CH1- Introduction to Digital Image Processing
CH1- Introduction to Digital Image Processing
CH1- Introduction to Digital Image Processing
• Image enhancement
– Transforming an input image into another image to improve its visual appearance
• Image restoration
– Restore an image that may have been corrupted by some type of noise
• Image compression
– Manipulating an image so that the storage requires fewer bits than the original signal, while preserving the visual
quality of the image
– May be applied to still images or video
• Image segmentation
– Analyzing an image to determine the pixels in an image that belong together, or that are part of the same object in
a scene
– Bottom-up process by looking at neighborhood of pixels
• Pixel classification
– Analyzing an image to determine the pixels that belong to a predefined model
– Top-down process relying on some system to facilitate a criterion to facilitate the creation of a model
• Shape from X
• Computer vision
– Characterized by unstructured setting where placement of sensor and light source may not be controlled
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• Newspaper industry
– Bartlane cable picture transmission system across Atlantic (1920s)
– Superseded by photographic reproduction from tapes using telegraph terminals
– Earlier images could code in five levels of gray, improved to 15 levels in 1929
• Figure 1.1–1.3
• Image analysis and computer vision
– Areas based on image processing
– Image processing outputs an image while image analysis and computer vision use image processing techniques to
reason on images
– Low-level processing
∗ Both input and output are images
∗ Image preprocessing operations such as noise reduction, contrast enhancement, and image sharpening
– Mid-level processing
∗ Inputs are images but outputs are characteristics extracted from those images, such as edges, contours, and
identity of individual objects
∗ Processing images to render them useful for further computer processing
∗ Segmentation for object recognition and classification
– High-level processing
∗ Performing cognitive functions typically associated with human vision
∗ Tracking or identifying objects in an image
Sample applications
• Space
– Correction of distortion inherent in the onboard television camera on spacecraft
– Remote earth observation and astronomy
• Medicine
– Computerized axial tomography (CAT scan)
– A ring of detectors circle the patient and an X-ray source, concentric with the detector ring, rotates about the patient
– The sensed data is used to build a slice through the object
∗ Numerous slices of patient’s body are generated as the patient is moved in a longitudinal direction
∗ The slices are then combined to create a 3D rendering of the inside of patient’s body
• Robotics, including industrial inspection
• Document image analysis
• Transportation
• Homeland security, security, and surveillance
• Remote sensing
• Scientific imaging, plants and insects
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• Entertainment
• Classification of images based on the source of energy, ranging from gamma rays at one end to radio waves at the other
(Figure 1.5)
• Viewing images in non-visible bands of the electromagnetic spectrum, as well as in other energy sources such as acoustic,
ultrasonic, and electronic
• Gamma-ray imaging
– Nuclear medicine
∗ Inject a patient with a radioactive isotope that emits gamma rays as it decays
∗ Used to locate sites of bone pathology such as infection or tumors
∗ Figure 1.6a
– Positron emission tomography (PET scan) to detect tumors (Figure 1.6b)
∗ Similar to CAT
∗ Patient is given a radioactive isotope that emits positrons as it decays
∗ When a positron meets an electron, both are annihilated giving off two gamma rays
– Astrophysics
∗ Studying images of stars that glow in gamma rays as natural radiation (Figure 1.6c)
– Nuclear reactors
∗ Looking for gamma radiation from valves (Figure 1.6d)
• X-ray imaging
– Medical and industrial applications
– Generated using an X-ray tube – a vacuum tube with a cathode and an anode
∗ Cathode is heated causing free electrons to be released
∗ Electrons flow at high speed to positively charged anode
∗ Upon electron’s impact with a nucleus, energy released in the form of X-ray radiation
∗ Energy captured by a sensor sensitive to X-rays
∗ Figure 1.7a
– Angiography or contrast-enhanced radiography
∗ Used to obtain images or angiograms of blood vessels
∗ A catheter is inserted into an artery or vein in the groin
∗ Catheter threaded into the blood vessel and guided to the area to be studied
∗ An X-ray contrast medium is injected into the catheter tube
∗ Enhances the contrast of blood vessels and enables radiologists to see any irregularities or blockages
∗ Figure 1.7b
• Imaging in ultraviolet band
– Lithography, industrial inspection, microscopy, lasers, biological imaging
