Enabling BNN by Edge
Enabling BNN by Edge
Enabling BNN by Edge
ERWEI WANG and JAMES J. DAVIS, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
JIA JIE LIM, iSize, United Kingdom
CLAUDIONOR COELHO, Advantest, United States
PETER Y. K. CHEUNG and GEORGE A. CONSTANTINIDES, Imperial College London, United
The ever-growing computational demands of increasingly complex machine learning models frequently ne-
cessitate the use of powerful cloud-based infrastructure for their training. Binary neural networks are known
to be promising candidates for on-device inference due to their extreme compute and memory savings over
higher-precision alternatives. However, their existing training methods require the concurrent storage of
high-precision activations for all layers, generally making learning on memory-constrained devices infea-
sible. In this article, we demonstrate that the backward propagation operations needed for binary neural
network training are strongly robust to quantization, thereby making on-the-edge learning with modern
models a practical proposition. We introduce a low-cost binary neural network training strategy exhibiting
sizable memory footprint reductions while inducing little to no accuracy loss vs Courbariaux & Bengio’s
standard approach. These decreases are primarily enabled through the retention of activations exclusively
in binary format. Against the latter algorithm, our drop-in replacement sees memory requirement reduc-
tions of 3–5×, while reaching similar test accuracy (±2 pp) in comparable time, across a range of small-scale
models trained to classify popular datasets. We also demonstrate from-scratch ImageNet training of bina-
rized ResNet-18, achieving a 3.78× memory reduction. Our work is open-source, and includes the Raspberry
Pi-targeted prototype we used to verify our modeled memory decreases and capture the associated energy
drops. Such savings will allow for unnecessary cloud offloading to be avoided, reducing latency, increasing
energy efficiency, and safeguarding end-user privacy.
CCS Concepts: • Computing methodologies → Machine learning; • Computer systems organization
→ Embedded systems;
The authors are grateful for the support of the United Kingdom EPSRC (grant numbers EP/P010040/1 and EP/S030069/1).
They also wish to thank Sergey Ioffe and Michele Covell for their helpful suggestions.
For the purpose of open access, the authors will apply a Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license to any accepted
version of this manuscript.
Authors’ addresses: E. Wang, J. J. Davis, P. Y. K. Cheung, and G. A. Constantinides, Imperial College London, London,
Exhibition Road, SW7 2BX, United Kingdom; e-mails: [email protected], {james.davis, p.cheung, g.constantinides}@
imperial.ac.uk; D. Moro and P. Zielinski, Google, Mountain View, 2015 Stierlin Court, CA, 94043, United States; e-mails:
{danielemoro, zielinski}@google.com; J. Jie Lim, iSize, London, 107 Cheapside, EC2V 6DN, United Kingdom; e-mail: jj.lim@
isize.co; C. Coelho, Advantest, San Jose, 3061 Zanker Rd, CA, 95134, United States; e-mail: claudionor.coelho@
alumni.stanford.edu; S. Chatterjee; e-mail: [email protected].
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1539-9087/2023/11-ART105 $15.00
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
105:2 E. Wang et al.
Additional Key Words and Phrases: Deep neural network, binary neural network, training, edge devices,
embedded systems, memory reduction
ACM Reference format:
Erwei Wang, James J. Davis, Daniele Moro, Piotr Zielinski, Jia Jie Lim, Claudionor Coelho, Satrajit Chatterjee,
Peter Y. K. Cheung, and George A. Constantinides. 2023. Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the
Edge. ACM Trans. Embedd. Comput. Syst. 22, 6, Article 105 (November 2023), 19 pages.
Although binary neural networks (BNNs) feature weights and activations with just single-bit
precision, many models are able to reach accuracy indistinguishable from that of their higher-
precision counterparts [13, 43]. Since BNNs are functionally complete, their limited precision
does not impose an upper bound on achievable accuracy [12]. BNNs represent the ideal class of
neural network for edge inference, particularly for custom hardware implementation, due to their
use of XNOR for multiplication: a fast and cheap operation to perform. Their compact weights
also suit systems with limited memory and increases opportunities for caching, providing further
potential performance boosts. FINN, the seminal BNN implementation for field-programmable
gate arrays, reached the highest CIFAR-10, and SVHN classification rates to date at the time of its
publication [40].
