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Phần 1: Văn Nam

Three kinds of spiritual senses:

+ The allegorical senses
+ The moral sense
+ the anagogical sense
What is the allegorical sense in the Scripture?
+ the allegorical sense: The allegorical sense in Christian theology is the
method that interprets Bible stories as symbols or metaphors for deeper spiritual
truths. Examples:
+ The Exodus: The story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt
(Exodus 14) is often seen as an allegory for Christ leading humanity out of sins and
into the freedom of salvation.
+ The Manna in the Desert: The manna that the Israelites ate in the desert
(Exodus 16) is viewed as a symbol of the Eucharist, the spiritual food that sustains
believers in their journey of faith.
+ The Passover Lamb: The Passover lamb (Exodus 12) is an allegory for
Jesus, the "Lamb of God," whose sacrifice saves humanity from sin and death.
Phần 2: Nhựt Lam
The second passage refers to two main points:
1. Using the moral sense of Scripture.
What is the moral sense of Scripture? It is the thing or idea connected with
principles of right or wrong behavious. The meaning teaches us to fully believe in
God’s word following the moral perspective. The moral meaning usually found in
sermons that Jesus taught his disciple and listener follow him. But they minimize
historical events and explain the Bible as they will.
The church encourages us to act on the instructions and enouragement we receive
from Scripture to do good and act justly.
2. Using the anagogical sense of Scripture
What is the anagogical sense of Scripture? It is is the thing or idea connected with
the future. This meaning, they guide us to the future and sacred meaning. We are
led from considering scriptual events to considering events in our lives that are
significant for our salvation.
Example: When we read about the New Jerusalem in Scared Scripture, we are led
to think about the Church on earth as that New Jerusalem, leading us to heavenly
Phần 3: Nhật Hào
The passage has three main points:
1. Context within the Bible: To understand a Scripture passage, we must
consider how it fits with the rest of the Bible. Linking a Scripture passage with the
entire Bible helps us correctly understand God's message, as the Bible is
consistent, and its passages are interconnected to clarify and fulfill the plan of
2. Church teachings: We need to consider what the Church teaches about the
meaning of the passage. Reading the Bible requires considering the Church's
teachings to understand its meaning correctly, avoid errors, and apply God's word
rightly in our lives
3. Connection to the Deposit of Faith: The meaning of the passage should be
understood in relation to the entire Deposit of Faith (including both Scripture and
Tradition). The meaning of a Scripture passage must be understood in relation to
the entire Deposit of Faith because Scripture and Tradition complement each other,
helping to preserve the fullness of the faith and apply God's word correctly in life.
Phần 4: Conclusion (Minh)
To wrap up, understanding Scripture requires us to look beyond the literal meaning
and explore its spiritual senses: allegorical, moral, and anagogical. The allegorical
sense helps us see deeper connections, like the crossing of the Red Sea
symbolizing Baptism. The moral sense inspires us to live justly and act according
to God’s will. The anagogical sense connects what we read in Scripture to our
own journey toward salvation, such as seeing the New Jerusalem as both the
Church on earth and our ultimate heavenly goal.
But interpreting Scripture isn’t something we can do in isolation. We need to
look at how each passage fits with the whole Bible, what the Church teaches, and
how it aligns with the Deposit of Faith. Reading the Bible is crucial for our faith,
but it also takes effort, reflection, and guidance to fully understand what God is
revealing to us. Thank you for listening, and I hope this inspires you to delve
deeper into the Bible with faith and understanding!

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