Facts about Coulomb’s law: In regions of constant electric field, the field
lines formed are uniformly spaced parallel
• Coulomb’s law is not valid for charges in motion; straight lines.
it should only be used for point charges in vacuum • Field lines are continuous curves. There will be
at rest. no breaks.
• The electrostatic force obeys Newton’s third law
of motion and acts along the line joining the two
• Presence of other charges in the neighborhood + +
does not affect Coulomb’s force. q q
• The ratio of electric force and gravitational force
between a proton and an electron is represented
k e2 Fig. Electric field lines
by ≅ 2.4 × 1039
G me mp • Field lines are not intersecting. They cannot cross
each other.
Superposition Principle • Electrostatic field lines begin at positive charges
and terminate at negative charges.
The presence of an (or more) additional charge does
not affect the forces with which two charges attract • No closed loop can be formed by them.
or repel each other. Superposition principle states
that the net force on any charge due to n number of Electric Dipole
charges at rest is the vector sum of all the forces on
that charges, taken one at a time. • A pair of equal and opposite charges q and
–q separated by small distance 2a is known
i.e. F0 = F01 + F02 + F03 + ..F0n as electric dipole. The magnitude of its dipole
• The force on a small positive test charge q placed moment vector is 2qa and is in the direction of
at the point divided by the magnitude of the the dipole axis from –q to q.
charge is the electric field E at a point due to 2a
E+q E–q p
charge configuration. p q –q
Electric Field Fig. Electric dipole
• The space around a charge up to which its force • Field of an electric dipole in its equatorial plane
can be experienced is called electric field. at a distance r from the center:
• Electric field due to a point charge q has a −p 1
q E=
magnitude E ( r ) = (
4 πε o a + r 2 )
rˆ 2
4 πε 0 r 2
It is radially outwards if q is positive. −p
≅ for r >> a
It is radially inwards if q is negative. 4 πε o r 3
• Electric field satisfies the superposition principle. • Dipole electric field on the axis at a distance r
The unit of electric field is N/C. from the center:
Electric field inside the cavity of a charged 2pr
conductor is zero.
( )
4 πε o r 2 − a 2
Electric Field lines 2p
≅ for r >> a
• The tangent at each point on the curve of electric 4 πε o r 3
field line, gives the direction of electric field at
that point. The 1/r3 dependence of dipole electric fields should
be noted in contrast to the 1/r2 dependence of electric
• The relative strength of electric field at different
field due to a point charges.
points is indicated by the relative closeness of
field lines. • In a uniform electric field E, a dipole experiences
a torque t given by
In regions of strong electric field, they crowd
near each other. t=p×E
In regions of weak electric field, they are far But no net force will be experienced by it.
8 CHAPTER 1 : Electric Charges and Fields
2a r2
p O
Fig. Electrical potential due to dipole
• It is a scalar quantity. • The result is true also for a dipole (with charges
• Let A and B be the initial and final location for a –q and q separated by 2a for r >> a.
single charge q then the potential difference be- Dipole and System of charges
tween A and B is given by: • For a charge configuration q1, q2, ......, qn with po-
B B B sition vectors r1, r2, r3, ......, rn, then the potential
∆V = − ∫ E × ds =
VB − VA = − ∫ Eds cos θ =
− ∫ E × ds V1 at point P due to charge q1 will be,
1 q1
V1 =
Where, E is the field due to a point charge, ds = dr, 4 πε 0 r1
so that
And the sum of potentials due to individual charges
rB r
q dr q 1
q 1 1 is given by the superposition principle,
VB −=
VA ∫
4 πε 0 r 2
4 πε 0
r −
rA 4 πε 0 rB rA 1 q1 q 2 q
=V + + .... + n
4 πε o r1P r2P rnP
CHAPTER 2 : Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 17
between q1 and q2, r13 is distance between q1 & q3 and Dielectrics and Polarization:
r23 is distance between q2 & relabel q3.
r23 • Dielectrics: A non-conducting substance which
q2 has a negligible number of charge carriers unlike
conductors is called dielectrics.
r13 r12 • Electric polarization: The difference between
induced electric field and imposed electric field in
q1 dielectric due to bound and free charges is known
Fig. Potential energy due to System of charges as electric polarization. It is written as:
Electric potential energy of system P=
of two point charges Note: Polarisation can also be written as polariza-
• Here the work done doesn’t depend on path. tion (with ‘z’ in place of ‘s’)
CHAPTER 2 : Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance 25
Topic 2: Capacitance
Summary • The net electric field inside the dielectric and
hence the potential difference between the plates
Capacitor and Capacitance is thus reduced. Consequently, the capacitance
C increases from its value Co when there is no
• Capacitor: The system of two conductors
medium (vacuum),
separated by an insulator is called capacitor. ε
C = KCo where K = is the dielectric constant
The device which is used to store charge is known ε0
as capacitor. The applied voltage and size of
capacitor decides the amount of charge that can of the insulating substance.
be stored i.e., Q = CV
Two similar connecting plates are placed in
Types of capacitor:
capacitor in the front of each other where one
plate is connected to the positive terminal and • Parallel plate capacitor: C= Kε 0
other plate is connected to the negative terminal. d
• Capacitance: The ratio of magnitude of charge 1
stored on the plate to potential difference between • Cylindrical capacitor: C = 2πKε 0
the plates is called capacitance. It is written as: ln ( b a )
Q ab
C= • Spherical capacitor: C = 4 πKε 0
∆V b − a
Size, shape, medium and other conductors in
surrounding influence the capacitance of a
Combination of Capacitors
Its S.I. unit is farad. • For capacitors in the series combination, the total
capacitance C is given by
1F = 1CV–1 For a parallel plate capacitor (with
A 1 1 1 1 1
vacuum between the plates), C = ε o where A = + + + ....
d C C1 C2 C3 Cn
is the area of each plate and d in the separation
between the parallel plates. • In the parallel combination, the total capacitance
Area A C is C = C1 + C2 + C3 ...... Cn, where C1, C2, C3 ......
