Morals From the khutbahs of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi
Morals From the khutbahs of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi
Morals From the khutbahs of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi
The Introduction
All praise be to Allah, and may peace and blessings be upon our
prophet Muhammad, and his family and companions.
To proceed:
From the grace of Allah upon His servants is that he made righteous
actions of different types, so they may acquire the highest levels of Paradise
through them.
Among these acts of worship are those actions which are between the
slave and his Lord, such as reverence and subservience to Him, worshipping
Him alone, and affirming absolute perfection to Him by affirming His names
and attributes.
Also from these acts of worship are those actions which are between
the slave and the creation, and they can be summarised in the following:
good character, being kind and avoiding harming others, and having a
cheerful face.
In order to clarify the importance and status of this worship – i.e. good
character, I delivered a number of khutbahs regarding it in the Prophet's
mosque. Afterwards, I gathered and organised them in this book, and they
came to a total of thirteen khutbahs. I have named this book «Morals – From
the khutbahs of Al-Masjid An-Nabawi».
I ask Allah to make it beneficial and sincere for His Noble Face.
May Allah’s peace and blessings be upon our prophet Muhammad,
and upon his family and companions.
Amma ba‘d:[2]
O Slaves of Allah! Fear Allah as He deserves to be feared, for whoever
fears his Lord is saved, and whoever turns away from His remembrance is
}{ﳊ ﳋ ﳌ ﳍ ﳎ ﳏﳐ ﳑ ﳒ ﳓ ﳔ ﳕ ﳖ
}{ﲓ ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ * ﲘ ﲙ
{Have We not made for him two eyes? And a tongue and two lips?}
[Al-Balad: 8-9]
Within it is knowledge, eloquence, and the honour of the descendants
of Adam, Allah the Exalted says:
} {ﱧ * ﱩ ﱪ * ﱬ ﱭ * ﱯ ﱰ
(2) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 4th of Rajab 1441AH.
[3] Translator's note: "Amma ba‘d" is a phrase used to separate between the introduction
and the topic of the sermon. It can be translated as: "To proceed".
[1] Translator's note: "Ayyuhal-Muslimoon" is an address meaning: "O Muslims".
8 Morals
{The Most Merciful. He taught the Quran. He created man. He taught
him eloquent speech.} [Al-Rahman: 1-4]
All that the servant says is recorded in his scrolls, and He will meet his
Lord with it on the Day of Resurrection. Allah the Exalted says:
}{ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡ
{He utters no word except that there is a watcher by him ready (to
record it).} [Qaf: 18]
Because of this, Allah has commanded His servants to speak in an
upright manner. He said:
}{ﲕ ﲖ ﲗ ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜ
{O you who have believed, fear Allah and speak (always) the truth.}
[Al-Ahzab: 70]
Similarly, He commanded them to speak with the kindest and best of
}{ﱰ ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴ ﱵﱶ
}{ﱋ ﱌ ﱍ ﱎ ﱏ
{And they who turn away from actions and speech that have no benefit
in them.} [Al-Muminun: 3]
The Muslim is the one who guards his tongue, and the slaves differ in
their levels regarding guarding the tongue. A man asked the Prophet,
«Which of the Muslims is best? He replied: He from whose tongue and hand
the Muslims are safe» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). Paradise is the
reward for the one who guards his tongue, the Prophet Muhammad (peace
and blessings be upon him) said: «Whoever can guarantee for me what is
between his two jawbones – meaning his tongue – and what is between
Morals 9
his two legs – meaning his private part – I guarantee Paradise for him»
(Reported by Bukhari).
The tongue is a small in size, and hugely beneficial. However, it may
also be extremely harmful. It is for this reason that the Prophet Muhammad
(peace and blessings be upon him) sought refuge from its evil. He said: «O
Allah! I seek refuge in You from the evils of my tongue» (Reported by Abu
Dawood). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) feared the
consequences of the tongue for his companions and his nation. Sufyan ibn
Abdullah Ath-Thaqafi said: «O Messenger of Allah! What do you fear most
for me? So he took hold of his tongue and said: This» (Reported by At-
The companions (may Allah be pleased with them) were also fearful of
their tongues. Abu Bakr showed his tongue, and said: «This has brought me
to dangerous places». Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) took
a hold of his tongue and said: «Wo be to you! Say that which is good, you
will profit; or remain silent from evil, and you will be safe. If you do not, then
know that you will be regretful».
The danger of the tongue is severe in this world and the hereafter.
How many lives have been destroyed because of a single word!? Ibn Masud
(may Allah be pleased with him) said: «There is nothing more deserving of a
lengthy imprisonment than a tongue». It is possible that a person’s speech
destroys them, to the extend that he meets Allah bankrupt. The Messenger
of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «Do you know
who the bankrupt one is? They said: O Messenger of Allah, the bankrupt
one among us is the one who has no Dirham nor property. The Messenger
of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: The bankrupt
in my Ummah is the one who comes with prayer and fasting and charity on
the Day of Resurrection, but he comes having abused this one, falsely
accusing that one, wrongfully consuming the wealth of this one, spilling
the blood of that one, and beating this one. Thus, this one is given from his
good deeds, as is the other person [that he wronged]. If his good deeds are
depleted before he is able to pay what is upon him, then some of their sins
will be taken and cast upon him, then he will be cast into the Fire»
(Reported by Muslim). The Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) was «asked about that for which people are admitted into the
Fire the most, and he said: The mouth and the private parts» (Reported by
At-Tirmidhi). Furthermore, «Verily the slave utters a word that he does not
10 Morals
affirm its outcomes, but he sinks down in Hell-Fire farther than the
distance between the east and the west» (Reported by Bukhari and
The greatest evil of the tongue is invoking other than Allah, and making
rivals with Him, Exalted is He. Allah says:
{ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ ﳆ ﳇ
}ﳈ ﳉ ﳊ ﳋ
}{ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ
{And there were men from mankind who sought refuge in men from
the jinn, so they increased them in burden} [Al-Jinn: 6]
Swearing by other than Allah is from associating partners with Allah in
statements. The Messenger of Allah may (may Allah’s peace and blessings
be upon him) said: «Whoever swears by other than Allah has committed
disbelief or polytheism» (Reported by Ahmed), «Whoever takes an oath to
follow a religion other than Islam, telling a deliberate lie, he will be as he
said» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). «Whoever swears by honesty is
not from among us» (Reported by Abu Dawood).
Morals 11
To Allah – the Exalted – belongs absolute perfection, and whoever
names himself by names specific to Allah will be humiliated by Him. the
Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) says:
«The most lowly name in Allah's sight is: “the King of Kings”, there is no
King except Allah» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
The decree belongs to Allah alone, the will of others is not to be
equated with the will of the Exalted, whether in speech or meaning. The
Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «Do
not say: What Allah wills and whatever so and so wills, but say: What Allah
wills, and afterwards whatever so and so wills» (Reported by Ahmed).
Qadr is the power of Allah, and believing in it is from the pillars of faith,
so it is not to be said: «If I had done such and such, such and such would
have happened…. Verily, ‘If’ provides an opening for the deeds of the
devil» (Reported by Muslim). And expressing displeasure at the decree
through speech are from the affairs of pre-Islamic ignorance. «If the wailing-
woman does not repent before she dies, she will be made to stand on the
Day of Resurrection wearing a garment of liquid copper – meaning burnt
garments – and a chemise of mange» (Reported by Muslim).
Allah manages the night and day and controls them. Cursing time
opposes faith or weakens it. The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him) said: «Allah Exalted is He says: The son of Adam
bothers me by abusing time, whereas I am time. I alternate night and day»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
Whoever has bad thoughts regarding Allah and causes the creation to
despair from the mercy of Allah has exposed himself to the threat of Allah.
A devout worshipper from the Children of Israel said to a sinner among
them, «I swear by Allah that Allah will not forgive so and so! Whereupon
Allah – the Most High – said: Who is this who swears that I will not forgive
so and so? For I have forgiven so and so and have nullified your deeds»
(Reported by Muslim). Abu Hurairah said: He uttered a statement that
destroyed his worldly life and hereafter. «When you hear a man say: “The
people are doomed”, he himself is the most doomed of them all»
(Reported by Muslim).
Knowledge of the unseen is strictly for Allah, Exalted is He. He – the
Most High – says:
}{ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ ﱠﱡ
12 Morals
{None in the heavens and earth knows the unseen except Allah}
[Al-Nahl: 65]
«Whoever visits a soothsayer and asks him about anything, his
prayers will not be accepted for forty nights» (Reported by Muslim).
«Whoever visits a soothsayer and believes in what he says, he has
disbelieved in what has been sent down to Muhammad» Reported by
From the greatest of prohibitions is speaking about Allah without
{ﱰ ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ
}ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ
} {ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ * ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇﲈ
{Say, Is it Allah and His verses and His Messenger that you were mocking?
Make no excuse; you have disbelieved after your belief.} [Tawbah: 65]
Lying is from the ugliest of sins and immoral faults. It is the root of all
evil, and it is a sign of hypocrisy. «Verily lying leads to wickedness and
wickedness leads to Hell, and if a man continues to lie and devotes to lying
until he is recorded by Allah as a liar» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
The ugliest of lies is lying about Allah and his messenger. The Exalted says:
{ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫﱬ
}ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ
And on the Day of Resurrection you will see those who lied about Allah
their faces blackened. Is there not in Hell a residence for the arrogant?
[Az-Zumar: 60]
The Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) said: «Whoever tells lies about me deliberately, let him take his place
Morals 13
in Hell» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
Whoever intentionally lies in an oath about a matter in the past, his
false oath leads to him being thrown into the Hellfire, and «He who took an
oath on the property of a Muslim without legitimate right would meet
Allah and He would be angry with him» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
Another form of lying is making false claims regarding lineage, the
Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «If somebody
claims to be the son of other than his real father knowingly, he disbelieves.
And if somebody claims to belong to some folk to whom he does not – i.e.
in lineage, let such a person take his place in Hell-Fire» (Reported by Bukhari
and Muslim).
And from the major sins is bearing a false testimony. The Prophet (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «Should I inform you of the
greatest of the major sins? He asked this three times. They said: Yes, O
Allah's Messenger! He said: To join others in worship with Allah and to be
undutiful to one's parents, the Prophet then sat up after he had been
reclining and said: And I warn you against giving a false witness and he kept
on repeating this until we hoped he would stop» (Reported by Bukhari and
«Every Muslim’s blood, property and honour are unlawful to be
violated by another Muslim» (Reported by Muslim). And «It is among the
greatest of sins that a man curses his parents They said: O Messenger of
Allah! Does a man curse his parents? He said: Yes. He verbally abuses the
father of a man, who in turn, verbally abuses his father, and he curses his
mother, so he curses his mother» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
From the destructive sins is to falsely accuse chaste, unaware,
believing women. The Almighty says:
}{ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ ﲎ ﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒ
}{ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ ﲧ ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ ﲬ
14 Morals
{But whoever earns an offense or a sin and then blames it on an
innocent has taken upon himself a slander and manifest sin.} [Al-Nisa: 112]
Backbiting is to «mention your brother in a manner which he does
not like» (Reported by Muslim). It is from the greatest of sins. Allah, Exalted
is He, says:
}{ﱏ ﱐ ﱑ ﱒﱓ ﱔ ﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ
{And do not backbite each other. Would one of you like to eat the flesh
of his brother when dead?} [Al-Hujurat: 12]
Ibn Abbas said: «Allah has made backbiting forbidden the way He has
made eating dead animals that have not been slaughtered properly
From the evils of the tongue is striving in tale-bearing between the
} {ﲫ ﲬ ﲭ ﲮ ﲯ * ﲱ ﲲ ﲳ
{ﲷ ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ ﳆ ﳇ ﳈ ﳉ ﳊ
ﳋ ﳌﳍ ﳎ ﳏ ﳐ ﳑ ﳒ ﳓﳔ ﳕ ﳖ ﳗ ﳘ ﳙﳚ ﳛ ﳜ ﳝ
}ﳞ ﳟ ﳠ
}ﱔ ﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ
[2] Translator's note: When coming at the end of a sermon, this phrase can be understood
to mean: "To conclude".
[1] Translator's note: This phrase means: "I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Shaytan".
Morals 17
Truthfulness (1)
Praise be to Allah, who created man from clay, and placed him with
His power in a secure place. I praise Him – the Most High – with praise of the
And I bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except
Allah alone, having no partner, Al-Malik (the King), Al-Haqq Al-Mubin (the
Manifest Truth).
And I bear witness that our Prophet Muhammad is His servant and
Messenger, the truthful and trustworthy, the most truthful of people in
speech, the most sincere in action, and the best in fulfilling covenants. May
Allah confer blessings be upon him and his companions, the lamps of
guidance and the flags of the religion.
Amma ba‘d:
O Slaves of Allah! Fear Allah as He deserves to be feared, for verily the
strongest bond is the fear of Allah; and it is Allah’s commandment to the first
and the last, and the way to achieving salvation on the Day of Judgment.
Verily, Allah created man from weakness, and created him from
nothingness. He taught him after ignorance, and honoured him among the
creatures. He specified him with speech and eloquence. With the word, a
person expresses his desire, and expresses the secrets of his heart, and
through it appears the elevation, and lowliness, whoever speaks with truth
he is raised and saved, and whoever speaks in vain will be destroyed and in
a state of distress.
Furthermore, verily one of the most noble human traits and the
greatest moral virtues is being truthful in speech. It is the basis of an
honourable life, and the most important foundation for nation-building and
the happiness of society.
Allah commanded that we adorn ourselves with it, and made it a trait
of those who carried His revelation and conveyed His messages. The
( 1 ) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 16th of Rabi
Al-Awwal 1419AH.