Despite featuring binary forward propagation, existing BNN training approaches perform back-
ward propagation using high-precision floating-point data types—typically float32—often mak-
ing training infeasible on memory-constrained devices. The high-precision activations used be-
tween forward and backward propagation commonly constitute the largest proportion of the total
memory footprint of a training run [7, 37]. Our understanding of standard BNN training algo-
rithms led us to the following realization: high-precision activations should not be used since we
are only concerned with weights and activations’ signs. In this article, we present a low-memory
BNN training scheme based on this intuition featuring binary activations only, facilitated through
batch normalization modification.
By increasing the viability of learning on the edge, this work will reduce the domain mismatch
between training and inference—particularly in conjunction with federated learning [6, 31]—and
ensure privacy for sensitive applications [1]. Via the aggressive memory footprint reductions they
facilitate, our proposals will enable models to be trained without the network access reliance, la-
tency and energy overheads or data divulgence inherent to cloud offloading. Herein, we make the
following contributions.
• We conduct a variable representation and lifetime analysis of Courbariaux and Bengio’s stan-
dard BNN training process [13]. We use this to identify opportunities for memory savings
through approximation.
• Via our proposed BNN-specific forward and backward batch normalization operations, we
implement a neural network training regime featuring all-binary activations. This signifi-
cantly reduces the greatest constituent of a given training run’s total memory footprint.
• We present a successful combination of binary activations and binary weight gradients dur-
ing neural network training. This aggregation allows for further reductions in memory foot-
• We systematically evaluate the impact of each of our approximations, and provide a detailed
characterization of our scheme’s memory requirements vs accuracy.
• Against the standard approach, we report memory reductions of up to 5.44×, with little
to no accuracy or convergence rate degradation, when training BNNs to classify MNIST,
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge 105:3
Table 1. Applied Approximations used in Low-cost Neural Network Training Works
CIFAR-10, and SVHN. No hyperparameter tuning is required. We also show that the batch
size used can be increased by ∼10× while remaining within a given memory envelope, and
even demonstrate the efficacy of ImageNet training as a hard target.
• We provide an open-source release of our Keras-based training software, memory modeling
tool, and Raspberry Pi-targeted prototype for the community to use and build upon1 . Our
memory breakdown analysis represents a clear road map to further, future reductions.
The authors of all published works on BNN inference acceleration to date made use of high-
precision floating-point data types during training [13, 14, 16, 21, 27–29, 39, 41, 42]. There is prece-
dent, however, for the use of quantization when training non-binary networks, as we show in
Table 1 via side-by-side comparison of the approximation approaches taken in those works along
with those detailed in this article.
The effects of quantizing the gradients of models with high-precision data, either fixed or float-
ing point, have been studied extensively. Zhou et al. [51] and Wu et al. [47] trained networks with
fixed-point weights and activations using fixed-point gradients, reporting no accuracy loss for
AlexNet classifying ImageNet with gradients wider than five bits. Wen et al. [45] and Bernstein
et al. [3] focused solely on aggressive weight gradient quantization, aiming to reduce commu-
nication costs for distributed learning. Weight gradients were losslessly quantized into ternary
and binary formats, respectively, with forward propagation and activation gradients kept at high
precision. Tatsumi et al. identified redundancy in the rounding implementations of IEEE-754 stan-
dard, such as the IEEE-754 conversion for rounding, subnormal, and not-a-number and infinity
encodings, at MAC outputs [38]. The authors also presented empirical evidences showing the
feasibility of training DNNs using low-precision floating point formats such as E5M1 and E5M2
which use five bits for exponent and one and two bits for mantissa, respectively. In this work, we
make the novel observation that BNNs are more robust to approximation during training than
higher-precision networks. We thus propose a data representation scheme more aggressive than
all of the aforementioned works combined, delivering large memory savings with near-lossless
1 https://github.com/awai54st/Enabling-Binary-Neural-Network-Training-on-the-Edge
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
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An intuitive method to lower the memory footprint of training is to simply reduce the batch
size. However, doing so generally leads to increased total training time due to reduced memory
reuse [37]. The method we propose in this article does not conflict with batch size tuning, and
further allows the use of large batches while remaining within the memory limits of edge devices.
