Three Things Everyone Should Know About Vision Transformers

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Three things everyone should know

about Vision Transformers

Hugo Touvron⋆,† Matthieu Cord† Alaaeldin El-Nouby⋆,⋄
Jakob Verbeek⋆ Hervé Jégou⋆

⋆ † ⋄
Meta AI Sorbonne University Inria

After their initial success in natural language processing, transformer ar-
chitectures have rapidly gained traction in computer vision, providing state-
of-the-art results for tasks such as image classification, detection, segmenta-
tion, and video analysis. We offer three insights based on simple and easy
to implement variants of vision transformers. (1) The residual layers of vi-
sion transformers, which are usually processed sequentially, can to some ex-
tent be processed efficiently in parallel without noticeably affecting the accu-
racy. (2) Fine-tuning the weights of the attention layers is sufficient to adapt
vision transformers to a higher resolution and to other classification tasks. This
saves compute, reduces the peak memory consumption at fine-tuning time,
and allows sharing the majority of weights across tasks. (3) Adding MLP-based
patch pre-processing layers improves Bert-like self-supervised training based
on patch masking. We evaluate the impact of these design choices using the
ImageNet-1k dataset, and confirm our findings on the ImageNet-v2 test set.
Transfer performance is measured across six smaller datasets.

1 Introduction
Since its introduction the Transformer architecture [66] has become the dominant
architecture in natural language processing tasks, replacing previously popular re-
current architectures. The vision transformer [16] (ViT) is a simple adaptation of
transformers to computer vision tasks like image classification: the input image
is divided into non-overlapping patches, which are fed to a vanilla transformer
architecture, after a linear patch projection layer. In contrast to networks built
from convolutional layers, transformers offer parallel processing and a complete
field-of-view in a single layer. Along with other attention-based architectures, see
e.g. [4, 7], transformers have recently substantially influenced the design of com-
puter vision architectures. Many modern architectures in computer vision directly
inherit parts of their design from this work, or are at least inspired by the recent
findings resulting from transformers [7, 16, 62]. As a result, significant improve-
ments have been observed on different computer vision tasks, ranging from ob-

MHSA-1 + FFN-1 + MHSA-2 + FFN-2 +


+ +


ject detection and segmentation [18] and video analysis [1, 19] to image genera-
tion [9, 31].
While vision transformers have led to considerable progress, the optimization
of their design and training procedures have only been explored to a limited extent.
In this paper, we offer three insights on training vision transformers.
1. Parallel vision transformers. Several works [20, 75] advocate the interest shal-
lower networks for reasons ranging from lower latency to easier optimization. We
propose a very simple way to achieve this with ViTs. Let us denote by MHSA the
multi-headed self-attention residual block, and by FFN the residual feedforward
network. Starting from a sequential architecture depicted as follows,
we parallelize the architecture by reorganizing the same blocks by pairs,
which can be done for any different numbers of parallel blocks. This produces an
architecture with the same number of parameters and compute, while being wider
and shallower. This design allows for more parallel processing, easing optimiza-
tion and reducing latency depending on the implementation.
In Section 3, we experimentally analyse the performance of this parallel con-
struction, and in particular how it affects the accuracy in comparison to the sequen-
tial baseline. The parallel version becomes a compelling option if deep enough. In
some cases, we observe improvements in accuracy resulting from an easier opti-
mization. Regarding the latency on GPUs, we observe reductions in the case of
small batch sizes.1
2. Fine-tuning attention is all you need. It is common practice to pre-train net-
works before fine-tuning them on a target task. This is the standard approach
underpinning transfer learning, where one leverages a large generic dataset like
ImageNet [56] when the number of images is limited for the target task [50, 73].
Another context is the one of changing resolution. Typically one would train at a
lower resolution than the one employed at inference time. This saves resources,
but additionally it reduces the discrepancy of scale between train and test images
that results from data augmentation [65]. In Section 4 we show that, in the case
of ViT, it is mostly sufficient to fine-tune only the multi-head attention layers and
freeze the feedforward network (FFN) layers. This saves compute and reduces
the memory peak during training. Importantly this allows the same FFN weights,
which dominate the number of parameters, to be used for multiple tasks. The im-
pact on accuracy is statistically not significant when fine-tuning for different image
resolutions. For large models, the impact on accuracy is limited when considering
transfer to other classification tasks.
3. Patch preprocessing with masked self-supervised learning. The first layers
of a transformer have a relatively local span [11], suggesting that they mostly be-
1 We have not found any papers in the literature analyzing the effect of width versus depth for ViT

on common GPUs and CPUs.