Morals 19
Almighty says about His close friend Ibraheem (peace be upon him):
}{ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ
{And mention in the Book the story of Abraham. Indeed, he was a man
of truth and a prophet.} [Maryam: 41]
And he says about Ismail (peace be upon him):
}{ﱑ ﱒ ﱓ ﱔﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ
{And mention in the Book, Ishmael. Indeed, he was true to his promise,
and he was a messenger and a prophet.} [Maryam: 54]
The exemplary men adorn themselves with truthfulness, and it is
characterised by the loyal believers whose souls are purified from distress,
and their hearts are purified from filth, and their souls are above every
despicable vile thing.
It is a sign of the happiness of the nation and its purity, and it is the
source of its righteousness. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) says: «It is obligatory upon you to tell the truth, for truth leads
to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise, and the man who
continues to speak the truth and endeavours to tell the truth is eventually
recorded as truthful with Allah» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
It is the arbiter if the opponents become fierce, and the witness if
rights are lost, and the lamp of guidance if the engagements are adverse and
what is correct becomes difficult to ascertain.
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)
encouraged truthfulness, because it is the beginning of good character, and
the caller towards it. It is a sign of the loftiness of those who are
characterised by it, and through it the servant reaches the status of the
righteous. Through it, salvation is attained from all evils, and blessings are
accompanied by it. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) says: «Both parties in a business transaction have a right of option to
annul it so long as they are not separated; and if they tell the truth and
make everything clear, they will be blessed in their transaction, but it they
conceal anything and lie, the blessing in their transaction will be lost»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). For this reason, you will not find the
20 Morals
truthful man in his transactions except that his sustenance is plentiful, his
life is good, and he ascends to the upper ranks of nobility and highness.
The word of the truthful person gives assurance to the foe and the
friend. He is entrusted with money, rights, and secrets, and when a setback
or stumble occurs to him, his truthfulness is an accepted intercessor. A liar
is not believed in the smallest matter, even if he is truthful at times; he is not
listened to! Do you not see the word of Allah the Exalted regarding Yusuf’s
brothers when they told their father:
{ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ
ﲇ ﲈ * ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ ﲎ ﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒﲓ ﲔ ﲕ * ﲗ ﲘ
} ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜﲝ ﲞ ﲟﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦﲧ
{Return to your father and say, O our father, indeed your son has
stolen, and we did not testify except to what we knew and we were not
witnesses of the unseen. And ask the city in which we came and indeed, we
are truthful. He said: Rather your souls have enticed you to something, so
patience is most fitting. Perhaps Allah will bring them to me all together.)
[Yusuf: 81-83]
For their truthfulness regarding this has been invalidated by their
former lies when they said about Yusuf:
}{ ﱢ ﱣﱤ
}{ﱋ ﱌ ﱍ ﱎ ﱏﱐ ﱑ ﱒ ﱓ ﱔﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ
}{ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ
{But be pious scholars of the Lord because of what you have taught of
the Scripture and because of what you have studies.} [Al-Imran: 79]
It is obligatory upon the merchant that is hopeful of a blessed profit in
his trade that he seeks truthfulness. He should not promote his items with
lies and false oaths; for that leads to his livelihood being lost, as well as the
22 Morals
loss of blessings. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)
says: «Indeed the merchants will be resurrected on the Day of judgment
with the wicked, except the one who is fearful of Allah, righteous and
truthful» (Reported by Ibn Majah). Their immorality stems from the
repetition of lies, «for falsehood leads to wickedness and wickedness leads
to Hell» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
As for the workers of different ranks, jobs and positions; It is obligatory
upon them that they seek truthfulness, so that they do not make an
allegation that is denied by reality, and is not affirmed by facts. As a person’s
aspirations increase, their influence is expanded, and their responsibilities
are multiplied; truthfulness becomes even more emphasised. «Each of you
is a shepherd and each of you is responsible for his flock» (Reported by
Bukhara and Muslim).
Adhering to truthfulness and seeking it in every matter, and following
it in every judgment; a powerful pillar in the character of a Muslim. For faith
is founded on truthfulness, and hypocrisy is founded on lying. Allah Exalted
is He has informed that on the Day of Resurrection that nothing will benefit
a servant, and nothing will save him from his punishment except his
truthfulness. The Almighty said:
}{ﳍ ﳎ ﳏ ﳐ ﳑﳒ
{This is the Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness.}
[Al-Maidah: 119]
This refers to truthfulness in speech, truthfulness in will and intention,
truthfulness in actions, and truthfulness in dealings.
Allah has commanded His Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings
be upon him) to ask him to make his entrance and exit with truthfulness;
}{ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ
{And say “My Lord, cause me to enter a truthful entrance and to exit a
truthful exit and grant me from Yourself a supporting authority.} [Isra: 80]
And He informed us about His friend Ibraheem (peace be upon him)
that he said:
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ
Morals 23
{And grant me a reputation of truth among later generations.}
[Al-Shuara: 84]
And He gave glad tidings to His servants by saying:
}{ﱓ ﱔ ﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ ﱛﱜ
{Give good tidings to those who believe that they will have a firm
precedence of truth with their Lord.} [Yunus: 2]
And Allah – Exalted is He – said:
}{ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ * ﱠ ﱡ ﱢ ﱣﱤ ﱥ
}{ﱠ ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ ﱧﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫ
{They only invent falsehood who do not believe in the verses of Allah,
and it is those who are the liars.} [Al-Nahl 105]
Allah has mentioned lying alongside worshipping idols. He said:
}{ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ
26 Morals
{So avoid the uncleanliness of idols and avoid false speech.}
[Al-Hajj: 30]
A group of people believes that lying is part of cleverness, intelligence,
and good conduct. Rather, from the characteristics of a capable personality.
How can that be?! It is a pure vice! Its foundation is sins and it is the origin
of evils. It indicates the penetration of corruption in the soul of the liar. It is
one of the signs of cowardice and weakness, and one of the signs of
hypocrisy. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said,
«Whoever has the following four characteristics will be a pure hypocrite
and whoever has one of the following four characteristics will have one
characteristic of hypocrisy unless and until he gives it up: Whenever he is
entrusted, he betrays, Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie, Whenever he
makes a covenant, he proves treacherous, Whenever he quarrels, he
behaves in a very imprudent, evil and insulting manner» (Reported by
Bukhari and Muslim). Muslim added, «Even if he fasts, prays, and claims
that he is a Muslim».
Allah is the greatest! How many rights have been lost by lying, and the
sanctities have been violated?! And how often is it a reason for severing ties
and provoking hostilities?! Verily, the liar breaks up society with his lies, and
divides society with what he fabricates for the sake of illusory matters and
false assumptions.
Lying is a major cause of the failure of actions and loss of rights. It
humiliates human dignity, and takes away the honour of men, and it is
among the ugliest of sins and most obscene flaws. It is lowliness, bad
character, and weakness in religion. If that is the case, how can one who lies
described as clever?!
His right is disobeyed if he commands and he is opposed if he forbids.
The Almighty said:
}{ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ
Gratefulness (1)
Verily, all praise is for Allah. We praise Him, and seek His aid and
forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls, and from our
bad deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whomsoever
Allah leaves to go astray none can guide. I testify that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah, alone with no partners. And I testify that our
Prophet Muhammad is His slave and messenger. May Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him as well as his family and companions in abundance.
Amma ba‘d:
O slaves of Allah! Fear Allah as He should be feared, for the fear of
Allah is light within the heart, and a treasure for the Hereafter.
Allah has given abundantly to His servants from his great blessings, and
he is bestowed upon them from his generous favours. «The Right Hand of
Allah is full, and Its fullness is not affected by the continuous spending
night and day» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). He divides the provision,
and He bestows blessings, and He gives provision to whom He wills without
account, He tests his servants with provision just as He tests them with
}{ﳎ ﳏ ﳐ ﳑﳒ ﳓ ﳔ
{And We test you with evil and with good as trial; and to Us you will be
returned.} [Al-Anbiya: 35]
And Allah is the One Who bestows all of this. The trial of prosperity is
greater than the trial of affliction, and a person in this trial is in need of
patience and being grateful. Both the state of poverty and wealth are
mounts of trials and temptations, and being patient and grateful are both
needed for the servant in the commands of the Lord and what He forbids,
and His divine decree. Having fear of Allah is built upon them, and Allah has
mentioned being grateful to Him alongside having faith in Him:
}{ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ ﳆ ﳇﳈ ﳉ ﳊ ﳋ ﳌ
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 23rd of Shawwal
Morals 29
{What would Allah do with your punishment if you are grateful and
believe?} [Al-Nisa: 147]
And Allah – Exalted is He – has informed us that being grateful is the
purpose of His creation and His command, for He said:
{ﲱ ﲲ ﲳ ﲴ ﲵ ﲶ ﲷ ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ
}ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ
{And Allah has extracted you from the wombs of your mothers not
knowing a thing, and He made for you hearing and vision and hearts that
perhaps you would be grateful.} [Al-Nahl: 78]
And The Exalted has made being grateful to Him a means of attaining
His pleasure.
}{ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹﱺ
}{ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ ﲗ ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜ ﲝ ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ
{And it is He who has made the night and the day in succession
for whoever desires to remember or desires gratitude.} [Al-Furqan: 62]
And Allah has divided his creation into those that are grateful, and
those that are ungrateful:
}{ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ ﳆ ﳇ ﳈ
}{ﱥ ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩﱪ ﱫ ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ
{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ
}ﱌ ﱍ ﱎ
{Allah said, O Moses, I have chosen you over the people
with My messages and My words so take what I have given you and be
among the grateful.} [Al-A'raf: 144]
And He praised His friend Ibraheem (peace be upon him) for being
grateful for His blessings. He said:
* {ﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ
}ﱡ ﱢﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ
}{ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀﳁ ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ
} {ﲗ ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜ ﲝ ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ
{My Lord, enable me to be grateful for Your favour which You have
bestowed upon me and upon my parents.} [Al-Naml: 19]
And Allah has commanded His prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) to be grateful:
}{ﲮ ﲯ ﲰ ﲱ ﲲ ﲳ
Morals 31
{Rather, worship only Allah and be among the grateful.} [Az-Zumar: 66]
And Allah has commanded Luqman to be grateful. He said:
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇﱈ
}{ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ
}{ﱪ ﱫ ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰﱱ
{So seek from Allah provision and worship Him and be grateful to Him
grateful.} [Ankabut: 17]
And only the grateful person takes admonishment from the signs and
lessons. Allah – Exalted is He – said:
}{ﱏ ﱐ ﱑ ﱒ ﱓ
}{ﱏ ﱐ ﱑ ﱒ ﱓ
{And He has provided you with good things - that you might be
grateful.} [Al-Anfal: 26]
And it is the instruction of the Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him) to his companions. He said: «By Allah, I love you,
O Muadh! I advise you to never leave to recite this supplication after every
prayer: O Allah, help me to remember You, be grateful to You, and
32 Morals
worshiping You well» (Reported by Abu Dawood).
And the supplication of the servant to his Lord to help him reciprocate
the favours of Allah with gratefulness is from the best of supplications.
Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «I
pondered the best of supplication, and found that it is: O Allah, help me to
remember You, be grateful to You, and worshiping You well». The people
of gratefulness are the ones who are specified in favour from among His
servants, and they are the ones who are unshaken during the time of
}{ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ
{And he who turns back on his heels will never harm Allah at all;
but Allah will reward the grateful.} [Al-Imran: 144]
And when the enemy of Allah Iblees knew the elevated station of
gratefulness, and that it is from the best and highest acts of worship; he
made his goal to strive in cutting the people off from it. He said:
}{ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ
{Then I will come to them from before them, and from behind them
and on their right and on their left, and You will not find most of them
grateful.} [Al-A’raf: 17]
And our prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) is the most grateful servant to his Lord. He left this worldly life,
and he had never filled his belly from the bread of barely. He wrapped
around his stomach a stone out of hunger. His past and future sins had been
forgiven. Yet, he stood the night in prayer until his feet would crack and he
would say: «Should I not be a grateful servant?!» (Reported by Bukhari and
And Dawood (peace be upon him) «would sleep half the night, get up
to pray for a third of it, then sleep the remaining sixth; and he would fast
on alternate days» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim); And Allah (Exalted is
He) said to him:
}{ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀﳁ
{Work, O family of David, in gratitude.} [Saba: 13]
And gratitude is a means of safety from the punishment. Allah (The
Mighty and Majestic) said:
Morals 33
}{ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ ﳆ ﳇﳈ ﳉ
{What would Allah do with your punishment if you are grateful and
believe?} [Al-Nisa: 47]
And Allah saved Lut (peace be upon him) from the punishment
because of his gratefulness:
} {ﱫ ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱﱲ ﱳ ﱴ * ﱶ ﱷ ﱸﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ
{ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ
}ﱧ ﱨ * ﱪ ﱫ ﱬ ﱭﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ ﱲ
{But they turned away refusing, so We sent upon them the flood of
the dam and We replaced their two fields of gardens with gardens of bitter
fruit, tamarisks and something of sparse lote trees. By that We repaid them
because they disbelieved. And Thus do We repay except the ungrateful?}
[Saba: 16-17]
And the people of the garden – in Surah Al-Qalam – received Allah’s
blessing with denial, and depriving the poor. Thus, there came upon the
garden an affliction, so what they had sowed became dust like the dark
night. Al-Fudhayl Ibn Iyadh (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «It is
obligatory upon you to adhere to gratefulness upon blessings, for rarely is a
blessing taken away from a people and then returned to them».