I are individual capacitances.
1 • Capacitors connected in series have the same
+ + + + + + + + + + + +
charges and when connected in parallel have the
same voltage.
E • Potential across capacitor remains same if the
d battery is connected but if it is disconnected
– – – – – – – – – – –
then charge remains the same which is stored in
II Electrical Energy Stored in a
Fig. Capacitor • The energy U stored in a capacitor of capacitance
C, with charge Q and voltage V is
Effect of Dielectric on Capacitance:
1 1 1 Q2 .
• If the medium between the plates of a capacitor =U = QV CV 2
is filled with an insulating substance (dielectric), 2 2 2 C
the electric field due to the charged plates induces • The electric energy density (energy per unit vol-
a net dipole moment in the dielectric. This effect, 1
ume) in a region with electric field is ε o E2 .
called polarization, gives rise to a field in the 2
opposite direction.
• The dielectric is polarised by the field and also • Electric density is alternatively known as
the effect is equivalent to two charged sheets with electrostatic pressure.
surface charge densities sp and –sp.
26 CHAPTER 2 : Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
1 Mark Questions
1. Why should electrostatic field be zero inside a
[DELHI 2011]
[All INDIA 2012]
6. A slab of material of dielectric constant K has
2. A capacitor has been charged by a dc source. the same area as that of the plates of a parallel
What are the magnitudes of conduction and d
plate capacitor but has the thickness 2 , where
displacement current, when it is fully charged? 3
[All INDIA 2013] d is the separation between the plates. Find out
3. Define dielectric constant of a medium. What is the expression for its capacitance when the slab
its S.I. unit? is inserted between the plates of the capacitor.
[DELHI 2015] [DELHI 2011]
4. Predict the polarity of the capacitor in the 7. A capacitor of unknown capacitance is connected
situation described below: across a battery of V volts. The charge stored in
it is 360 μC. When potential across the capacitor
is reduced by 120 V, the charge stored in it
becomes 120 μC.
A Calculate:
B (i) T h e p o t e n t i a l V a n d t h e u n k n o w n
capacitance C.
(ii) What will be the charge stored in the
[All INDIA 2017] capacitor, if the voltage applied had increased
by 120 V?
2 Mark Questions [DELHI 2011]
5. Figure shows two identical capacitors, C1 and C2 8. A parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C is
each of 1µF capacitance connected to a battery of charged to a potential V. It is then connected to
6V. Initially switch ‘S’ is closed. After sometime another uncharged capacitor having the same
‘S’ is left open and dielectric slabs of dielectric capacitance. Find out the ratio of the energy
constant K = 3 are inserted to fill completely the stored in the combined system to that stored
space between the plates of the two capacitors. initially in the single capacitor
[All INDIA 2014]
38 CHAPTER 3 : Current Electricity
Same amount of current will flow through each resistor Internal resistance: It is the resistance on the cur-
connected in series while the potential difference rent offered by the electrolyte and the electrodes. It
would be different for every resistor. is symbolize by r.
• Consider n number of resistors connected in Let us assume a cell with 2 electrodes connected by
parallel, then the combined resistance will be as ε
an external resistance R. Then current is, I =
follows: R+r
1 1 1 1
R eqv = + + + ...... + where e = emf, r = Internal resistance
R1 R 2 R 3 Rn
[DELHI 2015]
C 10. V-I graph for a metallic wire at two different
A temperature T1 and T2 is as shown in the figure.
Which of the two temperatures is higher and
O Voltage (V) why ?
[ALL INDIA 2013] T1
4. Define the term ‘Mobility’ of charge carriers in
a conductor. Write its S.I. unit. V
[DELHI 2014] T2
5. Plot a graph showing variation of current versus θ1
voltage for the material Ge. θ2
[DELHI 2014]
6. Define the term ‘drift velocity’ of charge carriers I
in a conductor and write its relationship with [ALL INDIA 2015]
the current flowing through it.
[DELHI 2014]
CHAPTER 3 : Current Electricity 45
m rd
ar nda
A B1 ε2 B2 I C
I2 I3
r2 D
Fig.: Wheastone bridge
Metre scale K1
Fig.: Potentiometer
ε K1 ε1 l
= 1
ε 2 l2
Fig.: Meter bridge
l1 Potentiometer does not draw any current from
R=S , l1 being the distance of the jockey from
100 − l1 the voltage source being measured. The internal
resistance of a given cell can be measured by:
end A at the balance point. l
=r R 1 − 1
• We can calculate the Lorentz force for a straight • The frequency of the cyclotron is given by
rod, if B is the external magnetic field by consid- 1 Bq
v =
ering the straight rod as a collection of linear T 2π m
strips dlj , where l is the length of the rod, j is the
current density. Hence, the force can be calculat- • A charge of any type in uniform circular motion
would have an associated magnetic moment given
as F ∑ Idl
j ×B.
by µL = l , where l is the magnitude of
2 me
Cyclotron: angular momentum of electron.