have like convolutions. Some recent hybrid architectures [18, 21, 23] preprocess
their input images with a convolutional stem, to improve accuracy and training
stability [71]. However, preprocessing images with convolutions is a priori not
compatible with the recent and successful mask-based self-supervised learning
approaches, like BeiT [3] or MAE [24]. The convolutions propagate information
across patches, impeding the masked prediction task.
In Section 5, we propose a simple way to adapt mask-based self-supervised
training methods with patch pre-processing, by applying the masking after the
patch pre-processing. However, our analysis reveals that existing convolutional
stems are not effective when combined with BeiT. To address this issue, we in-
troduce a hierarchical MLP (hMLP) stem that interleaves MLP layers and patch
aggregation operations, and prohibits any communication between patches. Our
experiments show that this choice is effective and able to leverage the benefit of
both BeiT self-supervised pre-training and patch pre-processing. Moreover, our
hMLP-stem is also effective for ViT in the supervised case: it is on par with the
best convolutional stem of our comparison [21].

2 Background
In this section, we discuss related work in common with our different contribu-
tions. We also introduce the baseline ViT models considered in this study and
how they are trained. In subsequent sections, we discuss related work that is more
specific to each of our three specific contributions.

2.1 Related work

Attention-based models, and in particular transformers [66], have been rapidly
adopted in neural networks handling text [6, 12, 40, 52, 66], speech [33, 44], and
even for more complex tasks such as function integration or solving differential
equation [37]. In computer vision, DeTR [7] and Vision Transformers [16] (ViT)
have deeply influenced the design of architectures in a short period of time. Most
of the architectures introduced since ViT can be regarded as some form of hybridi-
sation of transformers with convolutional neural networks, as illustrated by the
hierarchical transformers [19, 21, 41, 67], or conversely by convolutional neural
networks with design elements inspired from ViT [42, 63], or even multi-layer per-
ceptrons adopting designs inspired by transformers [14, 39, 47, 60, 61].
In our case we build upon the basic ViT design of Dosovitskiy. Its design is
governed by a small hyper-parameter space, and as such is less engineered than
some recent follow-up architectures. With a proper training procedure [58, 62, 69],
it achieves interesting performance/complexity trade-offs. It is also versatile: it
can be effectively combined with hierarchical detection or segmentation frame-
works [18]. Importantly, in spite of limited built-in priors, it has demonstrated
great potential when combined with self-supervised learning, either with con-
trastive methods [8, 10] or for reconstruction-based techniques like BeiT [3] or
other forms of masked auto-encoders [15, 17, 24, 68, 72, 76].

Table 1: Baseline models and their performance on ImageNet1k-val top1 accuracy at resolution
224×224. We adopt common models with their default parametrization: Vit-B and Vit-L [16] and Vit-Ti
and ViT-S [62], all with patch size of 16×16. Baseline results trained with LayerScale or not (LS) [64],
and for 300 or 400 epochs of training.
params Flops speed 300 epochs 400 ep.+LS
Model depth width heads (×106 ) (×109 ) (im/s) val v2 val v2
ViT-Ti/16 12 192 3 5.7 1.3 3796 72.7 60.3 73.5 61.4
ViT-S/16 12 384 6 22.1 4.6 1827 79.7 68.5 80.7 69.3
ViT-B/16 12 768 12 86.6 17.6 799 82.2 71.2 82.7 72.2
ViT-L/16 24 1024 16 304.4 61.6 277 83.0 72.4 84.0 73.7

2.2 Experimental setting

ViT models. We consider the vanilla ViT models initially introduced by Dosovit-
skiy et al. [16] as well as the smaller ones proposed by Touvron et al. [62]. Therefore
we use the initial pooling method that is based on a so-called class token. We only
consider transformers operating on 16×16 patches. Decreasing this patch size im-
proves the results but significantly increases the model complexity.
Training procedure. To prevent overfitting, we adopt an existing training setting,
namely the A2 procedure of Wightman et al. [69]. It uses a binary cross entropy
loss and fixes the setting of most of the hyper-parameters.Wightman et al.’s A2
procedure was originally designed for training ResNet-50 models, and requires a
few modifications when adopting it for ViTs to get strong performance and ensure
sufficient stability:
• The learning rate should be reduced compared to ResNet-50. We set it to lr =
4.10−3 for ViT-Ti and ViT-S and to lr = 3.10−3 for ViT-B and ViT-L.
• Stochastic depth drop-rate sd: we adjust it per model following Touvron et
al. [64]. It is not used for ViT-Ti. We fix sd = 0.05 for Vit-S, sd = 0.1 for
ViT-B and sd = 0.4 for Vit-L.
We observe that LayerScale [64] significantly improves the performance when train-
ing large models, and that in that case a longer training is also beneficial. Therefore
in addition to our main baseline where we train during 300 epochs without Lay-
erScale, like in DeiT and in the A2 procedure of Wightman et al. [69], we consider
another one that is trained for 400 epochs with LayerScale (LS).
Evaluation. Unless specified otherwise, we train our models on the ImageNet-1k
dataset [56], and evaluate the top-1 accuracy on its validation set. All experiments
are carried with seed 0. Since we have adjusted a low number of hyper-parameters,
and since we share them across models except stochastic depth, we do not expect
much overfitting. Nevertheless we also evaluate our models with the same metric
on ImageNet-V2 [55] (matched frequency), which provides a separate test set, to
provide a complementary view on the results.