The ones who are grateful for the blessings of Allah are few amongst
the creation. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ
}{ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ
}{ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡ ﱢﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ
{And when your Lord proclaimed, 'If you are grateful, I will surely
increase you in favour; but if you deny, indeed, My punishment is severe.}
[Ibraheem: 7]
Abu Qilabah (may Allah have mercy on him) him: «No harm from the
worldly life will come to you if you are grateful»
Certainly, Allah (the Exalted) has disparaged the ungrateful one from
His servants i.e. the one who is not grateful for His blessings. He said:
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ
{Indeed mankind, to his Lord, is ungrateful.} [Al-Adiyat: 6]
Gratefulness to Allah and obedience to Him open the doors of the
Morals 35
worldly life and the Hereafter for the slave. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ ﱌ
{And if only the people of the cities had believed and feared Allah,
We would have bestowed upon them blessings from the heaven and the
earth.} [Al-A’raf: 96]
And gratefulness to Allah is through the heart, the tongue, and the
limbs. It is fulfilled by the heart through attributing blessings to Allah. He (the
Exalted) said:
}{ﳊ ﳋ ﳌ ﳍ ﳎ ﳏﳐ
}{ﲧ ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ
{And proclaim the blessings of your Lord.} [Ad-Dhuha: 11]
And gratefulness with the limbs is to use them in earning the pleasure
of Allah, and not using them in what angers Allah and in disobedience to
Him. The gratefulness of the eye is to avoid looking at which Allah has made
forbidden, so he should not gaze at that which Allah forbade. The
gratefulness of the tongue is to only use it in speaking the truth. The
gratefulness of the ears to not listen with them to backbiting and slander
than is forbidden.
And Allah has commanded that we are grateful to our parents by His
36 Morals
}{ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴ
}{ﲜ ﲝ ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ
{Allah is the possessor of bounty for the people, but most of the people
do not show gratitude.} [Al-Baqarah: 243]
May Allah bless me and you by the Great Quran…
Morals 37
}{ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ ﱌﱍ
{And if you should count the favour of Allah, you could not enumerate
them.} [Ibraheem: 34]
All people are either tested, either with wellbeing – so that their
gratitude can be tested; or with a misfortune – so that their patience may be
Thus, it is obligatory upon you – O servants of Allah – to combine
patience and gratefulness with the fear of Allah, to be the best of Allah’s
worshippers from the people.
38 Morals
Then know that Allah has commanded you to send blessings and peace
upon His Prophet…
Morals 39
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 13th of Jumada Al-Ula
40 Morals
family and came with a fat roasted calf. Ismail (peace be upon him) was true
to his promise, and Yusuf (peace be upon him) said to those people who
were the reason for him having to leave his homeland and his imprisonment:
}{ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢﲣ
}{ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ ﲎ
}{ﱥ ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫ
Morals 43
{Take what is given freely, enjoin what is good, and turn away from the
ignorant.} [Al-A’raf: 199]
May Allah bless me and you by the Great Quran…
44 Morals
}{ﱓ ﱔ
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 24th of Safar 1432AH.
46 Morals
Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «This means that they
do not act out of anger with people, rather they avert their evils from them,
and they hope for the reward of this with Allah».
The ones who possess this characteristic most are the Messengers.
Al-Fudhayl said: «From the characters of the Prophets is forbearance,
deliberateness, and performing the night prayer». Allah praised Ibraheem
(peace be upon him) for his forbearance. He said:
}{ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ
}{ﱜ ﱝ
}{ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ ﲎﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒ ﲓ
{Then Allah cleared him, of what they said. And he, in the sight of Allah,
was distinguished.} [Al-Ahzab: 69]
And the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessing be upon him) spoke
about one of the prophets who was attacked by his people and they made
him bleed. But he wiped the blood from his face, and said: «My Lord forgive
my people for they do not know» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And our Prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) met abuse and ridicule from his people, and he used to say to
Morals 47
Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her): «Verily I faced from your people
what I faced (i.e. a lot of harm and difficulty)» (Reported by Bukhari and
Muslim). The angel of the mountains came to him saying to him: «If you
want, I will bring together the two mountains to crush them in between, but
the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: I rather
hope that Allah will produce from their descendants people who will
worship Allah alone, and will not associate any partners to Him» (Reported
by Bukhari and Muslim). A Bedouin saw the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him) and pulled his garment violently which left an imprint
on his neck, and he said: «O Muhammad! Give me some of Allah's property
which you have. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)
turned towards him, smiled and ordered that he be given something»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). His forbearance extended even towards
servants. Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said about him: «I served the
Messenger of Allah for ten years, by Allah and he never said 'Uff' to me»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) praised
those companions who possessed the quality of forbearance. He said to
Ashajj Abdul-Qays «Indeed within your are two qualities which Allah loves:
forbearance and deliberateness» (Reported by Muslim). Abu Bakr (may
Allah be pleased with him) surpassed others in faith, complete
companionship to the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him), and the noble attributes he had adorned himself with. The companions
testified to that. Umar (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said
about him «Abu Bakr is more forbearing than me and more dignified».
And bravery is in the strength of the heart and its steadfastness. It does
not become unsettled by the speech of the ignorant nor the action of the
foolish, and the strong person is the one who controls himself at the time of
anger. Thus, he does what rectifies his situation. As for the one who is
overcome at the time of his anger, then he is weak. The Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) praised the one who controls himself at
the time of anger. He said: «The strong person is not the one who can
wrestle and overcome others, rather the truly strong person is the one who
controls himself at the time of anger» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
Tolerating the fool and overlooking the ignorant is better than
imitating them. Whoever is silent in response to the ignorant has given him
a broadened response and a painful punishment. A man said to Dhirar Ibn
48 Morals
Al-Qa’qa’ (may Allah be pleased with him): «By Allah! if you said to me one
curse word, you would hear from me ten. So Dhirar said to him: If you said
ten of them to me, you would not hear from me a single one». And a man
insulted Ash-Sha’bi (may Allah be pleased with him), so he responded: «If I
am as you say, may Allah forgive me. And if I am not as you say may Allah
forgive you».
And whoever pardons the creation; Allah pardons him. Ibn Al-Qayyim
(may Allah have mercy on him) said: «The slave is treated in his sins just as
he treats the people in their sins…, and the reward is similar to the action.
Whoever pardons, Allah pardons him; and whoever forgives his brother in
his bad treatment to him, Allah forgives his bad actions; and whoever
disregards and overlooks, Allah overlooks his mistakes; and whoever
examines others thoroughly, Allah will treat him similarly».
Anger corrupts a person’s character, actions, mind, and chivalry. It was
said to Ibn Al-Mubarak (may Allah have mercy on him): «Summarise good
character for us in one word. he said: Leaving anger».
And leaving anger is the advice of the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him). A man came to the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him) and he said: «Instruct me, he said: Do not get angry.
The man repeated his request multiple times, and the response was: Do not
get angry» (Reported by Bukhari). The man said: «I thought about what the
Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, and
I found that anger gathers all evil» (Reported by Ahmed).
The intellect weakens at times of anger; which leads to false speech
and concealing the truth. From the supplication of the Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) was to say: «And I ask you [to make me
utter] the word of truth during contentment and anger» (Reported by
Nasa’i). Anger prevents justice between people. The Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) said: «No judge must give judgment
between two people when he is angry» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And a man may lose something from his wealth because of anger. Jabir
(may Allah be pleased with him) said: «We travelled with the Messenger of
Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) on the campaign to Batn
Buwat…, the camel of a man from the Ansar turned as He made it kneel and
mounted it, then he tried to make it stand up, but it would not stand. He
rebuked it and said, May Allah curse you. The Messenger of Allah (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: Who is cursing his camel? He
Morals 49
said: It is me, O Messenger of Allah. He said: Get down from it, for no cursed
thing should accompany us. Do not supplicate against yourselves, do not
supplicate against your children, and do not supplicate against your
wealth, lest that coincide with an hour when Allah is asked and He
responds to your prayers» (Reported by Muslim). Ibn Rajab (may Allah have
mercy on him) said: «This all indicates that the supplication of the angry
person may be responded to if it coincides the hour of acceptance, and it is
prohibited to supplicate against oneself, and his family, and his wealth while
And if man becomes angry he says that which he doesn't know, and
regrets what he may do, such as; disobedience to his parents, or cutting off
ties of kinship, or separating himself from his wife, or leaving companions of
his, or abusing others, or saying forbidden words including: slander, curses,
and immorality, and other forms of oppression and aggression. This gives
rise to worry, sadness, and loneliness, and he may be punished from what
resulted from him in anger by a legal penalty, or a punishment in the
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) used to
command whoever becomes angry to take the means to repel anger. He
commanded to seek refuge from the devil; for he is the reason for anger and
aggression. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) saw
a man so angry that his face became red, and he said: «Verily I know a word
if he said it, it would disperse from him what is within him. If he had said:
‘I seek refuge from the devil’; it will remove what is within him» (Reported
by Bukhari and Muslim). He also prohibited the angry person from speech
besides seeking refuge. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) said: «If one of you becomes angry, he should be silent»
(Reported by Ahmed). If that person is close to water he should perform
wudhu (ablution). The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) said: «Indeed, anger is from the devil, and indeed the devil has been
created from fire, and verily fire is put out by water. Therefore, if of you
becomes angry he should perform ablution» (Reported by Ahmed). He
commanded to change the position which one is in. The Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) said: «If anyone of you becomes angry
and he is standing, he should sit down. If the anger does not go, he should
lie down» (Reported by Abu Dawood).
From a person’s self worth and high aspiration is to be above cursing.
50 Morals
Turning away from the ignorant is protection one’s honour and religion, and
from the attributes of the believers is as Allah said:
}{ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ ﲬ ﲭ
{And when the ignorant address them they say peace.} [Furqan: 63]
Whoever becomes angry should remember the forbearance of Allah
with him, and fear His punishment; for Allah’s power and ability over you is
greater than your ability over the creation. He should remember what
results from anger of sorrow and regret, and be cautious of the result of
enmity and retribution and the malicious joy of enemies in what has inflicted
him. The believer should feel the reward of pardoning and graciously
forgiving, and he should remember that the worldly life is less than for one
to be angry for it.
And whoever is not forbearing should push himself towards
forbearance. Al-Ahnaf said; «I am not a forbearing person but I strive hard
to have forbearance». If an individual infringes upon what his anger
commands him and strives within himself upon that; the evils of anger move
away from him.
A‘udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajim
}{ﱥ ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫ
{Take what is given freely, enjoin what is good and turn away from the
ignorant.} [Al-A’raf: 199]
May Allah bless me and you by this Noble Quran…
Morals 51
Generosity (1)
Verily, all praise is for Allah. We praise Him, and seek His aid and
forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls, and from our
bad deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whomsoever
Allah leaves to go astray none can guide. I testify that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah, alone with no partners. And I testify that our
Prophet Muhammad is His slave and messenger. May Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him as well as his family and companions in abundance.
Amma ba‘d:
O Slaves of Allah! Fear Allah as He deserves to be feared, and be
mindful of Him in secret and in open.
}{ﲷ ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 20th of AH.
Morals 53
{And when my servants ask you, concerning me- Indeed I am near.
I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me.}
[Al-Baqarah: 186]
And He gives to his servants more than what they wish, and in the
Hadith Qudsi: «I have prepared for My pious servants that which no eye
has ever seen, and which no ear has ever heard, and which has not even
been thought of in the heart of man» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And He has forbade His servant to only ask little of Him. Rather, he
should ask Allah as much as he wants, for Allah’s giving is bountiful; so bring
your needs to Him. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him): «If anyone supplicates, he should not say: 'O Allah! forgive me if You
will; O Allah bestow mercy on me if You will.' Let him be definite in his
asking, and have high hopes; for nothing is too great for Him to give»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And His book, (Exalted is He) is noble.
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ
}{ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃﲄ
{Whoever comes with a good deed will have ten times like it.}
[Al-Anam: 160]
And he multiplies them even more than that for whoever He will. «He
who intended to do good, but did not do it, one good deed would be
recorded for him» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). He rewards whoever
obeys Him in the years of his short life, with everlasting bliss in the hereafter,
and He bestows His favour upon them by allowing them to see His face,
(Exalted is He).
Generosity is a commendable attribute in a man, and a sign of the
pureness of his heart and inside. Sheikh Al-Islam said: «The mother of all
virtues are knowledge, religion, generosity, and courage». It is from the good
attributes; it is not found within a believer except that Allah raises him
through it. When the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)
54 Morals
first arrived in Madinah, he encouraged the people saying: «O people,
exchange greetings of peace, feed the people, and pray when others are
asleep, you will enter Jannah in peace» (Reported by At-Tirmidhi).
And it is an act of worship. The heaviest thing on the scales is good
character. Al-Hasan Al-Basri (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «Good
character is generosity and kindness». Every morning, two angels descend
and «one of them says: O Allah, give increase to the one who spends; and
the other says: O Allah, bring destruction to one who withholds» (Reported
by Bukhari and Muslim). The Muslim should wish to perform this act of
worship. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
«There is no envy except in two matters: a man to whom Allah has given
property, empowering him to dispose of it on what is right; and a man to
whom Allah has given wisdom who acts according to it and teaches it»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And Allah (Exalted is He), is the All-Knowing and He loves the scholars.
He is generous and He loves the generous. He is excellent and He loves those
who are excellent. Generosity is from the characteristics of good men and
from the qualities of the righteous. The most generous among the people
are the prophets of Allah. Messengers from Allah came to Ibrahim (peace be
upon him) in the from of humans with glad tidings. He was unaware that
they were angels. Therefore, he honoured them. He slaughtered a fat calf
for them, and he roasted it on hot rocks, and he did not delay in bringing it
to them:
}{ﲱ ﲲ ﲳ ﲴ ﲵ ﲶ
{And did not delay in bringing them a roasted calf.} [Hud: 69]
And Musa (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was
described by Allah that he was generous
}{ﲷ ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ
{And we had already tried before them the people of Pharaoh, and
there came to them a generous messenger.} [Al-Dukhan: 17]
And the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said
about Yusuf (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him),
«The honourable, the son of the honourable, the son of the
honourable, the son of the honourable» (Reported by Bukhari).
Morals 55
And our prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) was the most generous of people and the best in giving. His soul
was generous, and his hand was open. It never happened that Allah's
Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was asked
anything for the sake of Islam and he did not give that. There came to him a
person and he gave him a large flock of sheep and goats and he went back
to his people and said: My people, embrace Islam, for Muhammad gives so
much charity as if he has no fear of poverty» (Reported by Muslim). He wore
a cloak, and a man told him: «Give me the cloak as a gift, it is incredibly
beautiful! So he gave it to him» (Reported by Bukhari). Wealth would come
to him and he would distribute it among the people. In Hunain, he gave
Safwan ibn Umayyah a hundred camels. Then he gave him another hundred,
followed by another hundred, Safwan said: «By Allah, Allah's Messenger
(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) has given me what he has
given me and he was the most detested person amongst people in my eyes.