• It consists of two D’s which are placed in a strong µL e
= = 8.8 × 1010 C / kg . , and this ratio is
magnetic field. An oscillating electric field is ap- l 2 me
plied from the oscillator which is parallel to the called Gyro magnetic ratio.
magnetic field.
80 CHAPTER 4 : Moving Charges and Magnetism
Bar Magnet: l
Iron fillings sprinkled on a glass plate kept over
a short bar magnet arrange themselves in a
pattern. It shows that the magnet has two poles Fig: Bar magnet as an equivalent solenoid
in the same way as the positive and negative
charge of an electric dipole called as the North • Dipole in a uniform magnetic field: When a bar
and the South pole. magnet is having a dipole moment m and it is
Magnetic field lines: The magnetic field lines of placed in uniform magnetic field B,
a bar magnet form continuous closed loops. The The force acting on it is equal to 0.
direction of net magnetic field at any point is
determined by the tangent to the field line at that The torque acting on the magnet is m × B
point. The magnitude of the magnetic field will be It has a potential energy of –m.B
stronger for the area from which more number of
field lines are passing. The magnetic field lines Gauss’s law for magnetic fields:
never intersect each other.
It states that the magnetic flux through any
Fig: Magnetic field lines in a bar magnet
90 CHAPTER 5 : Magnetism and Matter
Energy Consideration: A
B Quantitative Study
A • ‘r’ is the resistance of the movable arm PQ of the
rectangular conductor. Assume that remaining
arms QR, RS, SP have negligible resistance
compared to r. In the presence of magnetic field
there will be a force on the arm AB. This force I(l
Fig. Field lines in a magnetic field × B) is outwards directed in a direction opposite
to the velocity of rod.
B 2 l 2v
Faraday’s Law of Induction • Magnitude of force is = F I= lB .
• Faraday’s First Law: Whenever a conductor is B 2 l 2v 2
• Magnitude to push arm PQ = Fv =
placed in a varying magnetic field, there is an r
induced emf and if the conductor circuit is closed,
there is an induced current. S
• Faraday’s Second Law: This law of electromagnetic P M
induction states that the magnitude of the
induced emf in a circuit is equal to the time rate l v
of change of magnetic flux through the circuit.
Mathematically, the induced emf is given by Q N
−d φB
ε= , the negative sign indicates direction R
of the induced emf and hence the direction in a x
closed loop. Fig. Energy Consideration in a Magnetic field
CHAPTER 6 : Electromagnetic Induction 103
Mutual- Inductance
• When the emf is induced into the adjacent coil
situated within the same magnetic field, the emf N S
is said to be induced magnetically or by mutual
induction. Slip
rings Alternating emf
• Mutual inductance of a pair of coils, solenoids etc.
depends on their relative orientation as well as
their separation.
dI 2 Carbon
ε1 = −M
dt brushes
• Mutual Inductance of two coils is given by Fig. A.C. Generator
µ0 µr N p N s As where A , A are the cross • The motional emf is of a coil with N turns and area
M = p s
Ip A, rotated at v revolutions per second in a uniform
sectional areas of primary and secondary coil in magnetic field B is given as, ε = −NBA (cos ωt )
m2, I is the coil current and Ns, Np are the number
of turns of secondary and primary coils
112 CHAPTER 7 : Alternating Current
V r ms = 0.707V o or V r ms
= 70.7% of V o
2V o
V avg = 0.637V o or V avg
= 63.7% of V o
The alternating current and alternating voltage is
illustrated in the following diagram:
Fig.: Alternating Current in an electrical circuit.
RMS value of Alternating Current
The value of alternating current over a complete
cycle which would generate same amount of heat in
a given resistors that is generated by steady current
in the same resistor and in the same time during a
complete cycle.
= =
I r ms 0.707I o
[Topic 2] AC Devices
E x = E 0 sin (kz-ω t )
Properties of EM Waves
• Oscillations of electric and magnetic fields sustain
B = B 0 sin (kz-ω t ) in free space, or vacuum. So, the electromagnetic
x waves can travel in vacuum.
E • An electromagnetic wave carries momentum
and energy. Since an electromagnetic wave
z carries momentum, it also exerts pressure, called
radiation pressure.
B • Let the total energy transferred to a surface in time
t is U, so the magnitude of the total momentum of
Fig. Electromagnetic Waves
an electromagnetic wave delivered to the surface
Where, U
(for complete absorption) is, P =
“k” is the magnitude of the wave vector (or c
propagation vector) and can be calculated as; • The energy of electromagnetic waves is shared
equally by the electric and magnetic fields.
k =
• w is the angular frequency,
Types of EM Waves
• “k” is direction describes the direction of • Radio waves are produced by the accelerated
propagation of the wave. The speed of propagation motion of charges in conducting wires. They
of the wave is ω . are used in radio and television communication
k systems.The radio waves generally lie in the
• The frequency of EM waves can be from 0 to . frequency range from 500 kHz to about 1000
Ampere Circuital Law is given by: ∫ B ⋅ dl µ0 i (t )
= MHz
The four Maxwell’s equations are given as: • Microwaves have frequency in the range of
Q gigahertz and are used in aircraft navigation.