Gradient checkpointing—the recomputation of activations during backward propagation—has
been proposed as a method to reduce the memory consumption of training [10, 20]. Such meth-
ods introduce additional forward passes, however, and so increase each run’s duration and energy
cost. Graham [19] and Chakrabarti and Moseley [8] saved memory during training by buffering
activations in low-precision formats, achieving comparable accuracy to all-float32 baselines. Wu
et al. [48] and Hoffer et al. [23] reported reduced computational costs via 1 batch normalization.
Finally, Helwegen et al. [22] asserted that the use of both trainable weights and momenta is su-
perfluous in BNN optimizers, proposing a weightless BNN-specific optimizer, Bop, able to reach
the same level of accuracy as Adam. We took inspiration from these works in locating sources of
redundancy present in standard BNN training schemes, and propose BNN-specific modifications
to 1 batch normalization allowing for activation quantization all the way to binary, thus saving
memory without increasing latency. Yayla and Chen [49] further developed methods to compress
the momentum values uniquely introduced in Bop, and obtained memory savings in BNN training
without incurring significant loss in accuracy. Our method aims to identify common bottlenecks
for BNN training, irrespective of the optimizer choice, and is therefore orthogonal and comple-
mentary to techniques such as Yayla Chen’s.
Recent efforts have shown that, in some circumstances, batch normalization can be completely
removed from BNN training. Chen et al. replaced the trainable scaling factors and biases within
standard 2 batch normalization with hand-tuned values, thereby approximating these functions
via trial and error [11]. Our method follows a conventional training approach; no manual, of-
fline steps are required. Jiang et al. proposed the use of batch normalization-free BNNs for super-
resolution imaging [24]. The information loss incurred from the removal of batch normalization
in this case is recovered by expanding the receptive fields of convolution operations using parallel
sets of binary dilated convolutions. While Jiang et al. demonstrated promising results for super-
resolution imaging, we assume a generic deep learning setting rather than focusing on a specific
application domain. We further present an open-source Raspberry Pi-based prototype to corrobo-
rate our memory reduction estimates, making our work closer to real application deployment than
both of the aforementioned publications.
The authors of works including Bi-Real Net [29], ResNetE-18 [4], and ReActNet [28] discovered
that the accuracy of BNNs can be significantly increased via the addition of high-precision skip
connections. Many further enhanced BNN performance via improvements to gradient approxima-
tion and weight initialization [4, 15, 28–30]. Optimizations such as these are intended to increase
accuracy: a goal orthogonal to ours of efficiently deploying BNNs on edge-scale devices. Neverthe-
less, we incorporated all of them into our work in order to reach competitive accuracy.
For works such as ReActNet [28], BN-Free [11], BN-Free ISR [24], and Real-to-Binary [30], it was
found that knowledge distillation—the employment of a high-precision network as a “teacher” run-
ning alongside a BNN—can greatly improve the performance of the latter’s training. This method
is, however, outside our scope; the teacher would dominate overall memory requirements and
thereby make savings with regards to the BNN insignificant.
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Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge 105:5
Fig. 1. Standard BNN training graph for fully connected layer l. “sgn”, “×”, and “BN” are sign, matrix mul-
tiplication, and batch normalization operations. Forward propagation dependencies are shown with solid
lines; those for backward passes are dashed. High-precision activations must be retained due to the red
denotes gradient ∂C/∂x . Let W l and X l denote matrices of weights and activations, respectively, in
the network’s l th layer, with ∂W l and ∂X l being their gradients. For W l , rows and columns span
input and output channels, respectively, while for X l they span a batch’s feature maps and their
channels. Henceforth, we use •ˆ to denote binary encoding.
Figure 1 shows the training graph of a fully connected binary layer. A detailed description of
the standard BNN training procedure introduced by Courbariaux & Bengio [13] for each batch of
B training samples, which we henceforth refer to as a step, is provided in Algorithm 1. Therein, “”
signifies element-wise multiplication. For brevity, we omit some of the intricacies of the baseline
implementation—lack of first-layer quantization, use of a final softmax layer, and the inclusion of
weight gradient cancelation [13]—as these standard BNN practices are not impacted by our work.