But he continued giving to me until now he is the dearest of people to me»
(Reported by Muslim). There came to him great wealth from Bahrain, and
that was the most wealth that had come to the Messenger of Allah (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him); and he said: «Distribute it in the
mosque. Al-Abbas went to him, and said: O Allah's Messenger! Give me
something, because I gave ransom for myself and Aqeel. He replied to him:
Take, so he filled his garment with it and tried to carry it away but he failed
to do so. Then he left some of it, and lifted it on his shoulders» (Reported by
And if he had more than that, he would have spent it to attain the
pleasure of Allah. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings
be upon him) said: «If I had gold similar to Uhud, I would not like to keep
any of it more than three days, except what I put aside to pay a debt»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). Rather, from his generosity is that he
would promise the people wealth before it would reach him. He said to Jabir:
«If the wealth of Bahrain comes, I will give you such-and-such» (Reported
by Bukhari and Muslim). Ibn Rajab (may Allah have mercy on him) said: the
Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) used to give gifts that
failed to be given by the kings; like: Kisra and Ceaser».
And the most generous of people after our prophet Muhammad (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) are the unique companions. The
Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) commanded charity
to be given; so Umar came with half of his wealth, and Abu Bakr came with
56 Morals
all of his wealth. Uthman had prepared the Army of Difficulty; and the
prophet peace and blessing be upon him said praising him: «Whatever
'Uthman does after today will not harm him» (Reported by At-Tirmidhi),
Abu Talhah (may Allah be pleased with him) hosted a man, and his wife said
to him: «We have got nothing except the meals of my children. He said,
Prepare your meal, light your lamp and put your children to sleep if they ask
for dinner. So she prepared her meal, lit her lamp and made her children
sleep. Then she stood up pretending to mend her lamp, but she turned it off.
Then both of them pretended to be eating, but they really went to bed
hungry. In the morning, they went to Allah's Messenger (may Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him) who said: Allah laughed -or: wondered- at what
you did last night» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). «And Ibn Umar did
not eat until a poor person came to eat with him» (Reported by Bukhari).
Generosity has a number of paths. Spending on oneself is excellence.
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «When
Allah give any of you some good, he should spend first on himself and his
family» (Reported by Muslim). Spending on one’s wife and children to take
care of their needs is from the greatest of acts. «Of the dinar you spend as
a contribution in Allah's path, or to set free a slave, or as charity given to a
needy, or to support your family, the one yielding the greatest reward is
that which you spent on your family» (Reported by Muslim). «Verily, when
a Muslim spends on his family seeking reward for it from Allah, it counts
for him as charity» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
Also, part of generosity is loyalty. Honouring the friends of your
parents, and generosity towards the neighbour is part of faith. The
Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «He
who believes in Allah and the last day should honour his neighbour»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). Part of being good to your neighbour is
sending food to them, and sharing with them whatever one’s own family
eats. The Messenger of Allah says: «Whenever you prepare a broth, put
plenty of water in it, and share some of it with your neighbours» (Reported
by Muslim). Hosting guests is from the noble qualities and generous
character; the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
«He who believes in Allah and the last day should honour his guest»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And whoever has no money, let his words be pleasant, for the pleasant
word is a form of giving. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) said: «Fear The Fire even if it were half of a date. If you are
Morals 57
unable to, then by a pleasant word» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
Also, being good to others by alleviating distress and worry is from
generosity and giving. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) said: «Every act of kindness is charity» (Bukhari and Muslim). Ali (may
Allah be pleased with him) said: «Do not be shy in giving the little, for not
giving at all is less than that, and do not be cowardly upon the plenty for you
are more than that».
And the most generous of actions are the ones by which the Face of
Allah is intended, and the most generous of people are those most obedient
to Allah. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴ ﱵﱶ
{Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most
righteous of you.} [Al-Hujurat: 13]
The Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) was asked:
«Who is the most noble of all people? He said: The most noble person is the
one who is most pious.» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
So adorn yourself with being generous with your wealth. Be generous
within yourself and rank and wealth, and strive to obey and worship your
Lord, and you will be from the happy people.
A‘udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajim
}{ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ
}{ﳇ ﳈ ﳉ ﳊ ﳋ ﳌ ﳍ ﳎ ﳏ ﳐ ﳑ
} {ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ
}{ﳇ ﳈ ﳉ
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 25th of Al-Muharram
60 Morals
Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «He fulfilled everything
that had been ordained to him. He acted upon it all, may Allah’s blessings be
upon him».
And from the greatest loyalty is loyalty towards the Prophet (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) by obeying him, and following his
guidance, and treading in his footsteps. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﲐ ﲑ ﲒ ﲓ ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ ﲗﲘ
{And whatever the messenger has given you take and what he has
forbidden you refrain from.} [Al-Hashr: 7]
Loyalty is from the nature of noble men, and it is a sign of the
honourable soul and good character. The most loyal of people are the
messengers of Allah. Musa knew the right of his brother Harun (peace be
upon them both), so he asked his Lord to make him an associate with him in
delivering His message:
}{ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ * ﲾ ﲿ * ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ * ﳅ ﳆ ﳇ
}{ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ ﲎﲏ
{And your Lord has decreed that you worship not except Him,
and to your parents good treatment.} [Al-Isra: 23]
And from loyalty towards them is to supplication for them:
}{ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ ﲬ ﲭ
{And say My Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up when
I was small.} [Al-Isra: 24]
Furthermore, to be obedient to them except in Allah’s disobedience,
and treating them kindly and making them happy. Also, part of being dutiful
towards them is to allow them to see the fruits of their efforts upon their
Morals 63
children, in them being on a path of uprightness and righteousness. And part
of loyalty towards them is to be generous to their friends after their death.
A Bedouin passed by Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both)
and Ibn Umar said to him: «Aren’t you so and so? He said: Yes, so he gave
him his donkey and turban and said: Mount the donkey and tie the turban
round your head. Some of his companions said: May Allah pardon you, you
gave to this Bedouin the donkey on which you ride and the turban which you
tied round your head. Thereupon he said: Verily I heard Allah's Messenger
(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: Verily, from the
best acts of dutifulness is the kind treatment of a person to the loved ones
of his father after his death, and the father of this person was a friend of
Umar» (Reported by Muslim).
Part of loyalty is the loyalty between spouses. They have been put
together by a great covenant. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ
{And they have taken from you a solemn covenant?} [Al-Nisa: 21]
And Khadijah Bint Khuwaylid (may Allah be pleased with her) aided the
Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) with her wealth, and
was loyal to him. He has given children through her. She was the first
believer in him from the women, and she was helped him to be firm when
the revelation descended upon him. She was the best wife to her husband
in her life. Ibn Hajar (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «She was keen to
his made him happy with everything she could, and she never did anything
to anger him ever».
So the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)
returned her loyalty with loyalty greater than it. He was grateful for her
kindness, and he continued to remember her after her death. He would say
about her: «Indeed I was bestowed her love» (Reported by Muslim).
«Whenever he slaughtered a sheep, he would cut it into pieces and then
send them to the friends of Khadija. He would say, Khadija was such-and-
such, and from her I was given children» (Reported by Bukhari), An-Nawawi
(may Allah have mercy on him) said: «This is all an evidence encouraging
loyalty and preserving love, and protecting the sacredness of the companion
and associate in his life and after his death, and being generous to the family
of that companion».
64 Morals
Also from loyalty is loving the scholars, as well as revering and
honouring them; for they are the carriers of religion and the inheritors of the
Messengers. At-Tahawi (may Allah be pleased with him) said: «And the
scholars of the predecessors, the ones who came before and after, from the
followers of the people of narrations, and the people of jurisprudence,
should not be mentioned except in goodness». Imam Ahmed (may Allah
have mercy on him) said: «I have not slept since thirty years; except that I
supplicate for Ash-Shafi’i and I seek forgiveness for him».
And the companion deserves loyalty, which is shown through
gratitude for the actions, guarding his secret, remembering his kindness,
praising him, protecting him from harm, and to be generous to him and his
children. Whoever has been kind to you, try to compensate him for it. If you
cannot, then supplicate for him; as that is a part of loyalty.
A‘udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajim
}{ﲧ ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ
{Is the reward for good anything but good?} [Al-Rahman: 60]
May Allah bless me and you by the Great Quran…
Morals 65
}{ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡ ﱢ
{We feed you only for the face of Allah. We do not want any reward or
gratitude from you.} [Al-Insan: 9]
So strive to be loyalty; for it is a means to the soundness of the heart
and growth. Try to adorn yourself with every noble etiquette, and
praiseworthy attribute, for that is the sign of triumph and success.
Thereafter, know that Allah has commanded you to send peace and
blessings upon His Prophet…
66 Morals
Mercy (1)
Verily, all praise is for Allah. We praise Him, and seek His aid and
forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls, and from our
bad deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whomsoever
Allah leaves to go astray none can guide. I testify that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah, alone with no partners. And I testify that our
Prophet Muhammad is His slave and messenger. May Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him as well as his family and companions in abundance.
Amma ba‘d:
O Slaves of Allah! Fear Allah as He deserves to be feared, for Allah does
not accept other than the fear of Him, and He does have mercy except upon
its people.
The religion is founded upon fulfilling the rights of Allah and the rights
of his creation. The right of Allah is to worship Him and to not associate
alongside him any entity, and the rights of the creation is to treat them well
and to have good character with them.
There is a great quality that Allah has placed between His creation. The
Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said about it: «Allah
created one hundred parts of mercy and He distributed one amongst His
creation and kept the other ninety-nine parts with Himself for the Day of
Resurrection» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). Allah mentioned it before
mentioning the blessing of knowledge:
}{ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ
{And they found a servant from among Our servants to whom We had
given mercy from Us and had taught him from Us a certain knowledge.}
[Al-Kahf: 65]
And Allah loves who have this attribute, and He praised His servants
who encourage one another to have it:
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 29th of Jumada Al-Ula
Morals 67
}{ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ
{And then being among those who believed and advised one another
to patience and advised one another to compassion.} [Al-Balad: 17]
The structural foundation of fulfilling the obligatory rights of the slaves
depends on it (such as zakat), as well as that which is recommended (such
as forgiveness and voluntary charity). Sheikh Al-Islam (may Allah have mercy
on him) said: «Man should intend to aid the creation and to be good to them,
and this is the mercy that Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) was sent with».
And it is a blessing from Allah which He gives to whom He wills from
His servants. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said
to a Bedouin man who was not merciful towards his children: «What can I
do if Allah has deprived you of mercy?!» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And whenever Allah intends good for His slave, He places mercy in his heart:
}{ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ
{It is He who sent down tranquillity.} [Al-Fath: 4]
Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) said: «This refers to
}{ﱠ ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦﱧ
{Into the hearts of the believers that they would increase in faith along
with their faith.} [Al-Fath: 4]
The slave’s portion of it is dependent upon his portion of guidance.
The most complete of believers in faith are the greatest of them in mercy.
Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋﱌ
}{ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ
{Humble towards the believers.} [Al-Maidah: 54]
68 Morals
Ibn Abbas (may Allah be pleased with them both) said: «humbleness
here refers to mercy». The heart being full of mercy is a sign of happiness,
and it is a means of receiving Allah's mercy. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him) said: «The merciful are shown mercy by The
Most Merciful. Be merciful on the earth, and you will be shown mercy from
Who is above the heavens» (Reported by Abu Dawood). From those who
will enter paradise are people whose hearts were filled with mercy and
softness alongside faith. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) said: «The people of Paradise are three: A just successful ruler,
the person who is merciful and kind-hearted towards his relatives and to
every Muslim, and the pious person who has a large family and refrains
from begging» (Reported by Muslim).
And the hardening of hearts is caused by them being void of it. Allah
dispraised nations by saying:
}{ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ
}{ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ ﲧ
{And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy.} [Al-Isra: 24]
And the best of children are those who are most merciful to their
}{ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ ﲧ ﲨ
{So we intended that their Lord should substitute for them one better
than him in purity and nearer to mercy.} [Al-Kahf: 81]
And the mercy of the believers with one other makes them like one
body. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «You
see the believers in their mercy among themselves and showing love
among themselves and being kind, resembling one body, If any part of the
body is not well then the whole body remains sleepless and affected by
fever alongside it» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). The law of Islam has
also encouraged treated animals mercifully. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him) said: «And the sheep, if you have mercy for it,
Allah will have mercy for you» (Reported by Ahmed).
And the believer has mercy for the nonbeliever for his lack of guidance;
and he hates him, for his lack of faith. Whoever’s foot slips into disobedience
is deserving of mercy through advice, and supplication for his guidance.
When a man who had drunk wine was brought to the Prophet of Allah (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) he said: «Beat him. Abu Hurairah
said: Some of us struck him with their hands, some with their sandals and
some with their garments. When he left, some of the people said: May Allah
disgrace you! He told them: Do not say that and help the devil in
overpowering him, but to say: May Allah have mercy on you» (Reported by
And the greatest of creation in mercy are the prophets of Allah. They
strived to guide the creation and they called to their people in every way to
save them from destruction. They were patient upon their harm, and they
did not rush in seeking their punishment. Adam (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him) weeps when he sees the people of the fire from his
descendants. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)
70 Morals
said in the story of the Night Journey and the Ascension: «I asked Jibril: who
is this? He replied: This is Adam, and these groups on his right and on his
left are the souls of his descendants. Those on his right are the people of
Paradise and the groups on his left side are the inmates of Hell. When he
looks towards his right side, he laughs; and when he looks towards his left
side, he weeps» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim)
Ibrahim (peace be upon him) was compassionate to his nation. He said
to his Lord:
}{ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫﱬ ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ
}{ﱊ ﱋ ﱌ ﱍﱎ ﱏ ﱐ
{And [We gave him] affection from us and purity and he was fearing of
Allah.} [Maryam: 13]
Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «The meaning of the
verse is: We gave mercy from Us and affection upon the servants; so that he
can call them to the obedience of their Lord, and perform righteous actions
with sincerity».