∫ E .dA =
• Gauss’s law of electricity:
ε0 • Infrared waves are also referred to as heat waves
as they are produced by hot bodies and molecules.
• Gauss’s law of magnetism: ∫ B .dA = 0
CHAPTER 8 : Electromagnetic Waves 133
• Visible rays can be detected by the human eye. They lie between frequency range of about
4 × 1014 Hz to about 7 × 1014 Hz or a wavelength range of about 700 –400 nm.
• Ultraviolet radiation or the UV radiation is produced by special lamps and very hot bodies.
• X-rays lie beyond the UV region and are used as a diagnostic tool in medicine and for treating various kinds
of cancer.
• Gamma rays are emitted by radioactive nuclei and also are produced in nuclear reactions and are used in
destroying the cancer cells.
The properties of different types of EM Waves are:
Type Wavelength range Production Detection
Radio > 0.1 m Rapid acceleration and Receiver’s aerials
decelerations of electrons
in aerials
Microwave 0.1 m to 1 mm Klystron valve or magne- Point contact diodes
tron valve
Infra-red 1 mm to 700 nm Vibration of atoms and Thermopiles, Bolometer,
molecules Infrared photographic film
Light 700 nm to 400 nm Electrons in atoms emit The eye, Photocells, Photo-
light when they move graphic film
from one energy level to a
lower energy level
Ultraviolet 400 nm to 1 nm Inner shell electrons in Photocells, Photographic
atoms moving from one film
energy level to a lower
X-rays 1 nm to 10–3 nm X-ray tubes or inner shell Photographic film, Geiger
electrons tubes Ionisation chamber
Gamma rays <10–3 nm Radioactive decay of the Photographic film, Geiger
nucleus tubes Ionisation chamber
Refraction through glass slab: Focal length f is positive for a converging lens and
The emergent ray through a glass slab is parallel to is negative for a diverging lens.
the incident ray but it is laterally displaced. • The magnification produced by a mirror is given
Also, ∠Angle of incidence = ∠Angle of emer gence h′ v
= =
by m where h′ is the height of the image
Medium al h u
(Glass) a ter t
L hif
s and h is the height of the object.
Medium i2 • The power (P) of a lens is given by, P = 1 .
Medium f
(Air) r1 (Air)
i1 Where f is the focal length of the lens and the SI
unit of power is dioptre (D): 1 D = 1 m–1
Fig.: Reflection through glass slab • The effective focal length of a combination of thin
lenses of focal length f1, f2, f3 ..... is given by
Refraction at spherical surfaces 1 1 1 1
= + + + ..........
If the rays are incident from a medium of refractive f f1 f 2 f3
index n1 to another of refractive index n2, then
And the effective power of the same combination
n 2 n1 n 2 − n1
− = is given by
v u R
P = P1 + P2 + P3 ......
N Dispersion:
n1 i n2
• Splitting of light into its constituent colors is
known as dispersion of light.
M R • When a white light is incident on a prism, the
white light is split into seven components, violet,
u v
indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red (given
by the acronym VIBGYOR)
Fig.: Refraction at spherical surface
Some natural phenomenon due to sunlight are rainbow
For a prism of the angle A, of refractive index n2 and scattering of light.
placed in a medium of refractive index n1 and Dm be-
The Eye: It has a convex lens of focal length about
ing the angle of minimum deviation.
2.5 cm. This focal length can be varied somewhat by
the help of ciliary muscle so that the image is always
formed on the retina. This ability of the eye of adjusting
M the muscle to form a clear image is called accommo-
i r e dation.
Q r1 2 R
N In a defective eye, if the image is focused before the
retina, it is called myopia. For correction of myopia, a
P S diverging corrective lens is needed.
In a defective eye, if the image is focused beyond the
retina, it is called hypermetropia. For correction of hy-
Fig.: Prism permetropia, a converging corrective lens is needed.
n 2 sin ( A + D m ) / 2 Astigmatism: A refractive error in which the vision is
21 = blurred at all distances, is corrected by using cylindri-
n1 sin ( A / 2)
cal lenses.
• If the distance of the object and the image is given
by u and v, respectively and f is the focal length of
the lens. So, the lens formula is,
1 1 1
− =
v u f
CHAPTER 9 : Ray Optics and Optical Instruments 157
Summary =
the objective. Also, m
, where f0 and fe are
fo fe
Simple microscope the focal length of the objective and the eyepiece,
• A simple magnifier or microscope is a converging respectively, and L is the distance between their
lens of small focal length. focal points.
u fo
B Eyepiece
Eye focussed h
B B O h E
on near point
Objective A
Fig.: Compound microscope
the slits.