We initialize weights as outlined by Glorot & Bengio [18].
Many authors have established that BNNs require batch normalization in order to avoid gradient
explosion [2, 33, 35], and our early experiments confirmed this to indeed be the case. We thus
apply it as standard. Matrix products Y l are channel-wise batch-normalized across each layer’s
Ml output channels (lines 5–7) to form the subsequent layer’s inputs, X l +1 . β constitutes the batch
normalization biases. Layer-wise moving means μ y l and standard deviations σ y l are retained
for use during backward propagation and inference. We forgo trainable scaling factors; these are
irrelevant to BNNs since their activations are binarized thereafter (line 2).
As emphasized in both Figure 1 and Algorithm 1 (line 12), high-precision storage of the entire
network’s activations is required. Addressment of this forms our key contribution.
In order to quantify the potential gains from approximation, we conducted a variable representa-
tion and lifetime analysis of Algorithm 1 following the approach taken by Sohoni et al. [37]. Table 2
lists the properties of all variables in Algorithm 1, with each variable’s contribution to the total
footprint shown for a representative example. Variables are divided into two classes: those that
must remain in memory between computational phases (forward propagation, backward propa-
gation, and weight update), and those that need not. This is of pertinence since, for those in the
latter category, only the largest layer’s contribution counts towards the total memory occupancy.
For example, ∂X l is read during the backward propagation of layer l −1 only, thus ∂X l −1 can safely
overwrite ∂X l for efficiency. Additionally, Y and ∂X are shown together since they are equally
sized and only need to reside in memory during the forward and backward pass for each layer,
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105:6 E. Wang et al.
ALGORITHM 1: Standard BNN training step. ALGORITHM 2: Proposed BNN training step.
1: for l ← {1, . . . , L − 1} do Forward prop. 1: for l ← {1, . . . , L − 1} do Forward prop.
2: X̂ l ← sgn(X l ) 2: X̂ l ← sgn(X l )
3: Ŵ l ← sgn(W l ) 3: Ŵ l ← sgn(W l )
4: Y l ← X̂ l Ŵ l 4: Y l ← X̂ l Ŵ l
5: for m ← {1, . . . , Ml} do Batch norm. 5: for m ← {1, . . . , Ml } do Batch norm.
(m) (m)
6: ψl(m) ← σ y l(m) 6: ψl(m) ← y l −μ y l 1/B
−μ y l (m)
7: x l(m)
← (m) + βl(m) 7: x l(m) ←
yl −μ y l
+ βl(m)
ψl +1 (m)
(m) x (m)
8: ωl(m)
← x l +1 1/B 8: ωl(m)
← l +1 1/B
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Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge 105:7
Table 2. Exemplary Memory-related Properties of Variables used during CIFAR-10 Training of
BinaryNet with Adam and a Batch Size of 100
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We compute the expression for gradient ∂C/∂y by first computing ∂C/∂a , which can be derived
with chain rule,
∂C ∂C ∂x l(m)
+1 ∂C ∂ψl(m)
= · + ·
∂a (m) ∂x l(m) ∂a (m) ∂ψ (m) ∂a (m)
+1 l
∂C ∂x l(m)
+1 ∂C ∂x l(m)
= · + · · .
∂x l(m) ∂a (m) ∂x l(m) ∂ψl(m) ∂a (m)
+1 +1
By evaluating each component in the above equation, we have
∂C a 1 ∂C
=v − × ×μ a
∂a |a| a 2 ∂x l +1
and thus
∂C ∂C ∂C
= −μ
∂y l ∂a ∂a
= (v − μ (v)) −
x l +1 − μ x l +1 μ a ∂C .
B |a|
B |a| ∂x l +1
Since the output of batch normalization, x l +1 , is expected to have a mean value of zero across
samples in a batch, i.e.,
μ (x l +1 ) ≈ 0,
we have
≈ (v − μ (v)) − μ (v x l +1 )x̂ l +1 .
