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A. Books
I. Adrian Palmer - "Principles of Marketing" - Oxford University press.


2. Andrew Collins - "Competitive Retail marketing" - MH Book Company

London. 1992.

3. Bary Berman - "Marketing Channel" - John Wiley New York. 1996.

4. Bobstone - "Successful Direct Marketing Methods" - NTC Illinois 61h


5. Barry Mason J. - "Retailing' - IRWIN 51h edition. 1994.

6. Charles W. Lamb - "Marketing" - South Western College Publishing.


7. Courtland L. Bovee - "Marketing" - Mc (haw Hill Inc. 1995.

8. Chunawala S.A. - "Ma~keting Principles & Practice" -Himalaya

Publishing House, Mumbai . 1997.

9. Donald J. Bowerson - "Strittegic Marketing Channel Management" - Mc

Graw Hill Inc. New York. 1992.

10. Francis Brassington & Stepnen Potti - "Principles of Marketing"

11. Geoff Lancaster - "Essentials of Marketing" - Mc Graw Hill 3rdedition.

12. George H. Lucas - "Retailirlg" - Honghton Mifflin Co. USA. 1994.

13. Irwin - "Retailing Managenlent" - Mc Graw Hill. 1998.

14. Jay Diamond - "Retail Buying" - Prentice Hall, New Jersey

15. Kautilya - "The Arthashastla" - Edited by L.N. Kangarajan.

16. Louis W. Stem - "Marketing Channels" - Prentice Hall New Delhi.1996.

17. Martin Baier - "Direct Mark:tingV - NTC Business Books Illinois. 1996.

18. Mamoria C.B. - "Marketing Management" - Kitab Mahal. 1999.

19. Malhotra R.K. - "Marketing Management" - Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd.

New Delhi 1997.

20. Mohamed Amanatullah - "Modern Marketing" - Kalyani publishers.

21. Michael R. Soloman - "Marketing Real People Real Choices" Prentice

Hall New Jersey. 1997.

22. Nair K.C. - "Modem Marketing Management" - Himalaya Publishing

House. 1999.

23. Philip Kotler & Gary Arm:,trong - "Principles of Marketingu- Prentice

Hall India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi gthedition. 1999.

24. Philip Kotler - "Marketing N anagement - Analysis, Planning

,Implimentation, & Control' - Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi 91h
Edition. 1997.

25. Rajan Saxsena - "Marketing Management" - T.M.H.P. Co. Ltd. New

Delhi 1997.

26. Ramaswami V.S. & Narnakumari S. "Marketing Management" -

Macmillian India Ltd. Delhi. 1997.

27. Ralph Alexander - "Marketir g"

28. Ravindranathan C.K., "Supermarkets An Overview" Management

Researcher Vo1.9 July-Dec 2302. Published by IMDR Trivandrum - 1.

29. Richard 1'. Bagozzi - "Principles of Marketing Management" -Maxwell

Macmillian. 199 1.

30. Rustom S. Davar - "Modem VIarketing Management"

30. Rose Jay - "Profitable Direct Marketing" - I.T.P.E. London. 1998.

3 1. Sherlekar S.A. - "Principles of Marketing" - Himalaya Publishing House


32. Sherlekar S.A. - "Marketing Management" - Himalaya Publishing House


33. Warren J. Keegan - "Marketing" - Prentice Hall. 1992.

34. William I). Perreault - "Basic: Marketing" -Irwin Mc Graw Hill ,1996.

35. William G. Zikmund - "Eflective Marketing" - South Westem College

Publishing. 1998.

36. William G. Zikmund - "Marketing" - West Publishing Company New

York ,1996.

37. William M. Pride - "Marketing" - Houghton Mifflin Company Boston


38. William J. Stanton & et.al. - "Fundamentals of Marketing "Mc Graw Hill

New York. 1994.

B. Journals

1. American Marketing Association Chicago.

2. Advertising & Marketing - New Delhi

3. Commerce, Bombay.

4. Journal of Marketing Research - New York

5. Journal of Marketing Rcsearch - New Delhi

6. Supermarket Business.

7. Sales & Marketing Management - New York.

C. Other Publications

1. Popular Dailies & Periodicals.

2. RBI Bulletins.

3. U.N. Year Book.

4. Malayala Manorama Year Book.

5. Encarta Encyclopedia.

6. World Book 1999.

7. 1.C.S.S.R.Survey.

8. University News.

D. Internet

E. Special Articles, Referred

1. PRAXIS - Business line journal on management Jan. 2002.

"The Detail in Retail"

2. VANITHA - Feminine;ournal in Malayala Manorama Jan. 3 1 2002

"Who are benefited by Margin Free?"

3. PRAXIS - Business Line journal on Management. Jan. 2003.

"The Future of Marketing"

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