S1 x x
S1° d Z z
O y
S°2 D
Fig.: Young’s Double Slit Experiment
n λD
• Path difference, y =
• Fringe width: Distance between two consecutive bright and dark fringes represented by
178 CHAPTER 10 : Wave Optics
1.22 f
Object f
Objective Image plane
Fig.: Resolving power of the microscope
CHAPTER 10 : Wave Optics 179
be fixed. If the end of the string is moved up and
down in a periodic manner, a wave propagating
in the +x direction will be generated. Each point
on the string moves on a straight line, the wave
is also referred to as linearly polarised wave. TOPIC 3
The linearly polarized waves are transverse 1 Mark Questions
waves; i.e., the displacement of each point of the 1. If the angle between the pass axis of polarizer
string is always at right angles to the direction of and the analyser is 45°, write the ratio of the
propagation of the wave. intensities of original light and the transmitted
light after passing through the analyzer.
• Unpolarized wave: When the plane of vibration
[DELHI 2017]
of the string is changed randomly in very short
intervals of time, then we have what is known as 2 Mark Questions
an unpolarised wave. Thus, for an unpolarised 2. (a) When a wave is propagating from a rarer to
a denser medium, which characteristic of the
wave the displacement will be randomly changing
wave does not change and why ?
with time though it will always be perpendicular
(b) What is the ratio of the velocity of the wave in
to the direction of propagation. the two media of refractive indices µ1 and µ2?
• A Polaroid consists of long chain molecules [ALL INDIA 2015]
aligned in a particular direction. The electric 3. Unpolarised light is passed through a Polaroid
vectors along the direction of the aligned molecules P1. When this polarized beam passes through
another Polaroid P2 which makes an angle q with
get absorbed. Thus if an unpolarised light wave
the pass axis of P1, then write the expression for
is incident on such a Polaroid then the light wave
the polarized beam passing through P2. Draw a
will get linearly polarized with the electric vector plot showing the variation of intensity when q
oscillating along a direction perpendicular to the varies from 0 to 2p. [ALL INDIA 2017]
aligned molecules; this direction is known as the
pass-axis of the Polaroid. 3 Mark Questions
4. (a) Describe briefly, with the help of suitable
• If I is the intensity of polarized light after passing
diagram, how the transverse nature of light
through the first polariser P1 then the intensity can be demonstrated by the phenomenon of
of the light after passing through the second polarization.
polarizer P2 will be I = Icosθ. This is called Malus’ (b) When unpolarized light passes from air to a
Law. transparent medium, under what condition
does the reflected light get polarized?
• Natural light from the sun is unpolarised which
means that the electric vector takes all possible
[ALL INDIA 2011]
random directions in the transverse plane. A
polaroid transmits only one component of these 4 Mark Questions
vectors, which is parallel to a special axis. 5. (a) What is linearly polarized light? Describe
Therefore the light wave is called plane polarised. briefly using a diagram how sunlight is
When this kind of light is viewed through another polarized.
(b) Unpolarized light is incident on a Polaroid.
polaroid which is rotated through an angle 2p,
How would the intensity of would transmitted
we can see two maxima and minima of same
light change when the Polaroid is rotated?
intensity. [ALL INDIA 2013]
• Plane polarised light can also be producedby 6. What is an unpolarized light? Explain with the
reflection at a special angle known as the help of suitable ray diagram how an unpolarized
π light can be polarized by reflection from a
Brewster angle and by scattering through in transparent medium. Write the expression for
Brewster angle in terms of the refractive index
the earth’s atmosphere. of the denser medium. [DELHI 2018]
188 CHAPTER 11 : Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter
energy packets known as photons or quanta and 2. The graph shows variation of stopping potential
energy carried by each photon is hv, where v is the versus frequency of incident radiation v for two
frequency of light and Planck’s constant. The photosensitive metals A and B. Which of the two
h metals has higher threshold frequency?
momentum carried by each photon is . In
λ Metal B Metal A
photoelectric effect, emission is possible because of Stopping
the absorption of a photon by an electron. The potential
maximum kinetic energy of the emitted electron is: O v0 v0
= hν − φ0 , where f0 is the work function.
K max Frequency of incident
Radiation (v)
= h( ν − ν 0 )
The photoelectric emission is possible only when –
hν > φ0 as Kmax must be non-negative.
φ0 [ALL INDIA 2014]
⇒ ν > ν 0 where ν 0 =
h 3. Draw graphs showing variation of photoelectric
• From the photoelectric equation, current with applied voltage for two incident
eV= hν − φ0 , for ν ≥ ν 0 (as K max = eV 0 ) radiations of equal frequency and different
intensities. Mark the graph for the radiation of
h φ
or V 0 ν − 0 higher intensity.
e e [DELHI 2014]
According to this result, the graph of V0 versus is
4. The figure shows a plot of three curves a, b,
a straight line having the slope equal to h . c, showing the variation of photocurrent vs
e collector plate potential for three different
intensities I1, I2 and I3 having frequencies v1, v2
and v3 respectively incident of a photosensitive
surface. Point out the two curves for which the
PREVIOUS YEARS’ incident radiations have same frequency but
different intensities.
TOPIC 1 current
1 Mark Questions c l3
1. The given graph shows the variation of photo-
electric current (I) versus applied voltage (V) a
for two different photosensitive materials and Collector plate potential
for two different intensities of the incident
radiations. Identify the pairs of curves that
[DELHI 2017]
correspond to different materials but same
intensity of incident radiation. 2 Mark Questions
5. Using Bohr’s postulates, obtain the expressions
for (i) kinetic energy and (ii) potential energy
I of the electron in stationary state of hydrogen
Draw the energy level diagram showing how the
1 transitions between energy levels result in the
3 appearance of Lyman series.
