MS Important Questions

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SUBJECT: Management Science

IV B.Tech - I-SEM
1. Explain the functions of management in detail?
2. A).Discuss the 14 Principles of Management as stated by Henry Fayol. B).Discuss the
importance theory of Scientific management by F.W.Taylor .
3. Explain various forms of organizational structures?
1.Explain principles and types of plant lay out?
2. Write short notes on Quality control charts.
3. Explain the vital role played by ABC analysis in inventory management.
4. What is the need for Inventory Control? Discuss its importance? CO-2,BL-6,10M
5. what do you Explain understand by Marketing? Write short notes on functions of
6. Explain Various stages of Product life cycle with a neat diagram.
7. Explain about (a) marketing mix . (b) channels of distribution.
8. Explain about various methods of production?
1. Explain the functions of HR Manager in brief.
2. What do you mean by recruitment? Explain the sources of recruitment.
3. What is the purpose of Training? Explain the different Training Methods?
4. What is meant by selection? Explain and evaluate the selection process.
5. What is performance appraisal. Explain its methods.
6. Write short notes on (a)placement (b) induction
7. Explain about wage and salary administration
1. Explain the elements and concepts of Corporate Planning process.
2. Discuss the steps in Strategy Formulation and Implementation.
3. Explain the concept of SWOT analysis .
4. Explain about the process of environmental scanning.
5. Differentiate between PERT and CPM.
6. Explain the procedure of constructing the network diagram?
7. Explain about project crashing in detail?
1. Explain about Total Quality Management and its importance in Current Business
2. Write short notes on a) Six Sigma .
b) Supply Chain management.
3. Write short notes on a) MRP b) JIT .
4. Write short notes on:
a) Management Information System.
b) Business Process Outsourcing.
5. Explain bench marking and

6. Explain (a) Business process re engineering .

(b) Balance scorecard.
7. Explain the following
a) Enterprise resource planning.
b) Materials requirement planning.
8. Explain the following:
a) Customer relationship management.
b) Knowledge management.

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