2.3 Baselines
We report the results of our baseline in Table 1. With the few adaptations that
we have done, our training procedure outperforms existing ones for supervised
training for the model sizes that we consider, see Appendix A (Table 8). Note
that all our models use a patch size of 16×16 as in Dosovitskiy et al. [16]. Unless
specified, our experiments are carried out with images of size 224×224.

3 Depth vs Width: Parallel ViT

A recurrent debate in neural architecture design is on how to balance width ver-
sus depth. The first successful neural networks on Imagenet [35, 57] were not
very deep, for instance the 22-layer GoogleNet [59] was regarded as deep in 2014’s
standards. This has changed with ResNets [25, 26], for which going deeper was
hindering significantly less the optimization due to the residual connections. After
its introduction, some researchers have investigated alternative choices for trading
depth against width [13, 30, 75], like Wide Residual Networks [75].
Recently, there has been a renewed interest for wider architectures with atten-
tion [20, 38]. For instance the Non-deep Networks [20] proposes an architecture
with several parallel branches whose design is more complex. In our work, we
aim at proposing a much simpler and flexible alternative that builds upon a regu-
lar ViT in a more straightforward manner.

3.1 Preliminary discussion on width versus depth for ViT

The ViT architecture of Dosovitskiy et al. [16] is parametrized by three quantities:
the width (i.e., the working dimensionality d), the depth, and the number of heads.
We do not discuss the latter. Increasing depth or width increases the capacity of
the model and usually its accuracy. For the most common ViT models that we
report in Table 1 [16, 62], width and height are scaled together. Below, we discuss
the different pros and cons for favoring width versus depth.
Parametrization & Optimization. The compositionality of the layers is better
with deeper networks. This was one of the decisive advantage of ResNet once op-
timization issues were solved by residual connections. Yet too much depth hinders
optimization, even with residual connections. Some solutions have been proposed
to address this issue for ViTs [64], showing that transformers benefit from depth
when trained with improved optimization procedure.
Separability. In image classification, the spatial features are ultimately projected [35]
or pooled [25] into a high-dimensional latent vector that is subsequently fed to a
linear classifier. The dimensionality of this vector should be high enough so that
the classes are linearly separable. Hence it is typically larger for tasks involving
many classes. For instance in ResNet-50 it has dimension 512 when applied to
CIFAR, but 2048 for ImageNet. In ViT, the width is identical to the working di-
mensionality of each patch, and is typically smaller than with ResNet, possibly
limiting the separation capabilities. Besides, a larger dimension of the latent vec-
tor tend to favor overfitting. In this regard the compromise between capacity and
overfitting is subtle and depends size of the training set [58].

Complexity. In ViT, the different complexity measures are affected differently by
width and depth. Ignoring the patch pre-processing and final classification layer,
which contribute to complexity in a negligible manner, then we have:
• The number of parameters is proportional to depth and a quadratic function of
the width.
• The compute, as determined by FLOPS, is similarly proportional to the depth
and quadratic in width.
• The peak memory usage at inference time is constant when increasing the depth
for a fixed width, but it is quadratic as a function of width.

• The latency of wide architectures is in theory better as they are more parallel,
but actual speedups depend on implementation and hardware.

3.2 Parallelizing ViT

We propose and analyze flattening vision transformers by grouping layers follow-
ing the scheme presented in the introduction. Let us consider a sequence of trans-
former blocks defined by the functions mhsal (·), ffnl (·), mhsal+1 (·) and ffnl+1 (·).
Instead of sequentially processing the input xl in four steps as done in the usual

x'_{l+1} & = x_l + \mhsa _l(x_l), & x_{l+1} = &\ x'_{l+1} + \ffn _l(x'_{l+1}),\nonumber \\ x'_{l+2} & = x_{l+1} + \mhsa _{l+1}(x_{l+1}), & x_{l+2} = &\ x'_{l+2} + \ffn _{l+1}(x'_{l+2}), \label {eq:normal}

we replace this composition by two parallel operations:

x_{l+1} & = x_l+ \mhsa _{l,1}(x_l) + \mhsa _{l,2}(x_l), \nonumber \\ x_{l+2} & =x_{l+1} + \ffn _{l,1}(x_{l+1}) + \ffn _{l,2}(x_{l+1}). \label {eq:approx}