– Fluorescence microscopy
∗ A mineral fluorspar fluoresces when UV light is directed upon it
∗ UV light by itself is not visible but when a photon of UV radiation collides with an electron in an atom of a
fluorescent material, it elevates the electron to a higher energy level
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∗ The excited electron relaxes and emits light in the form of a lower energy photon in the visible light region
∗ Fluorescence microscope uses excitation light to irradiate a prepared specimen and then, to separate the much
weaker radiating fluorescent light from the brighter excitation light
∗ Only the emission light reaches the sensor
∗ Resulting fluorescing areas shine against a dark background with sufficient contrast to permit detection
– Astronomy
• Visible and IR band
– Remote sensing, law enforcement
– Thematic bands in satellite imagery, NASA’s LANDSAT satellites (Table 1.1)
– Multispectral and hyperspectral imagery (Fig. 1.10; Washington, DC)
– Weather observation and monitoring (Figure 1.11; Hurricane Katrina)
– Figures 1.12, 1.13 – Lights of the World dataset
– Target detection
– Law enforcement
– Military applications
• Imaging in microwave band
– Radar
– Collect data regardless of weather or ambient lighting conditions
– Figure 1.16 – Spaceborne radara imagery of mountains near Lhasa, Tibet
• Imaging in radio band
Image basics
• Image
– A discrete 2D array of values, like a matrix
∗ Width of image is the number of columns in the image
∗ Height of image is the number of rows in the image
∗ Aspect ratio is width divided by height
– A 2D function f (x, y)
– x and y are spatial coordinates
– Amplitude of f at a point is intensity or gray level of image at that point
– Digital image
∗ x, y, and f (x, y) are all discrete and finite
∗ Finite number of elements with a given value at a location
· Elements are called picture elements or pixels
– Pixel coordinates may be represented using a vector notation
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∗ By convention, each vector is vertically oriented while its transpose is horizontally oriented
x T
x= = [x y] = (x, y)
i = y · width + x
x = i%width
y = i/width
• Image types
– Grayscale image
∗ Pixel values quantized into finite number of discrete gray levels
∗ Number of bits used to store each gray level known as bit depth
· b bits imply 2b gray levels
· 8 bits per pixel gives 256 gray levels
· Hexadecimal notation
· Specialized applications may use more quantization levels to increase the dynamic range
– RGB color image
∗ Each pixel is a vector of three integers, representing three color channels
∗ 24 bpp
∗ Pixel vector stored as RGB or BGR
∗ Values of different colors stored as interleaved channels as B0 G0 R0 B1 G1 R1 B2 G2 R2 · · · Bn−1 Gn−1 Rn−1
∗ Other method for storage is planar layout, with each color channel stored separately
can be represented as
{(0, 0), (2, 0), (0, 1), (1, 1), (2, 1), (0, 2), (2, 2)}
• Segmentation
– Partitioning an image into components, such as objects in the image
– One of the most difficult tasks in image processing
– Required for object recognition
• Feature extraction
– Typically applied after segmentation
– Boundary or region-based
– Boundary representation good for external shape characteristics such as corners and inflections
– Region representation appropriate for texture or skeletal shapes
– Description, or feature selection, deals with extracting attributes to get some quantitative information of interest,
and to differentiate between object classes
– Feature descriptors should be insensitive to variations in parameters such as scale, translation, rotation, illumination,
and viewpoint
• Image pattern classification or Recognition
– Assigning a label to an object based on its description
– Knowledge about the problem domain
– Building models of objects to be identified/recognized
– Recent advances in classification are based on deep convolutional neural networks
• Image display
– Not a real concern for computer vision
– You may want to display intermediate images in some cases, primarily for debugging
• Sensor/digitizer
– Sensor senses the energy radiated by the object to be captured
– Sensor produces an electrical output proportional to EM waveform intensity
– Digitizer converts the energy to digital form
• Specialized image processing hardware
– Also called digital signal processor (DSP)
– Characterized by small form factor and low power consumption
– Used to achieve real-time frame processing (30 frames per second)
– Older examples include Texas Instruments C80
– Newer systems replace a specialized DSP with general purpose CPU such as PowerPC being used for its vector
processing capabilities
– Use of GPUs
• Computer
– Acts as mother ship for the specialized hardware such as DSP
• Software
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