 1 that is inserted in the upper main
box, and remove it by pulling horizontally forward and lifting vertically straight.
Take care not to lose the two collars installed in each screw hole (total 4 collars).
Andon Assy
4. Remove the Lamp (12v 10w) by turning it about 45° (to the left), and replace.
Lamp (12 V, 10 W) x 13
Lamp socket
Page 163
8-12-2 Replacing the Arrow Lamps
The lamps remain hot even after the power to the machine has been turned
OFF. To prevent burns, ensure sufficient time for the lamps to cool before
initiating these procedures.
3. Remove 2off phillips head screws (M4x8), and remove the CW Side Acrylic
Board (R).
W base
Page 164
8-12-3 Replacing the WIN Lamps
The lamps remain hot even after the power to the machine has been turned
OFF. To prevent burns, ensure sufficient time for the lamps to cool before
initiating these procedures.
3. Remove21off phillips head screw (M4x8) on each side (total 4 screws), and
remove the CW Side Acrylic Boards (L), (R).
4. Remove 1off phillips head screw (M4x8), with flat and spring washer, on
each side (total 2 screws), and remove the Ray Brackets (L), (R).
Page 165
5. Disconnect the 2way connector, remve the WIN lamps from the Rod
Holders, and remove the WIN Lamps
2-pin connector
WIN lamp
WIN lamp
Rod holders
2 pos. Connector
Page 166
8-12-4 Replacing the Fluorescent Lamp
The fluorescent lamp remain hot even after the power to the machine has
been turned OFF. To prevent burns, ensure sufficient time for the lamp to
cool before initiating these procedures.
3. Remove 4off phillips head screws (M3x12), with flat and spring washers,
and remove the Reel Assy taking care to avoid contacting the S Lever on
the Stopper Shaft Assy and the R Roller.
Reel Assy
4. Disconnect the plug from the lamp socket of the fluorescent lamp,
disengage the lower lamp holder by bending it forward and downwards, and
then remove the lamp from the other two lamp holders.
Fluorescent lamp
Lamp holder
Page 167
8-12-5 Replacing the Andon Control PC Board
2. Remove the 5off phillips pan head screws (M4x8), with flat washers, and
remove the backplate by turning slightly and lifting at an angle.
Upper backplate
Main unit
3. Disconnect the 16way, 8way, 2x6way, and 4way connectors, remove 6off
phillips pan head screws (M3x6), with flat and spring washers, and remove
the Andon Control PC Board.
Upper PC board
6-pin connector
Phillips pan-head
(with flat and spring washers)
4-pin connector (M3 x 6) x 3
Page 168
8-12-6 Replacing the Stepping PC Board
3. Disconnect the 8way, 6way and 2way connectors from the Stepping PC
Board, and remove the Stepping PC Board from the four circuit board
spacers by using long-nosed pliers.
2-pin connector
6-pin connector
Stepping PC board
Long-nosed pliers
PC board
PC board
Page 169
8-12-7 Replacing the Lamp PC Board
3. Disconnect the 20way,16way and 4way connectors, remove 4off phillips pan
head screws (M3x6), with flat and spring washers,. and remove the Lamp
PC Board.
20-pin connector
Box Assy
16-pin connector
Page 170
8-12-8 Replacing the Switchmode Regulator
3. Loosen the thumb screw (M4x8), and open the Andon Control PC Board
towards the right.
Andon Assy
Roller Assy
4. Disconnect the 4way and 3way connectors from the Swithmode Regulator
Assy, and remove the regulator assy from the two circuit board spacers by
using long-nosed pliers.
4-pin connector
Long-nosed pliers
PC board
PC board
3-pin connector
Page 171
8-12-9 Replacing the Wheel Sensors 1,2, 3
3. Disconnect the 3way connectors (white, red and black), remove 3off phillips
pan head screws (M3x6), and remove the Drum Sensor Assy.
4. Remove 3off phillips pan head screws (Mx12) (one each) and remove the
Page 172
8-12-10 Replacing the Damper Sensors
4. Disconnect the 3way connector, remove the phillips pan head screw
(M4x15), with flat and spring washers, and remove the Damper Sensor.
Phillips pan-head screw (with flat and spring washers) (M4 x 15)
3-pin connector
Damper sensor
Page 173
8-12-11 Replacing the Arm Sensors (U), (D)
4. Disconnect the 2off 3way connectors, remove the 2off phillips pan head
screws (M4x15) (one each), with flat and spring washers, and remove the
Arm Sensor (U) and Arm Sensor (D).