This reduces the number of layers by two for a given number of MHSA and FFN
blocks. Conversely, there is twice the amount of processing in parallel. The intu-
ition behind this parallelization is as follows: as networks get deeper, the contribu-
tion of any residual block r(·), be it mhsa(·) or ffn(·), becomes increasingly smaller
with respect to the overall function. Therefore, the approximation ∀r, r′ r′ (x +
r(x)) ≈ r′ (x) becomes increasingly satisfactory, and it is easy to check that if this
approximation is true, eq. (1) and (2) are equivalent.
Our strategy is different from taking transformers with a larger working di-
mensionality, which leads to different trade-offs between accuracy, parameters,
memory and FLOPS, as discussed in our experiments. In contrast to increasing
the working dimension, which increases the complexity quadratically as discussed
above, our modification is neutral with respect to parameter and compute.
Depending on whether we effectively parallelize the processing, the peak mem-
ory usage at inference time and the latency are modified. Note that rather than just
two, we can choose to process any number of blocks in parallel; falling back to the
sequential design if we process a single block in each layer.

3.3 Experiments
Notation. We adopt the standard naming convention of previous work [16, 62] to
use the postfixes Ti/S/B/L to identify the working dimensionality of the models,
i.e., the column “width” in Table 1. We append the depth N to indicate variations
on the number of pairs of layers (MHSA,FFN) [64]. For instance, ViT-B24 has the
same width as a ViT-B12 but with twice the depth, i.e., 24 pairs of MHSA and FFN
layers instead of 12. For our parallel models, we specify both the depth and the
number of parallel branches: ViT-B12×2 has twice the number of residual mod-
ules as a ViT-B12. It includes a total of 12×2=24 pairs of MHSA and FFN layers.
Therefore it has the same complexity as the ViT-B24 model (a.k.a. ViT-B24×1).
Comparison of sequential and parallel ViTs. In Figure 1, we compare the per-
formance of sequential and parallel models of a fixed complexity. We fix the total
number of blocks, i.e. pairs of MHSA and FFN layers, which determines the num-
ber of parameters and FLOPS, and we consider different possible of branches that
leads to the same total number of blocks. For instance 36 can be obtained as the
sequential ViT 36×1, or the parallel ViTs 18×2, 12×3 or 9×4.
We observe that, amongst the parallel and sequential models, the best perfor-
mance is obtained with two parallel branches for all tested model capacities. The
performance is comparable between the S20×3 and S30×2 for ViT-S60, but gener-
ally using more than two parallel branches is not favorable in terms of accuracy
and we do not discuss them further. Note that Figure 1 compares ViT models with
a relatively large number of blocks (36 and 60). This is the case where sequential
models are relatively difficult to optimize due to their depth. The parallel mod-
els with two branches are easier to train, while being deep enough to benefit from
layer compositionality.
In Figure 2, we consider models with only 24 pairs (MHSA,FFN) and a varying
width. Here we observe that the smallest models ViT-Ti and ViT-S are better in
their sequential version. This is because are easy to optimize up to 24 layers. The
B24×1 and B12×2 achieve comparable performance. In contrast, the ViT-L12×2 is
stronger than its sequential counterpart, which is more difficult to optimize even
though we used LS for this size; without LS its performance is 83% at 300 epochs.
In Figure 3, we compare the performance of sequential and parallel as a func-
tion of the number of blocks for ViT-S and ViT-B. Our observations concur with our
previous findings: the parallel version is more helpful for the deeper and higher
capacity models that are more difficult to optimize; our parallelization scheme al-
leviates this issue.
Impact of optimization. In Table 2, we provide results with LayerScale [64], which
helps the optimization of the biggest models. It improves the performance of both
sequential and parallel models, which end up approximately on par. Hence, for
models big enough and with proper optimization, sequential and parallel ViTs are
roughly equivalent.
Increasing the number of modules or the working dimensionality? Table 3 pro-
vides a comparison between different ViT architectures: sequential, parallel, and
with larger working dimensionality. We approximately adjust the complexity in
terms of parameters and FLOPS, yet this means that ViT models with larger work-
ing dimensionality have a higher peak memory usage with typical implementa-

B36 Table 2: Impact of the training on parallel and se-
S60 quential models.
ImageNet top-1(%)

Number of ImNet top1
82.5 Model Epochs LS -val -v2
300 ✗ 82.9 72.2
82.0 sequential:

1 2 3 4 400 ✓ 84.1 73.9
Number of branches 300 ✗ 83.3 72.4
parallel: 300 ✓ 83.8 73.3
Figure 1: Impact of the parallelism on perfor-
ViT-B18x2 400 ✗ 83.4 73.1
mance for a given model size (ViT-S36, -S60 and
-B36) and 1–4 parallel branches.
400 ✓ 84.1 73.5
83 Parallel (x2) Table 3: Comparison of parallel models with
ImageNet top-1(%)

82 more blocks with models with a higher work-

ing dimensionality. L24×1, B36×1 and B18×2
81 trained with LS.
79 Model
(×106 )
(×109 )
ImNet top1
-val -v2
78 B12x1 86.6 17.6 2077 82.2±0.06 71.0±0.26
T24 S24 B24 L24 S48x1 85.9 18.3 1361 82.3 72.0
Models S24x2 85.9 18.3 1433 82.6 72.3
L24x1 304.4 61.6 3788 83.4 73.3
Figure 2: Impact of model width (T:192, S:384, B36x1 256.7 52.5 3071 83.9 73.2
B:768, L:1024). We train the two L24 with LS to B18x2 256.7 52.5 3217 83.8 73.3
avoid optimization issues.
Table 4: Throughput for ViT-S18×2 and ViT-
B18×2 (im/s). With parallel ViT, the residual
ImageNet top-1(%)

blocks can be processed either sequentially (seq)

or in parallel (par).

82 batch ViT-S18x2 ViT-B18x2

size seq par best gain seq par best gain
B sequential
B parallel (x2) 1 44 61 61 38% 42 61 61 45%
S sequential
81 S parallel (x2) 2 84 123 123 46% 80 117 117 47%
12 24 36 48 4 168 245 245 46% 155 187 187 21%
Number of blocks 8 334 474 474 42% 230 211 230 0%
16 569 518 569 0% 266 231 266 0%
Figure 3: Sequential vs. parallel ViT-S and -B 32 616 556 616 0% 276 245 276 0%
when varying the number of blocks. 64 647 575 647 0% 286 248 286 0%

tion. In both tested settings the sequential and parallel models yield substantially
higher accuracy than the models with larger working dimensionality. The sequen-
tial and parallel models are comparable with 36 blocks. The parallel model is better
in the case of 48 blocks due to the increased depth of the sequential model.
Latency. On a commodity V100 GPUs, we observe a significant speed-up in the
case of per-sample processing, with also some gains for small batch sizes with rel-
atively small models, see Table 4. This comparison is based on a simple implemen-
tation of our parallel architecture, which is suboptimal due to the lack of a specific
CUDA kernel. Overall our measurements suggest specific hardware or kernels are
required to obtain compelling benefits in terms of throughput.

4 Fine-tuning attention is all you need

In this section we focus on fine-tuning ViT models, either to adapt the the model
to larger image resolutions or to address different downstream classification tasks.
In particular, we consider an approach where we only fine-tune the weights corre-
sponding to the MHSA layer, see Figure 4. We analyse the impact in terms of pre-
diction accuracy and savings in processing complexity, peak memory usage and
parameter count. As we will see, our choice is significantly better than alternative
ones, such as fine-tuning the parameter-heavy FFN layers.
It is common to train networks at lower resolution and fine-tuning it at a higher
target resolution. This saves a significant amount of compute at training time, and
typically also improves the accuracy of the network at the target resolution [65].
This is because it reduces the discrepancy between the scale of the images seen at
train and at test time that is induced by common data augmentation. Fine-tuning is
also the paradigm associated with foundation models in general and to the concept
of transfer learning itself [22, 50, 73]. A recent line of work explores adaptation of
pre-trained models with various types of adapter modules with a small amount of
task-specific parameters [5, 29, 45, 46, 51, 54]. In our work, instead, we focus on
fine-tuning vanilla ViTs.
Fine-tuning at different resolutions. In Table 5, we report results with fine-tuning
ViT-S, ViT-B and ViT-L at 384×384 resolution for models pre-trained at 224×224.
Solely fine-tuning the MHSA weights provides results that are within standard
deviation (±0.1) from a full fine-tuning both on ImageNet-val and ImageNet-V2.
This is not the case when fine-tuning the FFN layers, while these contain twice the
number of parameters of MHSA. Note, our pre-trained models have been trained
long enough (400 epochs) to ensure convergence.
There are only advantages to use this approach when fine-tuning at higher res-
olution as opposed to doing a full fine-tuning, as we get substantial savings in
terms of parameters, latency, and peak memory usage for free, see Figure 4 (right
panels). First, the fine-tuning stage requires 10% less memory on the GPU, which is
especially interesting in the context of high-resolution fine-tuning where the higher
images require more memory. The training is also 10% faster, as less gradients are
computed. Finally, the attention weights correspond to approximately one third of
the weights. Therefore, if one wants to use multiple models fine-tuned for different
input resolutions, we save 66% of the storage for each additional model.

