Tuesday Conference: To Make Humanity United in Worshipping God

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Tuesday Conference

V o l. 0 2
I s s ue . 11

To make humanity united in worshipping God

Theology e-magazine

Tips for Interpreting Bible

Our Heavenly Patron

Tuesday Conference reaches its 11th issue on how to

interpret Bible, titled Tips for Interpreting Bible. When it
comes to making claims about what the Bible means, sometimes
we hear comments from Christians or non-Christians like the
following: Well, thats just your interpretation. The Bible can be
made to say anything you want. You cant really understand the
Bible. It is full of contradictions. No one can understand the true
meaning of anything anyone says.
All of these types of comments are about principles of






jargon hermeneutics. We here make a hasty journey into this field

of hermeneutics, avoiding its systematic exploration. For a
detailed study Fitzmyer, Joseph Subsidia Biblica will benefit us.

Ignorance of Scripture is ignorance of

Christ -St. Jerome

Some issues that we as Christians face regarding the

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topic of biblical interpretation include: How does divine

inspiration and human authorship affect biblical
What Does a Text Mean?
The answer to this question

What does a
text mean?

is that a text means what the

author intended it to mean. The
true meaning of a text resides in

What are

the authorial intent of the text.

some general

This leads us to the first primary

principles of

and fundamental principle of


interpreting the Bible.

Even though the Bible uses symbolic or figurative language,

How do we
interpret the
How do we

most of it is clear to the reader. Even when you do not know

about the people, places, and events in question, you can grasp
the point of the text.

Interpreting the Old Testament

Narrative Literature:
Much of the OT contains narrative literature. First, the

interpret the

passage needs to be interpreted in its historical context and then

applications can be drawn from the characters and events.
Realize that Christians are not under the law as a legal
system (Rom 6:14) but that we are to fulfill the principles that
stand behind the law of loving God and loving ones neighbor
(cf.Matt 22:37-40)? Sometimes the teaching is carried directly
into the New Testament. Other times, the New Testament takes
a text and applies a principle from it.

A common and persistent myth about the Bible is that its real
meaning is hidden always behind the surface message.

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Wisdom Literature:
Realize that much of the proverbial type of wisdom in the

Read the
gospels not

Old Testament is general truth based on observations but not

only vertically,

absolute truths or promises. Christians should not take these

that is,
what is said in
each individual
account, but
also horizontall
y, that is,
considering why
one account

types of proverbial statements as promises of what will always

happen but rather patterns that are generally true outcomes
based on observation.
.Realize that poetry often
has a greater use of figurate
language than narrative or law.




characteristic is parallelism

follows another.

Interpreting the New Testament

Understand that each writer has a specific audience for whom he is writing,
and that he has selected his material for them.

Matthew was written for a Jewish audience.

Mark was written for a Roman audience.
Luke was written for a Greek audience.
John was written for a universal or Gentile audience.
This can help us see nuances or explain differences between accounts.
Recognize that the gospels are in a transitional
stage between Old and New Covenants. Jesus
lived in the context of Judaism prior to the birth
of the church. Also, he is introducing changes
that will be inaugurated with the start of the New

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Parables are
a form of
They are
stories that

Parables. There are parables in different parts of the Bible

but Jesus was the master of them and many are found in the
gospels. How then should we interpret the parables?

First, determine






parable. Parables always arise out of a context.

Second, understand the storys natural meaning which is often

taken from real life situations in first century Palestine.

are used to

Third, ascertain the main point or truth the parable is trying to

illustrate a

give and focus on this. Only interpret the details of the


parables if they can be validated from the passage. Many

details are there only for the setting of the story.

Acts is a theologized history of the early church. In addition, some events in
Acts are descriptive of what happened not proscriptive of what is necessarily
expected in the modern church. The book of Acts is also a book of transitions.

First there are key transitions in biography. The book focuses more on the
ministry of Peter in the first portions of the book then shifts to Paul.

Second there is also a transition in ministry focus from the Jews to the
Samaritans and to the Gentiles.