3-pin connector
Page 174
8-12-12 Replacing the Wheel Sensors
4. Disconnect the 3way connector, remove the phillips pan head screw
(M4x15), with flat and spring washers, and remove Wheel Sensor
Roller Assy
Base Assy
Page 175
8-12-13 Replacing the Arm Motor
4. Disconnect the 12way connector, remove the 4off phillips pan head screws
(M4x8), with flat and spring washers, and remove the Roller Assy
Arm motor
Base Assy
12-pin connector
Roller Assy
5. Loosen the double point screw (M3x4), and remove the R Cam.
Double-point screw
(M3 x 4)
(Only loosen this screw)
R cam
Page 176
7. Disconnect the 2way connector, remove 4off phillips pan head screws
(M3x6), with flat and spring washers, and remove the Arm Motor
Roller Assy
Phillips pan-head screw
(with flat and spring washers)
(M3 x 6) x 2
2-pin connector
Page 177
8-12-14 Replacing the Wheel Motor
5. Disconnect the 6way connector, remove 4off phillips pan head screws
(M4x8), with flat and spring washers, and remove the Wheel Motor Assy
from the Roller Drive Assy.
Wheel motor
6-pin connector
Page 178
6. Loosen the double point screw (M3x4), and remove the Spur Gear.
Wheel motor
Spur gear
7. Loosen the double point screw (M3x4), and remove the R Disc
R disc
Wheel motor
8. Remove 4off phillips pan head screws (M3x6), with flat and spring washers,
and remove the Wheel Motor.
Wheel motor
R bracket
Page 179
( on opposite side)
( on opposite side)
( mirror-image part)
Page 180
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Maintenance Door Assy 1 --------
2 Cord box 1 XCW-715-585
3 Sealing plate 1 XCW-715-586
4 Noise filter 1 10GEEG3E-R XCW-007-205
5 Circuit protector (breaker) 1 CP32EM/5D XCW-000-663
6 Switch bracket 1 XCW-715-587
7 Slide switch (Test switch) 1 SDS-103A-03# 13BJ XCW-000-312
8 Toggle switch (Select switch 1 M-2018 XCW-000-655
9 Bottom frame 1 XCW-715-520
10 Foot rest 1 XCW-715-521
11 Side plate L (UK) 1 XCW-716-902
12 Side plate R (UK) 1 XCW-716-903
13 Joint stay 2 XCW-715-524
14 Side plate 2 XCW-715-525
15 Light brcket L 1 XCW-715-526
16 Light bracket R 1 XCW-715-527
17 Transformer for halogen lamp 2 110/12v, 50w 67700047
18 Lamp bracket 2 XCW-716-915
19 Clasp 1 XCW-716-917
20 Light cover L2 1 XCW-715-531
21 Light cover R2 1 XCW-715-532
22 Top plate (UK) 1 XCW-716-910
23 Top bridge 1 XCW-715-534
24 Fluorescent lamp bracket 2 XCW-715-535
25 Key acceptor 1 XCW-716-916
26 Maintenance door frame 1 XCW-716-919
27 Coin chute (UK) 1 XCW-716-911
28 Coin guide (L) 1 XCW-715-539
29 Coin guide (R) 1 XCW-715-540
30 Side edge (R) 1 XCW-715-541
31 Fluorescent lamp 2 FL 15w - white XCW-002-327
32 Star ter 2 FG-1E XCW-002-089
33 Side edge (L) 1 XCW-715-544
34 Playfield base 1 XCW-715-545
35 Base reinforcement 1 XCW-715-546
37 WIN case 1 -XCW-715-547
Page 181
9-1 Cabinet Assy - 1
( on opposite side)
( on opposite side)
( mirror-image part)
Page 182
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
37 Damper bracket 2 XCW-715-548
38 Side bracket (L) 1 XCW-715-549
39 Side bracket (R) 1 XCW-715-550
40 Door stopper 1 XCW-715-551
41 Locking washer 2 XCW-715-552
42 Lock main piece 1 XCW-715-553
43 U-lock cam 1 XCW-715-554
44 U-lock arm 1 XCW-715-555
45 Shield 1 XCW-715-556
46 Back board (UK) 1 XCW-716-935
47 Punched bracket (UK) 2 XCW-716-936