Pre-training Finetuning

latency (ms/im) parameters (M)

full finetuning
×" ×" attention finetuning

+ +

FFN FFN 0 20 40 60 80
full finetuning
Layer Norm Layer Norm attention finetuning

+ +
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
full finetuning

memory (GB)
Layer Norm Layer Norm attention finetuning

Patch Projection Patch

Projection 0 5000 10000 15000 20000

Figure 4: Fine-tuning the weights of the self-attention layer only (middle panel) leads to savings during
fine-tuning in peak memory usage and computational cost. It also leads to important savings in the
number of parameters when a model is fine-tuned for multiple resolutions or multiple downstream
classification tasks.

Table 5: Comparison of full finetuning of all weight (full), finetuning of the MHSA layer weights only
(attn) and of the FFN layer only (ffn) when adapting models at resolution 384 × 384 on ImageNet-
1k from model pre-trained at 224 × 224. We compare finetuning with the SGD and AdamW [43]

ImageNet1k-val top1 acc. ImageNet1k-V2 top1 acc.

AdamW↑384 SGD↑384 AdamW↑384 SGD↑384
Model Model
full attn ffn full attn ffn full attn ffn full attn ffn
ViT-S 82.7 82.5 82.2 82.6 82.3 82.0 ViT-S 72.5 72.4 71.6 72.5 72.2 71.1
ViT-B 84.3 84.3 84.1 84.3 84.2 84.0 ViT-B 73.7 74.0 73.6 74.0 73.9 73.7
ViT-L 85.5 85.5 85.2 85.4 85.3 85.1 ViT-L 75.5 75.4 75.2 75.6 75.1 75.0

Fine-tuning on different datasets. We now evaluate our approach when transfer-

ring ViTs pre-trained on ImageNet to different downstream classification tasks by
fine-tuning. We consider public benchmarks whose characteristics and references
are given in Appendix B.
In Table 6 we report the performance for different fine-tuning strategies. Here
we make different observations. First, for the smallest datasets, namely CARS and
Flower, fine-tuning only the MHSA layers is an excellent strategy. It is even better
than full-tuning. Our interpretation is that restricting the number of weights has
a regularizing effect. The conclusion is more mixed with the largest datasets, in
particular iNaturalist, where we observe a significant gap between the full fine-
tuning and our solution for the ViT-S. This could be expected: in this case there
are more images to learn from and new classes that were not seen before the fine-
tuning stage. Restricting the fine-tuning to MHSA layer allows modifying only a
relatively small number of parameters. FFN layers have twice more weights and
leads to better results in that case. This limitation tends to disappear with the
larger ViT-L models, for which the the capacity of the MHSA is much larger and
therefore sufficient. Our strategy is therefore interesting in the typical use-cases of

Table 6: Transfer learning experiments: we compare full finetuning, finetuning of attention only and
finetuning with ffn only on 6 transfer learning dataset with 3 differents ViT models pre-trained on
ImageNet-1k only.

Model INAT-18 INAT-19 CIFAR-10 CIFAR-100 CARS Flowers
full attn ffn
✓ ✗ ✗ 68.0 73.9 98.9 90.5 89.7 96.8
ViT-S ✗ ✓ ✗ 60.6 68.7 98.7 89.1 89.8 96.9
✗ ✗ ✓ 64.4 72.5 98.9 90.1 88.3 96.1
✓ ✗ ✗ 74.1 78.2 99.3 92.5 92.7 97.8
ViT-B ✗ ✓ ✗ 71.1 75.7 99.2 91.8 92.8 98.5
✗ ✗ ✓ 73.3 77.3 99.3 92.1 88.9 97.5
✓ ✗ ✗ 75.9 79.7 99.3 93.2 93.8 98.3
ViT-L ✗ ✓ ✗ 75.3 78.7 99.2 92.7 93.8 98.4
✗ ✗ ✓ 75.4 79.3 99.2 93.0 93.0 97.6

foundation models, which are very large models that are fine-tuned on a variety
of downstream tasks.