Lastly there is a geographical transition starting in Jerusalem taking the gospel

outward into Samaria, Asia Minor, Europe and eventually Rome.
Since the NT epistles are directed to churches and individuals in the church,
they most directly apply to us today. Most commands given in the epistles are
general in nature that we need to obey them.
Revelation is the one book in the NT that is one of the hardest to interpret.
There is a greater use of symbolic language in Revelation than in other parts of the
Bible. Revelation is in a form of literature known as apocalyptic. The basic thrust of
Revelations message is clear. Jesus is coming again and will defeat the forces of

General Principles of Biblical Interpretation

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Principle #1: Interpretation must be based on the authors intention of meaning

and not the reader.
This means we must get into the authors context, historically, grammatically,
culturally and the literary forms and conventions the author was working in.
Principle #2: Interpretations must be done in the context of
the passage. Context determines meaning!
The nearest context must given the most weight in
interpretation. First, there is the near context of the sentence,
then the paragraph, then the section and then the book and
even author. The interpreter should look at all these circles of
context to be able to correctly assess the meaning.
Principle#3: Interpret the Bible literally (or normally) allowing for normal use
of figurative language.
Take the plain meaning of the text at face value. When the literal does not
make sense you probably have a figure of speech. Figures of speech and illustrations
give the Bible a powerful and colorful means of expression. They are an important
part of the normal expression of language.
Principle #4: Use the Bible to help interpret itself. Interpret
difficult passages with clear ones.
This is sometimes called the law of non-contradiction.
Because the Bible is Gods word, and God is true, the Bible will
not contradict itself. Use the New Testament to help interpret
the Old Testament.

This recognizes the progressive nature of

revelation, that is the Bible is giving more revelation
on topics over time. But one must start by
interpreting the Old Testament text in its context
before a New Testament consideration is made.

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Christians agree that the Word is the Truth. Yet from one Bible
come thousands of differing interpretations about the Truth is.

It is essential
that the

Principle #5: Interpretation must be distinguished from

While there is one interpretation that is historical, there

to whom a

are many applications that can be carried over to our modern

context. Build an application bridge from the interpretation to
the timeless principle and then to the application now.

scripture is
Not every
verse in the
Bible is to be
applied to
every person
in every age.

Principle #6: Be sensitive to distinctions between Israel and

the church and Old Covenant and New Covenant eras/
Promises made to Israel in the Old Testament cannot
automatically be transferred to the church in which we are a

Principle #7: Be sensitive to the type of literature you are in.

The Bible contains many different types of literature: law, narrative, wisdom,
poetry, gospel, parable, epistle, and apocalyptic. Each of these types of literature
has specific features that must be considered when interpreting a text.

Notice the various theological

themes in the text. Though a text has
one intended meaning, it can have a
number of significant theological themes.
It can also have a number of different

Tips to Unlock the Biblical Messages

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1. The word all can be used in a universal or limited sense.

The word all or every is used in the Bible just as it is used in everyday
speech and writing, either to mean all without exception or all within a particular
category. The context will determine the meaning.
2. Difficult verses must be interpreted in light of clear verses.
The Bible contains many verses and some of them are easy to understand,
while others are not. Usually, it is the case that there are many more clear verses on a
subject than difficult verses. Proper exegesis requires that difficult verses must be
interpreted in the light of the many clear verses on the same subject.

3. A knowledge of the structure of a passage can be valuable for

Gods Word is the most intricate piece of literature that has ever been written.
Scholars have long noticed that much of it has an easily discernible structure. The
structure of a passage of Scripture can clarify the main ideas, correspondence,
parallelisms and contrasting ideas.
4. There is no perfect version.
No version or translation can properly be called the Word of God as it was
originally given by holy men of God. Every translation is inherently limited. It is
impossible to translate from one language to another and get the sense of the original
exactly correct, as any translator of any language will attest.
5. It must be recognized that the great subject of the Old Testament is
Jesus Christ.
The subject of the Bible from Genesis


Jesus Christ, the Messiah. The OT points to his

coming and provides many symbols, types and
foreshadowings of his life and ministry. We are
doing a lot to preach; it is equally important we
interpret Bible correctly as we go ahead with our
Editor: Tony Maliyekal VC.

Published from Vincentian Vidyabhavan, Aluva.

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