And Isa (peace be upon him), had been made by Allah to be dutiful to
his mother and he was not a wretched tyrant lacking in mercy.
}{ﲎ ﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒ ﲓ
}{ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ
}{ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽﲾ
{ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫﱬ
}ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ
}{ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ ﳆ ﳇ ﳈ ﳉ
{If You punish them, they are Your slaves, and if You forgive them,
verily, You, only You, are the All-Mighty, the All-Wise} [Al-Maidah: 118].
Then he raised up his hands and said, O Allah! My nation, my nation,
and wept; Allah, the Exalted, said: O Jibril! Go to Muhammad – and your
Lord is most knowledgeable, and ask him: 'What makes you weep? So Jibril
(peace be upon him) came to him and asked him, and the Messenger of Allah
(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) informed him what he had
said – and Allah most knowing. Upon this Allah said: O Jibril! Go to
Muhammad and say: 'Verily, We will please you with regard to your
Ummah and will never displease you» (Reported by Muslim). An-Nawawi
(may Allah have mercy on him) said: «This is one of the hadeeths which gives
this nation hope, or it is the hadith that gives them the most hope».
He was merciful with his companions, «Sa`d ibn Ubada became ill, so
the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) went to visit him
with some of his Companions (may Allah be pleased with them). When he
came to him, he found him surrounded by his household, and he asked: Has
he died? They said, No, O Messenger of Allah! The Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) wept and, when the people saw the
weeping of the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) they
all wept» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). And a child who was breathing
heavily and struggling to breath was brought to the Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him), causing him to shed tears. Thereupon,
Sa`d said to him, O Allah's Messenger! What is this? The Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) said: This is mercy which Allah has put in
the heart of His slaves» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was
merciful to the youth; Malik Ibn Al-Huwayrith said: «We came to the
Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) and we
were a few young men of approximately equal age and stayed with him for
twenty nights, then he thought that we missed our families, and he asked us
whom we had left behind to look after our families, and we told him. He was
kind-hearted and merciful. He said, Return to your families and teach them
and order them to do good deeds and offer your prayers in the way you
Morals 73
saw me offering my prayers, and when the time for the prayer comes, then
one of you should pronounce its call, and the eldest of you should lead you
in prayer» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And he was merciful with women, he would shorten the prayer so that
he does not distress the mother and her child. The Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) said: «When I begin the prayer. I intend
to make it long, but I hear a boy crying and shorten my prayer, being aware
of his mother’s emotion because of his crying» (Reported by Bukhari and
And he was merciful with children. Anas Ibn Malik (may Allah be
pleased with him) said about the prophet: «I have never seen anyone more
merciful to the kids than Allah's Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings
be upon him)» (Reported by Muslim). And «he (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him) was delivering a Khutbah, when Al-Hasan and
Al-Husayn came, walking and falling over, so the Messenger of Allah
Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) descended from
the pulpit and carried them, and placed them in between his hands, then he
said: Allah and his prophet spoke the Truth:
}{ﲍ ﲎ ﲏ ﲐﲑ ﲒ ﲓ ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ
{Indeed, your wealth and your children are a trial.} [At-Taghabun: 15]
I looked at these two children walking and falling down, and I could
not bear patiently anymore until I interrupted my speech and picked them
up» (Reported by Ahmed), Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him)
said: «This is from his immense mercy and kindness with the young, and his
affection towards them. It is a lesson from him to the nation show mercy,
kindness and softness towards the young».
The most merciful of this ummah were the companions of the Prophet
(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him). Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋﱌ
}{ﲧ ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ
{Is the reward for good but good?} [Al-Rahman: 60]
May Allah bless me and you by the Great Quran…
Morals 75
}{ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ
{They said Our Lord, grant us from Yourself mercy and prepare for us
from our affair right guidance.} [Al-Kahf: 10]
And from the means of attaining mercy is being dutiful to one’s
parents, preserving the ties of kinship, charity, being good to the distressed
and the sick, visiting the graveyards for men, and reciting the Great Quran
remembering Allah in abundance.
Thereafter, know that Allah has commanded you to send peace and
blessings upon His Prophet…
76 Morals
Amma ba‘d:
O Slaves of Allah! Fear Allah as He deserves to be feared, and grasp
onto the most trustworthy handhold from the religion of Islam.
The key to servitude towards Allah and its secret is knowledge of the
names and attributes of Allah, for His names are the best and his attributes
are the most high. Every name and attribute of his has its own specific form
of worship and servitude which is a result of having knowledge about it. Allah
loves His names and attributes, and He loves their effects to be apparent in
His creation. He ordered his servants to invoke Him by them. He said:
}{ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ ﱧﱨ
}{ﱩ ﱪ ﱫ ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ ﱲ ﱳﱴ
( 1 ) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 7th of Jumada
Al-Akhirah 1439AH.
Morals 77
{Indeed, Allah is not modest to present an example that of a mosquito
or what is smaller than it.} [Al-Baqarah: 26]
And the Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) mentioned this name of His. He said: «Allah Almighty is Hayiy (Modest)
and Sittir (Concealing), He loves modesty and concealing» (Reported by
Abu Dawood), and He is shy (Exalted is He) to turn away whoever asks him
for anything. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)
said: «Your Lord (The Blessed and Most High) is Hayiy (Modest) and Karim
(Generous). He is shy to turn away the hands of a servant when he raises
them to Him empty» (Reported by Abu Dawood). Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah
have mercy on him) said: «The shyness of Allah (Exalted is He), from His
servant cannot be comprehended or understood by the intellect, for it is a
type of shyness accompanied by nobility, kindness, generosity and
And the pinnacle of the noble quality in the creation, the best and
greatest in value and most beneficial of them is modesty and shyness. It is a
character trait that encourages leaving obscenity, and it prevents negligence
in fulfilling the rights of others. It is derived from life (i.e. the Arabic word for
shyness – Haya – is derived from the same root as the Arabic word for life:
Hayat). The level of modesty in a heart will be in accordance with the level
of the heart’s life. The more alive the heart is, the stronger shyness and
modesty in it will be. Shyness has always been like this, and having it is an
obligation since the earlier times of prophethood. There has been no
prophet except that he encouraged his nation to have it, and was sent with
it. It has not been abrogated or changed from the previous laws. That is
because it is a matter that is known to be correct, and its virtue is clear. The
minds have agreed upon its goodness. Thus, something which is like this is
not to be abrogated or replaced. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him) said: «One of the things people have learned from
the words of the earliest prophethood is: if you do not feel any shame, do
whatever you like» (Reported by Al-Bukhari).
Shyness is a quality of the best of creation. Allah praised those who
possess it. The angels are described with it. The prophet (may Allah's peace
and blessings be upon him) said regarding Uthman (may Allah be pleased
with him): «Should I not be shy of one whom even the angels are shy of?»
(Reported by Muslim). And the prophets were known by their nations for
shyness. «The creation seek intercession on the day of resurrection from
78 Morals
Adam and Nuh and Moses may peace be upon the; they will each
remember their sins and become shy» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And Musa (peace be upon him) was shy. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him): «Indeed, Musa was a shy person and used to cover
his body completely because of his extensive shyness» (Reported by
And our prophet Muhammad (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) was the most modest and shy, and this could be seen in his face;
Abu Said Al-Khudri (may Allah be pleased with him): said: «The Prophet (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) had more modesty than a than a
virgin in her concealed room, and when he disliked something, we could
recognise that in his face» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). And the
Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) went back and forth
in the ascension of the Night Journey between Musa (peace be upon him)
and his Lord, asking his Lord to reduce the obligatory prayers until he said:
«I became shy from my Lord» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). «When
the prophet married Zaynab daughter of Jahsh; he invited the people, they
ate and left, until three people were left conversing in the house. However,
the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was shy to say
anything to them, so he exited leaving them to converse in the house. As a
result, Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) revealed the following verse:
{ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ ﲎ ﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒ ﲓ ﲔ
ﲕ ﲖ ﲗ ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜ ﲝ ﲞﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ
}ﲤ ﲥ ﲦﲧ ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ ﲬﲭ
{O you who have believed, do not enter the houses of the Prophet
except when you are permitted for a meal, without awaiting its readiness.
But when you are invited, then enter; and when you have eaten, disperse
without seeking to remain for conversation. Indeed, that [behaviour] was
troubling the Prophet, and he is shy of [dismissing] you. But Allah is not shy
of the truth.} [Al-Ahzab: 53] (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And Uthman (may Allah be pleased with him) is the example of
modesty among the companions. One day he entered upon the Prophet
(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him), so the Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) sat and adjusted his clothes, he was asked
about this; he said: «Verily Uthman is a person who is very modest and I
was afraid that if I permitted him to enter in this state he would not inform
Morals 79
me of his need» (Reported by Muslim).
And the woman has created upon modesty. It is her adornment and
beauty, as well as her protection and safety. Aisha (may Allah be pleased
with her) said: «It was said: O Messenger of Allah! A virgin may be too shy
to speak. He said: Her consent meaning: in marriage – is her silence»
(Reported by Bukhari). The daughter of the man from Madyan came walking
and the garment of shyness was covering her, and she concealed her face
with her hands and dress. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ
{Then one of the two women came to him walking in shyness. She said
Indeed my father invites you that he may reward you for having watered for
us.} [Al-Qasas: 25]
And Aishah, the Mother of the Believers, (may Allah be pleased with
her), was so modest and shy that she would cover herself in her own
chamber; out of shyness from Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) after
his burial there. She said (may Allah be pleased with her): «I used to enter
my house in which Allah’s messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) was buried alongside my father, I would remove my garment,
saying that it is only my husband and my father who are here, but when
Umar was buried along with them, I swear by Allah! I did not enter it except
having my clothes wrapped around me; out of shyness from Umar»
(Reported by Ahmed).
And a woman was patient upon hardship and she did accept leaving
her modesty. For that she was given paradise. Ibn Abbas (may Allah be
pleased with them both) told Ata ibn Abi Rabah (may Allah have mercy on
him): «May I show you a woman of Paradise? I said: Yes. He said: This black
woman. She came to Allah's Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) and said: I am subject to seizures and become uncovered, so make
supplication to Allah for me. He replied: If you wish you may endure it and
be rewarded with paradise, but if you wish I shall make supplication to
Allah to cure you. She said: I shall endure it. Then she added: But since I
become uncovered, make supplication to Allah that that may not happen.
He then supplicated for her» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
It is from the noble characteristics which the people of ignorance
remained upon; Abu Sufyan (may Allah be pleased with him) said – when
80 Morals
Heraclius asked him about the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him), and he was during that time upon disbelief: «By Allah! If it were
not for shyness on that day that my companions would narrate a lie from
me, I would have lied to him when he asked me about him, but I was
ashamed that they my companions would narrate lies from me, so I told him
the truth» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
Through shyness, happiness and its means are attained. And it is all
good. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
«Shyness is all good - or he said: Shyness does not bring anything except
goodness» (Reported by Muslim). Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on
him) said: «Modesty is the source of the heart’s life, and it is the root of all
goodness, and its departure is the departure of all goodness».
And from the best of its goodness is that it conditions the soul upon
praiseworthy qualities, and avoiding blameworthy attributes. If a person’s
shyness is of a high level; he preserves his honour, and he repels his defects,
and he spreads high moral qualities.
And from the beliefs of Ahl As-Sunnah Wa Al-Jama’ah is that faith
comprises of statements, belief and actions, and that shyness is a branch of
faith. The Messenger (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said:
«Faith has seventy-odd – or: sixty-odd branches, and modesty is a branch
from faith» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). Ibn Hibban (may Allah have
mercy on him) said: «Modesty is from faith, and the believer in paradise, and
modesty is not removed from anyone except through the removal of his
faith». «The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) passed
by a man of the Ansar when he was scorning his brother about modesty:
saying: Verily you are too shy, as if he was saying: You are harmed by it. The
Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
Leave him alone, for modesty is a part of faith» (Reported by Bukhari and
Muslim). And Allah does not punish a heart with anything more than
removing shyness from it. Ibn Umar said (may Allah be pleased with them
both); «Modesty and faith are coupled together. If one of them is removed,
the other is removed».
And modesty is an act of worship which encourages other acts of
worship. It leads a person to piety. Whoever is deficient in it will do the
opposite of that. From the biggest factors which prevent a person from
committing sins is shyness. The shy person abstains from sins out of shyness
and faith. If shyness is taken away from the slave; nothing remains to
prevent him from committing obscenity and blameworthy character. The
Morals 81
Messenger (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «If you are
not shy; then do what you wish» (Reported by Bukhari), Ibn Abd Al-Barr
(may Allah have mercy on him): «Whoever does not have shyness that
restrains him from that which Allah forbids, then committing small and big
sins are the same for him. This hadith also contains a warning and a threat
of punishment for having little shyness».
And sins weaken modesty from the servant until it may be extracted
from him completely, for he is not concerned with the knowledge of the
people or their seeing of his state. Rather he may inform them about his
state and the obscenity of his actions.
