RMHE08 turcos monster hunter tri
RMHE08 turcos monster hunter tri
RMHE08 turcos monster hunter tri
Turn it up to 11 [Stuff]
047949C0 40112244
add or subtract 244891. I think it only goes up by one more. (Music volume)
autofail [Stuff]
043B030C 60000000
No knockback [Stuff]
04265FA0 48000B2C
Original code by Doudley, but it didn't look like it would work. So this is my fix.
no inactivity [Stuff]
04425690 60000000
Teleporter [Bully@Wiiplaza]
C23BAAB0 0000000B
3D408065 614A941A
A14A0000 3D608170
2C0A100C 4082001C
81990000 918B1500
81990004 918B1504
81990008 918B1508
2C0A200C 4082001C
818B1500 91990000
818B1504 91990004
818B1508 91990008
EC4007F2 00000000
*Press C+Z+D-PAD_DOWN to save position*
*Press C+Z+D-PAD_UP to teleport*
No Reload [Skiller]
04287DA0 38030000
Use with the the Ammo Codes or the Inf Items/Ammo coded
Normal Enemy HP (Off Code for 1hp and 1hit kills) [Skiller]
28?????? 0000XXXX
0411E670 7C002214
E0000000 80008000
Use "Controller Pad Digits" to set your button Activators .
Res 0 [Skiller]
4A000000 90000000
140E4474 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Glider for Single play only (Use L Stick for Classic or Stick for Wii/Nunchuck)
04254A60 C022FE3C
0479D8DC 00000000
4A000000 90000000
3814AC04 FFDF0020
42000000 80000000
0479D8DC C2700000
E0000000 80008000
04254B1C C002FE34
04254B30 C002FE38
0479D8D4 00000000
0479D8D8 00000000
28659618 DFFF2000
0479D8D8 42700000
E0000000 80008000
28659618 EFFF1000
0479D8D8 C2700000
E0000000 80008000
28659618 F7FF0800
0479D8D4 42700000
E0000000 80008000
28659618 FBFF0400
0479D8D4 C2700000
E0000000 80008000
Change 3814AC04 FFDF0020 to 3814AC04 FDFF0200 if Wiimote/Nunchuck.
Run and Dash in mid air (PressNhold L=CC or B=Wii/Nun button) [Doudley]
4A000000 90000000
3A14AB48 00000002
1014AB4B 00000000
E0000000 80008000
4A000000 90000000
3814AC00 FFF70008
3814AB48 00000002
1414AB48 00000101
3814AC00 FF7F0080
1014AB4D 00000002
E0000000 80008000
2865941A FFDF0020
4A000000 90000000
3814AB48 00000002
1414AB48 00000101
E0000000 80008000
2865941A FFFB0004
4A000000 90000000
3814AB4A 00000101
1014AB4D 00000002
E0000000 80008000
4A000000 90000000
3814AB4A 00000101
90000000 90000000
9C0002F4 0014AC18
9A00024F 0014ABEA
E0000000 80008000
Hold down L or B button(Wii/Nun) to stop and Run while in mid air, to Dash press R
or Z button. CAUTION It may cause error upon game start, stop usage if it happens.
D-pad version (CC-Pad or Wii/Nun)(Required for Run and Dash in mid air) [Doudley]
4A000000 90000000
3814AB4A 00000101
3814AC00 CFFF2000
1214ABEE 0000E000
E0000000 80008000
4A000000 90000000
3814AB4A 00000101
3814AC00 EFFF1000
1214ABEE 00001000
E0000000 80008000
While holding L or B button(Wii/Nun) press directional buttons: UP to run upwards,
DOWN to go downwards, and LEFT/RIGHT to turn.
R Stick Version (Classic C-Pad only)(Required for Run and Dash in mid air)
2865942E FFDF0020
4A000000 90000000
3814AB4A 00000101
1214ABEE 0000E000
E0000000 80008000
2865942E FFEF0010
4A000000 90000000
3814AB4A 00000101
1214ABEE 00001000
E0000000 80008000
While holding the Item window button, point R Stick: UP to run upwards, DOWN to go
downwards, and LEFT/RIGHT to turn.
Battojutsu Mode (Longsword Quick Draw) Press activator then A button [Doudley]
28?????? MMMMXXXX
4A000000 90000000
3814AD10 00FF0E00
3814AB58 00FF0000
3A14AB4C FF00002F
3A14AB4C FF00003A
3814AC04 FFDF0020
1014AB45 00000000
1014AB4A 00000004
1014AB4D 0000002F
3814AB48 FF000003
1014AB4D 0000003A
E0000000 80008000
4A000000 90000000
3814AD10 00FF0E00
3814AB48 FF000002
3814AB4E FF000004
1014AB58 00000000
E0000000 80008000
Change 3814AC04 FFDF0020 to 3814AC04 FDFF0200 if Wiimote/Nunchuck.
Sleep Anywhere (Press OpenMenu button(-/2) and Evade button(B) at the same time)
2865942A 00004040
4A000000 90000000
3014AB48 00000000
1014AB4D 00000046
1014AB4D 00000054
E0000000 80008000
28659420 00000110
4A000000 90000000
3014AB48 00000000
1014AB4D 00000046
1014AB4D 00000054
E0000000 80008000
Will not work underwater/mid air, supports both CC and Wii/Nun.
Thrown Back to Camp (Press OpenMenu button(-/2) and Weapon button(R/Z) at the same
time) [Doudley]
2865942A 00004080
4A000000 90000000
3014AB48 00000000
1214AB49 00000008
E0000000 80008000
28659420 00000018
4A000000 90000000
3014AB48 00000000
1214AB49 00000008
E0000000 80008000
BGM is silent if it works, try again if monsters still attacking you. Will not work
underwater/mid air, supports both CC and Wii/Nun.
Character Stats
Inf HP [Skiller]
4A000000 90000000
1414AEB0 00640064
1214AEB6 00000064
E0000000 80008000
Features [Skiller]
4A000000 90000000
100E4357 000000??
E0000000 80008000