∂y l
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Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge 105:9
Table 3. Test Accuracy of Non-binary Networks and BNNs using the Standard and our Proposed Training
Approaches with Adam and a Batch Size of 100
resources available for more quantization-sensitive variables such as W and momenta. Energy
consumption will also decrease due to the associated reduction in memory traffic.
6.1 Keras Emulation
We built a GPU-based implementation emulating our BNN training method using Keras and
TensorFlow, and experimented with the small-scale MNIST, CIFAR-10, and SVHN datasets, as well
as large-scale ImageNet, using a range of network models. By emulating our algorithm on GPU,
we can leverage the many powerful ML training softwares developed around it, and obtain large
batches of experimental results in a short period of time. Our emulation environment is built on
a Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 GPU cluster with Red Hat Linux 9 operating system. Our baseline for
comparison was the standard BNN training method introduced by Courbariaux & Bengio [13],
and we followed those authors’ practice of reporting the highest test accuracy achieved in each
run. Note that we did not tune hyperparameters, thus it is likely that higher accuracy than we
report is achievable.
6.1.1 Small-Scale Datasets. For MNIST we evaluated using a five-layer MLP—henceforth sim-
ply denoted “MLP”—with 256 neurons per hidden layer, and CNV [40] and BinaryNet [13] for both
CIFAR-10 and SVHN. We used three popular BNN optimizers: Adam [26], stochastic gradient de-
scent (SGD) with momentum, and Bop [22]. While all three function reliably with our training
scheme, we used Adam by default due to its stability. We used the development-based learning
rate scheduling approach proposed by Wilson et al. [46] with an initial learning rate η of 0.001 for
all optimizers except for SGD with momentum, for which we used 0.1. We used batch size B = 100
for all except for Bop, for which we used B = 50 as recommended by Helwegen et al. [22]. MNIST
and CIFAR-10 were trained for 1,000 epochs; SVHN for 200.
Our choice of quantization targets primarily rested on the intuition that BNNs should be more
robust to approximation in backward propagation than their higher-precision counterparts. To
illustrate that this is indeed the case, we applied our method to both BNNs and float32 networks,
with identical topologies and hyperparameters. Results of those experiments are shown in Table 3,
in which significantly higher accuracy degradation was observed for the non-binary networks, as
While our proposed BNN training method does exhibit limited accuracy degradation, as can be
seen for three cases in Table 4, this comes in return for a geomean modeled memory saving of
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
105:10 E. Wang et al.
Table 4. Test Accuracy and Memory Footprint of the Standard and
our Proposed Training Schemes using Adam and a Batch Size of 100
Table 5. Impacts of Moving from the Standard to our Proposed Data Representations with BinaryNet
and CIFAR-10 and a Batch Size of 100
3.67×. It is also interesting to note that the reduction achievable for a given dataset depends on the
model used. This observation is largely orthogonal to our work: by applying our approach to the
training of a more appropriately chosen model, one can obtain the advantages of both optimized
network selection and training.
In order to explore the impacts of the various facets of our scheme, we applied them sequen-
tially while training BinaryNet to classify CIFAR-10 with multiple optimizers. As shown in Table 5,
choices of data type, optimizer, and batch normalization implementation lead to tradeoffs against
performance and memory costs. Major savings are attributable to the use of float16 variables
and through the high-precision activation elimination our 1 norm-based batch normalization
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge 105:11
Fig. 2. Batch size vs training memory footprint and achieved test accuracy for BinaryNet with CIFAR-10.
Annotations show memory reductions for the proposed training approach. Each test accuracy point marks
the mean of five independent training runs, with an error bar indicating its distribution.
Figure 2 shows the modeled memory footprint savings from our proposed BNN training method
for different optimizers and batch sizes, again for BinaryNet with the CIFAR-10 dataset. Across all
of these, we achieved a geomean reduction of 4.81×. Also observable from Figure 2 is that, for
all optimizers, movement from the standard to our proposed BNN training allows the batch size
used to increase by around 10×, facilitating faster completion, without a material memory increase.
Figure 2 finally shows that test accuracy does not drop significantly due to our approximations.