Shyness is an adornment and beauty for its possessor. The Prophet
(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «There is never any
obscenity in a thing, but it ruins it, and there is never any modesty and
shyness in a thing, but it adorns it» (Reported by At-Tirmidhi). It calls one
towards respecting and protecting oneself. Therefore, he does not ask the
people for anything, even if he is in need for it. The Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) said: «The poor person is not the one who
asks a morsel or two of meals from the others, but the poor is the one who
has nothing and is shy to seek from others, or he does not beg people
persistently» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And modesty pushes a person towards good manners. The Prophet
(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) asked about a tree which
resembles a Muslim. Ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with them both) said:
«It came to my mind that such a tree must be the date palm, but upon seeing
Abu Bakr and Umar not saying anything, I disliked to speak» and in another
narration: «I became shy» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And the reward is similar to the action. From the fruits of modesty and
the best of its reward is that Allah is shy of the people of shyness. The
Prophet (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) said: «But as for the
other person, he felt shy and Allah (the Mighty and Majestic) felt shy of
him» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). And the pinnacle of shyness is
being shy of Allah, that He should not see you in that which he forbade you,
and that He does not miss you in that which He ordered you, for Allah is
more deserving to be shy from. The Messenger (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him) said: «Show due shyness towards Allah» (Reported
by At-Tirmidhi). Shyness from Allah is a light that is placed in the heart. This
light shows him that he is standing before his Lord (Exalted is He). This, he is
82 Morals
shy from Allah in his private and in open. Shyness from Allah is achieved by
pondering over His great blessings, whilst thinking about one’s own faults
and shortcomings, and that Allah is aware of the secret and what it hidden.
And if the servant knows that Allah (Exalted is He) sees him, and that
he is seen and heard by Him, and the slave is shy; he will feel too shy to
expose himself to His anger. A person is accompanied by angels that do not
leave him, and from honouring them is being shy from them. Allah (Exalted
is He) said:
}{ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ * ﱳ ﱴ * ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ
{And Indeed over you are keepers. Noble and recording. They know
whatever you do.} [Al-Infitar: 10-12]
Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «i.e. be shy from
these noble keepers, and honour them and do not let them see from you
that which you will be shy to be seen by someone who is like you».
And modesty from the people leads to virtue. If the Muslim is not
affected from the righteous companion except that his shyness from him
prevents him from disobedience, that is enough. That is the best help to his
companion to be shy from Allah. Whoever is not shy of people, will not be
shy of Allah. whoever sits with the people of shyness; his shyness is renewed,
and the most deserving of honouring a person is his own self. Whomever
does in secret actions that he is shy from performing in public, does not have
any self-worth. Whoever is shy from the people and is not shy from himself
considers himself to be less than others. Whoever is shy from the people and
himself and is not shy from Allah has not known his Lord. Whoever wears
modesty as a garment; the people do not see his faults.
Wa ba‘d, Ayyuhal-Muslimoon:
Islam is the religion of praiseworthy and honourable characters. It
gathers the best of character, and the highest of qualities. There is not any
good except that it commands it, and there is no evil except that it warns
against it, and it obligatory to hold firmly to it, and to be honoured by it, and
to call the people to it. Adhering to shyness from Allah is obligatory upon us,
by acting upon His orders and avoiding disobedience to Him.
A‘udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajim
{ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌﲍ ﲎ ﲏ
}ﲐ ﲑ
Morals 83
{And who is better in religion than one who submits himself to Allah
while being a doer of good and follows the religion of Ibraheem.}
[Al-Nisa: 125]
May Allah bless me and you by the great Quran…
84 Morals
}{ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 1st of Rajab 1424AH.
Morals 87
preferred blindness over guidance. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ
{Indeed they, when it was said to them There is no deity except Allah
were arrogant.} [Al-Qasas: 35]
And Sulayman (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) called
Bilqees and her nation to the not be haughty, and to comply:
}{ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ
ﱻ {ﱱﱲﱳﱴﱵﱶﱷﱸﱹ
{And they did not differ except after knowledge had come to them-
out of jealous animosity between them.} [Al-Jathiyah: 17]
And because of it, Bani Israel performed various heinous actions with
their prophets including rejecting them and killing them:
}{ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ ﲬ ﲭ ﲮ ﲯ ﲰ ﲱ ﲲ ﲳ
{But is it not that every time a messenger came to you, with what your
souls did not desire, you were arrogant? And a party of messengers you
denied and another party you killed.} [Al-Baqarah: 87]
And it is from the descriptions of the people of hypocrisy:
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ ﱌ ﱍ ﱎ
{And when it is said to them, Come the Messenger of Allah will ask for
forgiveness for you, they turn their heads aside and you see them evading
while they are arrogant.} [Al-Munafiqun: 5]
And the previous nations were punished because of this trait. Allah
(Exalted is He) said:
}{ﲰ ﲱ ﲲ ﲳ ﲴ
88 Morals
{They covered themselves with their garments, persisted, and were
arrogant with great arrogance.} [Nuh: 7]
And He said about Pharaoh and his people:
} {ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋﲌ ﲍ ﲎ
{And he was arrogant, he and his soldiers in the land without right and
they thought they would not be returned to Us.} [Al-Qasas: 39]
And he said about the people of Hud:
{ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ
ﲍ ﲎ ﲏ ﲐﲑ ﲒ ﲓ ﲔ * ﲖ ﲗ ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜ ﲝ
}ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦﲧ ﲨﲩ ﲪ
{As for ʿAad, they were arrogant upon the earth without right and said,
Who is greater than us in strength? Did they not consider that Allah who
created them was greater than them in strength? But they were rejecting
Our signs. So We sent upon them a screaming wind during days of
misfortune to make them taste the punishment of disgrace in the worldly
life; but the punishment of the Hereafter is more disgracing, and they will
not be helped.} [Fussilat: 15-16]
The arrogant ones are the enemies of the prophets and their
}{ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ ﱌ ﱍ ﱎ ﱏ ﱐ ﱑ ﱒﱓ
{The eminent ones who were arrogant among his people said:
We will surely evict you, O Shuayb, and those who have believed with you
from our city, or you must return to our religion.} [Al-A’raf: 88]
And Musa (peace be upon him) sought refuge in Allah from them. Allah
(Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡ
{But Moses said, Indeed, I have sought refuge in my Lord and your Lord
from every arrogant one who does not believe in the Day of Account.}
[Ghafir: 27]
Morals 89
The arrogant person follows his desires. He looks at himself to be
perfect and sees others to have faults. his heart has been sealed. He does
not accept except that which he desires:
}{ﱳ ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ
{Thus does Allah seal over every heart an arrogant tyrant.} [Ghafir: 35]
And Allah (Exalted is He) hates him:
}{ﳐ ﳑ ﳒ ﳓ ﳔ ﳕ ﳖ
}{ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫ ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ
{I will turn away from my signs those who are arrogant upon the earth
without right.} [Al-A’raf: 146]
And the one who is arrogant against the truth is tested with following
falsehood, and the punishment of the worldly life may be hastened for him.
A man’s hand had been paralyzed during the time of prophethood because
of arrogance. Salamah ibn Al-Akwa’ (may Allah be pleased with him) said:
«Verily, a man ate in the presence of Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace
and blessings be upon him) with his left hand. He said: Eat with your right
hand. He replied: I cannot do that. Thereupon he said: May you never be
able to do that. It was arrogance that prevented him from doing so. The
narrator said: He could not raise the right hand up to his mouth afterwards»
(Reported by Muslim). And the earth had certainly swallowed an arrogant
person. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «
Whilst a man was walking, dragging his garment with pride, with his hair
nicely combed, Allah caused the earth to swallow him and he will go on
sinking in it until the Day of Resurrection» (Reported by Bukhari and
And in the Hereafter he is treated contrary to his intentions; for
whoever is arrogant above the creation in the worldly life will be trampled
by them in the Hereafter. the Chosen One (may Allah’s peace and blessings
be upon him) said: «Allah will resurrection some people on the Day of
90 Morals
Resurrection in the image of a ants, and people will trample them with
their feet. It will be said: Who are these in the images of ants? It is replied:
These are the arrogant ones in the worldly life» (Reported by Al-Bazzar).
The author of Nawadir Al-Usool «The more arrogant a person is, the smaller
he will be on the Day of Resurrection. Similarly, whoever is more humble for
the sake of Allah, will be in an honourable stature among the creation»,
Whoever carries arrogance in his heart – even if it is a small amount – will
be forbidden from entering paradise. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him): «He who has in his heart the weight of a mustard
seed of pride shall not enter Paradise» (Reported by Muslim). And Hell is an
abode for them:
}{ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ
{Is there not in Hell a residence for the arrogant?} [Az-Zumar: 60]
And the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
«Shall I not tell you about the people of Hell? Every cruel, harsh and
arrogant» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). And the Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) said: «There was a dispute between Hell
and Paradise. Hell said: The tyrants and proud will enter me. Paradise said:
The weak and poor will enter me» (Reported by Muslim).
Pride is from the attributes of the Lordship that cannot be contended
with, and whoever is characterised with it from the creation will be punished
by Allah. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said in
the Hadith Qudsi: «Allah (the Almighty and Majestic) says: Might is My
garment and pride is My cloak. I will punish anyone who contends with Me
over either of them» (Reported by Muslim). And Allah Majestic and Exalted
is He is Al-Mutakabbir (the Supreme). Allah (Exalted is He) said regarding
}{ﲩ ﲪ ﲫﲬ
}{ﳆ ﳇ ﳈ ﳉ ﳊ ﳋ ﳌ ﳍ ﳎﳏ ﳐ ﳑ ﳒ ﳓ ﳔ ﳕ ﳖ
{And do not turn your cheek in contempt toward people and do not
walk through the earth exultantly. Indeed, Allah does not like everyone self-
deluded and boastful.} [Luqman: 18]
And it has been made prohibited the rambling in speech pridefully; The
Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said, «The
most abhorrent among you to me and the farthest of you from me on the
Day of Resurrection are the one who speaks excessively, and the one who
is arrogant in his speech, and the one who exaggerates in his speech»
(Reported by At-Tirmidhi).
So remove from yourself the garment of pride and high esteem; for
they are not for you; rather they are for the Creator, and wear the garment
of humility. For arrogance has never entered the heart of a person; except
that it reduced from his intellect according to the amount of arrogance that
has entered from it or more. The origin of this is from ignorance of the
servant about his Lord and his ignorance about himself. This is because if he
has known his Lord and His attributions of perfection and majesty, and he
knows himself with his shortcomings; he would not be arrogant. Sufyan Ibn
Uyaynah (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «Fear for the person who’s sin
is arrogance, for Iblees disobeyed arrogantly; and thus he was cursed».
And punishment occurs upon the one in whose heart arrogance
enters. Its severity depends on the severity of his arrogance. Whoever opens
it upon himself; he opens upon himself many doors of evil. Whoever closes
it upon himself, the wide doors of goodness open for him – by Allah’s
permission. Arrogance which negates faith does not allow his owner to enter
paradise; just as Allah (Exalted is He) said:
92 Morals
}{ﱓ ﱔ ﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ
{Indeed, those who disdain My worship will enter Hell rendered
contemptible.} [Ghafir: 60]
From arrogance is that which opposes the obligatory level of faith. His
arrogance leads him to rejecting the truth and belittling the creation. The
Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «He who has
in his heart the weight of a mustard seed of pride shall not enter Paradise.
A person said: Verily a person loves that his dress should be fine, and his
shoes should be fine. He remarked: Verily, Allah is beautiful and He loves
beauty. Arrogance is disdaining the truth and belittling people» (Reported
by Muslim). And do not be boastful above anyone, for your worldly life is
fading. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «It
is a right upon Allah that there is nothing that raises itself in this world
except that He lowers it» (Reported by Bukhari).
Humbleness leads to being raised in the worldly life and the Hereafter
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «No one
humbles himself for the sake of Allah except that Allah raises his status»
(Reported by Muslim). And it is from the character of the Prophets and the
traits of the noble. Musa (peace be upon him) raised the boulder for two
women whose father was an old man, and Dawood (peace be upon him)
used to eat from the earnings of his own hand, and Zakariyyah (peace be
upon him) was a carpenter. Isa (peace be upon him) said:
}{ﲎ ﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒ ﲓ
{And [Allah has] made me dutiful to my mother and He has not made
me a wretched tyrant.} [Maryam: 32]
And «Allah has not sent a prophet who did not work as a shepherd».
Our Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) was tender in
heart, merciful and humble to the believers and gentle with them. He
supported the weak, gave to the needy, and helped those stricken by
calamities. He rode a donkey, and he let others ride behind him. He would
greet children, and be the first to extend greetings to whoever he met. He
would answer the invitation of whoever invites him even if it were for the
shoulder or the foot of a sheep. When Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her)
was asked: «What would the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
Morals 93
upon him) do when he entered his house? She said: He would serve his
family, and when the time for prayer came, he would go out to pray»
(Reported by Bukhari).
Humbleness leads to justice, closeness and love in society. The
Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «Verily Allah
has revealed to me that you must be humble, so that no one boasts over
another and transgresses over another» (Reported by Muslim). And the
person who is humble in front of Allah, as well as humble and merciful to His
servants does not see for himself a right upon anyone. Rather, he sees the
favours of people upon him, and this is a characteristic that Allah only gives
to whom He loves, brings near, and honours.
Wa Ba‘d, Ayyuhal-Muslimoon:
The most honourable humility after the right of Allah is humility with
one’s parents; by being dutiful and honouring them, obeying them except in
Allah’s disobedience, being affectionate to them, being happy around them,
being gentle in speech with them, respecting them and supplicating for them
in abundance – whilst they are alive and after their deaths. Allah (Exalted is
He) said:
}{ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ ﲧ ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ ﲬ ﲭ
{And lower to them the wing of humility out of mercy and say, My
Lord, have mercy upon them as they brought me up when I was small.}
[Al-Isra: 24]
Disobeying their commands, behaving arrogantly with them, and
getting annoyed with taking care of their needs are all forms of arrogance
and being undutiful to them. The person who does this has been threatened
with entering the Hellfire.
Be humble with the religion. Do not oppose it with an opinions or
desires. Do not turn away from learning the religion and acting upon it.
Whoever extends to you some advice; accept it and thank the advisor, and
whoever enjoins you by what is right and forbids you what is wrong; then
comply to his guidance; for goodness lies in being humble towards
performing acts of obedience. Al-Fudhayl (may Allah have mercy on him)
said: «Humility is that you are humble yourself to the truth and comply with
it». a man said to Malik Ibn Mighwal: «Fear Allah! So he placed his cheek on
the ground».