48 Fluorescent lamp fixture 2 FCT-15AGL-TOG XCW-002-466
49 Back board hook 2 XCW-716-937
50 Lamp mounting plate 1 XCW-716-938
51 Lamp cover (UK) 1 XCW-716-912
52 Front edge B 1 XCW-715-563
53 Corner reinforcement L 1 XCW-715-564
54 Corner reinforcement R 1 XCW-715-565
55 W mhopper top 1 XCW-715-566
56 D hopper chute 2 XCW-715-567
57 Stage side cover L 1 XCW-715-568
58 Stage side cover R 1 XCW-715-569
59 Cabinet (UK) 1 XCW-716-914
60 Coin guide (uk) 1 XCW-716-913
61 Pushbutton switch (Enter switch) 1 SDAP-1-1R (red) XCW-000-334
62 Halogen lamp 2 12V35W M281 BAB 64000100
63 Halogen lamp socket 2 GU5.3 LAMPHOLDER WITH LEADS 64800016
64 Swivelling castor 2 SU-STC-75NM XCW-102-199
65 Stationar y castor 2 SU-SKC-75NM XCW-102-201
66 Gas-cylinder spring 2 No.094935 XCW-105-175
67 Adjusting foot 2 TN-257-1 XCW-102-239
68 Slide hinge 2 HT160 XCW-101-195
69 Cam lock 1 TL96-1 XCW-101-196
70 Warning sticker (high temperature) 2 XCW-461-544
71 Warning sticker (Maintenance B) 1 XCW-461-539
72 Side sticker AL 1 XCW-715-573
Page 183
9-1 Cabinet Assy - 2
View A
View B
Cabinet Assy
Page 184
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
73 Side sticker AR 1 XCW-715-574
74 Side sticker BL 1 XCW-715-575
75 Side sticker BR 1 XCW-715-576
76 Jackpot lamp 2 24v, 3w XCW-002-465
77 Weight 1 XCW-695-706
78 Tilt washer 1 XCW-715-591
79 Pendulum 1 XCW-695-705
80 Tilt base 1 XCW-715-593
82 Tilt bracket 1 XCW-715-594
83 Corner acr ylic board 2 XCW-715-600
84 LED cover 2 XCW-715-601
85 LED box 4 XCW-715-602
86 Corner frame 2 XCW-715-603
87 Side bracket 4 XCW-715-604
88 LED PC board (corner) 2 XCW-306-683
89 Fork position sticker 2 XCW-229-441
90 Coin box B 1 XCW-463-601
91 WIN guard 1 XCW-715-510
92 Coin dispensing guide 1 XCW-715-512
93 Side pillar L 1 XCW-715-516
94 Side pillar R 1 XCW-715-517
95 Hopper retainer 1 4 XCW-715-518
96 Hopper retainer 2 4 XCW-715-519
Coin hopper (O) 1 2p JAH-90DEL-710R-NA10, with escalator XCW-100-286
97 Coin hopper (O) 1 10p XCW-100-290
Coin hopper (O) Euro 20c XCW-100-294
Coin hopper (L) 1 2p JAH-90DEL-1110R-NA8, with escalator XCW-100-287
98 Coin hopper (L) 1 10p XCW-100-291
Coin hopper (L) Euro 20c XCW-100-295
Coin hopper (R) 1 2p JAH-90DEL-1110R-NA9, with escalator XCW-100-288
99 Coin hopper (R) 1 10p XCW-100-292
Coin hopper (R) Euro 20c XCW-100-296
Coin hopper (JP) 1 2p JAH-90DEL-1200R-NA7, with escalator XCW-100-289
100 Coin hopper (JP) 1 10p XCW-100-293
Coin hopper (JP) Euro 20c XCW-100-297
101 JP hopper retaining plate A 1 XCW-715-514
102 JP hopper retaining plate B 1 XCW-715-515
105 Duct base 1 XCW-715-691
106 Stopper 1 XCW-715-692
107 Jackpot lamp socket 2 WBS1010T XCW-002-468
Page 185
9-1 Cabinet Assy - 2
View A
View B
Cabinet Assy
Page 186
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
108 Ser vice sticker 1 XCW-716-922
109 Retaining bracket 1 XCW-715-513
110 Reinforcement fittin R 1 XCW-715-511
111 CW side plate (R) 1 XCW-716-903
112 CW side plate (L) 1 XCW-716-902
113 Reinforcement fitting L 1 XCW-715-559
114 CW pillar sticker (L, R) set 1 XCW-715-797
115 Panel holder 2 XCW-715-571
116 Hopper (O) jam sensor 1 For hopper (O) XCW-000-658
117 Seperator solenoid 1 XCW-004-645
Hopper (JP) sensor 1 1 Common for all hoppers (for escalator) XCW-000-506
Hopper (O) sensor 1
Hopper (L) sensor
Hopper (R) sensor