2 [DELHI 2013]
6. (i) Monochromatic light of frequency 6.0 × 1014
Hz is produced by a laser. The power emitted
is 2.0 × 10–3 W. Estimate the number of
photons emitted per second on an average
by the source.
[DELHI 2013]
CHAPTER 11 : Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter 197
Dual Nature of matter PREVIOUS YEARS’
• Particle Nature of matter: EXAMINATION QUESTIONS
Radiation behaves as if it is made up of particles
in interaction of radiation with matter, called
photons. 1 Mark Questions
1. Show graphically, the variation of the de-Broglie
Each photon has energy E = hv and momentum wavelength (λ) with the potential (V) through
hυ which an electron is accelerated from rest.
p = , and speed c that is the speed of light.
c [DELHI 2011]
• Wave Nature of Matter: 2. State de-Broglie hypothesis.
De Broglie proposed that the moving particles are [DELHI 2012]
associated with the waves. If a particle is having 2 Mark Questions
a momentum p, then the associated wavelength 3. A proton and a deuteron are accelerated through
h h the same accelerating potential. Which one of
λ =
= , where is the speed of the moving
p mv the two has,
(a) Greater value of de-Broglie wavelength
particle and its mass. The wavelength l is known associated with it, and
as the de Broglie wavelength and the above (b) Less momentum?
relation as the de Broglie relation. Give reasons to justify your Answer.
4. A proton and an α-particle have the same de
The wavelength of an electron accelerated with
Broglie wavelength. Determine the ratio of (i)
the potential V is:
their accelerating potentials (ii) their speeds.
1.227 [DELHI 2015]
λ= nm
V 5. Plot a graph showing variation of de-Broglie
• Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle: This wavelength l versus , where V is accelerating
principle states that, “it is not possible to measure
potential for two particles A and B carrying same
both the position and momentum of an electron
charge but of masses m1, m2 (m1 > m2). Which
at the same time exactly. There is always some
one of the two represents a particle of smaller
uncertainty in the position and in momentum. mass and why?
h [DELHI 2016]
∆x ∆p ≈ , where = 6. A proton and an α particle are accelerated
through the same potential difference. Which
• The wave nature of electron was verified and one of the two has (i) greater de-Broglie
confirmed by the electron diffraction experiments wavelength, and (ii) less kinetic energy? Justify
performed by Davisson and Germer, and G.P. your answer.
[ALL INDIA 2016]
Thomson. Many other experiments later also
7. An electron is accelerated through a potential
confirmed the wave nature of electron. difference of 64 volts. What is the De-Broglie
wavelength associated with it? To which part of
the electromagnetic spectrum does this value of
wavelength correspond?
[DELHI 2018]
202 CHAPTER 12 : Atoms
Target nucleus
Fig.: Alpha-Particle Trajectory
Rutherford’s nuclear model of Atom • Drawbacks of Rutherford’s model: There were
two major drawbacks in Rutherford nuclear model
• According to Rutherford’s model, the entire pos-
in explaining the structure of atom:
itive charge and most of the mass of the atom is
It cannot explain the characteristic line spectra of at-
concentrated in a small volume called the nucleus
oms of different elements.
with electrons revolving around the nucleus just
It contradicts the stability of matter because it specu-
as planets revolve around the sun.
lates that atoms are unstable because the accelerated
• Rutherford scattering is a powerful way to deter- electrons revolving around the nucleus must spiral
mine an upper limit to the size of the nucleus. into the nucleus.
CHAPTER 12 : Atoms 203
1 1
De Broglie’s Explanation of Bohr’s
Paschen series: v = Rc − : n = 4 , 5, 6,...
32 n 2
Second Postulate of Quantisation
1 1 • De Broglie hypothesis provided an explanation
Brackett series: v = Rc − : n = 5, 6, 7,...
4 2 n 2 for Bohr’s second postulate for the quantisation
of angular momentum of the orbiting electron. The
quantised electron orbits and energy states are
1 1 due to the wave nature of the electron and only
Pfund series: v = Rc − : n = 6, 7, 8,...
5 n2 resonant standing waves can persist.
• De Broglie’s hypothesis is that electrons have a
Bohr Model of the Hydrogen Atom wavelength λ =
Bohr combined classical and early quantum concepts, mv
explained the spectrum of hydrogen atom based on
quantum ideas and gave his theory in the form of three
postulates. These are:
Limitations of Bohr’s model: Bohr’s
• Bohr’s first postulate was that an electron in an model however has many limitations.
atom could revolve in certain stable orbits with- • It is applicable only to hydrogenic (single electron)
out the emission of radiant energy, contrary to the atoms.
predictions of electromagnetic theory. According • It cannot be extended to even two electron atoms
to this postulate, each atom has certain definite such as helium.
stable states in which it can exist, and each possi- • While the Bohr’s model correctly predicts the fre-
ble state has definite total energy. These are called quencies of the light emitted by hydrogenic atoms,
the stationary states of the atom. the model is unable to explain the relative intensi-
ties of the frequencies in the spectrum.