94 Morals
And the teacher and the student are humble with each other whilst
the teacher is to be respected. The Shaykh of the scholars of hadith Abu
Musa Al-Madini (may Allah have mercy on him) used to listen to the children
recite Quran written on boards despite his high and elevated rank. Be
humble to the sick by visiting them in their clinics, supporting them, solving
their problems, and reminding them of the reward and to be content and
patience upon the decree. Be gentle with the poor and needy, and search
for the faces of the poor and needy and those who restrain to ask and those
who are humble in asking, and console them from your wealth. Be humble
to them with your status. Bashar Ibn Al-Harith (may Allah have mercy on
him) said: «I have not seen better than a wealthy man sitting among the
A‘udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajim
}{ﲷ ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂﳃ ﳄ ﳅ
{That home of the Hereafter We assign to those who do not desire
exaltedness upon the earth or corruption. And the best outcome is for the
righteous.} [Al-Qasas: 83]
May Allah bless me and you by the Great Quran…
Morals 95
}{ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ
Envy (1)
Verily, all praise is for Allah. We praise Him, and seek His aid and
forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls, and from our
bad deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whomsoever
Allah leaves to go astray none can guide. I testify that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah, alone with no partners. And I testify that our
Prophet Muhammad is His slave and messenger. May Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him as well as his family and companions in abundance.
Amma ba‘d:
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 25th of Safar 1434AH.
Morals 97
guide my heart, make true my tongue and, draw out malice from my heart»
(Reported by Abu Dawood).
And Allah has praised the Ansar for the soundness of their hearts.
{ﲵ ﲶ ﲷ ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ
}ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ
{And those who were settled in the Home and adopted the faith
before them. They love those who emigrated to them and find not any want
in their breasts of what they were given…} [Al-Hashr: 9]
I.e. the virtue which has been given to their brothers who have
emigrated. He said about the righteous people that would come after them:
{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ ﱌ ﱍ ﱎ ﱏ
}ﱐ ﱑ ﱒ ﱓ
{And those who come after them saying Our Lord forgive us and our
brothers who preceded us in faith and put not in our hearts any resentment
towards those who have believed.} [Al-Hashr: 10]
And it is from the reasons of entering paradise. The Prophet (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said to the Companions (may Allah
be pleased with them): «There will appear before you now, a man who is
from the people of paradise. A man from the Ansar appeared, so they asked
him about his actions. He replied: I do not find that I cheat anyone from the
Muslims, nor do I envy anyone who has been given goodness by Allah»
(Reported by Ahmed).
The Salaf strove to make their hearts sound, and therefore, they were
described by that. Ibn Kathir said describing his companion Ibn Al-Qayyim
(may Allah have mercy on them both): «He was good in his reading and his
character. He was extremely affectionate. He does not envy or harm anyone,
nor does he look for their faults. Nor does he hold a grudge against anyone».
And nothing will benefit on the Day of Resurrection except the
soundness of the heart alongside faith. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ * ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ
{The Day when there will not benefit anyone wealth or children.
98 Morals
But only who comes to Allah with a sound heart.} [Al-Shuara: 88-89]
And Allah (Exalted is He) has favoured some of His servants over others
in His giving; out of justice and grace. This is so that He may reveal their
gratitude and their patience. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﲷ ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽﲾ
{And Allah has favoured some of you over others in provision.} [Al-
Nahl: 71]
And envy is a blameworthy characteristic and a despicable
characteristic, the envier directs it towards those who have provisions and
blessings. Iblees was envious, thus he refused to prostrate to Adam out of
envy towards him:
}{ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ ﱌ ﱍ ﱎ ﱏ ﱐ ﱑ ﱒ
{He said I am better than him. You created me from fire and created
him from clay.} [Al-A’raf: 12]
Therefore, envy was the first sin of disobedience to Allah in the
heavens. It is from the descriptions of the Jews and Christians. Allah (Exalted
is He) said:
}{ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡﱢ
{Or do they envy people for what Allah has given them of His bounty?}
[Al-Nisa: 54]
And it is from the speech of those with illness in their hearts. Allah
(Exalted is He) said:
}{ﳏ ﳐ ﳑﳒ
}{ﲜ ﲝ ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ
{Except for Iblees He refused and was arrogant and became from the
disbelievers.} [Al-Baqarah: 34]
And the non-Muslims wish they can turn back the people of Islam from
their religion out of envy. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
Morals 99
{ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ
{Many of the people of the Scripture wish they could turn you back to
disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves.}
[Al-Baqarah: 109]
And it prevents a person from accepting Islam. Al-Miswar Ibn
Makhramah said to Abu Jahl: «Did you used to accuse Muhammad in lying
before he said what he said? He replied: By Allah! Muhammad was among
us and he was called “the trustworthy one” throughout his youth. We never
found him to lie. He responded: Why is it then that you do not follow him?
He replied: We disputed with the sons of Hashim in honour. They fed people
as did we, and they gave people water, and we did too. They granted people
asylum and we granted people asylum. Until we got on our knees and were
neck to neck, and it is said: Among us is a prophet. How could we ever accept
such a thing? By Allah! We do not have faith in him, nor will we ever believe
in him».
And the envier the one he envies. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
{ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ
ﲆ ﲄ
{And recite to them the story of Adam’s two sons in truth when they
both made an offering to Allah, and it was accepted from one of them but
was not accepted from the other. The latter said I will surely kill you.}
[Al-Maidah: 27]
And it is a trial for the hearts of the people. (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋﱌ
{And thus have We tried some of them through others that they might
say Is these whom Allah has favoured among us?} [Al-Anam: 53]
Ibn Rajab (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «Envy is part of human
nature, and the happy is the one who expels it from himself».
And it is contradictory to the completeness of faith. The Prophet (may
Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «Two will never be gathered
100 Morals
in the heart of a slave: faith and envy» (Reported by An-Nasai). The Prophet
(may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) warned his nation from this
illness, for he said: «Do not envy one another, do not hate one another and
do not boycott one another» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And envy is the source of evils, and it causes oppression, and the
cutting of the ties of kinship. Ibn Aqeel (may Allah have mercy on him) said:
«I pondered over various character traits and found envy to be the most
severe in evil consequences».
And the envious person is weak in soul. He regards every blessing upon
other than him to be great. He hates to see the blessings of Allah upon his
servants. He finds pain in seeing virtues appear in others, or good traits that
gratitude is shown for. If he sees the favour of Allah upon His creation he
becomes distressed, and if he sees the blessings go he becomes happy.
There is no comfort for the envious one. He becomes happy because of the
sadness of people, and he becomes sad because of their happiness. He does
not see that the decree of Allah is fair, nor does he see the people that Allah
has blessed to be deserving. His tongue reveals the darkness of his heart.
Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ ﳄ ﳅ ﳆ ﳇ
}{ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ ﱧﱨ
{O Azeez, adversity has touched us and our family and we have come
with goods poor in quality, but give us full measure and be charitable to us.}
[Yusuf: 88]
There is no evil attribute that is equal to envy. The envier takes
revenge on himself through his own hands before it reaches the envied, and
whoever sees the condition of the envier in his worry, sorrow, and grief; he
will pity him. The envier is busy with that which does not concern him, and
therefore he neglects what concerns him.
Morals 101
Envy is an elevation for the envied; as the souls do not envy except the
great, and how many from hidden blessings were revealed by the envier,
and how many servants were praised after he was envied. Habeel Ibn Adam
was envied, and therefore his mention remained in the Book of Allah.
And according to the virtue of a person, and the appearance of Allah’s
blessing upon him, people will be envious towards him. The greatest blessing
that a person is envied upon is the blessing of Islam. Allah (Exalted is He)
}{ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴ ﱵﱶ
}{ﲝ ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ
{And they said: Why was this Quran not sent down upon a great man
from one of the two cities?} [Az-Zukhruf: 31]
And the person who is envied has been oppressed and is commanded
to be patient and fearful of Allah, and to pardon and turn away. Allah
(Exalted is He) said:
{ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ
}ﲌ ﲍ ﲎ ﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒﲓ ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ ﲗ ﲘ ﲙﲚ
{Many of the people of the scriptures wish they could turn you back to
disbelief after you have believed, out of envy from themselves after the
truth has become clear to them. So pardon and overlook until Allah delivers
His command.} [Al-Baqarah: 109]
And Yusuf (peace be upon him) said to his brothers:
}{ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢﲣ
}{ﱍ ﱎ ﱏ ﱐ
}{ﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒ ﲓ ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ ﲗﲘ
{And do not wish for that which Allah has made some of you exceed
others.} [Al-Nisa: 32]
May Allah bless me and you by the Great Quran...
Morals 103
Oppression (1)
Verily, all praise is for Allah. We praise Him, and seek His aid and
forgiveness. We seek refuge in Allah from the evil of our souls, and from our
bad deeds. Whomsoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whomsoever
Allah leaves to go astray none can guide. I testify that there is none worthy
of worship except Allah, alone with no partners. And I testify that our
Prophet Muhammad is His slave and messenger. May Allah’s peace and
blessings be upon him as well as his family and companions in abundance.
Amma ba‘d:
O Slaves of Allah! Fear Allah as He deserves to be feared, and be
mindful of Him in secret and in open.
Allah created man and He placed praiseworthy characteristics
inclinations within him, and He commanded him to adhere to them and be
steadfast upon them:
}{ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ ﲬ ﲭﲮ
}{ﱎ ﱏ ﱐ ﱑ
}{ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫﱬ
(1) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 1st of Safar 1429AH.
Morals 105
{Indeed, Allah does not do injustice, [even] as much as an atom's
weight.} [Al-Nisa: 40]
And He has made it forbidden among his servants: «O My servants! I
have made oppression unlawful for myself and I have made it unlawful
among you, so do not oppress one another» (Reported by Muslim).
Oppression takes away the rights of people. It corrupts society. It
overpowers the weak. It brings about worry. It destroys homes. It causes
nations and countries to be destroyed. The first messenger Nuh (peace be
upon him) supplicated against the oppressors. He said:
}{ﳛ ﳜ ﳝ ﳞ ﳟ
}{ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ ﲧ ﲨ
{For wrongdoing on the part of the Jews, We made unlawful for them
good foods which had been lawful to them.} [Al-Nisa: 160]
And oppression – even in a small matter, carries a great punishment.
The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «If anyone
takes a span of land in oppression, it will be tied around his neck from
seven earths on the Day of Resurrection» (Reported by Bukhari and
106 Morals
Muslim). And if the oppression of a cat lead to Hell, then the oppression of
a Muslim is far worse. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah's peace and
blessings be upon him) said: «A woman entered Hellfire because of a cat
which she had tied up, neither giving it food nor setting it free to eat from
the creatures of the earth» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And the nations are safe from the punishment if they believe and do
not oppress. If they are oppressive, they will be destroyed:
}{ﲱ ﲲ ﲳ ﲴ ﲵ
{And those cities We destroyed them when they oppressed.} [Al-Kahf:
And Allah has threatened the oppressor him with a great punishment:
}{ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ
{So woe to those who have wronged from the punishment of a painful
Day.} [Al-Zukhruf: 65]
And Allah does not guide him nor does He help him, or love him. Allah
(Exalted is He) said:
}{ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ
}{ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ ﳃ
{And if those who did wrong had all that is in the earth entirely and the
like of it with it, they would attempt to ransom themselves thereby from the
worst of the punishment on the Day of Resurrection.} [Az-Zumar: 47]
And if the oppressor allies himself with another oppressor in the
worldly life, they will end up separating and conflicting. Allah (Exalted is He)
}{ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ
}{ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ
}{ﱏ ﱐ ﱑ ﱒ ﱓ ﱔ ﱕ * ﱗ ﱘ
{So there came upon it an affliction from your Lord while they were
asleep. And it became as though reaped.} [Al-Qalam: 19-20]
And whomever is oppressed and is patient; Allah increases him in
honour. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said: «I
will tell you about three things for which I swear by Allah. Memorise them:
The man’s wealth will not diminish by charity, no servant suffers
oppression patiently except that Allah increases him in honour, and he
who opens a gate of begging, Allah opens for him a gate of poverty»
(Reported by At-Tirmidhi). Allah will argue for the oppressed on the Day of
Resurrection, and when Allah argues against someone they will be
overcome. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) said: «Allah said: There are three whose adversary I shall be on the
Day of Resurrection: a man who gave a promise in my name then was
treacherous; a man who sold a free man and enjoyed the price he received
for him; and a man who hired a servant and, after receiving full service
from him, did not give him his wages» (Reported by Bukhari). The
oppressed does not enter Paradise except after receiving compensation
from the one who has oppressed him and his soul has been pleased. The
Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
«When the believers pass safely over the bridge across Hell, they will be
stopped at a bridge in between Hell and Paradise, where they will
compensate each other for the oppressions committed among them in the
world» (Reported by Bukhari).
Part of oppression is depriving the workers their right, or reducing it,
or delaying in the payment, the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) said: «When a rich man takes too long to repay a debt, it is
oppression» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And part of oppression is to attack the property of others or to take it
or harm them regarding it. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be
upon him) said: «If anyone takes a span of land unjustly, it will be tied
Morals 109
around his neck from seven earths on the Day of Resurrection» (Reported
by Bukhari and Muslim).
And consuming the wealth of orphans is oppression and from that
which leads to the Fire;
}{ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼ ﱽ ﱾﱿ
{Indeed those who devour the property of orphans unjustly are only
consuming into their bellies fire.} [Al-Nisa: 10]
And the shortcomings of the wife in the rights of her husband, denying
his goodness, and complaining about what he did not do is oppression from
her upon him. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him)
said [describing some women]: «You are ungrateful to your husbands»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). And the oppression of the husband to his
wife, or shortcomings in the right that has Allah has ordained towards her;
harming her, not maintaining equality between wives, inclining to one of
them by giving her more time and money and other than that; all of this is
injustice concerning which threats have come. The Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him) said: «Anyone who has two wives and
inclines to one of them will come on the Day of Resurrection with a side of
his body inclining» (Reported by Abu Dawood).