119 Hopper motor 1 For hopper (JP), (L), (R) XCW-005-399
120 Hoper motor 1 For hopper (O) XCW-005-400
Hopper (O) sensor 1 For hopper (O) distributor unit XCW-000-657
Seperator sensor
122 Distributor unit for the JP hopper 1 2p XCW-100-299
123 Distributor unit for the JP hopper 1 10p XCW-100-300
124 Distributor unit for the JP hopper 1 Euro 20c XCW-100-301
Page 187
9-1 Cabinet Assy - 3
Page 188
9-2 Maintenance Door
Page 189
9-3 Upper Door Assy
Page 190
9-4 Control Board Assy
Main PC
LCD PC Board
Page 191
9-5 Playfield Assy
Page 192
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Pusher table 1 XCW-715-670
2 Pusher crank 1 XCW-715-671
3 Pusher base 1 XCW-715-672
4 Pusher motor bracket 1 XCW-715-673
5 Par tition L 1 XCW-715-674
6 Par tition R 1 XCW-715-675
7 Par tition acr ylic board L 1 XCW-715-676
8 Par tition acr ylic board R 1 XCW-715-677
9 Pusher guide bracket 1 XCW-705-484
10 Pusher shaft 2 XCW-705-489
11 Pusher edge 1 XCW-705-491
12 Bearing suppor t 2 XCW-705-492
13 Scraper 2 XCW-705-498
14 Bearing 2 DR-22-H6W1 XCW-103-160
15 Bearing 1 DR-22-B3 XCW-103-026
16 Flanged bushing 4 80F-0805 XCW-104-014
17 Pusher motor 1 IM-F7A 10ZV907 XCW-005-397
18 Gear head 1 7RH1-DZ100 XCW-005-398
19 Nutplate L 1 XCW-705-533
20 Nut plate R 1 XCW-705-534
21 Photosensor 1 EE-SX4009-P1 XCW-000-652
Page 193
9-6 Panel Assy 1
LCD unit
Page 194
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Guide A 1 XCW-715-620
2 Guide B 1 XCW-715-621
3 Guide C 1 XCW-715-622
4 Guide D 2 XCW-715-623
5 Front Panel 1 XCW-715-624
6 Panel bracket L 1 XCW-715-625
7 Panel bracket R 1 XCW-715-626
8 Checker cover 2 1 XCW-715-627
9 Checker base 2 1 XCW-715-628
10 Collar for 5 coins 1 XCW-715-629
12 Panel spacer 3 XCW-715-631
13 Coin guide 1 XCW-715-632
14 Main panel base (UK) 1 XCW-716-923
16 Duct head gear MTG R 1 XCW-715-634
18 Duct stay R 1 XCW-715-636
19 Duct head MTG L 1 XCW-715-637
21 Dust stay L 1 XCW-715-639
22 Jackpot motor 1 TG-47C-VM-500-F046, 24V XCW-005-396
23 Wiper motor bracket 2 XCW-715-640
24 Wiper block 2 XCW-715-641
25 Wiper arm 2 XCW-715-642
26 Block 2 XCW-715-643
27 Rotar y plate 2 XCW-715-644
28 CW checker sheet, large (UK) 1 XCW-716-905
29 Jackpot sensor 2 EE-SX4009-P1 XCW-000-652
30 Checker sensor board 6 XCW-306-418
31 Wiper 2 XCW-715-646
32 Jackpot mounting plate 1 XCW-715-647
33 Coin case 1 XCW-715-648
34 Case bracket (A) 1 XCW-715-649
35 Case bracket (B) 1 XCW-715-650
36 Shaft 1 XCW-715-651
37 Fulcrum bracket 1 XCW-715-652
38 Checker sensor 6 EON05041-701 XCW-000-529
39 Link (A) 1 XCW-715-654
40 LED PC Board (checker) 6 XCW-306-413
Page 195
9-6 Panel Assy 2
Page 196
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
41 JP motor bracket 1 XCW-715-655
42 Sensor bracket (A) 1 XCW-715-656
43 Sensor detector plate 1 XCW-715-657
44 Sensor mounting plate 1 XCW-715-658
45 Coin box plate 1 XCW-715-659
46 Link (B) 1 XCW-715-660
47 Wipr t shaft L 1 XCW-715-661
48 Wiper shaft R 1 XCW-715-662
49 Dust stopper L 1 XCW-715-665
50 Dust stopper R 1 XCW-715-666
51 Head stopper L 2 XCW-715-667
52 Head stopper R 2 XCW-715-668
54 Checker cover 4 XCW-705-516
55 Checker base 4 XCW-705-517
56 Scraper holder 1 XCW-705-539
57 Checker filter 4 XCW-705-528
58 Scraper 2 XCW-705-498
59 "Congratulations" sticker 1 XCW-715-663