With Adam and Bop, accuracy was near-identical, while with SGD we actually saw modest im-
provements. Unlike Adam or Bop, the standard SGD optimizer is unable to adapt its learning rate
during gradient descent, thus scaling in batch size means scaling in learning rate. This leads to
the decline in accuracy we see in Figure 2(b), where increasing the batch size leads to undesirable
learning rates. Our method, on the other hand, binarizes the weight gradients, which effectively
normalizes the learning rate from the effects of batch size scaling.
While not of concern with regards to memory consumption, decreases in convergence rate are
undesirable due to their elongation of training times and, consequently, reduction of energy effi-
ciency. In order to ensure that our algorithmic modifications do not cause material convergence
rate degradation, we inspected the validation accuracy curves obtained during our training runs.
Figures 3 and 4 exemplify these for the experiments whose results were reported in Table 4 and
Figure 2, respectively. No discernible change in convergence rate can be seen in any of the plots,
thus we can be confident that our proposals will not negatively impact training times.
For the results presented thus far, we made use of off-the-shelf network models. As confirmed
by Zhang et al., a network possesses perfect expressivity once its number of parameters matches
the number of data points used for its training [50]. Consequently, most practical networks are
overparameterized. While the impact of overparametrization on network generalization is an
active research field [9] and outside the scope of this work, we sought to investigate whether
overparametrization was the source of robustness to gradient approximation that we observed of
BNNs. To do this, we performed neural architecture search (NAS) for the MNIST, CIFAR-10
and SVHN datasets, comparing the impact of removing network redundancy on both the standard
and our training approaches. We adopted Shen et al.’s approach to BNN NAS, applying it to the
MLP and BinaryNet models as starting points [36]. Following their proposals, we set accuracy-to-
parameter weight factor λ to 0.1 for MLP with MNIST and 0.01 for BinaryNet with CIFAR-10 and
SVHN. As shown in Table 6, we achieved sizeable parameter reductions for all of these and, most
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
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Fig. 3. Comparison in achieved validation accuracy curves between the standard and our proposed training
schemes with multiple combinations in models and datasets, using Adam and a batch size of 100. These plots
correspond to results which are reported in Table 4.
Table 6. Model Complexity and Test Accuracy Impacts of NAS under the Standard and Proposed
Training Schemes
importantly, observed no difference in accuracy degradation for the two training approaches.
These experiments therefore suggest that the reduction of network complexity impacts both meth-
ods equally, and that the performance of ours is not reliant on overparameterization.
6.1.2 ImageNet. We also trained ResNetE-18 [4] and Bi-Real-18 [29]—mixed-precision models
with most convolutional layers binarized—to classify ImageNet. These models are representative
of a broad class of ImageNet-capable networks, thus similar results should be achievable for oth-
ers with which they share architectural features. Finding development-based learning rate sched-
uling to not work well with ResNetE-18, we resorted to the fixed decay schedule described by
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge 105:13
Fig. 4. Comparison in achieved validation accuracy curves between the standard and our proposed training
schemes with multiple combinations in optimizers and batch sizes (B), using BinaryNet model and CIFAR-10
dataset. These plots correspond to results which are reported in Figure 2.
Bethge et al. [4]. η began at 0.016 and decayed by a factor of 10 at epochs 70, 90, and 110. We
trained for 120 epochs with B = 4096. For Bi-Real-18, we trained for 80 epochs with B = 512 and a
cosine-decaying learning rate starting from η = 0.001. Both models were optimized using Adam.
We show the performance of these benchmarks when applying each of our proposed approxi-
mations in turn, as well their assemblage, in Table 7. Since the Tensor Processing Units we used
here natively support bfloat16 rather than float16, we switched to the former for these experi-
ments. Where bfloat16 variables were used, these were employed across all layers; the remaining
approximations were applied only to binary layers. While these savings are smaller than those for
our small-scale experiments, we note that the first convolutional layer of both ResNetE-18 and
Bi-Real-18 is the largest and is non-binary, thus its activation storage dwarfs that of the remaining
layers. We also remark that, while ∼2 pp accuracy drops may not be acceptable for some applica-
tion deployments, sizable memory reductions are otherwise achievable. The effects of binarized
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105:14 E. Wang et al.
