DLR - One Sheet - Diablo Pass
DLR - One Sheet - Diablo Pass
DLR - One Sheet - Diablo Pass
the posse must decide how to ap- of the pass—the ground here is
The Mission proach the pass. very uneven, almost like it was
The posse begins the adventure churned up by something. Of
outside a Hellstromme Industries Expedition found course, Dr. Winters wasn’t exactly
field office in southern Utah. The gushing with information about
scientist in charge, Dr. Winters, has Once inside the pass, the posse the contraption either—maybe
hired the posse to look into the can see two steam wagons. One this is what it does…for whatever
disappearance of a recent expedi- is completely smashed as if a mas- reason. The apparatus is nowhere
tion into the Utah Badlands. The sive rock fell on it. The other one to be found.
expedition left a week ago to test is noticeably damaged as well,
a new experimental apparatus. but could be fixed with a Repair Young ‘uns!
The expedition has disappeared. roll and a couple hours work. Five
Dr. Winters would like the posse men are rifling through the wag- Have the posse make Notice rolls.
to find out what happened to the ons, throwing things here and The posse member that rolls the
expedition and, more importantly, there, obviously looking for some- highest, finds an opening in the
return the apparatus to the Hell- thing. One whoops as he finds wall of the pass large enough for a
stromme Industries’ field office. He some coins in the dirt. A sixth man to walk through. The open-
describes the apparatus as being man with a weathered face and ing would normally be hidden
about three feet tall and vaguely a shock of white hair sits on his from anyone riding through the
egg shaped. It weighs about 60 horse watching them. pass. Looking at the ground he
pounds and may be giving off a can see that something heavy was
slight glow or emitting odd noises. Searching dragged through the opening.
Dr. Winters will say nothing more The opening in the wall leads to
about the apparatus or its func- On a successful Common Knowl- a small canyon. Sitting at the far
tion. For this he will pay the posse edge roll, any player connected to end of the canyon, amongst the
$50 each, plus an additional $100 the law (a lawman, ranger, bounty churned up ground, sits a vaguely
bonus each if they return with the hunter, etc) will recognize the man egg-shaped, slightly glowing
apparatus intact. As an additional on the horse as Whitey Stump. apparatus-- Just as Dr. Winters
incentive, and to help insure the Any other posse member will need described. It’s even emitting the
successes of the posse, Dr. Win- a raise to recognize Whitey. Whitey strange sounds the doc men-
ters will give each posse member a is wanted in Utah for murder and tioned. Lying against it though is
Greased Lightning Pill. robbery. There’s a $400 reward a large (about 3’ tall) worm with a
for his capture. The reward drops head full of tentacles. The rattler
Diablo Pass to $100 if brought in dead. The young ‘un seems to be comforted
posse is going to have to deal by the apparatus.
On the afternoon of the second with these outlaws before con- The rattler young ‘uns will not
day out, the posse comes to a tinuing their investigation. want the apparatus disturbed and
pass between two large rocky hills. The steam wagons have Hell- will put up a good fight trying to
Each posse member who makes a stromme Industries painted on stop the posse from leaving the
Notice roll will hear strange noises them. They obviously belonged little canyon with it. There should
from up ahead inside the pass. to the ill-fated expedition the Cont’d on Page 2
The sounds seem out of place in posse is in search of. It’s strange
this desolate area: clanking and that the expedition would stop
thuds…maybe even voices. Now on this particularly rough piece
Rattler both the Size modifier and Heavy Spells: Aim, Deflection, Obscure,
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d8, Armor of the rattler. Of course, the Quickness; Power Points: 15.
Spirit d8, Strength d12+6, Vigor danger is in getting close enough Gear: 2 Colt 45s (12/24/48,
d12+2 to the rattler to take the shot! 2d6+1, shots 6, AP 1), Knife
Skills: Fighting d8, Intimidation d6+d4
Rattler Young ‘uns
d10, Notice d8, Stealth d8
Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6,
Pace: 6; Parry: 6; Toughness: 26 (2)
Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
Special Abilities:
Skills: Fighting d6, Notice d8,
• Armor +2, Burrowing: 18”, Fear
Stealth d6
(-2), Size +15, Bite: 2d12+3.
Pace: 6; Parry: 5; Toughness: 4
• Gargantuan: Heavy Armor.+4
Special Abilities:
to ranged attacks from man-sized
• Bite: d6+d4.
creatures. Using its entire bulk, a
• Blizzard of Tentacles: A lone rat-
rattler can slam itself down upon a
tler young ’un gains an automatic
foe or an obstacle. Add Size bonus
+1 Gang-Up bonus on its prey.
to Strength for damage. Rattlers
• Burrow: 15”.
can effect an area equivalent to
• Quick Cont’d from Page 1
a Cone Template with their slam
• Size –1: Rattler young ’uns are be at least one burrowing young
three feet long. ‘un per posse member. Remem-
• Seismic Sensors: Rattlers sense
ber that the apparatus is a little
their prey by vibrations in the Outlaws heavy for just one person to carry
sand. They can detect the move-
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d6, quickly.
ment of a man up to 100” (200
Spirit d6, Strength d8, Vigor d6
yards) distant. This is an opposed
Skills: Fighting d6, Gambling d6, Wagons Ho!
Notice versus Stealth if the prey
Notice d6, Shooting d6, Stealth
is trying to step lightly (–2 if run-
d6, Survival d6 Once the posse has the apparatus
ning), otherwise just a Notice roll
Charisma: –2; Pace: 6; Parry: 5; back in the pass and loaded up,
for the rattler. Horses are detected
Toughness: 5 their problems are far from over.
at double the distance, wagons at
Hindrances: Bloodthirsty, Wanted The ground will begin to shake
Edges: Quick Draw as momma rattler comes to her
• Tentacles: Rattler tentacles are
Gear: Colt 45 Pistol (Range children’s aid. This is not a fight
20” long. Once they grapple a
12/24/48, 2d6+1, AP 1, Dbl Tap), the posse is supposed to win.
target, they begin dragging them
Knife (d8+d4), Win ’73 (Range Hopefully they have enough sense
toward their maw. Each success
24/48/96, 2d8, AP2, 15 shots) to make a run for it. This is an
and raise on an opposed Strength
test drags the victim 1d6” closer to Whitey Stump excellent time for a chase. If the
the hungry mouth. Each tentacle posse successfully escapes they
Attributes: Agility d8, Smarts d8,
can take a single wound, but has have no further problems getting
Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6
a Toughness of 12. Bullets and the Apparatus back to the Hell-
Skills: Fighting d6, Guts d6,
impaling weapons cause half stromme field office. This should
Knowledge (Arcana) d6, Notice
damage, while blunt attacks inflict be a dramatic, run for your lives
d6, Spellcasting d8, Shooting d8,
no damage. Wounds inflicted on ending so play it up big. Note that
Taunt d6 if given a choice the rattler will
tentacles do not harm the rattler. Charisma: –1; Pace: 6; Parry: 2;
• Weakness (Nerve Cluster): Rat- always follow the apparatus. You
Toughness: 5
tlers have a cluster of nerves deep can also have any posse member
Hindrances: Wanted (Major) that might have a reason to know
in their bodies at the nexus of Edges: Arcane Background (Mag-
their tentacles. If targeted with a it to make a Common Knowledge
ic), Quick Draw, Marksman, Speed
called shot (–6), damage ignores roll to know about the rattler’s
Load, Two-Fisted weakness: its nerve cluster.
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