60 JP sticker 1 XCW-715-664
61 Wiper motor 2 D125J62-27 XCW-005-324
63 Resin washer 12 FWSJJ-D6-V3.5-T7 XCW-104-091
64 Spacer 4 SMKB4-5 XCW-101-202
65 Flanged bushing 2 80F-0805 XCW-104-014
66 Flanged bushing 4 80F-0603 XCW-104-005
67 Bearing 2 DR-22-B3 XCW-103-026
70 CW main panel 1 XCW-715-795
71 CW checker sheet, small (UK) 4 XCW-716-904
72 Panel stay 2 XCW-715-630
73 Wiper motor spacer 2 XCW-715-635
74 JP sheet 1 XCW-716-924
75 UK guide A 2 XCW-716-925
76 UK guide B 2 XCW-716-926
Page 197
9-7 Payout Assy
Page 198
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Pusher chute 1 XCW-715-680
2 Bracket 2 1 XCW-715-681
3 Coin IN (L) 1 XCW-715-682
4 Coin IN (R) 1 XCW-715-683
5 Shutter 1 XCW-715-684
6 Shutter boss 1 XCW-715-685
7 Shutter guide (3) 1 XCW-715-686
8 Solenoid bracket (A) 1 XCW-715-687
9 Solenoid bracket (B) 1 XCW-715-688
10 Coin IN jack 1 XCW-715-689
11 Pusher divider 1 XCW-715-690
12 Duct base 1 XCW-715-691
13 Stopper 1 XCW-715-692
14 Panel post 1 BSPO 3-30 XCW-104-092
15 Flanged bushing 2 80F-0605 XCW-225-100
16 Tension spring 1 AWU5-30 XCW-105-176
17 Payout solenoid 1 TDS-16B-423 XCW-004-644
18 Solenoid shaft 1 XCW-715-669
19 Photosensor 1 EE-SX4009-P1 XCW-000-652
Page 199
9-8 Armrest Assy
Page 200
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Tray acr ylic board AL 1 (Preinstalled to acr ylic suppor t 1) XCW-715-720
2 Tray acr ylic board AR 1 (Preinstalled to acr ylic suppor t 2) XCW-715-721
3 Tray acr ylic board BL 1 (Preinstalled to acr ylic suppor t 3) XCW-715-722
4 Tray acr ylic board BR 1 (Preinstalled to acr ylic suppor t 4) XCW-715-723
5 Under panel (UK) 1 XCW-716-929
6 Armrest base 1 XCW-715-715
7 Armrest L 1 XCW-715-716
8 Armrest R 1 XCW-715-717
9 Coin tray 1 XCW-715-718
10 Enter panel 2 XCW-715-719
15 Anta panel 2 1 XCW-715-724
16 Anta panal 3 1 XCW-715-725
17 WIN bracket 1 XCW-715-726
18 WIN box 1 XCW-715-727
19 Coin adjuster L 1 XCW-705-570
20 coin adjuster R 1 XCW-705-571
21 Button washer 2 XCW-705-572
22 C-701 cam lock 1 TL-96-1 XCW-101-196
23 Cam for C-701 cam lock 1 TL-96K-6 XCW-101-197
Page 201
9-9 Coin Selector (L), (R) Assys
( mirror-image part)
( mirror-image part)
( mirror-image part)
( mirror-image part)
( mirror-image part)
( mirror-image part)
Page 202
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Selector base (L) 1 XCW-715-730
2 Upper plate (L) 1 XCW-705-581
3 Adjuster plate (L) 1 XCW-715-731
4 Twin sensor holder 2 XCW-705-583
5 Coin ~OUT (L) 1 XCW-705-584
6 Lock-out base (L) 1 XCW-705-585
7 Lock-out pin (L) 1 XCW-705-586
8 Pin holder 2 XCW-705-587
9 Joint plate 2 XCW-705-588
10 Sping 2 XCW-105-145
11 Lock-out solenoid 2 TDS-06A-4025 XCW-004-627
12 Coin sensor 4 KI1300-AA07 XCW-000-601
13 Selector base (R) 1 XCW-715-732
14 Upper plate (R) 1 XCW-705-591
15 Adjuster plate (R) 1 XCW-715-733
16 Coin OUT (R) 1 XCW-705-593
17 Lock-out base (R) 1 XCW-705-594
18 Lock-out pin (R) 1 XCW-705-595
19 Selector base set (L) 1 2p set containing par ts No.1 and No. 3 XCW-716-940
20 Selector base set (R) 1 2p set containing par ts No.13 and No. 15 XCW-716-943
21 Selector base set (L) 1 10p set containing par ts No.1 and No. 3 XCW-716-941
22 Selector base set (R) 1 10p set containing par ts No.13 and No. 15 XCW-716-944
23 Selector base set (L) 1 Euro 20c set containing par ts No.1 and No. 3 XCW-716-942