5 Patch preprocessing for Bert-like self-supervised learning

The original ViT paper [16] considered to include convolution instead of patch pro-
jection in the network design. Several recent papers [21, 23, 67, 70, 71, 74] advocate
this choice to include a small pre-processing network in the architecture, instead of
a simple patch projection. Most of the pre-processing subnetworks that have been
considered are based on convolutions, and are often referred to as “convolutional
stems”. Small transformers have also been considered [74].
While these patch pre-processing designs have been developed to improve ac-
curacy and/or stability, there are some remaining questions regarding their design
and flexibility. First, it is not clear which is the most effective when combined with
a vanilla transformer. Second, to our knowledge there is no work addressing the
problem of their compatibility with self-supervised methods based on patch mask-
ing, and in particular on Bert-like auto-encoders such as BeiT [3].
In this section we try to answer these questions. We compare several existing
pre-processing designs in terms of accuracy and compute and evaluate them in
combination with BeiT, using the codebase release by the authors of BeiT. The only
change we make is to train the tokenizer on ImageNet-1k, rather than using the
one from DALL-E [53] used in BeiT which is trained on a proprietary dataset com-
prised of 250 million images. In this manner, pre-training is based on ImageNet-1k
only. This permits reproducible experimentation and fair comparison, and gives
equivalent results [49]. Since existing convolutional designs are not satisfactory in
combination with masking, we first introduce our own design.

Our hierarchical MLP (hMLP) stem is depicted in Figure 5. All patches are
processed independently with linear layers interleaved with non-linearities and
renormalization. Its design is guided by our motivation to remove any interac-

#×$ # $ # $ # $
× × ×
4 4 8 8 16 16








Figure 5: Design of our hMLP-stem: we start from subpatches and progressively merge them with
linear layers interleaved by GELU non-linearities. The design of our stem is such that the patches are
processed independently. Hence it commutes with masking.

tion between the different 16×16 patches during the pre-processing stage. Even
if we mask a patch, it does not create any artifacts resulting from the convolution
overlapping with other patches, as it is the case with existing designs. Therefore,
with our hMLP solution, we can equivalently mask the patches before or after the
patch-processing stage. Note that, although patches are processed independently,
our hMLP-stem is equivalent to a convolutional stem in which the size of the con-
volutional kernel and its stride are matched, and in practice we implement it with
convolutional layers, see our code in Appendix C.
In short, we start from small 2×2 patches, and gradually increase their size un-
til they reach 16×16. Each increase of the patch size is denoted by “patchify” in
Figure 5, in spirit of hierarchical transformer designs like Swin-Transformers [41].
The patches are projected with a linear projection and normalized before we ap-
ply a GELU non-linearity [27]. For the normalization, we consider and evaluate
two choices: either we use batch-normalization [32] (BN) or layer-normalization
(LN) [2]. While the BN offers better trade-offs, LN is of interest when used with
small batch sizes: it works well even with a single image per batch, as often used
in object detection.
In contrast with existing stems from the literature, our hMLP design does not
significantly increase the compute requirement. For instance, ViT-B, requires FLOPS
is 17.73 GFLOPS with our design. This adds less than 1% of compute compared to
using the usual linear projection stem.
Stem comparison in supervised learning. In Table 7 we provide a comparison be-
tween different stem designs. We have selected several prototypical designs from
the literature for which the code is available online. In addition to our hMLP stem,
we have considered some variations over the standard linear projection to evalu-
ate the influence of the non-linearities and normalization. For the standard linear
stem, we also consider a ViT-B13 including an extra pair (MHSA, FFN) to allow
more direct comparisons with other stems with more FLOPS. In this comparison
the most effective existing design is the one of LeViT [21]. The improvements with
respect to the linear baseline are significant considering the standard deviation,
even when taking into account the extra layer of ViT-B13 to compare with an simi-

Table 7: Patch pre-processing: Performance in top1 accuracy with for a ViT-B12. All models are (1)
trained 300 epochs in the supervised case; (2) pre-trained during 300 epochs and fine-tuned 100 epochs
when used with BeiT. We report the result of a ViT-B13 to provide the performance of a vanilla trans-
former with more FLOPS. We measure the standard deviation for the two linear stem baselines and our
hMLP stem on 5 runs. The other measurements are made with the fixed seed 0.

ImNet1k supervised BeiT+FT

Stem type norm. NL GFLOPS acc. -val acc. -v2 ImNet-val
– – 17.58 82.20±0.06 71.0 83.05±0.08
BN – 17.58 82.31 71.0 82.98
Linear: ViT-B12 [16]
– GELU 17.58 81.55 70.5 83.09
BN GELU 17.58 82.38 70.7 82.99
Linear: ViT-B13 – – 19.04 82.35±0.12 71.3 83.26±0.06
BN GELU 19.07 82.57 71.0 83.04
Conv: Graham et al. [21]
LN GELU 19.07 82.50 70.9 83.06
Local transformer [23] 19.12 82.26 70.6 82.38
hMLP (ours) BN GELU 17.73 82.54±0.09 71.5 83.43±0.10
LN GELU 17.73 82.50±0.07 71.0 83.24±0.09