And preferring one child over another in giving and other than that, or
the shortcomings in their upbringing and their guidance is oppression from
the father to them. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) said: «Fear Allah, and act equally between your children» (Reported
by Bukhari and Muslim). Also from oppression is the father preventing his
daughter from marriage, or marrying his daughter one who is not suitable
for her; desiring money or other than it.
A teacher giving some of his students precedence over others without
right is unjust. Sheikh Al-Islam (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «The
narration: «The judges are of three types» also applies to the one who
teaches children».
Harming and abusing a Muslim is from the greatest forms of
transgression. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him):
«Verily, from the gravest of sins is going to lengths in talking unjustly
against a Muslim's honour without right» (Reported by Abu Dawood).
Producing pictures of all kinds is from the oppression of the servant to
110 Morals
himself. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
«Allah (The Mighty and Majestic) said: Who are more unjust than those
who try to create something like My creation? I challenge them to create
even an ant, or to create a wheat grain or to create a barley grain»
(Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And the greatest form of oppression is associating partners with Allah;
Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ
}{ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ ﲆ ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ
{And if only they who have wronged would consider that when they
see the punishment, they will be certain that all power belongs to Allah.}
[Al-Baqarah: 165]
And Allah accepts the repentance of the oppressor if he repents and
apologises to the oppressed and makes up for his oppression. Allah (Exalted
is He) said:
}{ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ ﱥ ﱦ ﱧﱨ
{But whoever repents after his wrongdoing and reforms, indeed Allah,
is forgiving and merciful.} [Al-Maidah: 39]
Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: Allah does not
leave any of the oppression which took place between the slaves. He will
take it into full account».
And from the fairness of Allah is that the creation will be compensated
by those who have oppressed them. Even the animals in what is between
them. The Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) said:
«Rights will be given to the one who is owed them on the Day of
Resurrection, such that the hornless sheep would get its claim from the
horned sheep» (Reported by Muslim).
Morals 111
And the Prophet (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon him) has
commanded that the oppressor should beg for forgiveness from the
oppressed in the worldly life before the account of the Hereafter. He said:
«Whoever has oppressed another person concerning his reputation or
anything else, he should beg him to forgive him before the Day of
Resurrection when there will be no money to compensate for wrong
deeds, but if he has good deeds, those good deeds will be taken from him
according to his oppression which he has done, and if he has no good
deeds, the sins of the oppressed person will be loaded on him» (Reported
by Bukhari).
And the oppression of polytheism is not forgiven except by Tawheed
(monotheism). It is obligatory to advise the oppressor by extending advise
to him, so that he restrains from his oppression. Allah said to Musa and
Harun (peace be upon them both):
}{ﲒ ﲓ ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ * ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜ ﲝ ﲞﲟ
}{ﲪ ﲫ ﲬ ﲭ ﲮ ﲯ
{And whoever commits injustice among you - We will make him taste
a great punishment.} [Al-Furqan: 19]
May Allah bless me and you by the great Quran…
112 Morals
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ
{And they who believe and do not mix their belief with injustice
those will have security, and they are rightly guided.} [Al-Anam: 82]
And if the servants distance themselves from oppression and seek
refuge in Allah by repentance and supplication, they receive abundance and
generosity from Allah.
Thereafter, know that Allah has commanded you to send peace and
blessings upon His Prophet…
Morals 113
(8) This khutbah was delivered in Al-Masjid An-Nabawi on Friday the 30th of Rabi Al-Akhir
114 Morals
And Allah has informed that He does not like the oppressor. He has
denied success for him, and He has promised to destroy him. No one will
continue to support the oppressor. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱍ ﱎ ﱏ ﱐ
}{ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ
{And thus will We make some of the wrongdoers allies of others for
what they used to earn.} [Al-Anam: 129]
Ibn Kathir (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «i.e. We will impose
some of them over others, and destroy some of them and take revenge from
them through others. This is as a recompense for their oppression and
And Allah has threatened him with a wicked outcome. He said:
}{ﳇ ﳈ ﳉ ﳊ ﳋ ﳌ
{And those who have wronged are going to know to what return they
will be returned.} [Ash-Shu’ara: 227]
Shurayh (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «Verily the oppressor
awaits punishment, and the oppressed awaits victory». And the days of the
oppressor are numbered in the worldly life and Allah gives him respite. Allah
(Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱾ ﱿ ﲀﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ ﲅ
}{ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ
{And how many a city which was unjust have We shattered and
produced after it another people.} [Al-Anbiya: 11]
Morals 115
Ibn Al-Qayyim (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «If Allah intends to
destroy and annihilate His enemies; He appoints for them the means which
lead to their destruction and annihilation. From the greatest of them – after
their disbelief – is their oppression and transgression, and them going to
great lengths in abusing His allies, fighting against them, killing them, and
overpowering them».
And Allah had mentioned some oppressors in His book and He
mentions their wicked outcomes. He informed that He makes them an
admonition for others. Firawn transgressed and spread corruption on earth.
Allah (Exalted is He) said:
{ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤ ﲥ ﲦ ﲧ ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ
}ﲫ ﲬﲭ ﲮ ﲯ ﲰ ﲱ
{Indeed, Pharaoh exalted himself in the land and made its people into
factions, oppressing a sector among them, slaughtering their newborn sons
and keeping their females alive. Indeed, he was of the corrupters.} [Al-Qasas:
Rather he had the audacity to deny his Lord, and he said:
}{ﱢ ﱣ ﱤ
} {ﱪ ﱫ ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ ﱲ
}{ﱳ ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹﱺ
{So today We will save you in body that you may be to those who
succeed you a sign.} [Yunus: 92]
116 Morals
And He mentioned that the waves of the ocean crashing above him at
the time of his destruction was a dreadful matter. He said:
}{ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ * ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰﱱ
{So Allah seized him in exemplary punishment for the last and the first
transgression. Indeed in that is a lesson for who would ever fear Allah.}
[Al-Naziat: 25-26]
And Shuayb (peace be upon him) called his people to Islam and
forbade them from oppressing the people, and he told them:
{ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ ﲀ ﲁ ﲂ ﲃ ﲄ
{Give full measure and weight in justice and do not deprive the people
of their due and do not commit abuse on the earth, spreading corruption.}
[Hud: 85]
They mocked him and told him:
{ﲖ ﲗ ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜ ﲝ ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣﲤ ﲥ ﲦ
}ﲧ ﲨ
{Does your religion command you that we should leave what our
fathers worship or not do with our wealth what we please? Indeed, you are
the forbearing, the discerning!} [Hud: 87]
Thus Allah sent upon them a fire that burned them, and burned their
wealth which they have gained though oppression. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫﱬ
{So the punishment of the day of the black cloud seized them.}
[Ash-Shu’ara: 189]
I.e. the burning fire that descended upon them from the sky:
}{ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱ
} {ﲆﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ ﲎ ﲏ ﲐﲑ
{And if Allah had willed, He could have taken vengeance upon them,
but He ordains to test some of you by means of others.} [Muhammad: 4]
And Allah (Exalted is He) is strong in His defending of His servants.
Allah (Majestic is He) said:
}{ﳍ ﳎ ﳏ ﳐ ﳑ ﳒﳓ
}{ﲛ ﲜ ﲝ ﲞ ﲟ
}{ﲧ ﲨ ﲩ ﲪ ﲫ ﲬ
{If you support Allah, He will support you and plant firmly your feet.}
[Muhammad: 7]
And trusting that Allah’s help is close:
}{ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ
{Unquestionably, the help of Allah is near.} [Al-Baqarah: 214]
And to have certainty that depending upon Allah is the foundation of
{ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ ﱯ ﱰ ﱱﱲ ﱳ ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺﱻ
}ﱼ ﱽ ﱾ ﱿ
}{ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈﱉ
{And do not dispute and lose courage and then your strength would
depart.} [Al-Anfal: 46]
And patience is the key to success, and it is emphasised at the times of
trials and tribulations. Supplication is the strongest weapon against the
enemy. The Messenger of Allah (may Allah’s peace and blessings be upon
him) said: «Beware of the supplication of the oppressed; for indeed there
is no barrier between it and Allah» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). Ibn
Aqeel (may Allah have mercy on him) said: «The oppressed is responded to
And being optimistic is from the guidance of our Prophet (may Allah’s
peace and blessings be upon him). For he was optimistic despite the fact that
he was fought against and boycotted, injured and harmed, and he was
planned and plotted against, and he was poisoned and had magic performed
against him, and six of his children died during his lifetime; and he used to
say: «I like optimism. They said: O Messenger of Allah! What is optimism?
Morals 119
He said: A good word» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim).
And the Muslim is certain in the support of Allah, and it has been made
forbidden for him to incline towards the oppressors. Allah (Exalted is He)
{ﲇ ﲈ ﲉ ﲊ ﲋ ﲌ ﲍ ﲎ ﲏ ﲐ ﲑ ﲒ ﲓ ﲔ
}ﲕ ﲖ ﲗ
{And do not incline toward those who do wrong, lest you be touched
by the Fire, and you would not have other than Allah any protectors;
then you would not be helped.} [Hud: 113]
And Allah supports the weak with His ability, even if intense adversity
befalls him or he is forsaken. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ ﲿ ﳀ ﳁ ﳂ
{And Allah is predominant over His affair, but most of the people do
not know.} [Yusuf: 21]
And Allah’s support to the believers is attained through faith and fear
of Allah, and He (the Exalted) supports His servants even if their numbers
and equipment are little. Power belongs completely to Allah. Allah (Exalted
is He) said:
}{ﱴ ﱵ ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ ﱺ ﱻ ﱼﱽ
ﱯ ﱱ ﱲ ﱳ ﱴﱵ
ﱰ {ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫ ﱬ ﱭ ﱮ
}ﱶ ﱷ ﱸ ﱹ
{And Allah repelled those who disbelieved, in their rage, not having
obtained any good. And sufficient was Allah for the believers in battle, and
ever is Allah Powerful and Exalted in Might.} [Al-Ahzab: 25]
And He may support them by placing fear in the hearts of the enemies,
120 Morals
just as He did to the Jews of Bani An-Nadheer. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
{ﲔ ﲕ ﲖ ﲗﲘ ﲙ ﲚ ﲛ ﲜ ﲝ ﲞ ﲟ ﲠ ﲡ ﲢ ﲣ ﲤﲥ
}ﲦ ﲧ ﲨ ﲩﲪ
{You did not think they would leave, and they thought that their
fortresses would protect them from Allah; but the decree of Allah came
upon them from where they had not expected, and He cast terror into their
hearts.} [Al-Hashr: 2]
And Allah may send soldiers from Him; to destroy the transgressors.
Abrahah came with an army from Yemen to destroy the Kaaba, and he was
accompanied by the strongest of animals – the elephant. Thus, Allah gave
power over him to the weakest of animals – a group of birds, and He made
their plot go astray.
And if Muslims are killed and wounded – as in Uhud, the ultimate
outcome is for them. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﲖﲗ ﲘ ﲙ ﲚ
{So be patient; indeed, the best outcome is for the righteous.} [Hud:
Wa ba‘d, Ayyuhal-Muslimoon:
If Muslims are forsaken, then they are truly the victorious one. If they
are fought against, the outcome is for them. If they are displaced, then they
are the truly supported ones. No one has ever attached themselves to Allah
and was defeated, and no one sought refuge in him except he was aided.
A‘udhu billahi minash-shaytanir-rajim
* {ﲳ ﲴ ﲵ ﲶ ﲷ ﲸ ﲹ ﲺ ﲻ ﲼ ﲽ ﲾ
}ﱁ ﱂ ﱃ ﱄ ﱅ ﱆ ﱇ ﱈ ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ ﱌ
{ﱐ ﱑ ﱒﱓ ﱔ ﱕ ﱖ ﱗ ﱘ ﱙ ﱚ ﱛ ﱜ ﱝ
ﱞ ﱟ ﱠ ﱡ ﱢ ﱣ ﱤﱥ ﱦ ﱧ ﱨ ﱩ ﱪ ﱫ ﱬ
{So each We seized for his sin; and among them were those upon
whom We sent a storm of stones, and among them were those who were
seized by the blast, and among them were those whom We caused the earth
to swallow, and among them were those whom We drowned. And Allah
would not have wronged them, but it was they who were wronging
themselves.} [Al-Ankabut: 40]
And every oppression, even if it prolongs, will come to an end, and
victory is with patience, and success is with distress, and hardship is followed
by ease. Allah (Exalted is He) said:
}{ﱉ ﱊ ﱋ ﱌ * ﱎ ﱏ ﱐ ﱑ
{For indeed, with hardship will be ease. Indeed, with hardship will be
ease.} [Ash-Sharh: 5-6]
Thereafter, know that Allah has commanded you to send peace and
blessings upon His Prophet…
122 Morals
Table of Contents
The Introduction ...................................................................................... 5
Praiseworthy morals ............................................................................... 6
Guarding the Tongue ............................................................................... 7
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 17
Truthfulness ......................................................................................... 18
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 25
Gratefulness ......................................................................................... 28
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 37
Good Character .................................................................................... 39
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 44
Forbearance and Deliberateness ........................................................... 45
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 51
Generosity ............................................................................................ 52
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 58
Loyalty and Fulfilling Promises ................................................................ 59
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 65
Mercy ................................................................................................... 66
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 75
Shyness is All Good ............................................................................... 76
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 84
Blameworthy morals ............................................................................. 85
Blameworthy Characteristics Arrogance ................................................. 86
The Second Sermon ............................................................................................ 95
Envy ..................................................................................................... 96
The Second Sermon .......................................................................................... 103
Oppression ......................................................................................... 104
Morals 123
The Second Sermon .......................................................................................... 112
The Punishment of the Oppressor ....................................................... 113
The Second Sermon .......................................................................................... 121
Table of Contents ................................................................................ 122
The Foundations of the Students of Knowledge for Publishing and