24 Selector base set (R) 1 Euro 20c set containing par ts No.13 and No.15 XCW-716-945
Selector Assy (L) 1 2p XCW-716-946
Selector Assy (R) 1 2p XCW-716-949
Selector Assy (L) 1 10p XCW-716-947
Selector Assy (R) 1 10p XCW-716-950
Selector Assy (L) 1 Euro 20c XCW-716-948
Selector Assy (R) 1 Euro 20c XCW-716-951
Page 203
9-10 Coin Divider (L), (R) Assys
( mirror-image part)
( mirror-image part)
Page 204
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Divider base (L) (UK) 1 XCW-716-930
2 Slope base (L) (UK) 1 XCW-716-931
3 Divider base (R) (UK) 1 XCW-716-932
4 Slope base (R) (UK) 1 XCW-716-933
Page 205
9-11 Andon Assy - 1
Andon Control
PC Board
Page 206
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Drum Assy 1 ----------
2 Roller Assy 1 ----------
3 Box Assy 1
4 Base Assy 1
5 Reel Assy 1
6 Lamp Assy 1
7 CW top sticker 1 XCW-715-800
8 CW Andon panel A 1 XCW-715-801
9 CWD plate sticker 1 XCW-715-802
10 CWD roller sticker 1 XCW-715-803
11 Upper acr ylic board 1 1 XCW-715-423
12 Upper backplate 1 XCW-715-424
13 Fan cover 1 XCW-715-425
14 Collar 2 4 XCW-715-426
15 Upper main box 1 XCW-715-460
17 Finger guard 1 F120UL guard XCW-005-391
18 Axial fan 1 4715MS+10T-B50-B00 XCW-005-209
19 Lamp PC Board 1 NTM-004 XCW-306-682
20 CW Andon panel B 1 XCW-715-855
21 Upper front rail 1 XCW-715-472
22 Upper PC board bracket 1 XCW-715-473
23 Fulcrum bracket 1 XCW-715-474
24 Circuit board stopper 1 XCW-715-475
25 Middle acr ylic bracket 2 XCW-715-476
26 Collar 1 5 XCW-715-477
27 Upper main base (CW) 1 XCW-715-856
30 W base 1 XCW-715-859
32 Fluorescent lamp 1 FHC-13ED XCW-002-462
33 Wedge lamp socket 2 WBS1010T XCW-002-468
34 Wedge lamp 2 T10WB C2F24V 3W XCW-002-082
36 CW side acr ylic board L 1 XCW-715-870
37 CW side acr ylic board R 1 XCW-715-871
38 Collar 1 4 XCW-715-477
39 S lamp bracket 1 XCW-715-495
42 Ray bracket (L) 1 XCW-715-874
43 Ray bracket (R) 1 XCW-715-875
45 Rod holder 4 A-10681 XCW-101-137
46 WIN lamp 2 REIL-180-ASD1 XCW-002-464
47 Lamp socket 13 BA1505S XCW-002-175
48 Step-up lamp 13 A1210DC12V XCW-002-461
49 Warning sticker (High Voltage A) 2 XCW-461-545
50 Warning sticker (Maintenance B) 1 XCW-461-539
Page 207
9-12 Andon Assy - 2
Reel Assy
Roller Assy
Page 208
No. Name Qty Type and Rating Part No.
1 Drum Base Assy 1
4 Drum Sensor Assy 1
5 D base 1 XCW-715-805
6 Circuit board spacer 2 SPLSN-6 XCW-104-093
7 Circuit board spacer 2 SPLSN-6 XCW-104-093
8 Inver ter Assy 1 FIK100-HF 13L-U4HUB XCW-002-470
9 Photosensor 7 EE-SX4009-P1 XCW-000-652
11 D shaft 1 XCW-715-811
12 Disc A 1 XCW-715-812
13 Disc B 1 XCW-715-813
14 Disc C 1 XCW-715-814
15 Disc collar 2 XCW-715-815
16 D set 1 XCW-715-816
17 Bearing 2 6200ZZNR XCW-103-178
19 S shaft 1 XCW-715-821
20 S bracket 1 XCW-715-822
21 S lever 1 XCW-715-823
22 Bearing 2 F606ZZ XCW-103-179
23 Urethane pusher 2 USLL8 XCW-104-094
24 D bracket 1 XCW-715-825
25 D base 2 1 XCW-715-872
26 Tension spring 1 E628 XCW-105-177
27 R base 1 XCW-715-830
28 R cam 1 XCW-715-831
29 Bearing 2 623ZZ XCW-103-180
30 Spring post 2 BSP04-15 XCW-104-095
31 Circuit board spacer 4 SPLSN6 XCW-104-093
32 DC motor 1 TG-47A-AG-750-F037 XCW-005-394
33 Stepping PC Board 1 NTM-003B XCW-306-681
35 R shaft 1 XCW-715-836
36 R plate 1 XCW-715-837
37 R roller 1 XCW-715-838