83.4 Conv: Graham et al.
unsupervised top-1(%)

Figure 6: Performance of patch pre-processing in the

hMLP (ours)
supervised and BeiT+FT settings. Our hMLP stem
performs well in both cases, improving the accu-
racy compared to linear projection (shown for B12
and B13) without significantly increasing the com-
83.2 plexity (+0.8% FLOPS compared to the ViT-B12 in
the bottom-left corner). In contrast, the convolutional
stem only improves the performance in the super-
vised case, while significantly increasing complexity
(+7.5% FLOPS).
83.0 82.3 82.5
supervised top-1(%)

lar number of FLOPS. Our hMLP stem obtains a comparable performance but with
lower complexity, and without any interaction between the 16×16 patches.
Results with BeiT training. We report the results with BeiT, fine-tuned on ImageNet-
val, in the right-most column of Table 7. We use the code of BeiT [3] with their
training procedure, which includes LayerScale and a relatively elaborated fine-
tuning procedure. As one can see, existing stems do not provide any improvement
compared to the linear baseline, while adding compute. In contrast, our design is
effective and provides an improvement of +0.3/+0.4 top1 accuracy compared to
the baseline, which is significant considering the measure uncertainty. The inter-
est of hMLP in the context of masked self-supervised learning is clear in Figure 6,
where we plot the performance, averaged over 5 seeds for our method, in the su-
pervised case versus the one with BeiT.

6 Conclusion
In this paper, we looked at three different topics related to Vision Transformers.
First, we investigated a simple but effective way to parallelize them, showing a
viable alternative to increase capacity without significantly increasing the working
dimensionality. Whether this simple parallel design principle can be applied to
other architectures is an exploration left for future work. Second, we considered
different fine-tuning strategies and showed that fine-tuning the self-attention layer
is sufficient in the context of resolution fine-tuning. This can also be interesting
when transferring to other downstream classification tasks, especially when fine-
tuning large models or/and transferring to a dataset with few training images.
Last, we introduced a simple patch pre-processing stem, which processes patches
independently across multiple linear layers interleaved with non-linearities and
patch aggregation. It is especially useful when combined with mask-based self-
supervised learning such as BeiT.

Acknowledgement. We thank Francisco Massa for valuable discussions and in-

sights about optimizing the implementation of block parallelization.

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Three things everyone should know about ViTs

– Supplemental material –

A Baselines

↓ Training procedure #epochs ViT-Ti ViT-S ViT-B ViT-L

DeiT [62] 300 72.2 79.8 81.8 –
Steiner et al. [58] 300 69.6 76.0 78.7 74.0
He et al. [24] 300 – – 82.1 81.5†
He et al. [24] with EMA 300 – – 82.3 82.6†
Our baseline 300 72.7 79.7 82.2±0.06 83.0
Our baseline with LayerScale [64] 400 73.5 80.7 82.7 84.0

Table 8: Comparison our baseline with previous training procedures. We only include results that
correspond to the vanilla ViT introduced by Dosovitskiy et al. [16] for Vit-B, Vit-L and Touvron et
al. [62] for Vit-Ti and ViT-S. All models are train oned ImageNet-1k at resolution 224 × 224 without
distillation. † 200 epochs.

B Transfer Learning Datasets

Table 9: Datasets used in transfer experiments and corresponding references.

Dataset Train size Test size #classes

ImageNet [56] 1,281,167 50,000 1000
iNaturalist 2018 [28] 437,513 24,426 8,142
iNaturalist 2019 [28] 265,240 3,003 1,010
Flowers-102 [48] 2,040 6,149 102
Stanford Cars [34] 8,144 8,041 196
CIFAR-100 [36] 50,000 10,000 100
CIFAR-10 [36] 50,000 10,000 10

C Pytorch code of our hMLP Stem

Algorithm 1 Pseudocode of hMLP stem in a PyTorch-like style.

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class hMLP_stem(nn.Module):
""" Image to Patch Embedding
def __init__(self, img_size=(224,224), patch_size=(16,16), in_chans=3, embed_dim
num_patches = (img_size[1] // patch_size[1]) * (img_size[0] // patch_size[0])
self.img_size = img_size
self.patch_size = patch_size
self.num_patches = num_patches
self.proj = torch.nn.Sequential(
*[nn.Conv2d(in_chans, embed_dim//4, kernel_size=4, stride=4),
nn.Conv2d(embed_dim//4, embed_dim//4, kernel_size=2, stride=2),
nn.Conv2d(embed_dim//4, embed_dim, kernel_size=2, stride=2),

def forward(self, x):

B, C, H, W = x.shape
x = self.proj(x).flatten(2).transpose(1, 2)
return x


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