Table 7. Test Accuracy and Memory Footprint of the Standard and Proposed Schemes for ImageNet
Training with Adam and a Batch Size of 4096
ResNetE-18 Bi-Real-18
Top-1 Modeled Top-1 Modeled
test acc. memory test acc. memory
% Δ (pp)1 GiB Δ (× ↓)1 % Δ (pp)1 GiB Δ (× ↓)1
None 58.77 – 70.11 – 56.71 – 70.11 –
All-bfloat16 58.85 0.08 35.45 1.98 56.72 0.01 35.45 1.98
bool ∂W only 57.59 −1.28 70.07 1.00 55.69 −1.02 70.07 1.00
1 batch norm. only 58.34 −0.43 70.11 1.00 56.08 −0.63 70.11 1.00
Prop. batch norm. only 58.23 −0.54 47.86 1.46 55.59 −1.12 47.86 1.46
Proposed 57.04 −1.73 18.54 3.78 54.45 −2.26 18.54 3.78
1 Baseline: approximation-free training.
∂W are insignificant since ImageNet’s large images result in proportionally small weight memory
We acknowledge that dataset storage requirements likely render ImageNet training on edge
platforms infeasible, and that network fine-tuning is a task more commonly deployed on devices
of such scale. However, given that the accuracy changes and resource savings we report for more
challenging, from-scratch training are favorable and reasonably consistent across a wide range of
use-cases, we have confidence that positive results are readily achievable for fine-tuning as well.
Nevertheless, our ImageNet proof of concept confirms the efficacy of large-scale neural network
training on the edge.
In common with our small-scale experiments, our proposals did not lead to noticeable conver-
gence rate changes vs the standard BNN training algorithm. This is evident from Figure 5, which
contains the validation accuracy curves obtained for the experiments whose results were reported
in Table 7.
6.2.1 Naïve C++ Implementation. While existing training frameworks, including TensorFlow
and PyTorch, allow for some data format customization, they lack support for direct control of
variable storage. Moreover, when in training mode, they tend to reserve hundreds of MiBs of
memory regardless of the model size, making their use infeasible on edge devices. TensorFlow-lite
delivers low-memory inference, but it does not support training. Therefore, while these existing
frameworks are useful for accuracy evaluation, implementations of our approach that realize its
promised memory advantage must be built from scratch. Our first prototypes were direct imple-
mentations of Algorithms 1 and 2 in C++. We also trained using Keras, where possible within the
Raspberry Pi’s memory limit, for comparison.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge 105:15
Fig. 5. Achieved validation accuracy over time for the experiments whose results are reported in Table 7.
Fig. 6. Batch size vs memory footprint for our naïve C++ prototypes training MLP to classify MNIST with
Adam. Annotations mark the ratio between measured and modeled memory pairs.
Measurements of the peak memory use of our naïve C++ prototypes prove the validity of our
memory model. As reflected in Figure 6, two effects cause the model to produce underestimates.
There is a constant, ∼5% memory increase across all experiment pairs. This is attributable to pro-
cess overheads, which we left unmodeled. There is also a second, batch size-correlated overhead
due to activation copying between layers. This is significantly more pronounced for the standard
algorithm due to its use of float32—rather than bool—activations. While we did not model these
copies since they are not strictly necessary, their avoidance would have unbeneficially complicated
our software.
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, Vol. 22, No. 6, Article 105. Publication date: November 2023.
105:16 E. Wang et al.
Fig. 7. Measured peak memory consumption vs training time (a)–(b) per batch for implementations training
MLP/MNIST and BinaryNet/CIFAR-10. Each data point represents a distinct batch size. BinaryNet/CIFAR-10
training with Keras was not possible due to the Raspberry Pi’s memory limit ().
Figures 7(a) and 7(b) show the measured memory footprint vs training time for the naïve (stan-
dard and proposed) and Keras implementations across a range of batch sizes. For MLP trained to
classify MNIST, our naïve implementation saw memory requirements reduce by 2.90–4.54× vs the
standard approach, with no impact on speed. While use of Keras led to much shorter training times,
this came at the cost of superproportional memory increases: two orders of magnitude higher than
the demands of the proposed approach. Keras-based training of BinaryNet is not possible due to
the platform’s 1 GiB memory limit. Keras’ training backend uses methods which buffer additional
copies of data to optimize for training speed and, as far as we know, the option is not exposed for
parametrization [25].
