Lecture 2 - Materials
Lecture 2 - Materials
Lecture 2 - Materials
• Concrete, particularly high-strength concrete, is a major constituent
of all prestressed concrete elements. Hence, its strength and long-
term endurance have to be achieved through proper quality control
and quality assurance at the production stage.
• Strength and endurance are two major qualities that are particularly
important in pre stressed concrete structures . Long-term detrimental
effects can rapidly reduce the prestressing forces and could result in
unexpected failure. Hence, measures have to be taken to ensure strict
quality control and quality assurance at the various stages of
production and construction as well as maintenance.
Properties of concrete
• The mechanical properties of hardened concrete can be classified into
two categories: Short-term or instantaneous properties, and long-
term properties
• The short-term properties are strength in compression, tension, and shear;
and stiffness, as measured by the modulus of elasticity.
• The long-term properties can be classified in terms of creep and shrinkage.
Compressive Strength
• Depending on the type of mix, the properties of aggregate, and the
time and quality of the curing, compressive strengths of concrete can
be obtained up to 20,000 psi or more.
• The compressive strength fc’ is based on standard 6 in. by 12 in.
cylinders cured under standard laboratory conditions and tested at a
specified rate of loading at 28 days of age. The standard specifications
used in the United States are usually taken from ASTM C-39. The
strength of concrete in the actual structure may not be the same as
that of the cylinder because of the difference in compaction and
curing conditions.
Compressive Strength….
• Commercial production of concrete with ordinary aggregate is usually
in the range 4,000 to 12,000 psi, with the most common concrete
strengths being in the 6,000 psi level.
Tensile Strength
• The tensile strength of concrete is relatively low. A good
approximation for the tensile strength fct is 0.10fc’ < fct < 0.20fc’. lt is
more difficult to measure tensile strength than compressive strength
because of the gripping problems with testing machines. A number of
methods are available for tension testing, the most commonly used
method being the cylinder splitting, or Brazilian test.
Tensile Strength….
• For members subjected to bending, the value of the modulus of
rupture fr, rather than the tensile splitting strength ft’ is used in
design. The modulus of rupture is measured by testing to failure plain
concrete beams 6 in. square in cross section, having a span of 18 in.,
and loaded at their third points (ASTM C-78). The modulus of rupture
has a higher value than the tensile splitting strength. The ACl specifies
a value of 7.5 √fc’ for the modulus of rupture of normal-weight
Tensile Strength….
• In most cases, lightweight concrete has a lower tensile strength than
does normal weight concrete. The following are the code stipulations
for light weight concrete:
• If the splitting tensile strength fct, is specified
(1) the lower the strength of concrete, the higher the failure strain;
(2) the length of the initial relatively linear portion increases with the
increase in the compressive strength of concrete; and
• or
• Today, concrete strength up to 20,000 psi (138 MPa) is easily achieved
using a maximum stone aggregate size of 3/8 in. (9.5 mm) and
pozzolanic cementitious partial replacements for the cement such as
silica fume. Such strengths can be obtained in the field under strict
quality control and quality assurance conditions. For strengths in the
range of 20,000 to 30,000 (138-206 MPa), other constituents such as
steel or carbon fibers have to be added to the mixture. In all these
cases, mixture design has to be made by several field trial batches
(five or more), modifying the mixture components for the workability
needed in concrete placement.
lnitial Compressive Strength and Modulus
• Since prestressing is performed in most cases prior to concrete's
achieving its 28 days strength, it is important to determine the
concrete compressive strength fci’ at the prestressing stage as well as
the concrete modulus Ec at the various stages in the loading history of
the element. The general expression for the compressive strength as
a function of time is
• The creep ratio has upper and lower limits as follows for prestressed quality concrete:
• Branson suggests that the creep coefficient Cct at any time t can be
related to the long-term creep by the relationship in Eq.