38 P shaft 1 XCW-715-839
40 Bearing 2 F608ZZ XCW-103-148
41 Bearing 2 F606ZZ XCW-103-181
42 Spur gear 1 GEAB0.8-15-7-6 XCW-108-062
43 R plate 2 1 XCW-715-841
44 R bracket 1 XCW-715-851
45 R disc 1 XCW-715-852
46 R sensor 1 1 XCW-715-853
47 Spur gear 1 GEAB0.8-18-5-5 XCW-108-063
48 Steppin motor 1 KH42HM2R031 XCW-005-395
50 R sensor 1 2 XCW-715-854
52 CW roulette acrylic board 1 XCW-715-861
53 D pin 8 XCW-715-862
54 D roller 8 XCW-715-863
55 D slit 8 XCW-715-864
Page 209
Compliance with WEEE regulations
Page 210
Page 212
2. P in contact is used for cap connectors, and socket contact is used for plug
C abinet As s y (2/4)
Wht/R ed
B rn
Wht/G rn
Wht/G rn
B lk
B lk
Wht/Y w
Wht/B lk
Wht/B lk
B lu
R ed
B lk
B lk
B lk
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
Wht/G rn Wht/G rn
B lu B lu
Wht Wht
B lk B lk
Org Org
B rn B rn
Wht/B lk Wht/B lk
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
Wht/B lk Wht/B lk
B rn
Wht/R ed
B lk
R ed R ed
B lk B lk
Wht/B lk Wht/B lk
R ed R ed
B lk B lk
Yw Yw
Yw Yw
B lk B lk
B lk B lk
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Wht/Y w Wht/Y w
B rn B rn
Wht/G rn Wht/G rn
Wht Wht
B rn B rn
G ry G ry
B rn B rn
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Wht Wht
V io V io
G ry G ry
G rn/Y w G rn/Y w
Yw Yw
B lk B lk
R ed R ed
B lk B lk
B rn B rn
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
B rn B rn
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
R ed R ed
B lk B lk
Org Org
V io V io
G ry G ry
Wht/G rn Wht/G rn
B lu B lu
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Wht/Y w Wht/Y w
Wht/G rn Wht/G rn
B lu B lu
B rn B rn
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Wht/Y w Wht/Y w
R ed R ed
B lk B lk
Yw Yw
Yw Yw
B lk B lk
B rn B rn
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Wht/Y w Wht/Y w
Wht/B lk Wht/B lk
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
Wht Wht
B lu B lu
V io V io
Wht/Org Wht/Org
B lu B lu
Wht/B lk Wht/B lk
Wht/R ed Wht/R ed
Wht Wht
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Wht/Y w Wht/Y w
V io V io
G rn/Y w G rn/Y w
R ed
R ed
R ed
B lk
B lk
B lk
B lk
B lk
B lk
B lk
B lk
B rn
Wht/R ed
G rn/Y w
Wht/R ed
Wht/R ed
Wht/R ed
Wht/R ed
Wht/R ed
Wht/G rn
Wht/G rn
Wht/G rn
Wht/G rn
Wht/R ed
Wht/R ed
Wht/R ed
Wht/Y w
Wht/Y w
Wht/B lk
Wht/Y w
Wht/Y w
Wht/Y w
Wht/Y w
Wht/B lk
Wht/B lk
G ry
B rn
B rn
B rn
B rn
B rn
B rn
V io
G ry
B lu
G ry
B lu
V io
B rn
B rn
B rn
B lk
B lk
B lu
V io
B lu
V io
R ed
B lk
B lk
B lk
G rn/Y w
Blk Red
Gry Gry Yw Yw
Pusher motor
Blk Blk Blk Switch Assy Tilt Assy
Wht Wht Grn Grn Yw Brn Brn Brn Blk Test SW
Accessory wires Yw Wht/Red Wht/Red Wht/Red
Blk Wht/Org Wht/Org Blk
Brn Wht/Yw Wht/Yw Wht/Org Select SW Wht Wht
Wht/Red Wht Wht Blk Blk Tilt SW
Red Red Red Red Wht/Org Wht/Yw Blk
Blk Blk Blk Blk Pusher Wht/Yw Enter SW
Wht/Blk Wht/Blk Wht/Blk Wht/Blk sensor Wht/Blk
Red Wht/Red
Playfield Assy
Blk Blu
Blk Vio Yw
Red Red Red Wht/Org Wht/Red
Blk Blk Blk Coin Blu Wht/Blk Multi-button
Wht/Org Wht/Org Wht/Org Wht/Org sensor L1 Wht/Blk Blk
Wht/Yw Wht/Yw Wht/Yw Wht/Red
Brn Yw Yw Wht
Brn Brn Wht/Org
Wht/Grn Grn/Yw Grn/Yw Red
Wht Blk Coin Wht/Yw (Red)
Brn Wht/Yw sensor L2 Vio Red Red Red
Gry Blk Blk Blk Coin
Brn Blu Wht/Org Wht/Org sensor R1
Wht/Red Yw Yw Grn/Yw Vio Wht/Yw