6.2.2 CBLAS Acceleration. In a bid to close our training time gap with Keras, we optimized our
prototypes using the CBLAS library, trading off memory for speed [5]. As shown in Figure 7(a),
this reimplementation led to reductions in training times of an order of magnitude with MLP, mak-
ing our optimized implementations reach similar speed to Keras. While the CBLAS-accelerated
proposed algorithm requires 1.59–2.08× more memory than its naïve counterpart, this comes in
return for speedups of 8.60–29.76× while remaining 2.16–2.61× more memory-efficient than the
standard approach with acceleration. Our approach with CBLAS bettered Keras’ memory require-
ments by 27.66–58.34× while experiencing slowdowns of 2.10–3.22×. Experiments with BinaryNet
and CIFAR-10 showed similar trends, with the accelerated standard implementation failing to run
with a batch size over 40. Note that, due to operating system overheads, it was not possible for
the running training program to occupy all of the platform’s memory. In our CBLAS implementa-
tion, the additional data format conversions between floating point and boolean were efficiently
accelerated with ARM’s single-cycle VCVT instructions. ARM also features native support for
fp16 format with VFPv3 architecture in more advanced devices, which would further advance our
memory savings.
Energy Efficiency. In addition to memory savings, our use of low-precision activations and gra-
dients also reduces memory traffic, leading to reduced energy consumption. Figure 8 shows the
measured memory footprint and energy consumption per epoch for both MLP with MNIST and
BinaryNet with CIFAR-10. For the batch sizes we tested, the CBLAS-accelerated implementation
of our proposed training method surpasses the equally optimized standard approach in terms of
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Enabling Binary Neural Network Training on the Edge 105:17
Fig. 8. Measured peak memory consumption (a) and energy consumption per batch (b) for implementa-
tions training MLP/MNIST and BinaryNet/CIFAR-10. Batch sizes of 200 and 40 were chosen for MLP and
BinaryNet, respectively. BinaryNet/CIFAR-10 training with Keras was not possible due to the Raspberry Pi’s
memory limit. Annotations show decreases vs the bar to the left. The energy savings in (a) were less signifi-
cant than memory savings in (b), since the memory traffic-associated energy reductions are partially offset
by the costs of bool-packing (and -unpacking) operations.
energy efficiency by 1.02× and 1.18× for those respective network-dataset pairs. We remark that
these savings shown in Figure 8(b) are not as significant when compared against the huge memory
reductions shown in Figure 8(a), since data movement cost only accounts for a portion of the over-
all energy cost, and the memory traffic-associated energy reductions are partially offset by the
costs of bool-packing (and -unpacking) operations at output (and input) to every non-float32
GEMM kernel. Due to lack of an assembly level-optimized bit-packing operation in CBLAS library,
we opt to implement in our prototypes a C++-based function which revisits all input and output
data to the GEMM kernels, leading to extra data movements. This overhead can be reduced by cus-
tomizing the CBLAS GEMM implementation to perform bit packing (and unpacking) on the fly.
In this article, we introduced a neural network training scheme tailored specifically to BNNs. Mov-
ing first to 16-bit floating-point representation, we selectively and opportunistically approximated
beyond this based on careful analysis of the standard training algorithm presented by Courbariaux
& Bengio [13]. With a comprehensive evaluation conducted across multiple models, datasets, opti-
mizers, and batch sizes, we showed the generality of our approach and reported significant memory
reductions vs the prior art, challenging the notion that the resource constraints of edge platforms
present insurmountable barriers to on-device learning. We validated the veracity of our claimed
savings with Raspberry Pi-targeted prototypes, whose source code we have made openly available
for use and further development. In the future, we will explore the potential of our training approx-
imations in the custom hardware domain, within which we expect there to be vast energy-saving
opportunity via use of tailor-made arithmetic operators.
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