216 CHAPTER 13 : Nuclei
= 1.6 × 10–27 kg = 931 MeV The number of undecayed atoms present in the
• Isomers: The atoms that have the same mass sample at any instance N = N 0 e − λt where, N0 is
number, atomic number but different radioactive
properties are known isomers. number of atoms at time t = 0 and N is number of
• Isotones: Atoms of elements that have different atoms at time t.
mass numbers, atomic numbers but same number
• Activity of a radioactive element
of neutrons are known as isotones. e.g., 1H3, 2H4
and 6C14, 8O16 are isotones. The activity of a radioactive element is equal to its
• Isobars: The atoms of an element having differ- rate of disintegration.
ent atomic numbers but same mass numbers are dN
Activity R = −
known as isobars. e.g., 1H3, 2H3 and 10Na22, 10Ne22 dt
are isobars.
CHAPTER 13 : Nuclei 217
Activity of the sample after time t, R = R 0 e – λt Relation between half-life and average life t= 1.44T
Relation between average life and decay constant
Its SI unit is Becquerel (Bq). Curie and Rutherford 1
τ =
are its other units. λ
1 Curie = 3.7 × 1010 decay/s and 1 rutherford = 106 • Alpha decay: In alpha decay, a nucleus gets
decay/s transformed into a different nucleus and an a
• Half-life of a radioactive element particle is emitted. The general form can be ex-
Half-life (T) of a radioactive element is the time tak- pressed as:
A −4
en for the radioactivity of an isotope to fall to half its A
Z X → Z − 2Y + 24H e and the Q value:
original value. The relation between disintegration
constant and half-life is given by Q = ( m X − mY − m H e )c 2
log e 2 0.6931 • Beta decay: When a nucleus undoes beta decay,
=T =
λ λ it emits an electron or a positron. When an elec-
tron is emitted, it is said to be beta minus decay
• Average Life or Mean Life (t) while in beta plus decay, a positron is emitted.
Average life or mean life (t) of a radioactive element • Gamma decay: In gamma decay, the photons
can be defined as the ratio of total life time of all the are emitted from the nuclei having MeV energy
atoms and total number of atoms present, initially in and thus the gamma rays are emitted. This is
the sample. called as gamma decay.
3 Marks Questions
PREVIOUS YEARS’ 5. State the law of radioactive decay.
Plot a graph showing the number (N) of
EXAMINATION QUESTIONS undecayed nuclei as a function of time (t) for a
given radioactive sample having half life.
1 Mark Questions Depict in the plot the number of undecayed nuclei
at (i) t = 3T1 / 2 and (ii) t = 5T1 / 2
1. Define the activity of a given radioactive
substance. Write its S.I. units. [ALL INDIA 2011]
[DELHI 2011] 6. Show that the density of nucleus over a wide
2. Why is it found experimentally difficult to detect range of nuclei is constant independent of mass
neutrinos in nuclear b-decay? number A.
[ALL INDIA 2014] [ALL INDIA 2012]
3. Two nuclei have mass numbers in the ratio 1: 2. 7. Draw a plot of potential energy between a pair
What is the ratio of their nuclear densities? of nucleons as a function of their separation.
[DELHI 2017] Mark the regions where potential energy is (i)
positive and (ii) negative
2 Marks Questions [DELHI 2013]
4. A radioactive nucleus ‘A’ undergoes a series of
8. (a) In a typical nuclear reaction, e.g.
decays according to the following scheme:
1H 12 H 23 He 01 n 3.27 MeV ,
A A1
A2 A3 A4
although number of nucleons is conserved,
The mass number and atomic number of A are yet energy is released. How? Explain.
180 and 72 respectively.
(b) Show that nuclear density in a given nucleus
What are these numbers for A4? is independent of mass number A.
[DELHI 2017] [DELHI 2013]
CHAPTER 13 : Nuclei 221
p-n junction
p n
+ + + +
+ + + +
p n
+ + + + Electron Symbol
Primary Fig.: An illuminated photodiode
Secondary RL
~ In light emitting diodes, electrons are excited
by a biasd voltage resulting in generation of light.
In solar cells, emf is generated when solar
Fig.: Half-wave rectifier circuit using diode
Half wave rectifier circuit using diode
Centre-Tap radiation falls on the p-n junction. It works on
Transformer the principle of photovoltaic effect.
Diode 1(D1)
Centre A
Diode 2(D2) RL Output
Fig.: Full-wave rectifier circuit using diode
• Diodes: Ac voltage can be restricted to one layer
direction using diodes. Some examples of p-n Fig.: Typical p-n junction solar cell
CHAPTER 14 : Semiconductor Electronics 237
Summary ∆V BE
ri =
• A thin layer of one type of semiconductor is added ∆I B V
between two thick layers of other semiconductor
Output resistance is the ratio of change in
of same type and this forms a transistor.
collector emitter voltage to the change in collector
It can be done in two ways, i.e. adding a
current at a constant base current and is given by
p-type semiconductor between two n-type
semiconductors forming n-p-n transistor or by ∆V
r o = CE
adding an n-type semiconductor between two ∆I C I
p-type semiconductors forming p-n-p transistor.
Emitter Base Collector Emitter Base Collector
• Current gain: There are two low current gains
defined as follows:
E n p n C E p n p C Common base current amplification factor
(a) : Ratio of the small change in collector current
to the small change in emitter current at constant
n-p-n transistor
p-n-p transistor collector-base voltage.