Wht/Org Brn Blk Yw Yw
Wht/Org Brn
Accessory wires
Wht Lock-out solenoid L Grn/Yw Grn/Yw Red
Blk Coin
Vio Coin Selector (L) Assy sensor R2
Gry Wht/Yw
Yw Yw
Brn Blk
Accessory wires
Lock-out solenoid R
Coin Selector (R) Assy
Red Red
Blk Blk Wht
Yw Yw Red Wht
Blk Blk Blk Red Armrest Assy (2/2)
Wht/Grn Wht/Grn Yw
Wht Wht DC motor
Blk Blk
Accessory Wht/Grn Wht/Grn
Yw Yw Yw Yw Yw Red wires JP changeover Red
Wht Wht Wht Wht Wht Blk separator
Red Red Red Red solenoid
Blk Blk Blk Blk Coin Hopper (R) Assy
Vio Vio Vio Vio
Gry Gry Gry Gry Red
Blk Blk Blk Blk Gry Separator Yw Yw
Red Red Red Red Blk sensor Blk Blk
Brn Brn Wht/Red Accessory
Red Red Red Red Red Wht wires
Blk Blk Wht/Red Wht/Red Blk Red
Yw Yw Blk Hopper Wht Wht Yw DC motor
Vio (JP) Red Red
Red Blk Blk
sensor 1
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Red Red Red Hopper
Blk Blk Wht (O)
Wht/Yw Wht/Yw Blk
sensor 2
Red Wht
Blk Red
Yw Blk Blk Blk Hopper
Wht/Org Wht/Org Wht/Org
Red Red Red (O)
Coin Hopper (JP) Assy Red Red sensor 1
Blk Blk
Wht/Yw Wht/Yw (Red)
Red Red Red Blk Jam
Blk Blk Blk Payout Wht/Yw sensor
Yw Yw Brn sensor
Gry Gry
Brn Brn
Wht/Red Accessory wires Coin Hopper (O) Assy
Yw Yw
Gry Gry Payout solenoid
Payout Assy Yw Yw Yw
Vio Wht/Org Wht/Org
Cabinet Assy (3/4) 1. Thin lines indicate AWG24, unless otherwise specified.
2. Pin contact is used for cap connectors, and socket contact is used for plug connectors.
Page 213
Gry Gry Blu Accessory wires Brn Wht Accessory wires Wht
Wht Wht Wht Brn Wht Wht Halogen lamp (L)
Yw Yw Yw
Blk Blk Blk Jackpot lamp (L)
Blk Jackpot lamp (R)
LED PC Board
Blk Org 4
Blu Blk
Wht/Yw Blu
Upper Door Assy
Org Wht
Sensor PC
Board 4 Checker sensor 4 Checker unit D
1. Thick and thin lines represent UL1007 AWG18 and AWG24, respectively, unless
Cabinet Assy (4/4) otherwise specified.
2. Pin contact is used for cap connectors, and socket contact is used for plug connectors.
Page 214
Wheel sensor (3)
Wheel sensor (2)
Drum Assy
Wheel sensor (1)
Andon Control PCB Assy
Wht/Grn Wht/Grn Wht/Grn
Wht/Blu Wht/Blu
Wht/Vio Wht/Vio
Red Red Wht/Yw Wht/Yw Red
Org Yw Blk
Org Damper sensor
Yw Blk
Blk Vio Wht/Red
Vio Wht/Blk
Grn/Yw Yw Yw Yw
Red Red Vio
Wht/Brn Blk Blk Wheel motor
Wht/Red Vio Vio Grn Blk Blk
Wht/Org Grn Grn Brn Brn
Wht/Yw Blu Blu Yw Yw Stepping
Wht/Grn Wht/Brn Wht Org Org motor
Wht/Blu Wht/Red Wht/Red Red Red
Wht/Vio Wht/Org Wht/Org Blu Blu Blu
Wht/Red Wht/Red Red
Wht/Blk Wht/Blk Blk
Wht/Red Wht/Red
Wht/Blk Wht/Blk Grn
Blk Blu Red
Blk Wht/Brn Blk
Grn Wht/Red Wheel sensor
Wht/Grn Wht/Org
Blu Wht/Yw
Wht/Blu Wht/Grn Red
Wht/Red Wheel sensor (U) Roller Assy
Grn Wht/Gry
Wht/Grn Wht
Blu Wht/Blk Red
Wht/Blu Wht/Brn Blk
Wht/Red Wht/Org Wheel sensor (D)
Blu Accessory
Grn Wht/Red Yw wires Yw
Brn Wht/Blk Blu Accessory Blu Arm motor
Step-up lamps
Wht/Brn Wht/Brn
Lamp Assy
Wht/Red Wht/Red
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Wht/Yw Wht/Yw
Wht/Grn Wht/Grn
Yw Yw Yw Wht/Blu Wht/Blu
Blu Blu Blu Wht/Vio Wht/Vio
Blu Wht/Gry Wht/Gry
Wht Wht
Arrow lamps Wht/Blk Wht/Blk
Wht/Brn Wht/Brn
Wht/Red Wht/Red
Wht/Org Wht/Org
Base Assy
Org Blk
Org Blk
Vio Blk
Page 215
Copies of Namco Game Manuals can be downloaded from our website: under Components Distribution
Brent Electronic,
Namco House,
Units 7-8, Acton Park Estate,
The Vale,
London. W3 7QE