δ I C
Any transistor has 3 parts: Base (central block), α =
Emitter and Collector (two electrodes). Therefore δ I E VCB = const ant
the three parts of the transistor can be connected
Common emitter current amplification
in three ways: Common Emitter (CE), Common
factor (b): Ratio of the small change in collector
Collector (CC) and Common Base (CB).
current to the small change in base current at
For fixed IB, the plot between IC gives output
constant collector-emitter voltage.
characteristics and for fixed VCE, the plot between
IB and VBE gives input characteristics. δ I C
β =
• Common emitter transistor: The input is δ I B VCE = const ant
between the base and the emitter and output is
between the collector and the emitter. Terms a and b are related as: α = and
IC 1+ β
+ α
mA β =
IB R1 1−α
C +
R2 + • A transistor can be used as an amplifier to
VCC increase voltage, current or power. Voltage gain
VBB VBE of an amplifier can be defined as the ratio of small
change in output voltage to small change in input
voltage. Ratio of the small change in collector
current to the small change in base current
n-p-n transistor in CE configuration at constant collector-emitter voltage is called
Input resistance is the ratio of change in base current gain.
emitter voltage to the resulting change in base Voltage gain of amplifier is given by,
current at constant collector emitter voltage and β R
Av = − ac L
is given by r
238 CHAPTER 14 : Semiconductor Electronics
S1(Switch) A Output Y
0 1
Fig.: Tuned collector oscillator
1 0
Frequency at which the oscillator will work is
• Integrated circuits: When a entire circuit
given by, v = (including all passive components and active
2π L C
devices) is fabricated on a single chip or block of
• Logic gates are digital circuits which perform a semiconductor then it is known as integrated
special; logic operations. These logic gates can be circuit(IC). The most widely used technology for
making IC’s is monolithic Integrated circuit.
250 CHAPTER 15 : Communication System
[Topic 1] Communication
• Communication is a two way process in which exchange of information takes place either in verbal or
written form.
• Elements of communication system: There are three essential elements of communication transmitter,
medium/channel and receiver.
Communication System
Transmitter transmits the signals through • Amplification: The process of increasing the
channel which is a physical medium and the amplitude and the strength of a signal using an
receiver receives the signals. electronic circuit is called amplification.
The two basic types of communication modes are • Range: The largest distance between a source
point-to-point and broadcast. and a destination is called range up to which the
signal is received with sufficient strength.
• Transducer: A device which transforms the
energy from one form into another. Example: • Bandwidth: The range of frequency over
Loudspeaker. which an equipment operates or the portion of
the spectrum occupied by the signal is called
• Signal: An information transformed into
electrical form for suitable transmission is termed
as signal. Signals can be of two types: analog or • Repeater: A combination of transmitter and
digital. receiver is the repeater which amplifies the
signals picked up from the transmitter and then
• Noise: The unwanted signals which have
retransmits those signals to the receiver. In order
a tendency to create the disturbancein the
to extend the range of the communication system,
transmission and processing of message is called
the repeaters are used.
• Bandwidth of signals: The difference between
• Transmitter: The device that processes the
the upper and lower frequencies of the signals
incoming message signal in order to make it
is termed as bandwidth of signals. The different
suitable for transmission through a channel and
bandwidths of the different kinds of signals is
subsequent reception is known as transmitter.
shown in the following table:
• Receiver: In order to extract the appropriate
Types of Signals Bandwidth
message signals from the received signals at the
channel output, receiver is used. Speech signal 2800 Hz
Music signal 20 KHz
• Attenuation: When signals are propagated
through a medium, some of their strength is lost Video signal 4.2 MHz
which is known as attenuation. TV signal 6 MHz
CHAPTER 15 : Communication System 251
• Bandwidth of transmission medium: Free from few MHz to 40MHz. It uses the phenomenon
space, wire, fibre optic cable and optical fibre are of bending of EM waves so that they are diverted
the common transmission media. The bandwidths towards the earth is similar to total internal
are different for various transmission media. reflection in optics.
• Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves: In • Space wave propagation: For long distance
radio waves communication, the EM waves are transmission, antennas are used to radiatesignals
radiated at the transmitter by antenna. into space. In order to travel from transmitting
• Ground wave propagation: The ground wave antenna to the receiving antenna, space wave
propagation is also termed as surface wave takes the straight line path.They are useful for
propagation.The radio waves are travelled along line-of-sight (LOS) communication and satellite
the earth surface in this type of propagation. It is communication.
necessary for the antenna to be of a size which is • The range dT of an antenna of height hT that
comparable to the wavelength of the signal so that radiates electromagnetic waves is given by
the signals can be radiated with high efficiency. 2RhT ; R = radius of the earth.
As the frequency increases, the attenuation also
• To find out the maximum distance of line of sight
• Sky wave propagation: It is used for long (dM) between antennas with heights hT and hR:
distance communication in the frequency range =
dM 2RhT + 2RhR
Communication satellite
Space wave
258 CHAPTER 15 : Communication System
[Topic 2] Modulation
Message signal
• Detection of AM wave: Detected signals need modification as they may not be strong enough to use. The
block diagram of receiver is given below:
Receiving Antenna
Receiving Output
Amplifier IF Stage Detector Amplifier
1 t in second
1 2 t in second
[CBSE 2014] [CBSE 2012]